Canciones infantiles chuchuhuahua: Letra de la canción ‘Chuchuwa’

Canciones infantiles chuchuhuahua: Letra de la canción ‘Chuchuwa’

Letra de la canción ‘Chuchuwa’

El ritmo forma parte de la vida desde incluso antes del nacimiento. Ya en el vientre de la mamá, el bebé experimenta toda una serie de ritmos naturales, como los latidos del corazón o la respiración de la mamá. Una vez nace, el pequeño sigue experimentando toda clase de ritmos en su entorno, que serán los encargados de determinar el suyo: su forma de andar, de mover los brazos, de hablar,etc.

El sentido rítmico es innato en el niño y representa el punto de partida de su educación musical. Cuando el pequeño tiene aproximadamente un año y medio empieza a utilizar todo su cuerpo para responder a los estímulos musicales. Ya a los dos añitos, su motricidad es más coordinada y responde a los estímulos musicales de forma muy expresiva, dando golpes en el suelo, moviéndose de un lado para otro, etc. Y a partir de los tres años ya es capaz de acompañar de forma rítmica una canción, por ejemplo dando palmadas con las manos.  

(Te interesa: Música para bebés: ¿qué beneficios tiene?)


El ritmo y la coordinación del niño

A medida que el niño crece, aprende a coordinar más y mejor su propio ritmo musical a través del movimiento. Y es que el ritmo ocupa un papel muy importante en la enseñanza musical, porque permite educar al pequeño en el sentido del equilibrio, el orden y la serenidad. A través del aprendizaje del ritmo el niño desarrolla sus capacidades motrices, como las de caminar, correr o saltar, y también las actividades motrices especiales, como la precisión o los juegos de imitación.  

Además, el desarrollo del sentido del ritmo favorece en el niño la formación del sistema nervioso y también influye en la educación auditiva, ya que el oído se adapta al ritmo que escucha y, dependiendo de ello, el cuerpo se mueve de una u otra manera. Por último, el movimiento rítmico ayuda al niño a tomar conciencia de su propio cuerpo y a expresarse a través de él.  

(Te interesa: Mozart para bebés y niños: vídeos y beneficios)


Letra de la canción ‘Chuchuwa’

Algunas canciones infantiles son especialmente beneficiosas para el aprendizaje del sentido rítmico en los niños. Es el caso de la canción ‘Chuchuwa’, que, a través de su letra, da indicaciones al pequeño para que haga una serie de gestos y movimientos con su cuerpo. Empieza por hacerlo extender un brazo y, a continuación, va añadiendo otros elementos, como cerrar el puño o poner el dedo hacia arriba. De esta forma, a medida que la canción avanza, la coordinación corporal se va complicando, obligando al pequeño a hacer cada vez más gestos y movimientos con su cuerpo, lo que le hace trabajar la coordinación y el sentido del ritmo. Aquí va la letra de la canción. 

Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Compañía, brazo extendido. 

Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Compañía, brazo extendido, puño cerrado.  

Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Compañía, brazo extendido, puño cerrado, 
dedo hacia arriba. 

Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Compañía, brazo extendido, puño cerrado, dedo hacia arriba, hombros en alto. 

Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa, Chuchuwa wa, wa 
Compañía, brazo extendido, puño cerrado, 
dedo hacia arriba, hombros en alto, 
cabeza hacia atrás. 

(Te interesa: ¡Canciones intantiles populares, actuales y muy educativas!)

Descargar musica infantil gratis chuchuwa

Descargar musica infantil gratis chuchuwa

Fecha 2020-12-03
Versión 7.7.5
Tamaño del archivo 87.6 Mb
Descargas 1881
Evaluación 6.5/10

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Poems about dogs – CHILDREN’S SITE BUNNY

Why does a dog wags its tail?

– Why is the dog angry

Walks wagging its tail?

– Is the tail so trained,

Is it badly screwed on!

V. Orlov

* * *

To me

Not sparing the forces of

and legs

through fear of


Puppy fled!

