Significado de nuria: Día de Nuestra Señora de Nuria, 8 de septiembre. Nombres para niñas

Significado de nuria: Día de Nuestra Señora de Nuria, 8 de septiembre. Nombres para niñas

Virgen de Nuria – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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La Virgen de Nuria es una advocación mariana que se venera en el municipio de Queralbs, situado en el Valle de los Pirineos (provincia de Gerona), en Cataluña (España). Su aparición tuvo lugar en el Valle de Nuria, y el vocablo Nuria significa ‘aquella nacida en un valle entre montañas’.


  • 1 Historia
  • 2 Etimología
  • 3 El Santuario
  • 4 Véase también
  • 5 Referencias

Cuenta la leyenda que San Gil en el siglo VIII esculpió en madera la primera imagen de la virgen. Al cabo de los años, en 1079, unos pastores, entre ellos Amadeo de Dalmacia encontraron la cueva de San Gil, y en ella la imagen de madera de la virgen de este valle. Desde entonces la imagen fue venerada, en un santuario que se erigió en su honor.

Durante la edad media, se construyó un hospital o albergue para alojar a los peregrinos. De ello da constancia la bula del año 1162, del papa Alejandro III, que habla de una Domus Hospitalis S Mariae de Annúria, documentación donde aparece por primera vez el nombre annus, situada al lado de la capilla y también el mismo papa instituye el día 8 de septiembre como día de la Virgen. Su presencia también podría ser justificada por la ruta transpirenaica que cruzaba el lugar de los Siete Valles en este mismo año.[1]

Durante la Guerra Civil Española, por el temor de ser destruida, un gerundense trasladó la imagen a Suiza, para devolverla nuevamente cuando terminó la guerra.[cita requerida]

El día 5 de enero de 1965 el papa Pablo VI autorizó la coronación canónica de la imagen. La ceremonia oficial tuvo lugar el 13 de julio de 1967.[2]​ Los padrinos fueron Ramón Mas-Bagà Cros y su esposa Nuria Blanc Bertrand y su fiesta se estableció el 8 de septiembre.

Coincidiendo con este hecho, la imagen fue robada el 9 de julio. Desde el primer momento se apuntó sobre la razón que cabe suponer se trata de una acción para el entorpecimiento y desprestigio de las fiestas programadas.[3]​ Esta impresión se confirmó el día 12 al difundirse un comunicado de una desconocida “comisión de sacerdotes y militantes de Acción Católica”, reivindicó el robo de la talla de la Virgen de Nuria, del siglo XII. Condicionaba su devolución a la dimisión del arzobispo de Barcelona, monseñor Marcelo González, nombramiento de obispos catalanes en Cataluña y retorno del ex abad del monasterio de Monserrat, Aurelio María Escarré que estaba en Italia.[4]​ A pesar de las activas investigaciones de las fuerzas del orden no se localizó a los autores. Esto hizo que la coronación fuera realizada con una copia de escayola.

En 1972, cuando ya había sido sustituido el arzobispo, el abad de Monserrat había fallecido y se había logrado de hecho que los obispos nombrados fueran catalanes, fue devuelta bajo secreto de confesión.

El vocablo Nuria procede del euskera, debido a que este idioma se habló en casi la mayor parte de los Pirineos, y al parecer su significado es ‘aquella nacida en un valle entre montañas’.

También se indica que el nombre Nuria deriva de la palabra hebrea נוּרְיָא (Nurya),[5]​ en origen Nura, a su vez proviene del arameo נוּרָא nehiyr,[6]​ que significa ‘iluminación’, ‘sabiduría’ (de Dios)[5][7]​ o del nombre árabe نورة), nur,[6]​ ‘iluminar’, y por lo tanto ‘luminosa’, ‘brillante’.[5][8]

El Santuario[editar]

La iglesia actual es de construcción reciente y tiene forma de cuadrado abierto por uno de los lados. A su lado, además del hotel, se encuentran cuatro casas destinadas a acoger a los peregrinos. Justo enfrente se encuentra la capilla de San Gil donde, según la leyenda, se encontró la imagen de la virgen. Fue construida en 1615 y ampliada con posterioridad.

