Candela nombre origen: Día de la Candelaria, 2 de febrero. El nombre de Candela para niñas

Candela nombre origen: Día de la Candelaria, 2 de febrero. El nombre de Candela para niñas

Día de la Candelaria, 2 de febrero. El nombre de Candela para niñas

Candela es un nombre latino. Viene de candil y significa ‘vela’, ‘luz’. Es un nombre que viene a su vez de Candelaria, un momento de la vida de Jesucristo recogido en las Escrituras. Candela celebra su santo precisamente el día de la Virgen de la Candelaria, el 2 de febrero. En numerosos lugares del mundo (España, Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Cuba o México), este día es un día grande de celebraciones y fiestas. 

La Candelaria o Nuestra Señora de la Purificación hace referencia a un momento bíblico: justo cuando la Virgen María lleva a su hijo Jesús al Templo para presentarle a los sacerdotes cuarenta días después de su nacimiento. Esta puede ser la razón (dato muy curioso) por la que se explica una tradición que había en la antigüedad en muchas cosas: hasta que no llegaba el 2 de febrero no se quitaban los adornos navideños (el portal del Belén).

Por otro lado, no hay que olvidar que ese día fue también el momento de la Purificación de María. De ahí también otra costumbre que había en muchos rincones del planeta: que sean las mujeres que acaban de ser madres las que se acerquen a la iglesia a poner velas a la virgen.

El texto bíblico dice: ‘Cumpliendo lo mandado por la ley mosaica, a los cuarenta días de su nacimiento, Jesús fue presentado en el Templo, al mismo tiempo que su madre realizaba la ceremonia de su purificación’.

En muchos lugares de España y Latinoamérica, la Candelaria o día de Nuestra Señora de la Purificación se celebra con procesiones con velas y comidas típicas, por ejemplo, en México se come tamales dulces o salados y se acompañan con distintos tipos de atole o también con café. ¡Es el día también de todas las niñas que se llaman Purificación!

[Leer más: Nombres de santos para niños y niñas]

Las niñas que se llaman Candela o Candelaria son sinceras, decididas y tienen mucha seguridad en sí mismas. Esto hace que los demás se fíen de ellas. Irradian confianza y serenidad. Son niñas muy sociables, a las que les encanta jugar al aire libre y en grupo. ¡Se hacen querer desde el primer momento!

Hacen amigos con facilidad, porque son extrovertidas y amables, aunque un poco cabezotas. Les encanta sentirse el centro de atención, que todos se fijen en ellas y que escuchen sus opiniones. Sin embargo, son afectuosas y comprensivas y siempre que pueden echan una mano al que lo necesita.

En el colegio (y en el trabajo) son chicas y mujeres muy responsables y muy perseverantes. Nunca dejarán un trabajo a medias y siempre lucharán para conseguir llegar hasta lo más alto. Eso sí nunca intentarán saltar por encima de nadie ni pisotear al más débil. Su éxito en la vida se debe a su tesón, esfuerzo y perseverancia por ser siempre la mejor en todo lo que hace. 

Como variantes del nombre de Candela, tenemos Cande, Candelaria, Candeloria y Kandela. Y, como otra curiosidad más, te contaremos que es un nombre 100% latino, es decir, no tiene traducciones a otros idiomas: ni inglés, ni francés, ni alemán, ni italiano, ni portugués, ni ruso. ..

Se trata de un nombre de gran tradición que en los últimos años e ha vuelto a poner de moda y se encuentra siempre entre los más populares para niñas. Quizás se deba, también, a que cada vez más famosas lo lucen orgullosas o lo escogen para tu retoño. Así nos encontramos con la actriz española ganadora de tres premios Goya, Candela Peña.

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Día de la Candelaria, 2 de febrero. El nombre de Candela para niñas, en la categoría de Santos – Bíblicos en

Significado del nombre Candela –

El significado de Candela nos muestra a una mujer feliz, a la que le gusta ser ella misma sin dejarse influenciar por los demás. Es realmente fácil conocerla porque nunca va a ocultar nada, y si te tiene que decir algo lo hará. Además, tiene una naturaleza realmente bondadosa que hace que todas las personas de su entorno la aprecien de corazón.

En el artículo de hoy te queremos contar con todo lujo de detalles qué significa Candela. Si te gusta este apelativo, aquí vas a poder descubrir los motivos de su éxito en numerosos países, su personalidad, sus rasgos más positivos, pequeños defectos que puede mostrar en ocasiones… en definitiva todo aquello que hay que saber sobre el nombre Candela.

¿Qué significa exactamente el nombre de Candela?

