Crema de estrias para embarazadas: Mejor Cuidado de Piel para Embarazadas

Crema de estrias para embarazadas: Mejor Cuidado de Piel para Embarazadas

Crema de cuidado preventiva contra-estrías para el embarazo


6 opiniones

Compra Mustela en línea en:




Eficacia probada

• Previene la aparición de estrías.
• 96% de las mujeres embarazadas que utilizaron el producto no desarrollaron estrías.
• 85% considera que proporciona sensación de bienestar después de la aplicación.
• Seguridad MUY ALTA: exclusión de ingredientes controversiales
y no recomendados durante el embarazo.

Dermatológicamente comprobado


Consejos de uso


Recomendaciones de uso

Crema prevención de estrías. Aplicar desde los primeros meses de embarazo y un mes después del parto, día y noche en abdomen, caderas, muslos y pechos.
• Hidrata y nutre profundamente la epidermis.
• Promueve la flexibilidad y facilita la tonicidad.

Seguridad e ingredientes

Seguro para mamá y bebé





6 opiniones

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La he pasado muy mal con esta crema me irrrita demasiado la piel provocándome un gran picor y dejándome las zonas en donde la aplico extremadamente rojas.

La mejor crema para embarazo, se absorbe muy rápido y no deja manchas de grasa en la ropa.

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6 opiniones

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La he pasado muy mal con esta crema me irrrita demasiado la piel provocándome un gran picor y dejándome las zonas en donde la aplico extremadamente rojas.

La mejor crema para embarazo, se absorbe muy rápido y no deja manchas de grasa en la ropa.

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Suero Estrías

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Aceite Estrías

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Trofolastín: “La utilicé durante todo el embarazo y funcionó”: así es la crema antiestrías que triunfa en Amazon | Escaparate




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La fórmula de Trofolastín reduces las estrías hasta un 89%.Getty

Las estrías no son nada extraordinario, ya que llegan a aparecer hasta en el 35% de las personas durante la pubertad y en un 90% de las mujeres embarazadas. Suelen surgir en zonas de mayor estiramiento de la piel, como pechos, caderas, muslos y glúteos, en el caso de las mujeres, y en hombros, región lumbar y muslos de los hombres, además del abdomen de las embarazadas. Por eso se recomienda mantener hidratada la piel y utilizar productos específicos para detener su aparición, como la crema antiestrías Trofolastín, que puede reducirlas hasta en un 89%. Su eficacia la avalan las más de 2.500 valoraciones y la calificación de 4,6 sobre 5 que tiene en Amazon.

Compra por 19,06€ en Amazon

Hasta un 89% menos estrías

Las estrías aparecen, principalmente, durante o después del embarazo; pero también son comunes en adolescentes, deportistas o personas que suben o bajan de peso rápidamente. Pero para estos y otros tipos de problemas tróficos cutáneos, esta crema antiestrías es de las más recomendadas. ¿Qué es Trofolastín estrías? En pocas palabras, se trata de una fórmula que potencia la elasticidad de la piel para reducir la formación de estrías hasta un 89%. Su eficacia fue probada clínicamente en un estudio de 1991, en el que participaron 100 mujeres embarazadas.

“La utilicé durante todo el embarazo y funcionó”, celebra una de las clientas de Amazon. “A mí no me salieron estrías tras su aplicación diaria y en cantidades generosas”, afirma. Una experiencia similar comparte otra usuaria: “El producto deja la piel muy suave y se absorbe rápido. No me ha salido ninguna estría”.

¿Cómo y cuánto tiempo usar Trofolastín?

El principal compuesto de esta fórmula es la centella asiática, una planta que regenera y repara la piel para prevenir la aparición de estrías. Esto se debe a que estimula la síntesis del colágeno y, por lo tanto, devuelve firmeza y elasticidad a la piel, además de que mejora su apariencia. También contiene aceite de germen de trigo y vitaminas A, D y E, que funcionan como antioxidantes, así como hidrolizados de colágeno y elastina para estimular y nutrir la piel. Lo mejor es que solamente hay que aplicarla dos veces al día sobre la zona a tratar con un ligero masaje y que deja un perfume agradable sin olores químicos.

Sobre esto comenta la usuaria Candela: “Me operé y, al cabo de los meses, me han salido estrías. He probado de todo, pero me ha dado alergia; [esta crema] es lo único que me ha bajado las estrías y no me ha dado alergia”. Por su parte, otra clienta asegura que no le salió “ni una sola estría” durante su embarazo. “Se extiende muy bien, tiene muy poquito o nada de olor —lo que se agradece—, no es nada pegajosa y se absorbe rápidamente”, explica.

Compra por 19,06€ en Amazon

*Todos los precios de compra incluidos en este artículo están actualizados a 3 de octubre de 2021.


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Skin care in the shower is possible if you know how to do it. Taking into account some aspects can help you look more beautiful and be very healthy.

A neat, smooth and youthful neckline is possible with special care. They are not expensive and are very effective for the appearance of your skin.

