Ofertas hoteles con actividades para niños: Estos son los Mejores Hoteles para Niños en 2023

Ofertas hoteles con actividades para niños: Estos son los Mejores Hoteles para Niños en 2023

▷ ¡Mejores Hoteles Para Niños en Gran Canaria 【2023】

¿Vacaciones con los más pequeños? Elige ahora entre los mejores hoteles para niños en el sur de Gran Canaria: todo incluido, con toboganes, programas de animación, mini club, servicio de cuidado de menores… ellos se lo pasarán pipa y tú podrás descansar. ¡Reserva ahora tu alojamiento al mejor precio!

Índice del artículo

  • 1 Mejores hoteles con toboganes para niños en Gran Canaria
    • 1.1 Hotel Riu Gran Canaria Todo Incluido
    • 1.2 Servatur Waikiki
    • 1.3 Abora Interclub Atlantic Lopesan
    • 1.4 Paradise Lago Taurito
    • 1.5 Lopesan Baobab
    • 1.6 Maspalomas Princess
  • 2 Más hoteles familiares para ir con niños en Gran Canaria
    • 2.1 h20 Playa Meloneras Palace
    • 2.2 Bungalows Parque Bali
    • 2.3 Seaside Palm Beach
    • 2.4 HD Parque Cristobal Gran Canaria
    • 2.5 Suites & Villas by Dunas
    • 2.6 Hotel Gloria Palace Amadores
  • 3 ¿Qué tener en cuenta para ir de vacaciones a un hotel con niños en Gran Canaria?
    • 3. 1 Actividades y programa de animación
    • 3.2 Régimen de Comidas
    • 3.3 Ubicación
  • 4 Ofertas de hoteles familiares en Gran Canaria

Mejores hoteles con toboganes para niños en Gran Canaria

Hotel Riu Gran Canaria Todo Incluido

  • Hotel 4 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Maspalomas

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Servatur Waikiki

  • Hotel 4 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Playa del Inglés

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Abora Interclub Atlantic Lopesan

  • Hotel 4 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: San Agustín

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Paradise Lago Taurito

  • Hotel 3 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Taurito

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Lopesan Baobab

  • Hotel 5 Estrellas
  • Media Pensión
  • Ubicación: Meloneras

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Maspalomas Princess

  • Hotel 4 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Maspalomas

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Más hoteles familiares para ir con niños en Gran Canaria

h20 Playa Meloneras Palace

  • Hotel 5 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Meloneras

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

Bungalows Parque Bali

  • Bungalows
  • Con Desayuno
  • Ubicación: Maspalomas

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Seaside Palm Beach

  • Hotel 5 Estrellas
  • Media Pensión
  • Ubicación: Maspalomas

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HD Parque Cristobal Gran Canaria

  • Hotel 3 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Playa del Inglés

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Suites & Villas by Dunas

  • Hotel 4 Estrellas
  • Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Maspalomas

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Hotel Gloria Palace Amadores

  • Hotel 4 Estrellas Todo Incluido
  • Ubicación: Puerto Rico
  • Con servicio de cuidado de bebés
  • Leer Reseña del Hotel

¡Ver disponibilidad y precio!

¿Qué tener en cuenta para ir de vacaciones a un hotel con niños en Gran Canaria?

Actividades y programa de animación

No hay nada peor que irse unos días de vacaciones a un hotel o apartamento en el sur de Gran Canaria y que desde el primer hijo tu hijo diga «me aburro». Por eso es importante elegir un alojamiento que tenga amplios programas de actividades y juegos para los más jóvenes como:

  • Actividades programadas para los más pequeños de todas las edades: fútbol, baloncesto, voleibol, dibujo, espectáculos, mini disco, juego de la silla o del pañuelito, bailes en la piscina, aquagym, hinchables… ¡que el ritmo no pare!
  • Piscinas exclusivas para niños.
  • Mini club para que puedan hacer amigos.
  • Toboganes, parques acuáticos o zonas de juego infantiles para que se diviertan a todas horas.
  • Y si tus días de relax lo realizas con tu bebé de meses o de pocos años, muchos ofrecen servicio de niñera, cuna y hasta calentadores de biberón.

Régimen de Comidas

Si en tus días de descanso tienes que estar todo el día en la cocina… ¡mal empezamos! Aunque cueste un poco más, merece la pena disfrutar de un régimen con todas las comidas y bebidas incluidas o, al menor, media pensión. Los hoteles en el sur de Gran Canaria ofrecen una gran variedad de platos en su buffet que incluye menú infantil por lo que habrá de todo lo que les gusta a los más pequeños.

También puedes comprobar nuestra guía con los mejores Hoteles Todo Incluido en Gran Canaria.


El sur de Gran Canaria dispone de una amplia oferta de ocio por lo que prácticamente en cualquier sitio podrás elegir entre un montón de actividades para niños fuera de las instalaciones del hotel. El parque de atracciones Holiday World Maspalomas, el Parque Temático Angry Birds, Sioux City, Palmitos Park, los toboganes del Aqualand Maspalomas y del Lago de Taurito o las paradisíacas playas de arena dorada son algunas de las alternativas.

Los lugares más populares para hospedarse en el sur de Gran Canaria son: Maspalomas, Playa del Inglés, Puerto Rico, Amadores y Puerto de Mogán.

