Significado de jade: ¿Cuál es el significado de Jade?

Significado de jade: ¿Cuál es el significado de Jade?

Jade (nombre) – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Jade es un nombre propio proveniente del nombre de la piedra ornamental jade, usada con frecuencia en el arte y en la confección de joyas. El nombre deriva de piedra de la ijada. Una creencia popular afirma que si se ponía una piedra de jade sobre la barriga de los bebés, esta podía curar los cólicos.[1]​ La piedra tiene un gran valor en Asia. Confucio le atribuía propiedades de pureza, valentía y honestidad. Emperadores chinos fueron enterrados con trajes hechos de dicha piedra porque creían que los haría vivir para siempre.[2]

El nombre ha sido usado tanto para niños como para niñas en Estados Unidos. Jade se quedó con el puesto 113° en la lista de nombres más populares para niñas nacidas en Estados Unidos en 2007 y estuvo entre los 1.000 nombres más comunes para niños en Estados Unidos a mediados de los 90s.[3]​ Jade ocupó el puesto 232° de los nombres más comunes en Inglaterra y Gales en 2007. [4]​ A mediados de los 90, Jade entró en el top 25 de nombres más populares de niñas en Inglaterra y Gales. Estuvo también entre los 100 nombres más comunes para niñas en Escocia, Francia, Irlanda, Bélgica, Canadá, Australia, e Irlanda del Norte.[3]​ Jada, una variante del nombre, se quedó con en el puesto 97° de frecuencia entre las niñas nacidas en Estados Unidos en 2007 y fue el 89° más popular en Columbia Británica en 2006.[5]​ Jayda, una variante escrita, fue el nombre 262° más popular para niñas nacidas en 2007 en Estados Unidos.[6]​ Jaden, un nombre popular entre niños y niñas es visto como una variante de Jade.

Jade se ha vuelto cada vez más popular en Francia desde 1990. Fue el 7° nombre más otorgado a niñas recién nacidas en 2005.


  • 1 Personas con el nombre
    • 1.1 Mujeres
    • 1.2 Hombres
  • 2 Personajes ficticios
  • 3 Referencias

Personas con el nombre[editar]


  • Jade Bird (1997), cantautora y compositora británica
  • Jade Alleyne (2001), actriz escocesa
  • Jade Barbosa (1991), gimnasta brasileña
  • Jade Carey (2000), gimnasta estadounidense
  • Jade Cole (1979), modelo estadounidense
  • Jade Edmistone (1982), nadadora australiana
  • Jade Ewen (1988), cantante y actriz británica
  • Jade Goody (1981-2009), exconcursante de Gran Hermano Reino Unido
  • Jade Jagger (1971), hija de Mick Jagger
  • Jade Johnson (1980), saltadora olímpica inglesa
  • Jade Kwan (1979), cantante de Hong Kong
  • Jade MacRae (1979), cantante australiana
  • Jade Raymond (1975), productora canadiense
  • Jade Thirlwall (1992), cantante inglesa y miembro de Little Mix
  • Jade Villalon (1980), cantante de Sweetbox


  • Jade North (1982), jugador de futbol estadounidense
  • Jade Puget (1973), músico estadounidense

Personajes ficticios[editar]

  • Jade, una superheroína de DC Cómics
  • Jade, protagonista del videojuego Beyond Good & Evil
  • Jade, en los videojuegos Mortal Kombat
  • Jade de Fahrenheit (videojuego de 2005)
  • Jade Mitchell, de la telenovela australiana Neighbours
  • Jade Sutherland, de la telenovela australiana Home and Away.
  • Jade Albright de la telenovela británica Hollyoaks.
  • Jade West, personaje de la serie Victorious
  • Jade, personaje de Shadow Raiders
  • Jade, una de las integrantes de las Bratz
  • Jade El Adib, de la telenovela brasileña El Clon
  • Jade Harley, personaje principal del webcómic Homestuck


  1. ↑ Behind the Name
  2. ↑ Holland Cutter, “Art Review: The Jade of China, Alive With Meaning, Yet Glossily Elusive”. New York Times (August 6, 2004)
  3. a b Behind the Name
  4. ↑ Baby PlannersUso incorrecto de la plantilla enlace roto (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el historial, la primera versión y la última).
  5. ↑ Behind the Name
  6. ↑ Behind the Name
  • Esta obra contiene una traducción derivada de «Jade (given name)» de Wikipedia en inglés, concretamente de esta versión, publicada por sus editores bajo la Licencia de documentación libre de GNU y la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 3. 0 Unported.

