Araña infantil: TikTok – Make Your Day

Araña infantil: TikTok – Make Your Day

Picadura de araña en niños

  • Picadura de una araña

Síntomas de Una Picadura de Araña

  • La mayoría de las picaduras de araña causan dolor, enrojecimiento e hinchazón en el sitio de la picadura. Es similar a la reacción de una picadura de abeja.
  • Algunas arañas (como la Viuda Negra) pueden causar reacciones más fuertes.
  • Es útil saber si vio una araña en la piel del niño o cerca del niño

Causa de Las Reacciones de Picadura de Araña

  • La mayoría de las arañas tienen pequeños colmillos. Inyectan veneno en la piel.
  • El veneno es lo que causa todos los síntomas.

Tipos de Picaduras de Araña

Picadura de La Araña Viuda Negra

  • Es una araña de color negro azabache con patas largas (tamaño total de 1 pulgada, 25 mm).
  • Tiene una marca roja o anaranjada y en forma de reloj de arena en el abdomen.
  • Causa dolor inmediato e hinchazón en el sitio de la picadura.
  • A veces pueden verse dos marcas de punción en el sitio de la picadura.
  • Hay calambres musculares fuertes (sobre todo en el abdomen) que comienzan en el transcurso de 1 a 6 horas y duran 24 a 48 horas.
  • Es muy poco frecuente que esta picadura sea mortal. (Excepción: picaduras múltiples de varias arañas o se trata de un niño pequeño)
  • Nota: Muchas de las picaduras no traspasan la piel porque los colmillos son demasiado pequeños.
  • La araña viuda parda está relacionada con la viuda negra. Vive en el sur de Estados Unidos.
  • Las picaduras de la araña viuda parda se tratan de la misma forma que las de la viuda negra.

Picadura de La Araña Reclusa Parda

  • Es una araña parda con piernas largas (tamaño total ½ pulgada o 12 mm).
  • Tiene una marca oscura en forma de violín sobre la cabeza.
  • La picadura causa dolor. Se forman ampollas en 4 a 8 horas.
  • El centro de la picadura adquiere un color azulado y forma como un pequeño cráter en el transcurso de 2 a 3 días.
  • Los daños a la piel pueden requerir un injerto de piel en el 10% de los casos.
  • También puede haber otros síntomas como fiebre, vómito o dolor muscular. No hay síntomas que impliquen riesgo de muerte.
  • Las reclusas pardas son difíciles de identificar. Si puede, capture la araña y llévela en un frasco al consultorio del médico.

Picaduras de Araña No Peligrosas

  • Hay más de 50 especies de arañas venenosas en Estados Unidos. Sus picaduras pueden causar reacciones moderadas como dolor o enrojecimiento en el sitio de la picadura.
  • Las picaduras producen dolor e hinchazón durante 1 a 2 días y a veces se parecen a las picaduras de abeja.
  • Algunas picaduras aisladas de causa desconocida que ocurren por la noche son picaduras de araña.

Llame Al 911 Ahora

  • Dificultad para respirar o respiración con sibilancias
  • Se desmayó o está demasiado débil para mantenerse de pie
  • Usted piensa que el niño tiene una emergencia médica con peligro de muerte

Vaya a la Sala de Emergencias Ahora

  • Se sospecha que es una picadura de araña viuda negra o parda
  • Tiene dolor abdominal, presión en el pecho o calambres musculares
  • El dolor de la mordedura es intenso y no mejora después de seguir los consejos de cuidado

Llame Doctor Ahora o Busque Atención Médica Ahora

  • Tiene fiebre y la picadura parece estar infectada (enrojecimiento que se extiende)
  • El niño parece estar muy enfermo (por su aspecto o por su comportamiento)
  • Usted piensa que el niño debe ser examinado por un médico y que el problema es urgente

Contacto Doctor En Un Lapso De 24 Horas

  • Nuevo enrojecimiento que comienza más de 24 horas después de la picadura. (Nota: El enrojecimiento que empieza en las primeras 24 horas es consecuencia del veneno).
  • La picadura ocurrió hace más de 48 horas y el enrojecimiento se está extendiendo
  • La mordedura empieza a tener mal aspecto (como daños a la piel, ampolla o color morado)
  • El dolor de la mordedura persiste durante más de 2 días
  • Usted piensa que el niño debe ser examinado por un médico pero el problema no es urgente

