Organizar fiestas infantiles: Siete consejos imprescindibles para organizar con éxito una fiesta de cumpleaños infantil

Organizar fiestas infantiles: Siete consejos imprescindibles para organizar con éxito una fiesta de cumpleaños infantil

Cómo organizar una fiesta infantil



Cómo organizar una fiesta infantil


Encuentra en McDonald’s útiles consejos y la mejor ayuda para organizar tus fiestas infantiles y de cumpleaños.



Blog > Cómo organizar una fiesta infantil

por McDonald’s, miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018 11:15

comida para fiestas, fiestas infantiles, animación de fiestas, piñatas para fiestas, McDonald’s me encanta

¿Se acerca el cumpleaños de tu hijo y aún no sabes qué hacer para celebrarlo?

¡No te preocupes! En McDonald’s somos expertos organizando fiestas infantiles. Sigue estos útiles consejos para que tus hijos e invitados vivan un increíble Happy Cumpleaños.

Lo primero que te recomendamos es hacer un check list de todos los detalles que en una fiesta infantil no pueden faltar:

Invitados. – Es importante delimitar la cantidad de asistentes a tu evento, pues a partir de esto, podrás realizar un presupuesto real.

Lugar del evento.- Ya sea que lo organices en tu casa o contrates algún salón de fiestas infantiles, cerciórate de que el lugar cuente con los espacios adecuados para que tus invitados estén cómodos. Recuerda que asistirán muchos niños y a ellos les encanta correr por todos lados.

Alimentos y bebidas.- No olvides pensar que tu menú de comida para fiestas debe estar pensado en niños y no precisamente para adultos.

Animación.- Cuando pensamos en animación de fiestas infantiles, lo primero que nos viene a la mente son los magos y payasos, pero también te sugerimos pensar en otro tipo de opciones, como juegos infantiles, música o actividades lúdicas que divertirán por mucho a tus pequeños invitados.

Renta de sillas y mesas.- Pensando en la comodidad de tus invitados, será necesario alquilar algunas mesas y sillas infantiles, dependiendo de la cantidad de asistentes a tu evento.

Piñatas, dulces y regalos.- En una fiesta infantil nunca deben faltar estos elementos. Partir una piñata es por excelencia, una actividad que contribuye a la integración y diversión entre tus invitados.  Mientras que obsequiar dulces y regalos, siempre será un gran detalle que puedes tener para quienes asistieron a tu evento.

Pero si no quieres complicarte mucho, ven a McDonald’s y conoce los más completos paquetes para eventos infantiles y fiestas de cumpleaños que manejamos para la diversión de tus hijos.

Contamos con todo lo necesario para que tu pequeño festejado y sus invitados vivan una McExperiencia inolvidable. Déjalo todo en nuestras manos y solo ocúpate de divertirte a lo grande. Pregúntanos, te asesoraremos con gusto.

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Tips para organizar una fiesta infantil económica

Invertir para pasar gratos momentos de felicidad con tu familia no tiene precio, y mejor aun cuando se trata de tus hijos, pero no permitas que una fiesta infantil te desfinancie.

Este tipo de celebraciones no tienen por qué ser obligatoriamente un derroche de dinero. Recordemos que la idea inicial es hacer que los niños se diviertan y disfruten de la ocasión al máximo. ¡Y es que sí se puede festejar un cumpleaños con poco dinero!

Aquí te detallamos algunos trucos geniales para que la fiesta sea muy animada y, al mismo tiempo, económica.

El presupuesto.  Antes de cualquier celebración debes saber con qué presupuesto cuentas, conociendo la cantidad de efectivo que tienes podrás determinar la capacidad de gasto e incluso considerar la posibilidad de solicitar un préstamo para obtener dinero, y así ampliar las posibilidades de egresos en la celebración.

Elección de los invitados. Básico, ya que la lista de invitados de un cumpleaños es una de las claves que definirá el gasto de la celebración. Cuantas menos personas acudan, más económica será la fiesta de cumpleaños. Haz una lista reducida donde se encuentren los más allegados.

Un bonito lugar. A los niños les encantan los parques, pues allí tienen mucho espacio para correr, saltar y jugar, así que, de forma gratuita, podrás efectuar una fiesta en un parque público.  Caso contrario, si prefieres un lugar privado puede ser en tu casa o en la de algún familiar que esté dispuesto a brindártela, así no tendrás la necesidad de alquilar un salón de fiesta, sillas, y mesas que suelen ser costosos.

Invitaciones. Ten presente que las invitaciones impresas elevan más tu presupuesto; por eso es recomendable que tú o algún familiar realice las invitaciones a través de algún programa de diseño con plantillas gratuitas que puedes descargar en la web, luego podrás enviar las invitaciones de forma virtual, a través de un mensaje por las redes sociales: Facebook, WhatsApp o por correo electrónico.

