5 habitos de higiene personal: 10 Hábitos de Higiene Saludables | Buenos Aires Ciudad

5 habitos de higiene personal: 10 Hábitos de Higiene Saludables | Buenos Aires Ciudad

10 Hábitos de Higiene Saludables | Buenos Aires Ciudad

Adoptar hábitos de higiene saludables es fundamental para la salud de nuestros hijos e hijas y es necesario que, tanto dentro de casa como fuera de ella, seamos capaces de transmitirles su importancia.
Con una buena higiene evitamos que se enfermen y fomentamos su bienestar y el de nuestro entorno.

1- Tener sus propios elementos de higiene personal

  • Cepillo de dientes
  • Pasta
  • Peine
  • Jabón
  • Toalla
  • Alcohol en gel

Además de los que tienen en el hogar, es importante que lleven una bolsa pequeña en sus mochilas con jabón, desinfectante, cepillo y pasta de dientes, sobre todo, si comen fuera de casa.

2- Lavarse las manos y cepillarse las uñas

Tienen que aprender a lavarse correctamente las manos con agua y jabón, además de cepillarse las uñas, sobre todo, antes de manipular alimentos y comer, después de tocar animales, antes y después de ir al baño y, por supuesto, cada vez que estén sucias o vuelvan de la calle.

3- Tomar una ducha o baño diario

A medida que van creciendo, hay que enseñarles cómo lavarse bien cada parte del cuerpo para que vayan adquiriendo autonomía.

4- Limpiarse bien los pies

En verano, los chicos y chicas pasan mucho tiempo descalzos. Y, cuando llega el frío, sus pies siempre están ‘encerrados’ en los zapatos. Por eso, hay más riesgo de que entren en contacto con gérmenes u hongos. Después de enseñarles a lavarlos bien por todas partes, la planta, el empeine y entre los dedos, es esencial que les trasmitamos la importancia de secarlos correctamente. En la humedad, ya se sabe, proliferan los microorganismos.

5- Cuidar el pelo

No es necesario lavarse el pelo cada día, pero sí llevarlo limpio. Cuando tengan edad de empezar a lavárselo solos, es importante enseñarles a enjabonarlo y a enjuagar sin dejar restos.

6- Higiene de orejas y oídos

La mejor manera de mantener limpia esta parte del cuerpo es aprovechar el momento después de un baño que incluya lavado de cabeza. A la hora de secarse, hay que repasar bien las orejas con una toalla, por detrás y entre los pliegues. Podemos secar el oído también, pero con mucho cuidado. Y, muy importante: nunca debemos introducir ni hisopos ni ningún otro objeto. Y mucho menos dejar que lo hagan ellos solos.

7- Sonarse la nariz

Las alergias y otros problemas respiratorios temporales producen mucosidad, y su exceso puede obstruir las fosas nasales y dificultar la respiración. Es importante que los chicos sepan cómo sonarse la nariz; llevar siempre pañuelos limpios, y evitar tocarse la nariz con las manos sucias.

8- Cortarse las uñas

El mejor consejo es que los niños mantengan las uñas cortas, y que no haya espacio para la acumulación de bacterias. Ya sabemos que las manos van con frecuencia a los ojos y a la boca… Las uñas de las manos deben cortarse haciendo una pequeña curva, y en las de los pies, en cambio, el corte tiene que ser recto, para evitar que se claven los ángulos, lo cual puede resultar doloroso. Por último, debemos hacer hincapié en que no se tiren de los pellejitos. Pueden lastimarse, e incluso generar una herida con riesgo de infección.

9- Cepillarse los dientes después de cada comida

Es un hábito que los chicos deben adquirir desde bien chicos para prevenir caries, mal aliento y posibles enfermedades. El cepillado de antes de dormir es el más importante, ya que la proliferación de bacterias es más activa por la noche. Los dentistas aconsejan que el proceso dure alrededor de 5 minutos.

