Poemas infantiles en ingles: 9 bellos poemas en inglés para niños (poesía infantil de autores conocidos)

Poemas infantiles en ingles: 9 bellos poemas en inglés para niños (poesía infantil de autores conocidos)

9 bellos poemas en inglés para niños (poesía infantil de autores conocidos)

La poesía no es un género para adultos, de hecho, los niños se familiarizan con ella desde la más tierna infancia ya que la canciones que escuchan no son otra cosa que poemas cantados. Acercar la poesía a los niños es fomentar en ellos el amor por el lenguaje, es ayudarles a entenderse a sí mismos, fomentar los valores y estimular la comprensión y expresión de sus sentimientos. 

En definitiva, la poesía es un excelente vehículo de aprendizaje. Es por ello que, en conmishijos.com te ofrecemos una selección de bellos poemas en inglés para que tus hijos puedan mejorar el conocimiento del idioma de una manera práctica y divertida.

Conocidos poetas ingleses y estadounidenses como Wiliam Blake, Christina Georgina Rossetti, Robert Louis Stevenson o Edgar Guest escribieron una selección de poesía para niños. Recogemos algunos poemas infantiles populares para que tus hijos puedan mejorar el conocimiento del idioma 


Snowball, poema divertido en inglés

Shel Silverstein es un conocido autor estadounidense. Escribió prosa, poesía, canciones, fue dibujante, tocó la guitarra y mucho más. Sus libros han sido traducidos a 20 idiomas y an vendido más de 20 millones de copias. Es el autor de este poema infantil en inglés, Snowball.

I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.

I thought I’d keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.

I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.

Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.

 2. What is a pink? Poema inglés para aprender los colores

Este poema en inglés para niños, What is a Pink? fue escrito por la poetisa británica Christina Georgina Rossetti, una de las plumas más importantes de la época victoriana.

What is pink? A rose is pink
By the fountain’s brink.

What is red? A poppy’s red
In its barley bed.

What is blue? The sky is blue
Where the clouds float through.

What is white? A swan is white
Sailing in the light.

What is yellow? Pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.

What is green? The grass is green,
With small flowers between.

What is violet? Clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.

What is orange? Why, an orange,
Just an orange!

3. Now we are six, poesía inglesa para aprender los números

Este poema pertenece a los escritos de A. A. Milne, un escritor británico conocido, entre el público infantil por ser el autor de Winnie the Pooh. Esta poesía puede ayudarte a que los niños aprendan los números en inglés.

When I was One,
I had just begun.

When I was Two,
I was nearly new.

When I was Three
I was hardly me.

When I was Four,
I was not much more.

When I was Five,
I was just alive.

But now I am Six,
I’m as clever as clever,
So I think I’ll be six
now for ever and ever.

4. Poema en inglés para niños: Wind on the hill


Wind on the hill es otro de los conocidos poemas infantiles que escribió A. A. Milne. Su lenguaje y métrica sencilla es perfecta para que tus alumnos o hijos se familiaricen con el idioma inglés.

No one can tell me,
Nobody knows,
Where the wind comes from,
Where the wind goes.

It’s flying from somewhere
As fast as it can,
I couldn’t keep up with it,
Not if I ran.

But if I stopped holding
The string of my kite,
It would blow with the wind
For a day and a night.

And then when I found it,
Wherever it blew,
I should know that the wind
Had been going there too.

So then I could tell them
Where the wind goes…
But where the wind comes from
Nobody knows.

5. The moon, poema infantil sobre la luna

Robert Louis Stevenson es uno de los autores más importantes del siglo XIX en inglés. Este escocés dejó un enorme legado de novelas entre ellas La isla del tesoro. Además escribió poemas para niños como este sobre la luna, perfecto para leer con tu hijo antes de dormir.

The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On streets and fields and harbour quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.

The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,
The howling dog by the door of the house,
The bat that lies in bed at noon,
All love to be out by the light of the moon.

But all of the things that belong to the day
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way;
And flowers and children close their eyes
Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.

6. Poema infantil en inglés: Twinkle, Twinkle, little star

Este poema, que lleva una antigua melodía del siglo XVIII atribuida erróneamente a Mozart, es perfecto para leer con los niños más pequeños antes de dormir.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
How could he see where to go?
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

In the dark blue sky you keep,
While you through my window peep,
And you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

7. Rainbow, poema ingles sobre el arcoiris

Este poema también pertenece a los escritos de la poetisa británica Christina Georgina Rossetti, una mujer que fue olvidada tras su muerte pero que se han recuperado en las últimas décadas muchos de sus trabajos.

Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier than these.

There are bridges on the rivers,
As pretty as you please;

But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.

8. Poemas para aprender inglés: The good little boy

En este tierno poema de Edgar Guest(1881-1959), un autor que escribió un poema por día durante 30 años, se habla de un niño que nunca hizo nada malo.  