Decora con tus propias manos. La decoración para los niños es súper importante para que se sientan en un ambiente festivo; y si la complementas con algún personaje infantil de su preferencia, será mucho mejor. En este caso, tienes que dejar volar tu creatividad. Complementa la decoración con globos, trabaja con material reciclable. En YouTube  existen varios tutoriales que te podrán ayudar en este proceso.

Comida deliciosa. Hacer un menú infantil es muy fácil, no gastes comprando productos ya elaborados, estos suelen ser caros. Por el contrario, prepáralos en casa, tales como brochetas de frutas frescas de la temporada. Ofrece un platillo fuerte como pizza, o sándwich de hot dog o pollo. En vez de bebidas gaseosas, sirve una limonada o chicha morada y prepara gelatina de diferentes colores.

Pastelillos y torta. Si planeas una fiesta económica es recomendable que prepares el pastel en casa. Asimismo, opta por galletas o muffins.

Animación. Para animar fiestas infantiles puedes hacer concursos, competencias y juegos divertidos con los invitados. Busca en internet juegos infantiles para fiestas, seguro encontrarás una variedad que podrás desarrollar sin necesidad de contratar a un animador, bailarina o payasito.

Buena música. Es vital para crear buen ambiente y animar la reunión. Hoy en día, es posible hacer de disc-jockey de manera sencilla, y gratis, con la tableta o el móvil. Los dispositivos actuales permiten reproducir música, editar e incluso mezclarla en el momento.

Pensando en tu engreído, MAPFRE te ofrece seguros de hogar, los cuales podrán cubrir   cualquier emergencia o imprevisto de todos los miembros de tu casa.

Organization and holding of children’s parties in Nizhny Novgorod| Agency for children’s holidays Clockwork Weekend

Find out in 3 minutes how we create miracle holidays

Parents trust us,
, because we:


For 8 years of work, we have accumulated extensive experience in organizing holidays: from family celebrations to city festivals


We advise on all issues: we recommend the venue, menu


We are always up to date with all the new shows, cartoons and fashion trends






Animator, Leading


Animator, Leading


Schef animator


Sergey 9000. 000 Serge


Screenwriter, animator



Look: 15 super show programs for your holiday



We always have something to surprise!

Animators for the holiday

We know all the Fairy Wings and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by name,
we understand the relationship of the Fixies and entertain the child,
even if he is only interested in the tablet screen

All animators

Jasmine and Aladdin

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Little Mermaid

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Hagi Wagi

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Theatrical performances

Bright and interesting theatrical performances for children from 2 to 12 years old

New Year’s programs

Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will come to visit you and wish everyone a Happy New Year

Age: 3-8 years old
Duration: 1 hour min
Cost, rub

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The forest troll decided to ruin the New Year and stole the gifts. The good Elf will help the guys find them.

Age: 5-9 years old
Duration: 60 min
Cost: 4500 rub

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Fabulous adventure of Aladdin and Jasmine in search of a magic lamp. The program is filled with tricks, special effects that will surprise not only children, but also adults.

Age: years
Duration: min
Cost, rub

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show programs
and supplements

We will select shows that guests have not yet seen –
giant transformers show,
paper show or something unusual for a birthday,
graduation or corporate Family day

All show programs

Bright and cheerful Maslenitsa roam for children and adults with naughty Parsley

Age: years
Duration: min
Cost, rub

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Neon Party

Neon disco – a new program in which everything glows in neon, shimmers in neon lights

Age: 5-13 years old
Duration: 10000 min
Cost: 60 rubles

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Quest “Among As”

An interactive quest based on the popular game Among us. The guys will help to figure out the villain, fix the spaceship and go into space

Age: 7-12 years old
Duration: 60 min
Cost: 4500 rub

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Program Blogger Party

Age: 8-12 years
Duration: 60 min
Cost: 4500 rubles

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Brawl Stars program

Age: 7-12 years
Duration: 60 min
Cost: 4500 rubles

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Age: 5-9 years
Duration: 60 min
Cost: 4500 rubles

Learn more


Suitable for children who have already seen a lot
fun and want something new
and interesting. Unique props for each performance

All master classes

Art of EBRA

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Production of gel candles

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Organization and holding of children’s holidays in Nizhny Novgorod

The organization of a children’s holiday is similar to a performance in a theater or a film. Actors in stunning costumes play cartoon characters, lush scenery takes us to distant worlds, and spectacular special effects make us experience a storm of emotion. In order for the holiday to be a success and the guests to be delighted, we pay attention to every little thing – whether it is the host’s costume, or the music for the show.

