Cuentos de suma: Cuentos de sumas — Lo mejor de Cuentopía

Cuentos de suma: Cuentos de sumas — Lo mejor de Cuentopía

7 cuentos para aprender a sumar

5 minutos

Aprender jugando. Uno de los mejores métodos para que los niños adquieran conocimientos y afiancen conceptos.

Escrito y verificado por la documentalista Arantza Martín Becerro.

Última actualización: 28 julio, 2022

Los libros infantiles son una maravillosa herramienta de trabajo para ayudar a los más pequeños en el aprendizaje de cuestiones básicas que sentarán las bases para su posterior educación. Y las matemáticas no escapan a ello, por eso te traemos una selección de cuentos para aprender a sumar que fascinarán a los niños.

En tanto que los números son una de las partes que primero se aprenden en las aulas, introducirlos en su mundo desde temprana edad es importante pues los necesitarán en la vida de forma cotidiana.

Te podría interesar Qué son las matemáticas tempranas y por qué son importantes

Cuentos para aprender a sumar

1. La pequeña oruga glotona

Un libro con colores e ilustraciones muy llamativas para los más pequeños. En él podrán ir sumando los alimentos que la oruga protagonista de la historia va comiendo, a la vez que los identifican con las ilustraciones troqueladas.

Además, con esta fantástica historia conocerán de primera mano el crecimiento, cambio o metamorfosis que sufre este animal a lo largo de su ciclo vital hasta convertirse en mariposa.

El éxito del libro ha sido tal que ya se ha editado en numerosos formatos para que sean los más pequeños los que elijan aquel que más llame su atención. Un cuento para aprender a sumar que se ha convertido en todo un clásico de la literatura infantil.

2. Aprendo a sumar y a restar

De la mano de la editorial Usborne, los niños aprenderán dos de las cuatro operaciones básicas de matemáticas: la suma y la resta. A través del aprendizaje autónomo, y sin apenas darse cuenta, serán capaces de realizar sumas y restas de una forma fácil y sencilla.

Un libro-pizarra que incluye un rotulador borrable para que puedan practicar estas operaciones cuantas veces quieran. La estructura para realizar las sumas presenta todo un juego para los niños: unas ilustraciones se incluyen en cada página con preguntas. Éstas hacen referencia al número que se tiene que incluir para la suma.

Por ejemplo: ¿cuántas ventanas tiene el autobús de Sorbete?. El niño tendrá que observar la ilustración y contar las ventanas que vea. Además de ser un cuento para aprender a sumar, los niños también practicarán la atención y la observación.

3. Cuenta hasta 100

Recomendado a partir de los tres años. Con este fantástico libro colorido y llamativo los más pequeños aprenderán a contar hasta 100 y a realizar operaciones sencillas de sumas.

Las ilustraciones son mostrarán numerosos objetos y animales que les fascinarán. Sin embargo, en estas páginas no solo aprenderán a contar hasta 100 y a realizar sumas de los elementos que se incluyen, sino también a realizar agrupaciones por la forma en la que están dispuestos. De este modo, podrán potenciar la habilidad de relacionar cantidades con grafías.

Como elemento adicional, y de la misma manera que ocurría con el cuento anterior, este libro infantil también es idóneo para mantener la concentración y la atención, así como la observación continua en sus páginas.

Descubre Cómo aprenden los niños habilidades matemáticas

4. Uno, cinco, muchos

Uno de los mejores álbumes ilustrados con multitud de actividades didácticas para que los niños aprendan los números y las operaciones básicas de suma y resta.

Diseñado por una ilustradora checa, los niños encontrarán en sus páginas transparencias, solapas e ilustraciones troqueladas, todo ello referente al mundo de los números. Una forma diferente de que los niños se diviertan y aprendan a partes iguales.

