Gracias por todo bebe: Razones para dar las gracias por la maternidad

Gracias por todo bebe: Razones para dar las gracias por la maternidad

Razones para dar las gracias por la maternidad

No es un tópico: la maternidad te cambia la vida, modifica tus prioridades y te descubre una nueva forma de ver el mundo. Ser madre es un auténtico regalo y, probablemente, lo más maravilloso que nos depare la vida.

Por eso, creo que nunca está de más pararse a reflexionar y valorar lo que la maternidad significa para nosotras. Hoy quiero hacer ese ejercicio de reflexión y dar las gracias por lo que mis hijos me aportan y descubren cada día. ¿Te animas a hacer lo mismo?

1) He conocido otra forma de amar

A lo largo de la vida vamos conociendo muchas formas de amor. El amor de unos padres, de unos hermanos, de un buen amigo, de una pareja, el amor correspondido o no correspondido… Todos ellos, de una forma u otra, nos van marcando y dejando huella en el corazón.

Pero cuando me convertí en madre descubrí una nueva forma de amar. Fue como un huracán arrollador que nació de mis entrañas en el mismo instante en que vi a mi bebé por primera vez.

Un amor puro, especial, diferente a todo lo conocido. Un amor intenso que crece cada día y que parece no tener fin.

Pero lo más sorprente llegó cuando nació mi segunda hija y el amor que sentí por ella echó por tierra el miedo que tuve durante el embarazo por si no sería capaz de amarla tanto como a mi primer hijo. Y fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de que el corazón de una madre es inmenso, y de que es capaz de albergar y ofrecer amor sin límite a todos sus hijos. Porque el amor de una madre no se dividie, sino que se multiplica.

2) He aprendido a valorar las cosas

Con tres niños en casa, ahora valoro mucho más el silencio, pero también valoro el alboroto, cuando alguno ha estado malito y apagado y comienza a recuperarse. Valoro una ducha caliente sin interrupciones, dormir toda la noche del tirón, un ratito de relax o la lectura de un buen libro, cuando mis peques me lo permiten.

La maternidad me ha enseñado a valorar un montón de cosas que antes pasaban desapercibidas en mi día a día, pero si hay algo que valoro ahora más que nunca es el amor, esfuerzo y dedicación de mi madre.

¡Nunca es tarde para valorar lo que tenemos y dar gracias por ello!

3) Cada día descubro nuevos detalles del mundo

Tras convertirme en mamá, me he dado cuenta de que el otoño es maravilloso y está lleno de matices sensoriales, colores y olores que antes no había visto. También he descubierto que el invierno puede ser muy divertido; saltar charcos, mirar al cielo cuando llueve y sentir las gotas mojando mi cara. ¿Y qué me decís de la primavera y el verano? Tantas flores, tanta luz, tantos “bichitos” a los que observar detenidamente…

También he descubierto que las nubes parecen algodón de azúcar y tienen formas sorprendentes, he contado con mis peques las estrellas del cielo en una noche de verano, y he observado las luces de Navidad de las calles con los ojos resplandecientes.

Porque mirar el mundo a través de los ojos de mis niños es lo más maravilloso que puedo hacer, ya que me permite descubrir detalles ocultos y apreciar la verdadera belleza de las cosas.

4) Revivo mi infancia en muchos momentos

Gracias a mis hijos he vuelto a ser niña de nuevo. Esa preciosa etapa de mi vida, que tanto recuerdo y que tanta felicidad me dio, vuelve a estar presente en muchos momentos de mi día a día.

Y de pronto, me descubro emocionada viendo con mis hijos una película de dibujos animados, bailando al son de canciones infantiles, haciendo castillos de arena o tirándome por un tobogán del parque junto a ellos. ¡Es tan divertido volver a sentir esas emociones!

5) Me río a carcajadas todos los días

Dicen que la risa es vida, es salud y que rejuvenece la piel, así que doy gracias a mis hijos por hacer que mis días transcurran entre carcajadas y sonrisas.

Sonrío, sin que me vean, cuando han hecho alguna trastada o cuando dicen algo poco apropiado pero con esa naturalidad que caracteriza a todos los niños. Río a carcajadas cuando vienen a mi cama por las mañanas y me despiertan con cosquillas y besos. Y río continuamente con las ocurrencias de mi hijo pequeño, su lengua de trapo y sus maravillosos dos añitos.

