Manchas cara niños: Jiotes, las manchas blancas en la piel de los niños

Manchas cara niños: Jiotes, las manchas blancas en la piel de los niños

Síndrome de Legius (para Padres)


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¿Qué es el síndrome de Legius?

El síndrome de Legius es una afección de origen genético muy poco frecuente. Forma parte de un grupo de afecciones conocidas como rasopatías. Ocurren cuando hay un problema en la forma en que se comunican las células en el cuerpo.

El síndrome de Legius puede causar manchas marrones en la piel, pecas en las axilas y problemas de aprendizaje. Los niños con este síndrome pueden controlar sus síntomas con atenciones médicas regulares, y no tienen que limitar sus actividades.

También se conoce con el nombre “neurofibromatosis tipo 1”.

¿Cuáles son los signos y los síntomas del síndrome de Legius?

Un niño con este síndrome suele presentar los siguientes signos:

  • manchas café con leche en la piel, que son:
    • más oscuras que la piel circundante
    • de más de 1/4 de pulgada (5 milímetros) de ancho
    • suelen ser visibles cuando el niño cumple un año
  • ojos muy separados
  • pecas en las axilas o en el pliegue de piel que hay entre el vientre y la cadera (pliegue inguinal) en torno a los 6 años de edad
  • cabeza grande en comparación con el tamaño del cuerpo del niño
  • esternón (el hueso del pecho) que se mete hacia dentro (pectus excavatum) o que se proyecta hacia fuera (pectus carinatum)

A medida que el niño vaya creciendo, pueden aparecer otros síntomas. Los niños con síndrome de Legius suelen tardar más tiempo en andar, hablar y alcanzar otros hitos evolutivos. También pueden:

  • tener problemas de aprendizaje
  • tener problemas de atención e hiperactividad
  • ser más bajos que otros niños de su edad

Los signos y los síntomas del síndrome de Legius se pueden parecer a los propios de un problema de base genética más grave llamado neurofibromatosis.

Causas del síndrome de Legius

El síndrome de Legius ocurre debido a un cambio o mutación en un gen que las células usan para fabricar una proteína que:

  • ayuda a controlar cómo crecen las células
  • afecta al sistema que controla el crecimiento en la vía RAS

A veces, el síndrome de Legius, se da por familias. Un padre que tenga la mutación tiene un 50% de probabilidades de trasmitírsela a sus hijos. Otras veces, se trata de una mutación “espontánea”. Esto significa que un niño tiene el síndrome pero sus padres no lo tienen. Esto se llama “mutación de novo”.

¿Cómo se diagnóstica el síndrome de Legius?

En el momento en que nace un niño, el equipo médico que asiste el parto puede ver que el bebé tiene los ojos muy separados y pedir que le hagan pruebas genéticas. Pero en la mayoría de los casos, los médicos no detectan este síndrome hasta que aparecen otros signos, como las manchas café con leche en la piel.

Para emitir un diagnóstico, el médico:

  • preguntará por los síntomas y los signos del niño
  • hará preguntas sobre los antecedentes familiares de afecciones genéticas
  • explorará al niño
  • pedirá que le hagan pruebas genéticas

Los médicos pueden buscar problemas en el cerebro o los huesos mediante radiografías o resonancias magnéticas (RM).

¿Cómo se trata el síndrome de Legius?

Generalmente, este síndrome lo diagnostican médicos especializados en genética. Pero las visitas de seguimiento y los cuidados médicos las suelen hacer médicos ordinarios, sean pediatras o médicos de familia.

Este síndrome no se puede curar. Su tratamiento se centra en controlar los síntomas, y puede incluir:

  • apoyo educativo adicional
  • terapia ocupacional y fisioterapia para mejorar las habilidades motoras, las destrezas, y el cuidado personal
  • logopedia
  • medicamentos para mejorar la capacidad de concentración y reducir la hiperactividad. Un psiquiatra pediátrico, un psicólogo de la conducta o un neurólogo también pueden ayudar en este tipo de problemas.

¿Qué más debería saber?

Los niños con síndrome de Legius no necesitan recibir una atenta supervisión médica. No tienen ningún límite en las actividades que pueden practicar y tienen una esperanza de vida normal.

