Fase 1 dieta pronokal: Etapas y fases de la Dieta Pronokal

Fase 1 dieta pronokal: Etapas y fases de la Dieta Pronokal

Fases de la dieta pronokal

¿Cómo hacer la dieta pronokal con todas sus fases?

Las dietas proteicas han estado de moda desde hace muchísimo tiempo, habiendo gran cantidad de tipos distintos que en su mayoría, no han funcionado como deberían. Esto es en gran parte debido a que este tipo de métodos deben ser llevados a cabo siempre por médicos profesionales que puedan llevar a cabo un seguimiento de la dieta, y recomendar a los pacientes lo más adecuado para ellos teniendo en cuenta sus características particulares. Por ello, la dieta Pronokal está tan demandada últimamente, pues se trata de un programa completamente personalizado para perder peso, y basado en una alimentación de proteínas con alto valor biológico y la exclusión de azúcares, hidratos, grasas, etc.

Gran cantidad de personas han terminado completamente satisfechas después de haber seguido este método, el cual consiste en tres pilares fundamentales que se deben tener en cuenta. El primero, consta de la etapa inicial donde los pacientes pierden la mayor parte del peso que su médico les ha recomendado. En el segundo pilar, se vuelven a introducir alimentos de distintos tipos para tener una dieta más completa. De esta manera, en el último pilar, lo único que el paciente tendrá que hacer es intentar mantener los resultados a largo plazo. No obstante, esto no podrá conseguirse de ninguna manera si no se complementa la dieta con beber al menos dos litros de agua todos los días, hacer ejercicio, y comer cada tres o cuatro horas, aproximadamente. De esta manera, no se producirá el conocido como “efecto rebote”.

Por otra parte, es importante saber que la dieta Pronokal consta de una serie de fases que es importante que los pacientes sigan al pie de la letra para poder obtener los resultados deseados una vez finalice el procedimiento. Así, estas serían las siguientes etapas y las instrucciones para realizarlas correctamente:

Fase 1

Esta es la que más difícil suele resultar a los pacientes, pues es el inicio de la dieta, y suele hacerse más cuesta arriba a nivel general. En la fase uno, se deberán utilizar en todas las comidas (desayuno, comida, cena e incluso merienda) una serie de sobres complementados con las verduras que indique el médico. Por la mañana normalmente se consumen únicamente los sobres establecidos, mientras que por la noche y a medio día estos se combinan con las verduras. De esta manera, se consigue que la pérdida de kilos sea mucho más significativa, y que el paciente lo note bastante durante las primeras semanas.

Fase 2 

Consta de la última fase activa, y la cual se compone de dos apartados diferentes que se deben conocer:

  • Fase 2a: Se incluyen nutrientes, entre los cuales destacan sobre todo las proteínas animales, que son fundamentales para que los músculos se mantengan sanos con el paso del tiempo. Estos se pueden consumir tanto a la hora de la cena, como en la de la comida, aunque no se puede combinar aún la carne con el pescado. No obstante, seguirá siendo necesario tomar las verduras indicadas, además de los sobres anteriormente mencionados. Así, algunas de las comidas más destacadas dentro de estas fases serán las pechugas de pollo, lomo de cerdo, langostinos, pavo, etc.
  • Fase 2b: En este caso, el espectro de la alimentación se aumentaría todavía más, lo que hace que el paciente cuente con más nutrientes, y por tanto, con más energía. En la fase 2b, al contrario que en la 2a, ya es posible combinar carne y pescado tanto para las comidas como para las cenas. No obstante, sigue siendo necesario evitar los fritos, por lo que los especialistas recomiendan comer los alimentos si han sido previamente cocidos, o si están a la plancha.

La fase 2 es clave para no recuperar todo el peso que se ha perdido alguna vez, lo que daría lugar al efecto rebote. Por ello, es importante contar con la ayuda de un médico profesional. 

Fase 3

El periodo que oscila desde la fase 3 hasta la 8 también es de vital importancia, pues aunque las restricciones en los alimentos son mucho menores, es muy habitual que los pacientes empiecen a notar que tienen más hambre de lo normal. No obstante, es importante que hagan el esfuerzo de no picar entre horas, pues de otra manera no se conseguirá perder todo el peso deseado. Además de esto, también habrá que lidiar con otros problemas como la falta de nutrientes, el cansancio y otros efectos secundarios. Sin olvidar, que esta vez solo se necesitarán dos sobres diarios, y se podrá incorporar a la dieta algunos hidratos en el desayuno, como un yogur o una tostada.

Fase 4         

A todo lo anterior, se le añade algo más de fruta, que puede ser tanto un plátano, como kiwi o pera, tanto durante el almuerzo, como a la hora de merendar.

Fase 5 

Tanto en la fase 5 como en la 6, se incorporarán verduras y frutas a los espectros en las diferentes comidas del día, es decir, como complemento a estas. Además, el paciente también podrá comer un trozo de pan.