6) Nunca me faltan besos y abrazos

Si he tenido un mal día o estoy triste o enfadada por alguna noticia que me han dado, mis hijos me ayudan a olvidarlo con sus besos y abrazos. Porque la sensibilidad y empatía de un niño es algo excepcional y único, y cuando se dan cuenta de que algo me ocurre me regalan sus “abrazos de oso” o sus “besos de gnomo”, como ellos lo llaman.

¡Y entonces surge la magia y los problemas desaparecen por un instante!

7) Nunca estoy sola

Con tres peques en casa, las risas, las trastadas y la diversión están siempre aseguradas. Tampoco falta la música, en forma de cancioncillas infantiles que tararean a todas horas. ¡Es imposible sentirme sola y la felicidad inunda cada rincón!

8) Soy más fuerte de lo que pensaba

La maternidad me ha hecho darme cuenta de soy más fuerte de lo que pensaba, y agradezco profundamente a mis hijos los “súper poderes” que me hacen sentir.

Me di cuenta de que era muy fuerte cuando observé el contenedor con las 320 jeringuillas de heparina que había tenido que pincharme durante el embarazo y el postparto. También supe que era más fuerte de lo que imaginaba, la primera vez que me puse en pie tras mi cesárea para atender a mi bebé, o cuando luché por la lactancia como jamás había pensado nunca que podría llegar a luchar por algo.

La maternidad me hace sentir fuerte, poderosa y orgullosa de mi cuerpo por haber dado vida, y de mis pechos por haber criado a mis tres hijos.

9) Doy gracias a la vida por haber podido cumplir mi sueño

Ser madre no ha sido para mí un camino de rosas, y en algún momento llegué a pensar que jamás podría hacer realidad el sueño que me había acompañado casi desde niña.

He tenido tres embarazos de alto riesgo y tres pérdidas gestacionales. Tengo una malformación en el útero y las trompas, y un trastorno en la coagulación sanguínea llamado trombofila. He tenido tres cesáreas y muchos problemas físicos derivados de ellas.

Pero, a pesar de todo,no puedo estar más agradecida a la vida por todo lo que me ha dado y por todo lo que me ha hecho pasar. Porque aunque ha sido un camino plagado de obstáculos, volvería a transitar por él mil veces más para reencontrarme con ELLOS.

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Words of gratitude to friends in prose – say thank you with Pozdravim

I am very glad that I got exactly such friends as you. Thank you very much for your support during difficult times. I wouldn’t have made it without you. You are the one I can always count on. Thank you for having you in my life. You are a real gift of fate!

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Every day I ask myself the question: why did fate and life endow me with such friends!? You are my support, support, my fortress. You are the ones with whom it is pleasant to laugh and have fun, there is nothing to talk about. And even if you want to be silent, then it is more pleasant to do it with you! Thank you for your dedication and loyalty, for all the moments spent together!

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It was an extraordinary pleasure to receive wonderful congratulations and warm wishes. Many heartfelt thanks for not forgetting, for finding such beautiful words for me. They, like a ray of sunshine, warmed me, created a whole bunch of iridescent emotions, vivid feelings. Please accept my words of gratitude for giving me a wonderful mood!

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There is no person who would be unpleasant to hear kind words, wishes and confessions addressed to him. It is even more pleasant to once again make sure that you are surrounded by real friends, people who are close in spirit, attentive and not indifferent. People with a kind heart, a generous soul, a sparkling sense of humor. People with a capital letter. Many thanks for the congratulations.

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Thank you, my relatives, beloved and irreplaceable friends, for your friendship. You are like rays of the sun, making my life bright and cheerful. You are always there no matter what happens. You are my support, support and vest, in which you can cry when it’s really bad. I love and appreciate you very much!

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There is nothing more important than a friendship like ours. Thank you for all the warmth and help, for the fun and support, for being you!

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My dears, thank you for this wonderful evening full of joy and positive. I am very glad of our meeting and the fact that you found the time and opportunity to pay attention to me and please me today with your beautiful faces. I am always glad to each of you, and I really hope that this is mutual. Therefore, with hope and joy I invite you to visit me again!

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My dear friends, I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for being in my life. Nobody can ever replace you. You will never quit in difficult times. You share with me both sorrow and joy. I can’t imagine life without you. You are the best.

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I am extremely happy that on my special day you found time and sincere words for congratulations! Thank you all for your attention and warmth. May your dreams come true the way you wanted. I wish peace, comfort and happiness reign in your homes!

