Que significa yashira: Origen y significado del nombre Yashira

Que significa yashira: Origen y significado del nombre Yashira

Significado de Yashira y su origen »【Actualizado】

Actualizado el 28/01/2020 por John Dela

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 3 minutos

A la hora de decidir que nombre seleccionar para tu hija  te encuentras ante miles y millones de posibilidades para escoger el nombre apropiado. A continuación, te mostramos el significado de Yashira, uno de los nombre árabes más intrigantes. Al conocer el significado de Yashira y su origen podrás determinar si es el nombre perfecto para tu pequeña y si es la personalidad que quieres la caracterice.

Indice del contenido

  • 1 Significado del nombre Yashira y su origen
  • 2 Significado de Yashira en el amor
  • 3 Significado de Yashira en el estudio
  • 4 Significado de Yashira en el trabajo
  • 5 Significado de Yashira en la familia
  • 6 Diminutivo de Yashira
  • 7 Santoral de Yashira
  • 8 Numerología de Yashira

Significado del nombre Yashira y su origen


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El nombre femenino Yashira significa “riqueza” y su origen es árabe. Se caracteriza por ser una mujer alegre, divertida, amable y extrovertida. Cuando está rodeada de personas suele convertirse en el centro de atención por su personalidad tan carismática y atrayente.

Por lo general, Yashira se destaca por ser dinámica y emprendedora, llena de generosidad y altruismo, es decir, siempre pendiente del bienestar de quienes son su círculo de allegados. Le encanta estar en compañía de otras personas y compartir su buen humor para que todos puedan disfrutar de su grata asociación.

Significado de Yashira en el amor

Yashira es una chica idealista en cuanto a amor se refiere. Según sus allegados es apasionada, lo que incluye el trato que le da a su pareja. Cree a ciegas en el amor verdadero, por lo que está dispuesta a lo que sea y a esperar el tiempo necesario para encontrar al amor de su vida.

Debido a que es romántica, espera poder compartir su vida con alguien que tenga sus mismos ideales y valores, que sea honesto, generoso, fiel y espiritual. Yashira tiene ideas sobre el amor muy elevados. De manera que encontrar a la persona ideal puede llevarle tiempo pero está preparada para esperar y conseguirlo a toda costa.

Significado de Yashira en el estudio

Yashira busca nuevos conocimientos constantemente. A la hora de aprender lo hace de manera voluntaria y decidida. Se esfuerza por cumplir cada meta que se propone, así que esta dispuesta a abarcar varias actividades a la vez.

Esta dispuesta a trabajar en grupo cuando lo amerite, y si debe responder a la autoridad de alguien al realizar actividades lo hace sin ningún problema. Yashira es muy sobresaliente al aprender y compartir sus conocimientos.

Significado de Yashira en el trabajo

No le gusta ser monótona. Por eso, Yashira está dispuesta a siempre enfrentar retos y adquirir nuevos aprendizajes. Además, no le teme a la competencia, por ello, trata de sobresalir en su lugar de trabajo.

Yashira es alguien capaz de tomar decisiones propias. Sin embargo, cuando es necesario someterse al orden establecido en el empleo lo hace sin ningún problema. Puede trabajar bajo presión y aun así realizar bien sus actividades. Entre las ocupaciones adecuadas para Yashira está lo relacionado con viajes, turismo y comunicación.

Significado de Yashira en la familia

Así como es idealista con el amor, Yashira espera formar una familia llena de amor, compresión y comunicación. Esta dispuesta a dar a su familia toda la atención que requieran y a fomentar un ambiente de unión y paz en el hogar.

Yashira valora en gran manera su círculo familiar, por eso, respeta el tiempo que está con ellos. Su mayor deseo y prioridad es crear una familia donde todos se apoyen y se ayuden. En consecuencia, se esforzará por conseguir la persona indicada para construir ese hogar soñado.

Diminutivo de Yashira

Los diminutivos más usados para el nombre Yashira son Yas y Yashi.

Santoral de Yashira

No existe santoral para el nombre Yashira.

