Caricaturas de un gato: Más de 40 caricaturas en las que sus gatos son más que puro ronroneo – Spoiler Time

Caricaturas de un gato: Más de 40 caricaturas en las que sus gatos son más que puro ronroneo – Spoiler Time

277.198 Gatos Caricatura Imágenes y Fotos

Conjunto de gatos en diferentes poses. ilustración de vector de estilo plano. concepto de animales.PREMIUM

Retrato de un gato con una mirada depredadora sobre un fondo claroPREMIUM

Tres gatos animandoPREMIUM

Lindo y encantador pequeño tigre personaje de dibujos animados sentadoPREMIUM

Gato de dibujos animados mascota gatito signo de carácter animal lindoPREMIUM

Gatos lindos con yukata y comiendo taiyaki al estilo ukiyo-e, una especie de bocadillos japonesesPREMIUM

Lindo garabato gato amigo pandilla tomar selfie, amigo para siempre, vector gráfico dibujado a manoPREMIUM

Un zorro bebé blanco sobre fondo de tema navideño con bolas navideñas de cristal. muérdago con decoración navideña bolas rojas. representación 3dPREMIUM

Patrones exóticos sin fisuras con tigres en la selva. diseño de dibujo de mano de vector.PREMIUM

Niña o mujer sentada en la alfombra del suelo en casa leyendo un libro en un cómodo y acogedor apartamento con gatitos, flores y plantas. diseño de interiores vectoriales.PREMIUM

Ilustración de vector, conjunto de lindos felinos de dibujos animados. guepardo, león, tigre, jaguar, leopardoPREMIUM

Cara de gato lindo de dibujos animados en blancoPREMIUM

Mascotas animales lindosPREMIUM

Lindo y encantador pequeño personaje de dibujos animados de león sentadoPREMIUM

Muchos juguetes en la ilustración de la escena del dormitorio rosa.PREMIUM

Boceto vectorial dibujado a mano de gatos divertidosPREMIUM

Lindo gato rojo en diferentes poses. ilustración plana de dibujos animados de vector. gatito juguetón divertido aislado sobre fondo blanco.PREMIUM

Colección de personajes de dibujos animados gato. conjunto de diferentes poses de gato, yoga y emociones. diseño de estilo simple de color plano. gatos siameses colorpoint. ilustración vectorialPREMIUM

Conjunto de colección de cachorros de gato grandePREMIUM

Ilustración de dibujos animados de encontrar dos mismas imágenes juego educativo con gatos divertidos personajes de animales cómicosPREMIUM

Diseño lindo del vector del gatoPREMIUM

Linda chica leyendo un libro en compañía de pequeños gatitos. vector.PREMIUM

Lindo conjunto de borde de animales de compañía de dibujos animados, cuerpo completo, grupo grandePREMIUM

Ilustración gráfica de lince de gatos salvajes de vectorPREMIUM

Ilustración de gato lindo, divertido y loco.PREMIUM

Ilustración en 3d de un gato abstracto que brilla en los colores del arco iris, turbulencia infinita, colores rojos fluorescentes, diseño reconfortante y relajante.PREMIUM

Conjunto de ilustración vectorial de personajes de mascotas de dibujos animados lindos y divertidos. diferentes razas de perros y gatos al estilo plano.PREMIUM

Adjetivos opuestos con dibujos de dibujos animadosPREMIUM

Lindo gatito blanco de dibujos animados sobre un fondo rosaPREMIUM

Oso polar con aurora boreal, aurora boreal. imagen nocturna con estrellas, cielo oscuro. bestia de aspecto peligroso en el hielo con nieve, norte de canadá. escena de la vida silvestre de la naturalezaPREMIUM

Familia de tigres en la ilustración de fondo del paisaje forestalPREMIUM

Ilustración del vector de un gatito y amigos alegres que se sienta en la sonrisa en un fondo blancoPREMIUM

Ilustración del juego de conteo educativo para niños con dibujos animados divertidos perros y gatos grupo de personajes de animalesPREMIUM

Conjunto de gatos en diferentes poses. ilustración de vector de estilo plano. concepto de animales.PREMIUM

