Parques tematicos navidad españa: Guía de los parques temáticos de la Navidad en Madrid: ‘Mágicas Navidades’, ‘Árticus’ y ‘Navidalia’ | Madrid

Parques tematicos navidad españa: Guía de los parques temáticos de la Navidad en Madrid: ‘Mágicas Navidades’, ‘Árticus’ y ‘Navidalia’ | Madrid

Guía de los parques temáticos de la Navidad en Madrid: ‘Mágicas Navidades’, ‘Árticus’ y ‘Navidalia’ | Madrid





Toda la información de precios, horarios, atracciones, dónde comer y cómo llegar en transporte público o dónde aparcar en las tres grandes ferias para niños que este año se organizan en la comunidad

Una de las instalaciones deI Festival Internacional de Esculturas de Hielo o Ice Festival de las ‘Mágicas Navidades’, el parque temático navideño de Torrejón.AYUNTAMIENTO DE TORREJÓN

No sin mi parque temático de Navidad parece ser el lema de las primeras fiestas postpandemia en la Comunidad de Madrid. Hasta ahora, Torrejón de Ardoz era el único municipio de la región que organizaba un evento para niños a lo grande, más allá de los mercadillos, trenecitos o recogidas de cartas a papá Noel o a los Reyes que suelen poner en marcha todos los municipios por estas fechas. A las Mágicas Navidades de Torrejón, que este año cumple su 14ª edición con muchas novedades, se suman Árticus, la apuesta de la capital en los terrenos de la Casa de Campo, y Navidalia, en Getafe, que pretende ser el referente de toda la zona sur. A continuación, una guía práctica de estas grandes ferias de ocio infantil y familiar para la navidad 2022-2023, con toda la información útil para visitarlos: días de apertura, horarios, precios, atracciones, espectáculos, dónde aparcar, dónde comer…

‘Mágicas Navidades’ de Torrejón, el parque temático con solera

Plano de esta edición de las ‘Mágicas Navidades’ de Torrejón.

En Torrejón de Ardoz se toman muy en serio la Navidad, tanto que está declarada Fiesta de Interés Turístico regional. Desde hace 14 años, celebra sus ya famosas Mágicas Navidades, que se han convertido en el parque temático de la Navidad más grande de España, según el Ayuntamiento. Este año, abrieron sus puertas en el recinto ferial del municipio el pasado 18 de noviembre y cerrarán el 6 de enero de 2023, por lo que la única de las tres propuestas que ya está operativa. Su horario general es de 12.00 a 00.00, aunque algunos días se reduce de 17.00 a 23.00. Estará cerrado los días 28 noviembre, el 12, 19, 24 y 31 de diciembre y el 5 de enero.

Por segundo año, se cobra un precio simbólico por entrar al recinto de entre 2 y 4 euros por entrar según el día, mientras que las atracciones van a aparte, bien comprando tiques sueltos ―desde los 2 a los 7 euros― o pulseras todo incluido dentro del propio recinto, así como los espectáculos. Los días 23 y 30 de noviembre, y 14 y 21 de diciembre el acceso es gratuito. Tampoco tienen que pagar los vecinos de Torrejón. Los tiques es mejor comprarlos on line y no arriesgarse a ir hasta allí sin entrada garantizada. Además, aunque hay taquillas en los cuatro puntos de información y acceso, solo se podrán adquirir si hubiera aforo y con un suplemento de 2 euros.

Lo que más afecta es lo que sucede más cerca. Para no perderte nada, suscríbete.


Se trata de un parque enorme y muy completo, que contiene desde un precioso carrusel antiguo de doble planta a una atracción que es un árbol navideño y los niños y mayores giran sentados en las bolas, una noria gigante, una pista de patinaje, roscos para tirarse por pendientes heladas y toboganes, la casa de papá Noel y los Reyes, mercado… por tener tienen hasta su propio merchandising de los Guachis, los duendes del parque, que actúan varias veces al día. Para comer, hay una carpa tipo Oktoberfest, las Bavarian Christmas, con actuaciones musicales y menús desde 15 euros, además de un food track y puestos de comida y merienda.

