Imprimir mascaras de halloween: 7 Máscaras de Halloween [horripilantes] para imprimir

Imprimir mascaras de halloween: 7 Máscaras de Halloween [horripilantes] para imprimir

Máscaras Halloween, Carnaval y Navidad

Máscaras para imprimir, recortar y en algunos casos, colorear, para las fiestas de Halloween, Carnaval y Navidad.

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Sigue Leyendo

Caretas de Vampiro, Hombre Lobo, Momia y Frankenstein

Caretas de Vampiro, Hombre Lobo, Momia y Frankenstein Son 20 modelos diferentes para imprimir, recortar y colocar la goma o […]

Sigue Leyendo

20 Caretas de Brujas, calabazas y calaveras

20 Caretas de Brujas, calabazas y calaveras 🎃🎃  ¡¡Para Halloween!! 🎃🎃 Como veréis tenéis dónde elegir  🤔😍😊 Son el complemento […]

Sigue Leyendo

20 Caretas de Animales para Halloween

20 Caretas de Animales para Halloween Estas caretas serán el complemento perfecto para el disfraz de los peques. Elige la/las […]

Sigue Leyendo

Lol Surprise máscaras para imprimir y recortar

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Sigue Leyendo

33 Máscaras para Navidad: imprimir, recortar ¡¡¡ y disfrutar !!!

33 Máscaras para Navidad: imprimir, recortar ¡¡¡ y disfrutar !!! Tenéis donde elegir, entre los modelos más clásicos o vintage […]

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Caretas, gorros y motivos navideños para imprimir y recortar

Caretas, gorros y motivos navideños para imprimir y recortar El gorro de Papa Noel, los cuernos de Rudolph y más […]

Sigue Leyendo

48 Gafas para recortar y disfrazarse en Navidad

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Maravillosas máscaras de Carnaval para tu nena

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Tiaras y coronas de las princesas Disney

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Máscaras para Carnaval de Tiburones molones

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6 Máscaras de Carnaval imprimibles

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17 Máscaras de Navidad para imprimir y colorear

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7 Máscaras de Halloween Para Imprimir

As máscaras de Halloween são a melhor alternativa para garantir a diversão no dia das bruxas, seja em casa ou na escola. As máscaras de bruxa, de múmia e de outros personagens assombrosos, caíram mesmo no gosto de adultos e crianças, principalmente por ser uma maneira prática de se fantasiar.

Se até o momento você não sabia de onde tirar o molde de uma máscara para Halloween, ou não tinha ideia de como fazer uma, pode ir se alegrando. Vamos mostrar 7 máscaras que você pode imprimir gratuitamente.

Além disso, vamos te ensinar, passo a passo, como fazer sua própria máscara, com o molde que você escolher. Vamos lá? Entre no mundo da fantasia com a gente!

Veja também:
Como Fazer Caixinha de Papel para Lembrancinha de Halloween
Como Fazer Cestinha de Doces Para Festa Halloween


Máscaras de halloween para baixar gratuitamente


Máscara de abóbora

Que tal se vestir de abóbora nesse dia das bruxas? Pode ser uma ótima ideia!

2. Máscara de bruxa

No Halloween, bruxas e bruxos não podem faltar. Afinal, esse ser é o ser mais emblemático dessa festividade.

3. Máscara de caveira

Caveirinhas não são nada bonitas, mas não podem ficar de fora da comemoração de Halloween.

4. Máscara de caveira mexicana

Apesar de aparentar um visual mais amigável, a caveira mexicana representa, na verdade, o ritual do Dia dos Mortos, no México. Logo, seu significado sombrio tem tudo a ver com o Halloween.

5. Máscara de múmia

Desperte a múmia da tumba com esta máscara apavorante.

6. Máscara de vampiro

O famoso vampiro não pode faltar no dia das bruxas, não é mesmo?

7. Máscara de zumbi

Entre na onda dos mortos-vivos com esta medonha máscara de zumbi.