Lindo y encantador pequeño personaje de dibujos animados de tigrePREMIUM

Personajes de dibujos animados de mascotas de gato y perroPREMIUM

Ilustración de vector de gato lindo gatito.colección de juguetes de gato.estilo de diseño plano de ilustración vectorial.diseño de carteles de tienda de mascotas con muchos accesorios.PREMIUM

Dibujo de doodle de ilustración de cabeza de gato lindo, sueño de gato, orejas y bigotes. icono gráfico de cabeza de gato de contorno.PREMIUM

Conjunto de bordes para perros y gatos, anverso y reverso.PREMIUM

Lindo leopardo de las nieves en la montaña nevadaPREMIUM

Ilustración del juego de conteo educativo para niños con personajes de dibujos animados de gatos y perrosPREMIUM

Gatos divertidos de chipre sobre fondo de doodle. ilustración dibujada a mano en estilo zentangle. vector de colorPREMIUM

Conjunto de tarjetas de gatos lindos. gato aguacate, gato café. gato leyendo un libro. pirámide de gatos.PREMIUM

Colección de pegatinas vectoriales de lindas siluetas negras de gatosPREMIUM

Gato colorido en estilo pop artPREMIUM

Bozal de tigre de color abstracto en anteojos y auriculares aislado sobre fondo blanco con salpicaduras de pinturaPREMIUM

Gatito bebé esponjoso de dibujos animados con ojos grandes y una flor rosa, ilustraciónPREMIUM

Lindo gatito divertido posandoPREMIUM

Garabatos sin fisuras caras de gatos de colores de fondoPREMIUM

Conjunto de brujería. cristales mágicos dibujados, bola de brujas y gato negro. cráneo humano, símbolos ocultos esotéricos. juego de vectores exactos de halloween mágico medieval. ilustración de brujería y halloweenPREMIUM

Ilustración de cabeza de perro colorido en estilo pop artPREMIUM

Grupo de lindos gatitos divertidos sentados en la colección de tazas de café, adorable animal mascota dibujo a mano doodle vectorPREMIUM

No se admiten mascotas vector de señal sobre fondo blanco. PREMIUM

Gato jugando en el parque natural o en el bosque con mariposas. adorable gatito en la caricatura de fondo de naturaleza salvaje para niños. diseño de personajes de dibujos animados vectoriales.PREMIUM

Ilustración vectorial de dibujos animados de gato y ratónPREMIUM

Adoptar una mascota, conjunto de iconos de personas con gatos y perros ilustración vectorial de dibujos animadosPREMIUM

Tigre durmiendo en blancoPREMIUM

Estereotipo de mujer sonriente feliz independiente sentada en el sofá con muchos animales gatos. ilustración aislada plana de dibujos animadosPREMIUM

Animales salvajes en la ilustración de campo del desiertoPREMIUM

Lindo cachorro de tigre en la naturalezaPREMIUM

Colección de grandes tigres adultos. animales de la vida silvestre. grandes felinos mamíferos depredadores. diseño de animales de dibujos animados pintados. ilustración de vector plano aislado sobre fondo blancoPREMIUM

Insignias de tiendas de mascotas. animales domésticos perros gatos símbolos estilizados para el mercado del zoológico imágenes vectoriales recientes conjunto aisladoPREMIUM

Aventuras de astronautas de animales y niños en el espacio, con estrellas lunares brillantes y nubes. dibujos animados divertidos y aventureros de ensueño para la exploración cósmica de los niños. ilustración de estilo acuarela de papel tapiz vectorial.PREMIUM

Gatito divertido lindo de la acuarela que cuelga en ramas del árbol y del calcetín rojo del invierno de la navidad aisladas en el fondo blanco. boceto de ilustración dibujada a manoPREMIUM

Grupo de animales africanos salvajes en la ilustración de la escena del bosquePREMIUM

Conjunto de dibujos animados de composiciones con personas solitarias y niños llorando bebiendo alcohol sentados con gatos ilustraciones vectoriales aisladasPREMIUM

árbol de navidad 3d decorado con adornos coloridos con tren de juguete pasando por debajo sobre fondo amarilloPREMIUM