Past the formidable Polkan,

Past the tower crane

(And a little past the cat),

Past the shadow on the wall…

My puppy


To me!

* * *

Dog at the bus station

The dog slipped into the station door …

under the wall crawl at the wall,

She boys, she is a plaintively lizala,

She sniffed coats and trousers.

The people were buzzing, sweating at the buffet,

Flashed boots, cloaks, boots.

Candy was melting in a milk puddle,

Pies were sleeping in an open bag.

Supplining shops and benches,

It again crawled to the threshold –

No smell of a quilted jacket,


November of Ladok found me .. .

Himple a tail,

in a hurry,

barrel, barrel,

Ashamed of sudden tears,

She through tobacco smoke and ridicule

through the crack in the door


Into the cold.

T. Belozerov

* * *


are going on in the world

Miracles –

This afternoon

I met a dog!



Very, very


And I brought him


I fed him

Boiled sausage,

Now we are with him


And jumping,

And barking!



The neighbor said:

– Ugly!

After all, the dog is –


What do I need this fashion for?!

I told everyone around:

– I don’t need a breed,


Nikolai Grakhov

* * *


Today I left the house,

Fluffy snow lies all around.

I look – my friend

is running barefoot in the snow.

And now we do not hide our joy,

We are inseparable friends.

We squeal, and we jump, and we jump –

And he, and I, and he, and I!

Hugs, jokes, conversations.

-How are you? Well, how are you? –

Suddenly we see a cat along the fence,

Like a shadow passed on tiptoe.

-Stay with me a little longer!-

But I couldn’t stop him.

“Woof! Woof!” – the acquaintance said sternly,

Waving his tail and ran away.

V. Berestov

* * *

A very strange conversation

The controller got on the tram.

– What is it?


Right under the seat,

hiding and blinking,

white dog

Traveled by tram.

The inspector was surprised.

He looks at her point-blank:

-Please, citizen,

Present your ticket!

And for him the dog

Controller got angry:

– What a strange conversation?

No ticket – get out!

Be so kind!

And a dog for him

She answered: “Rr-ry. ..”

– What kind of conversation is this?!

The controller was indignant. –

– Don’t want to go out,

Pay a fine!

And a dog for him

Answered: “Af!”

The controller is confused:

– A very strange conversation …


You say:

Am I not right?

Passengers in chorus

answered: “Af!”

A Usachev



Sergey Mikhalkov

You can’t bring up puppies

By screaming and kicking.

A puppy brought up by a kick,

Will not be a devoted puppy.

You after a rough kick

Try calling the puppy!


V. Pashkova

A puppy ran after the cat,
But could not catch up with him.
Howled with annoyance, then –
Began to chase the tail.


The puppy has four paws,
ears and a funny tail.
He is fluffy and shaggy.
And passers-by licks in the nose.

G. Shestakova

Why do puppies have tails?
Without a doubt –
We need tails for beauty…
Also for mood.

L. Lukanova

I have a new friend,
He sniffed everything around
He became, a sofa, a magazine and a book
He is still quite a baby.
Barks loudly like a bell,
Of course, he’s a puppy!

A. Grishin

My playful puppy
Pulled cheese off the table,
Two cutlets, three cookies,
Ate it, and began to ask for forgiveness.
Only I forgave him –
He asked for more.

A. Eroshin

Why is a puppy too lazy
Bark loudly all day?
Barks for a reason:
Wants to play!

There lived a puppy in our kennel,
I could visit him.
But the kennel was getting smaller: in it
We were cramped every day.
And today in the morning
He and I didn’t get into the kennel.
No wonder: The puppy has grown up,
Now he is a hefty dog!


Y. Veramey

The puppy has a terribly deaf ear,
but he has an excellent sense of smell:
he can take a trace in three counts,
will eat meat cutlets without counting.
Will disperse with the barking of pigeons:
– Who will start with me soon?!
From around the corner,
yelps a little at the cat.
Claws by the withers and by the tail
sea lambs – the puppy is not simple!
And even if my puppy is not mature,
I know he is a great dog!
When he barks in his sleep,
the puppy flies in the clouds!

