Peso niño 7 meses: Cómo es mi bebé con siete meses

Peso niño 7 meses: Cómo es mi bebé con siete meses

Cómo es mi bebé con siete meses


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Cómo es mi bebé con siete meses









Este mes que comienza es todo un reto para la familia.

Tu bebé va a experimentar nuevos cambios que influirán en su desarrollo físico, social y cognitivo y seguramente necesitarás un poco de paciencia y ayuda.

¡Para eso estamos aquí!

Pero te recordamos que cada niño lleva su ritmo en cuanto a desarrollo, así que no te preocupes, si tu bebé en esta etapa no hace todo lo que describimos.

Disfrútalo, porque la maternidad o paternidad pasa volando. 

Los 7 meses

Tu bebé se hace independiente a pasos agigantados. Pronto comenzará a gatear o a sentarse sin ayuda, así que es el momento de revisar la casa, especialmente el suelo y comprobar que todo esté preparado para las caídas inevitables que se avecinan. Nuestra manta acolchada, que se recoge en cualquier sitio, es una gran solución, para que él esté cómodo, y vosotros tranquilos.

Mientras tanto, viviréis algunos cambios emocionales importantes.

Este mes es el momento de nuevos cambios: es probable que le empiecen a salir los dientes de leche con las consabidas molestias (para él y para ti). Tu peque se sentirá incómodo, llorará e incluso puede que esté un poquito febril.

Para aliviar su llanto, y mejorar tu sueño tenemos unas cuantas propuestas.

También es el momento de pasar de dormir en vuestra habitación a su propio cuarto o quizá hayas decidido optar por el co-lecho. Cualquiera de estas soluciones es perfectamente válida, si a ambos os hace sentir bien. Una pequeña luz o sonidos, pueden ayudar a este momento del sueño.

Otros cambios durante este mes son el cambio de bañera pequeña a la grande o pasar a comer sentado en una trona segura. Puede que el cambio a la bañera de los mayores, nos cueste un poco, para ello convertir la bañera en un lugar de juego es imprescindible. 

Incluso hay cambios en la comida ya que puedes comenzar a añadir cereales, frutas, verduras, hortalizas y algunos tipos de carne muy suave en el puré.

¡Ánimo mamá y papá!

Desarrollo físico y motriz


A partir de ahora el aumento de peso será más lento. Durante el séptimo mes los bebés pesan una media de 760 gr si son niños y 740 gr si son niñas.

En cuanto a la talla, pude oscilar entre los 63 cm y los 70 cm.


Su desarrollo físico es imparable. Tu peque ya comienza a moverse rodando o reptando: son los pasos previos al gateo. 

Le gusta impulsarse hacia delante o hacia atrás, de ese modo aprende a tener un mayor dominio de las nuevas capacidades. También le encanta intentar estar de pie cuando lo sujetas.

No dudes en apoyarlo en cada una de sus incursiones y estimularlo. Además de pasar un rato feliz, le estarás ayudando en su desarrollo.

A partir de los 7 meses los niños comienzan a gatear pero a veces algunos tardan más, aprenden a caminar directamente o lo hacen más tarde. Así que, como siempre os decimos, no hay reglas fijas, solo pasos orientativos. Lo importante es que disfrutéis mucho de esta etapa (tan cansada a veces), pero que pasa muy rápido.

Lo que le entusiasma es tirar todo aquello que le pongas a mano. Es importante que tenga juguetes que le permitan ejercitar todos los músculos con sus manitas.

Además, a partir de este mes comenzaran a hacer sus primeros intentos por sujetar los objetos con los dedos tipo pinza. ¡Será su nuevo reto!


Desarrollo social y emocional


Tu hijo continúa evolucionando, practicando la entonación de las frases y balbuceando.

Por otro lado, es capaz de entender órdenes muy sencillas como “coge” o “ven”. Si al decir “ven” lo acompañas del gesto con la mano reforzarás la idea que quieres transmitir.


