La papa renata: La Papa Renata – Canción Infantil – YouTube

La papa renata: La Papa Renata – Canción Infantil – YouTube




la papa Renata

sentada en
su plato de lata

DO                      SOL                                     DO

cocinero la miró y la papita se asustó.

                  SOL                                  DO

temblaba de miedo y el cocinero con el dedo

                                SOL                                  DO

Que no,
que si, que si, que no, de mal humor la amenazó.



la papa Renata

“ahora me
pincha y me mata”


Y el
cocinero murmuró “con esta sí me quedo yo”.


Renata vio
por el rabillo que estaba afilando el cuchillo

                             SOL                                        DO

Y tanto,
tanto se asustó que rodó al suelo y se escondió.


llegó de la plaza la niña menor de la casa


buscaba su yoyo a la papita encontró.


Y puso a

la papa Renata

sentada en
un plato de lata

                             SOL                                     DO

verde le creció y esta canción se terminó.


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Pollito Amarillito. Mi pollito amarillito en la palma de mi mano de mi mano cuando quiere comer bichitos él rasca el piso con sus piecitos mi pollito amarillito en la palma de mi mano cuando quiere comer bichitos él rasca el piso con sus piecitos Él aletea muy feliz pio pio pero tiene miedo y es del gavilán Él aletea muy feliz pio pio pero tiene miedo y es del gavilán Mi pollito amarillito en la palma de mi mano de mi mano cuando quiere comer bichitos él rasca el piso con sus piecitos mi pollito amarillito en la palma de mi mano de mi mano cuando quiere comer bichitos él rasca el piso con sus piecitos Él aletea muy feliz pio pio pero tiene miedo y es del gavilán Él aletea muy feliz pio pio pero tiene miedo y es del gavilán

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Die weltweit größte Petitionsplattform für gesellschaftliche Veränderung · Change.


„Hebammen waren ein wichtiger Teil meiner Schwangerschaft, sowohl vor, als auch nach der Geburt. Es ist mir wichtig, dass auch andere Menschen weiterhin diese Versorgung erhalten.“

Am 20. Oktober 2022 wurde von der Regierung das GKV-Finanzstabilisierungsgesetz verabschiedet.

Dieses sieht vor, dass ab 2025 nur noch qualifizierte Pflegekräfte, die der unmittelbaren Patientenversorgung auf bettenführenden Stationen eingesetzt werden, im Pflegebudget berücksichtigt werden. Diese Gesetzesänderung hat eine gravierende Folge: so muss medizinisches Fachpersonal anderweitig von den Krankenhäusern finanziert werden. Betroffen sind Physiotherapeuten / Ergotherapeuten / Logopäden / Heilerziehungspfleger und weitere Berufsgruppen.

Besonders hart trifft es insbesondere die Geburtshilfe: so sind Hebammen und Entbindungspfleger ebenfalls nicht mehr im Pflegebudget berücksichtigt.

Wir fordern eine Änderung des GKV Finanzierungsgesetzes und die entsprechende Berücksichtigung von Hebammen und anderem medizinischem Fachpersonal!

Wir fordern die Bundesregierung auf, Hebammen in Kliniken weiterhin im Pflegebudget zu unterstützen! Frauen brauchen Hebammen in Kliniken bei der Entbindung und danach! Diese wichtige Aufgabe kann keinesfalls von anderweitigem Pflegepersonal oder Ärzten übernommen werden. Die Kreißsäle sind bereits jetzt überfüllt. Eine weitere Schließung von Geburtshilfe – Kliniken würde das System noch mehr überlasten und Schwangere vor weitere große Probleme stellen. 

An die Bundesregierung:

Das GSV Finanzstabilisierungsgesetz wird gravierende Folgen für die Geburtshilfe in Deutschland haben:
Auf den Wochenbettstationen werden Hebammen gekündigt werden, da diese Stellen nicht mehr refinanziert werden. Diese Hebammen sind jedoch essenziell für eine qualitative Betreuung von Frauen und Neugeborenen. Stattdessen werden reguläre Pflegekräfte eingesetzt, die nicht für Betreuung von Schwangeren und Neugeborenen ausgebildet sind. Dies hat einen massiven negativen Einfluss auf die Versorgungsqualität.

