Mensaje para un familiar: 5 Frases Positivas de los Pacientes y Donantes

Mensaje para un familiar: 5 Frases Positivas de los Pacientes y Donantes

5 Frases Positivas de los Pacientes y Donantes

Nuestros pacientes y familias han pasado por momentos difíciles. Empiezan con miedo e incertidumbre ante la noticia de que su hijo tiene cáncer u otra enfermedad que amenaza su vida. Luego, son referidos a St. Jude para recibir tratamiento. Durante su desafío, hablan sobre su lucha, confianza y esperanza.

Inspírate con estas frases positivas sobre la vida de los pacientes y los donantes de St. Jude a lo largo de tu día,  y compártelas con tus amigos, familiares y redes sociales.




1. “Todos estamos aquí para ayudarnos unos a otros. Cuando estamos juntos, podemos cumplir cualquier cosa”.

-Stephanie, mamá de Aspen, paciente de St. Jude

Lee la historia de Aspen.



2. “El amor, el apoyo y la amabilidad vienen como regalos con envoltura de esperanza de personas que no conocemos”.

– Khurram, papá de Imani, paciente de St. Jude

Conoce a Imani.





3. “Si hay esperanza, hay fe, y si hay fe, tenemos ese motor que nos mueve para seguir adelante”.

-Valentina, mamá de Mia, paciente de St. Jude

Conoce a Mia.



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Tina, paciente de St. Jude

Tu donación ayuda a asegurar que las familias nunca reciban una factura de St. Jude por tratamiento, transporte, hospedaje ni alimentación – para que así puedan enfocarse en ayudar a sus hijos a vivir.

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Eleanor, paciente de St. Jude

Existen grandes instituciones de investigación, excelentes hospitales y extraordinarias organizaciones caritativas. St. Jude es todas estas a la vez.

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4. “Hay dos tipos de personas en este mundo: Los que dan y los que reciben. Los que reciben a veces comen mejor, pero los que dan siempre duermen mejor”.

-Danny Thomas, fundador de St. Jude

Lee la historia de Danny.





5. “Valora cada día de tu vida. Aprecia las cosas pequeñas. Sigue avanzando, y entonces, inspirarás a las personas que están a tu alrededor”.

-Wardell, papá de Cameron, paciente de St. Jude

Lee la historia de Cameron.



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Configurar un Apple Watch para un familiar

Con la función Configuración de Familia, los familiares que no tienen su propio iPhone pueden disfrutar de las funciones y los beneficios de un Apple Watch.

Cómo funciona

Con la función Configuración de Familia, cualquier familiar que no tenga su propio iPhone puede usar el Apple Watch para realizar determinadas acciones, como hacer llamadas telefónicas, enviar mensajes y compartir su ubicación contigo.

Cuando configuras un reloj para un familiar, puedes usar el iPhone para administrar algunas de las funcionalidades del reloj.

Ten en cuenta que algunas funciones del Apple Watch dependen del uso de un iPhone complementario y no están disponibles en el Apple Watch que enlazas mediante Configuración de Familia.

Configuración de Familia no está disponible en Italia, Corea y otros lugares. Obtén información sobre la disponibilidad en tu país o región.

Lo que necesitas

  • Un Apple Watch Series 4 o posterior con datos celulares,* o un Apple Watch SE con datos celulares, con watchOS 7 o posterior.
  • Un iPhone 6s o posterior con iOS 14 o posterior para configurar el reloj por primera vez.
  • Un Apple ID para ti y uno para el familiar que usará el Apple Watch. El Apple ID debe tener activada la autenticación de dos factores.
  • Que la función Compartir en familia esté configurada de modo tal que se incluya a la persona que usará el Apple Watch. Debes tener el rol de organizador o de progenitor o tutor para configurar un Apple Watch para un familiar.

* No se requiere un plan de datos celulares a fin de configurar un Apple Watch para un familiar, pero sí es necesario para configurar algunas funciones.

Colocarse el reloj y encenderlo

Si el Apple Watch no es nuevo, primero debes borrar su contenido.

Luego, colócate el reloj o pídele a tu familiar que se lo coloque. Mantén presionado el botón lateral hasta que veas el logotipo de Apple.