Once there was a boy who never
Tore his clothes, or hardly ever,
Never made his sister mad,
Never whipped fer being bad,
Never scolded by his Ma,
Never frowned at by his Pa,
Always fit fer folks to see,
Always good as good could be.

This good little boy from Heaven,
So I’m told, was only seven,
Yet he never shed real tears
When his mother scrubbed his ears,
An’ at times when he was dressed
Fer a party, in his best,
He was careful of his shirt
Not to get it smeared with dirt.

Used to study late at night,
Learning how to read and write;
When he played a baseball game,
Right away he always came
When his mother called him in.
And he never made a din
But was quiet as a mouse
when they’d company in the house.

Liked to wash his hands and face,
Liked to work around the place;
Never, when he’d tired of play,
Left his wagon in the way,
Or his bat and ball around…
Put them where they could be found;
And that good boy married Ma,
And today he is my Pa.

9. Friends, poema en inglés sobre los amigos

Este poema de Abbie Farwell Brown, deja un mensaje final sobre lo importantes que son los amigos. Una poesía en inglés que puede ayudar a que el niño aprenda nuevo vocabulario

How good to lie a little while
And look up through the tree!
The Sky is like a kind big smile
Bent sweetly over me.

The Sunshine flickers through the lace
Of leaves above my head,
And kisses me upon the face
Like Mother, before bed.

The Wind comes stealing o’er the grass
To whisper pretty things;
And though I cannot see him pass,
I feel his careful wings.

So many gentle Friends are near
Whom one can scarcely see,
A child should never feel a fear,
Wherever he may be.

Una adivinanza inglesa en forma de poema

Y, de regalo, te ofrecemos una adivinanza con rima de Rossetti que se titula, Riddle. ¿Eres capaz de adivinar qué se esconde tras ella?

There is one that has a head without an eye,
And there’s one that has an eye without a head.
You may find the answer if you try;
And when all is said,
Half the answer hangs upon a thread.

Solución: a pin and a needle 

Poemas para niños en inglés

Inglés para Niños

Inglés para Niños

julio 24, 2019
arturobarrera | julio 24, 2019

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos

Comenzar curso

Así como en español y en la descripción general del término, la poesía en inglés para niños es una de las más bellas manifestaciones de la palabra. En el artículo Poesías infantiles del Portal Guía infantil, encontramos una maravillosa y muy acertada definición acerca de la poesía y los beneficios que trae a los niños:

«La poesía abre las puertas a los niños a un mundo de versos y rimas, donde prima la expresión, y donde los juegos de palabras y el lenguaje son los principales protagonistas. A través de la poesía se puede bucear en el mundo de la expresión de ideas, sentimientos y emociones. La poesía se refleja diferentemente en cada niño que la lee, ya que son los pequeños lectores los que darán un sentido personalizado al texto. Lo que antes era visto apenas como una fuente espiritual del saber, hoy es visto como una gran y beneficiosa herramienta para que los niños aprendan a jugar con las palabras, con las rimas, y a la vez entender y expresar sentimientos y emociones. La poesía es una gran vía para acercar a los niños a la lectura.».

Así es, la poesía en inglés para niños es un excelente recurso para practicar y aprender aún más este idioma. Por eso te daremos una serie de poemas y tips que podrás emplear para hacer actividades con tus hijos.

¡Empecemos con los poemas!

Doggy heaven by Larry Huggins

All doggies go to heaven (or so I’ve been told).
They run and play along the streets of Gold.
Why is heaven such a doggie-delight?
Why, because there’s not a single cat in sight!

Missing by Anne Scott

I’ve hunted near, I’ve hunted far
I even looked inside my car.
I’ve lost my glasses, I’m in need,
To have them now so I can read.
I loudly swear and I curse
Did I leave them in my purse?
Are they behind the sofa, under the bed?
Oh there they are – on my head!

Thinkle, thinkle little car  by Cecilia L. Goodbody

Tinkle, Tinkle little car
How I wonder what you are.
Leaking oil every day
Having it your own way.
Going up hills real slow
I don’t want you any mo’.
Tinkle, Tinkle little car
Boy, what a lemon you are.

The rainbow by Christina Rossetti

Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier than these.
There are bridges on the rivers,
As pretty as you please;
But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.


¡Ahora las actividades!

  1. Practica y amplía el vocabulario de tus hijos con Doggy heaven y The rainbow

→ Doggies – perritos

→ Heaven – Cielo

→ Streets of gold – Calles de oro

→ Across the sky – A través del cielo

→ bridges on the rivers – Puentes sobre los ríos

→ Seas – Mares

→ Heaven – Cielo


  • Haz tu propio poema en familia. Te contamos cómo:


  1. Piensa sobre qué quieres escribir.
  2. Debes escribir en rimas para desarrollar versos (cada línea que tiene un poema) y estrofas (conjunto de versos).
  3. No olvides el lenguaje metafórico; te ayudará a inspìrarte.

