Nombre biblico para nina: 25 nombres bíblicos para niña —

Nombre biblico para nina: 25 nombres bíblicos para niña —

Nombres bíblicos para niño y niña: origen de su significado

Nombres bíblicos para niño y niña. Foto: especial

Nombres bíblicos: etimología, origen, significado. Si estás esperando a un bebé y aún no eliges su nombre, en esta ocasión te daremos a conocer algunas opciones que seguramente te encantarán.

Estos nombres bíblicos tienen un significado muy interesante el cual te invitamos a conocer, ya que podrías descubrir muchas cosas a través de su etimología. Además, cualquiera de ellos es lindísimo para tu bebé. ¿Cuál eliges?

Nombres de origen bíblico. Etimología, significado. Foto: especial

Nombres de origen bíblico para niño y niña

Rebeca: Significado: lazo corredizo / belleza que cautiva.

Rafael: Significado: el divino senador. De acuerdo con la tradición judía, Rafael es uno de los cuatro acompañantes que están alrededor del trono de Dios.

Priscila: Significado: antigua.

Pablo/Paulo: Significado: pequeño. De acuerdo con la Biblia, Pablo figura como el distinguido apóstol de los gentiles.

Miriam: Significado: la amada.

Matías: Significado: don de Dios.

María: En hebreo se refiere al nombre de Miriam. De acuerdo con la tradición cristiana, María es la madre de Jesús.

 Magdiel: Significado: dotado por Dios.

Magdiel: Significado: dotado por Dios.

Lucas: Famoso evangelista y autor del tercer Evangelio y de los Hechos de los Apóstoles.

Lidia: Se refiere a la primer mujer europea que se convirtió al cristianismo por la predicación de Pablo.

Lázaro: Significado: ayuda de Dios.

Lamec: Significado: vigoroso.

Judith: Significado: la alabada.

Juana: Significado: don de Dios.

Jera: Significado: nueva Luna.

Ismael: Significado: Dios oye. Antes de que naciera Isaac, Ismael fue considerado el hijo de la profecía.

Gabriel: Significado: fuerte de Dios. Ángel principal de Dios que trajo buenas nuevas a la virgen María.

Esther: Significado: estrella. Nombre persa de Hadassa.

Eva: Significado: viviente / para el hombre, y de él. Eva es considerada la madre de la humanidad.

Eunice: Significado: buena victoria.

Jesús: De acuerdo con la tradición cristiana, Jesús es el nombre del hijo de Dios en su naturaleza humana.

Elisa: Se refiere a las islas de Elisa, archipiélago griego que enviaba telas de púrpura y grano.

Eleazar: Significado: auxilio de Dios.

David: Significado: amado. David fue el ungido del Señor, escogido para ser rey de Israel.

Daniel: Significado: Dios es mi juez. Según la Biblia, Daniel es descendiente de la familia real de David.

Damaris: Significado: novilla. Proviene de una distinguida mujer ateniense que aceptó el cristianismo a partir de la predicación de Pablo.

Andrés: Significado: varonil. De acuerdo con la Biblia, Andrés fue parte de los doce apóstoles.

Elizabeth: Significado: el juramento de Dios.

Noé: Significado: consuelo. Célebre patriarca y segundo fundador de la humanidad después del histórico diluvio.

Jonatan: Significado: don de Jehová.

Joaquín: Significado: establecerá Jehová. Joaquín fue el último del linaje real de Salomón.

 Joel: Significado: Jehová es Dios.

Josué: Significado: Jehová salva. Con base en la Biblia, Josué fue aquel que presenció más milagros.

Emmanuel: Significado: Dios con nosotros. De acuerdo con la tradición cristiana, este nombre se aplica también para nombrar a Jesús, dado que evoca la naturaleza divina y humana que viven dentro de él.

Moisés: Significado: hijo sacado de las aguas. Ilustre profeta que condujo a los israelitas desde Egipto hasta la Tierra Prometida.

Adán: Progenitor y cabeza representante de la humanidad. De acuerdo a la Biblia, Adán fue formado del polvo de la tierra, el cual le da sentido a su nombre. La palabra Adam (אדם) viene del hebreo “adamá” (אדמה) que significa tierra.


