Qué significa emily: ☆ Emily – origen, significado, pronunciación & popularidad

Qué significa emily: ☆ Emily – origen, significado, pronunciación & popularidad

Significado de Emily

¿Cuál es el origen del nombre Emily?

Emily es un nombre femenino de origen latín (aemilius).

Significado de Emily:

Emily proviene del término latino aemilius, que significa “muy trabajador”. Por tanto, el significado del nombre Emily es “la que es laboriosa”.

Características personales:

Los rasgos que más definen a Emily son su intensidad, sus ideas claras y la seguridad en sí misma. Es una mujer realista, que tiene muy claros los objetivos en su vida y sabe qué hacer para alcanzarlos. Tiene una gran confianza en sí misma, y no se deja controlar por sus emociones, las mantiene a raya para poder tomar las decisiones adecuadas en cada situación. Muestra un carácter fuerte y poderoso, por eso resulta una persona muy intensa y que no deja indiferente a nadie.

En el plano laboral, Emily es una persona responsable y firme, que transmite confianza y poder de liderazgo. No le importa trabajar duro para alcanzar sus metas, busca siempre mejores oportunidades en su profesión. Le encanta organizar y dirigir las tareas, tiene una gran habilidad para ello. Por eso es capaz de llevar un equipo de forma excelente, aumentando su eficacia pero sin disminuir su motivación. Su facilidad de palabra hace que sepa dar órdenes mostrándose a la vez comprensiva y firme. Como controla muy bien sus emociones, no se muestra vulnerable ante sus compañeros.

En la amistad, Emily es una amiga con la que todos quieren contar. Todos se sienten cómodos y seguros a su lado, pues ella transmite esa confianza innata que la caracteriza. Es algo reservada con sus emociones, está tan acostumbrada a mantenerlas bajo control que odia mostrarse débil. Eso puede ofrecer una idea equivocada de ser una mujer que puede con todo y no se derrumba ante nada. Solo sus amigos más íntimos saben que sufre tanto como los demás.

Emily mantiene muy buena relación con su familia. Desde niña, se muestra educada, obediente y trabajadora, por lo que resulta un modelo de hija y hace sentir muy orgullosos a todos sus seres queridos. Si tiene hijos, Emily los educará con mucha libertad, pero enseñándoles siempre el valor del esfuerzo y la constancia.

En el amor, Emily es una mujer romántica que cree en la existencia de su alma gemela. No le gusta conquistar a su pareja, más bien prefiere esperar a que la seduzcan a ella, aunque sabe cómo comportarse para resultar más atractiva ante la persona que le gusta. Cuando entabla una relación por fin, es capaz de relegar su trabajo a un segundo plano para dedicarse a su pareja con mayor atención. Necesita compartir intereses y opiniones, poder crecer intelectualmente junto a su pareja, ya que para Emily es algo esencial en una relación.


El número asociado a Emily es el 1.

Onomástica o santoral del nombre Emily:

24 de agosto (Santa Emily).

Emily en otros idiomas:

En español e italiano: Emilia.

En inglés: Emily.

En alemán: Emilie.

En francés: Émilie.

☆ Emily — origen, significado, pronunciación & popularidad — vliruosucb.org

Qué significa el nombre emily: ☆ Emily — origen, significado, pronunciación & popularidad

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Significado de Emily y su origen »【Nombre Actualizado】

Actualizado el 04/02/2020 por John Dela

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 3 minutos

En esta ocasión analizaremos cual es el significado de Emily y su origen. Estos datos te ayudarán a conocer como es Emily en su familia y entorno laboral. También conocerás otros detalles importantes de su personalidad. si conoces a alguien con este nombre, no te pierdas de el significado de Emily.

Indice del contenido

  • 1 Significado del nombre Emily y su origen
  • 2 Significado de Emily en el amor
  • 3 Significado de Emily en el estudio
  • 4 Significado de Emily en el trabajo
  • 5 Significado de Emily en la familia
  • 6 Diminutivo de Emily
  • 7 Santoral de Emily
  • 8 Numerología de Emily

Significado del nombre Emily y su origen

Nombre Emily

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Emily tiene origen en el latin “Aemilius” cuyo significado es “muy trabajador”. De esta manera podemos decir que el significado de Emily hace referencia al trabajo duro. Así pues, Emily significa “la que es muy trabajadora” o “quien se esfuerza mucho”.