Véase también[editar]

  • Virgen de la Almudena
  • Virgen de la Antigua
  • Virgen de la Capilla
  • Virgen del Carmen
  • Virgen de Covadonga
  • Virgen de los Desamparados
  • Virgen de la Fuente santa
  • Virgen de Gracia
  • Virgen de Guadalupe
  • Virgen de Lidón
  • Virgen de Los Llanos
  • Virgen del Monte
  • Virgen de Montserrat
  • Virgen de la Peña
  • Virgen del Pilar
  • Virgen del Pino
  • Virgen del Prado
  • Virgen del Rosario
  • Virgen de San Lorenzo
  • Virgen de la Sierra (Cabra)
  • Virgen de Umbe
  • Virgen de Vallivana
  • Virgen de la Vega (Salamanca)


  1. ↑ Templespaña (6 de julio de 2012). Codex Templi: Los misterios templarios a la luz de la historia y de la tradición. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial España. pp. 342-. ISBN 978-84-03-13149-1
  2. ↑ La Vanguardia Española, 14 de julio de 1967
  3. ↑ La Vanguardia Española, 11 de julio de 1967
  4. ↑ «Diario ABC, edición de Sevilla, 13 de julio de 1967». Archivado desde el original el 8 de diciembre de 2015. Consultado el 1 de diciembre de 2015. 
  5. a b c
  6. a b
  7. ↑
  8. ↑
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  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Datos: Q3752768
  • Multimedia: Santuari de la Mare de Déu de Núria / Q3752768

  • Patrimonio histórico
  • IPAC: 42245

Día de Nuestra Señora de Nuria, 8 de septiembre. Nombres para niñas

Nuria es un nombre para niña de origen árabe que significa ‘la que es luminosa’, aunque no falta quien le atribuye un origen vasco de significado ‘la que nace entre las colinas’. Nuria lleva décadas como un nombre frecuente y gusta por su musicalidad delicada y su sencillez. Celebra su onomástica el 8 de septiembre, que es el día de Nuestra Señora de Nuria.

Por el significado de su nombre, Nuria tiene una personalidad magnética que ejerce una gran influencia en los demás. Su éxito en las relaciones sociales se basa en la fuerza y seguridad que deprende, pero también en su carácter simpático y generoso. Además, Nuria destaca por su honestidad y su sentido de la responsabilidad.

El nombre Nuria no muy conocido fuera del ámbito hispano, ya que se trata de un nombre que se ha transmitido gracias a la tradición catalana. Y es que el nombre de vuestra hija está muy vinculado al Valle de Nuria, en los Pirineos usándose en honor a la virgen desde antiguo en esa zona. Con el tiempo, Nuria ha perdido sus connotaciones religiosas y su popularidad se ha extendido por toda la península.

Puede que os ayude a elegir el nombre de vuestro bebé la cantidad de mujeres carismáticas que han llevado y llevan el nombre Nuria dentro del ámbito de las letras, la interpretación o el deporte.

Es el caso de la admirada actriz de teatro Nuria Espert, de la pintora colombiana Nuria Schlenker, de la escritora Nuria Varela, de la periodista Nuria Piera, de la cantante Nuria Fergó, de la presentadora Nuria Roca, de la jugadora de baloncesto Nuria Martínez, de la gimnasta española Nuria Cabanillas, de la poetisa Nuria Albó o de la futbolista Nuria Puigcercos.

Todos los días del mes de septiembre se celebran un, dos o tres santos distintos. Para que no te pierdas en fechas y nombres, hemos preparado para ti un calendario con los más importantes. ¡Ya no hay despistes que valgan! 

Y, ¿sabías que el 8 de septiembre es una fecha muy concurrida? Y es que Nuria no es la única que acapara todas las felicitaciones este día. ¡Consulta la lista!