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Control de autoridades
  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q761570
  • Multimedia: Jade (given name) / Q761570

Jade – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Para otros usos de este término, véase Jade (desambiguación).

Principales países productores de jade

Máscara en jade del rey Pakal, gobernante de Palenque. Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México.

El jade es una roca ornamental. El término jade es aplicado a dos rocas metamórficas distintas compuestas de diferentes minerales silicatados:

  • La nefrita consiste en un agregado de fibras entrelazadas microcristalinas de calcio, mineral anfíbol rico en magnesio-hierro de la serie de la tremolita (calcio-magnesio)-ferroactinolita (calcio-magnesio-hierro). El miembro medio de esta serie con una composición intermedia es llamado actinolita (la forma mineral fibrosa sedosa es una de las formas del asbesto). Y el miembro superior el más verdoso por el hierro.
  • La jadeíta es un piroxeno rico en aluminio y sodio. El mineral utilizado como gema es la forma microcristalina de la matriz de cristales entrelazados.

El jade reconocido por su color, que puede ser pulido hasta alcanzar un brillo intenso, el color más importante y escaso es un verde esmeralda conocido como jade imperial. Puede ser reconocido por tres características básicas: uniformidad, intensidad del color y translucidez, lo que la hace de mejor calidad.


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  • 2 Véase también
  • 3 Referencias
  • 4 Enlaces externos

Este artículo o sección tiene referencias, pero necesita más para complementar su verificabilidad.

Este aviso fue puesto el 19 de enero de 2016.

Utensilios y adornos de esta piedra han sido usados desde hace más de 5000 años. [1]​ A lo largo del tiempo se desarrolló un verdadero culto del jade. Los objetos de jade tenían (y tienen) fama de amuletos que atraen la suerte. En sus orígenes el jade era usado por ser duro y resistente. Por ello se utilizaba también para elaborar armas, herramientas y máscaras, como las conocidas en América como «máscara de jade».

Casi desde el principio se intentaron vender otros minerales con la denominación de jade, lo cual se logró con el mineral llamado serpentina (“jade de China”, “jade nuevo”). La serpentina no solo tiene el mismo aspecto que el jade, sino que aparece en los mismos yacimientos que la jadeíta y la nefrita. Es un material más blando y menos resistente que el jade. Como se trabaja mucho mejor que el jade se ha establecido como sustituto preferido en los últimos años.

Según la mitología china el jade provenía de un dragón.

Para las culturas prehispánicas de Mesoamérica como los olmecas, mayas, toltecas, quichés, mixtecas, zapotecas, aztecas (chalchiúhuitl) y nicoyas, el jade era la piedra de la creación, significaba vida, fertilidad y poder. Fue incluso más valorado que el oro.[2]​ Se obtenía del valle del Motagua, Guatemala (zona de la falla de Motagua). En el valle del río Motagua, en Guatemala, se encuentra uno de los yacimientos más ricos del mundo y es la fuente de los colores más novedosos, como el jade arcoíris, el jade negro y el “oro galáctico”, que es un jade negro con incrustaciones naturales de oro, plata y platino. Esta región ha sido confirmada como la fuente de todo el jade usado por los mesoamericanos durante 3000 años.[3]

Véase también[editar]

  • Jadeíta
  • Nefrita
  • Serpentina
  • Jade precolombino de Costa Rica
  • Jade chino


  1. ↑ «La piedra que llegó a ser más valiosa que el oro». Consultado el 22 de julio de 2014. 
  2. ↑ «La piedra verde era más importante que el oro». Mundo Maya. Archivado desde el original el 20 de febrero de 2014. Consultado el 25 de marzo de 2014. 
  3. ↑ «Jade maya». Archivado desde el original el 5 de mayo de 2010. Consultado el 12 de mayo de 2010. 