Candela es una mujer con una personalidad aparentemente fuerte, intimida a las personas que la no la conocen, sin embargo, en el momento en el que empiezas a hablar con ella te das cuenta de que es una mujer simpática y amable, lo único que le ocurre es que tiende a ser muy sincera y le gusta mostrarse como es ella, sin que nadie la vaya a cambiar.

Las mujeres con este nombre suelen independizarse relativamente pronto, eso no significa que no quiera estar con su familia, simplemente es que prefiere valerse por ella misma sin sentirse dependiente de otras personas.

En cuanto al trabajo, el significado del nombre Candela indica que es una mujer a la que le gusta mucho ascender puestos, pero siempre sin hacer daño a sus compañeros. Es normal verla en puestos de responsabilidad de empresas bastante grandes.

Además, su punto fuerte es dirigir a un equipo grande ya que es capaz de motivarles y de ayudarles a hacer su trabajo a la perfección, es una gran jefa ya que se pone dura cuando tiene que hacerlo, pero no abusa de su poder ni es desagradable con las personas que tiene a su cargo, todo lo contrario, es amable y se preocupa por ellos de verdad.

Cuando busca pareja, a Candela sobre todo le preocupa encontrar una persona con unos buenos valores, alguien que sea fiel y que se muestre tal y como es. La sinceridad es algo a lo que le da mucha importancia. Es cierto que habrá discusiones, pero si se quieren de verdad en seguida habrá una bonita reconciliación.

A Candela no le preocupa demasiado tener hijos, primero quiere cumplir todos sus objetivos profesionales, y una vez que lo haya conseguido se planteará si desea formar una familia.

¿Cuál es el origen del nombre de Candela?

Si te ha gustado el significado del nombre Candela, seguro que también sientes curiosidad por su origen y etimología. Es decir, por saber en qué idioma surgió y cómo ha ido evolucionando hasta nuestros días.

Lo cierto es que Candela procede del latín, más concretamente de la palabra “candēla” y tiene mucho que ver con la luz, ya que esta palabra daba nombre a unas velas cuyo objetivo era iluminar las casas cuando todavía no existía la electricidad.

Por lo tanto, si quieres saber el significado de esta palabra aplicado a un nombre, debes saber que sería “Mujer luminosa”, “Mujer que ilumina”.

No tiene una versión masculina, pero su diminutivo más utilizado es sin duda Candi.

¿Cómo se escribe Candela en otros idiomas?

Normalmente siempre podemos deciros varias traducciones en otros idiomas de cualquier nombre, sin embargo, hay casos en los que es imposible, ya que en cualquier país se conoce de la misma manera.

Esto es lo que ocurre con el nombre de Candela, ya que, aunque hayamos buscado, no hemos podido encontrar ninguna variación. Así que si te llamas de este modo debes saber que, en cualquier cultura, tu apelativo va a aparecer inalterable, al menos en el aspecto ortográfico.

¿Qué personas famosas hay con el nombre de Candela?

Lo que sí hemos podido encontrar son mujeres conocidas que comparten este nombre. Si quieres conocer quiénes son, a continuación, te lo descubrimos:

  • Candela Peña, actriz española galardonada con tres premios Goya.
  • Candela Serrat Tiffón, actriz española, conocida por ser una de las protagonistas de la serie “6 hermanas”, además es hija del conocido cantante Joan Manuel Serrat.
  • Candela Palazón, periodista española.
  • Candela Márquez, actriz española de cine, teatro y televisión.

name meaning, Spanish female name

★ → Names → Spanish names → Female names → Names beginning with K → Candela

Candela name meaning is candle.

Origin of the name Candela: Spanish names.

Candela: character, strengths and weaknesses

Candela’s name means an old soul who can effortlessly synthesize a large number of stimuli by mentally connecting the dots into a single whole. Their mission is to reach their highest state of consciousness and help others achieve this spiritual ecstasy as well. Candela is not afraid to transform, and a malleable spirit inspires others to explore their own ranges of motion. Since Candela is in many ways outside the physical, material world, they must constantly learn to balance the abstract with the material, ultimately finding their place at the intersection of fantasy and reality.

Compatible names with Candela’s name

See also male and female compatible names with the name Candela.

Candela name number

Name number nine (9) indicates people from the bohemian world, serving high ideals. A person with the name of Candela devotes his life to finding himself, sometimes painful, and revealing his creative potential. Not devoid of leadership qualities, they often show such qualities as arrogance, pride, and behave arrogantly, which scare and repel many others from themselves. Number nine (9) for the name Candela indicates a refined artistic personality. ..

Stones for the name Candela: aventurine, agate, aquamarine, alexandrite, diamond, amethyst, belomorite, turquoise, jet, heliotrope, grossular, demantoid, carnelian, quartz, coral, rauchtopaz , ruby, sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, charoite, jasper.

Planet: Mars.

Signs of the Zodiac: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces.