Ofertas de hoteles familiares en Gran Canaria

¿A qué esperas para conseguir tu hotel al precio más barato? No importa si vienes de viaje en familia a esta isla afortunada o si eres residente canario y quieres una escapada de unos días con los niños. Descubre todas las ofertas de hoy, ¡que no se te escapen las mejores tarifas!

¡Ver Ofertas de Hoteles Familiares en Gran Canaria!

¿Aún no encuentras tu alojamiento perfecto? Aquí tienes nuestras guías con los Hoteles 5 Estrellas en Gran Canaria o si te apetece una escapada al campo en familia no te pierdas los Mejores Hoteles Rurales en Gran Canaria.

15 hoteles para sorprender a los niños este verano sin salir de Andalucía

La ecuación es inversamente proporcional. A menos edad de los niños, más equipaje. Maletas cargadas con decenas de mudas -‘por si acaso’-, juguetes y artilugios varios que hacen que cualquier viaje, por corto que sea, se torne en toda una mudanza. Y luego está el segundo capítulo. El ‘¿falta mucho?’ repetido en bucle y capaz de poner a prueba la paciencia del mismísimo Santo Job. La estampa descrita bien podría ser el punto de arranque de algún monólogo pero no es más que la realidad a la que se enfrentan cada verano miles de
familias malagueñas con hijos pequeños. Llegados a este punto sólo las más valientes optan por el ‘más difícil todavía’: coger un avión dispuestas a desconectar en un destino lejano. Para el resto queda el plan B: coger el coche para refugiarse en algún complejo más accesible de la geografía andaluza. En los últimos años la oferta de hoteles familiares se ha multiplicado en la región.
La Costa del Sol, Roquetas de Mar, Almuñécar, Chiclana o Cartaya son algunos de los epicentros de este tipo de turismo donde los huéspedes buscan la máxima comodidad, facilidades y alternativas de ocio para relajarse y divertirse prácticamente sin salir del radio del recinto bajo el paraguas del todo incluido. Parques acuáticos, piscinas con dragones, barcos piratas, salas de cine, circuitos de minigolf, boleras, pistas deportivas… ¡Los niños no querrán irse! Aquí van 15 hoteles para disfrutar con tus hijos estas vacaciones.

Estepona (Málaga)

Selwo Lodge: Un poblado Masai en plena Costa del Sol junto a animales

La naturaleza y la cultura africana son protagonistas del
Hotel Selwo Lodge en Estepona. Todo un paraíso para amantes de los animales. Y es que este complejo permite que sus huéspedes puedan dormir en cabañas sin salir del parque, con esa excitante sensación para los niños de pasar la noche rodeados de animales escuchándoles aunque sea desde la lejanía. Un alojamiento que recrea las típicas construcciones de madera y piedra de las reservas africanas, los poblados Watu y Masai, aunque con las comodidades de un hotel actual (con aire acondicionado, TV y minibar). ¿Un aliciente? El precio del hotel incluye las entradas al parque. Sin duda, una gran experiencia para lo más pequeños de la casa.

Estepona (Málaga)

Globales Playa Estepona: ocio infantil con vistas al mar

Globales Playa Estepona se encuentra en el paseo marítimo de Atalaya Isdabe, muy cerca de Puerto Banús. Se trata de un complejo de cuatro estrellas recientemente reformado enfocado a las familias con aparcamiento gratuito, cinco piscinas (tres de adultos y dos infantiles), extensos jardines, instalaciones para juegos y deportes, un ‘beach club’ o un ‘miniclub’. Con una superficie de más de 40.000 metros cuadrados sus huéspedes pueden hacer deportes acuáticos y jugar al ping pong, al billar o a los dardos. Además, hay entretenimiento nocturno y karaoke.


Benalmádena (Málaga)

Holiday World: un complejo con diversión para toda la familia

Holiday World es un gran complejo pensado para el ocio familiar. Ubicado en Belmádena Costa este recinto se ha consolidado como un referente en este tipo de turismo cuyo objetivo es el máximo disfrute de todos los miembros de la casa: adultos y niños. A ello contribuye su amplia oferta de actividades, que incluye un extenso programa de animación diurna y nocturna. A destacar su Beach Club con un jacuzzi volcánico, cascadas, piscinas con olas, un barco pirata o un circuito de toboganes acuáticos (¡hasta con roscos!). Además, el recinto cuenta con variados mini-golf, puentes colgantes, pistas deportivas, proyectores para sesiones de cine, bolera, un ‘spa infantil’ para relajarles e incluso videoconsolas en algunas habitaciones. Lo dicho, ¡no querrán irse!

Benalmádena (Málaga)

Un gran parque acuático sin salir del hotel: Globales Los Patos Park

También situado en Benalmádena, a sólo 250 metros de la playa, se ubica el hotel
Globales Los Patos Park, un recinto de cuatro estrellas que cuenta con su propio parque acuático, uno de los más populares de Andalucía. Un gran aliciente para los pequeños (y no tan pequeños) de la casa. Y es que la zona de piscinas incluye un sinfín de opciones para ellos. Desde juegos acuáticos a diversos toboganes pasando por un por gran dragón que preside una de las zonas de baño para los niños de menor edad. Los Patos Park dispone además de un amplio solárium, extensos jardines con palmeras, un programa variado de animación con un mini club de temática pirata y una entretenida sala de juegos para todas las edades.