Já escolheu a sua máscara? Baixe a sua preferida e veja abaixo como montá-la.

Como Fazer uma Máscara de Halloween

Materiais necessários

  • Arquivo digital com a máscara de sua preferência
  • Impressora
  • Papel glossy (ou papel sulfite mais algum material que possa ser usado como suporte, como EVA ou cartolina)
  • Tesoura
  • Estilete (opcional)
  • Furador de papel (opcional)
  • Lastex, elástico fino ou fita de cetim

Passo a passo

Passo 1 – Faça a impressão

Escolha uma das 7 máscaras disponíveis para impressão e imprima-a no papel glossy ou no sulfite.

Dica: Se você quiser imprimir suas máscaras de Halloween diretamente no papel sem ter que fazer um suporte, o papel glossy é a melhor opção. Isso porque, além de rodar normalmente em qualquer impressora caseira, ele permite uma qualidade de impressão muito boa. Assim, as cores da máscara ficarão bem vivas.

Passo 2 – Recorte a máscara

Recorte as bordas da máscara. Depois, com bastante cuidado, recorte a abertura para os olhos.

Passo 3 – Reforce a máscara (opcional)

Caso tenha imprimido a máscara em um papel muito fino, adicione um reforço no verso, que pode ser de EVA ou de cartolina.

Dica: O EVA é um suporte muito bom para fazer as máscaras, pois é resistente e ao mesmo tempo é maleável, encaixando-se bem no rosto. Para utilizar o EVA como reforço da sua máscara, imprima a arte no papel sulfite seguindo os passos 1 e 2. Depois, cole a máscara já recortada sobre o EVA do mesmo formato. O mesmo processo pode ser feito com a cartolina.  

Passo 4 – Coloque o elástico

Usando um furador de papel, ou a pontinha da tesoura, faça um furinho em cada lado da máscara, na altura das orelhas. Amarre o elástico nas duas extremidades da máscara ou dois pedaços de fita de cetim, um em cada lado.

Como você viu, é muito fácil fazer máscaras de Halloween em casa. Agora, basta escolher entre os 7 modelos disponibilizados para impressão que a festa já estará garantida!

Quer receber mais moldes e ideias de artesanato no seu celular? Entre para o grupo da Revista Artesanato no Telegram para ficar por dentro das novidades.

Veja também:
147 Moldes para EVA – Passo a Passo e Download Grátis
Festa de Halloween – 13 Dicas de Decoração Rápida e Barata

Revista Artesanato


Halloween Makeup 2023 [68 Ideas] – Makeup and Halloween makeup for a girl at home with photos and videos

Witch, ghost, skeleton or clown – who will you be this Halloween? Look for dozens of themed make-up ideas in our beauty dossier


  • Halloween Makeup for Girls
  • Easy and simple Halloween makeup: 10 ideas
  • Halloween Makeup for Girls: 5 DIY Looks
  • Scariest Halloween Makeup
  • Halloween Makeup Ideas 2023

How should Halloween makeup be? Awesome and original! There is enough time left before the holiday so that you can choose an interesting and bright image. Our Halloween Makeup Guide is here to help!

© ida_elina

Any holiday or party is an occasion to try on an unusual make-up look. But if, for example, a New Year’s or wedding make-up still has its own unspoken rules, then Halloween makeup can be anything: eccentric, frightening, or absolutely crazy. Do not forget that to complete the image, you need to think over and choose the right hairstyle for Halloween.

© alesh_ka13

© alesh_ka13

On the eve of All Saints’ Day, we all feel a little like children – and we should not suppress this feeling. Be bold! And we will tell you how to get the maximum practical benefit from this mood. By the way, you can find some useful tips in the video below.

How to make Halloween makeup for girls at home?

When creating sophisticated Halloween makeup, girls often resort to professional makeup. But it is not at all necessary for the sake of one image to buy a dozen special pigments, which will then gather dust on the shelves. You can make an original makeup for a girl on Halloween with ordinary makeup. Learn more about which ones you’ll need in this section.