Sostener el reloj cerca del iPhone

Sostén el Apple Watch cerca del iPhone. Espera hasta que aparezca el mensaje “Usa tu iPhone para configurar este Apple Watch” en el iPhone y toca Continuar. Si no aparece este mensaje, abre la app Apple Watch en el iPhone, toca Todos los relojes y, luego, toca Add Watch (Agregar reloj nuevo).

Toca la opción Configurar para un familiar y, luego, toca Continuar en la siguiente pantalla.

Enlazar el reloj con el iPhone

Sostén el iPhone sobre la animación que aparece en el reloj. Centra la carátula en el visor del iPhone hasta que aparezca un mensaje en el que se indique que el Apple Watch está enlazado. Si no puedes usar la cámara, toca Enlazar manualmente el Apple Watch y, luego, sigue los pasos que aparecen.

Luego, toca Configurar el Apple Watch.


Configurar un código

Toca Acepto en la pantalla Términos y condiciones y, luego, selecciona un tamaño de texto para el Apple Watch.

Luego, establece un código para preservar la seguridad del reloj.


Elegir un familiar

Selecciona al familiar que usará el Apple Watch. Si no aparece, toca Agregar familiar.

Ingresa la contraseña del Apple ID del familiar y, luego, toca Siguiente.

Activar Solicitar Compra

Activa la función Solicitar Compra si quieres aprobar cualquier descarga o compra realizadas a través del Apple Watch.


Configurar datos celulares y Wi-Fi

Si el proveedor de datos celulares del iPhone es compatible con Configuración de Familia, puedes agregar el reloj a tu plan durante este paso.

Si tu operador no admite Configuración de Familia o si prefieres usar otro operador, selecciona Ahora no.* Puedes elegir otro operador desde esta lista de operadores compatibles y comunicarte con ellos directamente para configurar tu plan de datos celulares. 

Luego, debes seleccionar si quieres compartir la red Wi-Fi actual con el Apple Watch.

* Algunos planes de datos celulares corporativos no son compatibles con Configuración de Familia.

Activar otras funciones

En las siguientes pantallas, selecciona si quieres activar y configurar funciones del Apple Watch adicionales. Algunas de estas funciones son Localización para la app Encontrar, Siri, Apple Cash familiar, Mensajes en iCloud, Datos de Salud, Contactos de emergencia, Ficha médica, Actividad, Seguimiento de ruta al entrenar y Fotos.

Configurar contactos compartidos y Horario escolar

A continuación, se te solicitará que configures los contactos que estarán disponibles en el Apple Watch. Para permitirlo, debes tener los Contactos de iCloud activados. Ve a Configuración > [tu nombre] > iCloud desde el iPhone y asegúrate de que la opción Contactos esté activada.*

Luego, puedes seleccionar personas de confianza desde tu app Contactos para compartir con el Apple Watch. Puedes administrar estos contactos compartidos más adelante y establecer restricciones en Tiempo en pantalla del iPhone.

Por último, establece un código de Tiempo en pantalla para el reloj y activa el Horario escolar. Una vez que hayas terminado, toca OK para comenzar a usar el Apple Watch.

* Si estás en China continental, también debes asegurarte de que la app Contactos del iPhone pueda usar datos inalámbricos. Abre Contactos y toca una de las opciones para permitir el uso de datos.

Administrar el Apple Watch de un familiar después de configurarlo

Puedes usar el iPhone para ajustar la configuración y personalizar las funciones de un reloj de Configuración de Familia:

  1. Abre la app Apple Watch en el iPhone que usaste para configurar el reloj.
  2. Toca Todos los relojes, toca el reloj en la sección de Relojes de la familia y, luego, toca OK.
  3. Elige una configuración para ajustarla.

Disponibilidad de funciones y apps

Funciones de salud y bienestar:

  • Las notificaciones de frecuencia cardiaca alta y baja están disponibles para usuarios de 13 años en adelante.
  • La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) está disponible para usuarios mayores de 18 años. 
  • La Estabilidad al caminar y la Detección de caídas están disponibles para usuarios mayores de 18 años.
  • Los usuarios menores de 13 años pueden medir los minutos de Moverse, en lugar de las calorías activas, para el objetivo de Moverse en la app Actividad.

