Santo san manuel: Our History | San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

Santo san manuel: Our History | San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

Our History | San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

Our Creation Story

People of the Pines

High in the San Bernardino Mountains at Yuhaaviat, an area of pine trees near present day Big Bear Lake, Kü̱ktac our Creator laid dying. When Kü̱ktac died, the people began to mourn and their grief turned into pine trees, which enriched the land with vegetation and animals, allowing future generations to thrive. 

The people who lived at Yuhaaviat were known as the Yuhaaviatam, or “People of the Pines”, and were a clan of Maara’yam (Serrano) people. Our people, now known as the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, are the Yuhaaviatam clan of Maara’yam (Serrano) and continue the tradition of holding sacred the land and everything it provides. 

Our Name

The Yuhaaviatam Clan of the Maara’yam (Serrano)

The first Spanish explorers of the area identified our ancestors as the “Serrano” people, the Spanish term for “highlander. ” Many terms have been used in many languages to describe our people. We use the word Maara’yam, the People of Maara’, to describe all peoples known today as Serrano.  The name Yuhaaviatam, or People of the Pines, refers to the Serrano clan of our progenitor, Santos Manuel. 

As a result of colonization, our Tribe is modernly known as the “San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.” The name “San Manuel” comes from a Yuhaaviatam leader known by his Spanish name, “Santos Manuel”. The term “Mission Indians” originated from the 21 missions established by Spanish settlers along California’s coast between 1769 and 1823, from San Diego to Sonoma.

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The 1700’s

  • During the 1700s, the California Mission System was established, leading to the murder of thousands of indigenous people. Those that survived long enough to be absorbed into the Missions were forced to give up their traditions in favor of western ways of life.
  • Many of our people, the Maara’yam (Serrano), were taken from the Antelope Valley, Mojave River region, and even the Inland Empire, and placed at the San Gabriel Mission, established in 1771. Mission records report contact with clans at the villages of Guachama and Yukaipa’t, and the subsequent baptisms of those Maara’yam (Serrano) people at Mission San Gabriel in 1776.

  • In 1775, the Missions established new rancho outposts, or estancias, across the region, increasing their influence by creating a system or chain of structures that would become essential in their communities. 

The 1800’s

  • An estancia in Redlands, modernly known as the Asistencia, was established in 1819. This outpost held many Maara’yam (Serrano) people as well as other indigenous people from nearby regions, using them as labor for mission support. One notable feat was the building of the Mill Creek Zanja, a massive irrigation system that extends from the base of the San Bernardino Mountains through Mentone, Redlands, and Loma Linda. This feature supported agriculture across the region and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places with the notation that it was built by Serrano men.
  • In addition to the Mission system and the agricultural industry, opportunities related to mining and the Gold Rush drastically changed California, bringing in new settlers who created ranches, farms, mines, and logging camps. Not only did these newcomers want to establish ownership over the land, they also wanted to use it without obstruction. As a result, indigenous people who remained on their ancestral lands were viewed as a nuisance and were often the victim of harsh treatment and violence.

  • One such group of people was our clan, the Yuhaaviatam (“People of the Pines”) of Maara’yam (Serrano) people, who had remained in our homelands across the Big Bear Valley. In 1866, as anti-Native American sentiment ran high, a skirmish between settlers and non-Maara’yam (Serrano) Native Americans in the Summit Valley triggered a month-long killing spree of our peoples across the Big Bear area by a San Bernardino militia. Our Kiika’, (Tribal Leader) Santos Manuel, led the remaining Yuhaaviatam – numbering only 20-30 people – away from our mountainous homelands into the San Bernardino Valley.
  • Over the next few decades, our people ventured through the valley along Warm Creek, running into unwelcome settlers who reacted harshly to our presence. We first settled near what is now the National Orange Show Event Center, moved on to Meadowbrook Park, and then made our way to the Harlem Springs area before being completely removed and placed on the San Manuel Reservation in 1891.

  • The Act of Relief for Mission Indians was passed in 1891, which recognized the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians’ inherent rights to self-govern as a sovereign nation, as bestowed upon them by the Creator. 