Numerología de Yashira

El signo numerológico para Yashira es el 3. Este denota en su personalidad que es una persona alegre, positiva y extrovertida. Además de cumplidora de sus deberes.

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Buscar significado:

John Dela

Webmaster y autor principal de ElSignificadoDe.Net. En este blog pretendo resolver todas tus dudas sobre el significado de los sueños, nombres, apellidos y definiciones entre otros. Investigando siempre en fuentes confiables como Wikipedia, la Real Academia Española y libros antiguos de psicología y literatura. Si quieres contactar conmigo o conocerme un poco mas, te invito a conocerme haciendo clic arriba sobre mi nombre.

Significados más buscados 2020:

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  • Soñar con rio sucio
  • Soñar con mucha gente
  • Soñar que se muere un hijo
  • Soñar con lagartos
  • Soñar que estoy muerto
  • Soñar con tu ex besandote
  • Soñar que tengo un bebé
  • Soñar con popó
  • Soñar con alguien que murió
  • Soñar con frijoles
  • Soñar con muertos
  • Soñar con serpientes
  • Soñar con inodoro
  • Soñar con mucha comida
  • Soñar que te abrazan
  • Soñar persona que te gusta
  • Soñar con besar
  • Soñar con jugar futbol
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  • Soñar con gallinas
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Yashira Significado Nombre? Significado De Yashira

Esto es Loco:

Miles tienen este don inestimable, pero nunca lo descubren.

Sólo unos pocos conocen sus nombres verdadera esencia.
Descubre tu Nombres de significado oculto

Ahora! Volver al análisis de la personalidad de Yashira

Dinámico, brillante, emprendedor eres comunicativa y saliente. Casi siempre alegre optimista o un portador de buen humor!

Una persona emocional que se sabe que es generosa y altruista. Eres una persona extrovertida Le gustaría tener la compañía de los demás, porque todo el mundo tiene características fascinantes. Usted cree firmemente que los seres humanos están vivos para disfrutar de la vida.

Empático con el núcleo de su hipersensibilidad a menudo puede dar falsos positivos. Para nueves números existe una relación de amor con el aprendizaje de nuevas cosas y viajes (todo tipo de viajes). Siempre llevar a cabo sus objetivos de una manera voluntaria y decidida. Una persona independiente que se esfuerza por encajar en la hora de tener que responder a la autoridad. Sin embargo, en momentos en que se necesita puede ser particularmente amplia y obediente. Las personas confían y dependen de usted, porque todos saben que se puede contar. Honesta y, a veces incluso demasiado directo o sincera al hablar.

Significado de Yashira relacionado a trabajar

La felicidad viene a usted una vez que sienta la libertad en sus acciones y tener independencia.

No le gustaba la monotonía usted es anhelo de pasión y constantemente anhela para nuevos conocimientos o aventuras. Una persona con visión de futuro cuya intuición a menudo lo empuja fuera de los caminos. Una especie de rebelde. Negarse a someterse al orden establecido no le impide trabajar en un equipo bajo otra persona, siempre y cuando usted tiene la libertad de movimiento y es capaz de tomar decisiones por su cuenta. de la plena sorprende su viaje es a menudo fuera de la norma. ocupaciones adecuados: todas las áreas de viajes, el comercio, el turismo y la comunicación. Crafts Council, la escucha, las ocupaciones en relación con el derecho internacional, la investigación, la ciencia, militar, policial. A veces, la psicología, la clarividencia, la astrología, el magnetismo, el bienestar, masajes, el humanitario, el audiovisual.

Qué bienestar significa Yashira?

Estás lleno de energía! De este modo brillante, rápido, eficaz, voluntaria y dinámica vida conquista sin hacer preguntas.

Pero recuerde que debe tener tiempo para usted y asegúrese de tener un estilo de vida equilibrado. Una forma de lograrlo es mediante la organización de su día a día un poco más. Sus puntos débiles son: hígado, el estómago, las caderas, las piernas, la columna vertebral, la pelvis.