Entender cómo se puede trasmitir este síndrome en el seno de una familia, las pruebas genéticas y el asesoramiento genético prenatal puede ayudar a:

  • los padres y otros familiares no tan cercanos (tíos, primos…) de los niños que tengan este síndrome
  • los adultos con síndrome de Legius

Revisado por: Karen W. Gripp, MD

Fecha de revisión: septiembre de 2019

Cáncer de piel en los niños

El cáncer de piel es poco frecuente en los niños, sin embargo nadie está a salvo del cáncer de piel porque nuestra dermis tiene memoria. Esto quiere decir que todas lesiones cutáneas, en forma de quemaduras solares, se acumulan en la piel reduciendo el capital solar con el que nacemos. Los últimos estudios sobre la incidencia del melanoma o cáncer de piel indican que haber sufrido más de tres quemaduras solares en la misma zona aumentan el riesgo de padecer cáncer de piel. ¿Cómo detectarlo? ¿Cómo prevenirlo? ¡Te damos toda la información!

El temido melanoma o cáncer de piel es más común en las personas de piel clara, especialmente las que tienen el cabello rubio o rojo y los ojos claros (verdes o azules). Los factores de riesgo que pueden predisponer al padecimiento del cáncer de piel son.

– Una historia de melanoma en la familia.

– Tiempo de exposición al sol. El tiempo de exposición al sol sin protección afecta directamente al riesgo de cáncer de piel.

– Las quemaduras solares en la primera infancia. Los estudios han demostrado que las quemaduras solares que se producen temprano en la vida de la persona aumentan el riesgo de cáncer de piel años más tarde.

– Tener muchas pecas o muchos lunares comunes (más de 50).

– Poseer lunares displásicos (lunares atípicos), que son lunares benignos inusuales que pueden parecerse al melanoma. Las personas que los tienen se encuentran en mayor riesgo de tener melanomas únicos o múltiples.


De hecho, las lesiones pigmentadas más frecuentes en los niños pequeños son los lunares. Durante la infancia van apareciendo progresivamente los lunares, con más frecuencia a nivel del tronco. Se cree que hay una influencia muy importante del sol en el desarrollo de los lunares o nevus tanto en niños como en adultos.

Pero, ¿qué debemos observar en un lunar o en una mancha de la piel para ver si presenta características anómalas, que hagan sospechar que puede ser un melanoma o cáncer de piel?

En los niños, en general, todos los lunares van a ser benignos, pero para asegurarnos tenemos la regla del A, B, C, D y E. En base a los siguientes signos los padres pueden saber si el lunar o lunares del niño precisan atención médica. Recuerda que la detección precoz es fundamental para tratar el cáncer de piel a tiempo y evitar que cause la muerte.

Para poder descartar un posible cáncer de piel al observar una lesión pigmentada o un lunar en la piel es preciso observar detenidamente una serie de características que van a determinar la normalidad o anormalidad respecto al melanoma y que podemos estudiar acordándonos de las primeras letras del abecedario.

– A, de asimetría
Los lunares son manchas pigmentadas de la piel que generalmente tienen forma redondeada. Observar algún signo de asimetría puede levantar sospechas.

– B, de bordes irregulares
El nevus o lunar benigno tiene bordes redondeados, mientras que los que pueden ser cancerígenos tienen unos bordes angulosos, que se extienden más por una zona que por otra.

– C, de color
La heterogeneidad de color puede ser símbolo de alerta. Un color uniforme indica normalidad.

– D, de diámetro
Un diámetro mayor de 0,5 cm puede resultar sospechoso. Es preciso mirar ese lunar con mayor atención porque puede haber debajo de él un cáncer de piel.

– E, de elevación
La elevación de los nevus o lunares suele ser un signo de normalidad, excepto cuando hay un pequeño relieve que se palpa y no solo se ve.

Cualquiera de estos signos nos debe hacer consultar con el dermatólogo. No son por si mismos signos irrefutables de malignidad, pero sí son un signo de alarma que nos debe poner en alerta.

Los hallazgos de lunares sospechosos o de cáncer de piel en etapas tempranas son la clave para el tratamiento exitoso del cáncer de piel. Un auto-examen de la piel es, por lo general, el primer paso en la detección del cáncer de piel. La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer sugiere los siguientes métodos de auto-examen:

1. Examina la parte frontal y posterior de su cuerpo, luego el lado derecho y el izquierdo con los brazos elevados.

2. Dobla los codos y mírate cuidadosamente los antebrazos, la parte posterior y superior de los brazos y la palma de las manos.

