Vick vaporub bebe 8 meses: Los riesgos del Vicks Vaporub en niños menores de 2 años

Vick vaporub bebe 8 meses: Los riesgos del Vicks Vaporub en niños menores de 2 años


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Mamás y bebés


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Seguramente, muchas de vosotras tenéis en vuestro botiquín de los medicamentos el famoso Vicks Vaporub ¿Verdad? Hasta aquí todo genial, el problema entra cuando nuestro bebé (menor de 2 años) tiene un pequeño resfriado y por consecuente una congestión, creemos que el vicks vaporub es recomendable y eficaz para ellos. Vamos a ser sinceras, este producto farmacéutico no es nada bueno para vuestros bebés, incluso es perjudicial para su salud. ¿Quieres saber por qué?

Es muy útil para tratar la congestión nasal, ya que, ayuda a combatir el dolor de cabeza  y alivia las molestias del resfriado. Sin embargo, lo que muchas no sabéis es que utilizar Vicks Vaporub en menores de dos años, resulta verdaderamente peligroso.

Desde Farma13, queremos tranquilizarte, por eso, queremos que seas consciente de qué es el vicks vaporub y de qué manera lo podemos utilizar en nuestros bebés. Porque sí, tenemos el producto idóneo, primo hermano del Vicks Vaporub para adultos. ¿Quieres conocerlo?

¿De qué se trata el Vicks Vaporub?

Es un ungüento tópico, que cuenta con ingredientes principales, como el mentol, alcanfor y aceite de eucalipto, los cuales tienen grandes beneficios, entre ellos, relaja de manera inmediata los músculos y además calma los síntomas de la gripe, como la congestión nasal y tos, ayudando a recuperarte más rápido. 

El alcanfor es el principal componente peligroso para los bebés o personas con problemas respiratorios como asma, debido a que las vías respiratorias en estas situaciones son mucho más sensibles y pueden inflamarse, dificultando la respiración, y en consecuencia, un posible ahogo.  

Pero, como ya te hemos dicho, no tienes de qué preocuparte, porque Vicks Vaporub, ha sacado un producto especial para los bebés.

¿Cómo se utiliza Vicks Vaporub?

Se recomienda siempre utilizar una capa fina, eso sí, durante 3 veces al día. 

  • En el pecho: para calmar la tos.
  • En el cuello: para aliviar la congestión nasal y facilitar la respiración.
  • En la espalda: para calmar el malestar muscular.

¿Qué es lo que le hace peligroso al Vicks Vaporub para bebés?

Después de varias investigaciones, se encontró que el Vicks Vaporub, contiene ingredientes irritantes, los cuales causan que el cuerpo estimule la producción de mucosidad, y el incremento de esta, es la principal causante de que las vías se estrechen, impidiendo el paso normal del aire y provocando que el cuerpo elimine esta mucosidad de una manera más lenta. 

El problema viene por los ingredientes que componen el Vicks Vaporub, principalmente el mentol que contiene alcanfor y aceite de eucalipto, engañando a nuestro cerebro al hacerle creer que la respiración es mucho más fluida debido a una sensación de frescor.

¿Cómo perjudica a los bebés?

El uso del Vicks Vaporub en menores de dos años, está totalmente prohibido, ya que puede provocar:

-Broncoespasmo, es decir, que se cierren los bronquios, dificultando la respiración. 

-Inflamación de los bronquios. 

-Aumenta la mucosidad hasta en un 60%.

-El alcanfor está relacionado con crisis convulsivas en niños.

También, queda totalmente prohibido utilizar este producto si tu peque tiene una tos persistente o crónica como ocurre con el asma, o si la tos se acompaña de mucha mucosidad. 

¿Existe el Vicks Vaporub para bebés?

Sí, por eso, queremos que estéis totalmente tranquilas en este aspecto, ya que gracias al nuevo producto de Vicks Vaporub para bebés, podrás aplicarle este famoso producto sin preocupación alguna. ¿Quieres saber más?

¿Tu bebe ha presentado alguna molestia en su pecho o espalda?

Si estos casos se han presentado es necesario utilizar VICKS BABYRUB, el cual es un ungüento especialmente desarrollado para bebés a partir de los 3 meses, que ayuda a relajar  a tu bebé, ofreciendo un aroma suave de manzanilla el eucalipto que hidrata que contiene extracto de aloe vera y fragancias de romero.