Los resultados en familia son muy bonitos, esta será un actividad poco convencional y divertida que los unirá en el aprendizaje. ¡Anímate!


  • ¡Hagamos memory cards!


Las memory cards o tarjetas de memoria son muy útiles para los poemas, podrás hacerlas con versos, ponerlas boca abajo y quien tenga el turno deberá elegir una para memorizarla y luego compartirla en familia.

Si te gustaron estas actividades puedes guiarte de las mismas para crear otras y desarrollarlas en familia; pueden jugar pregunta – respuesta o dramatizaciones, todo es válido. Nunca olvides que los poemas son una herramienta importante para impulsar a los niños a aprender inglés, motivarlos a declamarlos con todas las emociones necesarias e invitarlos a memorizarlos por partes para enriquecer el aprendizaje. 

¿Tu hijo aún no comienza con Open English Junior?, te invitamos a conocer nuestro curso de inglés para niños. ¡Anímate a descubrir el método más efectivo para que tu hijo realmente aprenda mientras se divierte!


También te puede interesar:

  • ¡Refranes de adolescentes en inglés! Ellos también tienen su propio estilo
  • Cuentos para adolescentes cortos, de ciencia ficción y más, para perfeccionar el inglés

One, two, three, Christmas tree – burn! Poems for children in English

It’s no secret that a child’s brain and memory are much more mobile than those of an adult. It is easier for children to memorize new words and information in general. So early age is the best time to start learning foreign languages. But how to do it so that the baby does not get bored and is not naughty during classes?

The answer is obvious: you need to make the learning process interesting and exciting for the child. This is where simple verses in English and easy-to-memorize songs come to the aid of parents.

In this article you will find not only simple rhymes in English for kids, but also interesting children’s poems with translation for older children.

If you have already learned the alphabet and the first sets of words in English with your child, then it’s time to consolidate your knowledge in simple poems and songs. By the way, poems are translated into English as poems, and songs are translated as songs.

For preschool children

These verses are for children who have not yet gone to school and study at home with their parents or in a special language kindergarten. Such verses are mainly aimed at repeating words and consolidating simple vocabulary.

Regardless of the level of knowledge of the child, we recommend that you always start learning poetry in English immediately with the translation, so that the child does not just memorize sounds and words, but comprehends the entire verse.

For example, this rhyme helps not only to learn family members, but also to repeat the alphabet:

ABCDE This is my family
GHIJ I love them every day0022
PQRST Brother, sister, you can see
UVWXYZ All the people in my family

ABCDE This is my family
GHIJ I love them every day
KLMNO Mom, dad, child
PQRST Brother, sister, as you can see
UVWXYZ All these people are my family

Another verse about family:

Good night mother,
Good night father,
Kiss your little son.
Good night sister,
Good night brother,
Good night everyone.

Good night mom,

good night dad,

Kiss your little son.

Good night sister

Good night brother

Good night everybody.

And here is one of the most famous nursery rhymes in English that many mothers sing to their children as a lullaby:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle little star

I wish I knew what you are

So high above the world,

Like a diamond in the sky

Verse for learning the rooms in the house:

Let’s go to my house.
Let’s go today.
I’ll show you all the rooms
Where we work and play.

Here is the kitchen
Where Mother cooks for me.
Here is the living room
Where we watch TV.

Here is the dining room.
We eat here every day.
And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.

Let’s go to my house.

Let’s go today.

I will show you all the rooms,

Where we work and play.

This is the kitchen,

Where mom cooks for me.

And this is the living room,

Where do we watch TV?

This is a dining room.

We eat here every day.

And this room is my room,

where I sleep and play.

There are also verses that will help a child remember a simple count to ten:

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.

One, two, three, four, five

I once caught a live fish

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let her go again.

And this verse will let you learn toys. You can repeat it in the store:

I can see balls and bats and cars.
I can see boats and planes.
I can see carts, skipping ropes, dolls.
I can see ships and trains.
I can see games and tops and lorries.
I can see bears and bikes.
I can see swings and slides and skates.
I can see drums and kites.
Of all the toys I can see,
I want one for me!

I see balls and bats and cars.

I see boats and planes.

I see carts, skipping ropes and dolls.

I see ships and trains.

I see games and spinning tops and trucks.

I see bears and bicycles.

I see swings and slides and skates.

I see drums and kites.

Of all the toys that I see,

I want one for myself!

Do you remember the Russian school song “What are our boys made of”? The English have their own version of this verse, and it sounds like this:

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails, and puppy-dogs’ tails;
That’s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice, and all that’s nice;
That’s what little girls are made of.

