After sun embarazo: Productos básicos para cuidar la piel de mamá en verano

After sun embarazo: Productos básicos para cuidar la piel de mamá en verano

Productos básicos para cuidar la piel de mamá en verano

La llegada del verano es sinónimo de cuidados de la piel. Y es que, la época estival es la temporada del año en la que más se resiente la dermis: las largas horas al Sol, el Astro Rey está más cerca de la Tierra y sus rayos inciden de forma más directa sobre ella y, además, el agua de las piscinas, el mar y los ríos actúan como ‘efecto lupa’ haciendo que, si cabe, los rayos sean algo más dañinos.

Por eso, es muy importante recordar proteger la piel diariamente. No solo durante la exposición solar, si no en cualquier momento del día. Además, lo de aplicarse un protector solar una vez antes de salir de casa no vale: es necesario ir renovando la aplicación periódicamente a lo largo del día y completar el cuidado una vez que se llegue a casa.

¿Cómo? Usando aftersuns y cremas de frío que calmen y rebajen la temperatura de la piel. Una ducha de agua fría o templada tampoco vendrá mal.

Pero, aparte de la protección, es necesario tener en cuenta que la piel necesita mucha hidratación. Esta puede venir en forma de cremas hidratantes faciales, de leches corporales e, incluso, de geles. Aunque también es imprescindible cuidarla desde dentro bebiendo mucha agua y líquidos saciantes.

Por si esto fuera poco, son muchas las personas que quieren verse bien durante todo el año y, en especial, cuando llega el verano. Para ellas, las cremas antiestrías, anticelulíticas, las reafirmantes o las hidratantes con efecto lifting serán sus mayores aliadas. Productos que también son perfectos para cuidar la piel de las embarazadas durante el verano: recordemos que la piel de la tripa se estira como consecuencia del crecimiento del  bebé y, por tanto, estará mucho más delicada. Algo que también puede pasar en los muslos, los antebrazos o los glúteos. Por eso, estos productos no pueden faltar en la rutina diaria de ninguna mamá (aunque no sea verano).

Aparte de ellos, existen otros artículos pensados para ayudarnos a vernos bien por fuera y por dentro y los hemos recopilado todos en esta galería para que los tengas a mano cada vez que los necesites. ¡Muy atento!

Crema hidratante para la cara

La crema hidratante facial debe ser uno de los must en el neceser de verano (y de todas las estaciones de año). Eso sí, elegir la más adecuada para tu piel no es tarea fácil: por suerte, existen muchas marcas que ofrecen este servicio y que te recomiendan una crema para tu tipo específico de piel. Nosotros hemos elegido la Moisture 72 horas de Clinique porque consideramos que es una opción muy buena para  verano: su efecto gel consigue un efecto fresco en la cara y, además, la hidratación dura 72 horas. ¿Un truco? Puedes meterla en la nevera y su frescor se multiplicará.

Protector solar

El protector solar es, por supuesto, el producto cosmético por excelencia del verano. No puede faltar en ningún neceser y no debes olvidar renovar la aplicación cada cierto tiempo para evitar que los rayos incidan directamente en la piel. Te proponemos el nuevo protector solar de ISDIN HydroLotion, un protector bifásico que protege y oxigena la piel a la vez. Además, es de secado inmediato.


Contar con un buen exfoliante es una de las claves para que la piel se mantenga libre de cualquier contaminante, para que coja mejor bronceado y para que tenga buen aspecto. Te proponemos el Coriander de Khiels.

Crema antiestrías

Para evitar las estrías, es necesario utilizar una crema específica a diario y extenderla bien por la tripa, las caderas, los muslos y el pecho (excepto la areola y el pezón), realizando masajes circulares. Para conseguir un efecto perfecto, nada como usar la antiestrías de Suavinex que, además de prevenir la aparición de estrías, ayuda a mejorar el aspecto de las ya existentes. Uno de sus secretos principales es que está elaborada con un 89% de ingredientes naturales y que tiene una textura ligera y de fácil absorción.

After sun

Otro de nuestros compañeros inseparables verano tras verano es la crema pensada para después de la exposición solar. Y es que, aplicándolo, nuestra piel estará hidratada, cuidada y potenciaremos su bronceado. Nosotros apostamos por este de Piz Buin, todo un clásico.