Fase 6         

Al igual que ocurre con la fase 5, se podrá incorporar una pieza de fruta, verdura e incluso hidrato a cada comida del día.

Fase 7

 En la fase 7 ya se pueden incorporar algunas de las grasas animales. Eso sí, en ningún caso se puede abusar de ellas, ya que podrían provocar un efecto rebote que pondría en peligro los buenos resultados de la dieta. Entre algunos de los alimentos que se pueden incluir, se encuentran el queso tierno y el semicurado.

Fase 8         

En esta última fase, el paciente podrá comer cualquier tipo de alimento. Eso sí, será fundamental que controle los excesos para no engordar ni poner en peligro todos los esfuerzos y los resultados obtenidos durante todo el proceso. No obstante, si se siguen todos estos pasos al pie de la letra, se conseguirá perder todo el peso establecido, aunque es importante incorporar a la rutina algunos de estos hábitos, además del ejercicio y de beber mucha agua.

¿Qué sucede si, estando en la fase 1 de la dieta Pronokal, se salta la dieta por una comida de un ba

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  • ¿Qué Sucede Si, Estando En La Fase 1 De La Dieta Pronokal, Se Salta La Dieta Por Una Comida De Un Ba


¿Qué sucede si, estando en la fase 1 de la dieta Pronokal, se salta la dieta por una comida de un banquete de boda?

Estimado paciente.
Si en la fase 1 se salta la dieta por una comida, lo esperado es que salga de cetosis, apareciendo el apetito y reduciéndose la perdida de peso. Pero no se agobie, lo importante es levantarse después de 3 caer.
Reciba un cordial saludo.
Dra. Mariela Barroso
Médico Estético
Clínica Reabel
Belleza con Base Médica

Consigue respuesta gracias a la consulta online

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Mostrar especialistas ¿Cómo funciona?

En la fase 1 de la dieta pronokal se pretende perder el 80,%del peso si se salta por una boda de banquete un día se perdería un 40% sólo

Hola, ¿qué tal? 🙂 Le recomiendo que tenga cuidado con ese tipo de dietas, ya que no son dietas saludables ni se pueden mantener los resultados en el tiempo, provocando un efecto rebote y con efectos metabólicos nada recomendables. Así que lo mejor es que aprenda a comer sano de la mano de un dietista-nutricionista que pueda enseñarle a comer sano y poder mantenerlo para siempre. Un saludo

El resultado en cuanto a pérdida de peso será más pobre. Ese tipo de dietas deben cumplirse rigurosamente y siempre bajo supervisión médica

Mi recomendación es dejar este tipo de dieta y ponerse en manos de un profesional de la Dietética y la Nutrición, para ayudarle a conseguir sus objetivos de forma efectiva, sin pasar hambre ni ansiedad, pudiendo disfrutar de eventos como una boda y sin la consecuencia de sufrir a posteriori del tratamiento un efecto rebote.

Sergi Sanmarti Sanmarti

Homeópata, Médico general, Terapeuta complementario


Reservar cita

Diego Mancilla Las Heras

Urgenciólogo, Médico general


  • Es compatible la dieta Pronokal con la toma de topiramatom y brintellix?

  • ¿Se podría tomar bebida de soja gerble en la dieta pronokal?

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    Y haciendo ejercicio diario ?

  • Tengo que tomar diariamente 75mg de Eutyrox, tengo problema,de tiroides, y ahora, me detectaron diabetes tipo 2, pero me dijo mi médica general que con alimentos y ejercicio puede irse la diabetes, me gustaría,saber si me pueden ayudar a perder peso urgentemente y el coste. Saludos

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  • Estoy en fase 3, pero tengo mucha hambre y ansiedad, en algún momento he debido de salir de cetosis. Soy comercial y muy mal horario de comidas…tendré efecto rebote? Se puede hacer 2 días la semana dieta pronoksl para controlar?

  • Hola estoy siguiendo la dieta pronokal voy en el dia 11 de la dieta, que pasa si olvidé tomar un sobre pronokal luego de las verduras en la cena? Es perjudicial?. Muchas gracias

Nuestros expertos han respondido 102 preguntas sobre Dieta Pronokal

Todos los contenidos publicados en Doctoralia, especialmente preguntas y respuestas, son de carácter informativo y en ningún caso deben considerarse un sustituto de un asesoramiento médico.

My experience with Pronokal and LEV (updated): March 2014


This pattern is scary. This time even worse: +200g this morning. What did you eat:

Saturday. Restaurant, two courses and water. The first was fried mushrooms with squids (there are also onions, garlic, green peppers, I dug into the plate choosing only mushrooms and squids). And grilled fish and lettuce. The fish was doused with olive oil, but tried to remove at least visually what was. I didn’t measure the portions. nine0005

This is what the mushrooms looked like.

Morning, afternoon snacks, everything is fine, I even watched the water. In the evening, cucumber salad, 1/4 tomato and radish, practically without oil, and pronocal tomato soup, added 1/4 boiled egg.