Pasos para un cepillado correcto:

  • Desplazar el cepillo con movimientos verticales de arriba hacia abajo. Debe abarcar la línea de la encía, los dientes y la unión entre ellos. Y cepillar los dientes por delante y por detrás.
  • Para la zona de masticación (la parte superior de las muelas), realizar movimientos cortos horizontales, de atrás a delante, o circulares, con suavidad.
  • Limpiar la lengua, las mejillas interiores y el paladar.
  • Enjuagar la boca con buches de agua para eliminar los restos de dentífrico.
  • Usar el hilo dental para limpiar el espacio que hay entre los dientes, pero siempre con mucho cuidado, para no generar lesiones en la encía.

Mirá también el video de la Dra. Lucila Bagú con tips para un buen cepillado

10- Mantener la higiene en el baño

Cuando los niños empiezan a ir al baño solos, tienen que aprender a limpiarse bien, ya que los genitales son una parte del cuerpo que requiere de especial atención para evitar posibles infecciones.
Es muy importante que las niñas sean conscientes de que deben limpiarse de adelante hacia atrás. Después de utilizar el inodoro, tienen que tirar de la cadena y comprobar que haya quedado limpio. Por último, recordar siempre la importancia de lavarse inmediatamente las manos con agua y jabón.

5 hábitos de higiene personal que no deben faltar en tu hijo


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Sentirse saludable, es una serie de condiciones físicas y mentales a las que todos debemos poner especial cuidado, más aún, si se trata de los niños, en este caso, es fundamental que los padres inculquen a sus hijos el establecimientos de hábitos para formar ciudadanos responsables, atentos consigo mismos y, que a la larga, vaya en beneficio de la sociedad.

Los hábitos de higiene personal, son tareas diarias que debemos ejercer desde pequeños, tanto para mantenernos saludables, como para mejorar nuestras relaciones interpersonales. Existen,  condiciones y/o enfermedades que pueden evitarse con tan solo tener buenos hábitos, como las caries, diarrea y hasta el muy conocido en estos tiempos “coronavirus”.

Los niños son por lo general, muy curiosos,  y ese, es el momento más preciso para enseñarles sobre los hábitos de higiene personal, de los cuales tenemos:

1)Útiles de higiene personal: es lo principal que se le debe enseñar a los niños por el carácter de responsabilidad misma que conlleva, como por motivos de higiene. Desde muy pequeños, se les debe inculcar el valor de tener y cuidar los implementos personales de aseo, tales como el cepillo de dientes, peine, alcohol en gel y otros. Esto permitirá abrir el rol de sentido de pertenencia, es por ello, la importancia de tener un kits de estos útiles portátil, de manera que tenga sus implementos para cepillarse luego de cada comida, aún si no está en casa.  

2) Lavado de manos: una sencilla y económica práctica que solo incluye agua y jabón, puede llegar a ser una acción muy representativa para la vida de las personas.

Con la epidemia del Coronavirus, surgieron diferentes campañas de las formas correctas para lavarnos las manos, el cual, es importante aplicar en los siguientes casos: luego de ir al baño, antes y después de cada comida, al estar en contacto con agentes exteriores, y cada vez que sea necesario, incluso, hay quienes piensan, que debe hacerse al menos cada media hora, puesto que las manos, son nuestra principal fuente de contacto, por lo tanto, la existencia de microbios es latente. 

Al tema de lavarse las manos, es prudente añadirle el uso de alcohol en gel, para las estadías en la calle. 

3) Lavarse los dientes: un buen reto, pero sin duda alguna, un hábito que agradecerán por toda la vida. Lavarse los dientes, al levantarse y luego de cada comida, es indispensable en la higiene personal, pues previene la aparición de las dolorosas caries que tanto aquejan con el tiempo.  