Enlaces externos[editar]

  • Esta obra contiene una traducción parcial derivada de «Jade» de Wikipedia en inglés, concretamente de esta versión del 24 de marzo de 2014, publicada por sus editores bajo la Licencia de documentación libre de GNU y la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported.

  • Las culturas del jade
  • Fuentes del Jade Maya
  • La mortaja de jade Enterrados vivos, quince sirvientes acompañaban al rey Zhao Mo, en Guanghou, China, cubierto por un vestido de jade.
  • Conozca su increíble la Historia Archivado el 15 de abril de 2019 en Wayback Machine. En las escrituras históricas de China, no es casualidad que el personaje del “Emperador” parece casi idéntico a las esculturas y tallas de “jade”.
Control de autoridades
  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q175089
  • Multimedia: Jade / Q175089
  • Citas célebres: Jade

  • Identificadores
  • GND: 4162652-7
  • LCCN: sh85069234
  • NDL: 00563273
  • AAT: 300011119
  • Diccionarios y enciclopedias
  • Britannica: url

Jade stone: properties, photo, zodiac sign, color and meaning

Jade is a semi-precious ornamental stone. The gem owes its name to its appearance. Small jade pebbles, polished by river water, resemble a human kidney (from the Greek νεφρό – kidney). Not surprisingly, the first use of this stone in ancient medicine was aimed specifically at treating kidney diseases. Jade stone has long been so highly valued due to its properties that it has been ranked among the sacred.

Rotate photo with mouse or finger.

Properties of jade

Jade belongs to jade, it is calcium, magnesium and iron silicate. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 6.0-6.5 units. Thin plates are usually translucent. Silky at the break, gloss after polishing becomes glassy.

Jade is a unique stone. There is no more viscous and durable ornamental stone in nature. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to steel. From a strong blow, a hole may form on the surface of the jade, but the stone itself will not crack, it can only be cut with a diamond.

Types of jade and their colors

Jade differs in color, which depends on the content of various impurities in it. The color scheme is varied – from black to white. More common is green jade of all shades: marsh, herbal, lettuce, emerald and yellow-green. Rare and most valuable stones are red and blue jade (dianite). A variety of jade in yellow-brown-green tones with the effect of “cat’s eye” can be considered unique.

Jade photos

Products with jade

Even in the Bronze Age, jade was used by people to make strong and durable working and hunting tools, weapons. World-famous jade products include the slab of the tomb of Tamerlane, the six-meter statue of Buddha in China, the sarcophagus of the Russian Tsar Alexander III and the seal of the Emperor of China. Its decorative properties began to be used for jewelry only later. Now jade products in the form of symbols that carry certain meanings are in demand.

How to clean jade

Jade is easy to care for. The mineral can be periodically washed in soapy water, after which the soap residue must be thoroughly washed off under running water. More often, it is enough to wipe the stone with effort with a damp soft cloth, as if polishing it. It is better to store products with jade in individual cases.

Jade deposits

Jade deposits are found in many countries. It is considered one of the best in the world and has a high quality raw material deposit in New Zealand. There are large deposits in Russia, China, USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Poland. So far, the resources of this stone are far from depleted.

Significance of jade stone

Ancient Chinese philosophers compared the properties of jade with the best spiritual qualities of a person. Its hardness personified justice and moderation, its soft brilliance – mercy, its purity – wisdom, translucency was considered a symbol of honesty, and changeability – a symbol of courage. It was considered in China a symbol of power, immortality and perfection, and was valued above silver and gold.