Torremolinos (Málaga)

Riu Costa del Sol: un todo incluido con ‘splask park’

El Hotel
Riu Costa del Sol cuenta con más de 550 habitaciones equipadas con todas las comodidades para disfrutar de unas vacaciones de padres e hijos. Ubicado en el paseo marítimo de Torremolinos y con vistas a la playa, este cuatro estrellas con opción de todo incluido alberga 3 piscinas exteriores, 1 piscina interior, 1 piscina infantil y Splash park para que toda la familia se refresque. Las instalaciones del Riu Costa del Sol permiten asimismo disfrutar de programas de entretenimiento durante todo el día y de shows y música en directo por la noche. Otro plus: los más deportistas podrán practicar voleibol playa, windsurf y golf en los alrededores de este hotel o bien acudir a su gimnasio.

Marbella (Málaga)

Roc Marbella Park: un oasis familiar en la bulliciosa Milla de Oro

Rodeado de vegetación, en un agradable enclave alejado del bullicio de la Milla de Oro, se ubica el
Roc Marbella Park, Este lugar es perfecto para pasar unos días de relax y diversión junto a toda la familia, ya que ofrece paquetes con todo incluido. El establecimiento posee 3 toboganes multipista y 2 cerrados que van directos a la piscina. Además, cuenta con muchas actividades durante el día para los niños y ocio por las noches también para los papás. A destacar su ubicación, a 5 minutos en coche de la playa de Elviria, en Marbella y su restaurante buffet, que sirve platos de cocina mediterránea. El hotel completa su oferta pensada para los peques con una piscina exterior climatizada, parque infantil y una sala de juegos con mesa de ping pong. En Torremolinos, la cadena ofrece otra interesante alternativa: el Hotel Roc Costa Park

Roquetas de Mar (Almería)

Evenia Zoraida Park: uno de los complejos más populares

Evenia Zoraida Park, en primera línea de playa en Roquetas de mar, es uno de los hoteles ‘con toboganes’ más populares de Andalucía. Entre las instalaciones más destacadas de este cuatro estrellas destacan la nueva área creada para los más jóvenes con diversos toboganes de agua, un barco pirata, piscina tropical, una piscina cubierta climatizada, gimnasio, parque infantil o la pista de fútbol 7. El recinto cuenta con cuatro restaurantes temáticos a la carta: italiano, mediterráneo, grill y asiático así como una gran variedad de actividades dirigidas por animadores, una entretenida discoteca y un centro fitness.

Roquetas de Mar (Almería)

Diverhotel Nautilus Roquetas: un hotel con literas submarino

Diverhotel Nautilus Roquetas ofrece otra opción de todo incluido en Roquetas de Mar. En este caso, ideal para niños amantes de las aventuras piratas. Y es que este recinto de cuatro estrellas situado a 250 metros de la playa cuenta con habitaciones familiares tematizadas ‘Los mares del mundo’. Cada una de ellas ambientada en un mar diferente para dar a conocer la riquezas submarinas de cada uno. ¡Sus literas-submarino harán que los peques no quieran salir de ellas! Aunque tienen un aliciente: sus piscinas al aire libre con toboganes y bañera de hidromasaje. El programa de animación del hotel incluye música en directo y noches de juegos. Además, alberga un centro para adolescentes independiente y también se organizan actividades diarias para niños de 4 a 11 años.

Vera (Almería)

Zimbali Playa: toboganes, ajedrez gigante, minigolf y mucho más

Zimbali Playa Spa es otro de los hoteles para familias con más reclamo de Almería. Perteneciente a la cadena Senator, este resort de 4 estrellas ubicado a 200 metros de la playa de Playazo en Vera está tematizado con una exótica decoración con motivos africanos. Jardines bien cuidados y fuentes conducen hasta la zona de ocio presidida por una gran piscina tematizada junto al mar. Cuenta con un completo spa, un club infantil, un ajedrez gigante y un minigolf.

Cabo de Gata (Almería)

Desconexión y diversión se dan la mano en CaboGata Garden

La desconexión que siempre brinda Cabo de Gata con el aliciente de piscinas atractivas para los niños. Este perfecto equilibrio seduce cada temporada a miles de familias fieles a
Cabogata Garden Hotel & Spa. Este hotel de cuatro estrellas se encuentra junto a la playa de El Toyo alberga un nuevo parque acuático inspirado en la esencia andaluza y en el Parque Natural Cabo de Gata–Níjar. Dichas instalaciones incluyen un ‘waterpark’ inspirado en los restos arquitectónicos del Castillo de San Pedro (con flamencos, nenúfares interactivos y chorros’ bilaterales), un tobogán burbuja y cinco grandes toboganes que forman el llamado faro de las sirenas, desde donde es posible deslizarse y a su vez refrescarse en la piscina. El recinto completa su oferta con un spa, un centro de fitness y pistas de tenis y voleibol.

Almuñécar (Granada)

Playacálida Spa: un resort de estilo arabesco en la Costa tropical

El Almuñécar, Granada, se ubica
el Playacálida Spa, un fantástico resort de estilo arabesco en primera línea del paseo marítimo y con acceso directo a la playa. Se trata de otra buena opción para un verano en familia sin salir de Andalucía. El complejo dispone de completas instalaciones que incluyen piscina tematizada con forma de río con toboganes y jacuzzi y una gran piscina panorámica desbordante con vistas al litoral de Almuñécar que brinda la sensación de estar flotando sobre el mar. Los amantes del deporte también están de suerte porque el hotel ofrece actividades acuáticas (kayak y canoa), zona de juegos con petanca, ajedrez gigante, shuffle-board, tiro con arco y tiro con carabina, además de minigolf y ping pong.