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Thank you, my dear, for such warm and sincere congratulations. You can’t even imagine how pleased and important it is for me to hear them from you. Thank you for sharing this holiday, this joy and incredibly positive emotions with me. I really appreciate your attention and care.

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What wonderful gifts they gave me! They cause genuine childish joy. The occasion, time of day or season, holiday or ordinary ordinary day is not important. It is very cool to receive gifts from dear people, it fills with happiness, the soul becomes much happier, warmer and brighter. It is no less pleasant to give them – it brings together and gives a great mood. Your gifts have truly made me happier and happier. I really appreciate the attention that was given to me. The sun shone inside – and all thanks to you. Thanks a lot!

Author: Evgeny Pryanik

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Thank you for your help! Without her, I would not have been able to cope with what I had to face so easily. These difficulties showed me that there are always those who are ready to support and help out. This is very pleasing and gives confidence that no problems are terrible. And all thanks to the help. Thanks a lot!

Author: Evgeny Pryanik

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Many thanks for the congratulations. I was deeply touched by the depth and sincerity of the said wishes. I am very glad that in my life there are real friends who love and appreciate me so much. Thank you and always remember. These words will remain in my heart for years to come.

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Life often brings us unpleasant surprises. When your strength is running out, when you don’t know how to cope with the situation, when it seems that everyone is against you, human support and participation are priceless. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for not passing by, for finding the right words, for showing attention and sympathy. May the good you have done return with interest.

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It’s nice to hear words from people wishing sincerely all the best. I really appreciate your attention and all your words are endowed with love and tenderness. You inspire me to new achievements and deeds, give hope for the fulfillment of all my desires. I would like to mutually wish you calmness, peace, inspiration and enormous human happiness. You are very dear to me.

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My best friends! Thank you for such touching congratulations! I am very pleased to be with you, thank you for your attention, love and care. You always hold a special place in my heart, love you!

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My dear friend, thank you for all these years of friendship. You are one of the most important people to me. You are my support and support. A friend like you needs to be found. How many things connect us, from jokes to secrets. I just want to express my gratitude to you.

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I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful, wonderful gifts! Infinitely pleasant and touching, warm in the soul from the consciousness of the love with which you approached the choice. A piece of your warmth will remain in each of the donated things. With trepidation I will remember your invaluable attention and desire to make my holiday truly happy. Thanks again!

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Let me thank you all! For me, as for every person, of course, it is extremely important to feel support from the outside. All efforts, works, efforts are focused on conveying some idea or feelings to people. And to see the interest is insanely nice: this is what always pleases, helps to grow, makes you move forward. Thank you for your time and attention: it is very important. Now you can feel much better, freer and lighter.

Author: Evgeny Pryanik

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Thank you, my dear friends, for being a support and support for me! You are irreplaceable sincere people who easily give their soul and heart to others at the right time. May good luck always accompany you in all good deeds! Let people treat you with the same sincerity. I wish you love and health!

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My dear friends! For many years in a row you have been my support and support, we managed to go through many difficulties and joys together. You have become a real family to me. I would like to sincerely wish you true happiness, harmony with yourself and well-being. May all your plans come true and never give up! Thanks for all!

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Dear friends, I sincerely thank you for your sincere congratulations, which will remain in my heart. Thank you for the kind words that brought a smile to my face for a few minutes. My dears, your attention is more precious than any jewels and money. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing this joyful day with me. I am grateful to everyone for their attention, for the kind words. You managed to touch the depths of my soul. I looked forward to opening the surprises you prepared. It can be seen that each was chosen with a soul, how everything is thought out to the smallest detail. I got aesthetic pleasure, unpacking each gift. I will definitely use them and remember this wonderful day spent with my best friends!

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Thank you, my dear and beloved friends, for being such in my life. You are my reliable rear and support, always with me in any life situation. Over the long years of friendship, you have repeatedly confirmed the status of the best and most reliable people. For this I thank you.

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Thank you for the unrealistically warm attitude towards my person! Your gifts show that you want to share not only a great mood and wishes, but also give a piece of yourself that reminds me of you. May your life be rich in miracles and goodness. Let all the most interesting lie in wait, preparing to collapse and cover with a happy wave.

