Que se significa alicia: Nombre Alicia, origen y significado

Que se significa alicia: Nombre Alicia, origen y significado

¿ Qué significa el nombre Alicia ?

| El significado de Alicia es “sencilla, noble”. Proviene del francés, en concreto de la palabra “Adalheidis”. Es un nombre que simboliza la generosidad del alma y la justicia, pero sobre todo simboliza a la parte más niña e infantil de las personas. Su significado bíblico es “alma noble”. Simboliza a personas con un alma pura y limpia que no esconden nada a las personas que quieren. Es un nombre que simboliza a la naturaleza y la parte más espiritual de ella.

Origen : francés
Santoral : 27 de Junio
Donde más se usa : España


  1. Origen del nombre Alicia
  2. ¿ Qué personalidad tiene Alicia ?
  3. Datos estadísticos
  4. Personajes famosos
  5. Otros datos interesantes

Origen del nombre Alicia

| Para descubrir el origen del nombre Alicia, tenemos que viajar a Francia y Alemania, en estos países nació este nombre, en Francia era conocido como Aalis y en Alemania por Adalheidis. Este nombre comenzó a usarse de manera popular a partir de las famosas historias como “Alicia en el país de las maravillas” y otras historias relacionadas y precisamente por esto empezó a ser habitual su uso.

¿ Qué personalidad tiene Alicia ?

| Sus rasgos de personalidad más importantes :

En el ámbito personal las personas llamadas Alicia suelen ser personas con una forma de tratar a los demás especial, emanan amor cuando hablas con ellas, su simpatía es otra de sus grandes armas y al mismo tiempo te atraen con su lenguaje cariñoso y amable. Son personas que son la imagen de la humildad, es por ello que suelen tener muchas amigas.
En el ámbito amor una de sus características más bellas, reside en su sencillez a la hora de vivir y expresarse, esto la convierte en una persona que atrae a los demás por su pureza, y por su forma de ver la vida. Tienen una mirada que atrae, debido a la limpieza que tienen sus ojos. Son personas limpias de corazón y alma. Buscan que su pareja tenga las mismas cualidades que ella.

Datos estadísticos

| Puesto : 92 Irlanda
| Puesto : 41 España
| Puesto : 216 Holanda
| Puesto : 42 Portugal

( datos basados en los últimos 10 años )

Personajes famosos

Personajes famosos con este nombre nos encontramos a Alicia Silverstone, actriz de cine norteamericana, inicio su carrera desde adolescente, cuenta con una amplia filmografía y varios papeles emblemáticos en su haber. Fue nominada al globo de oro y a ganado varios premios entre ellos el MTV, Movie Choice’s, entre otros. Es una vegana convencida y activista por la protección y derechos de los animales, donde se ha convertido en una vocera activa de PET, actualmente Alicia continua en activo con diversos proyectos interpretativos

Otros datos interesantes

| En inglés se dice : Alice

Significado de ALICIA – Qué significa el nombre Alicia

A pesar de que el nombre Alicia es un nombre muy bonito, el mismo no se popularizó en la sociedad hasta que se escribió el libro “Alicia en el país de las maravillas”. En este momento el nombre se hizo popular, de aquí que muchas mujeres puedan disfrutar de este bonito nombre.

Origen del nombre Alicia

El nombre femenino Alicia tiene origen directo del griego.

El santo de las mujeres que se llaman Alicia tiene lugar el día 11 de junio.

Qué significa Alicia

Si buscamos el significado de Alicia, en primer lugar tenemos que buscar de que palabra griega procede este nombre. Concretamente viene de Alentheia, palabra que en español se traduce como verdadera. Por este motivo, se puede decir que el nombre se puede traducir como la mujer verdadera.

No hay que olvidar que este nombre cuenta con un diminutivo “Ali” que es usado por muchas mujeres.

Personalidad del nombre Alicia

La personalidad de Alicia es realmente curiosa y merece la pena saber un poco más de ella. Se puede decir que es una mujer que aprovecha la más mínima oportunidad para disfruta de la vida y sobre todo mejorar su calidad de vida. No es de las mujeres que rechacen las cosas por miedo a fracasar. Siempre las aceptan porque no tiene miedo al fracaso, sino que solo busca que su calidad de vida cada vez sea superior.