The 1900’s

  • Following the establishment of the Reservation, the federal government would continue to make decisions on our behalf, dictating what we could and could not do as an independent nation. Our Tribe fought to rebuild our community in a way that remained true to our culture and tradition, as well as honored the gift and responsibility bestowed upon us by our Creator. 
  • In the 1960s and 70s, nationwide protests strengthened relations between Native Americans and the federal government. Following a message by President Richard Nixon recommending a policy of self-determination for Indian Tribes in 1970, the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act was signed into law in 1975 allowing San Manuel and all federally recognized tribes to finally exercise our retained inherent right to self-governance.

  • The introduction of Tribal Government gaming on the Reservation in the mid-1980s brought about a more secure economy and enabled our Tribe to rebuild its governance capacity. With our government-recognized independence intact and our future in mind, we began to explore opportunities for new businesses both on and off the Reservation.


  • Our Tribal Government oversees many governmental units, and focuses on building infrastructure; maintaining civil services; and promoting social, economic, and cultural development.
  • Our Tribe operates Yaamava’ Resort & Casino at San Manuel and is one of the largest employers in the Inland Empire area.
  • We support neighboring communities, the Las Vegas region, and Indian County through financial contributions for education, health and wellness, economic development, and cultural projects. 

Our Land

Our people in the San Manuel Reservation are the indigenous people of the San Bernardino highlands, passes, valleys, and mountains. Our Maara’yam (Serrano) ancestral territory covers present-day Antelope Valley on the west, southwest Mojave Desert to the north, portions of San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains in the center, the Inland Empire north of the city of Riverside to the south, and the city of Twentynine Palms to the east.

As the Yuhaaviatam clan of Maara’yam from Big Bear Valley, Krukat our Creator gave us the responsibility to steward all of Serrano ancestral territory.

Día del santo Manuel, 1 de enero.

Nombres para niños

Manuel es un nombre para niño de origen hebreo que significa ‘Dios nos acompaña’ y podemos afirmar que ha sido, es y será uno de los nombres más frecuentes del mundo, porque Manuel nunca pasa de moda. Un nombre muy apropiado para vuestro bebé si no os gustan las extravagancias, pero tampoco los nombres anticuados. Celebra su onomástica el 1 de enero, que es el día de san Manuel.

Manuel o Emmanuel es también el otro nombre que tenía Jesús. El peso de su significado hace que el niño llamado Manuel tenga mucha seguridad en sí mismo, algo muy importante para conseguir el éxito en la vida. Manuel es sensible y sociable y derrocha optimismo lo que le convierte en el alma de su grupo de amigos. Su curiosidad es insaciable, pero tiende a la dispersión, por lo que en ocasiones necesita ayuda para centrarse.

Manuel es la forma que adopta este nombre en castellano, porque en la mayoría de los idiomas se usa la variante Emmanuel y similares. Es muy frecuente el apelativo cariñoso de Manolo y el diminutivo Manu, aunque nos gusta especialmente la variante asturiana Nel. Imanol es la forma que adopta Manuel en Euskera, aunque la tenemos perfectamente asimilada como castellano.

Precisamente Imanol es el nombre que llevan algunos personajes muy conocidos y queridos como el director de cine Imanol Uribe y el actor Imanol Arias. Tampoco podemos olvidar la importancia del filósofo Inmanuel Kant. Cantantes como Manu Carrasco y Manu Chao llevan el nombre de vuestro hijo por todos los rincones, aunque Manuel no es un nombre que necesite promoción.

Que Manuel sea un nombre tan frecuente se remonta a la época de la reconquista, cuando judíos y moros tuvieron que convertirse al cristianismo para no ser expulsados de la península. Entonces, la mayoría de los conversos escogió el nombre de Manuel, por su significado, para bautizar a sus hijos y garantizarles una vida mejor.

El día 1 de enero, además de ser conocido en la iglesia católica como la celebración de Emmanuel, el nombre del Mesías, es también popular porque ese día se celebran más santos. ¡Lee bien en nuestra lista por si te toca felicitar a alguien más en esta fecha!

  • Santa María, Madre de Dios, virgen
  • San Almaquio
  • San Claro
  • San Eugendo
  • San Frodoberto
  • San Fulgencio
  • San Guillermo abad de San Beningno de Dijon
  • San José María Tomasi
  • San Justino obispo
  • San Odilón de Cluny

Leer +: [Calendario de los nombres de santos de enero]

Existen muchos nombres para niños que comienzan con la letra M, además de Manuel. Si todavía dudas de si quedarte con él y quieres ver más opciones de nombres que empiecen por esta letra de abecedario, ¡toma nota de los más populares, originales y especiales!