  • Natividad de Nuestra Señora
  • Nuestra Señora de Nuria
  • San Adriano de Nicomedia
  • San Corbiniano de Freising
  • San Isaac de Armenia
  • San Pedro de Chavanon
  • San Sergio I papa
  • Beato Adán Bargielski
  • Beato Federico Ozanam
  • Beato Ismael Escorihuela Esteve
  • Beato Ladislao Bladzinski
  • Beato Marino Blanes Giner
  • Beato Pascual Fortuño Almela
  • Beato Salvador Mollar Ventura

Los nombres compuestos se suelen asociar con propuestas clásicas, pero las hay también modernas. ¿Quieres conocer los que mejor riman con Nuria? ¡Quizás este ellos este el de tu futuro hija? 

Nuria por delante

  • Nuria Alejandra. Es la versión Alejandro y significa ‘la protectora de los hombres’. 
  • Nuria Beatriz. De origen latino, este nombre femenino significa bienaventurada. 
  • Nuria Emma. Este nombre de origen germánico, tiene un significado muy especial ‘la más fuerte’. 
  • Nuria María. Sin duda, uno de los clásicos que nunca pasan de moda. Proviene del hebreo y significa ‘la elegida por Dios’. 

Nuria por detrás

  • Ana Nuria. De gran tradición bíblica (es el nombre de los abuelos de Jesús), es uno de los favoritos por los padres. Significa ‘la mujer compasiva’. 
  • Astrid Nuria. Muy popular en la región escandinava, su traducción sería ‘diosa de la belleza’. 
  • Pamela Nuria.  Se trata de un nombre muy dulce (‘llena de miel’ sería su traducción), que se ha hecho popular gracias a la actriz de ‘Los vigilantes de la playa’, Pamela Anderson. 
  • Tatiana Nuria. Aunque es la forma de rusa de Taciana, los orígenes de este nombre hay que buscarlos en Grecia. Su traducción literal sería ‘la que es activa’

Leer +: [Nombres compuestos más populares para niñas]

Los números sirven para hacer un montón de operaciones en nuestro día a día, pero… ¿sabías que también se pueden convertir en una herramienta para conocer mejor cómo es la niña de tus ojos? Cada letra de este nombre esconde una cifra, el 9, que nos desvela rasgos positivos y negativos de la personalidad de Nuria. 

Rasgos positivos
Si la vida de tu hija se rige por este dígito, ¡enhorabuena! Se dice que son personas inteligentes y con mucha facilidad para asimilar conceptos y conocimientos diversos. Esta característica hará que nunca se pongan límites y que tengan necesidad de descubrir nuevos mundo. ¡La curiosidad les moverá a hacer todo lo que se propongan porque, además, les acompañarán unas altas dosis de seguridad y confianza en sí mismos! 

Rasgos negativos
Algunas de las cosas que las niñas llamadas Nuria y, otros nombres que se guíen por el 9 deben limar, es una característica que les puede hacer ser un poco odiados por el resto: su arrogancia y egoísmo. Y es que hay veces que se sienten superiores a los demás y se vanaglorian de los que se encuentran por detrás en, por ejemplo, ‘materia escolar’.

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Día de Nuestra Señora de Nuria, 8 de septiembre. Nombres para niñas, en la categoría de Santos – Bíblicos en

NURIEV Rudolf Khametovich – biography, news, photo, date of birth, press dossier. Personalii

Soviet ballet dancer

Date of birth: March 17, 1938

Age: 84 years

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Profession: Ballerina



  • 1. Biography
  • 2. Childhood and youth
  • 3. Ballet
  • 4. Movies and music
  • 5. Private life
  • 6. Death
  • 7. Memory



Rudolf Nureyev is a legendary ballet dancer who was in demand both on the Soviet stage and abroad. He is considered the most famous dancer of the 20th century, and Rudolf’s technique and his jump are textbook. After a Paris tour in 1961, he refused to return to the Soviet Union, asked for political asylum and became one of the most famous refugees in Russian history. After the end of his dancing career, Nureyev tried himself both as a choreographer and as a film actor, and in recent years he was a conductor at the Paris Opera.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that Rudolf Nureyev’s biography lists Irkutsk as his hometown, he was actually born on a train to Vladivostok, and at the railway station not far from Irkutsk, the birth of a baby was only recorded. Rudolph became the youngest child in the family of the political instructor of the Red Army Khamet Fazleevich, a Tatar by nationality, and his wife Farida Agliullovna. The ballet star had three older sisters: Rose, Rosida and Lydia.