Gato colorido en estilo pop artPREMIUM

Familia de leones en la ilustración del desiertoPREMIUM

Ilustración vectorial historieta divertida. multitud alegre de gatos multicolores que miran fuera del marco. conjunto de animales aislados. impresión vertical u horizontal. PREMIUM

Lindo gato de dibujos animados con lindos patitos amarillosPREMIUM

Conjunto de gatos lindos y divertidos ilustración vectorialPREMIUM

Ilustración de gato con ratón a la luz de la lunaPREMIUM

Lindos perros y gatos. suministros de mascotas. esquema simple ilustración vectorialPREMIUM

Lindo encantador gatito blanco de dibujos animados personaje esponjosoPREMIUM

Grupo de animales africanos salvajes en la ilustración de la escena del bosquePREMIUM

Escena con familia y tigres en la ilustración del zoológico.PREMIUM

Grupo de animales africanos salvajes en la ilustración de la escena del bosquePREMIUM

Ilustración de un gato teniendo su momentoPREMIUM

Lindo gato en estilo pop art adecuado para el diseño de camisetas, arte mural y cualquier cosaPREMIUM

Ejemplo de cadena alimentaria en turquía (asia menor): ibis calvo del norte – lagarto – insectos.PREMIUM

Una anciana camina con un bastón y hay muchos gatos cerca. ella adopta, ama y alimenta gatos callejeros. ilustración vectorialPREMIUM

Gato enojado en el fondo blanco. blanco y negro. imagen del vectorPREMIUM

Tigre andante. conjunto de caracteres estilizados. dibujo a mano por obras de arte de tinta. vista superior. símbolo del zodiaco chino del año nuevo lunar 2022. ilustración vectorialPREMIUM

Pintura al óleo digital de un gato. gato de fantasía de un cuento de hadas.PREMIUM

Desfile de gatos con consignas. muchos personajes lindos al estilo de dibujos animados. patrón multicolor transparente para textil, diseño y decoración.PREMIUM

Niña jugando junto con lindo gatoPREMIUM

Carácter de la colección cat sobre fondo blanco, ilustración vectorial de dibujo.PREMIUM

Ilustración de dibujos animados de encontrar diferencias entre imágenes tarea educativa para niños con grupo de personajes de gatos divertidosPREMIUM

Personaje de gatito negro de dibujos animados encantador lindoPREMIUM

Lindo búho de dibujos animados sentado en una rama floreciente y decorado con hongos alrededor de su diseño vectorialPREMIUM

Grupo de animales africanos salvajes en la ilustración de fondo transparentePREMIUM

Gatito de niño vintage acuarela en pantalones de ropa y camisa con globo azul de cumpleaños aislado sobre fondo blanco. boceto de ilustración dibujado a manoPREMIUM

Tigre de baja poli se cuela eps 10 estilo realistaPREMIUM

Lindo gato de dibujos animados en una caja de regalo lila. ilustración vectorial con animales sobre un fondo blanco.PREMIUM

Lobo en el arte de color abstractoPREMIUM

Lindo tigre en varias poses. ilustración de vector de dibujos animados de animales depredadores salvajes de la selvaPREMIUM

Gatos enamorados en un techo contra el fondo de la luna.PREMIUM

Dibujo de dibujos animados de un gatoPREMIUM

Personaje de león divertido de dibujos animados lindoPREMIUM

Búsquedas relacionadas:

Munecos De Caricaturas Gatos | MercadoLibre 📦

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  3. A Floppa Gato Muñeco Peluche Juguete Regalo Para Niños



    91 pesos con 67 centavos $91.67

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  2. Peluche Gaby Y La Casa De Las Muñecas 30cm Gato Blanco



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  3. Muñecos Skzoo 20cm *calidad- Premium Kids



    72 pesos con 02 centavos $72. 02

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  1. Alfombrilla Mouse Pad Ergonomico Con Reposamuñecas Gato



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  1. Solo Necesito Un Gato – Pero No Es Recíproco – Alberto Montt