Los rasgos que definen a Emily son su gran seguridad en sí misma y su claridad de ideas y pensamientos. Es organizada y tiene muy claras sus metas de vida, sabe cómo conseguir lo que quiere.

Emily sabe manejar sus emociones y no deja que éstas se interpongan en ninguna decisión importante. No se deja controlar por sus emociones, ya que cada decisión que toma es bien pensada.

Significado de Emily en el amor

En el ámbito amoroso podemos describir a Emily como una persona muy romántica. Sabe cómo seducir a quien le gusta de forma indirecta, pues no le gusta ir demasiado al punto en este sentido. Cree en el amor verdadero y en la lealtad de por vida, además podría conocer a su alma gemela en cualquier momento.

El trabajo es muy importante para Emily, sin embargo es capaz de dejarlo en un segundo plano cuando de amor se trata. El amor es un pilar importante en la vida de Emily, y por eso puede llegar a ser una pareja muy cuidadosa, amorosa y dedicada.

Emily necesita a una persona con quien compartir ideas, intereses y opiniones. Crecer intelectualmente junto con la persona que ama es importante para ella.

Significado de Emily en el estudio

En el estudio podemos decir que Emily es una estudiante excepcional. Es muy responsable y organizada como estudiante, cualidades que llevará también al ámbito laboral. Emily es una estudiante comprometida, fija su meta y se esfuerza en alcanzarla.

Emily es una chica ejemplar en el estudio, le encanta el mérito por destacar como una gran estudiante. Es responsable y tiene buenas habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita. Así mismo, es muy buena en el trabajo en equipo y se muestra cooperativa en estas actividades.

Significado de Emily en el trabajo

En el ámbito laboral, Emily se caracteriza por su gran responsabilidad y firmeza. Es capaz de transmitir confianza y desempeñar cargos de liderazgo. En la profesión que desempeñe busca puestos de líder, pues le encanta organizar y dirigir las tareas de un equipo a su cargo.

Es excelente líder y un ejemplo a seguir gracias a su gran rendimiento. Además es una trabajadora con gran voluntad y determinación. Siempre trabaja duro para cumplir con los objetivos planteados.

Gracias a su firmeza, organización y buena voluntad, es capaz de guiar un equipo con gran eficacia. Tiene el dote de la palabra y sabe dar órdenes sin necesidad de pisotear a su equipo o bajar el ánimo de ninguno.

Significado de Emily en la familia

Emily suele mantener en buenos términos sus relaciones familiares. Desde que es niña se muestra obediente a la autoridad de sus padres, respetuosa y trabajadora. Es un orgullo para todos sus seres queridos ya que es una niña ejemplar.

Al crecer, Emily se mantiene cariñosa, amable y respetuosa. Al tener hijos los cría con los valores con los que la han criado. Además siempre se muestra muy comprensiva, y les deja expresarse con libertad pero sin perder nunca el respeto mutuo.

Diminutivo de Emily

El diminutivo de Emily más común es Emi, pero algunas personas también le llaman Mily.

Value of the name Emily

Names for the letter

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Short form of Emily. Emmy, Milia, Miila, Miili, Meli, Milla, Mimmi.
Synonyms for Emily. Emilia, Emma, ​​Aimil, Emil, Emilie.
Origin of the name Emily. Emily is a Catholic name.

The name Emily has several origins. According to the first version, the name is derived from the Latin “aemulus”, meaning “rival, worthy opponent.”

According to the second version, the name Emily is a form of the name Emilia, which has different versions of origin. Emily and Emilia are interchangeable and mutually used names, but in modern times each of these names has become independent and is used independently of each other. nine0006

The name Emily has related names: Amalia, Emma, ​​Irma. Also, the name Emily can be used as an affectionate appeal to the owner of the name Emma. The name Emily corresponds to the paired male name Emil.

Name days for the name Emily, see the corresponding full name Emma or Emilia.

Description of the meaning of the name Emily – see the names Emily and Emma.