Contacto Doctor Durante En Horas De Oficina

  • Usted tiene otras preguntas o inquietudes

Atiéndase Usted Misma En Casa

  • Picadura de araña sin gravedad


  1. Lo Que Usted Debe Saber Sobre Las Picaduras de Araña:
    • La mayoría de las picaduras de araña tienen un aspecto y síntomas parecidos a los de las picaduras de abeja.
    • Los síntomas principales son dolor y enrojecimiento.
    • Estos son algunos consejos útiles para el cuidado en casa.
  2. Limpieza La Picadura:
    • Lave la zona de la picadura con agua y jabón.
  3. Compresa Fría Para el Dolor:
    • Para el dolor o la hinchazón, use una compresa fría. También puede usar hielo envuelto en una toalla mojada.
    • Colóquelo sobre la picadura durante 20 minutos.
  4. Medicamentos Contra el Dolor:
    • Para ayudar a aliviar el dolor, dele acetaminofén (por ejemplo Tylenol).
    • Otra opción es darle ibuprofén (por ejemplo Advil).
    • Úselo según sea necesario.
  5. Qué Puede Esperar:
    • La hinchazón y el dolor duran 1 a 2 días.
    • Los síntomas no serán peores que los de una picadura de abeja.
  6. Llame a Su Médico Si:
    • La picadura le produce un dolor intenso que persiste durante más de 2 horas después de haber tomado analgésicos
    • Hay dolor abdominal o calambres musculares
    • El dolor en la picadura persiste durante más de 2 días (48 horas)
    • La picadura empieza a tener aspecto de estar infectada
    • Usted piensa que el niño debe ser examinado por un médico
    • El estado del niño empeora


This is a photo of the Black Widow spider.

  • The black widow is shiny and black, with long legs (total width 1 inch).
  • A red or orange hourglass-shaped marking may be on its underside. However, this marking is not present in all black widow spiders.

This is a photo of the Brown Recluse Spider.

  • It is a brown spider with long legs (total width 1/2 inch).
  • A violin-shaped marking can be seen on its back.

Copyright 2000-2022. Schmitt Pediatric Guidelines LLC.

Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.



Home Kids Tatiana Witzy Araña

Witzy witzy araña
subio su telaraña
hizo un hilo
y se puso a trepar

witzy witzy araña
subio su telaraña
vino el viento
y la hizo bailar


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

Witzy witzy araña
subio su telaraña
vino la lluvia
y se la llevó;

ya salió el sol,
se secó la lluvia,
y witzy witzy araña
otra vez subió


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio


venga todos a bailar
uh uh!!

witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

olea (olea)

witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

olea (olea)

witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

Witzy witzy araña
subio su telaraña
hizo un hilo
y se puso a trepar

witzy witzy araña
subio su telaraña
vino el viento
y la hizo bailar


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

Witzy witzy araña
subio su telaraña
vino la lluvia
y se la llevó;

ya salió el sol,
se secó la lluvia,
y witzy witzy araña
otra vez subió


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio


witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

olea (olea)

witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

olea (olea)

witzy araña
witzy araña
ya subio

ouo. ..

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    View all songs by Tatiana

    1. Susanita Tiene Un Raton
    2. Witzy Araña
    3. Pajaritos a Volar
    4. Feliz No Cumpleaños (alicia En El Pais de Las Maravillas)
    5. Una Rata Vieja
    6. El Patio De Mi Casa
    7. Cuando Estemos Juntos (Com Johnny Lozada)
    8. Colores en el viento (pocahontas)
    9. El Piojo Y La Pulga
    10. El Gato Viudo
    11. Detrás Del Arcoiris
    12. El Cien Pies
    13. El Niño Del Tambor
    14. No Me Quiero Bañar
    15. La Ranita
    16. Frosty the snowman

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    City of Torrente, Valencia: history, infrastructure, real estate, attractions

    Torrente (in Valencian – Torrent) is a municipality in the Valencian Community, belonging to the Huerta Oeste region and being a suburb of Valencia. Torrente is located 9 km from Valencia, at the foot of the Vedat de Torrent hill, 15 km from the sea.

    According to the latest census (2017), about 80,630 inhabitants live in the city (about 11% are foreigners). It is the largest municipality in the province of Valencia after the capital itself and the sixth in the Valencian Community.

    Torrente is bordered to the north by the municipalities of Aldaia, Alacuas and Chirivella, to the east by Picanha and Catarroja, to the south by Alcácer and Picassent, to the west by Montserrat, Godelleta, Turis and Chiva.