Está especialmente formulada para bebés, que ayuda a hidratar suavemente, calmar y relajar su bebé, su composición está constituida de extracto de aloe vera, aceite de coco y fragancias de lavanda, romero y eucalipto, es suave en la piel del bebé, está demostrado que es seguro.

¿Cómo puedo utilizarlo?

Vicks BabyRub, está especialmente desarrollado para bebés, y se aplica masajeando suavemente el pecho y el estómago del bebé. Un masaje suave, hará que tu bebé se sienta verdaderamente relajado, además, estrechará aún más el vínculo con tu peque. 

¿Cuál es el mejor momento para usar Vicks BabyRub?

Aunque todas sabemos, que, si nuestro bebé le cuesta respirar, ese es el momento oportuno para aplicarle el Vicks Vaporub, tenemos que saber, que otro de los momentos más especiales para poder aplicárselo es el momento que cambias el pañal, una buena oportunidad para estar todavía más cerca de tu bebé.  

¿Qué no debemos hacer con Vicks BabyRub?

  • No calentar en: agua, microondas o vaporizar.
  • Mantener fuera de tus peques, tú eres quien maneja el producto.
  • Conservar por debajo de los 25ºC.
  • En el momento que no se esté usando, colócale la tapa.

¡Dale una tregua a los mocos de tu bebé, utiliza Vicks BabyRub, y favorece la respiración del más peque de la casa!


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Vicks BabyRub

Vick Vaporub


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¿Por qué no debes usar Vick VapoRub en bebés menores de dos años?

El Vick VapoRub es uno de los medicamentos que no suele faltar en el botiquín de ningún hogar. Es muy útil para tratar la congestión nasal, a la vez que alivia las molestias del resfriado y ayuda a combatir el dolor de cabeza. De hecho, es uno de los fármacos de uso tópico que más utilizan los padres con los niños ya que también sirve para aliviar el dolor tras una caída leve. Sin embargo, lo que muchos padres no conocen es que usar Vick VapoRub en los menores de dos años puede resultar muy peligroso. Bien lo sabe una madre de México, quien desgraciadamente, lo descubrió demasiado tarde.

El Vick VapoRub puede matar a un niño

Según los informes, tras regresar del trabajo la madre entró en la habitación de su pequeño y al acercarse notó que tenía fiebre y problemas para respirar con normalidad. Pensó que se trataba de un simple resfriado y, sin dudarlo dos veces, fue a por el Vick VapoRub. Le untó en el pecho, la espalda y debajo de la nariz, y se acostó a su lado quedándose dormida.

Después de algunas horas, despertó y notó que su hijo no respiraba. Lo tomó en brazos y fue inmediatamente al centro de salud más cercano. Sin embargo, para cuando llegó ya era demasiado tarde, el pequeño había muerto. La autopsia reveló que el bebé había fallecido como consecuencia de una inflamación de las vías respiratorias, provocada por el alcanfor que contiene el Vick VapoRub.

Los riesgos del Vick Vaporub para los niños menores de dos años

Vale aclarar que el Vick VapoRub es un medicamento seguro tanto para los niños mayores de dos años como para los adultos. Sin embargo, su uso en pequeños menores de dos años está contraindicado debido a que puede ser peligroso, según se especifica en sus instrucciones. Lo que sucede es que el Vick VapoRub contiene alcanfor, una sustancia que aumenta la mucosidad en los niños pequeños y que puede inflamar las vías respiratorias.

Así lo comprobó un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Universidad de Wake Forest, en Estados Unidos, en el que se encontró que el uso del Vick VapoRub en los niños menores de dos años aumenta la producción de mucosidad en un 60%. Se trata de un problema muy serio ya que ese exceso de mucosidad se puede acumular en la tráquea impidiendo el paso normal del aire a través de las vías respiratorias. Asimismo, los expertos encontraron que el Vick VapoRub también reduce en un 36% la velocidad con la que la tráquea puede eliminar el exceso de humedad.

Otras investigaciones también han relacionado el uso del Vick VapoRub en niños pequeños con la aparición de complicaciones de salud como las reacciones alérgicas, los broncoespasmos y la queratoconjuntivitis.

