Nombre azael: Nombre Azael | Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar

Nombre azael: Nombre Azael | Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar

▷ Significado del Nombre Azael

Cada nombre tiene su razón de ser. Es muy importante saber el significado de cada uno de ellos, ya que con esa información, aprenderás y descubrirás diferentes indicadores que al nombre lo hacen especial. En esta oportunidad veremos el verdadero significado de Azael.


  1. Que significa Azael
  2. Origen del nombre Azael
  3. Apodos para el nombre Azael
  4. Personalidad del nombre Azael
  5. Famosos de nombre Azael
  6. Numerología de Azael
  7. Video sobre el significado del nombre Azael

Su significado es “hecho de Dios” Es de naturaleza emotiva y activa. Se expresa por medio de la perseverancia, las asociaciones, el planteamiento y el asentamiento. Ama las innovaciones y las realizaciones. Le gusta ser asistido y apoyado.

Origen del nombre Azael

El nombre Azael es de origen hebreo que proviene de las palabras Aza que traduce “Fuerza” y de El que significa “Dios”

Apodos para el nombre Azael

  • Aza
  • Zael
  • Azaelito
  • Azu

Personalidad del nombre Azael

Azael es un hombre divertido y agradable, no le falta encanto. Es un ser muy responsable y las asume en su totalidad, ya sea por orden familiar o profesional. Es calmo y tranquilo, su aspecto protector y cordial también tiene que ver con esto.

Sabe aconsejar, proteger como nadie y no puede soportar un ambiente tenso a su alrededor. Azael es orgulloso, algo perfeccionista.  Su agudo sentido de la justicia a menudo le hace tener crisis, verdaderas explosiones.

Intuitivo, perspicaz, es observador y tiene un espíritu analítico, el sentido de los detalles, al mismo tiempo que posee el arte de la síntesis.

Le gusta agradar, seducir y detesta los conflictos y la agresividad. Perfeccionista, maniático, tiene tendencia a centrarse sobre pequeños detalles, a ‘buscarle la quinta pata al gato”. Puede tener un pronunciado gusto por el orden, la puntualidad, y presentar problemas particulares.

Azael es sensual, es un hedonista y es sensible a su confort. Sentimentalmente, también es exigente y sabe mostrarse perspicaz, tiene el arte de la manipulación, lo que siempre le permite alcanzar sus objetivos. En el momento del compromiso afectivo, a menudo ocurre que su corazón balancea.

Es muy hiperactivo. No reduce la velocidad nunca. Es del tipo de persona que puede ser muy adicto al trabajo durante del día y todavía tener energías para ir de fiesta por la noche. La energía es sin duda un fuerte imán para todos los que lo rodean. La gente se vuelve adicta a su ambiente positivo.

Famosos de nombre Azael

  • Philip Aziz (artista canadiense)
  • Aziz Ansari (comediante y actor americano)
  • Shaukat Aziz (primer ministro de Pakistán)

Numerología de Azael

Es de naturaleza emotiva y activa. Es expresado por medio de la perseverancia, las asociaciones, el planteamiento y el asentamiento. Es amante de las innovaciones y las realizaciones.

Le gusta ser asistido y apoyado. Es muy minucioso. Es de expresarse de manera que llama la atención y se siente superior. Está en búsqueda de la prosperidad y la realización.

Es amante de la ejecución, la planificación y es de aportar ideas. Por su gran personalidad de liderazgo es, generalmente rodeado de muchas personas las cuales deben ser muy positivas. Su número de la suerte es el 5.

Si quieres conocer otros artículos parecidos a Significado de Azael te recomendamos visitar la categoría Significado de nombres.

Nombre Azael

Estás en esta web porque pretendes conocer más sobre el nombre Azael. El nombre Azael es un nombre de persona que seguramente te parece relevante por alguna razón. Los nombres de persona como por ejemplo Azael, son aquellos que identifican a un individuo del resto de personas, otorgándole una personalidad. Unido al apellido o los apellidos, el nombre Azael ayuda a que una persona sea conocida y única dentro de su comunidad.

El nombre Azael en el mundo

Azael es posible que es de tu interés porque consiste en un nombre muy conocido donde tú vives. O tal vez sea todo lo contrario ¿Es Azael un nombre exótico en el país en el que vives? Seguramente has pensado alguna vez en a cuantas personas con el nombre Azael conoces. En esta página web te permitimos descubrir cuáles son los lugares del mundo Azael es el nombre de persona que más abunda. Y por supuesto, te es posible comprobar a qué lugar te sería recomendable trasladarte si tu nombre es Azael y aspiras a que te conozcan por tu nombre exótico en ese país.