On Sunday afternoon a piece of steak, approximately by weight as needed (150 g) and in the evening fish (perca) in salsa verde with shrimp (1 pc large) and some mushrooms (I made it like Saturday, instead of onions – leek and no squid).

i.e. on Sunday, both main meals were without pronocal products. nine0005

It is imperative to check/weigh portion sizes at least at home.

Week 3. Obstacles

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (- 6.1 kg in 3 weeks)

First attempt at a serious dinner party at home. Nothing happened, everything turned out to be much easier. The main inconvenience is that I can hardly taste anything. No cakes were embarrassing, there are pancakes and chocolate. In principle, it is experienced, even in this case when you need to cook it yourself. nine0005

There is also an occasional desire for “simple” products. Here I tried to make zucchini caviar “like in a store”, I used “tomato soup” + zucchini (white ones, we have a rarity), it turned out rare shit, I threw it away. For all the time I only spoiled and threw away 2 bags.

I also want potatoes, and not fried, but just boiled. Next time I’ll buy “pasta” pronocal, although I don’t really want pasta so directly.

The brain almost completely ignores fruits. Although the other day I instinctively ate a piece of lemon in tea. Only then I remembered. Basically nothing relevant. But just in case, I checked the composition.

Extraordinary. About water

On Monday, I discovered that for two days off only 100 g. Taking into account the fact that I was preparing a festive dinner, there were guests and I didn’t break anything from the word at all, I began to analyze where the problem was.

The only thing I can blame is that I didn’t control the water (in the office I have a 1.5 liter bottle, I drink a day and the norm is fulfilled with another liquid that I use during the day). So I drank a little water.

So, the conclusion: do not drink water, you lose weight more slowly. 🙁 nine0005

Week 2. Our goal is the number 8!

week 0 – 102. 0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg)

The main result of these two weeks is a rather noticeable visual loss of volume . Although on the face (which I honestly expected most of all) it is not noticeable in my opinion.

The second week consolidated my understanding that one should not retreat. It is also important to observe the regime, 2.5-3 hours between meals. After 3 hours, dizziness is felt. In general, indeed, as “promised”, there is no hunger. Well, the psychological moment of “sweet” is corrected by quite tolerable hot thick chocolate and other “cookies”. nine0005

Yes, I passed a lice test yesterday. Was in a restaurant. Quite tolerably, she asked for a salad, explained what products are possible, although of course they could not resist in the kitchen and added marinated markings. Indignantly was moved to the edge of the plate. 🙂

Since it’s a new phase change, I put a new calendar here.

Visit to the doctor and impressions of the sachets

The doctor transferred me to 4 meals a day, that is, I switched to phase 2a . It’s time to write about the phases, but for now about the doctor. She was polite and attentive, checked the weight, pressure and generally asked questions. As a result, mediocre: not so “wow!” but not too little. Tomorrow I will announce the weight, I trust my measurements, they almost coincide, but still I weigh myself in other conditions: in the morning, before breakfast, after the necessary procedures. nine0005

The doctors give out a prescription-like piece of paper in which they write down the number of days for which I can buy sachets. Type more than “necessary” do not sell. Although the price is such that especially “more” and you can not buy. By and large, they sell, of course. Business is business.

This time I bought almost everything without additives, it’s easier to vary according to your taste. I somehow have enough skill to bungle an omelette with mushrooms. I have almost finished experimenting with flavors, and even more so when you can already have “normal proteins” (chicken, meat, seafood, fish, eggs . ..) the need for any under-cutlets disappears automatically. nine0005

Another thing I thought of. They have frankfurt sausages there. Hmmm … well, yes, now it’s a “substitute”, but then what? The brain will demand! Chetakov? On a diet it was possible (even such surrogate ones), but without a diet it’s impossible or what? But the truth is a very dangerous psychological moment….

Extraordinary. About salt.

I also forgot to write about the fact that I, by a logical conclusion, decided that since sodium is given and a diet in general, then you can’t add salt. What my amazement was when all the recipes with salt were at the master class. It turned out to be possible. Although I actually still salt quite a bit. nine0005

After the second week, I will write down what I ate and what I gave to my husband and daughter, they eat normally, although a little lighter. I will look for jambs.

Doctor on Wednesday and the second week ends on Thursday.

Week 1. Doctor, I can’t see the third number!

The first week brought relief from the third digit in the amount of kg. Today 99.8 kg .

It’s hard to say. Sometimes (especially in the morning) I feel headaches, rather unpleasant sensations of a heavy head. There are changes with the skin, I won’t say exactly how, so later. I don’t see any particular fatigue, as always, in principle. nine0005

Spent a week sampling products and selecting what I liked. Everything is in products of average shittyness, but no one expected miracles. 🙂 So far, “hot chocolate” is in the lead and maybe omelettes. The most emetic was “tea with lemon”. Since each bag contains n-th amount of proteins, including this “tea”… imagine the taste of tea with proteins 🙂 You can’t, I guarantee you!