3. Mírate la parte posterior de las piernas y los pies, los espacios entre los dedos de los pies y la planta de los pies.

4. Examina con un espejo de mano la parte posterior del cuello y del cuero cabelludo.

5. Examina con un espejo de mano la espalda y los glúteos.

6. Familiarízate con su piel y con el patrón de lunares, pecas y otras marcas.

7. Manténte alerta a los cambios en el número, tamaño, forma y color de las áreas pigmentadas.

8. Sigue la tabla ABCD cuando examines los lunares de otras áreas pigmentadas y consulta rápidamente a tu médico si notas algún cambio.

Ante cualquier situación de alarma en un lunar, lo mejor es acudir al médico. Este realizará una prueba (biopsia), que consiste en extraer una parte o la totalidad de la lesión o lunar para su examen. El resultado determinará si las células del mismo son o no cancerígenas. A su vez, esta prueba dará información sobre la situación del cáncer y su propagación.

El tratamiento del melanoma, que dependerá del tamaño y profundidad de la lesión, del lugar donde se localice el cáncer y de su extensión por el resto del cuerpo, puede ser desde una operación, pasando por un proceso de quimioterapia, una terapia dirigida con medicamentos o una terapia biológico (inmunoterapia).

Si se detecta a tiempo (se encuentra en la superficie de la piel), el melanoma tiene buen pronóstico, es decir, se puede curar. El problema está si ha crecido y ha llegado hasta los vasos sanguíneos y ha podido afectar al sistema linfático.

Fuentes consultadas:
American Cancer Society
Skin Cancer Foundation

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Cáncer de piel en los niños – Cómo reconocer el melanoma, en la categoría de Cáncer en Guiainfantil. com.

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Where to go for one day from Madrid. Four crazy days in Madrid and its surroundings Useful books, films, programs for a trip to Madrid and its surroundings

is a great base for sightseeing nearby. You can get to all the places described below by train or bus, one day is enough to see them. So, where to go from Madrid for one day?

El Escorial Monastery and Palace Complex

El Escorial Monastery is located an hour’s drive from Madrid at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama. The huge Escorial complex includes a royal palace, a pantheon, a monastery, houses of famous personalities, a basilica and one of the best libraries of that time and the Renaissance in general. Here you can see works by Tintoretto, El Greco, Titian, Velasquez and Rogier van der Weyden. On the south side of the palace there is a luxurious garden, arranged according to French models.

The scale of the Escorial is amazing, Spain has not known such large-scale construction before it.

How to get there: from Madrid to Escorial can be reached by train or bus. The train schedule can be found on the website. Buses 661 and 664 run to Escorial from Moncloa Station.

Valley of the Fallen (Valle de los Caidos)

Not far from Escorial is the monumental complex Valley of the Fallen. This is a grandiose fruit of the imagination of the Spanish ruler F. Franco, built in memory of the Civil War on 1936-1939 years. The complex consists of a 150-meter monument in the form of a cross, a huge basilica carved into the rock, and a Benedictine monastery on an area of ​​1365 hectares. There is an elevator inside the cross that will take you to the observation deck.

Basilica 262 meters long – the world’s largest underground basilica

How to get there: You can get to the Valley of the Fallen from Madrid by bus number 664 from Moncloa Station to the Cruce de Cuelgamuros stop.
From Escorial you can take bus number 660.


Alcazar Palace

Segovia attracts tourists with four attractions:

  1. Ancient Roman aqueduct – the largest in Europe,
  2. Cathedral – the tallest building in the city,
  3. The Alcazar Palace is the inspiration for Walt Disney and the place where Queen Isabella promised Columbus to sponsor the discovery of America.
  4. Roast suckling pig “toston asado” (tostón asado).

How to get there: There are 2 ways to get to Segovia from Madrid: by train from the Chiamartin station. By bus from the bus station to Principe Pio.

Alcalá de Henares

The city of Alcala de Henares, 33 kilometers from Madrid, is famous for one of the oldest universities in Europe located here. Also, Spanish grammar was invented here, Cervantes was born here.

Among the sights it is worth highlighting: the Roman villa Casa Hippolytus, the archbishop’s palace of the XIV-XV centuries with the gloomy archive of the Spanish Inquisition, the Cathedral of Santos Ninos and the Roman city of Complutum, from which Alcala de Henares grew. Of the museums, the archaeological museum, the open-air sculpture museum, the Cervantes house and the Laredo palace are especially good.