Países con más personas que se llaman Azael en el mundo

Si estás pensando en el nombre de Azael como nombre para tu futuro bebé, pero sientes interés por saber si se trata de un nombre común en el mundo, estás en el lugar adecuado. Hoy por hoy, gracias a la globalización y a las nuevas tecnologías, nos hallamos más conectados que en tiempos pasados. Ese es el motivo por el cual tienes que analizar bien el nombre que le pondrás a tu bebé. Es probable que si llamas a tu futuro bebé Azael, en un futuro, cuando se incorpore a la vida adulta, se vea obligado a tratar con gente de otros países del planeta ¿Será Azael un nombre común en esos lugares? En esta web te es posible averiguar cuáles son los países en que es Azael el nombre más usado.

El nombre de persona Azael en el mapa

  1. México (6268)
  2. Colombia (2832)
  3. Panamá (1793)
  4. Venezuela (863)
  5. Brasil (714)
  6. Estados Unidos (568)
  7. España (343)
  8. Sudáfrica (309)
  9. Lesotho (213)
  10. Tanzania (148)
  11. Perú (122)
  12. Ecuador (80)
  13. Nigeria (53)
  14. Nicaragua (52)
  15. Zimbabue (46)
  16. Filipinas (44)
  17. El Salvador (34)
  18. Honduras (24)
  19. Republica Dominicana (19)
  20. Costa Rica (13)
  21. Indonesia (10)
  22. Chile (9)
  23. Haití (9)
  24. Canadá (8)
  25. Guatemala (8)
  26. Cuba (4)
  27. Dinamarca (4)
  28. Inglaterra (4)
  29. Kenia (4)
  30. Paraguay (3)
  31. Belice (2)
  32. Zambia (2)
  33. Países Bajos (1)
  34. Argentina (1)
  35. Burkina Faso (1)
  36. Portugal (1)
  37. Qatar (1)
  38. República democrática del Congo (1)
  39. Rusia (1)
  40. Congo (1)
  41. Costa de Marfil (1)
  42. Chad (1)
  43. Uganda (1)
  44. Uruguay (1)
  45. República Checa (1)
  46. Irlanda (1)
  47. Japón (1)
  48. Mozambique (1)
  49. Nueva Caledonia (1)
  50. Sírvete de nuestro mapamundi para tener de manera veloz y fácil de ver todos los datos que necesitas para conocer en qué países Azael se usa comunmente, y en qué países es un nombre exótico. Este mapamundi conecta a una base de datos que se mantiene actualizada de maneraregular, con información actualizada en referencia a los nombres de persona de todo el planeta. Si te llamas Azael, alguien de tu familia se llama Azael, estás meditando ponerle Azael a un personaje de tu guión televisivo, o es el nombre seleccionado para tu futuro bebé, verifica cuántas más personas en el planeta puedes hallar con ese nombre de persona, y en qué lugar se encuentran.

“Azael” – the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, zodiac sign, stones-talismans

“Azael” – The meaning and origin of the name

It is very important that the meaning of the name Azael given at birth corresponds to the energy influence of the date of birth.

If the name Azael is given without taking into account the date of birth, then it can concentrate negative tension, leading to the development of internal imbalance. And, on the contrary: a correctly chosen name helps a person achieve success in life. That is why it is important to know what the name Azael is, whose name is, what the name Azael means and what is its historical origin.

Azael (Male) Male name Male names starting with A

Meaning of the name Azael: made by God

Origin of the name Azael: Hebrew
Hebrew names

The meaning of the letters of the name Azael

Not only each of the names affects the fate and character . Both the origin of the name Azael and each individual letter, its interpretation and significance, have a strong influence.

  • A – strength, power, comfort.
  • Z – material dissatisfaction, high intuition.
  • A – strength, power, comfort.
  • E – the search for psychological balance, sneakiness, good command of speech, curiosity, sometimes excessive.
  • L – artistry, pettiness, logic, great ingenuity.
  • b – the ability to classify, put on shelves.

Thus, the meaning of the name Azael is such that the first letter of speaks of a task that is important for a person to solve during his life. Last letter indicates a weak point that needs to be protected and protected.

Compatibility with the name Azael

1. The greatest compatibility in love, work, friendship are names whose patrons are planets: [sovmest_planet]

2. Name compatibility can be determined not only by the patron planet. You can find out the characteristics of partners, determine the duration of the relationship and find out whether you will be happy in Marriage using this form:

Azael name Numerology

The most important numbers for a person are those that are encrypted in his name, the so-called lucky numbers.