5. Los 10 zapatos de Cenicienta, uno de los cuentos para aprender a sumar más divertidos 

Uno de los cuentos clásicos más conocidos de la literatura infantil, como es La Cenicienta, se reconvierte en un fantástico libro sobre números para que los chicos aprendan.

A modo de juego, se incluyen conceptos relacionados con el mundo de las matemáticas, como son las operaciones básicas de suma y resta, así como la distinción entre números cardinales y ordinales.

Recomendado para niños a partir de cuatro años, el libro incluye, además, actividades y juegos relacionados con la historia de Cenicienta con los que los niños practicarán, sin apenas darse cuenta, de una forma totalmente divertida para ellos.


10 ovejitas

Un libro para iniciar a los hijos con el conteo del uno al diez. Cada página es una invitación a sumar entre rimas divertidas y dibujos coloridos. Para esto la distribución de la ilustración hace un aporte importante agrupando en una franja, al extremo de cada página, las ovejitas que se van sumando.

Su autora es Franziska Gehm, escritora y psicóloga alemana famosa por sus cuentos infantiles y las ilustraciones las realiza Marina Rachner. Es un cuento especial para familiarizar a los niños con los números desde muy pequeños y una vez iniciados en la escolaridad, se convierte en un buen recurso para reforzar el estudio en casa.


Las semillas mágicas

Este es un libro editado en el 2004 por el Fondo de Cultura Económica y cuya historia es un ejemplo de superación en la vida. Mitsumasa Anno, japonés reconocido en 1984 con el Premio Hans Christian Andersen, es el autor tanto del texto como de las ilustraciones hechas en acuarela.

Además de estudiar arte y dibujo ejercía como profesor de matemáticas, por lo que se puede decir que es un libro que condensa todas sus pasiones. Los dibujos son tan hermosos que lo convierten más que en un cuento en un obra de arte donde los niños aprenderán a sumar, restar y contar.

Por último

Recuerda que utilizar en la infancia cuentos para aprender a sumar, es una propuesta que busca ser una alternativa al método tradicional utilizado en la escuela. La idea es enseñar matemáticas de forma dinámica y divertida para que los nuevos conocimientos se vayan asimilando con naturalidad progresivamente.

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Cuentos de sumas

Cuentos de sumas

Cuentos de sumas

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siguiente   >

Isabel Allende | Literary portal

Isabel Allende was born in 1942 in the city of Lima (Peru), where her father, Thomas Allende (cousin of Salvador Allende, who became President of Chile in 1970 and was killed during a military coup led by Augusto Pinochet), worked in the diplomatic service to Chile. Isabel’s mother, Francis Yona (“dona Panchita”), after the breakup of the family in 1945, returns to Chile with three children, where she begins a new life in her father’s old house in Santiago. At 19In the 1950s, the family traveled to Bolivia and Beirut. Being away from Chile, Isabel continued her education in private schools: in Bolivia – North American, in Beirut – English, and returning in 1958, she completed it in her native country. Around the same time, she met her future husband, at that time still an engineering student, Miguel Frias. The wedding took place a few years later, in 1962. From 1959 to 1965, Isabel made a successful career as a television journalist in the information service of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. On television, she hosts a weekly program about the United Nations program to combat hunger. nine0003

In 1963, Paula was born – the one to whom later, after her death, Isabel would dedicate a whole book. The family travels around Europe, with long stops in Brussels and Switzerland during 1964-1965, and after that returns to Chile, where Isabel and Miguel’s second son, Nicholas, is born. Upon his return, Isabel takes up active journalistic work: he collaborates with the Paula magazine, where he is a member of the directors, and also leads a humorous column there. Since the early 1970s her writing activity expands: she writes for the children’s magazine Shorty (“Mampato”), publishes two children’s stories “Grandma Panchita” (La abuela Panchita) and “Mice and rats” (Lauchas y lauchones), as well as a collection of articles “Civilize the caveman of man” (Civilice a su troglodita). nine0003

In 1973 Isabel Allende’s theatrical play The Ambassador (El Embajador) was staged in Santiago de Chile. And soon after such a professional success, the aspiring writer was forced to leave the country: on September 11, a coup d’etat took place in Chile, led by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. Salvador Allende dies.