What are little boys made of?

What are little boys made of?

From frogs and snails, and from the tails of puppies;

That’s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?

What are little girls made of?

From sugar and spices, and from everything that is nice;

That’s what little girls are made of.

Quite easily, children memorize verses in which the same construction and simple rhyme are repeated. You can come up with a continuation of such a rhyme yourself or invite your child to come up with it.

Look at the boy, he has a toy.
Look at the girl, she has a doll.
Look at the pig, it is very big.
Look at Kate, she has a plate.
Look at the fox, it is in the box.
Look at Ted, he is in bed.
Look at the cat, it has a hat.
Look at Nell, she has a bell.
Look at the mouse, it is in the house.
Look at me. I’m happy.

Look at the boy, he has a toy.

Look at the girl, she has a doll.

Look at the pig, it’s very big.

Look at Kate, she has a plate.

Look at the fox, it’s in the box.

Look at Ted, he’s in bed.

Look at the cat, he’s wearing a hat.

Look at Nell, she has a bell.

Look at the mouse, it’s in the house.

Look at me, I’m happy.

There are also many nursery rhymes with funny characters. Many of them are familiar to us from the Russian version. For example, Robin-Bobbin. The one who ate early in the morning two lambs and a ram and a whole cow and a butcher’s stall. Do you remember? This is how the original verse reads:

Robin the Bobbin the big-bellied Ben,
Heate more meat than fourscore men;
He ate a cow, he ate a calf,
He ate a butcher and a half,
He ate a church, he ate a steeple,
He ate a priest and all the people!
A cow and a calf, an ox and a half,
A church and a steeple, and all good people,

Robin-Bobbin, pot-bellied Ben.

He ate more meat than eighty men.

He ate a cow, he ate a calf,

He ate a butcher and a half,

He ate the church, he ate the steeple,

He ate the priest and all the people!

Cow, calf and one and a half ox,

Church, steeple, and all good people,

And he keeps complaining that he didn’t fill his stomach.

Poems in English about animals

If you have a pet at home, be sure to learn a funny rhyme about him with your child.

I love my cat.
It is warm and fat.
My cat is grey.
It likes to play.

I love my cat.

It is warm and thick.

My cat is grey.

He likes to play.

I have a little turtle,
He lives in a box.
He swims in the water
And he climbs on the rocks.

I have a little turtle,

She lives in a box.

She swims in water

And climbs the rocks.

My dog ​​can’t talk
But he can bark!
I take my dog ​​
And go to the park!

My dog ​​can’t talk,

But he can bark!

I will take my dog ​​

And I’ll go for a walk in the park!

Poems about farm animals are also popular:

The cow says: Moo, moo…
I have some milk for you and you.

The cow says: moo, moo…

I have some milk for you and you.

This is a pig!
It’s very big!
Its color is pink
Is nice, I think!

It’s a pig!

She is very big!

Her color is pink

Good, I think!

A cock is happy,
A fox is sad.
A cat is pretty,
A wolf is bad.

The rooster is happy.

Fox is sad.

The cat is beautiful.

The wolf is bad.

And with the help of this rhyme, you can learn the names of baby animals:

A duckling is a little duck.
A chicken is a little cock.
A kitten is a little cat.
A puppy is a little dog.

A duckling is a small duck.

A chicken is a small rooster.

A kitten is a small cat.

A puppy is a small dog.

Do you remember the Russian verse about the ladybug? The English version sounds more tragic:

Lady-bird, lady-bird,
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire,
And your children are all gone.
All except one,
And that’s little Ann,
And she has crept under
The warming pan.

Ladybug, ladybug,

Fly home.

Your house is on fire,

And your children are gone.

All but one,

Little Ann,

She climbed

Under the heating pad.

Poems about fruits

Visualization is a good helper in memorizing verses. Use the fruits referred to in the verses to make the child more interesting.

Two big apples
Under a tree.
One is for you
And one’s for me.

Two large apples

Under the tree.

One for you

And one for me.

Cherries, cherries,
Ruby red.
Want to try one?
Go ahead!

Cherry, cherry,

Bright red.

Want to try?


Poems about the seasons

Learn thematic verses depending on the season: in this way the child will form a stable association with new words and what is happening around.

In summer it is hot.
In winter it is not.
In spring there are flowers.
In autumn there are showers.

It’s hot in summer.

In winter, no.

Flowers bloom in spring.

It rains in autumn.

Spring is green.
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white.

Below are poems in English for children about specific seasons:


The main theme of all autumn poems is falling leaves and school.

The leaves are falling
One by one.
Summer’s over
School’s begun.

Leaves fall

In sequence.

Summer is over,

School starts.

Autumn leaves are falling down,
Falling down over the town,
Autumn leaves are falling down,
Yellow, red, orange and brown!