I also attended a culinary master class with pronocal products. I went mainly for ideas, and not learning to cook of course. In the second phase, you can already have poultry, meat and fish, so here is chicken breast with vegetables. In general, I got a couple of good ideas. nine0005

I got a good nutritionist, attentive. Well, here I make a discount on the company’s overall policy for selling products (they are not cheap). Their job is to make the customer happy. By the way, the tutorials are free.

Ideal Weight Calculation

First, a few words about the book. Yes, there is also a book of a doctor who was the chief consultant in the firm for quite a few years. As far as I understood from the book, it was with him that the Belgians who produced protein products began to work with him in Spain. Although, curiously, the book never mentions the name “ Pronokal “, and it seems to be all the time about “ protein diet “, when reading it is clear that it is about pronokal.

The most popular formula, of course, is BMI, body mass index. In this diet, as far as I understand ( if nothing has changed since this doctor left, judging by linkedin, the Internet is our everything, hehe), his formula is used:


ideal weight = (height (cm) – 100) – 10% + 1 kg/decade > 20 years +/- 2 kg


ideal weight = (height (cm) – 100) + 1 kg/decade > 20 years +/- 2 kg

Subtract 10%: 73-7. 3 = 65.7 kg I should ideally have weighed 20 years.

Now add 2 (2 decades, I’m 41) to get the ideal weight 67.7 kg .


Pronokal.com has an ideal weight calculator based on height and starting weight, it also automatically calculates how many kg you need to lose during the active stage and the “retraining” stage. Below is a screenshot of my data. nine0005

Since the number of weeks does not mean anything, but I need to know “when”, and visually see the goal, then “important” dates are marked on the calendar. According to the doctor’s table, which gave me the direction, the transition from phase 1 to phase 2a depends on the amount of kg lost, in my case 10 kg. Waiting…

Day 1-3. Adaptation

The first three days were pretty quiet. I started on Thursday, and since this is an office, plus Friday is also an office, I experienced it normally. The hunger was very punctual, but just in time for an afternoon snack. Three days brought -1 kg. Ketosis also began, I even managed to check it with the help of specially purchased indicators. nine0005

I am finishing the book on the method. Written by a doctor who worked at Pronocal and seems to be promoting the high protein method under the supervision of a doctor. Since the path is long, I will tell you some of its points in the process.

Unexpectedly, the fourth (i.e. today, Sunday) day turned out to be difficult. I felt hungry and my head was heavy. All Sunday I spent almost on the couch. In addition to cooking lunch, dinner, ironing and a short walk. There was no strength.

Day 0. What is it all about

I will try to keep a diary of my weight loss using the program Pronokal (Pronokal) . As far as I understand, the system is completely unknown in Russia, but for some reason it exists in Ukraine. Although I also think it is not very popular for a number of reasons.

A little about myself. I am an experienced blogger. My main blog http://cuinera-catala.livejournal.com/ on the livejournal platform was (is?) quite popular judging by the readers. Entries are partially published on belonika.ru. There is also a slightly abandoned blog in Spanish http://untastdeucraina.blogspot.com.es/. All of them are devoted almost entirely to cooking and gastronomy. Actually this hobby also became the reason why I opened this blog. 🙂 nine0005

And a little about myself non-virtual.

I am 41. I live in Barcelona, ​​I have a daughter and a husband and even a dog. In Spain (in principle, she always lived in Barcelona) since 2002, that is, for almost 12 years.

For the diet, the initial data are as follows:

Height 173 cm, weight 102 kg. There are thyroid problems. Rather, it has been removed, so there are no problems. Balanced with the correct dose of levothyroxine (112 mg daily).

There have always been problems with weight. After pregnancy, a year later, I lost about 74 kg, which was unusual for me, with the help of the so-called. “Kremlin” diet (aka Atkins, Dukan, though he didn’t exist then). Then gradually began to return and even with a makeweight. I never weighed 100 kg, only the last, probably, six months. Endocrinologists say that there is no connection with replacement therapy and there are no contraindications to the diet. nine0005

Diet in a nutshell:

This protein diet is based on protein sachets in different flavors. It is carried out under the supervision of doctors. Strictly speaking, proteins are sold only on the advice of a doctor, who also establishes a set of vitamins and minerals.

The cost of the course is quite high. Therefore, this is a significant incentive to stick to the system.

The diet is almost 100% anti-social.