G. Zelenkina

Timoshka’s puppy
Dots on the back,
Dots on the paws,
Sharp teeth,
Black lips.
Round eyes
Look without fear.
He likes to play
And bite a little.
Such a puppy –
Mama’s boy.

T. Lavrova

I was washing a puppy in the river,
I was scrubbing my sides with a brush.
Only it was all in vain,
It’s blacker than ink!
I’ll call the puppy Chernysh.
Baby will be my friend!

E. Yaryshevskaya

I have a cherished shaggy Dream.
Simple and specific – from nose to tail.
If one happy day
My Dream came true,
Then I would have nothing else
And I wouldn’t dream then!
Would meet me at the door
Cheerful sonorous barking.
And it would mean: “Hurry
Play with me!”
A dream would bring me a ball,
Thrown into the bushes.
And I would drag from the table
Meatballs for Dreams,
Feed pancakes to her…
Dream won’t come true
Because of grumbling grandmother
And red cat.


M. Bronnikov

Black nose, four legs;
He crawled through a hole in the fence:
He first approached Bora,
He gave me a pat on the back,
And then he clung to me.
He poked his nose into my palm,
Licked it a little.
Wonderful puppy!
Would you like a meat pie?

V. Chugaev

The puppy had a sweet dream,
That he was a dog postman;
Carries mail
Regular and urgent:
Excellent biscuits
And juicy meatballs…

N. Radchenko

Why is the puppy trembling?
Because he got wet.
Because he has
No house of his own.
Why is the puppy sad?
Because I’m lonely.
Because the puppy
doesn’t even have a nickname yet.
We’ll take him home,
We’ll take care of him,
Let’s call him Baby…
– Mom, will you let me?
– Okay.
Only until the morning…
We’ll think about it…
– URA-A-A!

M. Pridvorov

We said to Nikolay:
– There is no life in the house from barking!
Darling, Nikolai,
Please don’t bark!
Nikolai, hanging his ears,
He listened carefully to us
And he answered, his tail up:
– Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!
Nikolasha, my dear friend,
It’s all funny, of course,
Only you’re completely wrong!
– Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!
We gave a collie puppy
a name, Kolya.
And Kolya has a bad temper.
– Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!

L. Kudryavtseva

Dad gave me a puppy.
– Well, a gift, give me a paw!
The dog sniffed my sleeve
And was delighted:
– Woof!
And then he licked his little finger
Playful Dalmatian,
In black, bright dots
From tail to paws.
This little white skin:
Both socks and a jacket.
And a hood with ears –
Camouflage overalls.
The dog licked me on the cheek,
Joyfully wagged his tail.
And I whispered to him:
– We are friends now!

O. Afanasyeva

The puppy ran home,
He poked his head into the bowl,
And then he fell on his side –
A hooligan puppy.
Near, mother’s, at the feet
The cocky puppy sleeps,
And had a dream in a sweet dream,
That he was riding a horse!
In a puddle of white milk
I found my puppy.
Our Fluff loves to play,
to swindle and indulge.

Lunin, Levin, R. Mukha

Swimming in a puddle
My white puppy.
became black as soot,
from head to toe.
I bathed
Black puppy,
My puppy became again
Whiter than milk.


T. Andreeva

Who fumbled so early in the hallway in the morning
And hid the newspaper with a fresh program?
Who quietly ate grandma’s slippers
And chewed Alyosha’s hat’s ear?
Who, without washing his hands, could dare,
Pull off the most delicious pie from the table?
Who looks into his eyes and nods obediently,
Who pulls a pillow from the sofa to his corner?
Who dreams of a cheeky cat in the middle of the night,
Who is more afraid of a broom than dad?
Who gives a paw, is he proud of his adventures? –
Meet our puppy named: “L-lord!”.