Durante este mes y los siguientes tu peque está más susceptible a las ausencias y es más desconfiado con los extraños.

En este momento surge la llamada “angustia de separación”. El bebé comienza a llorar cuando ve que su mamá se aleja o que no está y quizá aparezcan problemas de sueño y se despierte a media noche llorando. 

Es momento de armarse de mucha paciencia. (y café si es necesario)


La rabia, la frustración y la impotencia son emociones que ha aprendido a expresar cuando algo se interpone en sus deseos.

La buena noticia es que si sabe expresarlo es síntoma de madurez emocional. Lo difícil para los padres es mantener su postura.

En este séptimo mes el bebé tiene claro el significado de NO. Es importante tener claro qué es lo que sí queremos permitirle y lo que no, hablarle con firmeza y en un tono de voz distinto.

En cualquier caso, ante el NO llorará, protestará y gritará. Seguramente esto creará situaciones tensas para vosotros, especialmente cuando os separéis de él.

Tampoco le hace mucha gracia que lo dejéis solo demasiado tiempo en la cuna o el parque infantil. Es su forma de reafirmar su personalidad y sus deseos.

En la misma línea, el bebé ha descubierto que si llora sus papás le atienden así que es probable que quiera medir hasta donde llega su influencia a través de llantos simulados.

Si ha comido, tiene el pañal limpio y continua llorando, eso sí, sin una sola lágrima y con grititos, probablemente está simulando el llanto.

Te deseamos muchísimo ánimo con esto, y sobretodo hagas lo que hagas, lo estás haciendo bien. Es importante que papá y mamá estén felices y tranquilos, para que vuestro bebé también lo esté. Si quieres cogerlo, hazlo, y si quieres dejarle llorar un poquito, también es válido. No hay reglas escritas.

Quien hace todo lo que puede y lo hace con amor… No está obligado a más.

¡Este es uno de los grandes retos del mes!

Desarrollo cognitivo


Durante este mes aprenderá la relación causa – efecto que será muy útil para aplacar sus sentimientos de angustia. Como ves, su desarrollo emocional y cognitivo va muy unido durante el primer año de su vida.

Tirar objetos es algo que le encantará no solo por ser capaz de soltar cosas y ver como suenan sino por algo más importante: identifica la relación causa-efecto. Te vas a cansar de recoger cosas del suelo, pero te recordamos, que forma parte de su desarrollo en esta etapa, y que también se está comunicando contigo. Es hora de que esas horas de pilates y espalda sana hagan efecto.

E incluso puede ir más allá: este descubrimiento le ayuda a comprender que aunque él no esté viendo las cosas, éstas siguen existiendo y vuelven a aparecer si vuelven a entrar en su campo de visión. Así que venga, a jugar al cú-cú tras-tras sin parar. ¡Cómo un juego tan sencillo, forma parte del desarrollo de tu hijo! Y es que jugar es el lenguaje favorito de un niño desde que nace hasta los 6 años.

Asimismo, tu bebé mostrará su decisión a la hora de pedirte juguetes que no puede alcanzar. Y continúa explorando todas las posibilidades que le ofrecen los objetos que se encuentran a su paso.


¡Juega con él!

Imaginarium. ¡Juguemos por un mundo mejor!





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Bebé de 7 meses.

Cuando debe pesar y comer mi bebé

Gloria Exclusivas


Después de la felicidad que genera haber cumplido ya seis meses, introducir una nueva tabla de alimentos y ver como tu peque sigue creciendo mientras no para de darte alegrías y momentos inolvidables, ¿Sabes qué es lo que viene después? Exacto, se acerca el momento de encarar la recta que os conducirá a cumplir un añito. ¡Cómo pasa el tiempo! Hace meses estabais preocupados por sus cuidados más elementales y cómo conseguir ofrecerle el mejor de los tratos, y ahora mírate, toda una mamá/papá, expertos en bebés. Hoy vas a conocer todos los consejos necesarios para afrontar su séptimo mes, para que no se te escape nada y podáis disfrutarlo como siempre.