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My experience with Pronokal and LEV (updated): 2014

Week 13 – new stage, STEP 4

week 0 – 102. 0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 in this week)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1.7 in this week)
week 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 in this week)
week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9.3 kg in 5 weeks, -1.8 in this week) – 1 month.
week 6 – 91.2 kg (-10.8 kg in 6 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 7 – 89.9 kg (-12.1 kg in 6 weeks, -1.3 this week)
week 8 – 88.3 kg (-13.7 kg in 7 weeks, -1.6 this week) week) – 2 months.
week 9 – 87.1 kg (-14.9 kg in 8 weeks, -1.2 this week)
week 10 – 86.4 kg (-15.6 kg in 9 weeks, -0.7 this week) week)
week 11 – 84.9 kg (-7.1 kg in 10 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 12 – 83.8 kg (-18.2 kg in 11 weeks, -1.1 this week) – 3 months.
week 13 – 83.4 kg (-18.6 kg in 12 weeks, -0.4 this week)
week 14…

So, I start a new final stage. This means that I am coming out of ketosis and starting to consume carbohydrates. In fact, this stage changes breakfast and second breakfast.

More »

All at once. Weeks 10-12

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 in this week)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1.7 in this week)
week 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 in this week) nine0021 week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9.3 kg for 5 weeks, -1.8 for this week) – 1 month.
week 6 – 91.2 kg (-10.8 kg in 6 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 7 – 89.9 kg (-12.1 kg in 6 weeks, -1.3 this week) week)
week 8 – 88.3 kg (-13.7 kg for 7 weeks, -1.6 for this week) – 2 months.
week 9 – 87.1 kg (-14.9 kg in 8 weeks, -1.2 this week)
week 10 – 86.4 kg (-15.6 kg in 9 weeks, -0.7 this week) week)
week 11 – 84.9 kg (-7.1 kg in 10 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 12 – 83.8 kg (-18.2 kg in 11 weeks, -1.1 this week) – 3 months. nine0021 week 13 ….

Many relatives in these weeks, first communion, not up to records. Although I do check my weight regularly. All this did not stop me from following the diet. I myself have a plus in karma. 🙂

Weight loss did not stop, a little more or less, but we are going right. All the same, from -20 I will jump off ketosis, only 1.8 kg is missing. I think in 1.5-2 weeks I will “manage” it. I need fruit, my legs are twisting. Next week visit to the doctor, there I will decide.

Soluble vitamins very convenient format. nine0005

The doctor and thoughts about the future

Today I was at the doctor. She wanted to move to stage 4, which means breakfast and carbs, and my ketosis would be over. I decided that at least 3 more weeks I remain in the same mode.

In general, my idea is to “finish off” to -20 as a minimum, and as a maximum, even with a weight of less than 80 kg, think about interrupting ketosis. Breaking ketosis automatically slows down the rate of weight loss.

I keep thinking about “after”. A couple of ideas. nine0005

Breakfasts, snacks – high protein, sometimes bread. We need to find recipes: high-protein pancakes, muffins, casseroles, etc … Dukan probably still needs to be googled. Pay attention to low GI foods, oatmeal (?)

Lunch – carbohydrates + proteins + vegetables. Pay attention to fat!

Dinner – vegetables + proteins, Rarely – bread, very rarely – carbohydrates.

Where to “stuff” fruit?

Week 9 – Difficult week

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 in this week)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1.7 this week)
week 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 this week)
week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9 .3 kg for 5 weeks, -1.8 for this week) – 1 month.
week 6 – 91.2 kg (-10.8 kg in 6 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 7 – 89.9 kg (-12.1 kg in 6 weeks, -1.3 this week) week)
week 8 – 88.3 kg (-13.7 kg for 7 weeks, -1. 6 for this week) – 2 months. nine0021 week 9 – 87.1 kg (-14.9 kg in 8 weeks, -1.2 this week)

In every way a difficult week in terms of proper nutrition. And at least one more week to go. There are no breakdowns, but the food in the restaurant does not give complete confidence. I forget to take vitamins and drink water. Badly. Exercise still doesn’t work.

Otherwise normal.

Week 8. “Effect” of new products is visible

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 this week)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1.7 this week)
weeks 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 in this week)
week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9.3 kg in 5 weeks, -1.8 in this week) – 1 month
week 6 – 91.2 kg (-10.8 kg in 6 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 7 – 89.9 kg (-12.1 kg in 6 weeks, -1.3 this week) week)
week 8 – 88.3 kg (-13.7 kg for 7 weeks, -1.6 for this week) – 2 months.

Unexpectedly large weight loss this week. Apparently because of the new products that are impossible to eat. nine0005

As before, I have no problems with my appetite, I have a good control over dinners and lunches. However, you need to set yourself another goal – exercise. Something just can’t get set up.

May will be difficult in every way. So tune in and relax….

New products

Pronocal updated products by adding omega. What a horrible piece of shit this is. Imagine chocolate smelling like fish. It.

Let’s go back to the old protocol. Otherwise I’ll quit. If I started the diet with this new protocol, I would not be able to endure. It just really causes gag reflexes… 🙁

Week 7. And a new goal – the number 7!