4) Bañarse: si los chicos aprenden la importancia de este hábito desde pequeños, los problemas serán menos en la sociedad. Asearse (bañarse), el correcto uso del jabón, shampoo e implementos para esta práctica, debe ser supervisada al inicio del hábito, debe tomarse en cuenta, que aprendan correctamente a cómo lavarse sus partes íntimas, cabello, axilas y cuerpo en general, retirarse el jabón adecuadamente y secarse con la toalla. 

5)Los estornudos: otro plan básico en la enseñanza en los niños, su importancia es tanto para ellos mismos, como para los demás, estornudar y cubrirse la boca con un pañuelo, o en su defecto con el antebrazo, permitirá que las manos estén libres de los microorganismos que acompañan el estornudo, y poder saludar con regularidad a los demás (por eso la importancia de lavarse las manos).

Crear hábitos en los niños, requiere de mucha paciencia y persistencia, repetir una y otra vez las mismas acciones hasta lograr integrarlas a las rutinas, sin embargo, es muy beneficioso porque los buenos hábitos, hacen mejores personas, conscientes de su salud y responsables con los demás.  


5 personal hygiene habits to instill in a child under 3 years old

Tips for mothers

Legion Media

A child absorbs information like a sponge from childhood. You should not think that he is still small, does not understand anything, and wait for a more mature age to teach him self-care. This is especially true for the oral cavity. When to start instilling hygiene skills in a baby and what to pay attention to, said Yegana Marufidi, Candidate of Medical Sciences, a practicing periodontist, general director of the Stolitsa clinic.

About the importance of hygiene

Many parents think that caring for baby teeth is not that important – they will fall out anyway, it’s not scary. Indigenous ones will grow to replace them and there will be no problems. But the rudiments of future “real” teeth are already under the milk teeth. And the state of the latter directly affects the future health of the indigenous.

Early loss of milk teeth, long before the change to permanent ones, can provoke the formation of malocclusion. And inflammation, caries can not only spoil the growth of a permanent tooth, but also provoke enamel defects.

Therefore, the early habit of oral care is extremely important. After all, the health of the whole organism as a whole depends on the condition of the teeth.

When to start teaching?

It is normal for children to perceive oral invasion negatively. The self-preservation instinct of babies works very well. And the mouth is an intimate zone, and everyone is not allowed into it easily. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the process of accustoming to caring for teeth can be delayed, and your baby will resist. But this is not a reason to either retreat or insist too much. Be careful and careful.

Oral care should be started already when the first baby tooth has erupted. Very neat. The main actions are performed by the mother, and her main goal is for the baby to just get used to the procedure.

When we talk about more serious learning, this is the very age when the baby begins to show independence – that is, at 2-3 years old. It is now that the notorious “I myself!” appears. This will already be the right time for a full-fledged accustoming to personal hygiene, oral care, and health care ( read also : bad advice from advertising: should you brush your teeth after eating).

Legion Media

You will need it”:

Children’s electric toothbrush

Sonic children’s electric toothbrush for the care of milk teeth and molars for children from 3 to 12 years old.

Advertising. LLC “Yandex”

5 important hygiene habits

When forming good habits, remember that, first of all, children copy adults. Therefore, if you demand something from the baby, but do not fulfill it yourself, then the results are unlikely to be. Prove the importance of hygiene by example. Teach your child from an early age to these important habits:

  1. Brush your teeth regularly. Regardless of whether you want it or not, whether the baby has skills or not, the ritual should be daily, every morning and every evening. Get close to your child and do it together.

  2. Do it yourself. Do not interfere, if the baby wants to brush his teeth himself, do not take away the brush and do not say – you still do not know how. Let the child learn to brush his teeth himself, and then you clean it.

  3. Learn to rinse and spit. As a rule, by the age of 3 all babies know how to do this. But explaining what and how to do is important – this skill is not formed by itself.

  4. Eat right. By the age of 3, a child usually has all 20 teeth, and they need to grind solid food well. Be sure to include solid foods in your diet – apples, carrots, celery. Everything that can be chewed. This is necessary in order to properly stimulate the growth of the jaw and the physiological cleaning of the teeth.