Significado nombre Yashira a nivel financiero

Nunca luchar directamente por la riqueza. El dinero es sólo un medio para lograr sus deseos.

Si alguna vez hay un cruce de caminos en el que tiene que elegir entre la paz o el dinero interno, que en su mayoría elige armonía. El caso es que este tipo de decisiones son siempre depende de las circunstancias externas. Financieramente su viaje consiste en subidas y bajadas.

Sanfic Lab showcases fiction and non-fiction from emerging and established talent (EXCLUSIVE)

Santiago Lab in Chile, an industry initiative of the Santiago Film Festival to support Ibero-American projects in development, selected 28 titles, 14 feature films and 14 documentaries selected from hundreds of applications from all over Latin America and Spain.

Some of the names have been chosen from industry events from other festivals such as “Diamante” by Mafiz in Malaga; Constanza Figari’s Woman Wants to Die, which Sanfic awarded at this year’s Industria Guadalajara, along with MC Silencio, a Colombian production from Medellin, an emerging audiovisual hub in Colombia, said Sanfic Industry head and festival co-founder Gabriela. Sandoval.

The same can be said for some documentaries such as Patio Silence, a gripping documentary about the dark history of the Casa de la Beneficencia in Castellón, Spain, which was presented at Doc Valencia. The Bloques Erraticos document is the first full-length feature documentary by Thomas Woodroffe, whose famous shorts include “Austral Fever” and “Holding Desire”.

Sanfic Industry relied on its consultants for the selection. In terms of feature films, they have had producer and sales agent Arturo Pérez and Colombian director Simon Mesa, who won the Palme d’Or at Cannes for his short film “Laidi” and whose debut feature film “Amparo” was screened at Cannes Critics’ Week in the past year.

The documentaries were consulted by Colombian producer and distributor Consuelo Castillo and Rodolfo Castillo, director, producer and program director of the Guadalajara International Film Festival and DocuLab.

This year’s Santiago Lab features projects from emerging and established talent from Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Venezuela, Guatemala, Spain, Ecuador, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

Santiago Laboratory Fiction

“Diamond” (“Diamante”)

Bolivia, Argentina. Director: Yashira Jordan Producer: Empatia Cinema, Alvaro Olmos

Yashira Jordan’s debut, set in Bolivia, was awarded the Sanfic award for his participation in his mentoring sessions at Mafiz in Malaga. It follows Petra, a rebellious indigenous teenager who performs trap music. One day, she receives a message from her estranged father and sets out to reunite with him along with a friend she makes along the way, Leo de Vinci.

Woman Wants to Die (Una Mujer Quiere Morir)

Chile, France. Directed by: Constanza Figari Produced by: Nina Nino Films, Roberto Doveris

Winning the Sanfic award at the June Co-production Meet in Guadalajara, this is Figari’s second feature film after her acclaimed abortion drama Siete Semanas. As the title suggests, Fernanda wants to die, but her mother seeks to prevent her from committing suicide.

“MC Silence” (“MC Silencio”)

Colombia. Director: Germán Arango Rendon aka Lucas Perro

Production: Briosa Films, Yira Plaza

Another Sanfic award winner at the Guadalajara meeting in June, the drama is about a young aspiring rap artist, Jeff, who invites his childhood friend Victor to join speeches. But instead, Victor joins the paramilitaries.

“Kicks of the Earth” (“Pies de Tierra”)

Guatemala. Director: Leiser Chikin Production: Cuenca Studios

Aspiring talent from Guatemala, indigenous filmmaker Leizer Chikin, whose short film The Girl and the Harp entered the New York Film Festival, points the camera at Argelia, a young Maya girl from Guatemala who lives with her sick mother and father – an alcoholic. She finds meaning and escape from reality when she discovers taekwondo.


Canada, Mexico. Director: Andrea Martinez Crowther Producers: MadreFoca, Luis Nagil

From award-winning Canadian-Mexican director Andrea Martinez, whose Little Things was executive produced by Guillermo del Toro. “Labranza” follows four farm workers at various stages of their lives who travel to a farm in Ontario, Canada for eight months. There, each of them will have to face their own fears and limitations as they enter the next phase of their lives.