In addition to Alcala de Henares, you can visit Guadalajara and Sigüenza along the way.

How to get there: Take the train from Madrid to Alcalá de Henares from the Madrid Chamartín station. Schedule:


Avila is the highest capital of the Spanish provinces (1131 m above sea level). Exhausting summer heat is rare here, and winter is quite cold. The historical part of the city is surrounded by a powerful fortress wall of the XI century, 2.5 km long.

In the 19th century the authorities of Ávila intended to demolish the wall, fortunately they could not find the money for it. But now the wall has become a landmark that attracts crowds of curious tourists to the city. But not only the wall glorified the city.

Avila is known throughout the Christian world as the birthplace and ministry of Saint Teresa. The house where Saint Teresa was born; the cell in which she spent most of her life; the first monastery founded by her; and even the finger of the Holy – all this is in Avila. Not surprisingly, since the sixteenth century. the city became an unofficial place of pilgrimage for believers.

Steak lovers will find an outlet in Ávila with chuletón de Ávila: a steak made from a local black cow breed. And for dessert, “yemas de Santa Teresa” (yemas de Santa Teresa) or simply yemas, which means the yolks of St. Teresa (yes, the same one).

There are 2 ways to get to Avila from Madrid: by train from the Madrid-Chamartin station, by bus from the Estación del Sur bus station, on Mendez Alvoro.


Cuenca is clearly divided into two zones: the old and the new city. The old city is located on a stone cliff surrounded by gorges formed by the beds of two rivers. In the historical part of the city of Cuenca, a rich historical and cultural heritage has been preserved: the Cathedral and the Hanging Houses, which have become a kind of symbol of the city.

Little Cuenca has a surprising number of museums: the Spanish Abstract Art Museum, the Museo de las Ciencias de Castilla-La Mancha, the Cuenca Museum, and so on.

Not far from Cuenca there is an equally amazing place: the Enchanted City (Ciudad Encantada). Frozen stone figures create funny figures that excite the imagination.

Cuenca can be reached from Madrid by train or bus. Train schedule . By bus from the Auto-Res bus station.


Toledo is a city of three cultures, an open-air museum city, a UNESCO World Heritage city. The city-monument froze in the 16th century and to this day remains one of the most beautiful cities of the Iberian Peninsula.

Toledo keeps traces of different eras: the aqueduct and the old fortress walls were inherited from the Romans, mosques and gates from the Arabs, a beautiful cathedral from the medieval kings of Castile, the Alcazar from the first Habsburgs.

Take a few days off to visit Toledo. During the day it is filled with tourists, in the evening the city calms down, and you can fully enjoy the spirit of the city.

Toledo is famous for its Damascene steel blades, covered with black enamel and decorated with gold and silver

From Toledo it is convenient to go to see the windmills in Consuegra.

To Toledo from Madrid: by train from Atocha station. By bus from the bus station to Plaza Eliptica metro station.

Chinchon and Colmenar de Oreja

You can also take a day trip from Madrid to Chinchon and Colmenar de Oreja. Both towns can be visited in one day.

Chinchon is the birthplace of the drink of the same name – 35% vodka made from anise seeds. The city is famous for its square, thanks to its perfectly proportioned proportions, it is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world.

You can reach both towns by bus number 337 from the Conde de Casal station.

This miniature village of the 13th-16th centuries, which is included in the list of the most beautiful places in Spain, is called the “time capsule” by the Spaniards themselves. Pedraza never grew beyond the fortress walls, and you can get into the village and get out of it through the only fortress gates. Pedraza’s entourage is added by the ongoing filming of local historical series and colorful themed weddings.

On the first and second Saturdays of July, in the evenings, the streets of the village are lit exclusively with wax candles. The Candle Concerts (Conciertos de las Velas) begin with the symphony concerts that take place on these nights at the foot of the castle. It is better to book tickets in advance.

Candle Concert in Pedras

Alcala de Henares

The most beautiful Alcala de Henares, half an hour from the center of Madrid, is a place of pilgrimage for all admirers of the genius of Cervantes. In 2015, the Spaniards celebrated the 400th anniversary of the publication of the second part of Don Quixote, and in 2016 they celebrate the 400th anniversary of the death of Cervantes.