Nureyev’s military childhood was spent in evacuation in Ufa. From the age of 5, the boy began to show interest in dancing. The father, who returned from the war with the rank of major, was dissatisfied with the choice of his son. Hamet at first tried to instill in Rudolph a love for men’s hobbies – fishing and hunting, but the boy showed indifference to his father’s hobby.

Then Nureyev Sr. had to get the belt. The punishments did not discourage Rudik from choreography, and from the age of 11 he went on stage among the members of the folk dance ensemble at the House of Culture. At the age of 15, the young man had already begun to try his hand at the corps de ballet of the Ufa Opera House, and a year later he became a full member of the troupe.

In 1955, at the age of 17, Rudolf Nureyev went to Leningrad to continue his education at the choreographic school. But he did not take into account that children from the age of 12 are accepted to this educational institution, therefore, in terms of age, he was far behind his classmates, did not find a common language with other students and was ridiculed. Because of this attitude, Nureyev could not live in a hostel, so he responded to the kind invitation of his mentor Alexander Pushkin and settled in his family.

Rudolf graduated from the Choreographic School in 1958 and immediately received an invitation to join the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov, which he was made at the urgent request of the prima ballerina Natalia Dudinskaya.


The first part that Rudolf Nureyev performed at a professional level was the role of Frondoso in the ballet Laurencia. Later, the dancer participated in the VII World Festival of Youth and Students in Vienna, where he was awarded a gold medal. For 3 years, Rudolf became an important link in the troupe, high hopes were pinned on him. He went on tour with the theater to Bulgaria, East Germany and Egypt, so Nureyev was issued a French visa without any problems, and he went to perform at the Paris Opera.

But after several performances, the KGB demanded that the young ballet dancer be removed from performances and sent back to the USSR. According to the official version, he “violated the regime of being abroad.” But eyewitnesses believe that the authorities learned about Nureyev’s unconventional orientation. The dancer decided not to obey, requested political asylum in France and became the most famous “defector” in the history of the Soviet Union, and in his homeland he was expected to be imprisoned.

The dancer’s escape had the effect of an exploding bomb, since 2 months ago the Soviet Union was celebrating victory after the first manned flight into space. The artist was forever included in the lists of traitors to the motherland. However, many years later, at 1985, he was allowed to enter the country for three days to attend his mother’s funeral. At the same time, all people who knew the artist in his youth were warned about a strict ban on communicating with him.

Previously, Nureyev made attempts to contact his relatives, but was helpless in front of the “Iron Curtain”. The ballet dancer found a way out. At his request, the queen of an Arab state, who was visiting the USSR, managed to include a visit to Ufa in her itinerary. Here she gave a letter from Rudolf to his mother and expressed to her her admiration for her son’s talent. This interesting fact from the life of Nureyev subsequently became known to his fans.

In France, Rudolph joined the troupe “Ballet Marquis de Cuevas”, but six months later he was forced to leave the country, as he was denied political asylum. But Great Britain went to meet the talented artist: Nureyev moved to London and, together with the ballerina Margot Fonteyn, created a duet on the stage of the Royal Ballet, Covent Garden, which is still considered a reference.

Later, the dancer became the premier of the Vienna Opera, as a result of which he received Austrian citizenship. But he was not limited to performing in one particular country. Nureyev worked very hard: in the 60s he gave 200 performances a year, and by 19The 75th began to go on stage more than 300 times, that is, almost daily.

The fame of the dancer was deafening, in the West he shone not only on the best ballet scenes, but also became part of pop culture. His photos and interviews regularly appeared on the covers and pages of glossy publications. Nureyev was friends with Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Diana, and Jacqueline Kennedy personally helped the dancer create the interior of his apartment in New York. Rudolph did not miss the opportunity to show his sense of humor: he became the hero of one issue of the puppet show “The Muppet Show”, where he performed with Miss Piggy the pig to the music from Swan Lake.

Due to his ability to work and fame, Nureyev became the richest ballet dancer, having accumulated a fortune of $ 80 million. The list of his real estate was replenished every year: he owned luxurious apartments in Paris, New York, London, estates in the USA, France, Italy . Nureyev even acquired a small archipelago, on one of the islands of which he built a villa with a ballet class and a swimming pool. This was not easy to do, since there was no fresh water and electricity on the archipelago.