Crema hidratante para los pies

Los talones y la planta del pie tienden a resecarse y agrietarse mucho en la temporada estival. Y es que, el uso de zapatos abiertos, demasiado planos y el contacto con el agua con cloro y con sal puede ser un potencial enemigo de la belleza y el cuidado de esta piel. Por eso, consideramos imprescindible hacerse con una buena hidratante de pies con la que hacer un suave masaje y mimarla mucho. Una crema clásica y con muy buenas opiniones es la Crema Pies Ultra-hidratante de Neutrogena.

Gel efecto frío

En verano, las piernas y los pies tienden a hincharse por la incidencia del calor. Además, la piel está más expuesta a los rayos y puede sufrir alguna que otra quemadura. Es por eso, que un gel de efecto frío no debe faltar en la nevera. El de Babaria aporta muy buenos resultados.

Stick de protección

Para las zonas más complicadas y sensibles de hidratar (como las ojeras, alguna cicatriz o la marca de ángel) un stick de protección es perfecto. Puedes llevarlo contigo siempre en el neceser o el bolso e ir renovando la aplicación cada vez que te resulte necesario. Proponemos este de Avène que puedes encontrar con diferentes niveles de protección.

Crema reafirmante

Esta crema, aunque puede ser beneficiosa para todas las mujeres, es especialmente esencial para las embarazadas. Y es que, durante los nueve meses de gestación la piel pierde elasticidad y buena presencia y es por eso que hay que mimarla, si cabe, más. La crema reafirmante de Suavinex tiene un 93% de ingredientes naturales y está enriquecida con manteca de karité, para proporcionar una buena hidratación. Además, combate la flacidez y estimula la producción de colágeno.

Protector labial

Una de las zonas que más pueden sufrir las quemaduras solares son los labios. Por eso, es de vital importancia no olvidarse de su hidratación, al igual que hacemos con la piel del resto del cuerpo. Existen protectores solares especialmente creados para ellos, como este de Shiseido que está disponible con varios factores de protección.


Llega el embarazo y todo son dudas. No es para menos ya que dentro de ti se está gestando una vida preciosa. Es el momento en el que más conectados vais a estar el bebé y tú. Tus experiencias, ya sena positivas o negativas se van a trasladar al bebé.

La alimentación la tenemos más o menos clara: nada de alimentos crudos de origen animal, lavar frutas y verduras con desinfectante alimentario, cocinar todos los alimentos a más de 50ºC, quesos pasteurizados… Ya te hablamos de la toxoplasmosis y la listeria en este post. 

¿Y la piel? ¿Tenemos claro que ingredientes cosméticos no podemos utilizar durante el embarazo? La piel es el órgano más amplio que tenemos y el que sufre grandes modificaciones durante el embarazo

Tratamientos cosméticos a evitar durante el embarazo:

DEPILACIÓN LASER. No se han realizado suficientes estudios sobre la influencia en el feto de la depilación laser. Mejor esperar a después de la lactancia, donde los niveles hormonales vuelven a la normalidad.

BLANQUEAMIENTO DENTAL. Están contraindicados hasta después del parto. Mejor aparcar tanto los tratamientos con moldes para aplicarlos en casa como los blanqueamientos en la cabina del dentista.

RETINOIDES (ISOTRETINOÍNA, ADAPALENO…) Están prohibidos en el embarazo tanto los retinoides por vía oral como por vía tópica por ser teratogénicos para el feto, pudiendo producir malformaciones en el feto. Desde alteraciones en el sistema nervioso, cardiovasculares y en las extremidades.

MINOXIDIL. El minoxidil para la caída del cabello tiene efecto vasodilatador en la circulación del cuero cabelludo. Aunque la absorción sistémica es casi nula se debe evitar su aplicación hasta después de la lactancia materna porque no existen datos clínicos disponibles sobre su seguridad en el embarazo.

HIDROQUINONA.Utilizada como tratamiento antimanchas. Al no haber estudios, se desaconseja su uso durante el embarazo.

ANÁLOGOS DE LA VITAMINA D como el calcipotriol, usados para el tratamiento de psoriasis. Se ha demostrado que pueden producir toxicidad y anomalías en el feto.

Tratamientos cosméticos seguros durante el embarazo:

Los scrubs o exfoliantes “de bolitas” al realizar una exfoliación mecánica en la superficie se pueden utilizar sin problemas.

¡Los parabenos son seguros! No nos cansaremos de repetirlo. A pesar de su mala fama, son los conservantes en cosméticos más estudiados, eficaces y seguros a día de hoy.