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  • significado de nombres
  • Bebés
  • Maternidad
  • Crianza hijos
  • Biblias

Escritora de buena vida, belleza, maquillaje y salud. Soy una apasionada de las letras. Y su significado. De lo que cada palabra indica, y lo que puede hacerte sentir. Alma de bailarina, con el mejor oído musical. Pintora, fotógrafa, cantante, actriz, amo el teatro y los gatos, los perros, y a todos los animales. El ser humano, me gustaría, expandiera más sus capacidades, porque somos seres magníficos. Mejores, que en cuentos de hadas. 1993

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▷ Hermosos Nombres Bíblicos Para Niñas » Centro Angelical

Lo cierto es que hay tantos nombres que no siempre se hace fácil decidirse por alguno o pensar en cuál podría ser el nombre para niña más adecuado.

Además es una de las decisiones más importantes de los futuros padres


Se deriba del hebreo. Además el significado de Ab es “padre” y guilah significa “alegría”, por lo tanto su significado es “Alegría del Padre”.
Este nombre aparece en la Biblia en el libro de Samuel ya que fue una de las esposas del Rey David. ha estado entre los nombres de las 10 mejores niñas durante varios años y uno de los nombres de las más populares que comienzan con A.


El nombre Anna es el nombre de una niña de origen hebreo que significa «gracia».

Top 25 durante años y solo se ha deslizado en los últimos dos años. Anna ofrece un toque de lo exótico y un poco más de estilo que la Ann simplificada, utilizada por generaciones en toda Europa, desde Rusia a Italia, desde España a los Países Bajos.

Clásica y simple, Anna sería una excelente opción para los padres en busca de un nombre que unirá dos culturas diferentes, según dicen judíos e italianos.


El nombre Berenice es un nombre de niña de origen griego que significa «la que trae la victoria». Fue hija de Ptolomeo y la esposa del rey Sirio Antíloco II. Perteneció a la dinastía herodiana, y también se le nombró en los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Se hizo famosa por su tumultuosa vida amorosa.


Es un nombre  de origen hebreo que significa “Aquella que vacila” o “Aquella que languidece”. Según las sagradas escrituras, fue la mujer concubina de Sansón, el famoso juez de Israel, al que luego traicionó ante los filisteos a cambio de revelar que la fuerza de su marido estaba en sus cabellos.


En el Antiguo Testamento cuenta la historia de la reina Esther, la esposa judía del rey de Persia. El consejero del rey, Amán, persuadió al rey para que exterminara a todos los judíos en el reino. Advertida de este complot por su prima Mardoqueo, Ester reveló su ascendencia judía y convenció al rey para que ejecutara a Hamán. Su nombre hebreo original era Hadassah.


Proviene de la palabra griega que significa “origen” o “comienzo”.


Es de origen hebreo, «Naomi», y significa «Aquella que como Yahvé tiene todas las gracias» o «Aquella que tiene virtudes y dulzura». El nombre de Nohemí define a una mujer bíblica agradable.


Proviene del hebreo que significa “La compañera fiel”. Uno uno de los libros de la Biblia lleva su nombre («El libro de Rut»), el cual pertenece a una mujer valerosa y muy determinada. Por su bondad y piedad con su suegra, esta mujer fue bendecida por Dios. Ocupa un lugar importante en la historia israelita, puesto que llegó a ser antecesora de David y de Jesús.


Este nombre proviene del hebreo, de origen bíblico, significa “Aquella que es una princesa”. Sara fue la esposa de Abraham, y según las Sagradas Escrituras, su primer nombre fue Saray, pero Yahvé propuso Sara en concordancia con el relato de la Biblia donde se habla de Sara, conocida como “la madre de numerosos reyes”. Todos los reyes de Egipto, durante los viajes de Abraham, asombrados de la belleza de Sara.  

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The origin of the name Nina is not completely clear. According to one version, its roots are Greek, according to another – Assyrian, and it is translated as “queen”, “lady”. This name was given to the Queen of Wisdom and Lady of Brotherly Love, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, who was born around the year 280 in the city of Kolastry, in Cappadocia. Her father Zabulon was a relative of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, descended from a noble family, from pious parents, and enjoyed the favor of Emperor Maximian (284-305). Being in the military service of the emperor, Zebulun, as a Christian, contributed to the release of captive Gauls who converted to Christianity. Saint Nina’s mother, Susanna, was the sister of the Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenaly

Twelve years old Saint Nina moved to Jerusalem with her parents, who had an only daughter. By their mutual agreement and with the blessing of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Zebulun devoted his life to serving God in the Jordanian desert, Susanna was made a deaconess at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the upbringing of Saint Nina was entrusted to the pious old woman Nianfora. Saint Nina was an obedient girl and a diligent student, and with the help of the grace of God, she soon learned to follow the rules of the faith. nine0003

Once, when she was reading the Gospel of the Passion of Christ (John 19:23-24) with tears in her eyes, her thoughts settled on the fate of the Chiton of the Lord.