What do you need to create Halloween makeup? 5 products

A mascara that helps create the effect of spider legs, a long-wearing blood red lipstick to simulate bruising, and a black liner that draws “dark” details – products that are sure to be found in any cosmetic bag. What else can be useful for a Halloween themed make-up?


Fancy Eyeshadow Palette


If you only use nude eyeshadows and only allow yourself textures with shimmer on holidays, it’s time to reconsider your habits. A palette of bright pinks, purples and yellows will not only help you create a remarkable Halloween look, but may also push you to make-up experiments in everyday life. With its help, you can create, for example, fashionable eye makeup in red or pink tones. By the way, a smokey ice palette will also come in handy for you – what is Halloween without black shadows?


Loose glitter

© nyxcosmetic. com

You will need it if you want to create a romantic, not scary Halloween look. Why not become a forest nymph, mermaid or fairy fairy for one night? Adding some glitter to your look is the easiest way to make your makeup festive, so don’t put the jar away: New Year’s is just around the corner.



We never get tired of singing odes to this magical make-up tool – and we won’t stop until the makeup base is in every cosmetic bag. Use primers for the face and eyelids to make your Halloween makeup scary with its authenticity, and not the fact that it drips an hour after the party starts.


Bright eyeliner


Famously raised “devil” arrows, freckles like Pippi Longstocking – all this is painted with eyeliner, which can be found in most beauty brands, from the YSL collections NYX Professional Makeup and Maybelline). And this tool will definitely not lie idle in your cosmetic bag when Halloween passes. In ordinary life, with colored eyeliner, you can draw fashionable bright arrows for the eyelids.


Brush and sponge set

Haven’t got a good makeup brush set yet? A Halloween party is a great excuse to do this important thing that you have been putting off for a long time. Explore our detailed beauty dossier on makeup brushes to create the perfect basic set yourself.

5 Halloween Makeup Tips

© cynthiakoning

Memorize these easy makeup tricks for some really scary Halloween looks.


If you do cover your face with a thick layer of makeup or paint, you should “secure” some areas. Apply some Vaseline to your eyebrows and hair roots to keep them from staining.


Usually we do our best to hide the “bruises” under the eyes, but for Halloween sometimes the opposite is required. To create dark circles around the eyes that are not worse than Beetlejuice, apply black-gray or dark purple shadows mixed with red with a flat brush to the area around the eyes, then blend with a sponge dipped in water.


Mix nude lipstick with purple eyeshadow and apply to lips for a chapped look.


Fake blood is also easy to make: mix creamy burgundy lipstick with a little liquid black liner and clear lip gloss. This composition is visually indistinguishable from real blood!

Draw blood onto a fluffy synthetic bristle brush and use it to splatter messily over your face for an American Psycho look.


To simulate loose teeth, wipe two front incisors with an alcohol-based cleaner, dry with paper tissue, and apply black waterproof gel eyeliner. Let her dry properly.

10 easy and simple Halloween makeup ideas

Before we start talking about the really complicated – and scary! – images, we offer you to look at a selection of make-up solutions that will help you create an interesting themed make-up without any extra effort.


The Last Kiss

© beautyisboring

Cover your lips with a thick foundation a tone lighter than your skin tone. Cut out a lip-shaped figure from thick paper, attach it to the cheek and circle the contour with a resistant pencil. Fill in empty space with long-lasting matte lipstick. Ready!


Disco Queen

© renatomardonis

Bright shadows with a strong shimmer, applied to the eyebrows, plus a rich glossy lip gloss, will make you the queen of the dance floor in no time.


False freckles

© koakakoala

One of the most fashionable trends of recent years is bright freckles that can be worn not only in the sunny season: this beauty trick is also useful for Halloween. Apply some loose glitter on your face, mark the freckles with a pencil (we showed how to do it here) or draw hearts instead of the usual dots, as in the picture.