Funciones de Apple Pay:

  • Apple Cash familiar está disponible para usuarios menores de 18 años y les permite realizar compras, así como enviar y recibir dinero a través de Mensajes con Apple Pay (solo en los Estados Unidos).
  • El uso de Apple Pay con una tarjeta de crédito o débito en la app Wallet no está disponible para la Configuración de Familia.

Las siguientes funciones y apps no están disponibles: Medicamentos, Frecuencia respiratoria, Notificaciones de ritmo cardiaco irregular, ECG, Control del Ciclo, Sueño, Temperatura de la muñeca, Oxígeno en la sangre, Audiolibros, Remote, News, Casa y Atajos.

Pasos siguientes

Fecha de publicación: 

examples of short and other intriguing SMS, correspondence rules

And now you and him received each other’s phone numbers – so let the SMS correspondence begin! Here you need to remember how to properly build communication in instant messengers. British relationship guru and author of Get the guy. How to find and fall in love with the man of your dreams”, Matthew Hussey talks about the rules of love SMS to a man for intrigue. It also explains which messages are completely taboo, and which, on the contrary, will help hook the guy forever. nine0003

Kristina Gudikhina


Bruce Willis

Whitney Houston


Remember, but write down

good manners rules

It seems to us that everything is quite simple, know for yourself, and write in the message what you think or what you worry about. But no, there are simple rules for composing short messages to a person who interests you. They will help you avoid platitudes and ignite reciprocal feelings in him. Thanks to them, you will learn how to send exciting and exciting SMS to a man to create intrigue. Find out the whole truth about the perfect correspondence in our article. nine0003

Rules for composing unusual SMS to a man for intrigue

It doesn’t matter if you just met or have been dating for more than a month, messages are useful only in two cases: for entertainment or for organizational purposes. But, of course, these two reasons go well with each other when you text a man for intrigue, especially at the beginning of a relationship.

With organizational goals, in general, everything is clear. For example, you are late, or the cafe where you agreed to meet is closed on Sundays. The president has arrived in the city, and the street you need is blocked. Your apartment was flooded by neighbors and it is worth rescheduling the meeting. All these are obvious reasons to send short SMS to a man, obviously not for intrigue, but to warn about something important. nine0003

Another reason is the intrigue created for a man at a distance with the help of SMS. Your messages should be bold, playful and funny. Let them demonstrate your wit and sense of humor, or even tempt a man. Let’s say you can send him a message: “I was watching a movie here, and it just dawned on me that you look a lot like Bruce Willis…”. But just don’t say what exactly.

When he asks about it himself (and he will), mention one general detail. For example, he also raises his eyebrows, or he has the same gaze, or they are both men who suit jackets, or they show composure in a stressful situation. Your goal is to give a light compliment. But don’t make it too obvious. For example, do not write the following: “Because you are both very sexy.” If you are doing this to hook him, this example of intrigue in your SMS for a man is not very successful. Also, don’t make the hint offensive. The best option is a compliment joke. nine0003

Or send an SMS, which will be equivalent to a friendly poke on the shoulder. This is enough to get his attention, and it makes him respond in kind. After the date, you can write something like: “I think you should know this: last night I saw that there were a lot of Whitney Houston songs on your iPod. Should I be worried about this?..” Or play it another way and mention something you like: “I’ve never seen a man with so much 80s music in his player. I’m very impressed…” This works great, because he gets the impression that he, without knowing it, passed a certain exam, and you created a great intrigue with a man in a text message. nine0003

SMS are communication fuses designed to arouse his interest, not intermediaries for endless idle chatter and not a substitute for real conversation. The trick with messaging is to keep the messaging moderate but effective. The main rule of SMS to a man for intrigue: they should be exciting (interest or desire) and short. In such a channel of communication between people there is no place for long essays and the exchange of everyday news. Save such topics for personal meetings. nine0003

Hours of SMS exchange with a man may give you the feeling that you are building a rapport, but this is an illusion. If the element of intimacy and confession is too strong in your messages (and forget about correspondence under the influence of alcohol!), then the next time you meet in person, your interaction will be somewhat constrained. This is due to the fact that now in your SMS relationship there will be an element of personal contact and intimacy, which are not yet in real life.