Films and music

While still in the Soviet Union, Nureyev first starred in the film “The Flight of the Soul,” dedicated to the All-Union review of choreographic schools. Later, he was the main character in a number of ballet films, for example, Romeo and Juliet, I am a Dancer, Youth and Death. But there is in the biography of Rudolf and two roles in feature cinema. He played Rudolf Valentino in the biographical drama “Valentino” and Daniel Gelin in the melodrama “In View”, where he collaborated with the young Nastassja Kinski.

The ballet legend is also known as a choreographer who made his own versions of the classic performances The Nutcracker, Don Quixote, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake. In addition, Nureyev staged the original ballets Tancredi and Manfred.

When in the 1980s Rudolf was the head of the troupe of the Parisian Grand Opera, he began to promote more and more young performers, often ignoring the hierarchy of soloists, leading soloists and premieres, which turned out to be an innovation in world practice. In the last years of his life, the man could no longer dance, but did not want to part with the theater and began to conduct the orchestra. Moreover, in this capacity he was even specially invited to Russia and conducted the ballets Romeo and Juliet and The Nutcracker on the stage of the Tatar Opera Theater in Kazan.

Personal life

The personal life of Rudolf Nureyev turned out to be connected with men: the ballet dancer was openly gay. Although some of his acquaintances claim that in his youth he also had affairs with girls. The dancer himself admitted that he could become a father twice, but his chosen ones terminated the pregnancy for various reasons.

Rudolf is also credited with a romantic relationship with his partner, the great ballerina Margo Fontaine, who was 15 years older. However, the dancers themselves called this connection exclusively spiritual and friendly.

When the ballerina was dying of cancer, Nureyev paid all her medical bills and once said that if he could make Margo his wife in due time, then the lives of both would have been more successful. However, these words rather speak not of an old romance, but of an unwillingness to part with life – Rudolf knew that he himself was dying.

At various times, Nureyev was rumored to have had love relationships with such stars as rock musicians Freddie Mercury and Mick Jagger, fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and singer Elton John. But the main love in Rudolph’s personal life was the Danish dancer Erik Brun. The men were together for 25 years, until Eric’s death at 19.86 year. Relations between them were not easy, because in terms of temperament, the Russian and the Dane turned out to be slightly complete opposites.


Back in 1983, the immunodeficiency virus was discovered in the blood of Rudolf Nureyev. The disease developed, and 10 years later, on January 6, 1993, in the suburbs of Paris, the great dancer died of AIDS.

At his request, the body was buried in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois, and the grave was covered with a colored Persian carpet.


Despite the fact that the ballet dancer renounced the citizenship of the USSR, fans at home understood his decision and continued to appreciate the work of Rudolf. After the death of Nureyev, his name was given to the Bashkir Choreographic College, a street in Ufa, and a museum was opened. In addition, the annual festival of classical ballet named after Rudolf Nureyev is held in the capital of Tatarstan, and in November 2018 a monument was opened in Kazan.

After the death of the master, his person received a second life in art. In memory of him, documentaries “Rudolf Nureyev. Rebellious Demon”, “Rudolf Nureyev. The Island of His Dreams”, at the Roman Viktyuk Theatre, the play “An Otherworldly Garden. Rudolf Nureyev”, and at the Sergei Yankovsky Theater – the production of “Jump into Freedom”, in which Ilze Liepa and ballet dancers participate.

In 2018, the premiere of the drama “Nureyev. White Raven” by British actor and director Ralph Fiennes, in which ballet dancers Oleg Ivenko, Sergei Polunin, Russian actors Alexei Morozov, Chulpan Khamatova, Ravshana Kurkova, Anastasia Meskova played. In 2019, the film was presented in the Russian box office. rating


No. 5

in the rating


Born on the same day

Date of birth: 03/17/1938. Age: 84.
Zodiac sign: Pisces
(Tiger) .
Horoscopes for Pisces: horoscope for today,
horoscope for tomorrow
weekly horoscope,
monthly horoscope,
horoscope for the year.