Cosméticos que no pueden faltar durante tu embarazo:


Las estrías se originan cuando la piel pierde la función de estirarse. Los cambios repentinos en el peso y el estiramiento continuo de la piel es lo que provoca que salgan estrías. Se produce una rotura de la dermis y es cuando aparecen las líneas rosáceas. Las estrías pasan por dos fases con sus colores característicos. Cuando están recién formadas, en la fase inflamatoria, son de un color rosado, convirtiéndose en blancas en la fase cicatricial.


No apliques crema solo en la tripa, las estrías también pueden aparecer en los muslos, las mamas, las caderas y las axilas.

Aunque las estrías suelen salir en el tercer trimestre del embarazo, aplica crema antiestrías desde el primer momento hasta el último día. Aplica de forma generosa crema antiestrías dos veces al día. ¡Es mejor prevenir las estrías que eliminarlas!


La protección solar no es negociable estés o no embarazada. Durante el embarazo debido a la alteración hormonal, y por una vez no al sol, existe riesgo de padecer melasma o velo de la embarazada. El melasma está formado por una serie de manchas amplias que salen sobre la frente, labio superior y mejillas. Esta hiperpigmentación no podrá ser tratada hasta que se acabe la lactancia materna, pero podemos evitar que las manchas se potencien aplicando protección solar a diario.

Existen miles de texturas (crema, fluido, compacto…), elige la tuya y no salgas de casa sin ella. A nosotras nos encanta Age repair de Isdin porque además de tener protección muy alta (SPF 50+) también tiene triple acción antienvejecimiento.


rating of products with a cooling effect with reviews, prices according to the KP version

Our skin needs proper care after exposure to the sun. It needs to be soothed and moisturized. And not only in case of redness.

There are special creams, sprays, lotions, gels that are applied after sunburn. There are a lot of them on store shelves. All of them have different properties, consistency and are suitable for certain skin types. We will tell you how to choose the best after-sun product in 2022 and what to look for when buying in the first place.

Top 10 best after sun products with cooling effect according to the KP version

1. Nivea Refreshing Spray Moisturizing After Sun

Nivea Refreshing Spray Moisturizing after sun. Photo:

Nivea spray opens our rating. This brand has long been loved by girls. It moisturizes and soothes the skin well, has a cooling and refreshing effect. The formula of the spray is very light, the emulsion does not allow the skin to peel off and maintains water balance for 48 hours.

Many people appreciated the good shape of the bottle – it is comfortable to hold it in hands due to the ribs on the sides. He also has a dispenser, works properly, does not jam. The spray itself spreads over the skin easily, absorbs quickly, does not create a sticky feeling.

Pros and cons

pleasant consistency, quickly absorbed, moisturizes, refreshes

composition is not natural

2. Floresan Panthenol after-sun cream SOS

Floresan Panthenol after-sun cream SOS. Photo:

The cream contains D-panthenol and wheat germ oil. The tool effectively eliminates the effects of exposure to the sun – soothes it, nourishes and moisturizes. The cream serves as a salvation from peeling and prevention of redness, intensively moisturizes even very sensitive skin, activates its recovery and prevents premature aging. The consistency of the product is soft, a bit like a gel. Very easy to apply, glides on the skin, absorbs quickly and does not stick. Users note that this cream saved them even from sunburn.

Pros and cons

soothes and moisturizes, has a pleasant texture, promotes skin renewal and helps even with burns

small volume and high flow rate

3. Annemarie Borlind cooling after-sun gel

Annemarie Borlind cooling after-sun gel. Photo:

German after-sun gel has a cooling effect. Gives intense hydration even to reddened and burnt skin. She calms down, the redness decreases. The cream costs a lot, but it works very effectively. The composition does not contain oils that would create the feeling of a film, and moisturizing is created thanks to aloe vera and a complex of herbs. There is also no feeling of tightness. Among the components there are provitamin B5 and allantoin. They work in tandem to help the skin start its natural recovery processes. Users note that the gel has become a savior even with severe sunburn.

Pros and cons

instantly soothes the skin, helps even with burns, good composition

no dispenser, high consumption


Cooling milk for face and body after sun with probiotics and D-panthenol SIBERINA SOZ(8)-SIB

Cooling after-sun milk for face and body with probiotics and D-panthenol SIBERINA SOZ(8)-SIB. Photo:

Face and body milk from the SIBERINA brand has a natural composition. The active ingredients are probiotics and D-panthenol. They are responsible for moisturizing the skin and soothing after sun exposure. The milk is pleasant to apply, does not weigh down, nourishes and softens, carefully cares for and prevents the skin from peeling off. The texture of the product is very delicate, velvety, after application, a pleasant chill is felt.