Autumn leaves are falling down,

Falling down all over the city.

Autumn leaves are falling down,

Yellow, red, orange and brown!

Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
One fell on my nose!
Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
One fell on my toes!
Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
One fell on my head!
Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
Yellow, orange and red!

Leaves are falling,

The leaves are falling.

One fell on my nose!

Leaves are falling,

The leaves are falling.

One fell on my toe!

Leaves are falling,

The leaves are falling.

One fell on my head!

Leaves are falling,

The leaves are falling.

Yellow, orange and red!


Almost all the poems about this season are about snow and fun in the frosty air.

Snow on the ground.
Snow on the tree.
Snow on the house.
Snow on me!

Snow on the ground.

Snow on the tree.

Snow on the house.

Snow on me!

Winter, winter.
Let’s go skate.
Winter, winter.
Don’t be late.
Winter, winter.
Let’s go roll.
Winter, winter.
In the snow.

Winter, winter.

Let’s go ice skating.

Winter, winter.

Do not be late.

Winter, winter.

Let’s go wallow

Winter, winter.

In the snow.

Snowflakes falling one by one,
Time to play and have some fun.
Build a snowman, snowballs, too,
Come and see what you can do.

Snowflakes fall one after another.

Time to play and have fun.

Make a snowman, snowballs too.

Come and see what you can do.


During Spring, it often showers.
Or the sun shines for many hours.
Both are good for the flowers!

It often rains in spring.

Or the sun shines for a long time.

Both are good for flowers!

Winter’s gone.
It’s springtime now.
Boys and girls,
Let’s go out and have some fun!

Winter is gone.

Now spring has come.

Boys and girls,

Come out and have fun!

Spring is here, in the air,
You can smell it coming.
On the trees leaves are green,
Caterpillars sunning.

Birds are back, grass is out,
Busy bees are humming,
On the trees leaves are green,
Caterpillars sunning

Spring is here in the air,

You can feel her coming.

Green leaves on the trees,

Caterpillars bask in the sun.

The birds have returned, the grass has sprouted,

Busy bees are buzzing.

Green leaves on the trees,

Caterpillars bask in the sun.


A summer day
Has rain or sun,
But either way
To stand in the rain
That’s pouring down
Or lie in the sun
That paints me brown.

On a summer day,

Rainy or sunny,

In any case

It will be fun.

Stand in the rain,

What pours down

Or lie under the sun,

That turns me brown

In summer I like to play outside.
In summer I like to go to the seaside.
I like to pick up shells,
To put them on the shelf.

In summer I like to play outside.

In summer I like to go to the beach.

I love collecting shells

And put them on the shelves.

Holiday poems

Christmas or a birthday is a great occasion to learn a new verse in English with your child.

One, two, three, it’s a Christmas tree!
Three, two, one, Christmas is fun!

One, two, three, it’s a Christmas tree!

Three, two, one, Christmas is fun!

It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas,
it’s time for hanging stockings,

Oh, I love you merry Christmas,
You’re the best of holidays.

It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Yes, it’s a happy, happy Christmas.

Time to hang up socks,

Sleigh time,

Time for warm wishes,

Snow and holly, for overeating.

Oh, I love you, Merry Christmas!

You are the best of all holidays.

Christmas is magic, Christmas is fun,
Merry Christmas everyone!
Presents and toys are everywhere.
Under the Christmas tree, there is a bear.
I see a plane and a helicopter,
A robot, a doll and even a toy doctor!

Christmas is magic. Christmas is fun.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Gifts and toys are everywhere.

Under the tree, there is a bear.

Look! I see a plane and a helicopter,

A robot, a doll, and even a toy doctor!

And here is a verse for children who promise to be good in order to earn a gift from Santa:

I promise to be very, very good.
I promise to do the things I should.
I promise to make my bed every day.
I promise to put my things away.
I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
I promise to put my socks in the drawer.
I promise to do my homework right.
I promise not to stay up late at night.
I promise to listen to my mom and dad.
I promise not to do anything bad.

I promise to be very, very good.

I promise to do what I must.

I promise to make the bed every day.

I promise to put things away.

I promise not to throw socks on the floor.

I promise to put my socks in the drawer.

I promise to do my homework.

I promise not to stay up late.

I promise to obey mom and dad.

I promise not to do anything wrong.

Do not forget about the popular holiday among the British – Halloween:

Smiling bright
Wishing you
A haunting night!

Pumpkin lamps

Smiling brightly,

wishing you

Haunted Nights!

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!
Give me something good to eat.
Give me candy. give me a cake.
Give me something good to take.

Sweet or nasty! Sweet or nasty!

Give me something tasty.

Give me candy. Give me a pie.

Give me something good to take with you.