    One fifth of the territory of the municipality is occupied by mountains, but they are not high. The main peaks of Torrente are: Vedat de Torrente (142 m), Morredondo (157), Barret (142), Cabezo de la Araña (228) and Sierra Perenchisa (329). The municipality crosses the Barranco de Torrente gorge.

    Weather and climate Torrente

    Torrent has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot summers. The average annual air temperature is 18 °C, in winter – 10-12 °C, in summer – 27 °C. There is little rain here, and snow falls about 2 times in 10 years (with the exception of hills).

    History of Torrente

    It is not known for sure where the name of the city came from. Some scholars suggest that it has Latin roots: there are two words in Latin that have a similar root. The first is Turritus (exalted, fortified), the second is Torrens (fast, impetuous).

    The first mention of the city was found in a document by Jaime I, which dates back to 1232. Here the city is called “Vilas de Torrent”. The name Torrent was official until 1860, when, according to a royal decree, all municipalities had to change their names to the Spanish (Castilian) manner. From that moment on, the city became officially known as Torrente. However, in 1979 the city was returned to its old official name – Torrent.

    The official date of the foundation of the city belongs to the era of the Reconquista, although various archaeological buildings have been found here, as well as objects dating back to much earlier eras. They testify that people have lived on the territory of modern Torrente since the Bronze Age.

    Ruins of Iberian settlements have been found here, such as Llometa del Clot de Bailón. In the Roman era, numerous estates were built on this territory. Since the 8th century, Muslims have become the owners of these lands, leaving a significant mark on the appearance of the city: narrow streets, squares, many dead ends.

    Torrente was founded in 1248, ten years after the conquest of Valencia by Jaime I. The king offered these lands to Don Hugo de Filcalquer, a member of the Order of Malta, to enlist his support in the war for the conquest of Valencia.

    At the end of the conquest, in 1232, Jaime I signed a document granting these lands to the Order of Malta. Among others, Cullera, Silla, Montroy and Macastre were transferred to the possession of the order. In 1238, the order officially takes possession of the lands and decides to populate them with Christians, giving them houses and lands. The city belonged to the Order until 1807.

    In the 17th century, the square next to the chapel of the Virgen del Rosario was built up. The chapel itself was destroyed in 1868.
    In 1846, Torrente becomes the headquarters of the judicial district.
    In the years 1810-1850, the Alter zone is built up, the streets de San José, Santa Bárbara, San Onofre, Santa Lucía, Virgen de los Desamparados, Santa Teresa and others appear.

    In 1893, the railway station in Torrent opens. It becomes part of the railway line connecting Valencia with Villanueva de Castellón.

    On November 22, 1911, the first cinema is opened – Cine Cervantes.

    Infrastructure and transport Torrente

    Torrente is connected to Valencia, Madrid and other Spanish cities by a network of roads and motorways, the main one being the AP-7/E-15.

    In 2009, the Pont Blau bridge was completed, linking the urban center with the Mas del Jutge industrial site. In the same year, the “Ronda del Safranar” was put into circulation – a bypass road that allows you to move from one end of the city to the other without passing through the center.

    The city has a railway station run by MetroValencia. She plays a big role in the communication between Torrente and Valencia. There are several Metrobus stops in the city.

    Metro lines: 1, 2, 7 (yellow, pink, orange), trains run every 7 minutes, to the center of Valencia – 15 minutes by metro.

    Torrente also has its own line of city buses – Torrent Bus, circulating on 6 regular routes. The line was launched in 2002.

    Those who prefer ecological modes of transport have at their disposal a bicycle rental network – Torrent Bici. To use this service, you need to register with the city hall.

    Also located in the city is the Universidad Catolica de Torrent.

    For lovers of an active lifestyle in Torrenta there is a large sports complex – Complejo deportivo municipal “La Cotxera”. Those who are not indifferent to shopping will find a lot of interesting things on the main street of the city: there are many boutiques here.

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria
    • Address: Cl Granerers 6 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    C. E.I.P. Federico Maicas

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria
    • Address: Cl Simancas 1 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    C.E.I.P. Juan Xxiii

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria
    • Address: Pd L´alter 31 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    C.E.I.P. Les Terretes

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo), Primaria
    • Address: CL CONSTITUCIÓN 55, 46900 – Torrent (Valencia).