Chiclana (Cádiz)

Riu Chiclana: una refrescante aventura entre dragones

Riu Chiclana es un cuatro estrellas situado en plena Costa de la Luz. Su fuerte son su infinidad de servicios y su gran variedad de actividades para el entretenimiento infantil. Y es que el complejo cuenta con un parque infantil lleno de atracciones y juegos, 5 piscinas exteriores y 2 infantiles con toboganes y barcos piratas, canchas deportivas y además se pueden practicar deportes acuáticos organizados por los animadores. Además, los más pequeños de la casa disponen del RiuLand kids’ club.

Sancti Petri (Cádiz)

Iberostar Royal Andalus: turismo familiar en la playa de La Barrosa

Iberostar Royal Andalus se ubica en la playa de La Barrosa, una franja litoral de más de 5 Km de arena fina frente al Atlántico. Se trata de otro complejo cuyo eje principal es el turismo familiar. De hecho está reconocido entre los mejores todo incluido de este segmento vacacional de España por sus cuidadas instalaciones. A destacar su zona acuática infantil, dotada de cascadas, toboganes, cañones de agua, un dragón de tres cabezas que escupe agua y hasta un barco vikingo para entusiasmarse soñando con su abordaje.

Cartaya (Huelva)

PlayaCartaya Spa: vacaciones en un paraje natural

Playacartaya Spa Hotel está rodeado de 12.000 hectáreas de pinares protegidos y se encuentra junto a la playa de La Flecha. Se trata de otro hotel familiar de 4 estrellas en Cartaya (Huelva) ubicado en un paraje natural con acceso a la playa mediante un servicio de barco a través de la marisma. Cuenta con centro de spa, diversos espectáculos de animación, actividades deportivas y la joya de su corona: el Playacartaya Aquapark. Una piscina al aire libre temática -rodeada de unos jardines mediterráneos frondosos muy agradables-, con toboganes acuáticos, otra interior climatizada y bañera de hidromasaje. Zona de juegos con petanca, shuffle-board, tiro con arco y tiro con carabina, mini golf y ping pong completan sus instalaciones donde es practicamente imposible aburrirse.

Mazagón (Huelva)

Ohtels Mazagón: apartamentos con parque acuático cerca de Doñana

Situados en Mazagón, estos apartamentos cuentan con una piscina exterior, un completo parque acuático -con diversos toboganes integrados entre rocas o un emocionante barco pirata en una isla-piscina para niños junto a una terraza con vistas panorámicas al mar. Otra alternativa para quienes buscan turismo familiar, en este caso con las comodidades añadidas de un apartamento. Así, cada uno incluye un dormitorio, balcón privado y una sala de estar con sofá cama y televisor de pantalla plana. Rodeado de bosques de pinos,
Ohtels Mazagón se encuentran a 15 km del centro de Huelva y a 25 km del parque nacional de Doñana, lo que lo convierte en un excelente puerto base para planificar una excursión a esta zona. Sus instalaciones exteriores incluyen pista de tenis y de pádel y un divertido campo de minigolf, que junto al programa de animación diurna y nocturna para adultos y niños y el miniclub, conforman una oferta lúdica que garantiza el divertimento de toda la familia.


Hotels for honeymooners 5 stars.

When choosing a honeymoon suite at the hotel, you should take into account many factors such as beauty, romance, sophisticated style and, of course, the environment. It is she who creates the chic numbers for lovers . The suite of the bride and groom should have everything of the highest standard, starting from a jacuzzi and a huge panoramic window overlooking the Heart of Moscow – Red Square and ending with decoration in the spirit of the Tsarist, Russian Empire. nine0003

No one but us will be able to provide a honeymoon number of the highest level with such opportunities. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel makes the best offer – your wedding night at the hotel will be remembered for years to come! No hotel in the capital can provide such comfort and level of service, and most importantly, the surroundings and atmosphere. Our deluxe rooms are equipped with the latest technology and can provide the full range of premium services you deserve. For example, honeymoon suite with jacuzzi will create a unique romantic atmosphere and show your significant other all the five stars of pleasure that five-star hotel can provide for your wedding night .

In addition to chic views and a beautiful interior, the hotel boasts first-class service that will give you an excellent experience and will be remembered for a long time. Other offerings in this luxury class include Swissotel Krasnye Holmy, ARARAT PARK HYATT and others beautiful hotels in Moscow , the full list of which you can see on the pages of the project “Stay by”.

Romantic hotels in Moscow 4 stars.

Another romantic and wonderful place for honeymooners is the Katerina City Hotel, Mandarin Residences, Park Inn Sadu Moscow and many other hotels, which you can choose on our website. Hotel for newlyweds is a great place for a secluded holiday after wedding feasts. Honeymoon rooms with Jacuzzi will allow you to relax and feel all the charm of a new family life.

Honeymoon hotel 3 stars.

Cozy and modern hotel apartments, which include honeymoon suite with jacuzzi , will perfectly show themselves after noisy celebrations at the wedding and will provide the necessary comfort in the evening hours, when hydromassage will be simply indispensable. Room with jacuzzi will always decorate your pastime, give you unforgettable moments and many pleasant memories. The hotels we offer that meet these requirements are Zvezdnaya, Astrus, Maxima Irbi, Gostiny Dom and many others. nine0003

You can always consult an online consultant in choosing a hotel, prices and services or by calling our manager by phone number. You will be provided with first-class services in choosing a honeymoon hotel that meets any of your requirements.