In honor of the writer, the Cervantes Train was launched from Madrid, with Don Quixote and Sancho walking around its carriages. Upon arrival in Alcala, all passengers are invited to tour the house where Miguel de Cervantes was born, the monastery where he was baptized, and the colorful 17th-century theater Corral de Comedias.

Do not pass by the University of Alcala: you are allowed to enter the chapel, the outer courtyards, and even the auditorium. Everything has remained almost unchanged since 1499, when the university was founded. The most inquisitive can buy here a fascinating tour with a guide.

The Cervantes train leaves Atocha station at 11:05 and returns to Madrid at 18:50 every Saturday from 2 April to 11 June and from 1 October to 3 December. Ticket price – €22, travel time – 30 min.

Theatrical performance on the Cervantes Train


In one day in Toledo you can see all the works of El Greco, explore the Jewish quarter, take panoramic pictures from the bell tower of St. Mary’s Cathedral and taste the best cheeses and marzipans in Spain. The latter are best prepared by local nuns.

In 2016, Toledo takes over as the gastronomic capital of Spain, so something new is prepared here every month. In July, there is a gazpacho championship, a week of craft beer and escabeche (freshly marinated fish) tasting. Download the gastronomic map and immediately mark the numbers 17 and 62 on it. The first is the best terrace in the city, where you can spend the whole evening and midnight getting acquainted with the wines of the La Mancha lands, and the second is the La Flor tavern, which made a name for itself for tapas according to ancient Toledo recipes .

You can get to Toledo by train from Atocha Station or by bus from Plaza Eliptica Station.

Attention: Toledo is one of the hottest cities in Spain, the summer is a real sunshine, so try to spend the afternoon hours in museums and cathedrals, where it is always cool, and respect the tradition of siesta.


The village of El Escorial is a 16th century monastery of Sal Lorenzo built at the whim of King Philip II. It used to serve as the autumn residence of the royal court. Almost all Spanish monarchs rest in a rich tomb. In total, Escorial has 13 chapels, 16 courtyards, a unique collection of paintings by Titian, El Greco, Rogier van der Vader and Bosch, and the incredible beauty of the royal library. The collection of books and manuscripts is second only to that of the Vatican. Rare editions are stored with the spines inside, so as not to damage the luxurious bindings.

Leaving Escorial, you can climb the hill opposite and admire the monastery from the stone throne of Philip II, as the king himself did.

You can get there by buses no. 661 or no. 664 from Moncloa metro station.


People talk about Aranjuez not only as the spring residence of kings, but also as the most famous vegetable garden in Spain. Therefore, it is best to go here on the vintage Strawberry Train (Tren de la Fresa), where the conductors carry fragrant berries from Aranjuez.

Private tours from Madrid. Excursions suburbs of Madrid.

Individual excursions in Madrid, walking tours, sightseeing tours by car, gastronomic tours, excursions to the Museums of Madrid, Prado, Thyssen-Bornemisza, Reina Sofia

Individual excursions are carried out on cars for 1-4 people, and on minibuses up to 6 people. Private tours start at your hotel.

Major attractions in the suburbs of Madrid
, TOP 10 places in the vicinity of the Spanish capital that we recommend to see, the city of Toledo Toledo, the city of Segovia Segovia, the Escorial Escorial , the Valley of the Fallen El Valle de los Caídos, the Royal Palace of Aranjuez Aranjuez, the city of Alcalá de Henares Alcalá de Henares, the city of Salamanca Salamanca , Chinchon city Chinchon, Royal Palace of El Pardo Palacio Real de El Pardo, Royal Palace of La Granja San Idelfonso Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso.

Madrid Attractions TOP TOP 10 places >>>

City of Toledo Toledo –
The ancient capital of Castile and Spain, a city that froze in the 16th century, after the transfer of the capital in 1561 to Madrid, the city of Toledo did not expand any more and the old city remained completely behind the fortress wall. Toledo is called an open-air museum, a city of three cultures and religions, Christian, Muslim and Jewish. The main attractions of the city are the Main Cathedral XIII, the Alcazar, the Arab fortress, later the Royal Palace, the Synagogues of the XII and XIV centuries, the El Greco House Museum, Roman bridges, the Museum of the Spanish Inquisition, the Museum of the Templars and much more …

City of Segovia Segovia
– In the Middle Ages, the city was the “second capital” of Castile, many historical events are connected with Segovia, here in 1474 Isabelle Católica Isabel la Católica was crowned on the throne of Castile, which laid the foundation for the creation of the Spanish Empire, the most famous Spanish Emperor Philip married the fourth time here II, in 1521, Juan Bravo Juan Bravo raised an uprising in Segovia against the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V. The sights of the city of Segovia, this is primarily a Roman aqueduct, which is 2.000 years old, the best preserved Roman heritage in Europe, the Alcazar castle-fortress, is the logo Walt Disney company, as the Spaniards say, one of the most beautiful Cathedrals in Spain, Romanesque churches of the XI-XII centuries.