    C.E.I.P. Lope de Vega

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria
    • Address: Cl Doctor Francisco Rosello 25 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    C.E.I.P. Miguel Hernández

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria
    • Address: Cl Constitucion S/n – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    C.E.I.P. San Juan Bautista

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria
    • Address: Cl San Juan Bautista 22 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    C. E.I.P. Virgen Del Rosario

    • Educational cycles: Infantil (Segundo Ciclo ), Primaria

    Semi-public schools

    Colegio: “El Vedat”

    • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria, ESO, Bachillerato, Educación Especial.
    • Address: Cl Camino Del Realón 19 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    Colegio: “La Purísima”

    • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria, ESO, Bachillerato, Educialación.
    • Address: Pz Dels Moralets 16 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

    Colegio: “Madre Sacramento”

    • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria, ESO, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional (FP)
    • Address: Av Al Vedat 188 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)
    • 1 Colegio

      1 Auxiliadora»

      • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria, ESO, Bachillerato, Educación Especial.
      • Address: Pz Dominical 6 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

      Colegio: “Nuestra Señora Del Monte Sión”

      • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria, ESO, Bachillerato, Educación Especial.
      • Address: Av Padre Prudencio Palmera 10 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

      Colegio: “San José Y Santa Ana”

      • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria, ESO, Educialación.
      • Address: Cl Maestro Giner 20 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

      Colegio: “Santo Tomás De Aquino”

      • Education cycles: Infantil, Primaria.
      • Address: CM RIAL 120 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

      Private schools in torrent

      Center for Professional Education “Beta Formación” 9000 Special schools in Torrent

      Special school La Encarnación

      • Educational cycles: special education
      • Address: Cl Padre Méndez 153 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

      Special School La Unión

      • Educational cycles: Special education
      • Address: CL CASETA de La Capa 38 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia)

      Music school

      de Torrent

      • Educational cycles: School of Music and Dance
      • Address: Cl Mestre Juan Roig Soler – 46900Torrent (Valencia)

      School of Music and Dance “Círculo Católico De Torrent”

      Address: Pz San Jaime 12 – 46900, Torrent (Valencia).

      Attractions Torrente

      • Church of the Iglesia de San Luis Beltran.
      • Church of the Iglesia de la Asunción de Torrente.
      • Monasterio de la Inmaculada.
      • Ermita de San Vicente del Mas del Jutge Chapel.
      • Tower of the Torrente Castle (Torre del Castillo de Torrente).
      • House Chalé Giner-Cortina.
      • Park L’Hort de Trènor (Huerto de Trénor).
      • Cruz de Pere Mora monument.
      • Valencian modernist building El Liceo.
      • Arquets de Dalt and Arquets de Baix Arab era aqueducts.
      • L’Horta Sud Regional Museum.
      • Village and cemetery of Carrasquera.
      • Optical telegraphy tower on Vedat de Torrent.
      • Torrente Market.

      Paraje Natural Municipal de la Sierra Perenchiza Natural Park

      The Sierra Perenchiza Natural Municipal Park received its current status in 2006. The area of ​​the park is more than 174 hectares. A favorite place for the inhabitants of Torrente for walks and outdoor sports. There are many routes of varying difficulty along its territory. In addition, here you can find interesting historical monuments and archaeological excavations.

      In terms of fauna, lizards and small snakes, rabbits, hares, foxes, hedgehogs, wild boars, field mice, bats and also genets can be found in the park.

      Property in Torrent

      The most expensive area of ​​the city – Zona Parc Central-Hort de Trenor – 1651 euro/sq.m. Next in descending order are: Zona Avenida Alta-Auditorio (1602), Zona El Vedat-Santa Apolonia (1270), Zona Mas de la Montañeta (1267), Zona Avenida al Vedat (1126), Zona Camí Reial (1058), Zona Monte Real Calicanto (956), Zona el Molí (891), Zona Calle Valencia-La Ermita (798), Zona Casco Antiguo (780), Zona Poble Nou (719).

      The largest supply of apartments is in Zona Avenida al Vedat, Zona Parc Central-Hort de Trenor, Zona Calle Valencia-La Ermita, and houses in Zona El Vedat-Santa Apolonia and Zona Monte Real-Calicanto.

      If you are interested in new buildings, then you need Zona Parc Central-Hort de Trenor, Zona Avenida Alta-Auditorio, Zona Avenida al Vedat – these are just the most expensive areas of the city, but the prices for new buildings in Torrent are much more affordable than in Valencia (average 1696 per sqm). In addition, there really is plenty to choose from: Torrent has many modern residential complexes with excellent internal infrastructure. A good example is the Torrent Homes residential complex under construction next to Torrente Central Park. You can buy an apartment in a new building in Torrent from 140,000 euros.