    24 pesos con 16 centavos $24.16

  2. Arillos De Caricaturas Para Llaves Llaveros De Perros Gatos



    22 pesos con 23 centavos $22. 23

  3. 30 Cajas Dulceros Personajes Fiesta Carton Aguinaldos Cajita



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  1. Kit Alcancia Con Acuarela Princesas Super Heroes Caricaturas

  2. Animales De Peluche De Caricatura Skzoo Stray Niños De Jugue



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  3. Muñeca De Ropa Interior De Mujer + Orejas De Gato/seda Neger



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  1. Alfombrilla Mouse Pad Ergonomico Con Reposamuñecas Gato



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  2. Pijama Para Dama Juvenil De Gato Sailor Moon



    40 pesos con 41 centavos $40. 41

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  3. Pijama Para Dama Juvenil De Sailor Moon Gato Luna



    40 pesos con 41 centavos $40.41

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  1. Tapete Raton Huella 3d Gato Antideslizante Gel Ortopedico

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  3. Alfombrilla Mouse Pad Ergonomico Con Reposamuñecas Gato



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    por Karzov



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  1. Kit De Fiesta Platos Vasos Dulceros Personajes 40 Invitados



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  2. Peluche Hello Kitty, 40 Cms. Love. Gato. Muñecos. Rosa.



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  3. Kit Fiesta Platos Vasos Dulceros Etc Personajes 10 Invitados



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  1. Muñecos Skzoo 21cm *calidad- Premium Kids



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  2. Tapete Raton Huella 3d Gato Antideslizante Gel Ortopedico

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  3. Playeras Camiseta Tom Jerry Gato Y Raton Caricatura + Regalo



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  3. Kit Fiesta Platos Y Vasos Desechable Personajes 50 Invitados



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  1. Gabby Dollhouse Gato Hamster Gabby Casa De Muñeca Target



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  3. Alfombrilla Mouse Pad Ergonomico Con Reposamuñecas Gato



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90,000 enchanted circle: in Soviet caricatures found the prophecies about Russia and NATO

Komsomolskaya Pravda

Political Political Political Political Political: Politkikhnya

Oleg Adamovich

June 5, 2022 14:00

Why are political cartoons 50 or 70 years old seemingly seem as if drawn today

1951 is a caricature about freezing residents of London, who heat the stove-stove with newspapers with “Labor promises”

100 years ago, the first issue of the most famous satirical magazine in the USSR, Krokodil, was published. A sort of Soviet “Charlie Hebdo”. Anniversaries are not funny. We decided to leaf through the archive with funny pictures in order to be touched and let out a nostalgic tear for the past. But … somehow it quickly became no laughing matter. Decades have passed, and many jokes are written as if they were about today.

Stolypin once said that in Russia everything changes in 10 years, and nothing in 200. You look at Soviet cartoons and you understand – but it really is. Much in our country (and in the world as well) is going through the second (or one hundred and second) circle.


See for yourself. “Crocodile” for 1947. On the last page there is a caricature of Rothschild, who asks passers-by for money: “Give the poor banker 20 million for bread!”.

Photo: Crocodile

These are the spitting image of our today’s billionaires, who fell under sanctions and lost their yachts and foreign castles. For example, Mikhail Fridman ($11.8 billion according to Forbes) complained in March 2022 that he didn’t even have money for a housekeeper and decent food.

“I don’t know if this (funds allocated by the British authorities – Ed.) will be enough to live a normal life. I can’t even go to a restaurant. I have to eat at home and I am practically under house arrest,” the businessman told the Spanish newspaper País.

Coincidence? Certainly! But how it looks like.

Photo: Krokodil


1951 is a caricature about the freezing people of London who heat the stove-bourgeois stove with newspapers with “Labour promises”.

“We keep ourselves warm only with the promises of our rulers,” the caption reads.

All last winter our central TV channels were talking about freezing Europe. Including about the freezing Londoners. 71 years have passed, and we are all worried about how the inhabitants of Europe keep warm without us.

Then the UK was scolded simply for capitalism, now we laugh because of trading on the stock exchange (spot market) with our gas, but in the end we get the same thing.