Muret la Paz

Costa Rica. Director: Juan Luis Araya Producers: En Tiempo Liquido, Patricia Velazquez

Costa Rican drama by actor Juan Luis Araya (“Gestacion”), in the center of which the grandfather of Torillo and his granddaughter go in search of a missing mare. Torillo feels guilty about the death of a neighbor’s boy who was hit by a car while rescuing two dogs he abandoned. He tries to adopt the surviving dog, but the boy’s mother wants it for herself. Finding the mare is Torilla’s last chance for redemption.

South (El Sur)

Chile. Dir. Pablo Cerda Prod. Rodrigo Pino Espinoza

The second directorial work of the Chilean actor and dancer Pablo Cerda. Pick turns to a German journalist who is on the trail of an illegal shipment to South America that turns out not to be hashish, but a more deadly drug. She opposes corrupt officials and international pressure to expose smuggling.

“Earth Without Evil” (“Terra Sem Males”)

Brazil. Producer director: Giovani Borba

Borba’s third feature film, the award-winning debut film The Empty House, had its world premiere at the Rio Film Festival. Also set in the countryside, A Land Without Evil centers on the brothers of the Freitas family, whose plantation is suffering from severe drought. To avoid their suffering, the older brother accepts a job in the Amazon rainforest. When he doesn’t hear from his brother, the younger brother accepts the same job where he hopes to find his brother. Grinding works reveal the system of modern slavery.

“I will mutate like an animal of the jungle” (“Mutaré Como Animal De Monte”)

Venezuela, France. Dir. Hector Silva Nunez Prod. Genuino Films, Rodolfo Cova

Producer Rodolfo Cova, whose credits include Venice Golden Lion Winner From Afar and Michel Franco’s Un Certain Regard Las Hijas de Abril. Mutate is about 20-year-old Brian who returns from the city to his African-American home village in the remote Venezuelan jungle after a long absence. Faced with the dilemma of leaving his country in crisis or returning to his ancestral roots, Brian sets out in search of answers hidden in the depths of a mountain.

Freddie & Willington

Columbia. Dir. Carlos Augusto Rojas Prod. Calambur Films, Julian Sanchez

Writer Rojas’ debut feature film, featuring the acclaimed short film “Un Barril” and the mini-series “La Vida es Como”, tells the story of 10-year-old twin brothers who collide with each other at a football pitch. the field, ignoring the fact that they are playing for the fate of their community and for the fate of a fisherman convicted a few years before they were born.

“Queen of the Forest” (“Reina del Bosque”)

Argentina, Chile. Dir. Luhan Loyoko Prod. Libre Cine, Mariano Turek

The third film, Loyoko, tells the story of a pregnant girl, Giulia, who takes care of her dying father, whom she has not seen for many years. Left alone in a snowy hut, they are united by a distant and reproachful bond. Isolation and the imminent arrival of life and death create a hallucinatory state in which the present, past and dreams coexist.

What’s left between us (Lo que queda entre nosotros)

Chile. Dir. Carlos Dittborn Prod. Cinemadiccion, Paulina Costa

Debut film by editor Dittborn, known for his London shorts. The film focuses on a Chilean couple in their 30s who is an immigrant in Paris. After 15 years of marriage, they face the challenge of becoming parents while Paris is engulfed in terrorist attacks.


Argentina, Chile. Dir. Martin Emiliano Diaz Prod. Janvoka, Fernanda Chain Fuentes

The second feature film directed by director, editor, video artist Diaz, the debut film “Lo Habitado” premiered at 17 Sanfic. Bernal is about a young Chilean student from Buenos Aires who works as a courier and is active in a leftist organization. One day, his partner has a heart attack and is forced to make difficult decisions in the hospital, faced with an unfamiliar healthcare system and his own personal and ideological conflicts.