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 in this week)
week 3 – 95. 9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1.7 in this week)
week 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 in this week)
week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9.3 kg in 5 weeks, -1.8 in this week) – 1 month.
week 6 – 91.2 kg (-10.8 kg in 6 weeks, -1.5 this week)
week 7 – 89.9 kg (-12.1 kg in 6 weeks, -1.3 this week) week)

Easter holidays this week. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that I spent three days of this very vacation with the flu and high fever. I drank a lot of water, yes. But the vitamins did not climb and the diet is not very regular.

Went to the doctor on Wednesday (my weekly report is on Thursday). Complained: pain in the stomach when taking vitamins and spasmodic weight loss.

I now weigh myself every day but don’t write it down, the weight goes off in leaps during the week. nine0005

Pronocal updated his method, and now he has not 8 stages, but only 5, the first three with ketosis, starting from the fourth. For me, there are no special changes, except that vitamins have been combined into one dose (I will not buy until I finish the previous ones) and new products with their patented component.

Now the thing is that fat cells become inflamed. A new theory of obesity. 🙂

Yes! I forgot. This week I ate 2 times at a party and 1 time at a restaurant.

Away: meat and seafood from paella (thoroughly cleaned of rice, uuu), grilled chicken. nine0021 In the restaurant: salad seasoned with emulsion dressing (thoroughly cleaned the leaves) and again chicken.

After all three times – indigestion. I suspect an increased than usual amount of fat. Because there were definitely no carbohydrates (or at least, like lettuce leaves, tomatoes ..) And the same reaction was to boiled octopus! (solid protein, unclear)

Week 6. Normal rhythm

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 this week)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1.7 this week)
weeks 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 in this week)
week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9.3 kg in 5 weeks, -1. 8 in this week)
week 6 – 91.2 kg (-10.8 kg in 6 weeks, -1.5 this week)

One and a half kg seems to be a normal rhythm for the week. I will not rush, but calmly take it for granted and try not to think about possible disruptions.

Surprisingly, so far there has not been a single breakdown. The sweet tastes of Pronocal help a lot.
I have already stopped buying unsweetened flavors (it remains to “finish off” two bags of soups, with difficulty, with difficulty ..)

Now most days it’s lunch and dinner with natural proteins. There was another trip to the restaurant (even two: yesterday I ate mussels).

Weight “jumps”: but I’m waiting a couple of days to record the actual weight loss. Otherwise it turns out +/- 400-300 g jumps.

Week 5

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks, -2.2 in this week)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (-6.1 kg in 3 weeks, -1. 7 this week)
week 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks, -1.4 in this week)
week 5 – 92.7 kg (-9.3 kg in 5 weeks, -1.8 in this week) week)

I also decided to celebrate weekly weight loss, because it is not obvious what the rhythm of weight loss is. The first two weeks are, of course, the fastest. If it is 1.5-1.8 kg per week, then great.

From this week’s observations: I learned to identify the impulse to “eat” which is not related to stress, but to my emotional state. There is some stress right now, yes. 🙂 Feelings are such that hunger is not felt at all, but to grab something and gobble it up right there. nine0005

There were a lot more natural protein dinners/lunches this week (fish, tenderloin, eggs with tuna…) Portion control is important, very important. It is necessary to work out this habit in oneself, because the manner of determining everything by eye is, of course, wrong….

Pronocal crackers are very good, I ate two pieces for lunch and dinner, practically with “bread”. They had a pretty good taste.

Soups are the worst, there are three bags left and I just can’t finish it off.

Almost starting my second 10 kg. Something seems to me that they will leave much more difficult. nine0005

Pronokal method (I)

A month has already passed, I’m just a little (grams) short of -10 kg, but I still haven’t written anything about the method.

In principle, you can read in Russian on the Pronokal website, they have a representative office in Ukraine: http://www.pronokal.com/ukr/el-metodo/que-es/diferencia-con-otros-tratamientos/. I will try to pay attention to the key points.


More »

Week 4. Neither plus nor minus.

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (- 6.1 kg in 3 weeks)
week 4 – 94.5 kg (-7.5 kg in 4 weeks)

A month has passed. In principle, I do not know how to evaluate the result. On the one hand, I expected 10 kg. But on the other hand, 7.5 kg per month is also not bad.

Important: Monday-Tuesday turned out to be problem days as well. Those. 4 days of weight loss was not at all. What it was, I do not understand.

Yesterday I went to the doctor. She recorded the main indicators, the weight was even less than today (but I don’t believe it, because I weighed myself at home just before breakfast). Praised and moved to phase 2b. This means that I am completely free to eat (not “or”) natural proteins for lunch and dinner. For correct control and the same weight loss rhythm, she suggested leaving one pronocal product for lunch or dinner.

Actually, this mode suits me better, since I have lunch with me, and the pronocal product fits well here. nine0005

Well, I adapt fish / meat dishes to “allowed” vegetables. Vegetable “cushion” of peppers, leeks and mushrooms, all fried a little. Then with fish for 12 minutes in the oven.