Como novedad, este año suman una exposición de Meninas de Adviento, el camino de Belén o recorrido a escala natural por la localidad palestina, un concurso internacional de esculturas de hielo o Ice Festival ―con entradas desde 9,90 euros―, el espectáculo Los Tres Reyes Magos de Oriente, la historia jamás contada ―desde 15 euros― y, por las noches, monólogos de Navidad ―desde 13 euros― con Alex O’Dogherty y Asaari Bibang, entre otros.

Aspecto general del recinto de las ‘Mágicas Navidades’ de Torrejón, iluminado.JOSÉ DE SACRISTÁN

La entrada permite ver: Multiverso, Bosque de las Estrellas, Animales del Arca, Círculo Pingüino, Camino Belén, Montaña Helada, Árbol de luz, Meninas de Adviento, Zona Photocalls, Show de los Guachis y Puerta Mágica ―este año la pantalla led multicolor tiene 27 metros de alto por 27 de ancho―. Lo mejor es ir en tren, ya que el parque de la Navidad está a 100 metros de la estación de Cercanías de Torrejón. En la misma plaza está la estación de autobuses interurbanos a Madrid y a Guadalajara, así como la parada de taxis. Para los que vayan en coche, hay dos aparcamientos públicos y gratuitos en el recinto ferial a los que se accede por la avenida de la Luna y la M-206. Si se llenan, se recomienda aparcar en el colindante polígono Las Monjas.

‘Árticus’, el recién llegado

Nuevo mapa del recinto de ‘Árticus’, en la Casa de Campo.

Este año, la capital se ha puesto las pilas y por fin tendrá su parque temático de la Navidad, Árticus, una iniciativa 100% privada, a diferencia de las otras dos, que son municipales. Los organizadores son LetsGo, los mismos que los de Naturaleza Encendida, las luces del Botánico. Se trata nada menos que de 100.000 metros cuadrados en plena Casa de Campo, desde Metro de Lago, al Madrid Arena, pasando por los pabellones de Cristal y Satélite y toda la zona al aire libre que abarca. Árticus, según sus promotores, pretende ser a Madrid lo que el Winter Wonderland a Londres, las Marchés de Noël a París y el Rockefeller Center a Nueva York.

Se inaugura 16 de diciembre (no hay fotos porque todavía lo están montando), estará abierto hasta el 8 de enero y tiene un aforo de 50.000 personas al día. La entrada cuesta 2,50 euros por las mañanas y 7,50 por las tardes, espectáculos y atracciones aparte. Su horario es de lunes a domingo de 11.30 a 24.00. Los días 24 y 31 de diciembre cerrará a las 18.00 y el 25 de diciembre y 1 de enero abrirá a partir de las 17.00.

Prometen “paseos llenos de luz, atracciones llenas de adrenalina, espectáculos mágicos como Peter Pan On Ice ―con entradas desde 10 euros―, un mercado con 50 puestos, una pista de hielo, 80 animales polares luminosos, auroras boreales, la recreación de un pueblo del Ártico, ice bar, food market del mundo Nintendo, Lego, dinosaurios y mucho más”.

Tiene 12 zonas, entre las que destacan la de atracciones, con subidas de hasta 40 metros y una noria climatizada; la senda del Ártico recorrido con más de 80 animales luminosos de diferentes especies y auroras boreales mediante linternas chinas; el Tahtipuru Barbacoa, donde hay un puesto de chocolates y dulces de Willy Wonka; la DiverhausFeria o pista de hielo en el pabellón de Cristal ―cuatro euros―; GrandiOso, un recorrido multisensorial e inmersivo entre animales y hologramas que permite entrar en un iglú gigante, bucear en una aurora boreal, andar por una nube y enviar la carta a los Reyes Magos ―desde nueve euros― y Jurásicus Park, una exposición Dinosaurios de más de 3.000 metros cuadrado con reproducciones de gran tamaño, sonido, ambientación ―también desde nueve euros―.