  5. Dental visit. If you have never brought your child to the clinic before the age of three, now it is worth making a visit a habit. The kid must understand that once every three months he will be at the dentist’s office, accept the fact that the doctor will look into his mouth and, possibly, carry out certain manipulations .

Legion Media

You will like it”:

Aquafresh Teeth Cleaning Set

Allows the baby to take good care of the oral cavity.

Advertising. LLC “Yandex”

Do not press during hygiene training. Explain to the child why all this is necessary, set a personal example. Add certain rituals. Solemn change of a toothbrush once a month, a joint choice of a new, interesting one. Brush your teeth on a timer. There is a beautiful small hourglass, which will be interesting for the child to watch during the procedure.

Show care, tact, don’t back down if you’ve already started. The kid will understand that brushing his teeth is a mandatory procedure, regular, and he must do it himself. The sooner you start teaching him important hygiene habits, the less dental problems you will have to deal with later.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, practicing dentist-periodontist, general director of the clinic “Capital”.


  • health
  • children
  • children and parents

Basic rules for personal hygiene and human health

Rules for personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules for human behavior that are designed to keep the body and the whole body clean.

Did you imagine that in just 1 week about 200-300 g of fat and from 3 to 7 liters of sweat are released through the skin of a person!!! As you understand, sweat and fat must be constantly washed off. If this is not done, then the protective properties of the skin can be destroyed, as a result, it will turn into a breeding ground for germs.

Compliance with the simplest rules of personal hygiene is a necessity that creates protection for the body from various ailments.

In addition to keeping the body clean, an active lifestyle and fresh air are an integral part of personal hygiene.

If we proceed from the scientific definition, then personal hygiene is included in the section of medicine, within which methods of recovery are developed, through the fulfillment by a person of the requirements and rules for keeping both his body and his everyday environment clean in the form of clothes and housing. A society is unlikely to be generally healthy if most of its members do not observe the rules of personal hygiene.

And these rules are generally simple, but some of them need to be paid attention to daily, and some periodically, but regularly. This, it seems to me, may be one of the difficulties of their implementation. First of all, it is necessary to take care of our body, maintain its external cleanliness and strengthen it through physical education, healthy food, alternation of work and rest.

Pay sufficient attention to the cleanliness of our clothes. Undoubtedly, our housing also needs it. It should not be running, it requires periodic cleaning, washing of bedding.

And what is no less important in today’s world is the observance of the appropriate hygiene of our consciousness. Learn to control your thoughts and your speech. I think that many already understand that our thoughts and words not only affect our environment and what happens to us in life, but also directly on ourselves.

Personal hygiene rules

Personal hygiene includes: hygiene of the skin, oral cavity, hair, nails, feet, personal care items. Let’s consider everything in more detail.

Hygiene items

Each person should have personal necessary hygiene items that can be shared only with their halves.

Soap. Towel. Toothbrush. Washcloth. Tweezers. Razor. Manicure tools. Comb. Creams and scrubbing jars (which are taken with fingers). Hair clipper. Deodorants and antiperspirants. Balm, gloss and lipstick.

Skin hygiene

  • Take a shower, wash thoroughly, wash the groin area and armpits daily.
  • Wash your hands after traveling, before eating, after going to the toilet, after contact with animals, money, gadgets (smartphones, tablets, keyboards, mice, etc.), as well as if they are dirty.
  • Try to take a bath at least once a week.
  • When taking water procedures (shower, bath, bath), be sure to use a washcloth.

Hair hygiene

  • Wash your hair as it gets dirty (for some it is every day, for others once a week).
  • Dry your hair with a warm towel, and try not to dry it with a hair dryer.
  • Comb twice a day.

Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene contributes to the health of not only teeth, but also internal organs, since a large number of pathogens accumulate in the oral cavity, and if they are not removed in time, they enter the body.