Utilizar el Vick VapoRub en los niños de forma segura

La forma más segura de utilizar el Vick VapoRub es aplicando una pequeña cantidad en la zona afectada, según los síntomas. Por ejemplo, si lo que quieres es descongestionar las vías respiratorias del niño, aplica un poco de la crema en el pecho, para calmar la tos, aplícala en el cuello y para aliviar las molestias musculares propias de un resfriado, frótala en la espalda.

Si es la primera vez que utilizas el Vick VapoRub en el niño es importante que le observes durante al menos las dos primeras horas. Mantente atenta a los cambios que puedan aparecer en su piel, si notas que hay enrojecimiento, inflamación o que empieza a rascarse, enjuaga con abundante agua la zona en la que aplicaste la crema.

También debes mantenerte atenta a los cambios que pueden producirse en su respiración. Si percibes que al pequeño le cuesta respirar más que antes, recurre a las gotas nasales para descongestionar las vías respiratorias y acude inmediatamente al centro de salud más cercano.

21 amazing uses of Vicks Vaporub, do you know them all?

Who doesn’t remember the smell of Vicks Vaporub and how sticky it was on the chest after our mothers applied it to us to calm our coughs? All moms have used this wonderful invention and many current moms are also turning to it to make our babies feel better when they cough . Every time I had a cold, drinking water with lemon and honey and a Vicks Vaporub smeared on me was a must-have before bed, and my mom made sure of that!

But Vicks Vaporub has more ways to use and that they don’t know much about each other but are very effective. Today I want to talk to you about some uses of Vicks Vaporub that you may not know about but that you will be glad you did as you are more likely to start using them when needed.


  • 1 Secret ingredient – menthol
  • 2 Vicks Vaporub on legs
  • 3 To reduce soreness 9toenail fungus clean with moisturizer
  • 9 To avoid infection of cuts
  • 10 Goodbye mites
  • 11 For chapped lips
  • 12 To repel mosquitoes
  • 13 Fight acne
  • 1 Stretch marks 10016
  • 15 against ear pain
  • 16 to eliminate noise from loops
  • 17 Calms the sunburn
  • 18 Moisturizer
  • 19 Removal of bruises
  • 20 Farewell, Muscles in the muscles
  • 21 Elimination
  • 23 Use of Vicks Vaporub in babies and children
  • 24 Price of Vicks Vaporub and where to buy it
  • 25 Contraindications of Vicks Vaporub

Secret ingredient – menthol

Vicks Vaporub has helped millions of children and adults feel better by helping relieve headaches, coughs and nasal congestion. Menthol is used to induce a good receptor response in the nose and chest. , which is why it works wonders for kids with colds or chronic bronchitis, although if you find yourself with a stuffy nose, there are many more methods to know. how to get rid of nasal congestion it can help you.

In this post we will focus on using the Vicks Vaporub, which not only will help you clear your nose and breathe better , its utilities are many and varied. Some are sure to surprise you.

If you don’t have a boat at home, you can get it from this link.

Vicks Vaporubber on Legs

If you put this product on your chest, it helps relieve nasal congestion and cough, but you also say that if you want to completely relieve the symptoms of a cold, you can put it on your feet and cover their socks. With this remedy you will quickly get rid of a cough.

As we said, applying Vicks Vaporub to the feet and putting on socks is one of the great cough remedies, but not only. When we feel cut on the body Whether it’s a cold or another virus, this product can also help us feel better. To do this, we need to apply it with a simple massage in this area. Oddly enough, it will make you feel better.

Feet always seem to have to be taken into account. If you need to show them but cracked or very dry feet , that is another excellent remedy for them. In a large bucket of hot water, add a tablespoon of Vicks Vaporub and a few drops of lemon. You will mix well and immerse your feet in it for about 12 minutes. After a while, you just have to clean and dry well.

To reduce soreness

Vicks Vaporub will help you cope with soreness after a hard and exhausting workout. This product will help you improve blood circulation and it will quickly relieve you of pain. All you have to do is apply a generous amount of Vicks Vaporub to the area where it hurts the most.

Toenail fungus

If you have toenail fungus, Vicks Vaporub can be a good ally for you. After a few days, the nail may darken, which means that the menthol product will work and kill the fungus. The darker the nail, the less likely the fungus will survive.

Apply Vicks Vaporub for two weeks and then always clean your nails thoroughly (no darkness or moisture). The nail will start to grow healthy but it will take a long time to grow back (especially if it is a big toenail, which can take up to six months).

