Definicion de alejandra: ☆ Alejandra – origen, significado, pronunciación & popularidad

Definicion de alejandra: ☆ Alejandra – origen, significado, pronunciación & popularidad

Significado de Alejandra – Significadopedia


Significado de nombres

Significado de Alejandra

El elegir un nombre femenino, muchas veces los padres se proponen buscar un nombre delicado, que pudiera reflejar la belleza y gracia de el bebé en camino, pero ¿por qué no elegir un nombre que guarde todas esas características, y a la vez pueda tener cierta fuerza en su personalidad?

Si ese ese el caso, Alejandra es una elección ideal al momento de buscar el nombre con el mejor significado para tu bebé. No sólo es bastante femenino y hermoso, sino que su significad, fuerte y poderoso, le dará a tu hija esa valentía y motivación que todos necesitamos en la vida.

Qué significa el nombre Alejandra

Alejandra podía estar definida por tres características personales muy marcadas: elegancia, valentía y orgullo. Alejandra es el tipo de mujer que sabe lo que quiere y en el momento que lo quiere. No duda en decir lo que piensa, y al mismo tiempo, es muy reservada, pues sólo hablará cuando el tiempo lo demande. 

Debido a su selectiva actitud, Alejandra pudiera dar la apariencia de ser muy frívola y poco amigable, sobre todo esa apariencia frívola, pues Alejandra cuida mucho de su imagen, dando siempre una muestra de elegancia y femineidad a donde quiera que va; esto no significa que sea lo único que tiene en mente, la verdad es que Alejandra es muy perfeccionista y crítica, sobre todo con ella misma, por lo que siempre tratará de demostrar lo mejor de si.

Puede que tenga cierta dificultad haciendo amigos, no necesariamente por su seriedad, sino porque le cuesta mucho guardarse su opinión donde posiblemente no es requerida, nuevamente porque Alejandra quiere mantener el control de todo y sobre todo. Por un lado, esto es algo positivo, pues quienes la acepten de verdad, apreciarán su honestidad sin filtros, pero por otro lado, quienes no la comprendan, pudieran sentirse ofendidos, y aunque muy en el fondo no es la intensión de Alejandra, su personalidad no dará demasiada importancia a quienes no la acepten por lo que es. Una mujer seria, honesta y fuerte.

A pesar de todas estas características tan fuertes de Alejandra, con su familia, resulta ser un amor. Es una persona bastante familiar, humilde y amorosa. Le encanta pasar tiempo con sus seres querido y sabe bien cómo hacérselos saber. No tiene miedo en demostrar su amor a nadie, al igual que no teme criticar lo que no le gusta de los demás. Sin duda, la personalidad de Alejandra, pudiera ser complicada, pero vive con la verdad y honestidad, y a fin de cuentas, es lo que realmente le ayudará a triunfar.

Origen del nombre Alejandra

Alejandra es una variación femenina del nombre de Alejandro, el cual es de origen griego y se compone de dos importantes términos: alexein: proteger y ándros: hombre.

En este sentido, este nombre pudiera definirse como “aquella que protege a los hombres”.

Famosos con el nombre Alejandra

No cabe duda que Alejandra ha sido uno de los nombres más populares durante toda la historia. No sólo por lo bonito que es, sino por su fuerza y elegancia. Ha sido nombre de reinas, actrices, modelos, y numerosas estrellas. Entre las más famosas, conocemos a:

  • Alejandra Barros del Campo: Actriz de origen mexicano.
  • Alejandra Sandoval: Modelo y actriz colombiana.
  • Alejandra Silva: Española publicista, empresaria y activista.
  • Alejandra de Dinamarca: Reina consorte del Reino Unido desde el año 1901 hasta el año 1910.
  • Alejandra Castelló: Presentadora española.

Variaciones del nombre Alejandra en otros idiomas

Por ser un nombre bastante popular, existen diversas variaciones para el mismo. Entre las más conocidas encontramos:

  • Francés: Alexandra.
  • Búlgaro: Aleksandra, Aleksandrina.
  • Alemán: Alexandrine, Sandra, Sascha.
  • Inglés: Alexa, Alex, Alexandrea, Alezandrina, Alexina, Alezandrea, Ali, Allie, ally, Alyx, Lexa, Sandra, Lexi, Lexie, Lexine, Lexy, Zandra.