Whose stone is jade according to the horoscope and Zodiac sign

Jade is a stone that absolutely all signs of the Zodiac can have at home. If you like jewelry with jade, any person can safely wear it, without counting, however, at the same time on the help of a gem. The attitude of jade to all people is even, neutral. Only three signs distinguish jade from all, patronizing and helping them. These are Pisces, Cancer and Aquarius. Jades of any shades, and especially green tones, bring harmony and positive into the life of these signs of the Zodiac.

Healing properties of jade

In ancient times, people endowed jade with a powerful healing power for almost all ailments. It was worn on the body, taken orally in the form of a powder, applied to wounds. In our time, the positive effect of jade in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract has been proven. The therapeutic effect is based on the high heat capacity of the stone.

Slightly heated mineral is applied to sore spots with bruises or rheumatism as a long-acting warming agent. Massage rollers, balls and rods made of jade are widely used for body massage, as well as for cosmetic facial skin massage. Such an effect stimulates blood circulation, promoting tissue regeneration, fights skin sagging, and relieves fatigue.

Lithotherapy claims that green jade beads relieve heart palpitations, normalize sleep, and calm the nervous system. Small jade balls are widely used for exercises that develop hands after a stroke and injuries.

The magical properties of jade

Experts in the field of esotericism assure that jade has a strong energy and feels the owner’s desire for changes in life. The stone helps if the desire is sincere and righteous. Jade is a kind of indicator of a person’s actions. If the stone began to become cloudy or dark, then the owner should think about the correct choice of the life path, rethink what he did. It is also a stone of justice and good intentions, it makes a person change for the better.

They say that it is good to have jade in the house for those who are not confident in their abilities, consider themselves a loser. It helps you focus and achieve what you want. Stability and tranquility – these qualities of jade are used as a talisman during burials, protecting the graves from desecration.

healing and magical properties, jewelry made of black mineral, where it is mined, who suits purple according to the horoscope, description


  • Jade in China
  • General information
  • Magical and healing properties
  • A bit of astrology
  • In conclusion

Jade stone is considered one of the most beautiful. It is a monomineral aggregate of entangled fibrous amphiboles. The classification of A. E. Fersman refers it to semi-precious stones of the first category. Rock crystal, jasper, agate belong to the same contract. However, many scientists consider it precious. This creation of nature has been known since the Neolithic. Many girls like the beautiful color of jade. But not only the shade is important in this mineral.

What does a mineral look like? If it is polished in cold water, it will resemble a human kidney in appearance. And the name comes from the Greek word νεφρό, which literally translates as “kidney”. In the old days, it was believed that he was able to cure kidney failure.

The use of jade is well known. It protects its owner from evil, ensures a long and happy life, and contributes to family well-being. It is best to wear a stone near the heart in the form of a brooch or long jade beads.

The most expensive is blue jade. The red mineral will protect against fires and natural disasters, the yellow one will activate vital energy. There are pebbles and other colors – green, blue, white. But rich green is the traditional shade of the mineral.

Jade in China

In China, this stone is considered national. They say that it shows the essence of a person, his body and soul. A sharply darkened stone means that its owner has committed many sins. In ancient China, it was valued more than gold and only the elite could wear it. The mineral personified immortality, power and strength.

Chinese philosophers say that different types of this stone have different effects on the essence of a person. Some personify mercy, others – wisdom and honesty. A famous Chinese proverb says: “Every gold has its price, but jade is priceless.”

Description of the mineral can be found in the works of Confucius and other famous Chinese philosophers. There are other well-known sayings related to this divine gift of nature:

  1. “An unpolished stone does not sparkle.”
  2. “He is pure as jade.”

Jade jewelry began to be made in China 7000 years ago. Most often it was used in magic for sacred rituals. It was subjected to minimal processing. Round discs made of yellow stones personified the Earth, blue – the Sky.

The most famous varieties of jade in China are called Hotan and Xuyan.

General information

Jade color depends on the content of various impurities in the stone. As already mentioned, most often in nature there are variations of a green hue – from grassy to emerald. The yellow-brown mineral will be truly unique.