Emily’s name day

Emily does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Emily

  • Emily Brontë ((1818 – 1848) English writer)
  • Emily du Chatelet (French aristocrat, physicist and mathematician, friend of Voltaire)
  • Emily Olivia Leah Blunt ((born 1983) British actress, winner of the Golden Globe Award 2006 as the best supporting actress in the television film “Gideon’s Daughter”, 2007 nominee for the Golden Globe Award and the BAFTA Award for the film ” The Devil Wears Prada”. The first fame for the actress was brought by the film “My Summer of Love”. )
  • Emily Di Donato (American fashion model)
  • Emily Rute ((1844 – 1924) nee – Seida Salme; Zanzibar princess who married a German merchant and converted to Protestantism. Gained fame as the author of the memoirs “Memoirs of an Arab Princess from Zanzibar” – the first known autobiography of an Arab woman.)
  • Emily de Ravin (Australian actress, best known for her roles as Tess Harding on Alien City and Claire Littleton on Lost)
  • Emily Mortimer (English actress known for Scream 3, Match Point and The Pink Panther)
  • Emily Booth (English actress and television presenter. Stage name of Emily “Bouff” Bouffante. Primarily in horror films. Also launched a horror television show.)
  • Emily Bergl (American film and television actress. She began her career starring in the big budget film Carrie 2: Fury at 1999, for which she was nominated for the Saturn Award. Known for her roles in the television series Kidnapped, The People in the Trees, Southland and Desperate Housewives, where she is currently filming. )
  • Emily Green Bolch ((1867 – 1961) American economist, pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1946)
  • Emily Elizabeth Dickinson ((1830 – 1886) American poetess. During her lifetime, she published less than ten poems (most sources give numbers from seven to ten) out of eighteen hundred written by her. Even what was published underwent serious editorial revision to bring poems in accordance with the poetic norms of the time. Dickinson’s poems are unparalleled in contemporary poetry. Their lines are short, titles are usually absent, and unusual punctuation and capitalization are common. Many of her poems contain the motif of death and immortality, these the same subjects permeate her letters to friends.The first collection of Dickinson’s poetry was published in 1890 and has undergone heavy editorial revision; a complete and almost unedited edition was produced in 1955 by Thomas Johnson. Although the publications drew unfavorable critical reviews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Emily Dickinson is now regarded by critics as one of the greatest American poets. )
  • Emily Young (English director and screenwriter; in 2009 her film “Veronica Decides to Die” was released – an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho starring Sarah Michelle Gellar)
  • Emily Jane Browning (Australian actress)
  • Emily Samuelson (American figure skater performing in ice dancing. Paired with Evan Batesomona – World Junior Champion in 2008, bronze medalist of the Four Continents Championships and multiple medalist of the US championships.)
  • Emily Ayres Robins (New Zealand actress and singer, best known for her role as Alex Wilson in The Elephant Princess)
  • Emily Heymans (Canadian diver, three-time Olympic medalist, world champion)
  • Emily Yasir (contemporary Palestinian artist)
  • Emily Erin Deschanel (American film actress, producer, best known for starring in the television series Bones)
  • Emily Irene Vancamp (Canadian actress. She is best known for her role as Amy Abbott on Everwood, which ran from 2002 to 2006, and as Rebecca Harper on Brothers & Sisters, which aired in 2007. She is currently starring in the TV series “Revenge”.)
  • nine0097 Emily Jane Bronte ((1818 – 1848) English poetess, author of Wuthering Heights)

  • Emily Barclay (English actress, mostly in films produced in Australia and New Zealand)
  • Emily Jean Perkins (Canadian actress)
  • Emily Simone (French electro-pop singer, composer and songwriter)
  • Emily Watson (English theater and film actress)
  • Emily Tennessee Donelson ((1807 – 1836) niece of US President Andrew Jackson and unofficial First Lady of the United States since 1829to 1836)
  • Emily Mallory Procter (American actress best known for her role as Caylee Ducane on C.S.I.: Miami Crime Scene Investigation)

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Discussion about Emily’s name description

Not Emilia yet (guest)

Added on 02/28/2022 at 19:05

I am now choosing a new name for myself, because I want to change the name given to me at birth. It has disgusted me for a long time. Having stumbled upon the name Emily (Emilia), I remembered that once in the 5th grade I called myself this name, I really liked it.

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yulyasha (guest)

Added on 08/31/2019 at 05:02 am

What do I want to say? I have always felt like my middle name. I don’t even know how it came to me, but there is something in it. 🙂 nine0072 By the way, the film “The Six Demons of Emily Rose” proves that the translation of the name from English is “a worthy opponent”, “rival”.