Pros and cons

natural composition, moisturizes the skin after sunbathing

not everyone noticed the cooling effect, the skin soothes for a short time – you have to smear again

5. Sun Energy Green Panthenol cooling moisturizing gel

Sun Energy Green Panthenol cooling moisturizing gel . Photo: market.

Affordable after-sun gel with Sun Energy panthenol deeply moisturizes the skin, nourishes it and cools. The girls note that the remedy helps out even with burns – it alleviates the painful condition. Also, the gel helps to fix the tan. Its consistency is light, the color is transparent. As part of D-panthenol, which restores the skin after burns, green tea extract and vitamin E. The gel is easy to apply, quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky layer.

Pros and cons

moisturizes, eliminates the feeling of tightness, does not stain clothes, good composition

after a few seconds after application to the skin it slightly foams, sticks, then this feature disappears

after sun cream. Photo:

ARKADIA cream of a domestic manufacturer soothes the skin not only after sunbathing, but also in case of burns – it cares for the skin and prevents it from peeling off. The cream has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, sunburn is reduced and the skin is cooled. The tan does not peel off quickly, the cream helps to fix it. The manufacturer also notes that the tool can be used for daily use to moisturize the skin. The composition is rich and healthy – shea butter in combination with lecithin, vitamin E, calendula extracts.

Pros and cons

rich and healthy composition, prolongs tanning, moisturizes

does not cool the skin, the soothing effect does not last long

7. Compliment Panthenol cooling gel

Compliment Panthenol cooling gel. Photo:

Another product in the ranking with the active substance – D-panthenol. The gel takes care of damaged areas, helps with burns, relieves pain and inflammation, and also soothes the skin after sun exposure, even if there are no burns. The product quickly penetrates the epidermis, moisturizes, heals the skin. The gel has a slight fragrance, it smells like menthol. The effect is felt immediately after application – a slight chill runs through the skin, it calms down and ceases to be so hot.

Pros and cons

effective agent, helps even with burns, absorbs quickly and does not stick

no dispenser, someone does not like fragrance

foam “Panthenol” cosmetic protective agent with a cooling effect. Photo:

An ideal companion after sunburn, burns or simply sun exposure is Panthenol Foam Balm. The tool has a cooling effect, cares for the face and body after sunbathing. “Panthenol” eliminates dry skin and its peeling, soothes it, nourishes and moisturizes. The smell is neutral. It is convenient in that it comes in the form of a foam – you just need to apply it to areas with burns and smear it a little.

Pros and cons

convenient packaging, has a cooling effect, suitable for burns

for skin without burns, it is better to choose a more gentle product

9. EDEN Sun Series Cream-gel after sun

EDEN Sun Series Cream-gel after sun. Photo:

The gel has an active formula, it helps to restore and soothe the skin after exposure to the sun. As part of grape seed oil – it moisturizes, has an antioxidant effect and regenerates the skin. Among the ingredients are also aloe vera extract and panthenol, in total they care and relieve irritation. The cooling effect is achieved due to menthol in the composition.

Pros and cons

absorbs quickly and easily, good formulation, provides deep hydration suitable for use after prolonged sun exposure

high consumption

10. GARNIER Ambre Solaire after sun spray

GARNIER Ambre Solaire after sun spray. Photo:

The after-sun product from the mass market GARNIER Ambre Solaire with cactus extract completes our rating. It comes in the form of a spray, which makes it easy to use and economical. It is very convenient to hold the bottle, ribs are made on the sides so that the package does not slip in your hands. The after-sun product deeply moisturizes the skin, gives it a feeling of freshness, after application, it becomes soft and tender. The aroma of the spray is fruity, very pleasant, the texture is light and not sticky, it does not stain clothes. It can also be used on the face, avoiding the skin around the eyes.

Pros and cons

convenient format, pleasant aroma, delicate texture, does not leave a greasy film or sticky feeling

a lot of chemicals in the composition shared expert Yulia Prokopenko, leading technologist-expert of the Arabia Training Center :

— It is a mistake to believe that after-sun products are necessary only in cases of redness or burning of the skin. In fact, even if there are no negative manifestations on the skin after insolation, it must be soothed in any case in order to prevent pathological conditions in the future.