¿Cuánto ha de pesar un bebe de 7 meses?

El séptimo mes es un mes de cambios, un mes de movimientos y reacciones mucho más desarrolladas que antes. Seguro que te sorprende ver como tu peque empieza a tratar de desplazarse, bien sea haciendo amagos de gatear, arrastrarse con la panza abajo o incluso sosteniéndose de manos y pies, lo cierto es que no hay una regla fija. Incluso podría demorarse esta fase unos meses, pero no te preocupes en absoluto, cada bebé necesita su tiempo.

Su peso varía en función de su desarrollo y constitución, pero para que te hagas una idea, los chicos rondarán los 8,5 Kg, mientras que las princesas de la casa alcanzarán los 8 Kg. Sin embargo, debes recordar que estas cifras son orientativas y, salvo indicación contraria del pediatra, no debes ceñirte a ellas ni preocuparte si tu bebé no llega o sobrepasa dichas cifras.

¿Cuánto come un bebé de 7 meses?

Seguimos con el plan establecido del pasado mes, las frutas y cereales siguen siendo una recomendación excelente para incluir en su alimentación. Ahora bien, si todavía no lo has hecho, ahora es el momento de dar el paso y comenzar a enseñarle que hay vida más allá de la leche, que hay alimentos, con sabores y texturas, completamente nutritivos, sanos y riquísimos que no debe perderse.

La cuchara puede convertirse en un enemigo temporal, ya lo viste en las películas y ya sabes lo que dicen: la realidad siempre supera la ficción. No te apures ni pongas nerviosa si ves que le cuesta comer de cuchara, no renuncies a las papillas ni tampoco al resto de frutas que decidiste incluir en su menú. Poco a poco verás como las va aceptando y su paladar comienza a degustarlas de tal forma que no les provoque rechazo alguno.

Consejos para cuidar de tu bebé de 7 meses

Ya lo puedes ver con tus propios ojos, la movilidad empieza a ser un factor para tener en cuenta, ya que ahora pretenden desplazarse por su cuenta, tienen más fuerza y los movimientos de las extremidades son mucho más precisos y sincronizados. Debes prestar mucha atención a este punto y extremar las precauciones para evitar despistes y caídas.



Por otra parte, si observas que la salivación aumenta y sus encías comienzan a inflamarse, es porque comienzan a hacer acto de presencia sus primeros dientes.

Normalmente aparecen primero los incisivos inferiores, y querrán morderlo todo para proporcionarse un auto masaje en las encías, algo normal. No te apures si todavía no le salen los dientes, ya que muchos bebés lo hacen entre el sexto y el octavo mes. Comprarle un mordedor específico no sería una mala idea.

Five unpleasant surprises that await emigrants in different countries

Moving to another country is always accompanied by various, not always joyful discoveries. Even if you have repeatedly visited a particular country as a tourist and it seems to you that you have figured everything out, with a longer stay it may turn out that you could not even imagine some things. For example, when trying to open a bank account or use a card, difficulties may arise where they were not expected at all. Here are some of those surprises

Israel: card restrictions

Israel is now experiencing another wave of repatriates from Russia, and for many of them it comes as an unpleasant surprise that even if they have enough money in their local bank account (and transfer them there from Russia – an extremely complicated procedure now due to the strict compliance of Israeli banks), they cannot use them the way they would like. In Israel, the main payment instrument is a credit card, debit cards are not very popular and are not suitable for all transactions: for example, they cannot pay online. Any Israeli bank credit card has a limit on the amount you can spend per month. Regardless of how much money you have in your account, you can only spend the amount within this limit.