A. Eroshin

The puppy has a lot of work to do:
Chew boots in the hallway,
Smear jam on the carpet,
Scrape a hole in the door,
ruffle a rag in the kitchen,
Gnaw the sole of a slipper a little, 90 lightly drive a cat
Drink milk,
Make a puddle on the parquet,
Look out the window outside
And bark down
Sky, sun, clouds,
Dragonfly helicopter,
Everyone who lives below:
Naughty kids,
What snoops around the yard,
Pigeons, dogs on the grass,
Cats, grandmothers on the bench,
Evil janitor with a bucket,
House manager with a painter,
Locksmiths by the garage,
Wind, a butterfly, a swift. ..
You can bark for a long time, but
There are also plenty of things to do at home:
Throw glasses off the bedside table,
Tear the magazine to shreds,
Jump on the cot,
Tear feathers out of the pillow,
Pull out good things
From the garbage can,
Pull off the cloth from the table,
To make the bowl fall,
Caramels, saucers, cups,
Chamomile in a white vase,
Book, sugar bowl, spoon.
After – to lie down a bit,
Yawn, drink water…
And start work again!

S. Son

I know, but I don’t remember where –
The puppies have an appetizing dish:
Not big armfuls of pasta,
These are homemade SOFT SLIPPERS!
Delicious slippers at our Alyonka,
In slippers, the most delicious thing is the membranes!
I’ll probably eat them at breakfast –
Half! No, not at all!
Hush! Alena returned from the garden.
It seems that Alyonka is not happy with the slippers. ..
Like a vacuum cleaner, scurrying around the apartment!
How to correct your mistake?
Here. Alyonka’s boots were lying around…
Woof! Well, the work will be difficult:
How many rags do you need to bite out,
Making new soft slippers?


E. Kudryasheva

On a warm sunny day
Me, a dog and a puppy
We were going for a walk
Along the houses along the alley.
Only a small puppy
Could not climb the threshold:
The legs are very short,
That is why it is so difficult
All attempts to follow the mother
To overcome the threshold are stubborn.
No matter how hard our puppy struggled,
he couldn’t climb over the threshold!
Help, we really need it
Defeat the puppy’s obstacle,
So that in a sunny meadow
Play around with us!


I. Plokhikh

In a very old
Village Bueraki
Big dogs lived.
Each had
Eight puppies
Some of them are daughters,
Other sons.
Every fourth
The son was a puppy,
How many
dogs had daughters in total?


N. Shkonda

They gave me a puppy
Tolstopy Druzhok.
I come, meets me,
Escorts me to the garden in the morning,
Twirls his tail gently,
And then runs after me.
What a miracle this doggie is,
His button nose.
Slippers are running to me,
And then everything is somersault.
The ball flies so far,
he jumped high.
With a paw, that beat off slightly
I’m very happy for Druzhok.
And when the evening comes,
And I lie down on the bed,
Again ready for a new meeting,
He runs to me again.
Doggy-style good night
He yapps loudly at me.!
Good night like a child
He frolics in silence


Snowflakes are falling from the sky,
Tears are dripping in the saucer,
My puppy is missing,
And his name is Bindweed.
Help, help!
What should I do? Tell!
It’s been four days now,
I don’t have a dog!
Everyone keeps telling me: – He’ll be back.
Well, don’t cry, it’ll be fine.
But, I still roar,
Who stole Bindweed, the thief?
Suddenly there was a screech and clatter,
All the neighbors friendly laughter,
And Bindweed is running towards me,
My fluffy puppy.
Only black, not white,
I immediately got down to business,
I need to bathe a friend,
Feed, wrap up to sleep


In one village
One watchdog
Barked at the moon.
Not so much this dog
Broke the silence,
Yes, at that time, as a sin,
His neighbor did not sleep.
– Hey you, be quiet, empty talk, –
he barked in response.
And since he was angry
And there was no voiceless,
Then from a dream
began to cry
Another watchdog.
This is where it started!..

It went for a walk in all the yards:
– Don’t bark!
– Quiet!
– What a noise!
– Stop barking!
– Hey, will you!
– Ai-ai-ai-ai!
– Woof-woof!
– Rrr-gum! –
Such a ramble rose up –
At least plug your ears!