The Mother of God, raised at the age of three at the Temple in Jerusalem, according to legend, was very skilled in needlework: weaving and sewing. She loved to sew robes for priests, to embroider with beads, and she wove a chiton for her beloved Son with her own hands without a single seam. The warriors, seeing that this was a valuable thing, cast lots about it – who would get it. To the question of St. Nina, where the Chiton of the Lord was, the old woman Nianfora explained that, according to legend, the non-sewn Chiton of the Lord, according to legend, was taken by the Mtskheta rabbi Eleazar to Iberia (Georgia), called the Lot of the Mother of God. Having learned that Georgia had not yet been enlightened by the light of Christianity, St. Nina began to pray day and night to the Most Holy Theotokos, that she would be able to see Georgia turned to the Lord and help her find the Chiton of the Lord. nine0003

The prayers of the young righteous woman were heard by the Queen of Heaven. The Most Pure Virgin appeared to her in a dream and, handing over a cross woven from a vine, said: “Take this cross, it will be your shield and fence against all visible and invisible enemies. Go to the country of Iberia, preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ there, and you will find grace from Him: I will be your Patron.

Waking up from a dream, Saint Nina saw a cross in her hands. She tied it lovingly with a strand of her hair. Now the shrine is kept in the Tbilisi Zion Cathedral. Rejoicing in spirit and coming to her uncle, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, the saint told about the vision. The Patriarch blessed the young maiden for the feat of apostolic service. nine0003

Saint Nina’s wish began to come true when she had to flee to Iberia to escape the persecution initiated by the emperor Diocletian (284-305). The holy evangelist had to overcome and endure many dangers and labors. But the grace of God, the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Cross of Christ accompanied her and protected her.

For a successful sermon, Saint Nina was given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, just like the apostles on the Day of Pentecost. But not only the gifts of miracles, healings, the exorcism of evil spirits, the wisdom of the mouth, speaking in different languages, but the very bright appearance of a holy, righteous, pure, chaste woman could not help attracting and disposing people to the perception of the teaching of the incarnate, crucified and resurrected The truth that came to save the world. nine0003

The conversion of Georgia, Kakhetia and Armenia took place not without resistance from the pagans. Saint Nina crushed idols with her prayer, destroyed pagan temples, healed the sick, allowed infertility … There will not be enough time and energy to list all her glorious deeds and deeds accomplished for the sake of the Good News.

St. Nina healed the Georgian queen Nana from a serious illness, who, having received holy Baptism, turned from an idolater into a zealous Christian. Despite the miraculous healing of his wife, Tsar Mirian, heeding the entreaties of the pagans, was ready to subject Saint Nina to cruel torments. “At the very time that the execution of the holy righteous was being planned, the sun went dark, and an impenetrable darkness covered the place where the king was.” The king suddenly became blind, and the terrified retinue began to beg their pagan idols for the return of daylight. “But Armaz, Zaden, Gaim and Gatsi were deaf, and the darkness multiplied. Then the frightened unanimously appealed to God, Whom Nina preached. The darkness instantly dissipated, and the sun illuminated everything with its rays. This event took place on May 6, 319of the year.

King Mirian, healed of blindness by St. Nina, received holy Baptism along with his retinue. At the request of King Mirian, the Byzantine Emperor Constantine (306-337) sent to Georgia Bishop of Antioch Eustathius, two priests and three deacons. After several years, in 324, Christianity finally established itself in Georgia.

The chronicles tell that, through her prayers, it was revealed to Saint Nina where the Chiton of the Lord was hidden, and the first Christian church in Georgia was erected there (initially a wooden, now a stone cathedral in honor of the 12 holy Apostles, Svetitskhoveli). nine0003

St. Nina still had to work hard, enlightening the highlanders. Having completed her 35-year apostolic service, reverently partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, Saint Nina peacefully reposed in the Lord in the year 335. Following the example of St. Nina, who passionately loved her neighbors and cared about the salvation of their souls and true knowledge of God, we will always care about the welfare of people.

Author: Archpriest Viktor Chernomorchenko

St. Nina – Orthodox magazine “Foma”

Approximate reading time: 7 min. nine0003



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January 27 the Church celebrates the day of memory of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the Enlightener of Georgia.