Para comer, está el Nuuk International Food Village, un food market del mundo a cargo del Azotea Grupo. Hay desde crepes franceses a hotdogs alemanes, ensaladas/pokes de Hawai, hamburguesas y fried chicken de EE UU, kebabs de Marruecos, pizzas de Italia… Para llegar en trasporte público, está la parada de metro de Lago y han habilitado una zona de aparcamiento gratuito en el Hipódromo de la Zarzuela, en el que habrá lanzaderas con autobuses en ambos sentidos. Además, están planificadas lanzaderas de autobuses desde otros puntos céntricos pendientes de confirmar y habrá una zona para llegadas y salidas de taxis en las inmediaciones del acceso.

Getafe se suma con ‘Navidalia’

Un niño se tira de un tobogán, en una carpa instalada en años anteriores en Getafe.AYUNTAMIENTO DE GETAFE

La capital del sur, Getafe, ha organizado por primera vez este año Navidalia, un parque temático de la Navidad, que estará abierto del 2 de diciembre al 8 de enero. Contará con numerosas atracciones de feria, una noria gigante, un mercado navideño, una pista de patinaje sobre hielo, espectáculos y conciertos infantiles diarios y, cómo no, una exposición de dinosaurios animados.

La entrada al parque, que se encuentra en el recinto ferial, es gratuita —las atracciones no— y el Ayuntamiento ha regalado 5.000 entradas para las atracciones y la pista de hielo a los colegios del municipio. Se espera la visita de 400.000 personas de toda la zona sur de la comunidad. Cuenta con numerosos elementos decorativos, con un belén de más de 100 piezas a tamaño natural, la casa de Papá Noel, iluminación led en todo el recinto o un árbol navideño transitable de 15 metros de altura. Hay también prevista una zona de gastronomía.

En autobús, se puede llegar en el 442, 447 y 488; en Cercanías, en la C3, C3A; y en metro, en las líneas M-12 y M-3. Para dejar el coche, hay aparcamientos gratuitos en la avenida Francisco Fernández Ordóñez y en la calle de la Gitanilla.

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Sobre la firma

Redactora de la sección de Madrid, también cubre la información meteorológica. Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de Navarra, cursó el máster Relaciones Internacionales y los países del Sur en la UCM. En EL PAÍS desde el año 2000, donde ha pasado por portada web, última hora y redes, además de ser profesora de su escuela entre 2007 y 2014.


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Árticus, un nuevo parque de atracciones de la Navidad abrirá en diciembre en la Casa de Campo de Madrid

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El autobús de la Navidad Naviluz regresará a Madrid el próximo 25 de noviembre

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Parques temáticos para disfrutar con niños en Navidad

Una vez más, los parques temáticos de España se visten de gala para celebrar la Navidad por todo lo alto. Espectáculos, nuevas atracciones, recorridos llenos de magia e intensas aventuras os aguardan en los parques más icónicos de la península. Sin duda, se trata de un plan perfecto para disfrutar las navidades en familia de una manera diferente y divertida. Para facilitarte la decisión, os proponemos algunas de las sorpresas para la Navidad que han preparado varios parques españoles.

1. PortAventura World, en Salou

Este complejo de atracciones se ha vestido de gala para darle la bienvenida a la Navidad. Desde el mes de noviembre y hasta el 6 de enero ha sumado una serie de actividades muy divertidas a sus atracciones estrellas en Mediterrania, Polynesia, México, Far West, China y SésamoAventura. De hecho, si visitáis el parque en esta temporada no solo podréis disfrutar de las montañas rusas, Shambhala y Furius Baco, las montañas rusas más altas y rápidas de Europa, de las sillas voladoras, rituales giratorios y viajes marítimos sino que también podréis formar parte de los espectáculos que se celebran cada jornada.

Uno de sus mayores reclamos en esta Navidad es el espectáculo “Christmas Family Festival” en SésamoAventura, donde los más pequeños pueden participar durante toda la jornada de juegos, bailes y la música. También os aguarda “Una Navidad entre las estrellas”, un espectáculo en el que el Gran Teatro Imperial de China se convierte en la casa de Papá Noel y confeccionan los juguetes para los niños al ritmo de la música y las acrobacias. Y para los que prefieran las peripecias sobre el hielo llega el espectáculo en Far West, “Dreaming on Ice”, un show puramente navideño a cargo de excelentes patinadores.