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Monastery – Palace of San Lorenzo de Escorial San Lorenzo de El Escorial
– The grandiose building was built by the most famous Spanish Emperor Philip II, in honor of the victory over the French on August 10, 1557, the battle of San Quintín San Quintín took place on the Day of San Lorenzo San Lorenzo, the saint whom the Romans burned on a brazier, therefore in the palace-monastery a lot of sculptures and paintings are associated with San Lorenzo. Now it is a museum where you can see the chambers of Philip II and his family, the pantheon of the Spanish Kings, where all the kings are buried except for two, the museum of the history of the construction of the palace, the Escorial library (it is considered the second in the world after the Vatican)

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Valley of the Fallen El Valle de los Caídos
– The complex was built by General Francisco Franco in honor of the example in the Civil War (1936-1939). You will not see this anywhere in the world, the highest Catholic cross is 150 meters high, and a tunnel carved into the rock is 600 meters high. The monument was officially opened in honor of the 20th anniversary of the end of the war, in 1959. All the unknown soldiers are buried in the Valley of the Fallen, whose graves were moved from all over Spain. General Franco himself and the founder of the Falangist party, José Antonio Prima de Revera, are also buried here. Currently, the entire complex belongs to the Benedic Monastery.

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Royal Palace of Aranjuez Aranjuez
– The residence of the Spanish Monarchs, where they usually came in the spring, Aranjuez is located south of Madrid, and Escorial was usually visited in July and August, it is located in the north. Aranjuez is called the “Spanish Versailles”, you will see very beautiful and large parks, unique fountains. The palace was rebuilt many times since the XII century, in the form that we see now, this is the end of the XVIII century, during the reign of Charles III.

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Attractions in the suburbs of Madrid, TOP 10 places around Madrid – City of Alcalá de Henares Alcalá de Henares

City of Alcalá de Henares Alcalá de Henares
– The place where the great Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was born in 1547, his famous novel “Don Quixote” is said by the Spaniards to be the most published book in the world after the Bible. Sights of the city of Alcala de Henares: House-Museum of Miguel Cervantes, Cathedral of the City, where the first children of the martyrs Saints Justus (Justus) and Pastor are buried, here in 149The best University of Spain Complutense Universidad Complutense was opened on the 9th year, and of course the storks, which comfortably nestled in their nests on the roofs of the city’s houses.

City of Salamanca Salamanca
– One of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Castile and Spain, the history of the city goes back over 3,000 years. Sights of the city of Salamanca: The first University opened in Spain in 1218, the Cathedral of Salamanca, the old Romanesque cathedral of the 13th century, and the new Gothic cathedral of the 16th century. The style in which the city of Salamanca is built, of yellow stone, is called “plateresco plateresco” or in honor of the architects of the Churriquera brothers Churriguera “churrigueresco churrigueresco”.

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City of Chinchon Chinchon
– It is called “Gastronomic Mecca”, a small town near Madrid. The main attraction of the city is Plaza Mayor Plaza Mayor, which is completely wooden. On the balconies of the square there are very cozy restaurants, many of which had or have Michelin stars. In Madrid, there is such a proverb Chinchon, Plaza, Castillo, Meson Chinchón, plaza, castillo y mesón, in Chinchon there is a castle, half destroyed and a church of the 16th century, bullfights and various theatrical performances take place on the square on holidays.

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Attractions in the suburbs of Madrid, TOP 10 places in the vicinity of Madrid – Royal Palace of El Pardo Palacio Real de El Pardo

Royal Palace of El Pardo Palacio Real de El Pardo
– located 10 km from Madrid, this is the oldest royal palace in Madrid, it was built back in 1405 by the King of Castile Enrique (Henry) III Enrique III de Castilla. Over the centuries, the palace was reconstructed and rebuilt, by the founder of the Great Spanish Empire Charles V, then by his son Philip II, his court architects Juan de Vergara Juan de Vergara and Juan de Herrera Juan de Herrera, who built the palace of the monastery of San Lorenzo El Escorial Monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial.