Hands are forever forgotten, in many cases. Giving them the attention they deserve is paramount. Here are some basic care tips for you.

Lack of sun protection leads to burns and the next step is peeling. This is how you should take care of your skin.

Sunburn is our body’s response to trying to protect itself from ultraviolet rays. We’ll tell you how burns actually happen and how you can relieve their pain almost immediately.

Foot care is very important, although we often forget about it. Follow our advice and keep them in good condition.

Having nice hands is very important, because in many cases they are a real letter of recommendation.

People who lose a lot of weight find they have excess skin. Learn how to avoid sagging skin to show a strong physique.

The use of body scrubs is a basic step in a complete beauty routine. The skin needs our care and attention to be healthy and renewed.

Making your own body scrub is a great idea. It is an economical, natural and highly effective option.

Slippers are widely used in spring and summer, but few people know about the dangers that we expose ourselves to when using them. We will tell you what they are so that you can prevent them in advance.

Sunbathing and sunbathing is a habit of many people with the onset of summer. We will tell you what happens to your skin when you tan, is it true that it has a memory and whether it is worth exposing yourself to sunlight to get vitamin D.

Bruises appear on your skin if you have not hit or played contact sports. Find out the causes and severity.

We sweat more when we exercise, so you need to know the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Do they work the same? Should I use it before a workout?

Nail biting is a very common nervous habit among Spaniards. Although it seems like a harmless tic, the reality is that we can contract an infection that causes problems in our body. We talk about the dangers of biting nails and biting skin

UVA ray booths are the quick way to get a tan in record time. Is it good for the skin?

Vegetable oils are an excellent option for 100% natural skin care. Learn about the properties of three of them and start implementing them into your beauty routines.

If you want to show off healthy and beautiful skin, you might be interested in learning about some of the habits that can accelerate skin aging.

Valencia College of Dentists and Dentists has dispelled some false myths about the health of our teeth. Is it true that wisdom teeth always need to be removed? Does caries always hurt? We tell you some of these myths that have been analyzed by dentists.

Our hands work a lot during the day as we use them for almost everything. Therefore, regular massage can relieve a lot of tension and take care of the joints. We will tell you how to give yourself a massage.

Our legs suffer during the day. They carry us from one place to another and resist the entire weight of our body. It is logical that at the end of the day we may notice them inflamed or resentful. If you’re not familiar with foot baths yet, we’ll show you how to prepare them so you can reap the benefits.

If you notice that your skin is irritated and dry after swimming in the sea or pool, you may be wondering why this is happening. Below we will tell you about this and offer some recommendations on how to avoid these inconveniences.

The use of essential oils can have a positive effect on mental and physical health. Know its benefits.

Menstrual cup penetrates intimate hygiene during menstruation. Until now, most women have used tampons or pads, so there are many doubts about the cup. We tell you if you can play sports with it.

If you’re wondering if too much showering is bad for your health, here’s the answer. If you have to do this often, you can adopt some habits to make it less aggressive.

Waking up in the morning is a difficult task for some. But this is because they still do not realize the importance of maintaining a healthy and orderly regimen. Best? It won’t take you long.

Castor oil can be applied to different parts of the body and will bring us innumerable benefits. Discover them!

Since you’ve been in the gym, have you got acne on your body? We will tell you about the causes of acne in athletes and how to avoid it. Treating annoying pimples is very easy.

Whether you need to relax, relieve muscle tension or improve the appearance of your skin, bath salts are the answer.

We use our hands for almost everything during the day. They suffer over time. If you want to take care of them and eliminate signs of age, find out how to do it in the next post.

If you suffer from sensitive skin and don’t know how to improve your condition, you might be interested in learning how to strengthen your protective barrier and protect it properly.

Tattoos are very fashionable in recent years, but we don’t know much about them. Our generation is the first to make tattoos as an art, so only in the future we will know if they affect the skin in a negative way. Do they affect athletic performance? We’re talking to you!

Playing sports in the snow is one of the best plans that winter offers us. To fully enjoy a good workout, it’s important to know how to protect your skin from the sun’s rays. We give you some advice.

Post-workout skin care is very important. We give you tips on how to keep your face free of acne and have fresh and hydrated skin.

The gym is a place where numerous viruses, bacteria and fungi live. Do you walk barefoot in the locker room? Do you use towels in cars? We talk about some of the diseases that you can catch in your training center.

Many swimmers suffer from the famous “swimmer’s ear” due to spending a lot of time in the water. We tell you what otitis externa is, how to avoid it and how to cure it so that it does not interfere with training.

Menstruation should not be an obstacle to the continuation of training. We will tell you about the benefits that sport brings with menstruation and give you some tips on how to do it the best way possible.

Cellulite or orange peel is a problem that most often affects women. We will tell you what it is and how to eliminate it from your body.

When you shower after a workout, you don’t know whether to use hot or cold water, right? We will tell you which one brings the most benefit to your body.

Find out if it’s dangerous to crack or break your fingers.

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