San gabriel santo: San Gabriel Arcángel

San gabriel santo: San Gabriel Arcángel

San Gabriel de la Dolorosa

San Gabriel de la Dolorosa


de la Juventud Catlica Italiana y de la regin de
27 de febrero


-Regin Abruzzo, Italia


1 El primero de marzo de 1838 naci en el pueblecito de Ass (Italia) un nio llamado
Francisco que, como el famoso fundador de los franciscanos, lleg a ser
santo. Era el undcimo
de trece hermanos y qued hurfano de madre a los cuatro aos. 

(que tom mas tarde como nombre religioso Gabriel de la Dolorosa) tena un
“temperamento suave, jovial, insinuante, decidido y generoso, posea
tambin un corazn sensible y lleno de afectividad. .. Era de palabra fcil 
apropiada, inteligente, amena y llena de una gracia que sorprenda…”
(Fuentes, p. 24s).

De estatura ms bien alta (meda 1,70
metros), tena “buena voz, era gil y  bien formado” (ib.). 

Con su familia se
traslad a Spoleto donde, como el otro Francisco, era un lder de los
jvenes. All fue a la escuela de los hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas, y al liceo
clsico con los jesuitas. Le agradaba mucho el canto, y consigui premios en
poesa latina y en las veladas teatrales.  Era un joven dinmico, con
una gran pasin por su fe cristiana. En su habitacin haba colocado una
escultura de la Piedad para su veneracin ntima . 

iba al teatro Meliso con su padre, muchas veces sala a escondidas para ir a
rezar bajo el prtico de la catedral, que estaba muy cerca; despus
regresaba antes de que concluyera la funcin para salir con los dems
espectadores. Algunas veces usaba cilicio y se sabe que en una ocasin rechaz
las proposiciones deshonestas de un libertino, amenazndole con una

Interviene la Virgen Mara
El 22 de agosto de 1856 estaba asistiendo a la
procesin de la “Santa Icone”, una imagen mariana venerada en
Spoleto, cuando la Virgen Mara le habl al corazn para invitarle con
apremio: “T no ests llamado a seguir en el mundo. Qu haces, pues,
en l? Entra en la vida religiosa” (Fuentes, p. 208). El 10 de
septiembre de 1856 entr en el noviciado pasionista de Morrovalle (Macerata)
y tom el nombre religioso de Gabriel. Tena solo 18 aos.
Su entrega fue con todo su corazn y
en la vida religiosa encontr su felicidad: “La alegra y el gozo que
disfruto dentro de estas paredes son indecibles” (Escritos, p. 185). Sus
mayores amores eran Jess Crucificado, la Eucarista y la Virgen

En el convento de Isola, cuando los primeros
rayos del sol entraban por la ventana de su
celda en la maana del 27 de febrero de 1862, Gabriel, sumido en xtasis de
amor y rodeado por los religiosos que lloraban junto a su lecho, abandon la
tierra y fue al cielo, invitado por la Virgen Mara.

Treinta aos
ms tarde, El 17 de octubre de 1892, se iniciaron lo trmites para
inscribirlo entre los santos ya que la devocin de los fieles y los milagros
que realizaba eran muchos.
Fue canonizado por Benedicto XV en 1920.
Declarado copatrn de la juventud catlica Italiana, 1926
Patrn principal de Abruzo en 1959.

Gemma al leer la vida de San Gabriel de la Dolorosa qued profundamente
vinculada espiritualmente con l y este se le apareci en muchas ocasiones
para guiarla y consolarla. 

Santuario de San Gabriel en Italia:
Como llegar:
Desde Roma:
Autostrada A/24 direccin Teramo, salida “S. Gabriele”, a 3 km est
el Santuario.

Regreso a la pgina principal

Esta pgina es obra de Las  Siervas de
los Corazones Traspasados de Jess y Mara.

Copyright 1999 SCTJM

San Gabriel Arcángel – California Missions Foundation

Mission San Gabriel Arcángel. Courtesy of Santa Barbara Mission Archive-Library.