In the case of new relocators, the limit is set by the bank (perhaps it is believed that if you do not yet have a stable job in Israel, you should not be allowed to spend money uncontrollably). According to the experience of those who have recently moved, it is usually 2000-3000 shekels ($600-900). You can’t go beyond this limit, and for those who have recently moved, this can be a problem: they need to rent a house, furnish it with furniture – all this requires expenses. In rare cases, you can convince bank employees to increase the limit, but you will have to justify why the bank should trust that you are a reliable and responsible person. For example, show proof of education or proof of regular legal income.

Argentina: accounts for foreigners

Argentina, which is on the verge of default for the tenth time in its history, despite this, remains quite an attractive destination for Russians to move to. The main reason is the relative ease of this process: Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Argentina, they can stay in the country for up to 90 days, and getting a residence permit and an Argentine passport is very simple – you can apply for citizenship after two years of living in the country. Yes, inflation is raging here, which forces local residents to master cryptocurrency investments at a fast pace, but if a person plans to work remotely and earn in a more stable currency, this may not seem like such a critical drawback, especially against the backdrop of low domestic prices for everything – from rental housing before meals.

However, this is where an unpleasant surprise awaits. The fact is that foreigners can open an account in Argentina only in local currency. At the same time, the amount of transactions on the account per month should not exceed 50,000 Argentine pesos ($404 at the current exchange rate), and you cannot store more than 312,500 pesos ($2,526) on your account.

You can also withdraw from foreign bank cards only in pesos – of course, at the official rate, which the locals call extortionate. Foreign exchange controls prohibit buying more than $200 a month, buying dollars at the official rate is almost impossible, and the price of a dollar on the black market is almost twice as high as the official one. In addition to cryptocurrencies, foreigners in Argentina still have a way out in the form of trips abroad, where they can withdraw currency from ATMs and then bring it in in cash. The amount over $10,000, as well as when importing into Russia, will need to be declared.

Related material

Turkey: blocking phones

Turkey, where accounts for Russians are opened without any particular problems (including in foreign currency), has prepared a different kind of problem for the Russians who have moved there. According to the laws of Turkey, a phone purchased outside its borders is blocked after 120 days in the country. At the same time, it is the gadget that stops working through a unique IMEI number – replacing the SIM card will not help. To avoid this, the gadget must be registered – now it costs 2,732 Turkish lira ($157). For such registration, a residence permit is required.

Blocking occurs if a Turkish SIM card is inserted into a phone purchased outside of Turkey. Therefore, in order to avoid the hassle of registering, some prefer to buy a local phone and put a Turkish SIM card there. At the same time, you can distribute WiFi to your foreign phone and use it only in this capacity.

Related material

Thailand: real estate

In mid-June, it became known that the Russians became the most active buyers of apartments on the island of Phuket, ahead of the Chinese who had been leading so far. Thailand has long been popular with Russians, who not only travel there as tourists, but also invest in buying real estate. However, it is important to understand that, unlike some other countries, in Thailand the purchase of real estate is not a reason for obtaining a residence permit or citizenship. With a document of ownership, it may be easier to open a bank account or get a visa – but that’s about it.

More recently, a special program for foreigners has appeared – Thailand Elite Flexible One Program. As part of this program, which is almost revolutionary for Thailand in terms of the degree of liberalization, foreign citizens can, having bought real estate worth at least 10 million Thai baht ($283,000), apply for a long-term – for 10 years – multivisa. Buying cheaper real estate by and large does not give any privileges at all in order to stay in the country long enough, property owners need to take care of obtaining other available visas – for example, student or pension. In addition, foreigners in Thailand cannot own land, including the one on which the purchased villa is located – it can only be rented.

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USA: credit rating

When moving to the United States, many Russians, accustomed to living within their means and spending only the money they have, are faced with the fact that here they have to completely reconsider their positions and learn to live on credit. The fact is that in the United States, when renting a house or a car, the reliability of you as a payer is assessed primarily by how successfully you paid off loans in the past. To do this, these loans must be. A person who has recently moved to the United States thus has a problem – it is difficult for him to rent or buy a home with a mortgage, because he does not yet have a credit history.

