Peso infantil: Calculadora del percentil del IMC en niños y adolescentes

Peso infantil: Calculadora del percentil del IMC en niños y adolescentes

Crecimiento infantil

Crecimiento infantil

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    Temas de salud conexos

    Obesidad en niños: MedlinePlus enciclopedia médica

    La obesidad en los niños significa tener un peso que es superior al saludable para la estatura de un niño. La obesidad es una enfermedad grave y crónica. Con el tiempo, puede llevar a otros problemas de salud, incluyendo diabetes, enfermedad cardíaca y algunos cánceres.

    Cuando los niños comen más alimento de lo que su cuerpo necesita para la actividad y el crecimiento normales, las calorías adicionales se almacenan en los adipocitos para su uso posterior. Si este patrón continúa con el tiempo, ellos desarrollan más adipocitos y pueden presentar obesidad.

    Normalmente, los bebés y los niños pequeños responden a las señales de hambre y llenura, de manera que ellos no consumen más calorías de las que su cuerpo necesita. Sin embargo, los cambios en las últimas décadas en el estilo de vida y las opciones de alimentos han provocado el aumento de la obesidad entre los niños.

    Los niños están rodeados de muchas cosas que los llevan fácilmente a comer en exceso y difícilmente a estar activos. Los alimentos que son ricos en contenido de grasa y azúcar a menudo vienen en tamaños de porciones grandes. Estos factores pueden llevar a los niños a ingerir más calorías de las que necesitan antes de que se sientan llenos. Los comerciales de televisión y otros anuncios en pantallas pueden conducir a la elección de alimentos poco saludables. La mayoría de las veces, los alimentos en anuncios dirigidos a los niños son ricos en azúcar, sal o grasas.

    Las actividades que implican “tiempo frente a una pantalla” como ver televisión, juegos, mensajes de texto y jugar en la computadora requieren muy poca energía. A menudo toman el lugar de la actividad física saludable. Además, los niños tienden a anhelar los refrigerios poco saludables que ven en los anuncios de televisión.

    Otros factores en el ambiente del niño también pueden conducir a la obesidad. La familia, los amigos y el entorno escolar ayudan a moldear la dieta y las opciones de ejercicio del niño. El alimento puede utilizarse como una recompensa o para consolar a un niño. Estos hábitos aprendidos pueden conducir a comer en exceso. Muchas personas tienen dificultad para romper estos hábitos más adelante en la vida.

    La genética, las afecciones médicas y los trastornos emocionales también pueden aumentar el riesgo de obesidad para un niño. Los trastornos hormonales o la baja actividad tiroidea y ciertos medicamentos, como los esteroides o los anticonvulsivos, pueden aumentar el apetito de un niño. Con el tiempo, esto incrementa su riesgo de obesidad.

    Un enfoque malsano en el hecho de comer, el peso y la imagen corporal pueden llevar a un trastorno alimentario. La obesidad y los trastornos alimentarios a menudo ocurren al mismo tiempo en niñas adolescentes y mujeres adultas jóvenes que pueden estar descontentas con su imagen corporal.

    El proveedor de atención médica llevará a cabo un examen físico y hará preguntas acerca de la historia clínica, los hábitos alimentarios y la rutina de ejercicios de su hijo.

    Se pueden hacer exámenes de sangre para buscar problemas tiroideos o endocrinos. Estas afecciones podrían llevar al aumento de peso.

    Los expertos en salud infantil recomiendan que a los niños se les hagan exámenes para la obesidad a la edad de 6 años. El índice de masa corporal (IMC) de su hijo se calcula usando la estatura y el peso. Un proveedor usa una fórmula del IMC diseñada para niños en crecimiento con el fin de calcular la grasa corporal de su hijo. La obesidad se define como un IMC (índice de masa corporal) de o por encima del 95to percentil comparado con otros niños y adolescentes de la misma edad y sexo. 


    El primer paso para ayudar a su hijo a lograr un peso saludable es consultar con el proveedor de su hijo. El proveedor puede ayudarle a establecer metas saludables para bajar de peso y ayudar con el monitoreo y apoyo.

    Trate de lograr que toda la familia se una haciendo cambios de comportamiento saludable. Los planes para bajar de peso en los niños se enfocan en hábitos de estilo de vida saludables. Esto es algo bueno para cualquier persona, incluso si adelgazar no es la principal meta.

    Tener el apoyo de los amigos y la familia también puede ayudar a que su hijo baje de peso.