© Kandee Johnson

Barbie is the last thing you think of when it comes to Halloween. But why not try on the most puppet look of all time for a change? Paint your lips with a hot pink glossy lipstick, apply purple shadows on your eyes and blend them into a haze (for example, as in this video). Draw a classic arrow with black eyeliner and thickly apply mascara to the eyelashes.


Snow Queen

© beautifywithalina

Blend bronze shadows under the lower lids and emphasize the inner corners of the eyes. Make up your lips with red-brick lipstick, add a little golden glitter on them (to create a similar lip makeup, see our photo tutorial). Cover your entire face generously with radiant loose glitter, fix your makeup with a fixing spray.


Surgical victim

© sabrinawarnickmakeup

Such an ironic make-up look is accessible even to those who find mascara difficult to use. Draw dotted lines with an eyeliner pencil, and then circle them with a resistant black eyeliner. Lips make up matte red lipstick. Of course, such makeup looks more spectacular with clear arrows, but you can do without them.


Message to the world

© makeupmouse

The author of this image calls for silence, but you can write your own message on the motionless eyelid. It is not scary if the inscription is not too even, the main thing is to arrange it so that it is easy to read.



© thealchemicfox

The superhero costume is traditionally one of the most popular costumes at Halloween parties. Why not experiment with makeup? Such a bright version of the “superhero mask” will definitely attract everyone’s attention!


David Bowie

© dexssliceoflife

Another interesting use of colored eyeliner. To draw David Bowie’s signature zipper on your face, use paper tape. With it, mark the boundaries of the picture, and then it’s up to the small.


Smeared lipstick

© beautifulworldscs

Halloween is a holiday where you have to overcome your fears. What are girls most afraid of? That’s right, smeared lipstick. It’s time to face that fear right in the face!

Halloween makeup – 5 do-it-yourself looks

Drawings and messages on the face – are you over the stage? Are you ready to move on to a more difficult level? Then watch our step-by-step photo and video tutorials on creating popular Halloween looks. We’ll show you how to do Joker and Harley Quinn makeup and show you how to transform into a scary doll.

Halloween doll make-up

You don’t have to buy extra makeup to replicate the spooky look of the ventriloquist doll. Everything you need is sure to be found in a basic cosmetic bag: eyeliner, dark gray shadows, black pencil, red lipstick and foundation. But for this make-up, it is better to use a foundation that is lighter than the natural skin tone, so that the face turns deathly pale.

Harley Quinn Makeup

The Suicide Squad supervillain look has become as classic a Halloween makeup look since the movie’s release as are Santa Muerte and Catwoman. Its main advantage is that it does not require accuracy in execution, so beginners can also create it. Follow our photo instructions.


Use a mattifying foundation. As with the “doll” makeup, the face should become pale in this look, so choose a version that is lighter than your skin. Hide all imperfections and “bruises” under the eyes under a layer of reliable concealer.





In Harley Quinn makeup, eyebrows should not be the main bright accent, so just touch them up a little with a pencil or comb with tint gel.




Line the lower eyelid with a dark brown pencil, drawing the arrow slightly beyond the border of the eye towards the temples.



Distribute red saturated shadows on the right mobile eyelid, blue on the left.





Special lacquer for eyelids (for example, NYX Professional Makeup has one) apply on the movable eyelid, going a little over the crease. Duplicate a layer of bright shadows, spreading them directly on top of the varnish. Do not try to do it as carefully as possible, act exactly the opposite.



Apply the same blue and red shadow under the eyes, focusing on the outer corners. With a beveled brush, bring down smudges that imitate traces of tears. The brush can be slightly dampened for this.



Use gel pencils to match the blue and red shadows, line your eyes both above and below. You can not look in the mirror at all at this stage, the makeup should turn out to be as sloppy and crazy as possible.



Make up both upper and lower lashes with mascara, trying to glue them a little (how to create the effect of spider legs, read here).



Under the right eye, draw a small, neat heart with long-lasting matte eyeliner. Paint your lips with red lipstick – you’re done!