      Pros and cons of Torrent for life


      • Cozy and green city with excellent infrastructure.
      • A wide range of real estate for every taste and budget.
      • Subway available: Valencia city center 15 min.
      • There is a bus service.
      • Many schools: public, semi-public, private, school of music and dance, school for adults, etc.
      • Large selection of new buildings at prices much lower than in Valencia.


      • There are several disadvantaged quarters
      • Far from the sea.

      If you are interested in the city of Torrente and buying property in it, welcome to our directory.

      You can learn more about other suburbs of Valencia in our article.

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      Infantilism: what it is, causes, signs, whether it is necessary to fight

      Infantiles, scammers, “big children” — what is it like for them to live in the adult world, and is it true that the current generation is more infantile than the previous ones — we are sorting it out together with psychologists

      What is infantilism

      Infantilism, infantilism is the preservation in the psyche and behavior of an adult of the characteristics inherent in childhood. It is often said about infantile people that they “behave like children”: they avoid responsibility, act impulsively, in case of failure they blame others. Such immature behavior often prevents a person from building relationships, being in society and moving up the career ladder.

      In science, it is customary to distinguish between mental and psychological infantilism. “Psychic infantilism” is a pathological disorder of the human psyche and is studied in psychiatry. Psychological infantilism refers rather to personality traits and is a combination of traits inherent in an earlier age group. A person with manifestations of psychological infantilism can change his behavior, but often does not have the desire or does not know how. Sometimes social infantilism is singled out as a separate group – it is close to psychological, but is considered exclusively in the context of society, the norms of which form the criteria of “social maturity”. Thus, social infantilism manifests itself in the gap between the biological and socio-cultural maturation of a person.

      The concept of infantility is sometimes mistakenly confused with the idea of ​​the “inner child”. In fact, these phenomena are far from each other. The inner child is a concept from transactional analysis (a psychological method described in the 1960s by Eric Berne), according to which there are three ego states in each of us: Child, Adult and Parent. The inner child is responsible for sensuality, emotionality, impulsiveness and curiosity. The parent brings in the requirements of the elders, which we learned in childhood. And the Adult manifests itself when we are guided by the principles of reality, rely on facts and act on their basis. Psycho-emotional maturity is the ability to find a balance between your inner Child, Parent and Adult, allowing them to live in peace and harmony. In an infantile person, on the contrary, the Child is always “at the helm”: he strives for entertainment and quick pleasures, everything “adult” is boring and difficult for him, and he tries to shift his obligations to others.

      Now more and more people are talking about the infantilism of a whole generation – today’s 30-year-olds, “millennials”. They don’t want to meet the criteria of “social maturity” that was the norm for previous generations: start a family, have a stable job, and have children by a certain age. This is often taken as a sign of the “infantilization of society.” But this phenomenon can also be viewed from another point of view. Indeed, thanks to the improving standard of living, scientific, technological and medical progress, a modern person does not need to take on a large number of obligations at an early age. Psychologist, host of the podcast “Near Ficus” and the telegram channel “Noet Ark” Dinara Fakhretdinova believes that it is useful for a person “to stay longer in a research-idle state.”

      Signs of infantilism

      An infantile differs from a mature person in a child’s perception of the world. Fakhretdinova notes that an infantile person is characterized by egocentrism : “For any child, he is the central cause of all events. And that’s okay. However, continuing to think that the world revolves around you by age 30 is a less healthy attitude. More often than not, reality will brutally refute it.” Thus, signs of infantility can be combined into the following list:

      1. Egocentrism.
      2. Lack of independence – territorial and economic dependence on parents, inability to provide for oneself.
      3. Inability to predict the consequences of one’s actions . The infantile is characterized by impulsiveness, and not thinking through his actions.
      4. Unwillingness to take responsibility. An infantile person always runs away from responsibility, because he does not know how to cope with it. He is always sure that others will do a better job than him.
      5. External locus of control. In an infantile person, either circumstances or someone else is always to blame. You can often hear: “It’s not my fault, I was provoked, I was forced” and so on.
      6. Failure to meet commitments . An infantile person is afraid of “boring” activities: he does not want to carefully read legal documents, he is inclined to be late and miss deadlines.
      7. Excessive touchiness and frequent being in a state of injustice . An emotionally immature person often believes that “everyone is against him.”
      8. Inability to control one’s desires . Or rather, the unwillingness to maintain a pause between the appearance of desire and its realization. This manifestation of infantilism is actively exploited by manufacturers and advertisers. An immature person can be easily coaxed into impulsive purchases because they don’t think about the consequences.
      9. Inability to control emotions. Based on Eric Berne’s concept of “three Egos”, the infantile person is controlled by the Child. And a mature person always has an inner Adult next to him, which helps him understand his emotions and tells him what to do with them at the moment. A mature person has a developed “emotional intelligence”, which cannot be said about an infantile person.
      10. Feeling of helplessness, fear of the world. The infantil’s parents protected him from the real world, painting him as a terrible place full of challenges and threats. Growing up, a person will not aspire to this big and terrible world, because it is much better to stay where he feels good and safe.