Unintriguing SMS not to be sent

Just as our conversations can get boring, sometimes people on autopilot send the same type of SMS. One of the worst texts, which, unfortunately, sometimes comes to the mind of girls looks something like this: “I’m dying of boredom! What are you doing?”. A disgusting version of SMS to a man who is in no way suitable for creating intrigue.

This text is a real depressant. He tells the man that you are bored, and you only remembered him in that mood. And you make it clear that you have to entertain. In addition, it gives him almost no opportunity to flirt, flirt, tease, or write something cheeky. Intriguing SMS messages to a man are composed in a completely different way. Receiving a message from you, the guy should feel a slight emotional upsurge. It could be just fun because you wrote something funny, or interest, or a desire to smile because you are a little flirty. nine0003

In general, anything will do, just do not load him with the routine duty of describing your day in SMS. If you don’t know what to write, ask him for his opinion on some issue. For example: “My friends and I are going to watch a horror movie today, but I never watch horror movies. Would you recommend anything?” If nothing sensible comes to mind at all, just wish the man good night in SMS, even if it is not very suitable for intrigue, but it is kind and to the point. You make it clear what you think of him. And it’s good to be reminded of this too. nine0003

Provocative message: a variant of SMS intrigue for a man to hook him on him no intriguing SMS, no news?

The reason may be that he has lost interest in you, but never speculate on this topic. There is a good chance that he really drowned in work and this week is not able to think about the love of his life. If you clearly see that “love has passed, the tomatoes have withered,” then just erase this guy from your memory. But there is one message you can send him. It will definitely clear all your doubts. Send this SMS to your man to create intrigue, formulating it in your own words and using short phrases accepted between you. nine0003

Before we give an example, you should learn one rule. Send this message around 9pm. Why such precision? Yes, simply because you already have plans for this evening. Let’s say you’re going to a party, a pub, a concert, an exhibition opening, a bowling tournament, etc. You need to send him when it’s too late for him to rush off and meet you. The whole trick is precisely in the fact that the moment was chosen unreasonably. And then you send him the following text: “I’m at the Jazz Bar.” They play great, be sure to come!”. A great example of SMS to a man for intrigue at night. You tell him where you are and why it’s so great there, and end with the words “be sure to come.” nine0003

“Come by all means” are words that breathe confidence. They testify to your healthy self-esteem. The point of this message to a guy is to give him a chance to do something. You completely transfer the initiative to him. You communicate that you are no longer at home and are having a good time in the company of other people, so this message does not give the feeling that you are desperate. But at the same time, you hint that you would be pleased if he was there with you.

But here’s the thing: you don’t really expect him to show up. That is why you invite him when it is already quite late, as if this thought came to your mind at the last moment. Why? Because in this case, if he cannot come now, but still wants to see you, he will send you a response SMS with an offer to meet another time. Or, if he does decide to come, you are already having a good time, and he can just join you. Such an intriguing SMS to a man allows you to win in both cases. nine0003

Even if he is not interested in continuing any relationship at all, you still have nothing to lose. And you remain in the same position as before, and do not set yourself up, inviting him on a date. However, it is worth sending such a message only when you are really having fun somewhere. Don’t sit there, saddened and thinking that he won’t come anyway! If he likes you, there is a chance he will! We find this option interesting and harmless. So, without using vulgar words, you were able to send SMS to a man for intrigue, at least arousing his interest. nine0003

Use the affirmative form to intrigue when texting a man

It is often much more effective to use statements during SMS correspondence than questions. If you send a man a message with the text: “Tonight we are going to a new restaurant with the whole company. Come have dinner!” – this speaks of a level of confidence that men are not used to seeing in women. It’s like saying, “I’m going to a great place with great people and you should come with us.” If he likes you, all an intrigued SMS man has to do is say yes. And if he cannot escape this evening, let him simply reschedule the meeting for another time, that is, in this case, you are shifting the organization of your date to him. The move is perfect because it is elegant. nine0003

When you make a confident statement like “you must come with us,” there is no choice on his part. To maintain intrigue, do not leave loopholes in SMS for a man. The affirmative form in correspondence eliminates long debates about when and where you will meet, and painful attempts to figure out how your schedules will fit next week.