Numerologists say that the numerical value of the name Azael brings good luck and happiness to the wearer, helps to improve the material condition, reduce the number of failures and disappointments.

Lucky numbers named Azael: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 103, 112

Lucky days of the month: 4, 13, 22, 31

take them into account when making decisions.

Name number: 4

You are not afraid of extreme situations – with a little thought, you will definitely find the most reliable way out. You are characterized by a rare conscientiousness, stability and accuracy, sometimes bordering on pedantry. An excellent career in one of the areas of science and technology is guaranteed to you, although you will be more willing to develop other people’s projects, as you are poorly adapted to creative burning. And you should not hide feelings and emotions until your inherent melancholy explodes into violent rage.

Heart number: 6

A creative person who gets along with everyone. Strives for balance and balance in all areas: at work, in finance, in family and love. Knows how to make a fairy tale. Moreover, he will improve not only his own life, but also those close to him. Such people are responsible and demanding, and first of all to themselves. Often, it is to him that they turn for advice.

Fair in life, does not tolerate betrayal and lies. People around them speak of them as reliable, trusted people who can be relied upon. Because they will not let you down, all promises will be kept. Such a person most often works in the field of art.

Personality number: 4

Personality reliable and constant. Businesses are based on such people. A person can work both as a subordinate and as a boss.

Talismans named after Azael

Man has an inseparable connection with the natural world. Our ancestors believed in this connection, and it continues to invisibly persist today. So, talismans of Azael help to save energy, protect from troubles, give strength at decisive moments.

Totem endows its owner with specific qualities, helps to reveal previously unknown talents and energy abilities.

It is no coincidence that Azael’s totems and talismans are so in demand in the modern world: they make their owner stronger.

Lucky color: Green

Harmonious “green” personalities – the owners of this name, they have a strong character, but at the same time they are kind and cordial, the financial side is not important for them, they are ready to give the right amount to those in need. These people know how to earn, so they always have the means for a well-fed life. They love nature and animals. They are not afraid of change and difficulties, they know how to take risks and adapt to any situation. Witty and funny. It is interesting with them, but also not easy, as they are vulnerable and sensual.

In the family, it is their touchiness that will cause many conflicts and omissions, the spouse and children have to carefully select every word so that the house is peace and tranquility. Colleagues can also hurt a person with a green name, but, however, at work they carefully hide this character trait.

Lucky season: Autumn

Lucky days of the week: Friday and Saturday

Unlucky days of the week: Tuesday and Sunday

Talisman plant: Mullein

Stones-talismans named after Azael: Copper, Diamond, Quartz, Emerald, Citrine, Aquamarine, Diamond, Opal, Tourmaline

Totem animal: Raven

Tree: Grape

Astrology named after Azael

close connection. Therefore, knowing the astrological influence is no less important than the origin of the name Azael, totems and talismans Azael, nationality Azael, etc.

Name Element: Air

Find yourself in communication with other people, learn to understand information, build partnerships.

Astrological color of the name: Yellow

Cardinal direction: West

Astrological stone: Rock Crystal, Quartz, Aquamarine

Personifying animal: Mongoose, Polar bear

The origin of the name Azael is that the ruling planet is Venus. This planet gives the bearer of the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages that the name Azael receives from Venus:

Justice, Harmony, Galance, ingenuity, ingenuity

Disadvantages that Venus Named Azael:

Lack of sense of proportion, selfishness

Planetary number and value of the name Azael

readers . ru, for sure, it will be interesting to know what kind of name Azael is in terms of planetary numbers. The meaning of the name Azael and the origin of the name Azael points to

Planetary number: 22
Governs this name: [planet]


Zodiacal and Sacred number of the name Azael

Zodiacal number: 7
What corresponds to the sign of the zodiac: Ibrahims and the field of scales

justice. They involve in solving various dual situations that require a choice and the ability to objectively evaluate everything. Such names call for calmness and observance of the measure in everything, for peace and harmony in relations with others.

The sacred number that determines the meaning of the name Azael is

The sacred number: 1
What corresponds to the zodiac sign: Taurus

Such names involve a person in solving material problems. At best, they create a field of harmony and order, and at worst, a field of accumulation, greed, inertia and laziness.

The editors of the site tried to collect the most complete information that describes the origin of the name Azael, whose name, what does the name Azael mean, the name of what nationality is Azael, the talismans of Azael … Use this information correctly and you will definitely feel everything hidden in him energy.