Für eine komplikationslose Geburt und Nachsorge ist die Betreuung durch eine Hebamme unerlässlich.
So ist nach § 4 II HebG die Wochenbettverlaufskontrolle nur den Hebammen vorbehalten. Warum? Weil Hebammen die entsprechenden Kenntnisse durch ihre Ausbildung und tägliche Arbeit haben und dadurch frühe Komplikationen erkennen.

Wir haben bereits einen Fachkräftemangel in den Krankenhäusern. Dieser wird nun durch dieses Gesetz verschärft. Nun soll das bereits überlastete, durch die Pandemie gebeutelte Pflegepersonal die Mammutaufgabe der Betreuung der Wochenbettstationen ohne jegliche Zusatzqualifikation übernehmen?

Die Ausbildung neuer Hebammen ist durch die Gesetzesänderung ungewiss. So sieht die Hebammenausbildungsverordnung vor, dass HebammenschülerInnen auf Wochenbettstationen durch eine Hebamme angeleitet werden. Wer übernimmt diese Funktion, wenn diese Stellen jedoch abgebaut werden? Die Ausbildung von neuen Fachkräften wird damit deutlich erschwert bzw. verhindert.

Langfristig werden immer mehr Krankenhäusern ihre Geburtshilfe schließen. Das zeigt auch die Statik des Deutschen Hebammenverbandes. So gab es 1991 noch 1186 Krankenhäuser mit Geburtshilfe. 2018 waren es nur noch 655. Das ist ein Rückgang von mehr als 40%. Und das trotz mittlerweile steigender Geburtenzahlen. Wo sollen Frauen in Zukunft ihre Babys gebären? Ohne jegliche qualifizierte Betreuung?
Unser Gesundheitssystem wird kaputt gespart. Die Geburtshilfe ist generell keine gewinnbringende Abteilung. Jetzt werden auch noch die Hauptbeschäftigten der Geburtshilfe, nämlich die Hebammen, nicht mehr für die Vor- und Nachsorge aus dem Pflegebudget finanziert. Damit steht die Geburtshilfe in sehr vielen Krankenhäusern vor dem Aus.
Viele Frauen sind bereits verzweifelt, weil ihre Kreißsäle und Wochenbettstationen überfüllt sind. Schwangere werden im Voraus bei Kliniken wegen Überlastung abgelehnt. Schwangere haben bereits Probleme beim Finden einer Hebamme für die Wochenbettbetreuung zuhause. Umso wichtiger ist doch eine qualitativ hochwertige Betreuung nach der Geburt im Krankenhaus. Wie soll das gewährleistet sein, wenn immer mehr Kliniken ihre Geburtshilfe schließen?

Durch die fehlende Unterstützung des Staats wird Geburthilfe zum Profitgeschäft. Eine Geburt im Krankenhaus und eine Betreuung danach durch eine qualifizierte Hebamme sollte kein Luxus sein. Sie sollte ein Grundrecht für jede Frau sein!

Die Arbeitsbedingungen für Hebammen müssen sich wieder verbessern und sie müssen als notwendiges medizinisches Pflegepersonal im Pflegebudget eingeschlossen werden. Genauso wie andere essenzielle Berufsgruppen in Krankenhäusern. Wir fordern daher die Überarbeitung des GKV-Finanzstabilisieribgsgesetzes.

Bild: Desinged by Freepik 

Olga Vashurina – biography, personal life, photo, news, confectioner, cakes, recipes, bump on forehead 2022


Some consider being on television talent shows a waste of time: they say, their participants interest the audience exactly as long as they are on the screen. Others, inspired by the example of Alexei Shcherbakov, Ilya Sobolev and NILETTO, on the contrary, are trying to make themselves known. This happened with Olga Vashurina, whose life changed dramatically after she decided to come to the just launched Friday! confectioner project.