    Comer una dieta balanceada significa que su hijo consume los tipos y cantidades correctas de alimentos y bebidas para mantener su cuerpo saludable.

    • Conozca los tamaños de las porciones para la edad de su hijo, de manera que este obtenga la suficiente nutrición sin comer en exceso.
    • Compre alimentos saludables y manténgalos disponibles para su hijo.
    • Escoja una variedad de alimentos saludables de cada uno de los grupos de alimentos y coma alimentos de cada grupo en cada comida.
    • Aprenda más respecto a comer saludable y salir a comer.
    • Escoger refrigerios y bebidas saludables para sus hijos es importante.
    • Las frutas y las verduras son buenas opciones para los refrigerios saludables. Están llenas de vitaminas y son bajas en calorías y grasa. Algunas galletas y quesos también son buenos refrigerios.
    • Reduzca los refrigerios de comida chatarra como papitas fritas, dulces, pasteles, galletas y helado. La mejor manera de evitar que los niños consuman comida chatarra u otros refrigerios malsanos es no tener estos alimentos en su casa.
    • Evite las gaseosas, las bebidas para deportistas y las aguas saborizadas, sobre todo las que vienen preparadas con azúcar o jarabe de maíz. Estas bebidas son ricas en calorías y pueden llevar al aumento de peso. De ser necesario, escoja bebidas con edulcorantes artificiales (sintéticos).

    Cerciórese de que los niños tengan la oportunidad de involucrarse en actividad física sana todos los días.

    • Los expertos recomiendan que los niños hagan 60 minutos de actividad moderada todos los días. Actividad moderada significa que usted respira más profundamente que al estar en reposo y que su corazón palpita más rápido de lo normal. 
    • Si su hijo no es un atleta, encuentre maneras de motivarlo a ser más activo.
    • Estimule a los niños a jugar, correr, montar en bicicleta y practicar deportes durante su tiempo libre.
    • Los niños no deben ver más de dos horas de televisión al día.


    Hable con su proveedor antes de darle al niño suplementos o fitoterapia para bajar de peso. Muchas afirmaciones hechas por estos productos no son ciertas y algunos suplementos pueden tener efectos secundarios graves.

    Los medicamentos para bajar de peso no se recomiendan para los niños.

    La cirugía bariátrica se está realizando actualmente en algunos niños, pero solo después de que completan su crecimiento.

    Un niño que tenga sobrepeso u obesidad es más propenso a tener sobrepeso u obesidad como adulto. Los niños con obesidad ahora están desarrollando problemas de salud que solían verse solo en los adultos. Cuando estos problemas empiezan en la niñez, se vuelven con frecuencia más graves cuando el niño se convierte en un adulto.

    Los niños con obesidad están en riesgo de presentar estos problemas de salud:

    • Glucosa (azúcar) alta en la sangre o diabetes.
    • Presión arterial alta (hipertensión).
    • Colesterol y triglicéridos elevados en la sangre (dislipidemia o grasas elevadas en la sangre).
    • Ataques cardíacos debido a cardiopatía coronaria, insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva y accidente cerebrovascular posteriormente en la vida.
    • Problemas óseos y articulares: más peso ejerce presión en los huesos y las articulaciones. Esto puede llevar a osteoartritis, una enfermedad que causa dolor y rigidez articular.
    • Detención de la respiración durante el sueño (apnea del sueño). Esto puede causar fatiga diurna o somnolencia, atención deficiente y problemas en el trabajo.

    Las niñas con obesidad son más propensas a no tener períodos menstruales regulares.

    Los niños con obesidad con frecuencia tienen baja autoestima. Ellos son más propensos a ser fastidiados o intimidados, y pueden tener dificultad para hacer amigos.

    Obesidad – niños

    • Tabla de estatura y peso
    • Obesidad infantil

    Cowley MA, Brown WA, Considine RV. Obesity: the problem and its management. In: Jameson JL, De Groot LJ, de Kretser DM, et al, eds. Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:chap 26.

    Daniels SR, Hassink SG; Committee on Nutrition. The role of the pediatrician in primary prevention of obesity. Pediatrics. 2015;136(1):e275-e292. PMID: 26122812

    Gahagan S. Overweight and obesity. In: Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 60.

    US Preventive Services Task Force, Grossman DC, et al. Screening for obesity in children and adolescents: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. JAMA. 2017;317(23):2417-2426. PMID: 28632874

    Versión en inglés revisada por: Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team. Editorial update 05/23/2022.

    Traducción y localización realizada por: DrTango, Inc.