      Psychological causes of infantility

      The formation of infantility is primarily influenced by the environment in which the child grows up. The situation when parents seek to protect their children and “shield” them from the difficulties necessary for growing up is called overprotection. It is she who often provokes infantilism. Psychologist, emotional intelligence trainer, author of the podcast and psychologist search portal “You are important” Elena Mitskevich compares the process of growing up with the formation of physical immunity in a child: “It is very dangerous for a child’s physical immunity to keep him in sterile conditions, and from the point of view of psychological processes, it is important to let the child come into contact with the outside world, serving as a support for him, but at the same time not depriving him of moments of growing up. Thus, it is very important to give the child the opportunity to take the initiative and take responsibility for their actions. Infantilism can also develop from the opposite: a disproportionate responsibility is imposed on an immature person. “Guardianship of other family members or super-tasks can cause an allergic reaction to any responsibility, since responsibility will be associated with a huge number of duties, rights to which are not attached,” says Dinara Fakhretdinova. Some researchers suggest considering infantility as one of the manifestations of uneven personal development . American psychologist Nancy McWilliams believes that social and emotional development never follows a strictly straight path: in the process of personality growth, fluctuations are observed that become weaker with age, but do not disappear completely. As a person grows older, he constantly faces new challenges that can cause stress. Regression comes to the defense of the psyche – a mechanism of subconscious return to earlier forms of behavior. Regressions are absolutely normal, but regular hitting them will be regarded as infantilism.

      Infantility in everyday life and relationships between people

      To describe infantile in relationships, a comparison with the fairy-tale character Peter Pan is often used. His name is given to a syndrome that characterizes people who do not want to grow up and take on new social roles that involve responsibility.

      The partner of an infantile person will have to take on the role of an adult and not expect him to fulfill his duties. This situation may suit both partners, but a mature person has to face the difficulties of adult life on a daily basis: pay bills, buy groceries, go to the doctor, make repairs and earn a living. To an infantile person, such obligations often seem burdensome and boring, so he will avoid them. Such behavior can bring discomfort to his loved ones, who want to share the daily hardships, and not “carry everything on themselves.”

      When dealing with an infantile person, it is important to give the person responsibility and maintain healthy boundaries, notes Elena Mitskevich: “People over 18 are adults. They may or may not agree with this. But it is very important not to “do good”, but to remain firm and give responsibility. Only by touching frustration can people grow up.”

      Infantilization of society

      Many studies show that changes in the cultural and historical environment and scientific and technological progress do change the social values ​​of society. Young people tend to have children later, preferring to focus on other values: career, self-development, travel. The modern economic system also plays an important role in the transformation of values: infantile people — is a good category of consumers, because they are more prone to impulsive purchases and are determined to satisfy their needs.

      Psychologist Anna Kartashova calls one of the manifestations of society’s infantilism magical thinking – the belief that thoughts and symbolic actions can change reality and influence certain events. It is the ability to competently manipulate an infantile consumer that can explain the popularity of “info products”: personal growth trainings, marathons and courses.

      An important factor that also influences the change in social values ​​is the development of the Internet. People communicate more often on the Internet, where there are no habitual patterns of behavior and the need to fulfill a certain role in society. In personal communication, we receive a large number of verbal and non-verbal reactions from interlocutors, with which we then interact. Mediated communication on the Internet does not allow such interaction and hinders the development of emotional intelligence, which is important for a mature person. However, not everyone agrees with the idea that modern society is more infantile. Elena Mitskevich believes that today’s youth is more conscious than older generations, since the very great responsibility that people had to face in the past is not a guarantee of adequate personality maturation.

      Is it necessary to fight infantilism and how to do it?

      Infantilism itself is not a disease, therefore it does not require treatment.

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