Childhood and youth

The future winner of the premiere season of “Confectioner” was born on December 18, 1987 (Sagittarius by zodiac sign) in Tolyatti.

At that time, her mother was barely 18 years old, and her father, Vladimir, had just come from the army. The lovers got married and settled in an apartment donated by their parents, but the difficult 90s came. Therefore, when the child, born in the eighth month of pregnancy, was three years old, the woman left to work in Moscow, and three years later, taking the heiress, she moved to Pskov.

Olga Vashurina as a child / @vashourina

In the new city, Olya went to the first grade of a prestigious school, where she even studied English individually. Thanks to her mother, who still worked in the capital’s clothing market, she, dressed in plaid skirts, velvet jackets and patent leather shoes, was the most fashionable in the class. Soon she met her stepfather Alexander Yakovlev, whom the girl began to call daddy after a couple of weeks:

“So we got a second apartment. For the first time I learned what a TV remote is, for the first time I saw a computer, and I had a dog (even if not mine, but my stepfather’s) – Jack the German Shepherd. Mom and new dad loved each other, and I was glad that mommy was happy. Thus, a new unit of society was born.

The adults left for Moscow, while Olga stayed in Pskov with her aunt and grew up with her cousin Arkady and sister Irina. The pastry chef still recalls with trepidation the time when they listened to the Gaza Strip and Red Mold, Yura Shatunov and Vlad Stashevsky, played the dog waltz on the piano, rode bicycles and swam in the pond in the country. Then the schoolgirl managed to live with the second aunt, who emphasized the spiritual development of her niece, who took her to the “artist’s school”, to dances and the choir.

On May 1, 1997, Vashurina, who moved to Vykhino, had a half-brother, Ilya. She fed, bathed, raised and perceived the “doll-like baby” as part of herself. After 2.5 years, the move took place again – this time to Mytishchi, where the family settled in a “three-ruble note” with a European-style renovation, which, through the efforts of adults, turned into a four-room dwelling.

But the happy life was cut short overnight, when on February 6, 2001 Olga lost her mother. Mostly left to his own devices, the teenager got involved with bad company, started smoking and skipping classes. The stepfather, realizing that he could not cope, suggested that his own father take his stepdaughter to him, but in the end she almost thundered into a boarding school. Fortunately, Pskov relatives again came to the rescue.

In the 9th grade, the girl took up her head, was fond of KVN, played brain-ring, women’s football and “War of the Lords” and studied perfectly. The following year, a native of Tolyatti returned to Moscow, where she faced problems with her stepfather, guardianship and apartment.


In Moscow, a girl who entered her stepfather’s apartment with the help of a law enforcement officer, head teacher, social teacher and class teacher settled in a separate room. A folding bed, bedding and dishes, as well as free meals, were provided by the school, and later the student was able to purchase a burner.

Olga Vashurina in the program “Confectioner” / @vashourina

In order to somehow survive, a 16-year-old schoolgirl sold Coca-Cola on Pushkinskaya, signed up for courses at the institute and intensively prepared for admission. And the plan came true: the applicant made her way to the desired university. Having become a student at the Institute of Innovation and Logistics of the State University of Management, from which she graduated in 2011 with honors, Olya got a job as an usher in the Oktyabr cinema and concert hall.

In 2007, having taken her first loan for decent clothes, Vashurina became a secretary in a private recruitment agency in the center of Moscow, and in 2009-m got into a French company as an assistant to the financial controller. In 2011, after a layoff, she ended up at the Baltika cinema, she began to build a career, but the case again intervened.

From October 13, 2020, the TV presenter and blogger travels around Russian cities and makes honest reviews of sweets (“Strudel review in Suzdal”, “Esterhazy” in Nizhny Novgorod).

Personal life

In 2008, Olga began a holiday romance with a guy from Tuapse, which turned into a long-term relationship and ended in 2010. In the same year, the girl became seriously interested in football, watched all the leagues at once (from the Premier League to La Liga) and even went to the UK for the UEFA Champions League.