The Allende family has spent 13 years in exile in Venezuela. However, even here, Isabel does not stop collaborating with various publications, including the newspaper El Nacional, and also begins to lead a high school. Here, in Caracas, she publishes her first, and perhaps the most famous book, The House of Spirits (1982), which began with Isabel’s letter to her dying grandfather.

Back in 1978, Isabel Allende’s first break with Miguel Frias took place. Then Isabel went to Madrid for a few months. In 1987, the couple divorced and literally in the same year she met Willy Gordon in San Jose (California), who became her husband a year later. The new family settles in San Rafael (California), where he lives today. In 1984, a short humorous story “The Porcelain Fat Woman” (La gorda de porcelana), written back in 1974. Also at the same time, the novel Love and Darkness (De amor y de sombra) was published. In 1987, Eva Luna was published in Spanish. This story was continued in the Tales of Eva Luna (Cuentos de Eva Luna), published two years later.

In 1991, while Isabel Allende was presenting her new book, El plan infínito, her daughter Paula suffered an attack of porphyria, after which she was in a coma for a year. December 6, 1992 Paula dies. At 19In 1994, perhaps the most autobiographical book called “Paula” (“Paula”) was published in several languages ​​at once.

These significant works were followed by other equally interesting and important ones: “Aphrodite” (Afrodita (1998)), “Daughter of Fortune” (Hija de la fortuna (1999)), “Portrait in brown tones” (Retrato en sepia (2000) )), youth novel City of the Beasts (La ciudad de las bestias (2002)), “My Fictional Country” (Mi país inventado (2003)), “The Kingdom of the Golden Dragons” (El reino del dragón de oro, 2003)), “ Forest of the Pygmies” (El bosque de los pigmeos, 2004)), “Zorro” (Zorro, 2005)), “Ines of my soul” (Inés del alma mía, 2006)), “The sum of days” (La suma de los días, 2007)), “Island under the sea” (La isla bajo el mar, 2009)). Now Isabel Allende is one of the most famous Latin American writers. Literary critics perceive her as a superstar of Latin American magical realism, and the total circulation of her books has already exceeded forty million copies, her novels have been translated into three dozen languages. In 2004, she was accepted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. One of the most famous women in Latin America, she communicates on an equal footing with presidents and members of royal houses, with the Dalai Lama, superstars and Nobel laureates. nine0003



Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende was born in 1942 in the city of Lima (Peru), where her father, Thomas Allende (cousin of Salvador Allende), worked in the diplomatic service of Chile. Isabel’s mother, Francis Yona (“dona Panchita”), after the breakup of the family at 1945 returns to Chile with three children, where he starts a new life in his father’s old house in Santiago. It is here that her children grow up, surrounded by the care of their mother and grandfather.

During the 1950s The life of the Allende family takes a new turn: Dona Panchita begins to live with Ramon Uidobro (“thio Ramon”), a diplomat by profession, who was sent to Bolivia and Beirut. The family, of course, went with him. Being away from Chile, Isabel continued her education in private schools: in Bolivia – North American, in Beirut – English, and returning at 1958, completed it in her native country. Around the same time, she met her future husband, at that time still an engineering student, Miguel Frias. The wedding took place a few years later, in 1962. From 1959 to 1965, Isabel made a successful career as a television journalist in the information service of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. On television, she hosts a weekly program about the United Nations program to combat hunger.
In 1963, Paula was born – the one to whom later, after her death, Isabel would devote a whole book. The family travels around Europe, with extended stops in Brussels and Switzerland for 1964-1965, and after that he returns to Chile, where the second son of Isabel and Miguel, Nicholas is born.