A separate epic – our cartoons about NATO, America and all sorts of global organizations such as the UN. From some point on, jokes about the collective West began to appear in every issue. Well, how can I say … now many Russian politicians are talking about the same thing that Krokodil wrote about in the 1950s or 1980s.

Photo: “Crocodile”

America supplies weapons to the allies, it ends in destruction and innumerable victims – the common meaning of dozens of old cartoons. What changed? Never mind! Today, the States are driving their Javelins, Stingers and howitzers to Ukraine, as a result, there are more and more victims in this country. “The United States is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian,” our politicians say. And, in general, they are right.

But how it looks like a story half a century ago. Then we were worried about Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Grenada … There are many places where the Americans managed to trample on in the 20th century.

“Crocodile” often wrote (or drew) about how America spreads influence with the help of the dollar, bribery and espionage … And here, too, little has changed.

The states still use their currency as a weapon. Our Central Bank fully appreciated this when the West arrested Russian foreign exchange reserves. Yes, and espionage with bribery has not gone away – just leaf through the plums of Snowden or Assange to be convinced of the intrigues of the CIA.


– Well, really, when you look at the old “Crocodile”, it seems that the country is walking in a vicious circle. Why do we now curse NATO or Western Europe with the words of the Cold War? I asked the political scientist, professor at the Higher School of Economics Dmitry Evstafiev.

– If only because NATO hasn’t changed that much. The Alliance lives by the rules of the middle of the last century. All controversial issues are resolved by war – Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. The US uses the power of the economy to put pressure on other countries. We objectively have the right to scold the West for the same things that we scolded for before the collapse of the Union.

Photo: “Crocodile”

– But time is running out. Can’t you think of any other arguments?

– Yes, of course. It’s just that for the last 30 years, people who studied the United States from Russia were considered, to put it mildly, losers. Everyone wanted to become managers, big officials… The problem is that we don’t really know the pain points of the West. This is especially true for Germany. But so does America. Therefore, we simply copy the old arguments. Then the real titans of satire and propaganda invented them, – the expert explained.


In 1960, Crocodile laughed at sports teams that fielded men instead of women.

“- Why is a man playing!

– Nothing can be done, according to the application he is Lida Sergeeva,” Soviet cartoonists joked.

Photo: “Krokodil”

Back then it was a hoax with figureheads. Now, too, instead of a woman, a man can come out. Only now it is not considered cheating, but is considered a bold act and acceptance of oneself. Here at the Tokyo Olympics, New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard used to be weightlifter Gavin …


Having finished Crocodile, we studied American satire out of curiosity. Who would have thought, but in the West they bother even less with inventing new horror stories. We, unlike NATO, objectively have come a long way – we have abandoned communism, switched to democracy and a free market … And if you listen to politicians from Washington, you get the feeling that they think and speak with the arguments of the Stalin era.

In 1947, a comic book was published in the USA about how the communists seized power over the country. They pitted American politicians against each other in order to weaken the stability in the country, and then interfered in the presidential election and dragged their man through.

Photo: Krokodil

Doesn’t remind you of anything? All four years in the White House, Donald Trump has been hiccupped by endless accusations that hackers from Moscow helped him win the election. In general, Trump was called almost Putin’s man. They could not prove it, but there were screams. And the sanctions against us, which were introduced for allegedly interfering in the voting, have not been lifted.

When rallies in support of blacks began all over America (the movement was called Black lives matter), Washington also declared that Russia was rocking the boat. Somehow it turned out that we are to blame for the fact that the police in the States shoot at blacks.

More than 70 years have passed, and the stories are exactly the same! It would be nice to be scolded for the cause, because as they thought up then, so it is now.


Another bogey of Western propagandists: Russian rapists. It was in the comics of the Cold War, and in the cartoons – the soldiers of the Red Army will come and spoil all the girls.

The story still works. A month and a half ago, Europeans and Americans, as if on cue, began to say that the Russian military in Ukraine is raping everything that moves. No proof, but who cares? The main thing is to convey, but at least the grass does not grow there.

Photo: Krokodil

The most enduring image is the spread of the sinister influence of Moscow. Russia can be depicted both in the form of an octopus and in the form of a thunderstorm cloud. A kind of dark force that wants to subjugate everyone. And specific actions are no longer so important – the main thing is the general intention.