Original wedding gift

WEDDING is one of the most exciting events for every couple. The main task of the invitees is to choose a practical, original and symbolic gift for newlyweds . This article will help to make an original surprise that matches the preferences and current needs of the couple who are getting married.

When making a decision, what to give the newlyweds , it is necessary to analyze their plans for the future. There are 2 scenarios:

Some couples get married in adulthood. They have everything they need and do not need gifts to make life easier. Newlyweds planning to live with their parents are not presented with massive household appliances or furniture. This is due to the lack of space in a furnished house. Couples who have decided to move to a new home can be presented with practical and useful things in everyday life. nine0003

The most difficult thing is to choose a wedding gift for the bride and groom , who have everything they need. You should opt for impressions, memories, symbolic and comic things. Successful people appreciate positive emotions and aesthetics of the interior.

Choosing unusual wedding gifts , you should be guided by interests of the newlyweds. The best solution would be a themed surprise. The tastes of the newlyweds will help to make the right choice. This is true if the planned gift is an interior decoration. The preferences of a married couple are guided by the choice of household appliances, portable electronics or equipment. It should be noted that many people are extremely attached to a particular brand. nine0064


Do you have doubts about the choice or do not want original gift for the newlyweds to be duplicated by other guests? Let the couple independently announce what they want to receive. The most common answer is money. They are often used to buy clothes and pay bills. As a result, only photographs will remind you of the wedding.

Many couples make a gift list. The invitees distribute among themselves all its points. This practice is very popular abroad and is beginning to spread in our country. nine0003

If wedding gift ideas do not appear, use our recommendations. You will certainly choose something interesting to create a unique wedding .


Choosing practical and original wedding gifts , you can opt for household appliances. Give preference to a high-quality device of a well-known brand, which is not available to newlyweds due to the lack of the necessary amount of funds. nine0003

The optimal solution is a modern wide screen TV. Expensive models have excellent functionality. They are able to access the Internet, broadcast photo and video materials. If buying a device requires a significant financial outlay, offer a co-payment to the other invitees. One good gift from several people is better than several cheap and impractical things.

Washing machine or refrigerator – not the best original gift for a friend for a wedding. Despite this, the newlyweds will have the opportunity to organize life. They will remember you with gratitude for years to come.

The microwave oven is an affordable and practical device that every home needs. The device will provide the newlyweds with the opportunity to quickly heat up food or cook a full dinner with a minimum of effort.

A practical and original wedding gift. a modern coffee machine. It will increase the comfort of life for connoisseurs of fragrant freshly brewed coffee. nine0003

A video camera or camera is a great gift that will come in handy during the wedding. It will provide an opportunity to receive, preserve and increase the most valuable thing – warm memories. A professional camera can inspire the newlyweds to start their own business – organizing photo shoots.


If you are planning a original wedding , every bride will appreciate the quality utensils that contribute to cooking. The best solution would be small, but presentable sets of well-known brands. An expensive frying pan or a set of professional pots will enhance the taste characteristics of ready meals. nine0003

Think kitchen utensils are too banal? Present crystal glasses or a service made of porcelain and black glass. These items will create a special atmosphere and enhance the quality of the meal.

If the newlyweds are fans of new trends, the perfect gift would be sets for preparing and serving sushi or fondue. Include special cooking guides, books or CDs.

Silverware is a classic and time-tested gift. Present a set of several cutlery (forks, knives) or beautiful teaspoons. nine0003


The choice of products that can harmoniously integrate into the design of the room is complicated by the lack of information about the preferences of the newlyweds. Relatives or close friends of the couple will help you choose unusual wedding gifts .

Having made a decision to present a photo album, opt for a thematic version, decorated with lace and rhinestones. Increased attention should be paid to the quality of design materials. The photo album will keep warm memories of the past celebration. nine0003

Photo frame is the best solution. There are classic and electronic models on the market. In the first case, preference should be given to the original varieties, made in the form of a family tree. The couple will have the opportunity to post pictures of their children or relatives.

The electronic photo frame contains a memory card. The device is capable of displaying thousands of pictures. This is a worthy alternative to the classic album. Many models of electronic frames play video and music. Interaction with the device is facilitated by detailed instructions and a control panel. nine0003

Classical offerings include textiles – bedding sets, tablecloths, original and high-quality cloth napkins for table setting. These wedding gifts for newlyweds are for special occasions. For example, silk bedding in black or red will appeal to every couple.

A plaid made of camel or llama wool, as well as a blanket with natural filling – fluff or bamboo fiber, will be a wonderful gift. A quality mattress will ensure a comfortable sleep. nine0003

If you want to make an original wedding present , give a roomy tent, presenting it as affordable 2-4 room accommodation. Outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate the picnic bag. Travelers will appreciate a handy travel case with a guide to the country they are planning to visit.