Joker Makeup

Before you start creating the image of Batman’s main enemy, prepare your face. Apply a primer, even out the skin tone with foundation, darken the area under the cheekbones with a sculptor and work on the eyebrows with a pencil. Makeup artist Yulia Sizykh shows how to create the most complex details of the image.

Pop art lips make-up


Roy Lichtenstein-inspired make-up always attracts attention. And if it is quite difficult to repeat the full image, everyone can style lips in a similar style.


With a white waterproof eyeliner, draw a wide enough strip on the upper lip to imitate a row of teeth.



On the lower lip, draw a strip of the same width with black eyeliner to create the appearance of a shadow.



Use bright pink lipstick to paint over the remaining space on both the lower and upper lip. You can go a little beyond the contours of the lips.



Outline the “tick” of the upper lip with black permanent eyeliner, check its symmetry. After that, connect the resulting outline with the corners of the mouth with straight lines. The lower lip also begin to circle in the direction from the center. Don’t forget to draw a black line along the top border of the white stripe.



Randomly place the highlights on the lips with white eyeliner.


Basic and easy Halloween makeup

Video tutorial for those who don’t like bloody and frightening makeup, but want to show off at a Halloween party. It can be easily replicated at home! Take note of this image for other solemn exits: if you replace dark lipstick with a neutral one, you can even appear at a corporate party with such makeup.

The scariest Halloween makeup

Ready to go crazy? Are you afraid of your own reflection in the mirror? In this section, we have collected the most creepy looks for a Halloween party. Explore and choose the scariest Halloween makeup!

Skull makeup for Halloween

Sugar skull or Santa Muerte is the main symbol of the Mexican Day of the Dead, which has already become international. Such a bright ornament can be found at parties on the eve of All Saints’ Day around the world. And we must not fall behind! Grim is really scary!

© _Halloween_Make_up_

© _Halloween_Make_UP_


© Embergrim




Scary werewolf makeup for Halloween

The vampire saga “Twilight” has long been out of theaters, and the image and scary makeup of the werewolf Jacob continues to excite the minds. Would you dare to try it on this Halloween?

© bethanmccoy

© georgiqb

© ida_elina

© loudandgrim

© megnic_makeup

Scary zombie makeup for Halloween

Abrasions, bruises and ulcers on the face usually do not adorn a girl. Halloween is the exception!

© buffalo_girl_beauty

Scary Witch Halloween Makeup

A witch can be cute like Hermione Granger, ridiculous like Sarah Jessica Parker in Hocus Pocus, really creepy (Batsheeba from The Conjuring) or sexy (remember Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman. Which option do you like better? Find “your” witch look and do some really scary Halloween makeup.

© Adinger424


© BlackMalahitmakeup

© Ida_elina

The terrible make -up of a clown on Halloween

Clown simultaneously the funniest and most frightening character: Perhaps the popularity of this Gritish. And a clown can be very touching – look for an example in our photo selection.

© _halloween_make_up_

© hkmakeupartistry

© ida_elina

And if you decide to repeat Harlequin’s makeup, you will find all the secrets in this video.

© charlottemillercooper_mua

© glowbycaitlin

© ida_elina_

Scary ghost makeup

In this case, you also have to visit a professional makeup shop: your face should be really white, and makeup. Well, the visibility of dark holes in the place of the eyes can easily be created by ordinary black shadows.

© ida_elina

By the way, you can find a simplified version of this makeup in our video.

Halloween Makeup Ideas 2023

The best Halloween makeup looks inspired by the most anticipated horror movie characters of 2023.


The premiere of the sequel to the legendary horror film Hellraiser took place in February, but this horror is unlikely to be forgotten until autumn. Therefore, the image of the main character Pinhead will definitely cause a stir at the party.

© casslloydfx

Pretty Woman

In the second part of another cult film, The Strangers, three masked men intimidate the audience. Thinking through makeup for Halloween, take a closer look at the image of Beauty – a bloodthirsty brunette with a pin-up make-up.