Oral hygiene includes:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day – morning and evening.
  • Toothbrush should be changed every 3 months, or sooner if the bristles are worn out.
  • Use dental floss.
  • Rinse your mouth after eating.
  • See your dentist if you have problems with your teeth.

Nail hygiene

  • Keep nails and under nails clean.
  • Trim your nails as they grow.

Foot hygiene

  • Regularly clean your heels and feet with a pumice stone or special files to remove dead skin cells.
  • Make sure that there are no corns, if they appear – treat.

Clothes, shoes and bedding

  • Change towels twice a week.
  • Change bed linen once a week.
  • Underwear, socks, stockings, tights, change daily.
  • Wear clean clothes after showering or bathing.
  • Wash your shoes not only on the outside, but also on the inside.
  • In closed shoes, wash, dry and change insoles.
  • Keep pets away from bedding.
  • Wearing someone else’s shoes and clothes is unacceptable!

2.3 Periodically massage the gums. At home, you can do this procedure either with a special soft brush or with your finger, well-washed hands. The gum is stroked, rubbed and gently pressed at different points. This simple procedure helps to improve blood circulation in the gums and nutrition of the roots of the teeth, relieves swelling.

3.1 You can often see how the ears are cleaned with special cotton swabs when the ear canal is clogged with sulfur. But, according to doctors, it is worth doing this in very rare cases and very carefully, when a sulfur plug has formed there, which does not come out for a long time. The ears are self-cleaning from sulfur, and therefore it is enough just to wash the external auricles with soapy water a couple of times a week. Trying to remove all the sulfur from the ears is not worth it. It is a protective lubricant, and the ears are vulnerable without it. But when we frequently remove wax from our ears, it is produced in even greater quantities. Therefore, it is better to inject a few drops of a product specially designed for cleaning the ears, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

3.2 As for the eyes , , in order to prevent their diseases and deterioration of vision, the following procedures should be carried out daily:

  • massage and blinking. Massage improves the blood supply to the eyes, relieves them in case of fatigue and strengthens the nerve endings.

It usually consists of alternating rotations, strokes and pressure. It is better to spend a couple of minutes using your palms, and then sit without opening your eyes. The same can be done at work, with eye fatigue from constant stress, when, for example, you sit at a computer for a long time.

It is also very useful to relax the eyes by blinking them and rotating them in different directions. This contributes to a more even distribution of tear fluid over the surface of the eyeball, which, in addition to moisturizing the cornea, disinfects the eyes, protecting them from microbes, and promotes relaxation. Therefore, it is better to blink more often than to rub them with your hands;

  • rinse with water. Water is good for the eyes. Therefore, it is very useful to wash them with cold water as a preventive measure. It is necessary to immerse your face in cold water (for example, pouring it into a cup) for 4-5 seconds, without closing your eyes, and blink them a little. Or, if it is not possible to draw water into the dishes (for example, at work), you can simply moisten or splash into open eyes several times.

3.3 The sinuses should normally be clean and should only be cleared in cases of illness when they become clogged. This should be done with special solutions, preferably after receiving and consulting a therapist.

4. Now let’s look at a few simple tips and rules from specialists in genital hygiene, since non-compliance with them can lead to various diseases. Then you will have to make significant efforts, funds and time to bring them back to normal.

First of all, regular washing, especially after going to the toilet. It is clear that personal hygiene products (towel, washcloth, razor …) must be individual.

Pay special attention to the use of contraceptives during sexual intercourse, especially if you are not aware of the possible problems of a partner in the sexual area. Now, on relationships in the intimate sphere, there is enough useful practical information to protect your body.

5. To the above hygienic recommendations and advice, we should add a few more important points that will greatly help improve our health.

5.1 To raise our tone and strengthen immunity, we should periodically carry out water hardening procedures. There are several types of them, for example – dousing with cold water, winter swimming, a bath or sauna, a contrast shower.