Alexandra se rige bajo el número 4 en la numerlogía, obteniendo sus características dominantes, su seriedad y su espíritu de lucha.


Dentro del santoral católico, el día 20 de marzo es el día de Santa Alejandra, emperatriz romana y mártir que llevó este hermoso nombre. No se tienen muchos datos de estas valiente cristiana, pero se dice que fue esposa de Diocleciano, un día en el que el soldado y cristiano, Jorge era torturado por su fe, Santa Alejandra defendería apasionadamente la fe de los cristianos, y entonces su propio esposo ordenaría su detención y tortura hasta llevarla a la muerte.

El significado de Alejandra es sin duda, de los más valerosos y hermosos que encontramos para nombrar a una mujer, por su antigüedad y por su historia cristiana, lo vuelven una hermosa alternativa para tu bebé en camino.

Significado de Alejandra | Origen | Personalidad

Escoger un nombre es una tarea complicada, ya que conlleva mucha responsabilidad, como padres queremos un nombre bonito y perfecto. Mediante este articulo todo será más sencillo pues le presentamos el significado de Alejandra un nombre que a pesar de los años se mantiene con esa magia y esencia, hoy en día mantiene el mismo valor.

                                                                                            Significado de Alejandra


Origen del nombre

El nombre es de origen Griego y es la variante femenina del nombre Alejandro.

Significado del nombre Alejandra

Este nombre es la versión femenina de Alejandro y significa «la protectora de los hombres».

Personalidad de Alejandra

Se destacan por ser de temperamento fuerte, orgullosas completamente, añadiendo que son mujeres con mucha elegancia y actitud, por lo tanto cuidarán demasiado su apariencia física para mantener su belleza tanto externa como interna. A pesar de ser dura ella suele esconderse bajo una armadura para no ser herida.

Son muy tranquilas, leales y dulces tanto con su familia como con su pareja, en ocasiones son muy independientes por lo que disfrutan estando solas, mayormente son directas y honestas. Al mismo tiempo son unas grandes guerreras que luchan por aquello que se proponen.

Maduran muy rápido a temprana edad, teniendo las ideas claras ya que es parte de su genética, son personas muy persistentes no descansa hasta obtener lo que se han propuesto. Les gusta sobresalir entre las personas sobre todo en el trabajo. Su lema es la lealtad y la fidelidad.

Diminutivos y variables para el nombre Diana

Los diminutivos le dan un toque de ternura a los nombres y a los bebes por ello es importante:

  • Alecita
  • Aleja
  • Alejandrita
  • Ale
  • Alita

La popularidad de este nombre surgió a raíz del Alejandro Magno y hasta el día de hoy no deja de ser popular y si aún así no está seguro le ofrecemos un gran repertorio de nombres.

Famosos que llevan el nombre

  • Alejandra Gabriela Guzmán Pinal – Es una cantante y actriz mexicana. Ha incursionado en la actuación de telenovelas, series y programas de televisión. Nació 9 de febrero de 1968 (edad 53 años)
  •  Alejandra Pizarnik – Fue una poetisa y traductora argentina, ganadora del premio municipal de poesía. Nació el 29 de abril de 1936 y falleció el 25 de septiembre de 1972.
  • Alejandra Marrero – Es una reina de belleza, modelo y presentadora de televisión mexicoamericana. Ganó el primer año del concurso de belleza / reality show de Univision, Nuestra Belleza Latina. Nació 27 de marzo de 1987 (edad 33 años).
  • Alejandra Jaramillo López – También conocida como La Caramelo, es una actriz y presentadora de televisión ecuatoriana. 13 de diciembre de 1992 (edad 28 años).

Frase célebre de Alejandra Pizarnik

«La soledad sería esta melodía rota de mis frases. » Alejandra Pizarnik.

Video con el significado del nombre Alejandra

Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 01.12.2009 N 1549-O-P
“According to the complaint of citizen Skorokhodov Alexander Viktorovich about the violation of his constitutional rights by part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” P




The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation composed of Chairman V.D. Zorkin, judges N.S. Bondar, G.A. Gadzhieva, Yu.M. Danilova, L.M. Zharkova, G.A. Zhilina, S.M. Kazantseva, S.D. Knyazeva, L.O. Krasavchikova, S.P. Mavrina, N.V. Melnikova, Yu.D. Rudkina, N.V. Selezneva, A.Ya. Plums, V.G. Strekozova, O.S. Khokhryakova, V. G. Yaroslavtseva,

having heard in the plenary session the opinion of Judge Yu.M. Danilov, who, on the basis of Article 41 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”, conducted a preliminary study of the complaint of citizen A.V. Skorokhodova,