“Agency for the organization of children’s parties “Clockwork Weekend” thinks through every detail in the organization of the birthday”

  • We cooperate with theater specialists, directors, graphic designers, screenwriters and, of course, actors

  • We regularly arrange casting of talented artists and conduct trainings at the animator school

  • We improve our programs every day – we make props and scenery, rehearse programs, sew costumes for animators

  • We prepare for every children’s holiday in an adult way – we make timings, checklists and brain maps so as not to miss anything

  • · Among our clients in Nizhny Novgorod are Auchan, Metro, 7th Continent, Sibur, Lexus, 1st Currency Exchange, etc.

How to order a children’s party in Nizhny Novgorod

Whether it’s a birthday or graduation in kindergarten, you can always get advice from the manager. He will answer questions about services. He will help with the choice of a show program or animator, talk about the features of the programs. If it was possible to agree on the details by phone, the manager will write down information about the holiday in the “Calendar of Events” and preparations will begin. If the holiday is large-scale and complex in execution, then we will personally present options for the concepts of the holiday and prepare the necessary documents. The day before the holiday, we make a follow-up call to make sure everything is in order.

What will happen on the holiday

We do all the work to control the course of the event (arrival of artists, decorators and technical staff to the venue). The hosts greet the long-awaited guests of the holiday in a friendly and cheerful manner. The animators have already turned into heroes and get to know the children, the music sets the mood for the holiday, and all you have to do is chat with friends, take photos as a keepsake and enjoy the bright and spectacular show programs.


After each holiday, parents and children share their impressions and emotions with us. Feedback is very important to us
collect reviews on the site and in social networks

View all reviews

On behalf of all the parents of the Magic Key 113 Kindergarten group, I want to express my gratitude for hosting a hooligan party at our graduation party. It was exactly what the children needed, as our videographer said – “Dorval”)))) Children with the hosts in the truest sense of the word hooligans, painted clothes and each other)))) The children ran and hooliganized heartily. This is different from the usual animation, it was really what children like to do most of all))) Everything was super! Thank you very much! Special thanks to our animators – hooligans, for being able to organize fun for our children and at the same time still did not let them destroy the hall where the holiday was held))))

Feedback from Natalia
group Magic key

Luntik came to us today at the DR (animator Alexander, if I’m not mistaken). We are all delighted: both adults and children! Liked everything! The costume is beautiful and bright. Very interesting props for games and photos, and there are so many of them! The games themselves are also very interesting, all the children participated (from 3 to 11 years old). Before that, we were on several ARs with animators, and objectively, the games on our AR were the most interesting. In general, I highly recommend it to everyone, everything is just super!

Feedback from Ekaterina
Daria, 3 years old

Thanks for the holiday animator Simka! The children were very happy!

Many interesting games and competitions were organized for children. My daughter’s birthday was very fun, easy and unforgettable! Thank you!

Feedback from Julia

Thank you very much for the holiday, and especially thanks to the animator Katya (Sky), the children are delighted, everything was super. nine0003

Reviewed by Maria
Liza 4 years

Companies trust us

don’t know where to start?
ask the party-expert!

Call us at
+7 (831) 283-61-63
or leave a request in the form below, and our
party manager will call you back in 15 minutes
and tell you how to make a wonderful holiday

I confirm that I accept the terms of the site and give voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data. nine0003

Organization of children’s parties – order a 🎉 Birthday for a child in an agency in Moscow

We will help you with choosing a program for any age and budget!

Free selection

Holiday in detail

Handmade designer costumes

For a fabulous children’s holiday, we design the costumes of the heroes ourselves, inspired by our favorite books and cartoons. It is important for us not just to create an external copy of the character, but to convey his character and mood. Therefore, with great attention we treat even the smallest details in the image. nine0003

Fantastic show programs

Show programs are unique journeys through the world of your favorite fairy tales, cartoons and adaptations. Our team independently writes all scripts for them. Familiar stories are taken as the basis, which are then supplemented with interesting games and magical experiments. It turns out a fairy tale, but in a new way.

Professional actors

Our actors are true professionals. They will not only magically play the roles, but will also be able to find an approach to each child: to involve the timid and hovering in the clouds in the game, wipe the tears of the vulnerable and impressionable, and even separate the fighters. nine0003

Personalized scenario

We adapt programs to the age and number of participants and select formats that will appeal to all guests of the holiday. These are theatrical performances, and quests, and master classes, and competitions, the number of which can only be limited by your imagination.

Hundreds of rehearsals

To create a magical atmosphere, our team can spend days and nights rehearsing. After all, getting used to the role is not easy! Actors study the script of the program, sing, dance and improvise so that the holiday goes like in a fairy tale. nine0003

Quality is not tied to cost

Our main goal is to create a holiday that your guests would remember with pleasure. For this, we will give all the best. And it does not matter at all what we organize for you – a short master class or a performance. Everything will go flawlessly!