Article topic:

How to cure toenail fungus

That your cat never scratches where it doesn’t touch

Cats love to scratch the sofa or wood, although their duty is to scratch the scratching post. To keep your cat from scratching your doors, walls or windows, all you need to do is apply a small amount of Vicks Vaporub to the areas where you don’t want it to scratch. This is how you know you shouldn’t go near them because they don’t like the smell.

But be careful! You have to make sure your cat doesn’t like that smell because I had a cat that licked the places where Vicks Vaporub was, she loved it! And it is that in the world of cats it seems that colors also taste!

To keep your dog from urinating where he doesn’t belong

Do you have a dog that is used to urinating on the carpet or in the corner of your house? Don’t worry because now and thanks to Vicks Vaporub this won’t happen again.

You only need to place a bottle of this open product in the area where your pet likes to urinate to mark territory… and will never do that again . It will just pass by and you won’t have to endure the pungent smell of menthol.

To relieve headaches

If you have a headache, Vicks Vaporub can also be your good friend. Rub the product only on the temples and forehead. and you will see how the pain will gradually disappear. The smell of menthol will help you relieve pressure from your head, and the pain will no longer be a problem for you.

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How to Massage to Relieve Headaches

Keep the Air Clean with a Humidifier

in aromatherapy. If you use it in this way, your whole house, in addition to the very good smell of menthol, will help the whole family of breathe better and feel calmer thanks to the refreshing aroma.

To Avoid Cut Infection

If you want to avoid infection in your cut and speed up the healing time, just apply a small amount of Vicks Vaporub to any cut or chip and you will see how quickly it heals!

Goodbye Ticks

If you have a tick on your skin or want to remove ticks from your dog and are afraid they will jump on your skin, immediately apply Vicks Vaporub through your hands. If you have a tick on your hand, it will be easier for him to come off and he will not want to grab you again.

Chapped Lips

Chapped lips can result in sores, but if you want to remove dead cells from your lips and deeply moisturize them, you should apply a small amount of this product to your lips every time you notice they are dry. . They will help focus blood circulation on your lips and make them look more sensual.

Mosquito Repellent

Vicks Vaporub can help you repel mosquitoes from approaching you thanks to the product’s strong scent. You must put small strokes of Vicks Vaporub on your skin and clothes and mosquitoes won’t come near you, you will mask your smell!

Please note that this menthol product should not be used by children under three years of age. If your child has trouble breathing or has too much mucus, this product is best avoided.

Acne Control

We know that acne can be a big problem for our skin. This is a chronic disease that manifests itself in various forms and degrees. It is not easy to eliminate, but it is easy to control or reduce. Although there are many medicines and creams, there are also Vicks Vaporub is good for saying goodbye to pimples .

Of course, try to test a small area of ​​the skin to avoid certain reactions. If all goes well, you can apply a small amount a couple of times a day and you will notice an improvement.

Article subject:

If you have acne, we will tell you how to open your pores so that no marks remain.

Anti stretch marks

It’s not just say goodbye to stretch marks . Some of them will already be in our shoes for life. But you should always use home remedies. Especially in those stretch marks that have appeared recently. You will put some product on them.

You have to be consistent and do it every day so you can see results in a couple of weeks.

Ear pain relief

If you suffer from earache you can improve your well-being in seconds. Of course, when the pain is very severe, you will have to see a doctor. Meanwhile, you can apply some Vicks Vaporub on a piece of cotton and place it in your ear. But just at the entrance to it, without pressing. No doubt the pain will subside almost magically.

To eliminate noise from hinges

Vicks Vaporub will help us not only in health, but also at home. In this case, if you have a door that every time you open it seems like you are entering Count Dracula’s castle, then you need our advice. Apply a small amount of product to the door hinges. . Thanks to the fat it contains, the noise will quickly disappear. Check this!.

Soothes sunburn

Although we must protect our skin first and foremost, sometimes we don’t go overboard. Something that can lead to very serious consequences. Even so, if you spent the whole day at the beach or at the pool and arrived with a strange burn, you already have a special remedy.

Apply some Vicks Vaporub to the burned area. . Thanks to menthol, you will feel a much fresher feeling, and with it a great deal of relief.