The properties of jade are as follows:

  1. Density – up to 3.5 units (on the Mohs scale).
  2. Hardness – up to 3.02 units.
  3. High strength and toughness.
  4. Highly polishable.

Jade is mined continuously. Most of the deposits are located in places of intrusion of igneous rocks. The largest sources where the mineral is mined are China, the Russian Federation, the USA, Brazil and Mexico. Blue stone is mined in large quantities in Transbaikalia. It is worth noting that the resources are still far from exhaustion.

Artificial jade wins more and more fans every year. It is valued primarily for its low cost. It is distinguished from the present by low light transmission and a sharp transition of colors.

Green jade is quite valuable in Russia. They help fight stress, drive away evil spirits. It is best to wear several pieces of jewelry, such as rings or earrings.

The pink stone is considered to be the protector of lovers. He is able to give family well-being, mutual respect, but sometimes develops cynicism in a person.

Red jade will be especially useful for spouses who have been living together for a long time. It helps to restore the relationship to its former novelty, kindles passion.

White jade clears thoughts of bad things, improves logical thinking, gives its owner peace of mind. The mineral of this shade is most valued in the East. An ideally shaped lotus-colored stone can cost several thousand dollars.

Dark jade endows the wearer with wisdom and insight. The best birthday present for a beloved man is a small figurine made of this mineral, because a black stone improves reproductive function.

Magical and healing properties

The healing effect of the mineral on a person is really great. Products from it improve overall well-being, give strength, vitality. The stone is always pleasant to the touch, because it has a high heat capacity.

The most famous healing properties of jade:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure, kidney and heart function.
  2. Strengthens bones.
  3. Relieves migraine, dizziness.
  4. Protects eyesight and hearing.

If you put a figurine of jade to the stomach, you get a kind of heating pad that can relieve pain.

Jade roller massage has great benefits. It improves complexion, fights wrinkles, makes the skin supple and shiny. The stone helps to restore youth, so women often use it for the body and face.

Massage of the head with a jade stone has a truly magical effect. It stimulates blood circulation, relieves chronic fatigue. This procedure is advised to be carried out before an important event or meeting.

It is known that even during the Bronze Age, people made weapons and hunting tools from jade. A six-meter statue of Buddha, the tomb of Tamerlane, and the sarcophagus of Emperor Alexander III made of this mineral deserve worldwide fame.

Now jade jewelry is in great demand. They should be given only to close people, with pure thoughts. Only natural minerals are welcome. The properties of jade stone are such that it can bring both benefit and harm to its owner.

For example, a bracelet is given to wish good luck, financial well-being. The ring is presented to those who dream of a happy family. The pendant will bring long years of life, improve health, and the brooch will improve the functioning of all internal organs.

A bit of astrology

Best of all, the stone suits Aquarius. A jade bracelet will help you gain strength and protect you from failures. This zodiac sign is often skeptical about marriage. The mineral will help to believe in love.

Black jade rings will give Cancers confidence. The Cancer Woman will become more restrained, flexible, while the stone will help the man to quickly climb the career ladder.

Pisces, he will cure laziness, anxiety, will contribute to the accomplishment of important life deeds. This zodiac sign is often unable to accept someone else’s point of view. The stone will help correct this shortcoming.

Aries Woman jade earrings will help get rid of conflict, stubbornness, selfishness. And the properties of the black mineral will help to achieve inner harmony, to establish peace of mind.

Taurus is too independent. To achieve his goal, he stops at nothing. Precious green jade will make it softer, kinder.

Gemini with the help of such ornaments will be able to get rid of inconstancy, gain self-confidence.

The magical properties of the pebble will also affect Lviv. Jade products will help them endure life’s difficulties.

Virgos cannot always achieve positive results in friendship. Jewelry will help you make new friends, treat others with understanding.

Libra can become inexplicably sad. Native jade produces a positive effect on them, disperses sorrows.

It is difficult to argue with Scorpions, they are too self-confident.

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