Además de ser una mujer muy decidida, te puedo asegurar que Alicia es de las pocas mujeres que casi siempre va directa a lo que le interesa y si te tienen que decir algo, no se andan con rodeos. No las gusta perder el tiempo con tonterías y sobre todo quieren usarlo con sus seres queridos y sus mejores amigos.

Alicia tiene en sus genes el carácter competitivo para conseguir las cosas que la interesan. En ocasiones puede mostrarse como líder del grupo para llevarlo a lo más alto, aunque si que es verdad que prefiere estar en segundo plano en muchas ocasiones para evitar llamar demasiado la atención. Recuerda, busca superar sus objetivos y no someter a los demás.

Se puede decir que hablamos de una mujer realmente maternal. Puede que durante la juventud siempre comente que no quiere tener hijos, ya que quiere mejorar en su trabajo y en su vida. Pero en cuanto el reloj biológico la salta, te puedo asegurar que es una mujer que rápidamente querrá tener hijos para disfrutar de su alegría. Una vez que los tiene, se vuelve una mujer muy maternal y que los protegerá para siempre, incluso cuando sean mayores. Todo esto, sumado a su carácter agradable, hace que sea una mujer con la cual una persona se pueda sentir a gusto.

Es una mujer que tiene un pensamiento rápido y toma la decisión sin darle demasiadas vueltas. A la hora de tomar una decisión, siempre piensa en ella y en los suyos y dependiendo de lo que la interese más, hará una cosa u otra. Es decir, para tener una respuesta por su parte no tendrás que esperar apenas tiempo.

Es una chica que tiene un gran círculo social, gracias a su personalidad y sobre todo porque la encanta escuchar a los demás. Esto hace que las otras personas se sientan queridas y en consecuencia no quieran separarse nunca de ella.

En el tema amoroso, Alicia se presenta como una chica sencilla. Es vedad que puede costar un poco enamorarla, pero cuando lo consigues, ella pondrá todo su empeño para conseguir que la relación dé sus frutos. Eso sí, tienes que saber que no solo busca una pareja guapa, sino que sobre todo se fija en el interior de la persona. Si nota que el interior no es bueno, no aceptará formar una familia con esa persona. Recuerda, Alicia es una chica bastante familiar, por lo que a la hora de elegir a su media naranja, siempre mirará que esa persona la ofrezca estabilidad y sobre todo pueda ser un buen padre para sus hijos. Si tienes estos dos aspectos, puedes estar seguro de que podrás pasar toda la vida a su lado.

El punto negativo de Alicia es que quiere las cosas ya, es decir, hablamos de una mujer que por regla general suele ser bastante impaciente y en ocasiones puede ser bastante tradicional.

The meaning of the name Alicia what does the name Alicia mean

Noble and sonorous female name Alicia endows its owner with colossal charm, practical mind and unforgettable energy. In this incredible personality, the secret meaning of the name Alicia is fully revealed, which is translated from ancient German as “a person from a noble estate” – she is smart, educated, well-educated.

Despite some laziness inherent in the character and behavior of the young princess, the girl becomes everyone’s favorite. Already at an early age, in such a gentle creation, the meaning of a name for a child is manifested – a charming baby finds a common language with any person, easily gains trust and sympathy.

The interpretation of the name provides for some caution of the girl in the manifestation of her aspirations. The young lady does not like increased attention and excessive pressure, she is not inclined to show leadership qualities.

At school he is distinguished by perseverance and pedantry. He is always on equal terms with his peers, does not like to be at enmity and openly show his antipathy. She enjoys attending school choreographic and artistic circles, sports sections.

At a young age, when all youthful maximalism rolls over, Alicia behaves calmly and reservedly. At this time, another meaning of the name for the girl is revealed – the tendency to subject everything to careful analysis before taking any action and reacting to the situation.