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Thank you, my faithful friends, for always being with me! You never left in difficult times and have always been and are an integral part of my life! You are the best people, you have become like family to me, I respect you and thank you for everything you did for me!…

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Under no circumstances, under no circumstances, you, my faithful and reliable friends, did not leave me. Your support is worth a lot. In difficult moments of life, you believed in me and inspired me. You helped find the right path among millions of untrodden paths. I am very grateful to fate for bringing me to you. Friends – you are my support and frame.

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My dears! Thank you for taking the time to visit my home! It will now always be filled with warm memories of you! Thanks for being by my side! My heart was filled with the joy of our meeting and it will remain forever! A guest in the house – happiness in the house! This proverb has come true again! My house is always open for you!

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The depth of my gratitude, the warmth of my reciprocal feelings, the penetration of my words, I send as gratitude to you, my friends! After all, your kindness reached my soul, it found a response in it and responded with a myriad of reciprocal strings.

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Hello! With a friend like you, you will never be bored. Finding adventures on the fifth point with you is a pleasure, and in general money is not the main thing for you! And after all, friends who are with you only when you have money, and without cabbage are no longer with you – these are not friends!

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My friends, dear ones, relatives and friends! I am happy that you all responded to my invitation and came. Your congratulations in toasts, postcards, poems and simple words touched me to the core. A low bow to you and a big human thanks!

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I would like to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for congratulations and wishes. May they come true! I was warmed by warm words and gentle intonations. Thank you for the sincere feelings, for the beautiful style and the attention shown.

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I express my unconditional gratitude to everyone for the warm and extremely pleasant congratulations! It is very joyful to receive them from you and realize that I am surrounded by such bright people. Thank you for being you!

Author: Evgeny Pryanik

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I was lucky to hear so many warm words and wishes that they will keep me warm even in the most severe frost. Your congratulations are so sincere and bright that in my mind I always return to them. Thank you for your warmth and attention. Let the desire to share kindness make you richer and better. Be happy without knowing falsehood.

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Thanks and wishes

You are our people of PEACE. WE are with you every minute, prayer, encouragement, expectation and patience. Let the bullets not whistle at the temple. Live, our beautiful warriors!



The only hero who breathes the Spirit,
Goes fearlessly into battle for Rus’!
And let the Nazis blaze with heat
The hero shouts: “I will not be afraid!”

After all, God, guys, is by your side,
And everyone is waiting for you at home.
You are the brave soldiers of the Light
We will go this way with you!



Christ is Risen, brothers!
Victory will be ours!

Kuznetsova Yana Igorevna


Dear defenders, if you only knew how unknown citizens of Russia pray and cry for you! How many souls have rallied in a burst of spiritual and other support! Remember that while you stand for the truth, the Lord Himself is with you! And if God is with us, then who can be against us? Be patient, folks! There is something to endure for, you have a holy goal! We are with you soul and heart. We are waiting for you with victory! God bless you!



Our dear guys, defenders, you have a heavy cross to save the world from fascism, like your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We are all praying for you, our entire clinic, and we are still writing letters to you to support! I am writing poetry for you, although it is unlikely to help you now, but you know my relatives that you are all my sons and brothers! You are our stronghold, you are peacekeepers! God is with you and I ask you to be returned alive to your mothers and wives, sisters and children! We are waiting for you, love you and believe in a quick victory!
To the fighters on the front line from 15. 04.2022
Maria Markus
Son, dear, soldier,
Russia’s pride and protection,
God bless the warmth of hearts,
Let the evil spirits be all broken!

We pray for you in the rear,
And we believe in a quick victory,
To defeat good in the world,
You fight like your grandfather.

Thank you, I pray for you,
As soon as mother can with tears,
I will wait for you with victory,
Hold on to God’s banner, dear!

Strength to you, courage and faith, God is with you
Boys, come back from 01.04.2022
Maria Markus
Boys, come back to us alive,
The wife is praying, the mother is calling,
Have mercy on the closest,
Lord, do not let them die!

You still have to live, create, fall in love,
So many peaceful everyday worries,
But come fight the enemy for us,
You are our protection and stronghold!

Apple trees in bloom, birds chirping,
Spring again, and you have no time for it,
Protect your homeland borders,
Heart not sparing only your own.

You are all heroes without exception,
We believe, love, wait and appreciate you,
We know that after passing through the thunder of battles,
We will meet with victory at the right time!

Dear Mother Russia,
I ask you to take care of your sons,
Let the whole world be afraid, respecting,
I will ask the sky for you.



May we all have the strength to win THIS.
There is nothing worse than moral ugliness. And this is what it is.
It is necessary to win in order to live on. For so many people, this means simply LIVING.