Nina – the meaning of the name

If in Russia the name Tatyana was the most popular name throughout the twentieth century, then in Georgia not only was, but still remains the first, beloved and most common name Nina. Every month, the number of Georgian women is replenished with 250 newborn Ninas. Undoubtedly, such popularity is associated with the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, who brought Christianity to the Iberian land. It is Saint Nina who is revered as the enlightener and patroness of Georgia. From there the name migrated to Russia. According to statistical estimates in Russia, the name Nina is in sixteenth place – slightly inferior in popularity to the name Yulia, but ahead of Maria. So what does the name Nina mean? nine0003

There is no definite answer to this question. The etymology of the word is complex, in addition, the roots of this word are found in several languages ​​at once. So in the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology there were about a dozen goddesses, whose names were compound and began with the root “nin”: Ninlil (mistress, mistress of storms), Ninhursag (lady-mother) Ninmah (great lady) Nintu (giving birth mistress) … In Hebrew we find both variants: both “nin” נין (great-grandson) and “nina” נינה (great-granddaughter). Name endings in some Romance languages ​​are also memorized as “nina”. nine0003

Life of St. Nina

Sioni Cathedral in Tbilisi

St. Nina was born in 280 in the Cappadocian city of Kolastry. Her parents were wealthy and noble people. The father was in military service under the emperor Maximian and, as they say, baptized the Gauls. Saint Nina was brought up in piety and Christian virtue. Her mother, Susanna, was the sister of the Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenaly. Therefore, when Saint Nina was twelve years old, by agreement, together with her parents, she went to Jerusalem. There, her father Zabulon received a blessing to become a hermit in the desert, Susanna became a deaconess at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and Saint Nina was handed over to the pious old woman Nianfora for instruction and bail. From her, the deaconesses of the Holy Sepulcher, a girl who read the Holy Scriptures a lot and carefully, learned the details of the fate of the Chiton of the Lord. As Nianfora said, the chiton, the garment over which the soldiers who crucified Christ cast lots, was transferred by a rabbi named Elioz to Georgia at the request of Sister Sidonia. Iberia was then considered the lot of the Mother of God, and this land was not fully enlightened by the preaching of the Apostle Andrew. Saint Nina had blood ties with this country. Her father Zabulon was Saint George’s uncle. Therefore, having learned from the old woman that the chiton was in Iberia, and this land still practically does not know Christianity, Saint Nina began to pray to the Mother of God daily with a request to help not only find the tunic of the Lord, but also see Iberia enlightened. nine0003

One day the Mother of God appeared to a young girl in a dream. She handed St. Nina a cross woven from a vine with the words: “Go to Iberia and preach the Gospel. This cross will be your shield from all visible and invisible enemies.” When St. Nina woke up, she really had a cross in her hands. Patriarch Juvenaly, having learned about the miracle that had happened to her, blessed Saint Nina to go with a sermon to Iberia. The saint did not get there right away.

First, fate brought her to Rome. Here, thanks to the preaching of St. Nina, Princess Ripsimia, her mentor Gaiania and many other noble persons were secretly baptized. Emperor Diocletian hated Christians. Intending to marry Ripsimia and learning about her baptism, he ordered the girls to be cruelly persecuted. However, they fled to Armenia. Following them, the emperor sent an order to the Armenian king Tiridates to pursue and execute the fugitives. This was done. Miraculously, only St. Nina survived. In rags and with a cross, she continued her way to the Javakheti mountains. nine0003

In August 315 St. Nina came to Mtskheta, where a pagan feast was then celebrated. Here, through the prayers of St. Nina, the elements raged: the wind rose, the storm, accompanied by a thunderstorm, completely destroyed the temple of the Armaz idol. This happened on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In Mtskheta, the saint found shelter in the house of the royal gardener and began her sermon. Here she met Chief Rabbi Abiathar, a descendant of Elioz, who later became the right hand of St. Nina and contributed to the enlightenment of Georgia. The saint built herself a hut near the city wall and continued to preach. Through her prayers, miracles began to happen. Her fame spread with great speed. Saint Nina even managed to heal Queen Nana, but Tsar Mirian, considering Saint Nina a sorceress, began to cruelly persecute Christians. Only three years later, when Mirian himself almost lost his life, the situation changed. Suddenly blinded, the king, not seeing help from idols, turned to the God of St. Nina. He also vowed to enlighten his country with the light of truth and to build a temple if death could be avoided. The king fulfilled his vow and baptized his own people. nine0003

At the request of St. Nina, stated in a letter to Emperor Constantine, Bishop John, the future Patriarch of Antioch, was sent to Mtskheta. The emperor also sent as a gift one of the nails and the foot of the Holy Cross. Bishop John, together with Saint Nina, baptized the tsar, the nobles, and the people. At the same time, the construction of the first wooden temple began at the confluence of the Kura and Aragva rivers. Here stood a huge three-hundred-year-old cedar, under which, as it was revealed to Saint Nina, there was the Chiton of the Lord. Many miracles happened here, deeply shocking people. By order of the king, stone temples are being built throughout Georgia. nine0003