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween! The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what cannot be seen on any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls. Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs, and witches on their magic brooms.

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween! The moon is full and bright!

And tonight we can see what we can’t see on another night:

Skeletons, ghosts and ghouls. The grinning goblins fight.

Werewolves have risen from their graves, and witches fly on magical broomsticks.

The bats come out.
The cats come out.
The pumpkins come out, too.
The treats come out.
The ghosts come out.
It’s Halloween! Boo!

Bats appear.

Cats appear.

Pumpkins appear too.

Expose sweets,

Ghosts appear.

It’s Halloween. Boo!

Poems in English dedicated to birthdays are very good and easy to learn. Surely you will have to attend more than one children’s party or matinee. So why not learn a congratulation verse in English with your child and surprise the birthday boy?

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
There’s no one as cute and fun as you.
Happy Birthday!

Red roses.

Violets are blue.

There is no one nicer and more fun than you.

Happy birthday!

Birthday boy/girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs, and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!

Birthday boy/birthday girl, today is your day!

Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!

There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday!

Hope you try them all!

It is difficult to list all the poems in English for children in one article, but we tried to choose the most interesting ones. Finally, we will reveal a few secrets on how to learn poetry correctly so that it is interesting for both you and the child.

How to learn English poetry with a child: tips

  • Learn with emotion and expression

Active gestures and vivid associations will help the child memorize the verse faster and diversify the learning process.

  • Pronounce correctly

Make sure your child pronounces all sounds and words correctly. If it is possible to listen to audio with a verse, where it is read by a native speaker, then be sure to do it.

  • Take poems with translation

All poems that you learn with your baby must have a translation. Let the child first read the verse in Russian on his own, and then in English. Connect visualization and learn even faster.

  • Do not force

Perhaps the most important item on the list. After all, we want the child to be sincerely interested in learning English, and not for classes to be a burden for him. If the kid is mischievous and does not want to study, look for another method of presenting information or try switching his attention to another task.

Good luck with your studies!

Poems in English for children. English poems.

Poems in English for children is a great way to instill in children a love for the language. Studying beautiful poems in English, the child will not only broaden his vocabulary to a large extent, but will also unconsciously memorize grammatical rules and constructions. Riddles in English are also great for these purposes.

Little English verse can be of great service in learning a foreign language. Beautiful English poems instill in the child a sense of language. Today I will present you a selection of poems for grades 1 – 6 with translation. English poems with translation can be useful for learning vocabulary and grammar.

  • Poems in English for grades 1-2.
  • Poems in English for grade 3.
  • Poems in English for grade 4.
  • Poems in English for grade 5.
  • Poems in English for grade 6.

Before learning a poem with a child, offer him to read poetry in English and choose the one he likes on his own – this way he will learn English poetry with great pleasure. I strongly recommend that you read poems in English for children and perhaps learn a couple of poems you like.

Try to read and learn these English poems for children!

English 1-2 grade. Poems with translation

An English short rhyme will help you interest your child and arouse his interest in a foreign language from an early age. The following simple poems are suitable even for those who have recently begun to learn English.

Olya has a pencil,

Olya has a pen,

She draws with a pencil,

She writes with a pen.

Olga has a pencil,

Olga has a pen,

She draws with a pencil1281

She writes with a pen.


Where’s my little hare?

under the chair.

Where’s my little fox?

in the box.

Where is my little hare?

Look! Under the chair.

Where is my little fox?

Look! In the box.


The bear is white.

The bird is blue.

The dog is black.

The puppy is, too.

White bear.

Blue bird.

Black dog.

And the puppy too.


mind The CLOCK

and Keep The Rule:

Always Come in Time to School

Watch the time in the time: 9000

,0003 to school.


Under the Sky

Here I lie

Under the sky

Green trees above me.

Nature and I.

Under the sky

Here I lie

Under the sky

Green trees above me.

Nature and me.

English grade 3. Poems with translation

English verses for grade 3 are a little more difficult than the previous ones, but they are easy to remember and will help the child to master several new lexical topics. For example, the following poem will help in learning to count .


One, eat your bun!

Two, look at the kangaroo!

Three, look at the bee!

Four, open the door!

Five, take the knife!

Six, take the sticks!

Seven, count to eleven!

Eight, stop and wait!

Nine, you are fine!

Ten, say it all again!

Eleven and twelve, we are very well!

One, eat your muffin!

Two, look at the kangaroo!

Three, look at the bee!

Four, open the door!

Five, take the knife!

Six, take sticks!

Seven, count to eleven!

Eight, stop and wait!

Nine, you’re all right!

Ten, repeat it all!

Eleven and twelve, we feel very good!


And this poem will help you remember the names of items of clothing :

Let’s go on a trip!

Let’s pack our bag!

Take your trainers,

Take your shoes.

Let’s go!