– Marcos. Existen dos versiones en cuanto a su origen. Unos señalan que es de procedencia germánica y que significa ‘viril’, mientras que otros apuntan a unas raíces latinas y que significa ‘consagrado a Marte’. Sus variantes más conocidas son la italiana, Marco, la alemana, Markus, la francesa Marc o la inglesa Mark.

– Mateo. Nombre bíblico, nombre de un santo y el nombre de uno de los 12 apóstoles en el Nuevo Testamento. ¿Se puede pedir más? Antes de que Mateo se convirtiera en apóstol (y el santo patrón de los banqueros y contadores), se llamaba Levi. Mateo viene con el elegante apodo de Teo y las variaciones Matteo, Matias y Matthias. Mateo ha hecho un ascenso dramático en popularidad desde 1992, y aunque se desaceleró, no muestra signos de detenerse. La estrella internacional de fútbol Cristiano Ronaldo nombró a uno de sus gemelos Mateo en 2017 y eso le ha puesto a poner en el punto más alto.

– Milan. En los últimos año ha vuelto a estar muy de moda, ya que la pareja formada por Shakira y Piqué lo escogieron para el primero de sus hijos. Mucha gente lo relacionado con la ciudad italiana, pero este nombre tiene también sus orígenes y su historia. De origen eslavo, significa querido, lleno de gracia y amoroso. Celebra su santo el 7 de diciembre.

– Martín. Coge prestada su forma del nombre latino Martinus, que vino de Marte, el dios romano de la guerra. La popularidad del nombre en el mundo cristiano antiguo fue influenciada por San Martín de Tours, un obispo desinteresado del siglo IV que era el santo patrón de Francia.

¿Has oído hablar de la numerología? Se trata de la ciencia que estudia la relación entre las letras, los números y las fuerzas divinas, es decir, te permite conocer la personalidad de tu hijo a través de los dígitos que esconden cada una de las vocales y consonantes que lo componen. En el caso de Manuel sería el 1, como el día en el que nace. ¿Casualidad? ¡No!

Rasgos positivos
Desde que nace está acostumbrado a ser el number 1 y eso es algo que influirá mucho en su vida y su relación con los demás. En el colegio, por ejemplo, será siempre elegido como el delegado de la clase y, en tema de estudios, al ser una persona muy exigente y perfeccionista, buscará estar siempre entre los más laureados. Por otro lado, son niños con mucha iniciativa y pro actividad. ¡Tendrás que ver muy bien la lista de actividades extraescolares, porque querrá apuntarse a todas!

Rasgos negativos
Puede chocarte lo que te vamos a decir, pero el hecho de querer estar siempre en el punto de mira de los demás le provocará ciertos problemas de autoestima y de inseguridad. Y es que en el momento en que la atención se vuelva hacia otro lado que no sea el suyo, ¡él no lo soportará! En casa pasará algo parecido, porque los niños regidos por este número buscarán siempre el cariño de sus padres, en concreto de la madre, hasta poder llegar a ser un poco absorbentes y limitantes.

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Día del santo Manuel, 1 de enero. Nombres para niños, en la categoría de Santos – Bíblicos en

90,000 from the Santa Teres of the beach to Manuel Antonio

from the Santa Teres of the beach to Manuel Antonio Schedule


from the Santa Teres of the beach to Manuel Antonio Schedule
Transport Name

Daytrip Comfort 2pax Anytime


€ 84

  • Taxi

    € 82

  • Trains not available

  • Buses not available

  • Aircraft not available

  • How to get from Santa Teresa Beach to Manuel Antonio?

    Main types of transport carrying passengers on this route:

    • Ferry
    • Minibus
    • Taxi

    If it’s important to get to your destination as quickly as possible, choose Ferry+Minibus. If time suffers, and in the first place is the availability of the trip, then the best option is Taxi + Minibus.

    Compare ticket prices Santa Teresa Beach – Manuel Antonio

    Before buying a ticket, you should decide on the means of transportation. The most budget option is offered by Interbus Online: choose Taxi + Minibus, and the ticket will cost EUR 82.38.

    If you want to travel with great comfort, then pay attention to Taxi. The cost of a one-way ticket will be about EUR 526.91.