If you ask the question, “Would you like to go on a date next week?” there are many variables that need to be considered. Do you want to go? And if you want, can you? And if you can, then when? And where exactly? And what is there to do? It looks like there’s a lot of work to be done here. But when you send an SMS to a guy for intrigue, telling him where you are and what you are doing, then specify that he just should have come. And he can only think about the pleasure that he will receive when he meets you. nine0003

Bonus: examples of intriguing SMS to chat with a man

When you are faced with the task of charming a man from a distance, you need to compose the right SMS, not only exciting and interesting, but also supporting intrigue. In case your sense of humor and fantasy are temporarily paused, we made a small cheat sheet.

Short SMS for intrigue

Such messages are covered with a touch of flirting and are appropriate if you are already in a relationship. You can send some SMS for intrigue to a man immediately after a good morning wish. And leave some for the evening. nine0003

  • Didn’t I tell you I’m weird? Tonight you’ll understand why.
  • Dear, at work, you should think about business, not about me. Although I understand that this is impossible!
  • Your friend told me something about you.
  • I want to go with you to an interesting place.
  • I know something personal about you.
  • I can’t believe how THAT came into my head.
  • I know that you have already had dinner. And what about dessert?
  • I have a surprise for you. I’ll tell you when we meet.
  • Have you ever been blindfolded?
  • Do not be afraid of your desires. Fear mine.

Exciting SMS for intrigue

We willingly believe that you have enough imagination to seduce a guy in this way of communication. But still, we have prepared several options for you if you need to replenish your supplies. These exciting SMS for intrigue can be sent to a man in the morning so that he thinks about you all day. Or closer to the evening as a guide to the next steps. nine0003

  • In the evening I want to put on my favorite dress, but I can’t do it without your help. Come and help fasten it on your back!
  • Do you think I should schedule a gym workout or a meeting with you today? It seems to me that the latter option is more effective for my physical form.
  • Write me about your three cherished desires! I will perform one of them this weekend, I promise!
  • I would tell you what I want to do to you, but try to guess for yourself.
  • All day I have one thought in my head. No, I won’t write now, she’s indecent!
  • Tonight I will only wear shoes.
  • It’s a pity that we had to stop yesterday… It’s good that today we will continue!
  • I look at our table. Do you think we should test it for strength?
  • I lay in bed for an hour thinking about you. Guess what I did?
  • My dream is to explore your whole body. Today, perhaps, I will start with your lips and go down. nine0088

Unusual SMS to intrigue

While your relationship is just starting, it’s time to whet his appetite by showing your humor, communication skills and interest in him. These messages can be considered neutral and not too explicit. Let’s list unusual SMS to a man to create intrigue.

  • Everyone here asks me – allegedly they saw me in the company of some handsome man the other day. Do you happen to know who it was?
  • Of course, you are somewhere far away. But look around. Because I see everything. nine0088
  • I’m like a bomb with a timer. And I will explode with tenderness and passion, or indignation, it depends only on you.
  • Do you know that a sense of humor is the second best way to get a girl into bed? Guess which one is first.
  • At night I had an incredibly colorful dream with your participation. I’ll tell you how we’ll meet.
  • I think of you every time I hear this song. Guess what the hit is.
  • When I saw you, I was seduced by one very rare trait in you. nine0088
  • I had an idea of ​​what we could do tonight.
  • Today was a difficult day. Do you have any suggestions on how to let off steam?
  • If you can guess what I’m doing now, I’ll send you a photo.

Matthew Hussey is a super popular UK and US Relationship Dynamics Coach, NBC’s Ready for Love Expert and regular MTV Expert.

Photo: Pxhere



The question “Can he write first?” lost its relevance a hundred years ago. It’s the 21st year of the 21st century, and the girls may well take the initiative into their own hands! But how to cope with the fear of not getting a response to a message is another question. But even because of him, you will no longer have to bathe: we have compiled 10 ideal messages to which it is simply unrealistic to respond with silence .



A funny GIF instead of a simple “hello”

“Hi, how are you?” Almost all awkward conversations begin with this phrase. Because it certainly follows:

— Norm, how are you?

Me too. What are you doing?

Nothing special. And you?

— Me too.

Everything! Boringoms, curtain, dialogue has exhausted itself. To prevent this from happening, you need to immediately set a playful tone for the conversation. For example, start a dialogue with a greeting gif. Catch a couple of examples 👇


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