From 1939 until his death in 1975, Pardo Palace was the residence of General Francisco Franco.

Attractions in the suburbs of Madrid, TOP TOP 10 places in the vicinity of Madrid – Royal Palace of La Granja San Ildefonso Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso

Royal Palace of La Granja San Ildefonso Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso –
The palace is located 11 km from Segovia, and during an individual excursion to the city of Segovia we visit it. The Palace of La Granja, like Aranjuez, is called the “Spanish Versailles”, very beautiful and large parks, magnificent cascades of fountains. The palace was built by the First Spanish Bourbon Philip V, he really did not like Escorial, considered it a gray and unsightly palace, so he decided to build a new palace in the mountains of the Sierra de Guadaramma La Sierra de Guadarrama, after his death he vowed to bury himself here, let me remind you that all the Spanish Kings are buried in Escoriale, with the exception of Philip V and his son Fernando VI.

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You can have a rest from the hustle and bustle of the city, without spending much time on the road from the center of the country, in one of the picturesque villages, remarkable both for its history and nature. The Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Spain (La Asociación los Pueblos más Bonitos de España) helps tourists plan the best route to spend an unforgettable weekend. Let’s talk about the five most attractive options.

The yellowish-brown landscape and small streets instantly immerse you in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Chinchon is located not too far from Madrid, but this did not prevent him from retaining his unique identity. You will be able to wander through the picturesque streets, spend a hot afternoon on the terrace and walk, walk, walk, inhaling the smell of freshly baked bread wafting from local bakeries and pastry shops.

  • Distance from Madrid: 40 km.
  • What to see: La Torre del Reloj and Ntra church. sra. De la Asunción, where one of the first paintings by Francisco Goya is kept.
  • What to try: wine, anise, olive oil, garlic.
  • Interesting fact: Chinchon is the birthplace of the famous Spanish actor José Sancristan, which he often mentions in interviews.

Sepulveda is called one of the finest (and one of the largest) open-air museums. Numerous reservoirs, viewing platforms, architecture of the Ancient Roman era, high hills and diverse wildlife of this place in Segovia inspired Spanish artists. While relaxing in this village, you can admire the Arab towers of the 10th century and listen to the traditional ringing of 33 bells, which in the old days signaled the closing of the gates of the fortress wall, take pictures of the magical views and canoe down the Senda de los Dos Ríos.

  • Distance from Madrid: 126 km.
  • What to see: Plaza Mayor, Plaza del Trigo, Calle del Conde, Iglesia de Santiago.
  • What to try: Castilian bread, pastries and donuts.
  • Interesting fact: the movie Los farsantes (1963) was partly filmed in this area.

25 km north of Sepulveda, following the Los Lechones route of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Spain, you will reach a picturesque walled settlement. It is thoroughly saturated with the spirit of the Middle Ages and is especially famous for its “night of candles”. Pedraza is also a kind of center for craftsmanship. Many shops with the creations of local craftsmen, from soap and chocolate to furniture, beckon. From here you can drive to Maderuelo, a pretty place on the banks of the dam, then at the foot of the hill you will meet Aillon on your way, and the route will end in Valverde de los Arroyos, province of Guadalajara.

  • Distance from Madrid: 126.3 km.
  • What to see: La Muralla, La Puerta de la Villa.
  • What to try: Segovia punch.
  • Interesting fact: the famous advertisement for Lotería de Navidad 2013 was filmed here.

This place is closely associated with the performing arts: here is the only old comedy theater in Spain, Corral de Comedias, preserved in its historical form. The local landscapes are inimitably romantic, and the natural park Lagunas de Ruideira is located nearby. As part of the cultural program, it is worth visiting theatrical performances in the Corral de Comedias and tasting tours, which are organized in large numbers by local bodegas, oil mills and cheese dairies.

  • Distance from Madrid: 196 km.
  • What to see: Corral de Comedias, Museo Nacional del Teatro, Iglesia de Bartolomé.
  • What to try: stuffed eggplant Almagra style.
  • Interesting fact: since 1994, Almagro has been part of the network of the National Theater Museum.