Olga Vashurina with children / @vashourina

2011 was a turning point in every sense: Vashurina defended her diploma, changed jobs and met the future father of her children. The pregnancy turned out to be a complete surprise for the graduate of the State University of Management, because the doctors frightened the patient with almost infertility. Before giving birth to her daughter Lada on June 1, 2012, the young woman had to face a terrible diagnosis, lie down several times in the hospital and write many refusals to have an abortion.

On September 5, 2014, the second heiress, Marta, was born, whom her parents initially wanted to call Alla. But, despite the girls, personal life with a common-law husband did not work out: the couple either converged or diverged until they decided to part completely.

Cookery and show “Confectioner”

Olga started baking mousse cakes to order out of boredom on maternity leave. A young mother, tired of cooking the same thing, surfed the Internet for new recipes and came across beautiful pictures of goodies. And immediately she had a burning desire to learn how to do something similar, plunging into the study of the intricacies of this craft. In 2015, a Muscovite took Nina Tarasova’s courses, and the following year she received an invitation to the first season of the Confectioner show:

Cake King. They said that there would be a competition, they asked if I would like to participate. I thought: why not, because in life I am an adventurer. I am always for any kipish.

The contestant was noted for her diligence, responsible approach to tasks, enduring criticism and listening to the advice of professionals, which helped her to reach the final. The presenter later even admitted that he was rooting for her the whole season, which became victorious for the participant.

Olga Vashurina, Renat Agzamov and Anton Isakov / @renat_agzamov

A native of Togliatti was appointed Renat Agzamova’s deputy and then starred in the project as his colleague, helping to identify the best pastry chefs across the country and surprising Russian celebrities with culinary masterpieces.

Olga Vashurina now

bakes to order.

Now all the forces of the talented confectioner, who became famous for the Milk Girl cake (the recipe and the master class for its preparation can be found on the author’s YouTube channel), are now devoting themselves to raising children, whose photos often appear on the Instagram account (the social network is banned in the Russian Federation). , it belongs to the Meta corporation, which is recognized as an extremist mother in the Russian Federation, and the development of its own YouTube show Cake or Fake.

Interesting facts

  1. In the biography of Vashurina (height 169 cm) there was a place for the LightWeight 21 weight loss program, according to which she took second place and lost 10 kg in 21 days (starting weight was 100 kg).
  2. Olga has a distinctive feature in her appearance: “Friends, let’s sort out the issue of my spot on my forehead once and for all! This is not a disease, not a bump on the forehead, not a bruise – this is a birthmark. I was born with it, God gave it to me, and I wear it with pride. Since this is a part of me, I’m not going to put it anywhere and never intended to.”
  3. A confectioner was diagnosed with moderate myopia (-6 in both eyes) from childhood

The legendary singer Renat Ibragimov died

The legendary singer Renat Ibragimov died – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

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News Museum

05/14/2022 21:07

Oleg Uskov

On May 14 in Moscow, the legendary Soviet, Russian singer, composer, actor and director Renat Islamovich died in Moscow. Ibragimov.

Sergei Bobylev / TASS

This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the artist’s daughter.

Renat Ibragimov was born in 1947 in the city of Lvov in the family of a military man. After the war, Renata’s father took the family and moved them to their historical homeland – Kazan. Renat’s musicality and artistic talent were noticed back in kindergarten. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education at school, the young man graduated from a music school. In the 60s he served in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Volga Military District. At 19On the 73rd he graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory and began his career on the stage of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, where he performed leading roles in operas.

All-Union success and fame came to Ibragimov after his participation in the song contest “Red Carnation” in Sochi in 1975, where the musician received the main prize.

In the artist’s filmography – “Melodies from the Volga”, “Italian Contract”, “Military Romance”, “Saga of the Ancient Bulgars”.

In 1981 Ibragimov was awarded the title People’s Artist of the RSFSR.

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