    How social infantilism manifests itself and what does learned helplessness have to do with it – Psychologist’s column – Rusfond


    Psychologist’s column

    I just want to start this article with the introduction: “A long time ago, garbage wars raged in a galaxy far, far away. ” Alas, disputes over what to do with garbage erupted in our high-rise building. There used to be a garbage chute – with all the consequences in the form of stench, dirt, rats and cockroaches. Then the hatches were welded up, the container was placed in front of the house.

    Neighboring citizens passing by quickly found that our container was very conveniently on the way to the bus stop. The result – the container was chronically full, the garbage fell out and flew around the district. In the end, after the fierce resistance of some of the residents, it was possible to put this container on a separate site a hundred meters from the house. For several years, the battles stopped. And a few days ago, we suddenly found a container materializing out of nowhere in front of the entrance. Someone decided to take care of our well-being.

    Residents gathered to discuss what to do with the container. And the usual considerations sounded: it is necessary to write complaints to the top, they will sort it out there. You can’t do anything on your own. Once set, then it is necessary. If they don’t understand at the top, you need to write even higher. Up to the president. But on your own, you can’t. And if they don’t do anything at the very top, then nothing will help.

    Adult capable people, faced with social problems of such an insignificant scale, found the only solution – to complain and hope that the big uncles will solve it. Someone else has to clean up the garbage, paint, repair, take care of the local area. This is similar to the behavior of children waiting for adults to solve their problems, the main thing is to constantly, tediously and for a long time cry. Remember this endless “ma-a-a-ama … ma-a-a-ama …”? It turns out a kind of infantilism at the level of groups.

    You can’t do anything on your own. Once set, then it is necessary. If they don’t understand at the top, you need to write even higher. Up to the President

    In fact, infantilism in all its manifestations is the predominance of childhood and adolescent traits in the behavior of adults. This is egocentrism, lack of future prospects, orientation towards entertainment, low level of self-service, and so on. For example, I know men who prefer to starve, waiting for the return of the “mother” (that is, the wife) from work, than to cook something themselves. The main feature of infantile behavior is the lack of self-regulation and the ability to satisfy needs on their own. As a result, there is a dependence on who is responsible for everything, and a fear of coming into conflict with someone who has such great power.

    At the social level, infantilism manifests itself in paternalism – such relations in which the elders (those in power) take care of the younger ones, in return demanding obedience from them, that is, convenience for themselves. If such relationships last for a long time, then the so-called authoritarian personalities can form, described by Theodor Adorno based on the material of studies of the inhabitants of Nazi Germany. These are people who readily accept the dictates of strong leaders and rules in social relations, suppressing any manifestations of “disobedience” (that is, going beyond generally accepted norms). In such a system of relations, demands can only descend from top to bottom, and only requests from bottom to top. An ideal kindergarten where all children are obedient – either out of fear or out of a sincere belief that adults know best.

    In such societies, many people who are not ready to accept paternalism are characterized by learned helplessness syndrome, first described by the American psychologist Martin Seligman. The essence of this syndrome is the refusal of a living being (a person or a social animal) from attempts to influence his fate in the event of repeated failure of these attempts. If, no matter what you do, efforts lead to nothing, if you don’t see a way out, a feeling of complete powerlessness is formed and there comes a refusal to take active actions, passivity in front of external influences. A person simply ceases to believe that he is able to somehow influence the world around him. He dutifully endures the blows of fate / power / other people, at best hoping for mercy, and at worst – through indifference, falling into depression.

    Learned helplessness syndrome is one of the main causes of passive-infantile social behavior of people. To overcome this syndrome – both on a personal level and on a social level – it is important to gain a feeling that you can at least influence something. This feeling is born from very small actions and steps, which, if they are not discounted (which those who are not interested in growing up are very fond of doing), serve as stepping stones to more serious actions. For example, instead of waiting long and hard for the playground in the yard to be put in order, a person takes it and cleans it up alone. And if he himself cannot take part in active actions, he simply supports those who are ready not to wait for mercy. So many do, making donations to various charitable foundations. From the feeling of involvement in a good cause, self-respect is born, and self-respect is the foundation for the maturation of both the individual and society.

    Illustration by Rodion Kitaev

    [Personal experience] Why IT engineers go to Mexico and then work for the USA / Sudo Null IT News

    There are many different rumors about Mexico. Some say that the country is terribly poor, all the inhabitants are in cartels, and going out into the streets is just scary. Others say that it is a modern developed country, the IT industry of which is growing at an unprecedented pace.