St. Petersburg

Our relatives! Low bow to you! THANK YOU for protecting us, the Russian people, your Country, your Fatherland, at the cost of your life. We pray for each of you. Our precious ones, please come back alive! We are waiting for you! Everyone!



Guys, relatives, thank you! For attitude to duty, for humanity, professionalism, generosity, kindness, courage, reliability. When possible, please take some rest. We all pray for you. God bless you, and you yourself take care of each other, hold on to each other! You are doing everything right, no doubt. We love you and look forward to coming home!


St. Petersburg

Hello, I sincerely worry and pray daily for our Russian soldiers, the saviors of our Russian land from fascism and Satanism. Thank you! May God give you health, strength, patience and return home alive!!! We appreciate your deed!!!



Our dear ones. I wake up at night and pray to God for you to protect you and civilians. I live in a small village in Serbia. I watch Serbian television and see the support for our country that no other country gives us. They love us and believe in us. They felt for themselves what a united West means. They and we are Orthodox. They are praying for you. May the Lord protect and keep you for your families. We love you and are waiting for you alive after the VICTORY!



Guys, our dear children, brothers! You are at the forefront, at the war, whatever it is called. And now you decide whether to be our land, our Russian country or not. Now the question is unequivocal: either we are all of them, or they are us, like in the Great Patriotic War. Know that we in the rear are not just waiting for you home, we are not just worried about you, we are not just praying by name for your health and our Victory, but we will do everything possible and impossible that is necessary for the front, for victory! There are many of us and we are with you. God bless you, soldiers of the Russian land!



The time has come when everyone drops their masks, and it does not matter how, voluntarily or involuntarily. Just because it’s necessary. And there is no time to think it over and choose a position, stand up beautifully and take a picture for Instagram.
From the very first day of the NWO, I worried and supported those who ended up in the war. My day began and ended with reading military reports. I say a huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who ended up in this inferno.
I know that God is with us and victory will be ours. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Natalia Rodnogo


Our relatives, dear defenders! Huge thanks to you! My grandfather and great-grandfather fought in the Great Patriotic War and I am very proud of them! I didn’t think that we would have to live in such a terrible time. But I believe, I believe that Victory will be ours! And you will return and be new Heroes! Apparently the time has come to cleanse the world of this universal evil! But the strength is in Truth and God is with us! We pray for you, we believe in you, we are waiting for you to come home with Victory!






Many thanks to you, our warriors! You are fighting for us, our children, for us to just live! Hold on, we are with YOU!!!



Dear, dear, priceless our WARRIORS! I don’t have any of your relatives and relatives by blood among you, but YOU are all my relatives and close in heart, in spirit, in the Fatherland. I thank you for what you are doing for us. And I know that this is not just “by order”, but because you cannot do otherwise, that it CANNOT be otherwise. Yes, there is such a profession and work – to defend the Motherland. Work in the best sense of the word. And I thank God that we have YOU, guys! Prayer, heart, we are with you. I bow to you, I root for you, I am proud that we are of the same blood! Save you Lord! And the Mother of God will cover you



Our dear, dear ones! Thank you for your feat, for your service, for your warm hearts! We are waiting for you all, we love you, we believe in your victory! The Russian warrior is our pride! We pray to God that He would keep you, that His Heavenly host would protect you and help in the fight against invisible evil when you defeat visible evil! Beloved, we are with you in thoughts and hearts! Come back soon! We love, we believe, we wait!!! We hug and kiss!



Thank you, our Warriors!!! We live in Belgorod on the border with Kharkov, and a piece of the war has captured us too. We sleep peacefully thanks to you🙏 You are true warriors of Christ. Every morning I wake up and think about you, about our defenders, you stand guard day and night. Every day I pray for you, our soldiers, that the Lord will help you defeat the evil spirits that have risen against Russia. You had no options, no choice, if it were not for your everyday feat, there would be no Russia. Each of you is a Hero for us! The time is very difficult now, the whole world has risen against Russia. You must know that it is not evil that will defeat evil, but that Good will defeat evil! We believe in you, we love you and we pray for you! Help you Lord and Queen of Heaven!!! Come back alive!!! ❤️🇷🇺❤️❤️



Thanks, soldier!
You are a real hero! Victory will be for Russia!
Everything will be fine.
We pray for you.
We are waiting for home.