In principle, Washington’s policy is still based on this old image of the enemy. It is enough to look at how America resisted the construction of Nord Stream 2. The politicians in Congress said that the new pipe would make Europe dependent. In general, the fewer contacts we have, the better. In the same way, the US was at war with the first pipeline from the USSR to Germany.

Moreover, the story about the Russian threat from the East turned out to be the most popular in the West. Back in the 19th century (!) European cartoonists painted us as some kind of large, aggressive and wild Asian mass. That is how we are for them in many ways.


– During the Cold War, a whole science appeared in the West – Sovietology. Smart people were busy studying us and coming up with propaganda techniques. After 1991 Sovietology practically disappeared. Propaganda remained, but the most talented cadres left. It is not surprising that now they are simply copying 50-year-old stamps. They’ve already worked once. Why fix something that works so well? Moreover, there are simply no people left who could compose something as talented, but new, – Evstafiev believes.

– Russia has not changed much in the eyes of the West since the 1950s. We are still a threat to Europe and America. Plus, there are no more corny specialists in NATO who would be well versed in our country. Not at the level of news headlines, but for real. Yes, and there is no particular desire to understand – the West is only interested in minerals. Many politicians are sure that they can be obtained simply through forceful pressure. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be friends, but creating the image of an enemy just helps, – added political scientist Alexander Domrin.


The golden age of satirical pictures, alas, has passed. The magazine “Crocodile” rested in Bose in 2008. Less well-known publications gave up even earlier. If ordinary newspapers could publish entire pages with cartoons, now this is not the case either. The famous artist Vasya Lozhkin (real name Alexei Kudelin) told KP why it happened.

– Everything, as it often happens, depends on money. There are fewer newspapers globally, and those who could keep a full-time satirical artist are generally few. That is, it is almost impossible for a cartoonist to make money by selling his drawings. It killed the whole craft. Plus, there were memes, demotivators. They filled (especially on the Internet) that humorous niche that satirical pictures used to occupy. Of course, the cartoons have been preserved, but more often people draw them for the soul, – said Lozhkin.


Krokodil is not the only satirical publication published in the Soviet Union. For example, there were local counterparts. In the Ukrainian SSR, the magazine “Pepper” was printed. And sometimes the relevance there hoo as rolled over. In 1956, the cover of Pepper featured a picture of a Ukrainian nationalist licking the hand of an American capitalist. Then journalists laughed at Bandera. And now there is no time for humor somehow…

In the Ukrainian SSR the magazine “Pepper” was printed

We think artists would be surprised to find out how much their satire hit, as they say, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

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The most shocking cartoons about the USA during the Cold War

In 1945, the Second World War ended, and the former allies – the USA and the USSR were already preparing for a new war, this time cold.

On March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill delivers his famous speech in Fulton, which is considered the beginning of the Cold War. Ironically, exactly seven years later, on March 5, 1953, the main opponent of the United States and the entire Western world, Stalin, will die. Whether it was just a coincidence or a sign, it doesn’t matter now, but the fact remains.

Immediately after the end of World War II, the rules for conducting combat operations on the fronts of the Cold War were laid down. Propaganda weapons acquired a new value: if the nuclear bombs acquired by the superpowers were a deterrent and could not be used, for obvious reasons, then propaganda became the only possible offensive weapon, which both sides used sometimes elegantly, and sometimes rather clumsily.

We have selected cartoons that may have something in common with the present time and show the intensity of the struggle in those years. Cartoonists, of course, were at the forefront of this front, and the Crocodile magazine was one of the most powerful weapons of this war.

The last years of the Leader’s life were marked by a special intensity of passions, and there was plenty of that: here is the Korean War, and the spread of bacteriological weapons, and the expansion of the US presence around the world.

Let’s start with the Korean War, which few people remember today, but whose significance was no less than the Vietnamese one. In it, the two superpowers did not have a direct clash, but actively participated in the armed conflict, supplying weapons, specialists, and financing the warring parties. Of course, the parties accused each other of direct participation in the conflict, although both sides did not admit their participation.