And everyone, most importantly, seriously
Wants to appease others.
He does not understand, Barbos,
That he himself is also barking!


A bulldog sat over a bone,
Tied to a post.
Small taxi driver fits
With wrinkles on the forehead.

“Listen, bulldog, bulldog,” –
Said the intruder.
“Let me bulldog, bulldog,
Eat this bone!”

The bulldog growls at the taxi driver:
“I won’t give you anything!”
The bulldog runs after the taxi driver,
And the taxi driver runs away from him.
Thunder around the post

Now the bulldog has a bone
No way to take it
And the taxi driver, taking the bone
Said to the bulldog like this: goodbye!
Sit on the chain.


She has not barked since morning,
She is an elderly dog.

She is tired of barking, getting angry…
Big, red, like a lioness,
She lies without moving
And looks silently, without grumbling,
At the arriving rook.

And this rook
Not stupid at all:
Drinking from a cup
Dog soup.

— Are you silent? —
Someone is shouting at her.
She even barks
Her in the morning
Takes nap…

The dog is sleeping.
She dreams of her childhood:
She is a puppy,
And everyone is shouting:
“Shut up, you,
Again you bark

Agniya Barto



The whole village sleeps in the snow,

No googoo.

The moon disappeared for the night,

It is snowing.

The kids are all on the ice,

On the pond.

The sledges squeal together –

Let’s go in a row!

Who is in the harness, who is the rider,

Wind to the side.

Our convoy stretched out.

Up to birches.

Suddenly the front line shouts:

“Damn, stop!”

The sled stopped, the laughter ceased—

“Brothers, the wolf!..”

Oh, how they splashed back!

Like hail.

Scattered everything from the pond –

Who goes where.

Where is the wolf? Yes, this is a dog –

Our Watchdog!

Laughter, roar, laughter and talk:

“Ah yes wolf!”

Sasha Black

* * *

There is a bulldog,

Two pairs of legs,


Tail is chopped off,




A bulldog is walking,

A bulldog is walking,

The owner is holding a leash.

Young hostess,

She wears

Summer Panama.

The wind blew off her panama!

For Panama

I need directly,

Boldated Bulldog

from Panama

pulls sideways,

pulls sideways,

pulls the leash! right into the puddle.



What will our mother say?

The bulldog is so ugly,

So clumsy!



His medals shine,

medals, medals,

For what they were given?

Tell me. why does my friend

sleeps without a pillow,

eats without hands,

walks without boots in winter,

And if he is happy –

wags his tail?

N. Pikuleva

* * * *

Dog breed


Burning barking,

Himself arranged races.

And flickers along the clearing

Long-eared earflaps.

Now – under the bush, Now – under the spruce

Fast, nimble spaniel.


He is proud and calm, confident, brave.

He walks importantly next to the owner.

For solidity, a thick briefcase would be…

Did you know? Of course it’s a Rottweiler.


With a lilac-blue tongue

He is familiar to everyone and everyone,

Hairy, thoughtful, a little sad

Common favorite, chow-chow.

French Bulldog

Instigator of fights and ploys

He is full of all sorts of ideas

And if not stopped,

Ready to implement them all.

Inventive, smart,

He is infinitely devoted to you.

I could give my life for you

French little bulldog.


“Sit”, “lie down”, “apport”, “barrier” –

A smart terrier will do everything.


Jumper, elastic and muscular,

Like a clever circus performer.

He is a comedian, he is a dreamer,

And he is called a boxer.


Wander, drowning in swamps and grasses,

He is ready and happy and has no equal.

And in the rack it will freeze on the draft of spring –

You will freeze with delight and yourself – a feast for the eyes!

Trophies will give – why waste time –

Your setter is a pointing bird hunter.


Short legs, innocent eyes.


In winter and summer – in a fox coat,

Likes to swim in the river, in the snow.

Reliable, loyal and calm

Your best friend is the Scottish Collie.