Gift certificates

Choosing wedding gift for newlyweds , you can choose a gift certificate. Many stores offer this service. A married couple will exchange it for a necessary and useful thing. nine0003

There is a category of gift certificates from representatives of the service industry. Paid hotel stays are becoming more and more popular. Modern hotels offer a wide range of additional services for honeymooners – discounts and special rooms. Such a gift can be supplemented with a ticket to the country where the hotel is located. You will provide the newlyweds with an unforgettable and romantic vacation. This is especially true if money problems prevent the couple from going on a trip at their own expense. nine0003

In addition to accommodation and special conditions for the newlyweds, there is a SPA, massage sessions, a sauna and a bathhouse. A quality rest will help prepare you to return to your daily routine.

Gift certificates – original wedding gifts for newlyweds that will demonstrate your generosity and care. They will provide an opportunity to receive high-quality and prepaid services. The nature of the certificate is dictated by the preference of the couple to be married.


If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, they will definitely appreciate wedding joke gifts . Present framed cartoons that can decorate the walls of the house, T-shirts with funny slogans or kitchen aprons with a spicy print.

Memorable and original congratulations on marriage – kind words from the idol of the newlyweds. Invite a show business star to your wedding. The visit and personal appeal of a celebrity will surely please future husband and wife. 9 are very popular0005 scenes for a wedding funny played by guests or invited artists. This will cheer everyone up and make the holiday more fun.

Choose cool wedding gifts for thrill-seekers, opt for pair skydiving or down a meandering river. Newlyweds romance tiki will be grateful for a hot air balloon ride.

Married couple – fans of the same musical group? Arrange for them to travel to a concert or private performance. If the event will be held in another city, take care of the road and accommodation. Present a gift certificate from the hotel. nine0003


If you couldn’t decide where to buy the original wedding gift , give cash. Give up traditional banknotes in an envelope. The newlyweds will appreciate your generosity, but they will not remember it personally.

Give money for a wedding in original . Put the banknotes in the piggy bank. For example, a classic champagne bottle can contain an impressive amount of money. Experiment with banknotes. Turn them into money tree leaves or tie them to an ordinary house plant. An original gift will delight the young, and its “fruits” will definitely come in handy when arranging life. nine0064

Make a classic wedding gift out of money. Place the bills in a frame behind the glass, supplementing them with the inscription “In case of emergency.” All gifts decorated in this way have an undeniable advantage over the traditional envelope – they will not be spent immediately after the wedding. Money is probably used to buy necessary things.

Small gifts and interesting customs

Recently, comic voodoo dolls have become very popular. They symbolize the bride, so they are dressed in white and have a veil. nine0003

Spells are written on the dolls:

Comic inscriptions make the celebration more fun.

Wedding preparations take a lot of effort. The bride and groom will get rid of traces of fatigue thanks to a spa session donated in advance. A great choice is a gift certificate from a trusted establishment. The bride and groom will receive attentive service and a range of relaxing treatments performed by certified masters.

Real estate on the moon belongs to the category of completely impractical, but very nice gifts. This is an original, symbolic and future-oriented surprise. In honor of the newlyweds, you can name a star. The cost of such a service is not too high. Young people will be pleased to know that their names are immortalized in the firmament. nine0003

There are many interesting gifts. Your own imagination, as well as the wishes and preferences of the young, will help you make the right choice. You will definitely find the perfect option, which will become a source of pleasant impressions and warm memories. When making a decision, be guided by the size of your own budget.

13 best hotels in Moscow for honeymooners

The honeymoon stays in the memory of spouses as the most unique and bright time. Therefore, nothing should overshadow it. If the first days after the wedding, the newly-made husband and wife decided to spend in the capital, you should carefully consider the choice of a hotel. Hotels in Moscow for honeymooners are waiting for the opportunity to help you spend unforgettable days. nine0223 13 Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center 4*

  • 14 Moscow hotels for honeymooners on the map
  • Golden Ring 5*

    Located in the center of the capital. It has a symbolic name. Nearby are the famous Arbat and the Smolenskaya metro station. The nearest railway station is Kievskiy. Staying at this hotel, you will feel the unobtrusive, but vigilant attention of the staff. The rooms here are serviced at any time of the day, there is a concierge. Underground parking is provided for guests’ cars. Transfers to the airport or train station can be arranged upon request. nine0003

    Would you like to go on a city tour? The staff will help make this wish come true. You can rent a car and use the services of a driver. It is possible to book tickets for all types of transport. You can exchange currency, buy gifts for friends in small shops located on the territory. A beauty salon is open.

    There is a fitness center, and a personal trainer will work with you in the gym. Masseurs are trained in various massage techniques. You can sit in the sauna or enjoy the bubbling water in the Jacuzzi. Special pride – restaurants and bars. The waiters serve a buffet breakfast, while guests listen to the sound of the harp. There are restaurants from whose panoramic windows you can admire the views of Moscow. The bars also offer a wide selection of dishes, cocktails and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. nine0003

    Radisson Collection 5*

    Not to mention the benefits of location. Suffice it to say that opposite is the building of the Government of the Russian Federation. The first thing that distinguishes this hotel from others is that you will not only admire the expanse of the Moskva River from the windows. It has its own park of magnificent yacht restaurants.

    Throughout the year they depart from the hotel pier for excursions. You will see the ancient buildings of the capital, and a delicious treat awaits you in the restaurant. Here you can also celebrate your wedding, birthday, or order any other event. Each yacht will accommodate more than 200 guests. nine0003

    Another highlight is that it has its own rich library. If in bad weather you want to lie in bed with a trendy novel in your hands, nothing could be easier. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the luxurious club, which occupies 2 floors of the hotel. A large swimming pool, a spacious gym with exercise equipment, the opportunity to practice martial arts – all this is a club.