The girl has excessive cleanliness and congenital disgust. Does not tolerate sloppiness either in relationships or in appearance. He pays great attention to his style, not allowing himself to be frivolous or vulgar in his image.

Has a strong-willed character and determination, does not tolerate pressure either from close people or in love relationships. He values ​​his freedom highly. Alicia is completely devoid of a sense of envy, for her own success is more important, which she is not inclined to associate with other people’s affairs and implementation. Having outlined goals for herself, the girl strives with all her might to realize her plan, perceiving obstacles as a given. At the same time, he prefers soft methods of dealing with competitors, which exclude “walking on the heads”.

The girl has a developed fantasy, loves to dream, but her innate pragmatism does not allow stormy dreams to break free. Honest and disinterested.


A woman experiences feelings called love in a special way. Alice is a high connoisseur of beauty, which means that the young lady is always surrounded by handsome and courteous men. However, a pragmatic nature does not allow you to jump out to marry the first person you meet. A lover of easy life and comfort is subconsciously looking for a materially secure man who can create the necessary conditions for her as a wife.

Possessing self-esteem, a woman will in no way infringe on male pride. In relationships with lovers, the sexual capabilities and experience of the chosen one are of no small importance. Alicia likes to have sex for a long time, not paying attention to the environment. Very sensual, tender and demanding in intimacy.

Alicia is able to completely break the connection with a man with whom her sensual and sexual claims are not fully revealed. Very amorous nature, can decide on adultery.


When creating a family, a girl will experience some difficulties due to her desire for equality and independence in relationships. She does not like to do housework, but this does not mean at all that disorder and chaos will reign in her house. A woman will do housework, but with obvious reluctance.

Has children late. Most often gives birth to one child, endowing him with care.

Business and career

Passionate about her profession, Alicia can throw herself into work, which means that the arrangement of her personal and family life will fade into the background or even the third plan. In professional terms, he often chooses the position of a psychologist, architect, marketer, journalist, philologist, doctor, designer, artist.

Alicia Vikander

Origin of the name Alicia

The history of the secret of the name Alicia and where it came from is connected with the ancient Germanic name Adelaide, whose name is composed of two stems adal, (athal) and heit, which have the etymological meaning noble and kind ( estate). Despite the fact that the origin of the name Alicia is ancient German, in Russia it was formed from the English name Alice and its diminutive form Alison.

Description of the name Alicia

Because each naming has its pros and cons, expressed in the character of the future owner. The characterization of the name Alicia suggests a similar relationship between the formation of character and the upbringing of the child.

Alisha Keys

The formation of a girl’s interests and willpower is directly influenced by her father’s behavior. The general situation in the house and how dad reacted to it is directly connected with the realization of the future family relations of the girl herself. If all the efforts spent by the mother to create comfort and coziness in the house were not noticed by the father, then in the future fate of Alicia they will not be of paramount importance.

Secret of the name

  • Talisman stone – rock crystal, tourmaline, carnelian.
  • There are no name days in the Orthodox calendar.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name – Aquarius.
  • The patron planet is Uranus.
  • Auspicious color – purple, orange, pink, electric blue.
  • Totem animal – electric eel, stingray.
  • Favorable plant – barberry, alpine rose, aspen.

Famous people named Alicia

  • Alicia Vikander (born 1988) is a Swedish actress and dancer.
  • Alisha Keys (1981) is an American soul, neo-soul, rhythm and blues singer-songwriter.
  • Alicia Silverstone (1976) is an American model and actress. At the beginning of her career, she starred in the music videos of the musical group Aerosmith (Aerosmith).

The name Alicia in different languages ​​

In English, the translation of the name Alice is Alicia (spelling options are Alisia, Alisya, Aleesha, sound options are Elisha). In German, the naming is translated as Alisa, Alisia. In French, the adverb sounds like – Alice (Alice), Alix (Alix), Alison (Alizon), in Spanish – Alicia, Alicita (Alicita).