2. Parque Warner, en Madrid

Uno de los parques temáticos más emblemáticos de España no podía pasar por alto la Navidad. Por eso, ha preparado una intensa cartelera de actividades para que toda la familia y, en especial, los más pequeños puedan disfrutar de esta temporada junto a algunos de sus personajes animados favoritos como Bugs Bunny, el Gato Silvestre, el Pato Lucas y Piolin. Una de las atracciones estrella es la Fábrica de Juguetes, en el mismo corazón de Old West Territory, para que los pequeños puedan desvelar los secretos de la fábrica de Papá Noel en Laponia, en el mismísimo Polo Norte, donde se confeccionan los juguetes para los niños de todo el mundo. Será un recorrido divertido y lleno de magia que seguramente adorarán.

También tendrán la oportunidad de visitar el Bosque Animado: Mágica Navidad, un recorrido en el que podrán visitar de la mano de los dibujos animados el refugio de la Reina de las Nieves, un antiguo castillo encantado y la casita de la malvada bruja Hazel. Los más pequeñitos estarán encantados con el refugio de Papá Noel y los 3 Reyes Magos y con los diversos espectáculos navideños que proponen cada jornada. Y para los que prefieren el Séptimo Arte, en Polar Express 3D podrán disfrutar de numerosas aventuras cinematográficas.

3. Parque de atracciones de Madrid

Este parque de atracciones no ha querido pasar por alto la Navidad y una vez más ha estrenado una cartelera navideña que estará activa hasta el próximo 5 de enero. Este año su atracción estrella es el espectáculo “¿Quién robó la Navidad?” en el que podréis disfrutar de pegadizas canciones y bailes navideños que animan a bailar a todos los niños. No obstante, una de las atracciones que más ilusión les hará a los pequeños es la Casa de Papá Noel, donde podrán ver a este personaje y entregarle su carta en la mano.

También hay actividades de pintacaras en Maquillaje Infantil de Navidad, donde los estilistas profesionales cambiarán por completo el rostro de los más pequeños haciendo que luzcan como verdaderos enanitos navideños. Por supuesto no podían faltar los espectáculos de animación como “Christmas Soul Live” y “Monster High Big Boo Fashion Show”, un derroche de música, bailes y canciones. Y para cerrar con broche de oro el paseo podréis disfrutar del impresionante “Christmas Laser Show”, un espectáculo de láser y sonidos que os dejará boquiabiertos.

Amusement parks in Spain

Summer is coming soon, which means it’s time for vacations. Let’s talk about amusement parks in Spain. I must say that in Spain there are quite a lot of such parks: theme parks, water parks, amusement parks, all kinds of dolphinariums and natural parks. All these places are usually located near resort towns. During the high season, there are many Spaniards themselves in the resorts and parks.

1. PortAventura, Salou

The park is the hallmark of the country. Port Aventura is an entire entertainment industry that includes Port Aventura, Caribe Aquatic Park and 5 hotels with camping areas.

PortAventura itself is practically “Around the world in 1 day”. The park is built on the principle of five geographical zones: the Mediterranean, Polynesia, China, Mexico, and the Wild West. Each zone has its own color, its own architecture, its own clothes for employees.

In the “Mediterranean” zone there is a high-speed catapult Furius Baco and the North Station (Estació del Nord). Sitting on the train, you can explore the entire territory of the park. Fireworks are also held here.

“Polynesia” includes boats falling from waterfalls, a tropical bird show and a Sea Odyssey 4D cinema with motion simulators built into the seats.

The Wild West is the park’s largest area, where you can raft on a log waterslide or ride the Stampida, a wooden roller coaster. In the Saloon, the visitor is waiting for a show with cancan, Indians and cowboy fights.

In the “Mexico” zone there is an attraction – Hurakan Condor, a 100-meter pillar surrounded by the ruins of the pyramids of ancient civilizations, from which the “victim” in the chair falls down in 3 seconds. Visitors also have access to the abandoned El Diablo mine and a Mexican canteen with songs and dances.