5.2 Physical activity. This is understandable and does not need special comments. This includes fitness, walking, running, Nordic walking, cycling, swimming and much more you can think of to keep fit and improve your health.

5.3 Healthy eating, observing the correct work and rest schedule, avoiding bad habits. Now enough has been written about it and it has become increasingly used in everyday life. For the implementation of our plans and a full life, free energy is needed. It is produced by the body both from healthy food (link to an article about food for every day), which we should consume to a greater extent, and accumulates during sleep and good rest.

As for bad habits, I think it’s worth looking at the medical site the state of the internal organs of people who have abused smoking, alcohol or, for example, dabbled in light drugs in order to sober up and think about it. Therefore, it is important to include this in our lives in order to be in good shape, get sick less and live a full life.

Keeping clothes and home clean

6.1 What we wear plays an important role in our well-being and tone. After all, clothing, in addition to informational and aesthetic functions, is designed to protect us from the vagaries of the weather, and also protects the skin of our body from all kinds of harmful influences. Therefore, when we are dressed out of season (of course, if we have not yet reached the level of walking in a T-shirt and shorts in winter, which I have seen several times in the city)), then this situation can really lead to undesirable consequences such as overheating or hypothermia, or even more sad – a burn or frostbite. And of course, clothes should not constrain us in any movement and fit freely to the body.

6.2 What would be the best fabrics for clothing? Natural fibers seem to be the better option. Such fabrics are permeable to air and better absorb the sweat of our body. But clothes from these fabrics are difficult to pick up now, and they have their drawbacks, so fabrics where there will be, say, 80% cotton and 20% polyester are quite suitable.

This combination surpasses only one natural fabric in its characteristics. The appearance of what you are wearing improves, the period of wearing increases significantly, the clothes become elastic and durable. Therefore, here it is worth choosing various combinations of such fabrics for yourself.

And of course, don’t forget to wash and periodically change what we wear every day. And what cannot be cleaned at home, be sure to take it to dry cleaning. Especially jackets, jackets, etc.

6.3 A little about shoes. It should be selected both by season and by size. Incorrectly fitting shoes often contribute to severe abrasions on the foot in large sizes, or increase the possibility of frostbite and foot deformity in small sizes.

6.4 Our home, among others, also has a protective function. It shelters us from bad weather, the necessary comfortable conditions for living are maintained inside. We breathe the air of the room in which we live. We collect dust and dirt that may be present in the room. Therefore, rules for keeping housing clean have long been established.

6.5 An apartment or other dwelling where we stay for a long time must be ventilated at least once a day in cold weather, and in warm weather, it is generally desirable to keep a window or window open all the time, for better ventilation of the apartment (if there is no air conditioning ). Cleaning, including wet cleaning, is best done once a week. Then the content of dust and dirt in the apartment, without much effort, can be minimized. In the period from 3 to 6 months, it is worth carrying out a more in-depth cleaning (general), where you need to wipe the dust in those places where you usually do not get during the weekly cleaning.

6.6 Get rid of unnecessary things and clothes that have not been used for one to two years. Even if it seems that we will ever wear them. Judging by experience, these things remain unclaimed.

Somewhere in the same period, to make minor, necessary repairs in the apartment. Something to plaster, tint. The apartment loves to be taken care of. As the builder who did the repairs in my new apartment told me, “If the renovated apartment is not inhabited for a long time, it begins to collapse, although there seems to be no apparent reason for this.” Therefore, it is necessary to take care of our housing, and above all, keep it clean, which also affects the strengthening of our health.

The hygiene of our mind

As I said in the first chapter, our thoughts and words, repeated for some time and fixed at the level of habit (a habit can be developed in a couple of months), can and most often affect our health. First of all, thoughts and words primarily affect our biofield, introducing distortions there, in the event that the meaning and content of these messages carries negative information (ie, low-frequency information).

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