About the name Azael: Meaning, origin on

The name Azael is not just a set of letters or a graph in a birth certificate, but, without exaggeration, an energy message to the future. Knowing what the name Azael means, the meaning of the name Azael, the origin of the name Azael, about the nationality of the name Azael, one can most accurately characterize the character, predilections, tastes, and even predetermine the fate of a person. In particular, it is not so much the meaning of the name Azael or the origin of the name Azael that has a strong impact on a person, but its symbolism, the patron planet, the talismans of Azael, the planetary number, etc. In any case, the name Azael carries a deep emotional and psychological color, which in turn defines its bearer as a separate, unique personality.

So what is the name Azael, what is the origin of the name Azael, the meaning of the name Azael? The most complete information about him is the meaning of the name Azael , whose name, lucky numbers, planet, astrological stone, the origin of the name Azael, personifying the animal, zodiac and sacred number, Azael talismans, lucky days of the week and season, lucky color – is collected on website We tried to characterize the meaning of the name Azael in as much detail as possible so that after reading this description you will have no questions left. Read and find out what kind of name is hidden, it would seem, in a simple combination of letters and sounds, in fact.

It is important to know what nationality the name Azael has (Azael is the name of what nationality), because it is through the name that a person realizes himself, and any of his advantages and disadvantages are inevitably reflected in part of his own “I”. At the same time, each nation has a certain list of names that have become traditional. Knowing such facts as the origin of the name Azael , whose name is Azael, even before naming a child, helps to influence the fate of the baby, taking into account national traditions.

The name Azael: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Azael mean? What does the name Azael mean? What does the name Azael mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Azael, the origin, fate and nature of the carrier? What nationality is the name Azael? What is the translation of the name Azael? What is the correct spelling of the name Azael? Compatibility with the name Azael – a suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Azael and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Azael

The name Azael consists of 6 letters. Names of six letters usually belong to persons whose character is dominated by such qualities as enthusiasm, bordering on exaltation, and a tendency to outrageous. They devote a lot of time to creating their own image, using all available means to emphasize their originality. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Azael, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • З – developed imagination, good intuition, isolation; in difficult moments – withdraw themselves, do not want to solve problems. People whose names contain such a letter are constantly under someone’s control, it is difficult for them to relax and concentrate on what is important.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • E – they see the essence of events hidden from ordinary eyes, they feel people through and through, they are fluent in oral and written speech. Curious, arrogant. Cunning and charm. Excessive desire for elitism.
  • L — subtly perceive beauty. Softness of character, the ability to pick up the key to everyone at the right time. Possess artistry and artistic mindset. Willingness to share experience. They do not waste their lives senselessly, they are looking for the true purpose. In the worst case, narcissism, dissatisfaction with others.
  • b – the ability to smooth out conflict situations, softness of character. The desire to consider everything “under the microscope”, to detail.
  • The meaning of the name Azael in numerology

    Numerology of the name Azael can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Azael in numerology is 4. The motto of the name Azael and fours in life: “Comfort, stability and order!”

    • The patron planet for the name Azael is Uranus.
    • Zodiac sign for the name Azael – Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
    • Azael Talisman Stones – Ametrine, Red Ironstone, Danburite, Emerald, Glass, Mochi, Moonstone, Pumice, Clear Quartz, Black Sapphire, White Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Silver, Sodalite, Strombolite, Tiger’s Eye, Black tourmaline, zirconium.

    “Four” among the Main numbers of the numerological chart is the unshakable stability of life position, stability and confidence in the future. This is a well-established life, strong family and friendly ties, a reliable, constant income and the invariable respect of others.
    The positive value of the number 4 for the name Azael could be associated with purely masculine virtues, if thousands of women did not possess them. This is a high level of endurance, exceptional ability to work, methodicalness, adherence to principles and equanimity. They value order and practicality, stability and tranquility. Materialists “to the marrow of bones”, fours do not like noisy gatherings and thrills. Their main concern is financial well-being, constancy of comfort. These are people with principles, they can be trusted with their secrets and not worry about their safety. Such people have few friends, but those that they have are loyal and proven comrades over the years.
    Four is material, has an innate talent for a designer and engineer, it is distinguished by creativity, but also by the desire for stability. The four named Azael must be confident in the future, they work hard for the future. Those Fours who lack self-confidence can be overly sensitive and stubborn. The material side of life is important to the four, this is a man of action. Vulnerable and touchy. Four can separate the intellectual from the emotional. The Four make a difficult decision, hesitate for a long time and doubt, making a choice, they need silence. You can help the Four without making decisions for them. The four are fond of esotericism. A person named Azael can achieve anything in life. The main thing is faith in your own strength. A child at heart, the Four knows how to be faithful, loves popularity, has acting talent. The Four is always looking for non-standard solutions. Sometimes it has pronounced healing abilities. The talent for commerce is pronounced. In family relationships, she is authoritarian and domineering because of her insecurity. You can please the Four named Azael by giving her stability, confidence and limitations.