The “China” zone is rich in the scariest attractions: Shambala – 5 ups and downs 1650 meters long, and Dragon Khan – a high-speed roller coaster with 8 loops, reaching speeds of up to 110 km / h.

Ticket price: adult – 45€; child – 39€. Combo tickets (3 days): Port Aventura + Caribe Aquatic Park adult – 79€; child – 64€.

There are also many seasonal discounts: discount booklet for the Bus Turistic sightseeing bus, flyers in hotels, buying a ticket at the railway ticket office at full price, but with free passage to the park.

2. Tibidabo, Barcelona

At the highest point in Barcelona, ​​on the slopes of Mount Tibidabo, one of the oldest amusement parks in Europe is located. At an altitude of more than 500 m above sea level, under the walls of the Sacred Heart Cathedral, you can find an observation tower, carousels, water slides, a Ferris wheel, visit the deserted “hotel” with ghosts Krüeger Hotel, watch a puppet show and see the Correfoc procession before the park closes on a weekend (“Cercavila”) with street performers, circus performers and fireworks. You can get to Tibidabo Park from Barcelona by bus or by funicular from the city (7.70 €).

Ticket price: 28.5€ adult. Children (up to 1.2 m) – 10.3 €. Up to 90 cm and over 60 years old – admission is free. By the way, there is a special price for people over 60 in all theme parks and most often equals a children’s ticket.

3. Warner Bros. Movie World Park, Madrid

A 20-minute drive from Madrid, in the suburbs of San Martin de la Vega, there is a theme park founded by the famous film company Warner Bros. Like Port Aventura, Movie World is made up of five zones inspired by the main genres of the film industry: Hollywood Boulevard, Film World Studios, Superhero World, Cartoon Village, Old West Territory. A quarter of the park: picturesque landscaped gardens and recreation areas with themed fountains and lagoons. Each of the zones has its own rides (including night ones), restaurants, themed shops and much more, all kinds of performances and light and music shows are arranged.

Ticket price: adult – 39.9€, child – 29.90€. When buying online, tickets are much cheaper and cost 25.9 €.

4. Casa de Campo, Madrid

A favorite place for the inhabitants of the capital, the former royal hunting grounds, the vast and very green park of Casa de Campo is located in the forested area of ​​the quarter of the same name. The territory of the park is also famous for its very rich fauna, whose representatives can be seen both simply on the paths of the park and in the zoo, which is part of it.

In addition to the zoo, there is an aquarium with dolphins, an amusement park, playgrounds, restaurants and a theater. The amusement park is divided into five thematic areas: Cars (Maquinismo), Peace (Tranquilidad), Main Street (Gran Avenida), Nature (Naturaleza), Children’s area (Infantil). Among the attractions you can find almost everything: dizzying swings that rotate around the axis, and roller coasters with incredible loops and turns, and water slides, and even an attraction that imitates rafting on inflatable rafts. In the southern part of the park there is an artificial lake with a fountain. You can swim on it on a boat or just swim.

You can reach the park by the Teleférico cable car, which in itself is a great attraction: a ten-minute ride with pleasant music over Madrid will leave a lot of impressions. The fare is from 4 €. Children under 3 years old – free of charge.

Ticket price: adult €31.90, child €24.90. Less than 100 cm – free of charge.

4. Terra Mitica, Benidorm

Amusement park in Benidorm, covering over a million square meters. There are various thematic zones here: Rome, Greece, Egypt, Iberia Park and a children’s area with copies of adult attractions. In addition to slides, carousels, swings and all kinds of “tornadoes”, here you can also see theatrical shows. These are not just performances stylized as an era, but rather rituals and legends of ancient cultures. Spectators not only watch the performances of artists, but are also involved in the show, becoming direct participants in the action.

In the middle of the park there is a large lake, symbolizing the Mediterranean Sea. The lake can be crossed by passenger schooners and merchant ships. These ships, which symbolize the development of seafaring in the Mediterranean Sea, simultaneously deliver visitors to any of the five zones of the park. Also in the park there are restaurants, cafes and shops.

Ticket price: adult – 35€, child – 26.5€. Children 0-5 years old are admitted free of charge.