Experienced emigrants therefore recommend that immediately after the move, start purposefully working on creating a credit history – that is, get a credit card and try to use it actively. At the same time, it is important not to go beyond the limits, pay off all loans on time, and spend a lot of money from a credit card, but not too much. In general, for a person who has so far used mainly a debit card, this may require serious intellectual efforts, which, in any move, already have to be used to the maximum.

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Philippines: independent travel

This is one of the most fabulous places on Earth! We talk about our experience of independent travel to the Philippines: transport, food, prices, beaches, cheap accommodation and tips. Read, get inspired and boldly go on a trip in 2022!

Exchange rate: 1 Philippine peso (PHP) ≈ 1.5 RUB.

The Philippines accepts tourists from the Russian Federation, but only vaccinated with a vaccine approved by WHO. For convenience, we provide pre-pandemic prices for flights and tours. Information about visas and flights may not be up to date now, check on official resources. See the list of open countries.

How to get around the Philippines on your own

The Philippines is an island state, so there is a wide choice of transport – from the usual buses to exotic tricycles and jeepneys. Moving between the islands is quite convenient – you can almost always get where you need to, by water, air or land.

Water transport

There is no lack of water transport in the Philippines: the islands are connected by ferries, boats, sailboats and boats. There are both large ferry companies with trustworthy ferries (OceanJet) and small ones (as a rule, their ferries are not in the best condition). In addition, there are hydrofoils and small motor boats that can travel short distances. The ticket price depends on the company and the distance. For example, the ticket price for the Cebu-Tagbilaran ferry from OceanJet costs about 400 pesos. Do not forget about the port tax – from 5 to 25 pesos.

(photo © mayrpamintuan / flickr. com)

Land transport

Land transport is even more diverse than water transport. You can travel by more familiar buses, taxis, trains (around Luzon), or take a chance and use the more exotic, typical Philippine transport – tricycles (tricycles) and jeepneys.

Tricycles, or tricycles, are a motorcycle or moped with a passenger booth attached to it. This method is extremely common, especially in large cities, and it is very cheap – from 7 pesos per kilometer (depending on the city and distance).

Jeepney is one of the most popular ways to get around. This is a mixture of an American jeep and a minibus without windows and doors. As a rule, drivers paste all sorts of colorful stickers on their jeepneys. Of course, it is worth a ride on such a colorful and unusual form of transport! Jeepneys can be stopped on the road and jumped on the rear footboard, or even ride on the roof. The fare is about 8 pesos.

Filipinos also travel on motorcycles , sometimes in groups of 5-7 people – I think not every tourist dares to do this. Extreme, to say the least.

Buses are mainly used for communication between cities, but can also take you to another island (by ferry). There are both comfortable and not very comfortable. In addition, there are a variety of minibuses – a la our minibuses. Trains also run around the island of Luzon, which connect the capital with the northern and southern cities of the island.

If you are used to driving in comfort, you can always catch taxi , besides, they are quite inexpensive here. Or you can rent a car.

(photo © Bangkokcalling /

Air transport

You can easily travel around the Philippines on your own by plane – there are a huge number of airports on the islands. The two largest airports are located in Manila and Cebu. They are used for both domestic and international flights. Philippine Airlines, Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways, Cebu Pacific, low-cost airline Air Asia and others fly here.

Domestic flights operate daily from Manila. Popular airlines: Zest Air (Air Asia), Philippine Airlines, AirphilExpress, Cebu Pacific Air, SEAIR.

Please note that in some cases you will have to pay a fee (fee) upon departure, and sometimes it is included in the ticket price. Check this information with your airline representatives. For example, when we flew out of Tagbilaran, we had to pay 100 pesos.

Visa to the Philippines

Read about how to get a visa to the Philippines for Russians and how to extend it: a detailed article-instruction that will be useful both for those who are just about to visit the islands and for travelers who already live there.