Although you shouldn’t use it all over your body, it’s true that you can use this product in the driest places. For example, elbows and knees can look more hydrated than ever with Vicks Vaporub.

Una is a very moisturizing cream but, as we say, only in these specific areas of the body.


If you are hit and bruised do not despair. You no longer have to wait a long time, because thanks to this product they will disappear quickly. A teaspoon of vetch with a pinch of sea salt, which we will apply to the affected area.

Let’s make a light massage and we can repeat until the bruise heals.

Goodbye, muscle pain

No wonder sometimes our muscles hurt . Either because we have been trained, or perhaps for other reasons. When it is point pains, we can use this remedy. Quite efficient.

So just massage the affected area and then cover it with a warm blanket or towel to relax. You can repeat a couple of times a day and you will see how the pain disappears.

Wart Removal

If you want to remove warts hands or even feet, you know what product you need. Yes, Vicks Vaporub will do the trick too. Apply it on them a couple of times a day. Even a small amount is more than enough.

You will then cover the wart with gauze and put on a sock or glove, depending on where you have it. You will see how little by little you will forget about the warts.

Vicks Vaporub during pregnancy

We are always in doubt about which creams and products to use during pregnancy. This is something common, and so if you had the same doubts about using Vicks Vaporub, we will tell you that you should not use it while pregnant or breastfeeding . It is advisable to avoid this, but if you have nasal congestion and other colds during pregnancy, it is always best to consult your doctor or opt for home remedies.

Use of Vicks Vaporub in infants and children

We have already mentioned that Vicks Vaporub should not be used by children under the age of three. That is why remains absolutely not recommended for use in infants. While this is an over-the-counter product available to everyone, it doesn’t always have the benefits we all have in mind. At least for the little ones in the house. When used in infants or children under two years of age, it may cause breathing problems. All this is due to its components, which can greatly irritate the body.

Because of this, causes more mucus to protect the airway area of ​​ . This increase in mucus makes the roads a little narrower, and for this reason air cannot flow through them in the usual way. For the little ones in the house, it’s always best to opt for a saline solution to clear those airways and leave the Vicks Vaporub aside until they get a little longer.

Vicks Vaporub price and where to buy it

Vicks Vaporub can be bought at any pharmacy. . Either in regular stores that you have near your home, or online stores. All of them offer you this product. What may differ slightly is their price from one to the other. As in many cases and with many other drugs or various products. As a rule, the price of Vicks Vaporub is approximately 6 euros. A can of 50 grams can be found at a price of 5.97 euros or 6.45 euros. As we say, this will depend on the pharmacy in question.

Contraindications Vicks Vaporub

As with all drugs or creams that we are going to use, it may have certain contraindications. What we should always know in order not to create serious problems. This product is not recommended for all those with serious dermatological problems and skin lesions . It is also not suitable for children with seizures.

On the other hand, you should also be aware that this can cause irritation. Of course, for the most part, this will be due to prolonged and excessive use. Like any medicine, we must use it in small doses. Otherwise, it can become toxic, causing irritation to both the bronchi and lungs. In addition, an overdose will lead to heart palpitations and respiratory problems. For the same reason, it should not be used in children under 3 years of age.

In any case, it doesn’t hurt to ask a doctor about any incident.

Discover 10 uses of Vaseline you didn’t know about

Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalyptus

📜 Instructions for the use of Vicks Actic Balsam with menthol and eucalyptus

💊 The composition of the drug Vicks Actic Balsam with menthol and eucalyptus

✅ Application of the Vicks Asset Balsam with menthol and eucalyptus

📅 Storage conditions of Vicks Balsem with menthol and eucalyptus

⏳ Expiration date Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalyptus


Search for analogues

Description of the medicinal product

Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalyptus
(Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalypt)

Based on the official instructions for use of the drug, approved by the manufacturer
and prepared for the electronic edition of the Vidal Handbook 2013
year, update date: 2012. 08.21

Marketing authorization holder:

Procter & Gamble Distribution Company, LLC


PROCTER & GAMBLE Manufacturing GmbH


ATX code:


(Other cold medicines)

Dosage form

Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalyptus

Ointment for external use note: can 50 g

reg. No.: LP-000097
from 22.12.10
– Indefinitely

Release form, packaging and composition
Vicks Active Balm with menthol and eucalyptus

Ointment for external use white to off-white, with a characteristic odour.

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