5. Aitana Safari Park, Alicante

Approximately 70 km from Alicante, the Aitana Safari Park is located: a large area divided into two zones, pedestrian and car, about 7 km. In the automotive zone, you can meet both relatively safe herbivores and predators. Since the animals are in nature, you can go out and get closer to the giraffes, but in the zone of lions and tigers you can’t even open a window. In the pedestrian zone there are small animals: monkeys, ferrets, raccoons, parrots and cubs of lions playing right next to you.

Feeding animals is prohibited, but some species are allowed (food is sold at the entrance). However, in pursuit of a treat, animals can harm your car, so you should be careful with feeding.

Ticket price: adult – 20€, children from 4-12 – 16€.

6. Terra Natura, Benidorm

Petting zoo, spread over 36 hectares of land in the vicinity of Benidorm. Animals living here are in a habitat that is as close to natural as possible, i.e. without barriers, nets and gratings. It contains about 1500 specimens of animals of 200 species, 50 of which are on the verge of extinction, about 2500 specimens of plants of 160 species. The park is divided into five thematic zones: Pangea, America, Asia, Mare Nostrum and Europe, each of which represents the inhabitants of these particular regions of the Earth, as well as examples of architecture and culture of the peoples inhabiting them.

There are attractions in the park. For example, the Bird of Prey Challenge (four hundred-meter “flight” on a cable car over the habitat of elephants), Copaltenango (“colonial” town from Central America) or Kalicameni (“piece” of the Greek village, on the streets of which folklore performances are held). The park hosts botanical and zoological exhibitions, various safaris, including night safaris. There is also an artificial volcano, 11 ethnic-style restaurants and about a dozen shops. You can move around the park on foot, by train, bus or electric car.

Ticket price: adult 29€, child 23.5€.
If you immediately buy a ticket to Aqua Natura, you need to pay extra 12€ per person.

7. Aqua Nature, Benidorm

The Aqua-Natura water park is adjacent to the Terra-Natura park and is considered one complex. This is a kilometer stretch of coastline with an excellent beach and good recreation infrastructure, which has its own water park, whose pools and channels have an area of ​​​​more than 40 thousand square meters. meters. In addition to the beach area, there is an aquarium with a chic collection of Mediterranean inhabitants (there is even a special pool with sharks in which you can swim), an underwater tunnel, underwater fountains, waterfalls, spa areas and water slides of all kinds. There are several restaurants, cafes and shops, there is a separate picnic area and sports grounds.

Ticket price: adult 29€, child 23.5€. If you immediately buy nature in Terra, you need to pay extra 12€ per person.

8. Bioparc, Valencia

Another new type of zoo, where animals are not in enclosures, but in natural conditions. There are no cages and bars; visitors are separated from the animals by a moat or a low fence. The flora and fauna of the jungle, savannah, the African continent and subtropics – all this is presented in different zones of the “Biopark”: Savannah, Equatorial Africa and Madagascar.

In the center of the park there is an amphitheater where performances take place. There is a cinema with films about animals and restaurants where you can have a bite to eat while continuing to watch wildlife. In the Biopark it is forbidden to touch and feed the animals, as well as to scare them with screams or flashlights. Violations can be fined.

Ticket price: adult – 23. 80 €, children (4-12 years old) – 18 €.

9. Dinopolis, Teruel

The most modern paleontological park in the world “Dinopolis”, located almost in the center of the city of Teruel (Aragon). It is in Aragon that archaeologists find a large number of fossilized remains of ancient pangolins (there are 4 more similar parks in the region).

Dinopolis is entirely dedicated to the history and study of dinosaurs. In addition to an interesting paleontological museum with the richest exposition (one of the largest collections of dinosaur skeletons in the world), the park has an extensive entertainment area with many thematic zones – Jurassic Park, River of Life, Time Machine Travel, Dinosaur Territory, Encounter with a Tyrannosaurus Rex and others. And all this is close to numerous areas for games, workshops, playgrounds, a stereophonic cinema and all kinds of restaurants.

Ticket price: adult 28 €, children 22 €.