I also started thinking about what to do after the diet. Thinking about the concept of “useless products”. This is not a limitation of any products. My concept is based on another principle: the product / dish must be of very high quality so that I allow myself to eat it. If it’s chocolate, then only the best. The same applies to dishes in restaurants. That’s it, briefly. nine0005

Since there are changes in the mode, I add a new date to the calendar.


This pattern is scary. This time even worse: +200g this morning. What did you eat:

Saturday. Restaurant, two courses and water. The first was fried mushrooms with squids (there are also onions, garlic, green peppers, I dug into the plate choosing only mushrooms and squids). And grilled fish and lettuce. The fish was doused with olive oil, but tried to remove at least visually what was. I didn’t measure the portions. nine0005

This is what the mushrooms looked like.

Morning, afternoon snacks, everything is fine, I even watched the water. In the evening, cucumber salad, 1/4 tomato and radish, practically without oil, and pronocal tomato soup, added 1/4 boiled egg.

On Sunday afternoon a piece of steak, approximately by weight as needed (150 g) and in the evening fish (perca) in salsa verde with shrimp (1 pc large) and some mushrooms (I made it like Saturday, instead of onions – leek and no squid).

i.e. on Sunday, both main meals were without pronocal products. nine0005

It is imperative to check/weigh portion sizes at least at home.

Week 3. Obstacles

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg in 2 weeks)
week 3 – 95.9 kg (- 6.1 kg in 3 weeks)

First attempt at a serious dinner party at home. Nothing happened, everything turned out to be much easier. The main inconvenience is that I can hardly taste anything. No cakes were embarrassing, there are pancakes and chocolate. In principle, it is experienced, even in this case when you need to cook it yourself. nine0005

There is also an occasional desire for “simple” products. Here I tried to make zucchini caviar “like in a store”, I used “tomato soup” + zucchini (white ones, we have a rarity), it turned out rare shit, I threw it away. For all the time I only spoiled and threw away 2 bags.

I also want potatoes, and not fried, but just boiled. Next time I’ll buy “pasta” pronocal, although I don’t really want pasta so directly.

The brain almost completely ignores fruits. Although the other day I instinctively ate a piece of lemon in tea. Only then I remembered. Basically nothing relevant. But just in case, I checked the composition.

Extraordinary. About water

On Monday, I discovered that for two days off only 100 g. Taking into account the fact that I was preparing a festive dinner, there were guests and I didn’t break anything from the word at all, I began to analyze where the problem was.

The only thing I can blame is that I didn’t control the water (in the office I have a 1.5 liter bottle, I drink a day and the norm is fulfilled with another liquid that I use during the day). So I drank a little water.

So, the conclusion: do not drink water, you lose weight more slowly. 🙁 nine0005

Week 2. Our goal is the number 8!

week 0 – 102.0 kg
week 1 – 99.8 kg (-2.2 kg)
week 2 – 97.6 kg (-4.4 kg)

The main result of these two weeks is a rather noticeable visual loss of volume . Although on the face (which I honestly expected most of all) it is not noticeable in my opinion.

The second week consolidated my understanding that one should not retreat. It is also important to observe the regime, 2.5-3 hours between meals. After 3 hours, dizziness is felt. In general, indeed, as “promised”, there is no hunger. Well, the psychological moment of “sweet” is corrected by quite tolerable hot thick chocolate and other “cookies”. nine0005

Yes, I passed a lice test yesterday. Was in a restaurant. Quite tolerably, she asked for a salad, explained what products are possible, although of course they could not resist in the kitchen and added marinated markings. Indignantly was moved to the edge of the plate. 🙂

Since it’s a new phase change, I put a new calendar here.

Visit to the doctor and impressions of the sachets

The doctor transferred me to 4 meals a day, that is, I switched to phase 2a . It’s time to write about the phases, but for now about the doctor. She was polite and attentive, checked the weight, pressure and generally asked questions. As a result, mediocre: not so “wow!” but not too little. Tomorrow I will announce the weight, I trust my measurements, they almost coincide, but still I weigh myself in other conditions: in the morning, before breakfast, after the necessary procedures. nine0005

The doctors give out a prescription-like piece of paper in which they write down the number of days for which I can buy sachets. Type more than “necessary” do not sell. Although the price is such that especially “more” and you can not buy. By and large, they sell, of course. Business is business.

This time I bought almost everything without additives, it’s easier to vary according to your taste. I somehow have enough skill to bungle an omelette with mushrooms. I have almost finished experimenting with flavors, and even more so when you can already have “normal proteins” (chicken, meat, seafood, fish, eggs …) the need for any under-cutlets disappears automatically. nine0005

Another thing I thought of. They have frankfurt sausages there. Hmmm … well, yes, now it’s a “substitute”, but then what? The brain will demand! Chetakov? On a diet it was possible (even such surrogate ones), but without a diet it’s impossible or what? But the truth is a very dangerous psychological moment….

Extraordinary. About salt.