It is curious to note that America’s current “successes” in local conflicts in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, it turns out, are based precisely on the Korean War. Officially, the conflict between North and South Korea from 1950 to 1953 was considered to be intranational, but in fact, two superpowers were also widely involved in it. As you know, the result of this war was the division of the country into two parts, and the United States was forced to leave the North of the Korean Peninsula.

Both sides accused each other of the mass death of the civilian population, the destruction of peaceful facilities.

Cartoonists paid a lot of attention to the work of the UN. Even then, the USSR constantly reproached the United States for manipulating the UN. Below is a cartoon inspired by a quote from Stalin’s conversation with a Pravda correspondent: “In fact, the UN is now not so much a world organization as an organization for Americans, acting at the behest of American aggressors.”

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And that everything is dictated by capital from Wall Street.

And the US Congress, as a purely hostile institution, was portrayed quite ominously.

US allies were generally accused of not having their own position. Approximately the same situation is now developing in the European Union. This is especially evident when considering Europe’s position on sanctions against Russia.

Russia, both then and now, is worried about the expansion of NATO and the emergence of a large number of US military bases around the world. In 1952, the first wave of expansion of the NATO bloc took place, two new countries, Greece and Turkey, joined the twelve founding countries. Since the founding of NATO, there have been six waves of expansion of this bloc.

Oil was everything, as it was half a century ago, as it is now. And the goals were always the same – control over oil in the Middle East.

“Krokodil” sometimes printed cartoons from friendly magazines of the socialist camp, for example, the Polish magazine “Shpilka”. In them, the cartoons were not so aggressive and offensive, they paid more attention to the economic situation in the United States. It must be admitted that since then the stereotyped reflection of the economic state of America has not changed much.

The USSR has always pointed out that the United States, hiding behind the goals of spreading democracy, actually pursues other goals.

The parties, of course, accused each other of bias, media bias, including unwillingness to see something good from the other side. According to the USSR, the media tycoons set the tone, including the media empire of William Hearst, which currently owns more than fifty newspapers, as well as well-known glossy magazines Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Harper’s Bazaar and many others.

Any excuse was used for propaganda. Centenary of the death of N.V. Gogol was used to the fullest, they used quotes from his works. A very interesting quote about Europe was posted on the main page of Krokodil.

And more quotes from Gogol and cartoons.

There have always been persons in history who are credited with a special role in the deterioration of relations in one country or another. Now few people remember who Harriman Averell is, about whom Stalin said that he was responsible for the deterioration of relations between the USSR and the USA after World War II. He served as coordinator of the Marshall Plan from 1948 to 1950, from 1950 to 1951 – Special Assistant to President Truman for Foreign Policy, and part-time also an industrialist. And here quotes from “dead souls” came in handy.

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From the middle of the Second World War, the USA, the USSR and Great Britain began large-scale work on the production of bacteriological weapons. In 1971, the Biological Weapons Convention was adopted. Bacteriological warfare has a very specific character. Feathers, insects, animals, solutions are used to spread infected material, which for a cartoonist is an uncultivated field for plots.

And for infection, pathogens of the most terrible diseases were used, such as typhus, anthrax, and plague.

In 1925, the United States, Russia and other countries signed the Geneva Protocol, which prohibits the use of asphyxiating and poisonous gases, as well as bacteriological agents in war. However, this did not prevent countries from violating it.

The well-known character Uncle Sam was actively used in caricatures. In 1952, the centenary of the appearance of this image was celebrated. Soviet cartoonists “modernized” the image.

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In general, the attitude towards the United States was created not only hostile, but even squeamish.

As can be seen from the cartoons, both countries have reached incredible heights in demonizing each other. The best cartoonists worked on the images, creating memorable characters. The world has changed since then, but the approaches have remained the same, but the tools have changed. Caricature, especially political caricature, has lost ground. TV and the Internet became the main tools, which, as they say, “burn the hearts of people with a verb”, reinforcing this with a visual range. Despite the fact that ominous images were created in the cartoons, it was an abstraction and a person could look at it from the outside.

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