St. Nina continued her preaching of the Gospel among the mountain peoples. She devoted thirty-five years of her life to this. Saint Nina failed to reach only the remote southeastern regions. Already elderly and infirm, she remained and led an ascetic life in a hut not far from the city of Bodbe. Saint Nina died here on January 27, 340. The king bitterly mourned the death of the saint. Despite the will, he decided to move the coffin with the body to Mtskheta. But this could not be done, as if some mighty force was holding the coffin. Then, at the behest of the king, Saint Nina was buried at the foot of the capital of Kakheti, where her hut stood. A stone church was erected over the grave in honor of St. George. The king himself continued to preach the Gospel, he built a lot of stone churches throughout Georgia. In Mtskheta, in place of the first hut of St. Nina, he erected a large church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which became the chair of the Mtskheta bishop. nine0003

With the blessing of the Patriarchate of Antioch, Saint Nina, a visitor to Georgia, was glorified among the saints as Equal-to-the-Apostles.

St. Nina’s Cross

St. Nina’s Cross or Georgian Cross – easily recognizable by the lowered ends of the horizontal bar. It was woven from vines and entwined with St. Nina’s hair. As life tells us, Saint Nina discovered the cross when she woke up one day from a vision. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to her and blessed her to enlighten Iberia. Saint Nina always had this cross with her. Therefore his as well. It is customary to depict the gospel on icons in the hands of a saint. Nina. nine0003

According to the life, the cross was inherited by Tsar Mirian. The king kept, and then gave it to his son, as a relic and memory of St. Nina, who enlightened Georgia with the light of the Gospel. In Mtskheta, the cross of St. Nina was located until 458.

A variety of saints saved the cross from desecration by pagans and Arabs during times of persecution and war. The cross of St. Nina was kept by the Armenian governor for 175 years, in the monastery of Vanadad for more than 450 years, in Kars for 164 years. King David in 1125 discovered him in the city of Ani and honorably transferred him to Mtskheta. From there he was transferred to the Church of the Holy Trinity on Mount Kazbek. In 1746, according to the behavior of King Teimuraz II, in order to avoid the threat of desecration, the cross was hidden in the mountain fortress of Ananur. From there in 1749Metropolitan Roman of Tiflis secretly sent the cross to Tsarevich Bakar. And already his grandson, Georgy Alexandrovich, presented the cross in 1801 to Emperor Alexander I. By order of the Russian emperor, in the name of restoring historical justice, the cross of St. Nina, as a property of the Georgian church, was sent with honors to the Sioni Cathedral in Tbilisi. “… Knowing how precious this shrine is for the Georgian people and wanting to return it to give new evidence of my care for him, I sent this cross there to place it in the Tiflis main Cathedral …”, – wrote in February 1802 to Emperor Alexander I to Prince Georgy Alexandrovich. The cross is kept in the cathedral even now. He is the main shrine of the Georgian church. nine0003

Troparion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina

tone 4

The Word of God to the servant, / in the apostleship of preaching to the first-called Andrew / and the other apostle imitated, / the enlightener of Iberia and the Holy Spirit of God, / the holy prayer of Christ, save our souls.

Kontakion of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina

Tone 2

Come today, all of you, / let us commemorate the chosen one from Christ / Equal-to-the-Apostles preacher of God’s word, / wise evangelist, / I will bring the people of Kartalinia to the path of the Mother of God and the truth, our intercessor and unsleeping guardian, / Nina, the most praised. nine0003

Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina

O all-praiseful and marvelous Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino, truly a great adornment of the Orthodox Church and a fair amount of praise to the people of Iberia, who enlightened the whole country of Georgia with Divine teaching and the feats of the apostleship, conquered the enemy of our salvation, raised up Christ with labor and prayer and planted health much of it into fruit. Celebrating your holy memory, we flow to your honest face and reverently kiss the all-glorious gift to you from the Mother of God, the miraculous cross, which you entwined with your precious hair, and we tenderly ask, as our eternal representative: protect us from all evils and sorrows, enlighten enemies Holy Church of Christ and opponents of piety, guard your flock, saved by you, and pray to the All-good God, our Savior, to whom you now stand, grant our people peace, long life and haste in every good undertaking, and may the Lord lead us into His Heavenly Kingdom where all the saints glorify His all-holy Name now and forever and forever and ever.

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