I also forgot to write about the fact that I, by a logical conclusion, decided that since sodium is given and a diet in general, then you can’t add salt. What my amazement was when all the recipes with salt were at the master class. It turned out to be possible. Although I actually still salt quite a bit. nine0005

After the second week, I will write down what I ate and what I gave to my husband and daughter, they eat normally, although a little lighter. I will look for jambs.

Doctor on Wednesday and the second week ends on Thursday.

Week 1. Doctor, I can’t see the third number!

The first week brought relief from the third digit in the amount of kg. Today 99.8 kg .

It’s hard to say. Sometimes (especially in the morning) I feel headaches, rather unpleasant sensations of a heavy head. There are changes with the skin, I won’t say exactly how, so later. I don’t see any particular fatigue, as always, in principle. nine0005

Spent a week sampling products and selecting what I liked. Everything is in products of average shittyness, but no one expected miracles. 🙂 So far, “hot chocolate” is in the lead and maybe omelettes. The most emetic was “tea with lemon”. Since each bag contains n-th amount of proteins, including this “tea”… imagine the taste of tea with proteins 🙂 You can’t, I guarantee you!

I also attended a culinary master class with pronocal products. I went mainly for ideas, and not learning to cook of course. In the second phase, you can already have poultry, meat and fish, so here is chicken breast with vegetables. In general, I got a couple of good ideas. nine0005

I got a good nutritionist, attentive. Well, here I make a discount on the company’s overall policy for selling products (they are not cheap). Their job is to make the customer happy. By the way, the tutorials are free.

Ideal Weight Calculation

First, a few words about the book. Yes, there is also a book of a doctor who was the chief consultant in the firm for quite a few years. As far as I understood from the book, it was with him that the Belgians who produced protein products began to work with him in Spain. Although, curiously, the book never mentions the name “ Pronokal “, and it seems to be all the time about “ protein diet “, when reading it is clear that it is about pronokal.

The most popular formula, of course, is BMI, body mass index. In this diet, as far as I understand ( if nothing has changed since this doctor left, judging by linkedin, the Internet is our everything, hehe), his formula is used:


ideal weight = (height (cm) – 100) – 10% + 1 kg/decade > 20 years +/- 2 kg


ideal weight = (height (cm) – 100) + 1 kg/decade > 20 years +/- 2 kg

Subtract 10%: 73-7.3 = 65.7 kg I should ideally have weighed 20 years.

Now add 2 (2 decades, I’m 41) to get the ideal weight 67.7 kg .


Pronokal. com has an ideal weight calculator based on height and starting weight, it also automatically calculates how many kg you need to lose during the active stage and the “retraining” stage. Below is a screenshot of my data. nine0005

Since the number of weeks does not mean anything, but I need to know “when”, and visually see the goal, then “important” dates are marked on the calendar. According to the doctor’s table, which gave me the direction, the transition from phase 1 to phase 2a depends on the amount of kg lost, in my case 10 kg. Waiting…

Day 1-3. Adaptation

The first three days were pretty quiet. I started on Thursday, and since this is an office, plus Friday is also an office, I experienced it normally. The hunger was very punctual, but just in time for an afternoon snack. Three days brought -1 kg. Ketosis also began, I even managed to check it with the help of specially purchased indicators. nine0005

I am finishing the book on the method. Written by a doctor who worked at Pronocal and seems to be promoting the high protein method under the supervision of a doctor. Since the path is long, I will tell you some of its points in the process.

Unexpectedly, the fourth (i.e. today, Sunday) day turned out to be difficult. I felt hungry and my head was heavy. All Sunday I spent almost on the couch. In addition to cooking lunch, dinner, ironing and a short walk. There was no strength.

Day 0. What is it all about

I will try to keep a diary of my weight loss using the program Pronokal (Pronokal) . As far as I understand, the system is completely unknown in Russia, but for some reason it exists in Ukraine. Although I also think it is not very popular for a number of reasons.

A little about myself. I am an experienced blogger. My main blog http://cuinera-catala.livejournal.com/ on the livejournal platform was (is?) quite popular judging by the readers. Entries are partially published on belonika.ru. There is also a slightly abandoned blog in Spanish http://untastdeucraina.blogspot.com.es/. All of them are devoted almost entirely to cooking and gastronomy. Actually this hobby also became the reason why I opened this blog. 🙂 nine0005

And a little about myself non-virtual.

I am 41. I live in Barcelona, ​​I have a daughter and a husband and even a dog. In Spain (in principle, she always lived in Barcelona) since 2002, that is, for almost 12 years.

For the diet, the initial data are as follows:

Height 173 cm, weight 102 kg. There are thyroid problems. Rather, it has been removed, so there are no problems. Balanced with the correct dose of levothyroxine (112 mg daily).

There have always been problems with weight. After pregnancy, a year later, I lost about 74 kg, which was unusual for me, with the help of the so-called. “Kremlin” diet (aka Atkins, Dukan, though he didn’t exist then). Then gradually began to return and even with a makeweight.

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