History of Mission San Gabriel Arcángel

Mission San Gabriel was founded fourth in the chain on September 8, 1771, by Father Serra, near what would become the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles. Named for the Arcángel Gabriel, the mission stands as a reminder of how earthquakes can affect the California missions. A powerful tremor in 1987 prompted a major restoration effort to reinforce the entire mission church. Earthquakes in 1804 and 1812 also damaged the mission complex.

Mission San Gabriel sits in the foothills just east of downtown Los Angeles. It served as a trade center, positioned at the crossroads of three important trails. Like its three predecessors, Mission San Gabriel was forced to move from its original site. In 1775, the mission was moved three miles to its present location, to improve conditions for planting and cultivating the fields. Mission San Gabriel grew to be the “Pride of the Missions”. Far more productive than any other missions in California, San Gabriel provided many of the other missions with the necessities of life from its land. Mission San Gabriel is credited with introducing large scale viticulture to California.

Architecturally, San Gabriel is distinct among the California missions. Father Antonio Cruzado, the designer, was born in Cordova, Spain. His Moorish style is unique, and draws directly from the famous cathedral of Cordova, where the side walls feature capped buttresses. Cruzado and his associates finished construction of the church in 1805, using adobe brick and a tiled roof like that of Mission San Antonio. At its peak, the mission reached nearly 300 feet in length.

The cemetery at San Gabriel is the oldest in Los Angeles County. The walls were rebuilt in 1940 using the original foundations, and this crucifix is a memorial to the 6,000 Indians buried here. An active Roman Catholic Church, weddings and other religious services continue to take place at Mission San Gabriel, as they did in the early days of California history.

From Inside the California Missions
© David A. Bolton

Quick Facts

  • 4th mission
  • Founded on 9/8/1771, near later pueblos of Los Angeles
  • Named after archangel Gabriel
  • Major earthquake in 1987 prompted major effort to reinforce the church
  • Other previous earthquakes in 1804 and 1812
  • Location 20 minutes from downtown LA
  • Cross point for three important traveling trails
  • Designed by Father Antonio Cruzado, born in Cordoba
  • Style can be traced directly to the Cordoba cathedral
  • Side walls feature capped buttresses
  • Current church built in 1812
  • At its peak, the mission was 300 feet in length
  • Moved three miles from original location
  • Oldest cemetery in LA
  • 6,000 Indians buried there
  • In Mission days, one of Alta California’s leading producers of wine grapes

San Gabriel | this.

.. What is South San Gabriel?

South San Gabriel (eng. South San Gabriel ) is a statistically distinct area located in Los Angeles County (California, USA) with a population of 7595 people according to 2000 census statistics.


According to the US Census Bureau, the statistically isolated area of ​​South San Gabriel has a total area of ​​2.07 square kilometers, there are no water resources within the boundaries of the settlement.

The South San Gabriel Statistically Separated Area is located at an altitude of 83 meters above sea level.


Census year Us. % ±
1970 5051
1980 5421 7.3%
1990 7700 42%
2000 7595 -1. 4%
1970-ND source: [1]

As of 2000 Census [2] South San Gabriel had a population of 7595 people, 1727 families, 2091 households and 2166 residences. The average population density was about 3516.0 people per square kilometer. Racial Composition South San Gabriel Census breakdown was: 11.72% White, 0.39% Black or African American, 1.17% Native American, 33.34% Asian, 0.20% Native American from the Pacific Islands, 4.24% – representatives of mixed races, 19.93% – other nationalities. Hispanic speakers made up from all residents of the statistically isolated area.

Of 2,091 households, 37.6% were raising children under the age of 18, 57.6% were married couples living together, 17.7% had a female householder with no husband present, and 17.4% were non-families. 13.7% of the total number of families at the time of the census lived independently, while 6.5% were single elderly people aged 65 and over. The average household size was 3.52 people and the average family size was 3.85 people.