Our dear warriors! I want to express to you all the words of gratitude and deepest gratitude for your courage and heroism in the struggle for Donbass, against the genocide of the Russian people in Ukraine, against the nationalists. You are all great fellows and we pray for your speedy return home. We love you, hug you tight! God bless you! May all the soldiers return home safe and sound, and we will help you and the civilians of Donbass and Ukraine as soon as we can.



Lord have mercy on you, our dear soldiers, boys, warriors! Who if not you, it has always been that protection is a male duty, we have no one to rely on, only you, which means we will all pray for you, God bless you, unharmed, whole, let me win this battle, save and return home. Help them defeat Satan, hide them from trouble, take them away, give them strength of mind to endure, give strength of will to reach the end, help and save the Lord, Amen. We hug you all, thank you all, thank you to your parents and families and God bless them all.

Yulia Vladimirovna Gvozdevskaya

Thank you, my dear! God bless you for what you are! You stand for the truth, you protect us all from evil. I beg you, dear soldier, cleanse the earth of this evil! And we stand like a wall with a prayer for all our soldiers! God help you! We are waiting for you home with Victory!



Our dear “polite people”, kind “little green men”, guys, our valiant warriors! May the Lord protect you from all evil, bullets, captivity, injury, may He protect your mental and physical health, and may His mercy be with you! May Archangel Michael and George the Victorious show you the way to victory over the enemy and his evil spirits! ❤️❤️❤️


Vilino settlement

Dear military, I support you! I wish you to win and be able to return home soon! HEALTH AND HAPPINESS TO YOU IN THE FUTURE!!!
For Russia!!! 🇬🇧



Thank you, heroes of our time! Thank you for standing up for our country, for the people! We are infinitely grateful to you, we are proud of you! We are waiting for you with your relatives and friends. We pray that they return alive.



Our dear guys! You are the angels sent to us by the Lord God! Clean and bright! And know that God is protecting you, because the Holy Truth is behind you! Thank you for being who you are and for being you! Thank you from the people of a multi-million dollar state, each of whom you protect! Save God!



Our dear defenders! Thank you for your daily deed. Take care of yourself! We are looking forward to welcoming you home!


Volzhsky, Volgograd region

Thank you dear!
For the courage to stand up for us, for Russia.
Our family sends cordial greetings from Yekaterinburg.



Our dear soldiers!! Please be strong and win! Win by loving and believing in God, in goodness, light and eternity!
We really believe in you and pray for you.
And infinitely grateful to you. Come back alive, we are waiting for you.
The Merciful Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos are with you!



Our dear defenders! A deep bow to you and gratitude for being faithful to your duty and the Fatherland. For going into battle for the Russian people against wickedness. For your courage and courage! Take care of yourself and beat these reptiles to the last, to the very borders. We believe in you! We are waiting for you with victory! It can not be any other way! Glory to the Russian liberators!






Boys! Our dear boys! Each of you is in my heart. And I know what is in the heart of every person in our Russia. We love you all very, very much! And we are very, very waiting for you all home alive! We pray for you, we are proud of you, we believe in your victory! You are the color of our nation, you are the salt of our earth. God bless you! There are no words that could convey everything I feel and think. All of Russia is with you, you are our relatives!



And scarlet scarlet drops
Wash our land.
Those glorious-glorious warriors,
Save you and me.

They do not spare their lives,
Dying in battle, in captivity.
They die on the cross, O Lord,
Ascending to their Golgotha!

For truth and life! Not for honors!
Despite all the slander.
God’s world is delivered from evil spirits,
That sowed enmity in countries.

And the whole earth is scarlet-scarlet,
In pools of blood of children and soldiers,
Cries out with an unprecedented voice
About avenging so many losses.

Queen of Heaven with a formidable tread
She will walk along the bloody paths.
And over every tortured soul,
He will lift up his prayerful cry.

Under the protection of our valiant soldiers
We live in debt to you…
Do not give you due honors,
May the Lord protect you all!!!



Our dear warriors – boys, sons, husbands, maybe grandfathers! For us, all of you and each of you are relatives, kind, close ones! You are Heroes! Your courage, courage, selflessness, mercy, everything you do for our Motherland and us is priceless and eternal! Bless and save the Lord each of you! My son dreams of becoming just a little bit like you, and says that it is very difficult, because you are the best!!! We pray and hug you!


Nizhny Novgorod

I pray for our soldiers. Come back alive and with Victory!