© cpt.breach

Polite Stranger

The image of a stranger with an eerie smile from the new part of “The Judgment Night” will be easy to recreate even for newbies. Use the contouring palette to create defined cheekbones and a sharp chin. Circle the eyes with black shadows, and draw teeth on the lips with white eyeliner or a permanent pencil.

© denise__chavez


Remember the demonic nun from The Conjuring 2? She will return in a new horror film called The Nun. To replicate her look, you’ll need a foundation that’s much lighter than your natural skin tone. And lots and lots of black shadows with a dense texture and high durability (for example, mono shadows in the shade Blackout from Urban Decay).

© natzbuzz

More Halloween Makeup Ideas

15 more looks that we thought were unusual and interesting for a Halloween party. Let’s share it!

 © _wildfern

 © amandachapmansfx

 © ayajade

 © cynthiakoning2

 © dynamicdiana

 © jenm3

 © laura_makeup

 © likecharity

 © maieromakeup

 © makeupmouse

 © mykie

© newbiemakeup

© rebeccadixonmakeup

© revamp_lizgaines

© sabrinawarnickmakeup

For more ideas check out the selection below.

How will you celebrate Halloween this year? Tell us in the comments!

Halloween makeup products

With these products in your cosmetic bag you can create the most effective look and boldly go to any Halloween party

Baby Lips, Holiday Space, Pumpkin Spice, Maybelline 9 lip balm0035

Baby Lips is a limited-edition lip balm inspired by autumn, featuring three shades: pumpkin, coffee and vanilla. The tool will fit in any, even the smallest cosmetic bag – and will always come to the rescue if you need to moisturize your lips. Baby Lips is suitable for sensitive skin and does not leave lips feeling sticky. Among other advantages – light shine and pleasant aroma.


Balm will be a great addition to the image, if you decide to transform into a Bambi deer on Halloween.

Mascara Eccentrico, 04, Rouge Iron, Giorgio Armani

If you don’t know how to make-up, but want to create a bright, spectacular Halloween look, this mascara is for you. Focus on the eyes – this will be quite enough, especially if the mascara is red. Apply it in several layers to achieve more volume – it will not leave lumps and will definitely last until the end of the party.


This mascara will definitely come in handy if you decide to do, for example, Harlequin makeup from the video below.

Color Riche Gold Obsession Lipstick, Pure Gold, L’Oréal Paris

The new L’Oréal Paris Gold Obsession collection is inspired by gold and consists of five shades. For Halloween, you can choose from both classic red and metallic gold. All lipsticks have a very rich texture and color – and therefore are perfect for an evening make-up.

© L’Oréal Paris

Moondust Eyeshadow Palette, Urban Decay

Eyeshadow contains iridescent particles that help create a shimmering effect. Bright smoky eyes or large arrows – any look is suitable for a Halloween party. Experiment with shades, whether it’s a bright purple Magnetic or a soft pink Specter, and follow the rules of color matching. The brand’s experts advise applying the shadows with a wet method and blending with a brush – by the way, you can watch a tutorial video on how to create makeup on the Urban Decay website.


With this palette, you can easily transform into a mouse or a panda. How? We tell in the video below!

Foundation Le Teint Encre de Peau, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

If you are going to a holiday in honor of Halloween, you can not do without persistent foundation. At the same time, it is important that its texture is light and not felt on the skin, does not roll down and does not clog pores. All this is about Le Teint Encre de Peau foundation. It provides a durable weightless matte finish for 24 hours, and also protects from UV rays: in the formula of SPF 18.


Face & Body glitter, NYX Professional Makeup

What’s a party without glitter? Glitter from NYX Professional Makeup will help you create or complement any look – apply a little in the corners of the eyes, under the lower ciliary contour or on the collarbones. But do not forget about the base – otherwise the sparkles will not last even a couple of hours.


To make your Halloween look perfect, learn some helpful tricks from this video.

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