More: the number of the name Kandela is 9

Lucky years for the name Kandela: 1908, 1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, 2016, 2025, 2034. More details: names of the year.

The meaning of the letters in the name Candela

K – indicates a heightened sense of justice and a desire for stability. Candela has endurance, unsurpassed fortitude, insight.
A – personifies loneliness and closeness, but at the same time Candela has self-sufficiency and earthiness, as well as energy to accept everything new and start new things.
H – symbolizes confidence, developed intuition, the ability to withstand pressure from outside. Candela is the face of protest and a critical approach to reality.
D – means calmness and reliability, self-confidence. Candela seeks to analyze any undertaking, gives priority to the family, enthusiastically helps those in need, loves to give gifts.
E – indicates outstanding analytical abilities, insight, the desire to understand and explain everything. Kandela strives for self-expression, generates new ideas, successfully resolves conflict situations.
L – means that Candela subtly understands beauty, has extraordinary artistic and artistic abilities, expresses a desire to share his knowledge and impressions with others, realizes the need to find his destiny in this world.
S – symbolizes the presence of empathy, the desire to achieve material prosperity. Candela is practical and earthy.

Latin translation of the name Kandely


See also: phonetic analysis of the name Candela.


The name Kandela: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Kandela mean? What does the name Candela mean? What does the name Candela mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Kandela, the origin, fate and nature of the bearer? What nationality is the name Kandela? How is the name Candela translated? What is the correct spelling of the name Candela? Compatibility with the name Candela – a suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Kandel and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Kandela

The name Kandela consists of 7 letters. The seven letters in the name are the people of the canon. They unconditionally accept the rules inspired in the process of upbringing and sincerely believe that their strict observance is the only possible path to happiness. Therefore, they often show stubbornness and intolerance, even in cases where this is not logically justified. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Kandel, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • K – characterizes hardy, principled personalities. Ease, the ability to quickly take on any business and gain new knowledge. People with this letter in their name know how to keep other people’s secrets. Life motto: All or nothing. Endurance and fortitude. Excessive specifics and lack of halftones.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • N – a sign of rejection of reality as it is; desire to achieve spiritual and physical health. The work shows diligence. Dislike for work, not causing interest. The presence of a critical mind and a categorical rejection of routine work. Inability to relax in society, constant tension and doubts.
  • D – when starting work, think carefully about the sequence. The main focus is the family. They do charity work. Capricious. They have hidden psychic abilities. “Working for the public”, the unwillingness of internal development, the main emphasis of people with such a letter in their name is made on a short-term positive impression from the public.
  • E – self-expression, desire for the exchange of experience. They act as a mediator in conflicts. Perceptive, understand the world of secrets. Chatty. A strong love of travel, in life such people can often change their place of residence, restless.
  • L — subtly perceive beauty. Softness of character, the ability to pick up the key to everyone at the right time. Possess artistry and artistic mindset. Willingness to share experience. They do not waste their lives senselessly, they are looking for the true purpose. In the worst case, narcissism, dissatisfaction with others.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • Numerology of the name Kandel in numerology

    Numerology of the name Kandel can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Kandel in numerology is 8. The motto of the name Kandel and eights in life is: “I am the best!”

    • The patron planet for the name Candela is Saturn.
    • The zodiac sign for the name Candela is Leo, Scorpio and Pisces.
    • Candela Talisman Stones – calcite, cinnabar, coral, dioptase, ivory, black lignite, marcasite, mika, opal, selenite, serpentine, smoky quartz.

    “Eight” as one of the numbers of the numerological core is an indicator of the dominant principle, practicality, materialism and indestructible self-confidence.
    “Eight” in the numbers of the name Kandela – the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance – is, first of all, the ability to confidently handle money and secure a stable financial position.
    Leaders by nature, 8s are incredibly hardworking and hardy. Natural organizational skills, dedication and extraordinary mind allow them to achieve their goals.
    The Man of Eight resembles a safe, it is so difficult to understand and decipher it. The true motives and desires of the Eight with the name Kandela are always hidden from others, it is difficult to find common ground and establish easy relationships. Eight is well versed in people, feels the character, recognizes the weaknesses and strengths of others. She likes to control and dominate in communication, she herself does not admit her mistakes. Very often he sacrifices his interests in the name of the family. Eight is reckless, loves non-standard solutions. In any profession, he achieves a high level of skill. This is a good strategist who is not afraid of responsibility, but it is difficult for the Eight to be in the background. Candela learns quickly, loves history, art. Able to keep other people’s secrets, by nature a born psychologist. You can please the Eight only with trust and open communication.