10. Magic Island, Sevilla

An excellent Seville amusement park, located right on the island of Cartuja on the site of the Expo 1992 pavilions. A theme park entirely dedicated to the era of colonial discoveries and sea adventures, located right in the city. Park areas: El Dorado, Puerto de Indias, Puerta de America, Amazonia, La Guarida de los Piratas and children’s area. In addition to attractions, each zone hosts its own show: The Jungle Book in the Lost City of El Dorado, the Black Flag in the Pirate Zone, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen and horse performances in the America zone and many others.

A planetarium has recently opened here. It allows you to see the stars and planets in detail with the help of multimedia images created using new technologies and projected on a hemispherical screen with an area of ​​230 square meters. Like many Spanish theme parks, there is also the Agua Magica water park adjoining it.

Ticket price: adult 29 €, child 21 €. Afternoon discounts. For the Aquapark surcharge 14.5 €.

11. Siam Park, Tenerife

Considered one of the best water parks in Europe. The owners, the Kisling family, built a Thai-style park as they lived in Thailand for several years. The park has many water slides of varying difficulty, a palace with artificial waves above three meters, a pool with sharks and stingrays, a playground for the smallest and a lot of greenery for a volcanic island. The water in the pool is desalinated and always warmed up to +24. Even if you don’t know how to swim, you shouldn’t miss this water park – the water level in the pools, where you get from the next slide, is sufficient to stand on your feet. In addition, lifeguards are located on each attraction at its different points. The park can be reached by free buses running along the coast.

Ticket price: adult – 34€, children – 23€. If you take Siam Park + Loro Park: adult – 55 €, children – 36.5 €. If you take a double ticket, then only one and the same person can pass through it, for which a fingerprint is taken in Siam Park. A double ticket can be purchased from the age of 6, because. up to six are admitted to Loro Parque free of charge.

12. Loro Parque, Tenerife

Loro Parque in Tenerife is the second creation of the Kisling family. Initially, Loro Park was conceived as a parrot park and occupied 1.3 hectares in the northern part of the island. But over time, it has grown 10 times, becoming a huge green reserve for more than 4 thousand colorful parrots, as well as a home for the owners of Loro Park and Siam Park, the Kisling family. Their house is located right in the middle of the park, next to the restaurants. Here you can also throw bread into a pond with Japanese carps, look at huge gorillas, go to a fur seal show, visit the Antarctic zone, where penguins live in ice and snow, and an 18-meter tunnel with sharks. However, for 10 years now, not parrots, but ocean killer whales have become the hallmark of the park. Shows with them attract the most attention, and they even changed the logo of the park for them. Killer whales are huge predators with character, so each time the performance is different, but it causes constant delight of the public. Especially when the killer whale swims up to the side and begins to douse the front rows with water with its tail.

Ticket price: adult 33€; children from 6 to 11 years old – 22€.

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Best theme parks in Spain

Best theme parks Spain0147

Spring is the time when the buds open and in Spain everything is in bloom and smells. But the tourist season also begins in spring, and with it the theme parks of the Mediterranean continent open their doors. And we want to note that there are quite a few of them here, there are parks for all ages and for every taste: from the themes of star Hollywood films, exotic cultures, the world of minerals and ending with the animal world, including not the cutest of its representatives. A huge world of rides and adventures for all ages!

Here are a few worth noting.

Port Aventura

Taragon Province

This is the first one of a kind, which was built in Spain , and to date remains the most visible and loving local tourists and the favorite local tourist local residents. Once in Port Aventura, you find yourself in a world of adventure on several continents. Here and the Mediterranean, and Polynesia, and China with Mexico, in a word, there is everything to break away to the fullest, even a playground for the little ones with Sesame Street characters.

This year, the Costa Caribe Water Park will reopen its doors, and you will also have the unique opportunity to attend the Kooza performance of the grandiose Circo del Sol. And don’t forget to plunge into water battles with the new attraction Angkor.