    And also – a specially allocated place where children can have fun, a spa and beauty salon, a hot bath – at your service. And while doing sports, you will not inhale the heavy smell of hot bodies. The air undergoes special cleaning and is not inferior in its freshness to what you breathe in mountain resorts. nine0003

    Baltschug Kempinski 5*

    Here you will be offered a real European service. It is located literally next door to St. Basil’s Cathedral. And, of course, a magnificent view opens from the panoramic windows of the rooms. The pool works, at any time of the day you can work out on the simulators, soak up the sauna, and become even more beautiful in the beauty salon.

    You won’t forget the local cuisine. Here the hospitality of old Moscow is wonderfully combined with the best traditions of European chefs. In restaurants you will taste the dishes that our ancestors loved. But caviar here will coexist with thin slices of French bread. nine0003

    The abundance of items on the menu of cheeses, sausages, a rich selection of wines will impress even a gourmet. The bar has a cozy fireplace, and it’s so nice to sit at a table together, enjoying your favorite drinks and delicious snacks. There is even a separate “Wine Room”, which you will not find in other hotels. Here wines are served not only from European countries, but also from America. And, of course, only the best brands.

    InterContinental Tverskaya 5*

    Despite such a “loud” name, this is a very cozy option with affordable prices. However, the level of service is top notch. In addition to comfortable rooms, there is a bathhouse and a sauna, a spa and a beauty center. All facilities for people with disabilities are provided. You can hold any solemn event. nine0003

    When it comes to lovers – and the wedding itself. Since the hotel is located in the center of the capital, it can easily become a starting point for sightseeing. At the same time, this is a fairly quiet area, and street noise will not annoy you. The peculiarity of the restaurant is that the kitchen here is open to prying eyes.

    You will watch how the ordered dishes are prepared and you will be able to express your wishes. Both Russian and Mediterranean delicacies are served here. And of course, there are unique dishes from the chef. For each, you can choose a special sort of wine on the recommendation of a sommelier. The features of both the children’s table and the vegetarian one are taken into account. And the local bar serves signature cocktails, offers various types of tea and coffee, delicious snacks and light gourmet desserts. nine0003

    Ritz-Carlton 5*

    This option has many nice features. It is centrally located and has one of the largest terraces in the city for you to enjoy the views. In order to feel especially comfortable, a spa is open. In addition to various types of massage, cosmetic procedures for face and body care are performed here. In the fitness center you can work out under the guidance of a dedicated trainer.

    Restaurants, cafes and bars are very popular. Someone will decide to stay here because of them. Here you can both celebrate a festive event, and just spend an evening with your loved one. A few years ago, the main restaurant was reconstructed. The current decoration used semi-precious stones, copper, genuine leather and fur. nine0003

    Nowhere else in Russia can you taste such extraordinary dishes, the recipes of which are borrowed from the ancient Indians. This applies to both snacks and sweets. For lovers, a sushi bar is open, where well-known Japanese chefs work in the capital. There is also a cafe that specializes in Russian cuisine prepared according to the same recipe as in past centuries.

    If you prefer international cuisine, there are restaurants with European and Asian delicacies on the menu. And, of course, a large number of types of tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages will also be offered to you here. nine0003

    Petrovsky Palace 5*

    Would you like to spend your honeymoon in a real palace? Or do you have a question why the word “travel” is found in its name? Once upon a time, royal persons, in order to get to Moscow from St. Petersburg and vice versa, stopped along the way in such palaces. The trip could take several weeks, so 11 palaces were built..

    This practice began during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great. Petrovsky Travel Palace was built at the end of the 18th century. It combines different styles, from classicism to baroque, and makes an unforgettable impression. Inside, elements of antiquity are harmoniously combined with modern ones..

    Free high-speed internet – and rich fabrics in rooms, air-conditioning – and carved wooden furniture, a spa center, and a palace museum. You can’t leave this hotel for weeks. Dine in the local restaurant, and walk through the luxurious park. But if you want to go to the center of the capital, then you can get to Red Square from here by metro without making transfers.

    The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya 5*

    Brand St. Regis appeared at the beginning of the last century. He is the heir to the rich traditions of the past. Butler service will be provided to each guest. It is located very conveniently – on Lubyanka Square. You can explore the center of the capital or easily get to any of its points. Soothing and at the same time elegant beige tones have become the main ones in interior design. nine0003

    Some of the rooms overlook the Kremlin. Other rooms have a private balcony overlooking the quiet courtyard. There is a special suite for newlyweds. There are wellness and spa centers, amenities are provided for people whose physical capabilities are limited. The restaurant offers a wide range of Italian dishes. The bars offer alcoholic drinks and traditional Russian snacks.

    Four Seasons 5*

    The old-timers of the capital remember this hotel under the name “Moskva Hotel” and know that it was simply impossible for a mere mortal to stay here before. Now the hotel is waiting for you. From every window there is a view of the Kremlin. The luxurious decor of the rooms is matched by impeccable customer service. There is a spa center that offers its guests dozens of treatments performed using the most modern equipment. nine0003

    The spacious swimming pool under a glass roof will please swimmers. In the gym, you can give a load to any muscle group. If you do not want to leave the room for a long time, but at the same time you need to buy something, you will find everything you need right here. There is a shopping center. There are 5 bars and restaurants, and each of them corresponds to a high level. The best dishes of hot Italy, unique sauces, rare delicacies of Russian cuisine, which you will not taste anywhere else – and while eating outside the windows you will see the stars of the Kremlin. nine0003

    The bartenders have won numerous awards. They will serve you cocktails prepared according to classic recipes, as well as offer you to taste their own, author’s ones. There is also a special cafe by the pool so that you can enjoy drinks without leaving the inviting surface of the water for a long time. At your request, food and drinks can be delivered to your room.