Take your skirt and take your shirt.

Let’s go!

Take your dress! Off we go!

Oh, what a mess!

Oh, no!

Let’s go for a walk!

Let’s pack our bag!

Take your sneakers,

Take your shoes.

Let’s go!

Take your skirt and take your shirt.

Let’s go!

Take your dress! We’re leaving already!

What a mess!

Oh no!


The following two poems are perfect for reinforcing a simple future tense (Future Simple).

I will be a lion,

And you will be a bear,

I will run after you,

And you will hide under the chair.

I will be a lion

And you will be a bear

I will run after you


I will make a little cake.

He and she will make some tea.

Mum will make another cake.

For you and them and me!

I will make a small cake.

He and she will make some tea.

Mom will make another cake.

For you, and for them, and for me!

Short English rhymes will help your child take the first steps in learning the language. These were poems in English grade 3. Move on.

English 4th grade. Poems with translation.

In the 4th grade, the vocabulary already allows the child to learn more complex poems in English.


The Lazy Son

The sun is shining, the day is fine,

But Johny, the lazy son of mine,

Is still in bed and it’s half past nine.

Lazy son

The sun is shining, the day is beautiful

But Johnny, my lazy son,

Still half past ten, a.


I want a tree

For shade and rest,

I want a tree

Where birds can nest.

So I planted

A green tree

For shade and rest,

For you and me.

I want a tree

For shade and relaxation

I want a tree

Where birds can nest.

So I planted a green tree

For shade and relaxation,

For you and me.


The following verse will help to fix the names of flowers in English.

What is red?

Asks little Fred.

His brother says,

The rose is red.

What is white?

My kite is white.

Do you see my little kite?

What is grey?

Now, can you say?

Yes, I can.

The mouse is grey.

What is black?

My cat is black. ‘

It goes out

And comes back.

What is red?

Little Fred asks.

His brother says

The rose is red.

What is white?

My kite is white.

Do you see my little kite?

What is grey?

Now, can you tell?

Yes, I can.

Gray mouse.

What is black?

My cat is black.’

She leaves and comes back.

These were English poems for the 4th grade.

English 5th grade. Poems with translation.



Juicy apples, brown and red,

Are good for your teeth, my dentist said.

So after meals I take a bite

To keep my teeth both strong and white.


Juicy apples, brown and red,

Good for your teeth, said my dentist.

So after eating I eat an apple,

Which makes my teeth both strong and white.


The following few poems in English – about nature .

The Most Pleasant Tree

From the very top of the tallest tree

A little breeze called down to me:

“Come up here and you will see

the things that are most pleasant to me.

The sweetest tree

From the very top of the tallest tree


what pleases me the most.


How soon do the streams softly flow?

When do the first flowers gently blow?

Where do the strong winds suddenly go?

Why do the plants slowly grow?

I don’t know.

But the wind is blowing lightly.

The sun is shining brightly.

High up in the tree

A bird sings merrily.

And the streams will flow,

Flowers will blow

Winds will go,

Grasses will grow, even if I don’t know

When will the first flowers bloom tenderly?

Where will strong winds suddenly go?

Why do plants grow slowly?

I don’t know.

But the wind blows gently.

The sun shines brightly.

High up in the tree

The bird sings merrily.

and flows will flow,

Flowers will bloom,

Winds will leave,

grass will grow, even if I do not know

9000 ***

The following poems and about school .

Autumn Comes

I see the birds are flying south

And the days are gray and cool.

Do the birds look down and see

That I am going to school?

Autumn is coming

I see birds flying south

And the days are gray and cool.

Do the birds look down at me and see

That I’m going to school?


Fred comes from school one winter day

As clever as can be,

And wants to show to all around

How smart a boy is he.

And so at dinner he begins:

“Papa, you think you see

There are two chickens on that dish,

But now I’ll prove that there are three:

First, this is one and that is two,

As plain as plain can be.

I add the one into the two,

And two and one make three!”

“Just so,” answers his Papa,

“If what you say is three,

I will take one, Mamma takes one,

The third we’ll leave for you.”

Fred comes home from school one winter day

As smart as he can be

And he wants to show everyone around him how smart he is.

And so at dinner he starts:

“Daddy, you think you see

Two chickens on a platter,


First, this is one and this is the second,

It’s very simple.

I add one to two,

One and two is three!”

“Exactly so,” his father answers,

“If you say there are three chickens,


It’s not always easy to keep yourself busy.

The homework is done, it’s fun!

The book is read and is given to Fred.

The cat is fed, but why is it sad?

The dishes are washed,

All films are watched.

It’s not always easy to keep yourself busy.

It’s not always easy to find something to do.

Homework done, great!

Book read and given to Fred.

The cat is fed, but why so sad?

The dishes have been washed,

All films have been watched.