    Prices for different types of transport:

    • Taxi+Minibus from – EUR 82.00
    • Ferry+Minibus from – EUR 84.00

    You always have the option of ordering a taxi: the approximate cost of the trip will be from EUR 365.00 to EUR 527.00.

    What is the distance between Santa Teresa Beach and Manuel Antonio?

    When traveling by land, the distance to be covered is 188 kilometers. In a straight line – like an airplane flies – the distance is 188 km.

    How to get there cheaply?

    The ticket price depends on the type of transport chosen. Taxi is the most expensive option. It will cost approximately EUR 526.91. If you want to save money on the road, it is better to buy a Taxi + Minibus ticket: it will cost relatively inexpensively, only EUR 82.38.

    How do I book round trip tickets?

    To make a two-way reservation, you need:

    1. Specify the dates of both trips in the top menu;
    2. Select an offer for a trip from Santa Teresa Beach to Manuel Antonio;
    3. Select travel offers from Manuel Antonio to Santa Teresa Beach after list refresh;
    4. Enter passenger data and make a reservation.

    How many flights per day are there between Santa Teresa Beach and Manuel Antonio?

    Depending on the mode of transport chosen, the number of flights per day varies.

    • 1 by taxi+van from Santa Teresa Beach to Manuel Antonio starting from 06:45 Santa Teresa Beach Hotels until 06:45 Santa Teresa Beach Hotels
    • Taxi is always a good option: you can book a taxi from Santa Teresa Beach to Manuel Antonio with pick-up at any time of the day.

    hotels in Santo Tomas, –

    Lowest price at the beginning
    Number of stars and price
    Rating + number of reviews

    Hotel de Montana Suria

    3 stars

    San Gerardo de Dota (Near Santo Tomas)

    Set in a wooded area, Hotel de Montaña Suria offers free breakfast and free Wi-Fi throughout. The hotel’s terraces offer scenic views of Los Quetzales National Park.
    It was the most friendly staff I ever had! So helpful, making a lunchbox for us twice since we left to early for breakfast.
    The food in the restaurant was also very, very nice, especially the Trout’s which are from the river nearby. And the prices are very reasonable. And again, the staff in the restaurant was so friendly! We had a really great experience here.
    You can walk from the hotel to the start of the river trails, which was also very nice.




    464 reviews

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    per night

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    Hotel Savegre

    4 stars

    Hotel in San Gerardo de Dota

    Lauraceas Lodge is located in San Gerardo de Dota and overlooks the river. It features a restaurant, bar and garden. Room service is available.
    crispy clean!
    Nicely decorated!




    407 reviews
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    Casa San Ramon Norte

    San Isidro (Near Santo Tomas)

    EYA Ecolodge is located in San Ysidro and offers a restaurant and a garden. San Gerardo de Dota is 14 km from the property.
    The lodge is fantastic – incredible view and beautifully decorated. You can sit on the patio and do some birdwatching or reading.
    The family running the lodge is the highlight; they are wonderful people – kind, generous, care a lot about their community and nature – inspiring! Yuri is a great chef and you could come here for that reason only – we had our best meals here. Esteban showed us the surroundings, he knows a lot about the local bird species (some of which we saw) and he also took us to a finca where a delicious local coffee is made.
    If you can fit at least a couple nights here in your itinerary you will be glad you did.




    53 reviews

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    Hospedaje Casa Monge

    San Gerardo de Dota (Near Santo Tomas)

    Hospedaje Casa Monge is located in San Gerardo de Dota, just 17 km from Cerro de la Muerte. It offers free bike rental and free Wi-Fi.
    This place is out of a fantasy book. beautiful, clean, magical.




    85 reviews

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    Cabinas El Quetzal

    San Gerardo de Dota (Near Santo Tomas)

    Featuring river views, Cabinas El Quetzal is located in San Gerardo de Dota. It offers a restaurant, room service, a snack bar, a garden, a children’s playground and a terrace.
    Very good location. Good views of waterfalls and river. Excellent breakfast. Clean and comfortable accomodation.




    94 reviews

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    Mirador Valle del General

    La Ese (Near Santo Tomas)

    Mirador Valle del General Cottage is located in La Eze. It offers a restaurant, a garden with unique orchids and free Wi-Fi. The rooms have a balcony.
    Amazing place, very cozy and lovely setting. Lovely little trail and views and wildlife. Restaurant was very good too. And the staff was friendly and helpful.




    146 reviews

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    Los Lagos Lodge

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