Days left until next birthday: 38 days.

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both adults and children Muravlenko 24

– Do you know what a horizon line is?

In everyday life, we mean the space where the earth merges with the sky. For artists, this is a means of expression, the division into the upper and lower observable world, it runs exactly at the level of our eyes. You can select the height of the viewpoint, which will determine where the horizon line will pass on the picture plane. And if only for this reason, two authors, observing exactly the same landscape, will write different paintings, – says Nuria Sadrieva, a teacher at the children’s art school.

This is how a good teacher differs from just a teacher: a few minutes of conversation, an intelligible explanation of basic concepts – and a light bulb turns on in my head: “Now I understand!”. After that, I look at all works of fine art differently, at least partially understanding how much algebra is in this harmony.

First there was intuition

Nuria Faridovna was born in Tajikistan. She doesn’t remember when she started drawing. It seems like always. Houses, flowers, princesses in beautiful dresses – everything that girls usually draw. These pictures were very liked by girlfriends and classmates. And then one day a drawing teacher took a portrait of her next princess and showed how to correctly depict a human face, to observe proportions.

“Then I was simply amazed that drawing has its own canons, that exact calculations are used here,” says Nuria Faridovna. – Something I felt and did intuitively. I remember when we were preparing a wall newspaper, we had to draw a drop of water. I was looking for a way to show its transparency, how it glows and is about to fall. And it succeeded.

After school, Nuria Sadrieva graduated from the Leninabad State Pedagogical Institute named after SM Kirov, having received a teacher’s specialty in drafting, drawing and labor. And at 19In 92, the whole family was forced to leave the former Soviet republic. The city of Muravlenko became a new place of residence. Here Nuria Faridovna was invited to teach at a children’s art school. And for 25 years now, she has been teaching drawing, painting and composition to Muravlenko’s children. For several years she successfully worked as a deputy director for extracurricular activities, but by her own admission, she returned to her favorite activities with pleasure and completely immersed herself in painting and teaching.

The beauty of the changing world

Muravlenkovites are well aware of the works of Nuria Sadrieva – thirteen of her solo exhibitions have taken place in the city. Still lifes, portraits and, of course, landscapes, painted in oils, watercolors and pastels. In graphics, she prefers to create with a pencil, liner, gel pens, ink and pen. A special place is occupied by works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the basis, according to her, was the original photographs of front-line photographers. There are no abstractions and riddles with a double bottom in the works of Nuria Sadrieva, the subject of the image is always recognizable and causes the effect of presence inside the picture. Looking at the diverse landscapes of the Yamal nature, you feel the smell of the autumn forest and the cool breeze from the lake. Or suddenly you discover, as it turns out, many shades in the shadows of trees on the snow, illuminated by the stingy northern sun …

– My favorite authors are Shishkin, Aivazovsky. I prefer realism. I always want to capture what the eyes see, to convey beauty, a moment of the changing world, – says the teacher.

The well-known formula

Children start attending her lessons at the age of 11-12. At this age, children are already able to understand what perspective, three-dimensional space, and so on are. But in order for a living three-dimensional image to appear on a flat surface of a canvas or paper, it is not enough just to know the canons, you need to patiently and diligently train your hand, your eye.

– I probably won’t discover America if I say that the formula for success is as follows: 90 percent of labor, 10 percent of talent, – says Nuria Faridovna. – Abilities may not appear immediately. It happens that a child tries, works, but it turns out so-so. But if you don’t quit, you keep working, then at some point you just gasp – there is a jump to a new level. The amount of effort turns into quality. And here already the child has more interest in learning and the desire to work harder.

Dozens of Nuria Faridovna’s students discovered and developed their creative abilities and skills in this way. Many continued their studies in specialized educational institutions in Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Moscow, where it is not at all easy to get there – the bar for entrance examinations is very high. So, the teacher proudly talks about his students who entered art universities and colleges: Yulia Morgunova and Dmitry Vasylka – at the Institute of Architecture and Design of the Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tatyana Pipus – at the Polytechnic Institute of Architecture of the National University in Lviv, Yulia Kryukova – at the Stroganov Art School.

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