    To find out where the truth is, we talked with Daria. She and her husband have been living in Mexico for 3.5 years, and gave birth to a child here. But she worked not for Mexico, but for the USA, and her husband also works in an American company. She will tell you why a Mexican IT specialist has nothing to do, but living here is very interesting and comfortable.

    How is IT in Mexico

    Dozens of companies have been opened in Mexico in recent years: both local and foreign branches. Proximity to the United States plays into the hands of the country – many companies open offices to save on rent, wages and taxes, and then work for America.

    There are quite a lot of IT engineers in Mexico. Local universities graduate good specialists, although for my taste they do not reach the level of American, European or even Russian ones. But they cope with most tasks, especially when they gain experience.

    But there are two serious problems in Mexico that prevent foreign IT engineers from entering the local market.

    Low salaries. The Mexicans themselves are more or less satisfied with the salaries, and they can live freely here. But if you are looking for a job with a relocation, it is better to immediately target Europe or the USA – in Mexico, they will pay much less for similar work. Actually, this is why Mexican companies rarely look for foreigners – there are enough local engineers who are ready to work for a lower salary.

    On average, a Mexican developer earns $2,000 a month, which is far from being paid to juniors. This is less than 150,000 ₽.

    Prices here, of course, are also low (everything is in pesos). But not much lower than Russian

    Language barrier. In Mexico everyone speaks Mexican Spanish, even IT engineers. English is taught poorly in schools and universities; it is not customary to teach it on purpose. It will not work like in Europe – to come to Germany and communicate with colleagues in English without knowing German. English is taught only by developers who plan to work in the USA. And in any local company, without knowledge of Spanish, nowhere.

    So going to Mexico to work here is not the best idea. But IT specialists do not come here for this.

    Why should an IT engineer move to Mexico

    The main reason why thousands of people from all over the world come to Mexico, including developers. From here it is easy to find a job in the USA.

    Americans often throw their vacancies on the Mexican market and offer to work for them remotely. There are two reasons for this:

    • You can pay less. In Mexico, the developer receives $2,000, in the United States of the same level, $8,000. As a result, Americans pay something in between, for example, $4,000. They save, and in Mexico itself, you can live like a king on this money 🙂
    • Geographical proximity. Approximately the same time zone, plus the employee will be able to come for business trips. You can’t ride like that from Europe or Russia.

    But why not go straight to the USA?

    Inexpensive life. Everything is expensive in the USA. It is not always comfortable to live even on a developer’s salary – you will have to pay a lot for rent, products and personal services. Mexico is much cheaper. It is not a problem to rent a spacious apartment with all the furnishings in a good area for $700-1000. We spend just over $125 a week on groceries for three, and this is in the state of Quintana Roo, where the prices are quite high. With entertainment and services, the story is the same.

    Easy to move and live here. Mexico is one of the most loyal countries in terms of immigration legislation. Russians can enter for six months with a tourist permit, which is easy to get online. Then you can register foreign income – just confirm that you receive $ 2,000 a month outside of Mexico, and they will give you a residence permit. You can also formally get a job in some company – pay them and pretend that you work there. The scheme is illegal, but many use it, and so far this loophole exists.

    But we didn’t have to do that. We had a child here, and by the fact of birth he immediately received Mexican citizenship. And we received a permanent residence permit, like his relatives. It turns out that they “moved” to a child – this is more interesting than to a husband 🙂

    What’s with life and security

    I already talked about life in Mexico in the thread on Abroad. Briefly reiterate what I like best here:

    Lots of opportunities for freediving – snorkeling without scuba gear. This is our main hobby, and Mexico is perfect for it – there are many cenotes, underwater caves with the purest water. One of the main reasons why we decided to stay here 🙂

    Not as dangerous as people think. Crime in the country is high, but among the locals. They try not to get involved with “white people” – they bring money into the country, and any crimes against them are always severely punished and cause great resonance. There are areas where you shouldn’t go, it’s also better not to walk alone at night, but I won’t say that I feel less protected here than in Russia.

    As a proof of safety – very often retirees from the United States move here, buy houses by the sea and live luxuriously on an American pension. Even if they are satisfied with security, we certainly have nothing to fear.

    The only unpleasant moment is that for the safety of the child, it is better not to let him go anywhere alone. It’s depressing, but we’re used to it.

    Large immigrant community. There are a lot of digital nomads in Mexico – digital nomads who come here to work remotely.

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