It’s not always easy to find something to do.


English poems about the holidays are usually taught on the occasion of the approach of these very holidays. The next beautiful poem is about Christmas.

Shopping, shopping, Christmas shopping.

Mums are hurrying-running, hopping.

Presents, boxes everywhere,

Cards and crackers, teddy-bears,

Lots of useless pretty things:

Candles, tinsel, golden rings,

I’ve been doing shopping too.

Look at me: you’ll see it’s true:

Messy clothes and messy hair —

Christmas, Christmas everywhere

Shopping, shopping, Christmas shopping.

Moms are in a hurry – they run, they jump.

Gifts, boxes everywhere,

cards and crackers, teddy bears,

Lots of useless cute things:

Candles, tinsel, gold rings,

I also went shopping.

Look at me: You’ll see it’s true:

Untidy clothes and disheveled hair –

Christmas, Christmas everywhere.

These were poems in English grade 5.

Poems in English grade 6. Poems with translation.


Poems about choosing a profession in English.

When I think of what I will be,

It is something that puzzles me.

When I am a grown man,

Shall I drive a lorry or a van?

Shall I be an electrician,

And fix everybody’s television?

When I think of what I’ll be,

It is something that puzzles me.

When I think about what I will become,

This puzzles me.

When I am an adult,

Will I drive a truck or van?

Will I be an electrician,

Will I fix TVs?

When I think about what I will become,

It puzzles me.


I want to be an actor, Dad. I want to go on stage.

You should be a banker, Tom, and earn a decent wage.

I want to be a barber, Dad. I want to do people’s hair.

You should be a pilot Tom, and work for British Air.

I want to be a clown, Dad. I think I am very funny.

You should be a driver, Tom, and earn a lot of money.

I want to be a barman, Dad, so I can drink a lot of beer!

A barman! You are joking, Tom. That isn’t a career!

I want to go into politics, Dad, and put the country right.

I think that’s an excellent idea.

Let’s tell your mother tonight.

I want to be an actor, dad. I want to go on stage.

You must become a banker, Tom, and earn a decent wage.

I want to be a hairdresser, dad. I want to do people’s hair.

You should be a pilot, Tom, and work for British Airways.

I want to be a clown, dad. I think I am very funny.

You must become a driver, Tom, and earn a lot of money.

I want to be a bartender dad so I can drink a lot of beer!

Bartender! You’re kidding, Tom. This is not a career!

I want to go into politics, dad, and fix the country.

I think this is an excellent idea.

Let’s tell your mom tonight.


Poems in English pro London .

Sightseeing in London.

Forty cameras clicking, clicking,

Stamps on twenty postcards sticking.

Doing London in a day,

Seeing all and then away.

First the Thames and then the Tower.

Lots of time – another hour!

Getting to know the sights of London.

Forty cameras are filming, filming,

Stamps are glued on twenty postcards, glued.

See London in a day,

See everything and then leave.

First the Thames and then the Tower.

Too much time – one more hour!


Buckingham Palace

See the tourists running hard

To watch the Changing of the Guard

At Buckingham Palace stop and wait,

To see the Queen drive through the gate.

But Londoners know:

There’s no use crying.

She is not at home,

When the flag is not flying.

Buckingham Palace

Look, tourists are in a hurry,

To see the change of guard

near the Buckingham Palace and wait,

to see the royal.

But Londoners know

No point in screaming.

She is not at home,

When the flag is not raised.


Trafalgar Square

Who is that man right up there

Standing high in Trafalgar Square?

That’s Lord Nelson looking out to sea.

To see the sea? Oh goodness me.

Trafalgar Square

Who is that man up there,

Standing high in Trafalgar Square?

This is Lord Nelson watching the sea.

Does he see the sea? Oh my goodness!



Picadilly is full of light;

On the left and on the right

Snack-bars, theaters, jazz and pop,

Hurry, hurry, never stop.


Piccadilly full of light;

Left and right

Eateries, theatres, jazz and pop,

Hurry, hurry, never stop!


Big Ben

Listen, oh, that’s Big Ben,

It can’t be true! Already ten!

Twenty postcards still to write,

And we leave London at twelve tonight.


Look, oh, this is Big Ben,

Impossible! Already ten!

Twenty more postcards to be signed,

And we are leaving London at twelve tonight.


And in conclusion – a beautiful poem about spring .

The bells of spring are ringing,

Are ringing loud and gay.

To hills and forests they are bringing

Sweet melody today.

The bells of spring are ringing,

Are ringing far and wide.

Nice days they are bringing

To people and the countryside.

The bells of spring are ringing,

They are ringing loudly and cheerfully.

They bring to the hills and forests

Sweet melody today.

The bells of spring are ringing,

They are ringing everywhere.

Good days they bring

People and countryside.

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