The population of the statistically isolated area according to the age range according to the 2000 census was distributed as follows: 25.0% – residents under 18 years old, 9.0% – between 18 and 24 years old, 29.0% – from 25 to 44 years old, 22.9% are 45 to 64 years old and 14.1% are 65 years of age or older. The average age of residents was 36 years. For every 100 women in 90,005 South San Gabriel 90,006, there were 95.5 men, while for every 100 women 18 and over, there were 93.5 men also over 18.

The median income per household in the statistically separated area was $51,136 and the median income per household was $50,451. At the same time, men had an average income of $35,598 per year compared to $30,091 of the average annual income for women. The per capita income for the statistically isolated area was $16,345 per year. 8.2% of all households in the county and 11.0% of the total population were below the poverty line at the time of the census, with 11. 6% of them under age 18 and 14.4% under age 65 and older.


  1. CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING (1790-2000). U.S. census bureau. Archived from the original on 25 March 2012. Retrieved 17 July 2010.
  2. US Census Bureau
  3. website

San Gabriel Dam –

Federalism Mexicano Dam (official name), better known as San Gabriel Dam, Dam is located in the municipality of Ocampo in the northern state of Durango in northwestern Mexico on the Rio Florido rivers.

See also

  • Durango

Notes and links

  1. ↑ “ GEOLOCALIZADOR DE PRESAS EN MÉXICO “, on (accessed March 27, 2016)
  2. ↑ Commission Nacional del Agua (2008).

Dams in Mexico

Pacific watershed
Rio Ameca
  • La Vega
Rio Balsas
  • El Caracol (a)
  • Infernillo
  • La Villita (a)
  • Valle de Bravo (a)
Rio Fuerte (ru)
  • El Mahone (a)
  • Huites (a)
Rio Santiago
  • Aguamilpa (ru)
  • El Cajon (ru)
  • Eska
  • Santa Rosa (a)
Rio Sinaloa
  • Bakurato (a)
Rio Yaqui
  • Ovjacic (a)
  • El Novillo (a)
  • Rio Bavispe (ru)

    • La Angostura (Sonora) (a)
  • Rio Humaya
    • Humaya (a)
  • Rio Lerma

    • Solis (a)
  • Rio Mayo

    • Mokuzari (a)
  • Rio Necaxa (a)

    • Necaxa(s)
  • Rio Sabinas (a)

    • Don Martin (a)
  • Rio Salado (a)

    • Don Martin (a)
  • Rio San Juan (a)

    • El Cuchillo (a)
    • El Azucar (a)
  • Rio San Lorenzo

    • El Comedero (a)
  • Rio Tamazula
    • Sanalona (a)
  • Rio Tehuantepec (a)

    • El Marques (a)
Gulf of Mexico watershed
Rio Grande
( Rio Bravo del Norte )
  • Falcon (ru)
  • American
  • Amistad (ru)
  • International
  • Riverside (ru)
  • La Angostura (Chiapas)
  • Chicoasen
  • Malpaso
  • Penitas
Rio Tonto (a)
  • Temascal (a)
  • Rio Chikayan
    • Chicago
  • Rio Conchos

    • La Boquilla
    • El Granero (a)
  • Rio Florida

    • Pico del Aguila
    • San Gabriel
  • Moctezuma

    • Zimapan
  • Rio Santa Maria (a)

    • El Realito (a)
endorheic pools
  • Rio Nazas

    • Lazaro Cardenas
    • Francisco Zarco
Unknown situation
  • Rio Alamos
    • El Sabino
  • Rio Aulco
    • La Soledad (a)
  • Rio Cuaticlan
    • Guadalupe
  • La Soceda

    • Peña del Aguila
  • Las Tinajas

    • Santiago Bayacora
  • Rio Tunal

    • President Guadalupe Victoria

Rivers Mexico

inf. at a distance of 5000 km Rio Grande ( Rio Bravo del Norte )
inf. for 3000 km Lerma Yaki
inf. At a distance of 1000 km Aguanaval Balsas Conchos Grijalva Greater Santiago Nazas Panuco Papaloapan Usumacinta
inf. At a distance of 500 km Sinaloa
inf. At a distance of 300 km Ameca Baluarte Florida Hondo Nuevo Santa Cruz River Verde

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