“Profesora Leda”

Colombia. Dir. David David Prod. Garabato Cine, Carolina David

David David from Colombia received two awards for his debut film “La Frontera” (“The Frontier”) at the Sanfic Industria 2018 event and another one at the Malaga Festival. His new film project follows a teacher, the titular Professor Leda, who checks on a constantly absent student and discovers that his father, a former guerrilla struggling to return to civilian life, has abandoned his family. Meanwhile, her student wants to learn how to play the accordion and become an artist.

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Did you just get up and find that your fluffy fur doesn’t walk well? If yes, then you probably want to know0199 what to do if my cat is lame Therefore, since this may be an urgent matter, we will walk you through step by step everything you need to do to make sure your friend gets well as soon as possible.

But first of all, we need to calm down. Yes, I know it’s very hard to do this when your friend is hurting, but it’s very important. These animals know very well how we feel, and if they feel a certain tension, it will not be easy for them to remain as calm as possible, which is what we need to take care of them. So, inhale, hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale gradually. You are feeling better? Yes? So let’s get started and see why my cat is lame.

Although, first of all, we always recommend giving your pets a chondroprotector that will protect their joints and help avoid such situations.

Ecuphar Cosequin 45 …

To make things more organized, let’s find out what to do with mild lameness and in cases of severe lameness.


  • 1 Mild lameness
  • 2 Severe lameness
  • 3 Causes of lameness in cats
  • 4 How to bandage a cat’s paw
  • 5 Caring for a cat with a bandaged paw

Mild lameness

When we talk about mild lameness, we mean those in which the animal can walk without feeling too much pain. You can complain, but it’s not a very loud complaint. He will lick the paw, but the pain will not prevent him from moving it. A cat can have this lameness when it is accidentally stepped on by a person or a large dog, or when it has damaged paw pads.

Do? Well, the remedy you can use is to apply pure aloe vera gel on the affected area and wait a day to see how it develops. If the next day we see that he is more swollen or complains more, we will take him to the vet. . If we do not have a path or it is closed, in the next section I will explain how to bandage a leg.

Severe lameness

When we talk about severe lameness, we mean those in which the cat cannot use its paw. He is in a lot of pain, so the complaints are loud. It can become aggressive towards us if we try to touch the affected paw.

Causes of lameness in a cat

If my cat is lame, there are many reasons that could cause this injury. among the most common we find:

  • fractures
  • tumors
  • bruising
  • Leg injuries
  • Joint problems

In these cases, it is best to examine the animal well to have an idea of ​​what is causing your lameness, because depending on what it is, you will have to act one way or another. Thus, examine the painful area carefully and look for anything (a stuck pimple, a foreign object, etc.). If you see that he has microcracks on his legs, don’t worry: these wounds usually heal on their own; Now, if you spot any external element that shouldn’t be there, like a wasp stinger, you can carefully remove it with tweezers. Take him to the vet if you suspect he has a tumor, or if you see that everything is fine but the cat complains a lot.

Only if we notice that his leg is broken, and Only in very extreme cases, when we don’t have the financial means now, can we do it. How? This way: while one person is holding the cat, the other should bandage the paw with a bandage or, if you don’t have one, you can also use the cloth you normally use for wiping dishes. Don’t forget to secure it with adhesive tape.

Subject of the article:

My cat is broken

In very serious cases, when we see that it has come off on the leg, it is necessary to urgently contact the veterinarian. We can put a splint on her, but it’s actually much better if a specialist does it, because if we do it wrong, the cat can remain lame forever.

How to bandage a cat’s paw

Here are steps to bandage a cat’s paw who is lame and walks poorly:

  1. Prepare the material you will need: bandages, cotton, tire (best to buy plastic, but if it is urgent , you can use a tree or something similar), an adhesive bandage, a towel (or cloth). You can find all this in the first aid kit.
  2. Cover the animal with a towel or cloth to prevent it from biting or scratching. It is important not to cover it completely, but to put it on its side and cover with a rag, without covering your head.
  3. Now let’s start creating four rolls of cotton (to make them you need to take a piece and twist it between your fingers). After that, you should place them between the toes of the affected paw so that the claws do not get stuck.
  4. Then, while the person holds it, he bandages the affected leg with a bandage.

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