High season, rainy and typhoon season in the Philippines

Season in the Philippines starts from December – you don’t want to witness the tropical downpours and typhoons that happen here from May to November and wait out the bad weather at the hotel. The sea in the season is amazingly transparent and indescribably beautiful color! In such crystal clear water, you can only go snorkeling and diving.

Typhoons peak in August, but there is a risk of typhoons even in the high season – for example, we caught Typhoon Melor in mid-December 2015, hitting Luzon. Fortunately, we were at that time on Bantayan Island at a distance of 300 km from the typhoon, and the only thing we saw was clouds and some rain.

Remember that the most “risky” island is Luzon – more precisely, its northern part, falling into the so-called typhoon zone. But the further south the island is, the less likely it is to catch bad weather.

What to see in the Philippines on your own

If you have planned an independent trip to the Philippines, you should get used to the idea that you will not be able to see all the islands – there are more than seven thousand of them. The most popular islands visited by travelers are Boracay, Cebu, Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan, Negros, Bohol.

Before you go to the Philippines, you need to decide what you are going there for: enjoy the sun and sea on the beach, explore the islands, explore the underwater world or go sightseeing.

Don’t forget to take out insurance, especially if you are going to rent a bike or go in for active sports.

Where to relax in the Philippines >>


The island of Boracay is the most popular among tourists. This small island, which can be easily explored on foot, is ideal for a beach holiday. Anyone will like it here: there are secluded places, nightclubs, and the opportunity to play sports (windsurfers and kitesurfers are concentrated on Bulabog Beach). The most famous beach is White Beach. The island has a mangrove forest (Bakhawan eco-park).

(photo © Just One Way Ticket /


Many people think that it is from this island that you should start exploring the Philippines on your own. Often the capital of the state – Manila – is undeservedly left without attention. But in vain – it is worth at least two days to devote to her and the island. In Manila, first of all, you need to explore the historical quarter of Intramuros, built by the Spanish colonialists, and the business district of Makati. And Luzon is known for the amazing mountain resort of Baguio and natural attractions – Banahoa, Taal and Mayon volcanoes, rice terraces, Magdaleo waterfall and Sagada caves.

(photo © tacit requiem (joanneQEscober ) /


There are numerous hotels, including respectable ones, on the island of Cebu and the satellite islands. The island is the second largest and oldest, there are many historical sights and architectural monuments: the Minore del Santo Nino Basilica, the Last Sapper Chapel, the Church of St. Augustine, Fort San Pedro, the monument to Magellan and much more. There is a wonderful Bantayan Island near Cebu – perfect for a measured life and a secluded vacation (it was there that we mainly rested).


Ecotourism lovers will definitely enjoy Palawan. Uninhabited islands and virgin nature, Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park and El Nido – all this can turn anyone’s head.

(photo © Just One Way Ticket /


Bohol is worth a trip for the famous Chocolate Hills and tarsiers, picturesque waterfalls, caves and nature reserve. Bohol is surrounded by 70 small islands that are also interesting to explore. It and the satellite islands are great for diving.

This, of course, does not end with interesting islands – we have listed only the most famous ones. On almost every island you can find something to your liking. Independent travelers in the Philippines will definitely not be bored!

(photo © An diabhal glas /

Daily Bread: Food in the Philippines

When you travel solo in the Philippines, pay special attention to local cuisine. It differs slightly in different areas of the Philippines. The main ingredient is, of course, rice, as Filipino cuisine is typically Asian cuisine. Filipinos love to add seafood, tropical fruits, coconut milk and shavings, various spices to dishes (although, compared to neighboring Vietnam, Filipino cuisine spares the European stomach). In addition to rice, noodles and vegetables are common on the islands as a side dish.

Things to try on a solo trip to the Philippines:

  • Lechon – spit-roasted suckling pig;
  • Siniganga – broth with shellfish or shrimp, flavored with fruit;
  • Carabao – cowhide;
  • Kare-kare — oxtail soup and more.