1. In his complaint to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, citizen A.V. Skorokhodov disputes the constitutionality of Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 N 189-FZ “On the Entry into Force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”, according to which citizens registered before March 1, 2005 for the purpose of subsequently providing them with residential premises under contracts social tenancy, retain the right to be on this account until they receive residential premises under social tenancy agreements; these citizens are removed from this register on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 3 – 6 of part 1 of article 56 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the event they lose the grounds that, before the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, gave them the right to receive residential premises for social contracts.

As follows from the submitted materials, by the Decree of the head of the city of Stavropol dated July 5, 2007 N 1972 A.V. Skorokhodov, his wife and three children were removed from the list of those in need of better housing conditions and excluded from the general waiting list (N 645) and the preferential waiting list (N 380). A.V. Skorokhodov and members of his family appealed to the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol with a statement declaring this Decree illegal, referring to the fact that, in the general queue of people in need of better housing conditions, N.I. Skorokhodova – the applicant’s mother, A.V. Skorokhodov, his wife and son were included in the early 1980s, and their family, on the basis of the decision of the executive committee of the Oktyabrsky District Council of People’s Deputies of the city of Stavropol, dated May 12, 1988 N 278, acquired the priority right to improve their living conditions in connection with the birth of two more children; the introduction of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation from March 1, 2005 could not serve as a basis for their exclusion from the general and preferential queues.

The case has been repeatedly considered by various courts. By the decisions of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Stavropol of 30 November 2007 and 19May 2008, the applicants’ claims were denied. The court concluded that the exclusion from the general queue was justified, since the applicants were listed only as members of N.I.’s family. Skorokhodova, who died in 1994 (they did not submit an independent application for registration of those in need), but from the privileged queue – because, not being in the general queue, they could not be in the preferential one; at the time of the issue of the disputed Decree of the head of the city of Stavropol, the Skorokhodovs could not be considered in need of housing due to the change after the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2005 of the accounting norm for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living quarters.

By the decision of the judge of the Stavropol Regional Court dated October 3, 2008, A. V. Skorokhodova on these decisions was returned without consideration. By the decision of the judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2008 and the letter of the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2009 in the transfer of the supervisory appeal L.V. Skorokhodova to the court of supervisory authority denied.

According to the Applicant, the challenged legal provision, to the extent that it allows deregistration of citizens as needing housing without the grounds provided for in this provision, violates his rights enshrined in Articles 1, 2, 6 (part 2), 7 , 15 (part 4), 17 (part 1), 18, 19and 55 (parts 1 and 2) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The applicant indicates that he and his family members are poor (he is a disabled person of the 1st degree of disability, his wife is an old-age pensioner, his son is unemployed, his daughters are full-time university students) and that the apartment they occupy with an area of ​​60. 5 sq. m (of which living area – 34.7 sq. m) is located in a one-story house, which has been in operation since 1890 and requires major repairs.

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the Russian Federation a social legal state, which guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen and whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person (Article 1, part 1; Article 7, part 1; article 18; article 19, parts 1 and 2).

As the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has repeatedly pointed out in its decisions, the goals of the social policy of the Russian Federation enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation predetermine the duty of the state to take care of the well-being of its citizens, their social security and ensuring normal living conditions (Decree of December 16, 1997 N 20- P, definitions of February 15, 2005 N 17-O and March 5, 2009 N 376-O-P). In turn, a person, if for objective reasons he is not able to independently achieve a decent standard of living, has the right to count on receiving support from the state and society.

Assuring the right of everyone to housing and assuming, first of all, the responsible attitude of the citizens themselves to its implementation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation at the same time imposes on state authorities and local self-government bodies the obligation to create conditions for the exercise of the right to housing and provides that the poor, others Citizens in need of housing specified in the law are provided free of charge or for an affordable fee from state, municipal and other housing funds in accordance with the norms established by law (Article 40).

From these constitutional regulations follows the obligation of the state, represented by state and municipal authorities, to assist in ensuring normal housing conditions for citizens who are registered in need of housing before the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (socially unprotected – first of all).