    Mamaison All-Suites SPA Hotel Pokrovka 5*

    Located in the center of the capital, surrounded by ancient buildings. From here, it is within easy reach of the best shops in Moscow, and the nearest metro stations are at a distance of 10-15 minutes on foot. The rooms are equipped with kitchenettes. Here you can prepare a light snack, make yourself a coffee. There is a spa center and a swimming pool. There is also a hot sauna and a gym session. Programs of individual health-improving classes have also been developed. nine0003

    Newlyweds are welcomed here, all you have to do is order the “wedding package” service. Right in the room, the newlyweds will receive a gift. The staff will furnish the main day of their life with exquisite decorations, and then they will be moved to the best room free of charge. The restaurant has been repeatedly awarded world awards – this speaks for itself.

    Lotte Hotel Moscow 5*

    It is difficult to choose a better place for a hotel in Moscow than the Garden Ring, where it intersects with Novy Arbat. No wonder this hotel has received worldwide recognition. In addition to the richly decorated rooms, there is a special suite, which even royalty can choose for themselves with pleasure. Its area is about 500 sq.m. Also, only here there is a boutique, the purpose of which is the organization of weddings at a high level. nine0003

    There is a fitness center and swimming pool, and visiting the spa will definitely take you to Indonesia. Fragrant oils, relaxing treatments – in a word, you will leave here with a rejuvenated face and body. The restaurant employs some of the best chefs in Italy, winners of international awards. And, of course, guests will be offered to taste their specialties, which are regularly updated. There are also various promotions – discounts for beautiful ladies, “a glass of wine as a gift” and many others. And you will remember a champagne cocktail with fresh berries for a very long time. nine0003

    Beijing 4*

    The building was built about 70 years ago. It is located near the main attractions of the capital. Everything you wanted to visit will be literally “at hand”. Even foreigners are familiar with the architectural style, which in our country is called “Stalinist”. The building makes a big impression already by its appearance.

    Every year the list of services is expanding, the quality of guest service is improving. Moreover, it has its own “highlights”, which you will not find in another hotel. For example, here you can rent bicycles and go for a romantic walk. There is a restaurant, whose menu includes dishes of European cuisine – meat and seafood, numerous sauces and author’s desserts. The bar will prepare cocktails right in front of you – both according to traditional recipes and branded ones. Soft music plays here and a cozy twilight reigns. nine0003

    In addition to the main dishes, the cafe offers pies with various fillings and other types of pastries. And if you are an avid fan, then you can have a drink or two in a special sports bar, where the main matches are continuously broadcast. You can also find good company here. At this time, lovely ladies will be happy to visit the spa center, where they can undergo cosmetic and wellness procedures according to Thai recipes. Various little things as souvenirs for loved ones can be purchased at the gift shop. nine0003

    Palmira Business Club 4*

    It is a large hotel complex. Here you can not only spend your honeymoon, but if you can not break away from official business for a long time, there is everything you need so that you can continue working. Appropriate furniture in the rooms, high-speed internet, office equipment. The spa center is staffed by highly qualified and friendly professionals who can advise you on beauty and relaxation treatments. nine0003

    The center is equipped with all the necessary equipment to serve clients at a high level. The library has a large selection of books and magazines for every taste. At the restaurant you can taste international cuisine, including delicacies from Asian countries. The hall is decorated in beige and white tones, which emphasizes the feeling of lightness and tenderness. The menu includes a large selection of fruits, desserts, noble wines from the world’s best collections.

    Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center 4*

    If you want to be pampered, you should definitely choose this hotel. All means of transport are here at hand. You can walk to the metro station, take a trip along the Moscow River from the river pier, or take a train at the railway station. If you decide not to leave the hotel for several days, then you will not be disappointed.

    This is a real mini-city. The windows overlook the skyscrapers of the capital. Breakfast is served in buffet style, and the rest of the day you can choose your meal to your liking. Go to an Italian restaurant where you will enjoy the best dishes and wines of the Mediterranean cuisine. Prefer international cuisine, or enjoy Japanese sushi. One has only to pick up the phone and the order will be brought directly to the room. nine0003

    There are also many small shops where you can buy everything from souvenirs to evening dresses and jewelry. By the way, a stylist is at your service here, who will give you the necessary advice. Guests have free access to the luxurious spa, where they can book any treatment. There is also an aerobics room where a trainer will work with you. And how nice it is to swim in the indoor pool with heated water! Fatigue after a long day as a hand will remove! Rooms are serviced around the clock, and if you need a specific banking service, then we will help you solve this issue. nine0003

    Thus, you have got acquainted with the best hotels of the capital, whose work is focused on ensuring that the days of your honeymoon stay in your memory as an unforgettable, unclouded time. One has only to think – do you want to settle in the center of Moscow, or would you prefer its quiet green areas? If you want to visit historical sites, visit theaters and museums, see the sights and shop in famous shops – choose the center.

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