The municipality of Albarracín, just over a kilometer long, is nature, clean air, characteristic reddish houses and rocky landscapes with snow-capped peaks. About 400,000 tourists come here every year. Here you can go canoeing, go down into the canyon, walk in the mountains on snowshoes or go around the impressive fortress wall with suspension bridges. Moving towards the north-west of the peninsula along the Los Pueblos Mágicos route, which is organized by the Association of the most beautiful villages of Spain, you will get acquainted with the Zaragoza district of Anento, the ancient settlement of Cantavieja and the fortress city of Morella in the north of the province of Castellón.

  • Distance from Madrid: 288 km.
  • What to see: the fortress wall and the Blanca fortress, the Albarracin river.
  • What to try: garlic soup, serrano gazpacho, mushrooms, borage.
  • An interesting fact: 5 km from here there is an area where samples of rock art of great historical and artistic value have been preserved.

Madrid, the capital of Spain, is one of the most popular cities in Europe. It is famous for its architecture and history. Adds popularity to the city and the football team “Real”. Tourists travel to Madrid all year round, because every season brings something new.
If you have already been to the royal palace, visited the Buen Retiro Park and the Plaza Mayor, you can travel a little around the country, because there is something to see. Historic cities and wine regions, royal palaces and coastal entertainment… if you’re wondering where to go from Madrid? These places are sure to interest you!

The highlight of a day trip to Segovia is a visit to the aqueduct, which was built by the Romans. It has two watercourses and 167 arches. This historic building has truly stood the test of time!
A must visit is the restored medieval castle of Alcazar, which was brought back to life after a devastating fire. All rooms of the castle are beautifully decorated, and the weapons museum is simply amazing.
If you have time left, consider a trip to the Casa de la Moneda, the former royal mint of Spain.

Just over 100 km from Madrid lies the historic walled city of Avila. It is known as the city of saints and stones. Incredibly, the city walls and towers are still standing. Ávila has 80 towers and nine different gated entrances.
Although the walls are very old, some sections are walkable. From here you have a stunning view of the city below.
Inside the city walls, there is a fortified cathedral built in the 12th century and Gothic palaces.

Salamanca is another Spanish city to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The main attraction of the city is the New Cathedral. The exquisite and imposing building stands out for its unique carvings that have been slowly added over the years. Yes, at 19The image of an astronaut was created in the 90s.
Lovers of Gothic architecture should not forget the Shell House.

Madrid is not only a city, it is the name of a whole region of Spain. The rivers Manzanares, Tahuña, Jarama, Henares and Tajo merge here. This makes the region incredibly fertile, and if you add the Spanish sun, there is no better place for vineyards!
There are dozens of wineries in the region, and the history of winemaking in this area goes back almost a century.
Traveling to the country of wine, you will not only taste the best European wines, but also learn a lot about the cultivation of grapes. Tempranillo grapes are especially popular here.

Las Rozas is Madrid’s leading shopping center, located just 30 minutes from the city centre. More than 100 boutiques are located here, offering up to 60% of luxury brands.
Shops catering to men, women and children always have something to buy.
There are many high class restaurants where you can relax after a busy day.

Spain produces some of the most sought-after wines in the world, and many of them come from Ribera del Duero.
Arriving here, you can not only taste the best wines in the world, but also admire the landscapes, which take your breath away. And there are also a huge number of restaurants serving traditional Castilian cuisine.

For centuries, San Lourenzo de El Escorial was the residence of the King of Spain.
El Escorial is a huge Renaissance building. This vast palace complex can be explored all day long.
If you are traveling with children, take a few hours to visit the insect park.

The Royal Palace of Aranjuez is a wonderful day trip from Madrid.
The country residence of the Spanish kings is perfectly preserved. The throne room contains stunning artifacts that give an idea of ​​the life of monarchs at different times. Well, the Museum of the Royal Boats will tell the story of the Royal Navy.

Although Cuenca is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is often overlooked by travelers. But in vain …
The hanging houses of Casas-Colgadas are really impressive. The San Pablo Bridge plays a vital role in this city’s history, but it’s not for the faint of heart or for those with acrophobia.

Pedraza is a medieval town located just 37 kilometers from Segovia. It has a rich history and culture.
With cobbled streets and plenty of cafes, you can experience the Spanish pace of life and the authentic culture of this people.
A must visit is the castle, which houses the masterpieces of Ignacio Zuloaga.
The city annually hosts the traditional Fiesta, during which you can see how the bulls pass through the winding streets to the Plaza Mayor, where the fights are held.

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