When choosing a tool, pay attention to what tasks it solves. Moisturizing is necessary, since the sun and sea water dry out the skin, softening – because under the influence of UV rays, the skin coarsens. Peeling occurs due to the fact that keratinocides, the main cells of the epidermis, begin to mature rapidly, respectively, renewal occurs faster. An emollient agent helps maintain the integrity of the epidermis.

Thus, the composition should be:

  • Moisturizers – these can be hyaluronic acid, collagen hydrolyzate or betaine;
  • soothing ingredients – D-panthenol, allantoin, prebiotics;
  • emollients – almond oil, jojoba oil, squalane.

Carefully read the composition, pay attention to the expiration date of the product and the shelf life after opening the tube.

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions from readers about how to properly care for the skin and whether special after-sun products help with sunburn are answered by Julia Prokopenko :

How to take care of your skin after sunburn?

After tanning, in no case should chemical peels be used, any aggressive-intensive cosmetic procedures should be avoided. Tanned skin is damaged and inflamed by UV exposure and needs to be softened, soothed and moisturized regularly with quality cosmetics. It can be creams, gels, milk, lotions. The main thing is that they contain moisturizing, soothing and softening components.

What ingredients should be in after-sun products?

Hyaluronic acid, polysaccharides, trehalose, collagen hydrolyzate, betaine are responsible for moisturizing. Soothing ingredients can be D-panthenol, allantoin, prebiotics. Emollients – almond oil, jojoba oil, squalane.

Will after-sun products help with sunburn?

Sunburn is a pathological condition of the skin. If we are talking about cosmetics, then their task, first of all, is aesthetic care. If we are talking about pharmaceuticals, then they solve the problem of burns. That is, cosmetics only complement the effect of medicinal preparations, and in case of a burn, it is important to consult a doctor and prescribe medications.

overview Top 6 effective products


  • Key features of after-sun products
  • Types of after-sun products
  • How to choose
  • How to determine effectiveness
  • How to use
  • How to keep a tan
  • How to relieve irritation after sunburn
  • 10 useful tips
  • Product Overview

After-sun highlights

After-sun products are needed not only for those who spent too much time on the beach and got a sunburn. If the skin has been exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it needs to be rehabilitated anyway. It is this task that funds marked “after the sun” or after sun perform. They do have a few more features though.

Skin needs special care after sun exposure © iStock

  • Moisturize. It is known that the sun dries the skin: after a minimum dose of radiation, the volume of hyaluronic acid drops by about 20%, since it is consumed as an antioxidant and prevents DNA damage. And the less hyaluronic acid, the lower the level of hydration. Also among the protective reactions of the skin to ultraviolet – keratinization and thickening of the epidermis.

  • Calm down. Even if there are no signs of sunburn, remember that sunburn is formed against the background of an inflammatory reaction. And after sun products are struggling with its consequences.

  • Soften. The skin, hardened as a result of sunburn, tends to get rid of damaged cells and begins to peel off. Post-sun products help maintain the integrity of the epidermis and the stability of the tan.

A thick layer of dead cells, like a barrier, protects the skin from harmful external factors. At the same time, keratinocytes, maturing at an accelerated pace, create an uneven, rough surface, and then the skin feels dry to the touch, ”explains Vichy medical expert Ekaterina Turubara.

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Types of after-sun products

Good after-sun products are distinguished by their lightweight texture and powerful moisturizing effect. Thick, nourishing creams with a high oil content are not often included in the category of universal after-sun repair products.

After-sun products have a light “cool” texture © iStock


The formula combines hydrofixatives and a small amount of oils that provide a pronounced emollient effect, but at the same time does not weigh down the texture, does not prevent the product from quickly absorbing, does not leave a sticky film.


Features a lightweight, watery texture. The spray format is practical and especially relevant for burnt skin, which is painful to touch.


The most common variety. The cooling effect is pleasant for skin overheated in the sun, and the main components – water and hydrating agents – provide instant and lasting hydration.


SOS remedy for emergency cases when the skin is badly burned. It is applied to the affected areas, contains anti-inflammatory components, vitamins and lipids for the speedy restoration of the damaged surface of the epidermis.

Recommended reading:

  • After sun oil
  • Moisturizing the skin after sun

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How to choose

The skin after insolation, especially with signs of burns, is characterized by increased sensitivity, and care should not cause additional irritation.

After-sun products are universal – they are suitable for all skin types, they are used both for the face and for the body. Light moisturizing formulas do not provoke a negative reaction even for sensitive and oily skin.

Trust your after-sun care to products of unquestionable quality. Choose trusted brands. This is the main and, in general, the only condition. The rest is a matter of personal preference.