Implementing this constitutional obligation, the federal legislator provided for cases of registering citizens before March 1, 2005 for the purpose of subsequently providing them with residential premises under social rental agreements, retaining for these citizens the right to be on this account until they receive residential premises under social rental agreements . The removal of these citizens from the register is carried out on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 3 – 6 of part 1 of Article 56 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the event that they lose the grounds that before the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation gave them the right to receive residential premises under social tenancy agreements (Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”).

Such legislative regulation is consistent with Article 40 (part 3) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which obliges the state to provide additional guarantees of housing rights by providing housing free of charge or for an affordable fee from state, municipal and other housing funds in accordance with the norms established by law to the poor and other citizens in need of housing specified in the law.

In addition, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in its decisions has repeatedly pointed out that the general (basic) principle of the operation of the law in time is its extension to relations that have arisen after its entry into force, and only the legislator has the right to extend the new norms to the facts and generated by them legal consequences that arose before the entry into force of the relevant norms, i. e. make the law retroactive. At the same time, the establishment of rules for the operation in time and in the circle of persons of new norms that fix or change the rights of citizens, providing for guarantees and benefits for them, must be carried out by them in compliance with the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, including those arising from the principle of equality (Article 19, parts 1 and 2), which guarantees citizens protection from all forms of discrimination in the exercise of rights and freedoms (Determination of January 18, 2005 N 7-O).

Thus, in its constitutional and legal sense in the system of current legal regulation, Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” does not imply the possibility of deregistration of citizens in need of residential premises, adopted before March 1, 2005 registration for the provision of housing under social tenancy agreements, due to a change in the legal grounds for registration after the specified date.

3. By virtue of the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, set out in the Decree of January 25, 2001 N 1-P and confirmed in its other decisions, judicial practice must ensure the constitutional interpretation of the norms to be applied; within the meaning of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in conjunction with its Articles 4 (Part 2) and 15 (Part 1), as well as with the provisions of Article 3, Part 2 of Article 36, Part 2 of Article 74, Articles 86 and 100 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”, the constitutional interpretation of a normative act or its individual provision, verified through constitutional proceedings, falls within the competence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which, resolving the case and establishing compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the contested act, including in terms of the content of the norms, ensures the identification the constitutional meaning of the law in force; in this case, the interpretation given by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as follows from the second part of Article 74 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation” in conjunction with its Articles 3, 6, 36, 79, 85, 86, 87, 96 and 100, is generally binding, including for courts.

Based on the foregoing and guided by Article 6, paragraph 2 of the first part of Article 43, part four of Article 71, part one of Article 79 and Article 100 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation


1. According to its constitutional and legal meaning in the system of current legal regulation, Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” does not imply the possibility of deregistration of citizens in need of residential premises who were registered before March 1, 2005 for provision of housing under social tenancy agreements, due to a change in the legal grounds for registration after the specified date.

The constitutional and legal meaning of the said legal provision, identified by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in this Ruling on the basis of the legal positions formulated by it in decisions that remain in force, is generally binding and excludes any other interpretation of it in law enforcement practice.

2. Recognize the complaint of citizen Skorokhodov Alexander Viktorovich as not subject to further consideration at a session of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, since the resolution of the issue raised by the applicant does not require the issuance of the final decision provided for in Article 71 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation” in the form of a resolution.

3. Enforcement decisions in the case of citizen Skorokhodov Alexander Viktorovich, based on the provisions of Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” in an interpretation that is at odds with their constitutional legal meaning, identified by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in this Definitions are subject to revision in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account this Definition, if there are no other obstacles for this.

4. The decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on this complaint is final and not subject to appeal.

5. This Ruling shall be published in the “Bulletin of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”.

Chairman of the Constitutional Court

of the Russian Federation



St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SPb GUAP)

Online course: Development of competencies of scientific and pedagogical workers to ensure the international competitiveness of the university.

Academic reputation training


Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, Boiling Point SFU

Advanced training program “Promotion of educational programs in the international market of educational services” for program managers

Program leader and moderator, speaker.


VIII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

Speaker at the round table “Strategies and Reputation of Museums”

The round table was moderated by Mikhail Piotrovsky, Director General of the State Hermitage Museum, President of the Union of Museums of Russia.

Presented the topic “Building together the future of Museum Reputation”


XVIII All-Russian Forum “Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia” 2019. St. Petersburg.

Speaker at the round table “Universities as subjects of territorial development”.