Upon his return, Isabel takes up active journalistic work: he collaborates with the Paula magazine, where he is a member of the directors, and also leads a humorous column there. Since the early 1970s her writing activity expands: she writes for the children’s magazine Shorty (“Mampato”), publishes two children’s stories “Grandma Panchita” (La abuela Panchita) and “Mice and rats” (Lauchas y lauchones), as well as a collection of articles “Civilize the caveman of man” (Civilice a su troglodita). nine0017
But the 1970s brought her other events in her life. Salvador Allende becomes the first socialist elected president of Chile. Isabel’s stepfather, Ramón Huidobro, has been appointed ambassador to Argentina, while Isabel herself is currently working on TV channels 13 and 17 in Santiago, where she hosts two programs.
In 1973, Isabel Allende’s theatrical play The Ambassador (El Embajador) was staged in Santiago de Chile. And soon after such a professional success, the aspiring writer was forced to leave the country: on September 11, a coup d’etat took place in Chile, led by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte. Salvador Allende dies. nine0003

The Allende family has spent 13 years in exile in Venezuela. However, even here, Isabel does not stop collaborating with various publications, including the newspaper El Nacional, and also begins to lead a high school. Here, in Caracas, she publishes her first, and perhaps the most famous book, The House of Spirits (1982), which began with a letter from Isabel to her grandfather who was dying. The House of Spirits (La casa de los esp?ritus) is a family chronicle surrounded by the whirlwind of political and economic changes that have taken place in Latin America. The book was critically acclaimed, noting the clear features of “magic realism,” the literary style made famous by Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez. At 19In 1993, Danish director Billy August made a film of the same name based on the book Spirit House with a truly stellar cast (Meryl Streep, Antonio Banderas, Maria Conchita Alonso, Armin Muller-Stahl, Jeremy Irons, Winona Ryder, Glenn Close).

Back in 1978, Isabel Allende’s first break with Miguel Frias took place. Then Isabel went to Madrid for a few months. In 1987, the couple divorced and literally in the same year she met Willy Gordon in San Jose (California), who became her husband a year later. The new family settles in San Rafael (California), where he lives today. nine0003

In 1984, a short humorous story “The Porcelain Fat Woman” (La gorda de porcelana), written back in 1974, was published. Also at the same time, the novel “Love and Darkness” (De amor y de sombra) was published. In 1987, Eva Luna was published in Spanish – a dizzying story of the life of a girl named Eva and the whole country in which the main events of the book take place – Chile. This story was continued in the Tales of Eva Luna (Cuentos de Eva Luna), published two years later. nine0003

In the meantime, political changes took place in Chile, and the democracy that came to the country allowed Isabel, after 15 years of exile, to return to her native country to receive the Gabriela Mistral Prize from the hands of President Patricio Ailvin.
In 1991, while Isabel Allende was presenting her new book, The Infinite Plan (El plan inf?nito), her daughter Paula suffered an attack of porphyria, after which she was in a coma for a year. December 6, 1992 Paula dies. At 1994, perhaps the most autobiographical book called “Paula” (“Paula”) is published in several languages ​​at once, and the previously written “Love and Darkness” (“De amor y de sombra”) gets its embodiment on movie screens with with the help of Betty Karlan.

These significant works were followed by other equally interesting and important ones: “Aphrodite” (Afrodita (1998)), “Daughter of Fortune” (Hija de la fortuna (1999)), “Portrait in brown tones” (Retrato en sepia (2000)) , youth novel City of beasts (La ciudad de las bestias (2002)), “My invented country” (Mi pa? s inventado (2003)), “The Kingdom of the Golden Dragons” (El reino del drag? n de oro, 2003)) , “Forest of the Pygmies” (El bosque de los pigmeos, 2004)), “Zorro” (Zorro, 2005)), “Ines of my soul” (In?s del alma m?a, 2006)), “Sum of days” ( La suma de los d?as, 2007)), “Island under the sea” (La isla bajo el mar, 2009)).

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