He is like from heavenly heights

From somewhere far away,

Condescends, proud and independent,

Looks haughtily from above.

But – this is an artificial fog,

He is kind, not in vain – DOBERMAN.


As an aristocrat of the highest family:

Eyes with veil, narrow muzzle,

Wavy ears to the withers – a wig,

Well, not a gray-haired old man.

But in the park – a reveler, a breter, a hooligan,

Afghan Greyhound.

* * *

children, poems, about, dogs, puppies,

what kind of dog are you according to your zodiac sign

Many men associate girls with the cat family. And in vain. After all, dogs are no worse! We bring to your attention an unusual horoscope in which each sign of the Zodiac will find similarities with a specific breed



the beauty



the reasons

fashion shows

Capricorn – German Shepherd

Reference service dog: without work, it withers and dries, loses hair and the meaning of life. Tellingly, he won’t do his own work: he might bring slippers, but with this circus of yours, you know, go to the poodles. Not for this, outstanding breeders bred their berries! So living with a shepherd dog means living in constant work: training, training and more training. Where did you go? Stop, she said! To the leg! Drop the stick, quickly! On the other hand, it is, of course, very disciplined. About like life with a Capricorn lady. The whole difference is that the German Shepherd will one day retire, and the Capricorn will be bullshit for you.

Aquarius – Jack Russell Terrier

If the Jack Russell caught you red-handed (read the newspaper here when the dog hasn’t been played for five minutes!) – you won’t be able to get out. You have to throw the ball again – and throw the ball again. Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball. There is, of course, another option – you can leave Jack Russell, in the sense of fate: let him entertain himself, since he is such a merry fellow! But it should be remembered that the Jack Russell Terrier is not just a merry fellow, but a hunting dog, ready to dive into anyone’s hole and take a fight there. So if the Jack Russell starts to entertain himself, there is a chance that you will not like the result very much. In a sense, you are tormented by hiding corpses. So you better throw him a ball. And go with Aquarius to the skating rink. And that will be worse.

Pisces – Afghan Hound

She is very beautiful. No, not like that: she is Very Beautiful. The Afghan Hound is perfection itself, there are no more beautiful dogs at all. And even the fact that maintaining this beauty requires a huge amount of time and money does not stop anyone. For the sake of this, you can endure! True, Afghan hounds regularly take an honorable second place in the list of the most stupid dog breeds. Which, of course, is not true and an evil slander, the greyhound just wanted to spit on people, including the owners: bring me my bowl, slave, and disappear! Greyhounds are simply not designed to work with humans, they have other tasks. And the Afghan Hound has not had any work tasks for a long time, except for one: to decorate the world with itself. They are such cats. Well, or Rybka.

Aries — Alabai

A real comrade-in-arms: he won’t let the enemy in, and will hide behind his partner’s back only to suddenly jump out and bite everyone at the right moment. A dog full of strength, courage and dignity. And truly donkey stubbornness: if an alabai decides something, then it will be so. Those who want to bet must first budge seventy kilograms of Alabai flesh, from the tip of the fang to the tip of the tail, created specifically to crush ferocious wolves. So you’re saying there are no applicants? Hm. Alabai thought so. Young lady-Aries – too.

Taurus – Basset Hound

Honorary first place in the list of the most stupid dogs in the world! As well as the most unfortunate dogs, the most clumsy dogs and the most useless dogs. Bassets are almost untrainable. Bassets always look as if they were told that in a minute the end of the world will come – in their eyes all the sorrow of innocent humanity. Bassets do not want to do anything, they want to lie on their booty in a warm chair (yes, it is impossible to drive a basset out of there – it is heavy and pretends to be deaf). But in fact, the basset is not a stupid dog at all. He’s just a hound. His head is so empty in order to fit the Trace there. If the basset has taken the trail, he will not leave it to the end. And he will have to follow him along this trail to the final point, because everything else is up to him now. Taurus, by the way, too. They cannot be led astray, they do not care where to go. Amen.