Valencia and Funcheirola (Biopark)

This is a new generation zoos, where their natural habitats are recreated for all animals. AT Spain there are two Bioparcs, one in Valencia, the other in Fungerol. Both of them offer a unique experience by visiting animals in their natural environment, observing their life and habits. The main goal of the Bioparks is the conservation of numerous species of animals. In addition to walking and getting to know the inhabitants, here you can organize educational programs for children, with a global idea of ​​​​preserving wildlife.

Warner Park

Province of Madrid (Parque Warner)

The park is located near Madrid, in the town of Sant Martín de la Vega. And as you may have guessed, this is a world of entertainment created on the idea of ​​​​captivating cartoons from the Warner Bros. industry. 150 hectares of the park are divided into five thematic zones, each of which you will find your exciting entertainment.

New products for the 2014 season include: a new musical Scooby-Doo, in which our heroes will try to solve the mystery of the disappearance of exhibits in the Wax Museum. Funny tunes (Looney Tunes) will help Bucks Bani shoot a new cartoon series. It is also worth mentioning the opening of the Warner Water Park (Parque Warner Beach), specially for which several tons of sand were brought in to give it the look of a real beach.

Magic island

Seville (ISLA Mágica)

One of the pearls Spain – Thematic Park Magic Island, which is located in the city of Seville. The park is a historical site that will plunge us into the era of Columbus. The park was closed early last year to update the rides and overall look of the park. As a result, in addition to attractions, this year we can enjoy a new water area with a real beach, slides, all kinds of pools and a recreation area. The calendar of performances and theatrical productions also includes many new products. So if you or your children are crazy about pirates, Indians, treasures and adventures, then this is the best place for a joint holiday.

Madrid There are 4 ecosystems on 140 hectares – the African Forest, the Temperate Forest, the Arctic Circle Ecosystem and the Jungle. The park has 5000 animals of 500 different species. It is the perfect place to interact with the wildlife and the park offers a number of unique experiences such as: pony rides; feeding crocodiles, or sea lions; communication with pelicans. There are also exhibitions and talks for schoolchildren about the life of capuchins, penguins, manatees, kangaroos and meerkats, lemurs and poisonous animals.

Mythical Earth

Benidorm (Terra Mítica)

If you like the ancient cultures of Greece, Rome, Egypt, then this thematic park of the Spanish Blata Blata is exactly for you . Each of the five zones (Greece, Rome, Egypt, Iberia and the Islands) is modeled and has its own ancient landscape and themed attractions. Among them you will find rollercoasters, the famous Magnus Colossus, and the breathtaking Inferno. To experience the effect of a centrifuge, you can try the SynKope attraction – a carousel that rotates at a speed of 90 km/h at an altitude of 35 meters.

This year, a new area of ​​the Iberian Park was opened in the park, where you can watch the grandiose performance of Nero.

Park Europe

Madrid Province

How to take photos with most attractions of Europe in one day, while being in the same city? Yes Easy! Europa Park is located in the town of Torrejon de Ardoz, which is not far from Madrid. It is in it that 17 sights located throughout Europe are recreated. Here you have the Eiffel Tower, the London Bridge, the Brandenburg Gate, even a lake of 12,000 square meters, on which there is an interactive fountain capable of showing performances with water, light, music and fire at the same time. The park itself covers 233 hectares and is one of the greenest areas in this area. A very interesting place for walking with the whole family, with friends, or just in a good company. On the territory there is also a zone for paintball, laser battles in the labyrinth, and a classic swing.

Territory Dinopolis

Teruel (Territorio Dinópolis)

This is a complex of several institutions, which are united by one idea, namely the anthropologies of the legal period. The complex includes: theme park “Dinopolis”; “Inospitak” – a center where you will be shown how the excavations of ancient remains are carried out; “Legendary” – restoration laboratory; Region “Ambarina” – here they are engaged in analysis and the theoretical part; Forest “Petreo” – reconstruction of the forest of the ancient world; Sea “Nummus” – telling about the marine inhabitants of that time. The whole complex is located in different parts of the city of Teruel, Spain . So if you are an avid fan of dinosaurs and the Jurassic period, then this is the place where you must visit.

Catalonia in miniature

Barcelona Province

This is the largest miniature reconstruction park in Spain , was opened in 1983 and occupies an area of ​​25 hex.

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