    • The influence of the name Kandel on the profession and career. Optimal options for professional self-realization of the G8 – own business, managerial position or politics. The final choice often depends on the initial assumptions. For example, it depends on who the dad is – a senator or the owner of a fashion studio – what the number 8 means in choosing a particular occupation in life. Suitable professions: financier, manager, politician.
    • The influence of the name Kandel on personal life. Number 8 in relationship numerology makes life together or marriage as much a business venture as any other. And in this case, we are not talking about a “marriage of convenience” in the generally accepted sense of this expression. Eights have a strong-willed character, great energy and authority. Once disappointed in a person, they will make huge demands on the next partners. Therefore, they are important to those who simply come to their aid without further ado. They fit units, twos and eights.

    Candela patron planet

    The number 8 for the name Candela means the planet Saturn. People of this type are lonely, they often face misunderstanding from others. Outwardly, the owners of the name Candela are cold, but this is just a mask to hide their natural craving for warmth and well-being. Saturn people do not like anything superficial and do not make rash decisions. They are prone to stability, to a stable financial position. But even though they manage to achieve all this, but only with their sweat and blood, nothing comes easy to them. They are constant in everything: in relationships, in habits, in work. By old age, Kandela bearers are most often financially secure. Among other things, they are stubborn, which contributes to the achievement of any goals. These people are punctual, prudent in the good sense of the word, careful, methodical, hardworking. As a rule, people of Saturn subjugate, and do not obey themselves. They are always faithful and constant, you can rely on them. Harmony is achieved with people of the second type.

    Zodiac signs of the name Candela

    The following signs of the zodiac are suitable for the name Candela:

  • Zodiac sign Leo for the name Candela. People born under the sign of Leo and with a name for the name Candela, creative, like to dominate in work and in life, go to success, not lingering on the sidelines. Name holders for the name Candela hate any kind of limitation. Kandela lions are demanding of themselves, picky about their appearance, so they pay a lot of attention to it. They try to make a favorable impression on people, they like to please. Sign of the zodiac Got in favor with Leo – consider yourself lucky. You will be praised, taken everywhere with you (to show off) and taught manners – the aristocrats are still the same. But swearing with Leo Kandela is not recommended: they are sharp-tongued and will not go into their pocket for a word. In five minutes, you will be standing with red cheeks from anger and indignant, why the hell does he dare to talk to you like that? Moreover, Leo will not lie – he will say little, clearly and to the point. With a nasty grin. So you yourself will remain to blame for depression on the topic “where my life is heading”. Creepy egocentric owners of the name Kandela love compliments, being the center of attention and gifts (although they prefer the word “offerings”).
  • Zodiac sign Scorpio for the name Candela. Candela Scorpios love to live, as they say, to the fullest, extremely reckless, prone to addictions, categorical. People named Candela are more often distrusted and create a tragedy from scratch. The innate intuition of Scorpios made them excellent psychologists and natural manipulators. The owners of the name Candela cannot live without love and vivid emotions, so as soon as they part with one partner, they immediately find another and drag him on a roller coaster – restaurants and movies for wimps. At the same time, they simply adore themselves, they know how to count money and remember what every ruble of their salary was spent on. Hidden to the point of impossibility: they will start talking about themselves three years after the wedding, not earlier. They do not like to chat, they are more often silent than they attract attention. You can’t leave them near Aries for a long time – together they will come up with such adventures for their fifth points that everyone will have to rake.
  • Pisces zodiac sign for the name Kandela. Candela bearers are dreamers. In their fantasies, a Fish named Candela has long conquered the world, prevented global warming and eradicated hunger on the planet, but in real life they are not interested – everything is boring, insipid and generally unworthy of their royal attention. Pisces with the name Candela are terrible liars, and it is almost impossible to catch them in a lie. People with the name Kandela have no remorse, so they are not going to repent and confess. And you believe them, looking into their big and honest eyes. It is impossible to offend Pisces named Candela – they will suffer for a long time, dreary and with pleasure. If everything goes well in life, Candela Pisces begins to have manic thoughts about the coming nightmare, because it cannot be perfect. In everyday life, Candela Pisces are unpretentious, balanced, able to hide feelings and often manipulate other people. Vanity and commercialism are not inherent in the water sign, they know how to work, but do not strive for fame.
  • Color of the name Candela

    Pink color of the name Candela. Named people wearing pink are reserved and good listeners, they never argue. Although they always have their own opinion, which they strictly follow. It is impossible to hear criticism of others from bearers of the name Kandela. But they evaluate themselves people with the name Kandela always critically, which is why there are frequent emotional gains and depressive states. They are wonderful family men, because it is impossible not to love them. The positive character traits of the name Kandela are philanthropy and sincerity. The negative character traits of the name Kandela are depression and criticality.

    How to spell the name Kandela

    In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is Kandela. In English, the name Kandela may have the following spelling – Kandela.

    Video meaning of the name Kandela