(photo © Roberto Verzo /

As for desserts , then they are mainly made from local tropical fruits or from rice and coconut: cakes, pastries, ice cream, jams. We recommend halo-halo (sunshine), durian candy , rice cakes .

Alcohol : Try Philippine rum, beer and palm wine.

When traveling in the Philippines on your own, stick to the well-known rule: eat where the locals eat. This way you will get acquainted with all the traditional dishes of the local cuisine, besides, in unpretentious-looking establishments for locals usually the most delicious dishes (and prices). If you are tired of exotic dishes, on the islands you can easily find cafes and restaurants offering European cuisine.

Prices for food in inexpensive cafes:

  • rice – 10 pesos;
  • grilled pork (3 skewers) – 20 pesos;
  • grilled chicken leg – 45-50 pesos;
  • plate of vegetables – 20 pesos;
  • seafood – 40-50 per plate;
  • rice with pork and egg – from 45 pesos;
  • instant coffee or tea – 15 pesos;
  • a small portion of soup – from 35 pesos;
  • grilled squid – 85 pesos.

Read more in the article about prices in the Philippines.

Accommodation: guesthouse or hotel?

Those who travel to the Philippines on their own do not need to worry about accommodation – here you will find it in the required amount. Hotels, apartments, bungalows, houses, villas – the choice is impressive! We advise you to look for hotels on the Rumguru service, but for private accommodation (villas, apartments, etc.) – on Airbnb. Thrifty travelers are advised to book accommodation a little further from the sea – it will cost much less.

Please note that in Manila there are practically no hotels cheaper than $11. We lived at the Wanderers Guest House in the Malate area, a very small and stuffy room without a window with a fan costs 800 pesos for two – we do not recommend it very much. Spartan conditions, bathroom on the floor. Then we walked around the streets and found a wonderful guesthouse Chill Out – very cozy and homely (address: 612 Remedios Street). There is a spacious room with a fan, private bathroom and a window costs 1200 pesos. You can drink tea and coffee for free.

We also stayed in two hotels in Cebu (both with cockroaches). The first is Cebu Elicon House for 1050 pesos, has a bathroom and air conditioning, but Wi-Fi is only in the lobby. Address: P. Del Rosario Cebu City.

Second – McSherry Pension House, very cheap – 600 pesos for an air-conditioned room with a bath and a table. The room is shabby, with insects, but you can spend the night. Wi-Fi is good only on the first floor. Address: at the intersection of Pelaez and Sanciangko, there will be a sign.

(photo © Just One Way Ticket /

Withdrawing money in the Philippines

Before the trip, we collected information about which ATMs in the Philippines can withdraw money without commission. It turned out that all ATMs take a commission of 200 pesos, except for Citibank (however, only for bank customers; the limit is 15 thousand pesos). The maximum amount that ATMs dispense is generally 10,000 pesos at a time. According to reviews, you can withdraw 20 thousand pesos at BPI (checked, they were withdrawn at Cebu airport), at BDO you can withdraw cash in dollars, and HSBC can issue up to 40 thousand pesos (we did not come across this ATM, and could not verify the information).

Communications and mobile internet in the Philippines

The most popular operators are Globe and Smart. Smart SIM card costs 50 pesos, Globe – 100. Buy a prepaid plan. Better don’t take Globe Tattoo – then it’s almost impossible to find a place where you could replenish the balance (ask “load”). But there are much more tents with the inscription Smart. The rates for both operators are approximately the same: 50 pesos per day, 299 per week and 999 per month.

Our tips

Arm yourself with our country tips, they will be useful:

  • Filipinos are friendly and smiling, but distinguish between kindness and self-interest: in big cities, helpers ask for money for their help, but not in the provinces.
  • There are many poor and beggars on the islands, especially children.
  • We recommend allocating as little time as possible to Manila and Cebu City – even one day is enough for each city. Dirty, noisy, ugly, uninteresting, full of tourists.

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