Speaker in a webinar dedicated to the internationalization of higher education; collaboration with networks and quality assurance agencies; international student recruitment and academic mobility; development of interuniversity partnership –

Organized by Accreditation in Education (Russia) under the auspices of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN).


Participant of the discussion “Together. We are designing the future of universities”, as part of a special project “Together”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Potanin Foundation.

National Research Tomsk State University. Tomsk, Russia.


Lecture “The role of graduates in the development of the university’s reputation”

Third strategic session at the Norilsk State Industrial Institute as a center of education and research in your region

NGII, Norilsk, Russia.


Global competitive position and export potential for Russian education

Russian economy: achievement of national development goals.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

Member of the first row.


Sixth Annual International Conference “Education and Global Cities – 2019”. St. Petersburg

Co-organizer of the Building Reputation University (BUR – Russia) conference, originally owned by the University of Navarra and for the first time in Russia in collaboration with the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg.

-Round table: university ambassadors (graduates and students) abroad, their role in the reputation alma mater . Moderator.

-Plenary session: Reputation beyond the rating. Moderator.

Round table of rectors. Moderator.


Lecture “Reputation management tools in social networks and media”. The role of the communication department in building reputation in a modern international university

XXVII PROJECT 5-100 SEMINAR-CONFERENCE, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)


Lecture “Reputation of the university. Challenge for Higher Education” at the International Congress of Young Scientists at Moscow State University.


The first school of flexible competencies (for students). Key speaker.

Master class “Reputation of construction universities in the Astrakhan region” for the rector and vice-rectors.

Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Strategies for attracting new students to the university

Center for Management Training (Kochubey Center), Higher School of Economics of St. Petersburg (NRU HSE). Pushkin. Saint Petersburg.

– interactive lecture, group work, discussion with experts. university reputation.

– international marketing for Russian universities.


MASTER CLASS: “The built reputation of universities in the international system of higher education. How to engage the stakeholders of your university”

RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.


Lecture “Reputation as an intangible asset of the university. How to manage your reputation?

Strategic session at the Norilsk State Industrial Institute as a center of education and research in your region

NGII, Norilsk, Russia

14. 02.2019

XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education Development Trends”.

Speaker at the plenary session “Reputation of the university and its effectiveness – synonyms?”

Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka)



SEMINAR “MODERN PRACTICE OF EDUCATIONAL MARKETING”. Management Training Center (Kochubey Center), Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg (NRU HSE). Pushkin. Saint Petersburg.

– Interactive lecture, group work, discussion with experts. Introduction Marketing and reputation of the university.

– The best practices of the University of Navarra in the marketing of educational programs.


SEMINAR “DESIGN AND DESIGN OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF CONTINUED EDUCATION”. Management Training Center (Kochubey Center), Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg (NRU HSE). Pushkin. Saint Petersburg.

– Development of competencies and skills at the Center for Continuing Education. How to keep the Flame of the Alma Mater so that university graduates return to lifelong learning programs


IV FORUM OF ACADEMIC Fundraising. Effective strategies for attracting targeted extrabudgetary funds for the development of science and education. Ural Federal University (UrFU), Yekaterinburg.

– Round table. Expectations of business partners: examples of successful and unsuccessful cases.

Discussion: Does the size and location of the university affect the work with extrabudgetary sources of funding?



Panel session “Youth in the labor market: new challenges and key trends”

– Conference “Best practices and experience in preparing for employment: effective organization of a career center and interaction with employers.


XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “RUSSIAN REGIONS IN THE FOCUS OF CHANGE”, YEKATERINBURG. Ural Federal University (UrFU), Analytical Center “Expert”, business magazine “Expert-Ural”, Administration of the city of Yekaterinburg.

Round table “Creating shared values ​​to ensure the quality of world-class business education.”


SEMINAR “BASICS OF FUNDRAISING: WHAT RESOURCES INSIDE UNIVERSITIES TO START SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISING”. Center for Management Training (Kochubey Center), Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg (NRU HSE). Pushkin. Saint Petersburg.

– Working with the alumni community: how to organize and why? How to properly organize the Alumni Association and determine its place and role in the structure of the university?

How to develop a culture of university support? Periodic donation system.

24-27. 10.2018

SEMINAR “GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT: TECHNOLOGIES OF INTERACTION BETWEEN UNIVERSITIES AND EMPLOYERS-2018”. Center for Management Training (Kochubey Center), Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg (NRU HSE). Pushkin. Saint Petersburg.