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Olga (guest)

Added on 01/02/2019 at 11:24

My daughter was named Emily. Liked the sound. Emily Andreevna is with us. The name is so pleasant and suitable for our baby that we didn’t even think whether it sounds or not with a patronymic. In adult life, if there is a desire, she can be called Emilia Andreevna. nine0006

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Friend (guest)

Added on 01/01/2018 at 13:40

Normal name for Europe.

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Marina (guest)

Added on 12/27/2017 at 10:46 pm

Karina (guest):
What do you say?

What can I say, you have already answered your own question. This name does not fit this patronymic. It would be better to call Amalia Dmitrievna then, if you really want “Emily”. Yes, and Amalia can be affectionately called Emily – so we caught two birds with one stone 🙂

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  • Names

  • Emily


    Meaning: rival


    • The meaning of the name Emily – interpretation
    • Years later
    • Emily’s character

    • Emily’s fate

    The meaning of the name Emily – interpretation

    The name Emily is considered to be Catholic – it is given to girls at baptism. There is no consensus among researchers about its origin. Some believe that this is just a variant of another female name – Emilia, which is widespread in many regions of the world, including Scotland and Sweden. The most plausible version of the origin seems to be from the Latin word aemulus, which means “worthy opponent” or “rival”. The validity of this option is confirmed by the bright, rather contradictory nature of the owners of this not particularly common name. Girls and women bearing this name are often strong, independent personalities. nine0006

    Years later

    • Girl

    • Young woman

    • nine0312

    As a girl, Emily is calm and inquisitive. She is not particularly willing to communicate with her peers – the usual children’s games are of little interest to her. But Millie is very attached to adults and does not leave them a single step. But only on condition that this person knows a lot of interesting stories, old fairy tales, is erudite and is ready to share his knowledge with children.

    If Milochka manages to find children like herself, who love to listen to various stories, then she seeks to gather them in a circle and herself tells grateful listeners a lot of interesting things – what she heard from adults, read in books or thought up. Millie’s fantasy knows no bounds. At school, she studies well, is diligent, but only in those subjects that interest her. The exact sciences are extremely rare on this list, but she achieves success in them too – if she understands the importance of the same mathematics for the future life. nine0006

    Emily starts thinking about her future very early. But while little Millie cannot decide on him (due to the childish nature and lack of elementary knowledge about the world and professions – this is common to all children), the girl’s own future is drawn vague and sometimes full of adventures, no more. Milochka rarely gets sick in childhood, but some of the usual foods cause a somewhat inadequate reaction in her body.

    Emily’s temperament cannot be determined unambiguously. In her character there are features of choleric and phlegmatic, closely intertwined with each other and making up complete harmony. Little Millie has a calm temperament, but from time to time she shows firmness of character and a certain amount of stubbornness, quite surprising her parents and teachers, who at these moments can simply be confused. nine0006

    Having reached adolescence, Emily is by no means a quiet and accommodating girl. This is exactly the case when it is appropriate to talk about the difficulties of adolescence. Mila’s activity, the beginnings of which were noticeable in early childhood, becomes bright – it is already impossible not to notice it. The girl plays an important role in school self-government, in the council of high school students, and in the scientific community of students she is very successful in leading historical and sociological trends.

    This is no longer the same charming quiet girl Milochka. She is always in the center of events, in many of them she plays the first violin. At the university, Milli continues to be active in social activities. She is elected head of the group, and she fulfills these duties with pleasure. He is a member of the student council, publishes the university newspaper, and contributes to the major press. In communication, Millie prefers a male company, but the guys do not consider her “their boyfriend” at all. Emily for them is a charming girl, the soul of the company. Being around, the guys strive to become better and never discuss their love affairs with her. Needless to say, all the guys from the group and young teachers are in love with her? nine0006

    Emily strives for independence early. Already a student, she is actively looking for a part-time job, but does not get a job as a courier or administrator in a beauty salon. She prefers working with people or creative activities. Emily publishes her poems and stories, she succeeds in journalistic materials. As a student, she dabbles in fantasy stories. For the summer, he often leaves for the Black Sea resort, where he works as an animator.