Gemini – Siberian Husky

Scary creature! Incredibly beautiful and extremely friendly. The combination of these delightful qualities makes everyone around at first sight and forever fall in love with huskies. Ha ha, buy it, buy it! Husky is not a dog at all. Husky is an infernal joke of nature, a cross between a raccoon and d’Artagnan. Let’s have fun, thousand devils! Let’s chase cats, challenge dogs to a duel, steal a pot of borscht from the stove and troll the owner. And now – the song! For-you-wai! In general, all this can be tolerated for only one reason, but we still don’t know it. But after all, someone gets a husky and lives with Gemini, right?

Cancer Collie

Multifunctional dog: can herd, can serve. Not to shepherd and not to serve, which is typical, can never be done at all, even in a dream or at death. The main task of the collie is to gather the whole herd together and tell it to move in the right direction. Naturally, no one asks the herd itself whether it wants to move in this very direction: bovid dissidents, rebels and other renegades simply learn from their own fillets how sharp their shepherd’s teeth are. On the other hand, if the shepherd is a collie, that is, a Cancer lady, you can relax and just chew: she will take care of the rest. But chew carefully!

Lion-Yorkshire Terrier

Glamor dog: a frequenter of fashion shows and stylish parties, always perfectly trimmed and styled, the purse in which she travels is sometimes more expensive than the dog itself. But the main thing, however, is different: the main thing is that everyone considers Yorkies to be the most charming dogs in the world – they are not only very beautiful, but also very brave. Ah, brave little heart! I just want to carry them on my arms and kiss them all the time. This is how the young ladies-Lionesses live, and no one will ever know about their path from mud to princes. How almost no one knows about the dark past of the Yorkies, who were bred to work in the garbage: Yorkies are born rat-catchers, and rats are most of all there.

Virgo – Giant Schnauzer

Seeing a Giant Schnauzer at night in a dark alley is not very good. True, the Giant Schnauzer is quite difficult to see, because he is strong, fast and devilishly cunning. And extremely ferocious. True, few people guess about this, because the Giant Schnauzer does not have a muzzle: a beard below, a bang on top, eyes are not visible, facial expressions too, and no one knows what this black ghost with the mouth of a crocodile is thinking about. Including the owner. But it is easy for the owner to train his dog, because the rizens are smart and love the rules. Actually, that’s the only reason they haven’t killed all of us yet. Maybe. May be. Who knows what they have on their minds – they are like the Virgins: they also sit silently with an absent expression on their faces. And then the defendant falls and shouts: “Take off your cannibal from me!”

Libra – Chihuahua

Next to a Chihuahua, anyone feels like a great hero: she is so small, so fragile, such a defenseless dog! In any incomprehensible situation, you need to take her in your arms and kiss her on the top of her head, otherwise she will begin to tremble and look at you plaintively and plaintively. It’s not a dog at all, it looks like a fairy. A fragile fairy who is threatened by the whole world: dirty big dogs, disgustingly clumsy children with shoulder blades, insidious crows and wild cats, more like serial maniacs. And that’s why the little chuhuahua wants to kill them all. Slow and painful. Actually, that’s the only reason why they don’t let them off the handles – like the young Libra ladies. Yes, it’s really not a very dog. That’s a kilo and a half of rage.

Scorpio – Doberman

Demon dog. Infernally beautiful and completely crazy. It will go to the desired goal over the bodies of defeated enemies, and those who did not die of horror at the sight of her charming smile will bite off their heads without slowing down the pace of the lynx. Life credo: “Dominate and humiliate.” True, all this applies exclusively to outsiders. With relatives, Dobermans, like Scorpio young ladies, allow themselves to be themselves: reference choleric hysteroid type. But incredibly charming!

Sagittarius Staffordshire Terrier

The best companion in the world! A terrible reputation does not prevent the Staffordshire from plugging Labradors into their belts in the matter of loving their neighbor: these very neighbors regularly straighten their noses, unable to withstand the meeting with the cast-iron forehead of a loving little dog.

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