– How to form a Career Services Center with Generation Z in mind. What should be the structure of a Career Services Center? Case University of Navarra.


Immersion Forum for first-year students of the National University of Science and Technology (MISiS). 800 participants.

-Talk “Volunteering: a key element during your university years. Why?”


PROGRAM “NEW LEVEL 4.0”. National University of Science and Technology (MISiS). The program is conducted to prepare students for their professional future and build individual trajectories of personal development.

Seminar “Shaping Your Future Skills to Grow Job Opportunities. Volunteering: a key element.”


PRIVATE SESSION FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT. Kazan National Research Technical University Tupolev (KAI).

– Lecture “University of the future: who are my stakeholders. Why should I care.”


Talent University Forum. G. Kazan.

Lecture “University of the future. Transferring talent to society. Who is a T-shape professional?


Fifth Annual International Conference “Education and World Cities: New Development Technologies”

National Research University Higher School of Economics — St. Petersburg

Round table II “Master in Knowledge Economics”



IV International Nursing Summit. “Professionalism and ethics as components of the quality of nursing care”

Lecture “Nurse soft skills”.



UCPR NRU HSE Kochubey Center. Pushkin.

“Master class on the promotion of educational programs at the University of Navarra”.


Round so: “Best practices and experience in preparing for employment”

Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg. Session participants: employees of UrFU institutes, centralized services responsible and participating in organizing internships, internships, employment, cooperation with corporate partners, employers, alumni, as well as representatives of the Students’ Union, including student leaders of institutes.

Speaker moderator.


“Spring Career”. Organizers: UrFU together with the Presidential Center of B. N. Yeltsin. Yekaterinburg city.

HR Conference Graduate Employment: What is a dream job?

Speaker at the panel session “Youth in the labor market: new challenges and key trends”.



Organizers: Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev – KAI. V. Potanin Charitable Foundation

04/16/2018 Section 4: Models of interaction on the example of master’s programs of universities and organizations in the social and cultural spheres

Lecture “A number of advantages of introducing the “learning to serve” methodology in the curricula of master’s programs with the help of Tantaka (Volunteer Office of the University of Navarra )”


Strategic session HSE St. Petersburg Shaping Ecosystem -1

UCPR HSE Kochubey Tsentr. Pushkin.

Moderator of the student career development group.


National Research University Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg.

One-Day Seminar “Best Practices Career Services Center. Employability”. Career services development strategy plan.



Lecture “How the university should prepare T-Shape professionals”


Ural Federal University. Yekaterinburg city.

Two-day Expert session “Best practices of cooperation with employers” for managers and employees of the Center for Interaction with Employers, representatives of institutions, the Center for Partnership Development, the Center for Leadership Development, the Union of Students.


Conference “Corporate Social Responsibility: Practices of Russian Regions”. Business breakfast. Support for education as part of the corporate social responsibility of companies.

Participants in the discussion. Theme: TANTAKA: “drop by drop”. “Growing Roots and Granting Territory”


Strategic session Belgorod State University

Master Class: “Striving for the transfer of talent in society.”



Master class “Organization of a Career Center at the University of Navarre”



Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Preparing volunteers for the World Cup.

Workshop: Corporate Volunteering at Universities: Basis for Development of Soft Skills. How and where to apply them? What competencies are the most important? (Volunteering and voluntary approach)

28-29. 11.2017

Seminar “Modern practice of educational marketing”. UCPR NRU HSE Kochubey Center. Pushkin.

Interactive lecture “Marketing of international programs”.

2011 11 2017

Finals of the Cup MISIS Case Championship at NUST MISIS. Moscow.

Master Class “Who are the Millennials? Portrait of a modern student” for employers, participants in the Cup MISIS Case.

Panel discussion “The company of my dreams, why will I choose you TOMORROW?” Co-Moderator.


XII International Conference. “Russian regions in the focus of change”.

Speaker. Topic “How universities become agents of change in society”

Volunteer course.

Master class “Who is a volunteer”

Master class “What skills are required from a volunteer”

14-22. 10.2017


-17 October 2017. Workshop: Career Services Center: Where you future begins!

-20 October 2017. Plenary session: Key trends in education. Presentation of the first results of the sociological research “Portrait of a modern student”.



The channel of corporate volunteering at the University of Navarra (Spain)




Roundtable: How to build a world-class Career Development Center. Master class “Seven principles of building a university brand”.



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