Our dear and beloved soldiers, we thank you and bow low for your feat, courage, for risking your life for us all. You take care of yourself, come back with Victory!!! We still have no other way. This is the way for Russians!!! We love you, we believe, we are waiting.


St. Petersburg

Our dear Warriors, I appeal to you with gratitude from our entire great Motherland and from your small Motherland of Belgorod, what trouble you have taken away from us. You save us by sacrificing yourself, you give us a chance to live. The battle is going on the hardest, Satan himself is on the side of evil, do not be afraid of anything, because the Lord is with you, you are fighting on the side of good and victory will be yours. We pray for you, our dear guys, we are waiting for you home with victory. Every day we see your exploits and we are proud of you. May the Lord give you strength and guardian angels. We love you very much. Many years to the Russian land!



Hello, our dear defenders!
When, in the first days, Ukrainians posted videos on the net, how civilians resisted, even rushed to armored personnel carriers, and the whole column carefully circled them, we were proud of you! When we see your attitude towards peaceful people, we are proud of you! You are true protectors, big and strong. When we see that the enemy often behaves like a beast, and you, our dear guys, remain people, we want to tell you: thank you! We love you, we are proud of you! Our cause is right – victory will be ours! Come back all, all alive and unharmed! We pray for you🙏🏻





St. Petersburg

Every evening, when I go to bed, I baptize my sleeping children. Golden girlish strands on the pillow. Naughty boyish nose. I baptize them and thank God that I have them. I thank you, Russian soldier, and that they have a chance to live.

I tell them about you. How boldly you go forward, shedding blood. And we are behind your back.
I do not protect them from tears of war. I don’t hide the truth from them. I want them to know and remember her.
How their great-grandfathers fought. And how are you fighting now.

The whole country is waiting for you to come home. We participate in help campaigns, we pray for you. And we believe in victory.
May the Lord protect you from the smashing fire, zalob and fear.

With the blue eyes of children, we are all looking into tomorrow and waiting for when we can say: thank you for the WORLD!



God save you, our defenders! We know, remember and pray for you! We have a future – it’s you! We have protection – it’s you! We have Russia – it’s you!



Our glorious Warriors, you are not just fighting the enemy, you are charging the entire people of Russia with the power of the spirit! We love you very much, worry about you and pray for you without ceasing! May the Guardian Angels protect you from all evil! God bless you and the Most Holy Theotokos!



Our dear heroes, you continue the work of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defeated Nazism! They would be proud of you, and we, millions of Russians, are proud of you



Guys, brothers, remember every minute that we pray for you every day and are proud of you!!! You are an indestructible force, the force that is now changing the course of history. I want to hug everyone, hide from all dangers and all horror. You are fighting for the truth, for our future. We are with you, there are millions of us.
We will stand, we will cope, we will win!
I am writing to you now, and my Pavlik is snoring in my arms, and I know how I will educate him, whom to set as an example. I mentally hug everyone. Guys, we are with you. God bless you!



Now you are fighting not just with people, but with the forces of darkness that have taken up arms against us. Dear and valiant, our warriors! May the Lord and the Mother of God protect you, and the bullet of the enemy will not hurt you! God bless you to return home to your families unharmed! Thanks to you, your feat, we believe in a bright future for Russia! We, the mothers of Russia, are with you guys! We pray for you every day!🙏🙏



I believe you! you are doing everything right!
I had some kind of core, some kind of courage; I realized that I couldn’t be cunning in front of myself. But honestly, despite the information and attacks of my acquaintances, answer to myself and others that I am for you, for Russia, for the President ! Each of you has become for me (depending on age) a son, a brother, a father!
God bless you!


Chelyabinsk region

I was sinful in that I thought: the current people, Men, are not at all the same as they were before, in the time of our great-grandfathers, who fought against the Universal Evil in 41-45. But as soon as the SVO began, my beliefs were shattered into small fragments: my heart goes to my heels, my body is covered with goosebumps, tears come out of my eyes from how many real heroes, epic heroes, selfless warriors our mother Rus’ raised in this century! Thank you our brothers! You are our army! Our future! Our new elite! I pray for you all the time! May the Lord God and Mother of God save and keep you!



Wars of Christ! God bless you for our children!!!
Alexander Nevsky, Fyodor Ushakov, Peresvet and Oslyaba pray to God for you!!!



Our dear defenders, fathers and brothers!
You – Russian soldiers and officers – again entered the battle with the brown plague – with fascism.

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