    • The influence of the name Azael on the profession and career. The profession of people with a “four” in the numerological core is often determined by external circumstances. Suitable professions: architect, event organizer, financier.
    • The influence of the name Azael on personal life. The number four promises a personal life, far from romance and castles in the air. Fours are very hardworking, stress-resistant and patient. The partner of such a person should be able to cheer him up, make him believe in himself, but at the same time be as patient as he is. For people with this number, eights, twos and ones are ideal.

    The patron planet of the name Azael

    The number 4 for the name Azael means the planet Uranus. Those belonging to this category are very stubborn and wayward. They have their own ideas about the world and life principles, which they follow, neglecting the generally accepted norms of behavior. The main quality of people with the name Azael is independence. They are responsible, love nature and look for friends with similar qualities. Carriers named after Azael have many friends and are always happy to chat with them. People of this type are mobile, sociable, hardworking. They have an excellent memory, but they are often irritable and nervous. Among other things, they have excellent organizational skills.

    Signs of the zodiac named after Azael

    The following signs of the zodiac are suitable for the name Azael:

  • Zodiac sign Taurus for the name Azael. By nature, Taurus Azael is silent, keeps a lot in himself, knows how to think soberly, is intuitive and has powerful willpower. While Taurus with the name Azael is calm, demonstrates gentleness, patience. If you touch the living owner of the name Azael, Taurus easily explodes. He does not like pressure from outside, he is offended for a long time. Taurus named Azael are absolutely sure that they are special, they know everything better than anyone and simply have to explain to you why you are wrong and in what aspects. The main difference between Taurus with the name Azael and Aries is that they know how to admit they are wrong. Then they will even thank you that you opened their eyes to the truth. Taurus Azael is monogamous and very trusting, therefore he is often deceived in people and even more often disappointed in them.
  • Virgo zodiac sign for the name Azael. Hardworking and reliable representatives of the Virgo sign with a name for the name Azael are endowed with a sober view of things, pedantry. Azael Virgos are prone to system analysis, constantly criticize themselves and others, and try to keep everything under control. They maintain order in money, affairs and the house, they are practical and homely. In relationships, they are shy, very sincere and generous, they know how to sympathize and help people, they are not afraid of responsibility. Virgo women are calm and sensible keepers of the hearth. Ideal wives. But Virgo men – write wasted. The most boring and illogical creatures on the planet. Sex, food, sports – everything is on schedule, and being a minute late is punished by a long lecture on the meaning of life. They do not explain the reason for their behavior and are not going to: who are you in general to talk to you? They love it when they rush about and wipe their snot, and they just love to suffer in public to the point of insanity – “how poor and unhappy I am, have pity on me immediately.”
  • Zodiac sign Capricorn for the name Azael. Capricorn Azael knows how to use all the chances in life, is prone to leadership, loves to learn, develop, stand firmly on his feet and go to the goal. Capricorn with the name Azael does not like to take risks, can become an inveterate pessimist and close due to self-doubt. Azael does not really know how to rest, be lazy and relax, considering this time wasted. God forbid you come to Capricorns named Azael for advice: you are provided with at least an hour of lectures. This is because Azael Capricorns always know how to get out of any situation (or pretend to know), and they will tell you in detail, tediously and with examples where you are wrong and how to live on. Azael devotes himself to work as much as possible, because Capricorn simply does not know how to sit on the fifth point evenly and do nothing. And if you have to, it starts to wither. Capricorn Azael chooses a partner not with his heart, but first of all with his head, therefore, in family life, he is incredibly happy.
  • Color of the name Azael

    Green color of the name Azael. Named people wearing green are kind and warm-hearted, ready to give their last. The owners of the name Azael are not afraid of changes in life, they easily take risks for the sake of material well-being. However, money rarely stays in their pocket – “green” people named Azael love to have fun in a large and noisy crowd, treating everyone. Bearers of the name Azael are very vulnerable and sensual, therefore they are often offended by family members, feeling misunderstood and unloved, however, they forgive as quickly as they are offended. The positive character traits of the name Azael are kindness and optimism.

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