    Adult bearers of the name Emily have an unusually bright character, in which feminine notes begin to predominate. After graduating from the Faculty of History, the Institute of Literature or having received a similar education, Emily delves into creativity and teaching, successfully combining them. In the women’s team, Emily is sociable, even with everyone around her, she never participates in different “factions”. nine0006

    Still prefers to associate with men. Adult Emily is an unusually interesting, bright personality that attracts the attention of many men. Women don’t like her. In his personal life, it is not easy – he will be sensitive to the choice of the chosen one, which will shock the majority of potential “boyfriends”. However, it is easier to become her beloved than a friend. Love for children will play into the hands of the male sex – she will develop an attitude towards the guys as if they are children, and therefore she will look after the chosen man, idolize him, love and dip in affection. nine0006

    Emily’s character

    • prudence




    • Laziness



      Lack of housekeeping


    Emily is a kind of focus of positive character traits. In childhood and adolescence, she is obedient, becoming a girl, showing generosity, always ready to help. Adult Emily is romantic, reasonable and noble, conscientiously fulfills her official duties.

    This sensitive and touchy nature will have an extremely negative attitude towards injustice, especially when it touches it itself. A parent who unfairly punished her may turn out to be a person on whom a great resentment lurks. A slight rancor can turn out to be the very hook for which a childish offense will catch on. nine0006

    In the eyes of those around her, Miila is a kind of ideal, having no vices or negative character traits. But this opinion is not entirely fair. In the mornings, Millie likes to be lazy, to soak up an extra hour in bed, and she obviously does not pay enough attention to household chores.

    Despite the fact that the name Emily promises mostly positive qualities, there are also such as boastfulness with absent-mindedness. True, boasting will not always play a directly negative role – sometimes it will help to set the world around you for a positive attitude. nine0006

    Emily’s fate

    Obvious creative inclinations haunt Emily. Some name bearers underestimate their talent, considering their infrequent attempts to write different stories just a pleasant pastime.

    But if there is a person (usually a man) who sees, appreciates the full potential of Emily and can open the eyes of the woman herself, then she will become an outstanding writer, essayist or journalist.

    nine0005 Emily

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies


    Career, business and money

    Emily’s career is not particularly interesting. It is enough for her to grow horizontally, and she is satisfied with her position as department editor. And this is despite the huge potential hidden in it. But if a loved or respected person can convince Emily of her own abilities, then she will reach true heights in creativity. nine0006

    As far as mental abilities are concerned, everything is perfect. In adolescence, all sorts of talents will begin to unfold – everything is grabbed on the fly, study is easy, there is a desire to develop and improve, but there is a manner to imitate, moreover, even those who should not be imitated.

    Marriage and family

    Emily gets married late – not earlier than 26 years old. And this marriage is the first and last. Family for her is something sacred, but the hostess from Emily is by no means the best. She knows how to cook, but she doesn’t particularly like it. But her homemade preparations are excellent. nine0006

    The ideal order in the house, which most women aspire to, does not interest her much. Much more important for her is the purity of relations in the family, complete understanding, kindness. Home very soon understand this and willingly admit it.

    Sex and love

    Emily is an unusually amorous girl. But all her affections quickly pass, giving way to new ones, until she meets her man, for whom she will fight to the end. Enthusiastic and romantic, Millie will never give up a kiss without love. nine0006

    She gets her first sexual experience only when she is married. During sex, she completely surrenders to the power of her beloved man, who must be strong, courageous. But he doesn’t like experiments.


    Emily rarely complains about her health. Hard work sometimes causes overwork, which sometimes becomes chronic. In this case, the means proven over the years will help – good rest and healthy sleep.

    Emily is prone to insomnia, so make sure you get at least 6-7 hours of sleep. The girl finds a way out of an unstable state in fitness, workout or strength training in the gym. The name Emily loves to surround herself with new people and make her life bright, and this is the key to happiness. nine0006

    Interests and hobbies

    Emily is an addicted person. But the main hobby is the family, to which she gives herself without a trace. For her, spending time with her family on a ski or bike ride, going to a ski resort or spending an unforgettable day in a family club or in an extreme park (also with the whole family) is the most important hobby.

    Another hobby of the woman is gardening and homework. During the harvest on her site, she is able to “wind up” up to three hundred cans of cucumbers, tomatoes and other goodies.

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