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How to determine the effectiveness

Effective after-sun products immediately relieve sun-weary skin, and a day later significantly reduce pain and redness. Such products must:

  1. 1

    have a light texture;

  2. 2

    absorb quickly;

  3. 3

    do not leave films;

  4. 4

    provide a long lasting moisturizing effect.

    Instant after sun products © iStock

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How to use

Apply after sun products at least once a day in the evening when regeneration processes start. Ideally, skin needs a decent revitalizing treatment whenever you get back from the beach, no matter what time of day it is.

Don’t forget to wash off sea salt, chlorine, sunscreen residue.

We advise you to read:

  • What to do right after the beach: 4 tips
  • Skin care before, during, after the beach

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How to maintain a tan

The durability of a tan directly depends on how it was acquired.

If you stayed in the sun for a long time without taking care of sunscreen with a high SPF, and as a result, you got at least a little sunburned – know that a swarthy skin tone will not please you for long.

With moderate insolation and protection of at least “thirty” you will tan not so quickly, but the bronze shade is guaranteed to be even and last for a long time.

Here’s what to do to make your tan last longer.

  • Choose shower gels without SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate). They clean not so thoroughly, but not so actively “wash off” the tan.

  • Do not use scrubs while on holiday.

  • Exfoliate lightly 2 weeks after your holiday to exfoliate the dead cells that give your tan a grayish tint.

  • Continue using After Sun Moisturizer for a month after the holidays.

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How to relieve irritation after sunburn

Signs of sunburn are well known: the skin “bakes”, there is a feeling of tightness and redness.

“At high doses of ultraviolet radiation or prolonged insolation, a large number of inflammatory mediators are released in the skin, which is why after sunburn it turns red and hurts. Inflamed skin has a damaged lipid barrier, and it begins to rapidly lose moisture.”

Help relieve symptoms of burns gel or balm after sun with a cooling effect and the following soothing ingredients : panthenol; allantoin; aloe extract; epiloba extract; thermal water; hyaluronic acid; vitamins C and E; Shea Butter.

Recommended reading:

  • How to prolong your tan
  • What to do if your skin gets sunburned

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10 tips

  1. 1

    Take a cool or warm shower before applying After Sun . The main thing is that the water should not be hot – it will weaken the already damaged lipid barrier, and in case of a burn it will increase pain.

  2. 2

    Choose Shower Gel in a neutral formula without strong fragrances and bright colors.

  3. 3

    Not use hard washcloths and scrubs with coarse abrasives to avoid damaging the skin.

  4. 4

    Pat the skin with towel and do not rub with it.

  5. 5

    Before applying cream , mist thermal water on the skin: this way you will additionally moisturize, soothe and cool it.

  6. 6

    Place the after-sun product in the refrigerator for a short time – a cool product will immediately relieve discomfort if the skin is overheated in the sun.

  7. 7

    Do not apply coconut oil after sun exposure, especially on the back, shoulders and chest, and especially on the face. The oil sticks together the scales of the epidermis, which subsequently clog the pores and provoke acne.

  8. 8

    If you don’t have a ready-made after-sun cream at hand, use any moisturizing cream . Not nutritious.

  9. 9

    In order not to tan “tears” ahead of time, give up the bath and sauna .

  10. 10

    Avoid products with extracts celandine, cucumber, lemon – they brighten the skin.

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Product overview


  • After-sun milk with aloe vera Ambre Solaire, Garnier refreshes, soothes, intensively and permanently moisturizes dehydrated skin after insolation, creating a reservoir of water in the cells. Can be applied to both face and body. Absorbs instantly, leaving a delicate fragrance behind.

  • Posthelios, La Roche-Posay after-sun repair for face and body, with a powerful regenerating effect, instantly makes the skin soft and hydrated, gives a feeling of comfort.


Spray after sun with cactus extract Ambre Solaire, Garnier can be used as an SOS after sunburn. Instantly relieves sensations of burning and heat, has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, promotes tan resistance.


Refreshing gel for face and body “Protection and hydration” after sun Sublime Sun range, L’Oréal Paris contains aloe juice and green tea extract, absorbs without a trace, reducing the temperature of the skin surface by three degrees. The moisturizing effect lasts for 48 hours. Suitable for both face and body.


Ambre Solaire, Garnier moisturizing tan booster cream with glycerin and vitamin E normalizes the water-lipid balance, quickly eliminating burning sensation and discomfort.

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