Enjoy every minute

Organization of children’s parties has been the main mission for ArchiShow agency for more than 8 years. After all, festive events are the most vivid memories for future adults, this is magic and a miracle that they will carry with them through their whole lives. We always try to really surprise the guys, and each of our events is unique. Dozens of interactive programs, professional animators who love their work, bright decorations, a delicious and healthy sweet table – these are just a few things that await the birthday boy and his guests.

Animation programs

Turn a pumpkin into a fairy tale

We will help you choose or adapt a scenario for a children’s party, taking into account the interests of your child.

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Show programs and quests

Light up the party

Props, music, fabulous presenters – we have everything to make the heroes of the holiday have fun with all their heart.

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nine0002 Sweets and treats

Make a feast for the whole world

Catering with treats and not only sweets, but also favorite dishes made from natural ingredients. We stylize the presentation under the theme of the holiday.

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Design and decorations

Build castles in the air

ArchiShow decorators can create an ancient castle or a space station on the site in one day – indistinguishable from the real ones!

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Additional services

Think about the little things

We can create a bright image in a beauty bar, arrange an explosive surprise and inspire all guests to jump for joy.

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Organizing and holding children’s parties from “ArchiShow” – what awaits you?

Especially for your children, we have prepared several dozen programs that will captivate the children and make them go to another world for at least 1 hour. You can order a holiday from the Moscow studio “ArchiShow” for any occasion: holding a birthday, New Year or celebrating any other celebration. nine0003

The ArchiShow Children’s Party Agency offers programs for children of all ages – from 3 years old to adolescence, for boys and girls. At your service:

  • Show programs and quests. We have show performances for every taste. Is your child crazy about Transformers? We have prepared an unforgettable visual show with your favorite characters! Or maybe he loves the magical universe of Harry Potter? Magic wands from Olivander’s shop are already waiting for their owners! Songs, dance competitions, exciting tasks along with idols from cartoons and computer games. Many programs already include face painting and memorable gifts for guests. It’s time to have some fun! nine0209
  • Master classes. Who said fun can’t be useful? Especially for our birthday boy, the organizer of children’s parties “ArchiShow” has prepared informative workshops where the children will learn how to paint clothes, cook burgers and cookies, and learn many other skills that will be useful to them in life. All master classes (including a master class on magical chemical experiments) are conducted under the guidance of our experienced animators and are completely safe for children.
  • Sweet table. We prepare all the treats only from natural products and always take into account the wishes of both parents and the children themselves. Be sure to take into account allergies, individual intolerance to the components and prepare exceptionally healthy dishes. In addition, we take care of the table setting in the style of the holiday theme. nine0209
  • Additional services. Dozens of additional options can be included in the program. Order a professional photo and video shooting, we will be happy to help you keep the memories of the birthday celebration. Or maybe it’s time to treat yourself to our candy bar? There are also themed photo booths, a beauty bar, a festive piñata and more. The extended package also includes the preparation of electronic invitation cards for the theme of the holiday. Check out all our rates to find out more! nine0209

All of our programs have 3D decorations and balloon decorations. “ArchiShow” provides for every detail in the decor and puts safety at the forefront. Only natural and eco-friendly materials are used in jewelry.

Learn more about our approach!

call the wizards

Holiday tariffs

Most important

from 75 000 ₽

80 000 ₽

  • 2-3 Animators
  • nine0206 Holiday duration: 2-4 hours

  • Holiday photography
  • Basic sound equipment
  • Show program from basic catalog
  • Decoration with balloons


Golden mean

  • Holiday duration: 3-5 hours
  • Holiday photography
  • Basic audio equipment
  • Show program from basic catalog
  • Balloon Extended Package
  • Photo zone up to 10 decorative elements
  • Show program from the author’s catalog
  • 1 supplement from
  • extended service catalog

  • Show program from the author’s catalog
  • Personal event manager on site
  • Order

    Everything is possible

    from 350 000 ₽

    390 000 ₽

    • Animation program, quest or interactive performance with 4-7 characters
    • Holiday duration: 4-7 hours
    • 1+ show program from the base catalog
    • 2+ shows from the author’s catalog
    • Extended premium photo zone up to 20 decorative elements
    • Balloon Extended Package
    • Holiday photography
    • Sound and lighting equipment
    • 2+ supplements from
    • extended service catalog

    • Candy-bar decoration, themed sweets and cake
    • Thematic table decoration
    • Personal selection of a venue for a holiday
    • Personal event manager before and after the event
    • Electronic invitations themed/holiday decoration


    Echo of a holiday

    Look at light

    We are fans of what we do!

    For 8 years now we have been working on costumes, rehearsing competitions, replaying stories and remaining a little child ourselves.

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