The dialect is translated into Portuguese as Alicia, Alicinha (Alicinha), into Italian – Alice (Alice), Aliss (Alice). In Chinese, the name is written – 阿丽萨 (Ali-sia), in Japanese it sounds like Yokozumi (よい属美), which means “from a noble family.”

Forms of the name

  • Full name – Alicia.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants – Alice, Alice, Ellie, Alison, Adelheid, Elizabeth, Alli, Ali, Signa, Alya, Aliska, Alsinya, Alice, Ala, Alla.
  • Declension of the name – Alicia-Alicia.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy – absent. When the baby is baptized, the parents choose a naming that is similar in meaning or sound. The most appropriate is Allah.

meaning, fate, character, origin, compatibility with other names

Saint Alice is the patron saint of all bearers of this name, she helped heal the paralyzed and the blind. Perhaps related to this gift is the fact that almost all Alice have a well-developed intuition.

The fate of the name Alice

Alice is a workaholic, she gives herself to work. These are diligent workers, easily taking on many responsibilities, ready to do the hardest work, they can even forget about themselves at such moments. Alice prefers work to her personal life, which is why her marriage occurs quite late. But quickly succeeds in the professional field. She can become a good doctor, architect, design engineer, philologist, journalist and even an artist.

Alice can’t stand persistence. And choosing a husband, he certainly will not look at his material status. With her chosen one, she is ready to share all the joys and hardships of family life, but for this, a man must become a real support for her.

Alisa character

Alisa is very practical, ambitious and responsible. A good friend, she will come to the rescue of someone who needs her. Generous, kind, benevolent, tactful, fair, honest, disinterested.

Alice is not a spender, she always carefully thinks through purchases. At the same time, she loves beauty and worships it. You can spend a fortune on art.

Dislikes sitting still and needs constant movement. Strives for fame and material well-being. But Alice is characterized by isolation. She is very strong spiritually, has a serious assertiveness and goes ahead. The bearer of this name has incredible willpower and a very powerful character, thanks to which she successfully copes with all tasks. Obstacles and failures on her way cannot interfere with the fulfillment of her goal, she can even leave her mark on history. Alice always keeps her word and knows how to keep secrets. At the same time, she is a rebel who does not like limits and restrictions, for her there are no foundations.

Russian theater and film actress Alisa Grebenshchikova. Photo: Julia Kazakova, commons.wikimedia.org Russian model Alisa Krylova. Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov, globallookpress.com

The origin of the name Alice

Alice goes back to the old French Alice. This is a short form of the name Adelais. The latter, in turn, is an abbreviation of the Germanic name Adelaide. According to some reports, the word is of Jewish origin, as the original researchers cite the name Elisha, which means “God saves.” Alice is also mentioned in ancient Greek texts. Abbreviated forms of the name: Fox, Liska, Alya, Alka, Ellis.

Alisa compatibility with other names

Good chances for a happy life: Alexander, Anton, Andrei, Alexei, Victor, Dmitry, Denis, Igor, Maxim, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, Sergey.

One should beware: Vitaliy, Yury.

Expert comment

Elena Danilova, Vedic astrologer, numerologist, palmist, energy practitioner:

Alice’s name number is 8. It is ruled by the planet Saturn. This is a planet of limitation, it can bring not only success, but also many obstacles, lawsuits and hostility from the environment.

Number 8 people look older than their age and are often prone to premature aging.

8 is the number of confidence and certainty. By nature, such people are introverts, secretive and patient, serious, thoughtful, with inner peace.

The whole life of the “eights” is a constant and endless struggle. Obstacles constantly arise in their path, but they do not retreat. They make very good politicians. If they work in large companies, they are very devoted to them. Often the environment does not understand such an obsession with business. People treat them with caution, because the “eights” are usually very tough and demanding in relationships, despite the fact that they have a very tender and fragile spiritual nature inside.


It is important to learn to take life lightly, to understand that barriers and obstacles are given for growth, in order to teach them something.

Don’t get into arguments.

You have to be very careful with intoxications, because these are people who are prone to the use of drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol.

It is important for them to make friends with the sense of time, as they are often very slow and thus only irritate their surroundings.

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