Nombre caterina: Nombre Caterina | Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar

Nombre caterina: Nombre Caterina | Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar

Significado y origen de Caterina

  • Mi bebé y yo

  • Nombres de niños

  • caterina

Origen de Caterina:




Significado de Caterina

Es un nombre inventado por el escritor Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), a partir de un anagrama de las primeras sílabas de Esther Vanhomrigh. Ésta era hija de un comerciante holandés instalado en Dublín, que fue su alumna, hasta su muerte en 1723 a los 33 años


Es bohemia y soñadora. Le gusta estar rodeada de gente, pero necesita su espacio de soledad para pensar y tomar decisiones. En el trabajo es muy inquieta y puntual.

Onomástica de Caterina:

1 Noviembre

Se llaman así

Vanessa Paradis (cantante y actriz).

Icons / SearchCreated with Sketch.Ver otros nombres de niñas


Chupetes personalizados para niñas

Porque tu hija es un bebé único, ahora con TUTETE puedes personalizar su chupete.

Icons / go-forwardCreated with Sketch.Personaliza su chupete

Lo más leído…

Nombres de niños y niñas: origen y significado


Nombres de bebé: los que serán tendencia en 2022


Nombres de niños originales: ¡30 ideas para elegir!


Nombres de niñas originales: ¡30 ideas para elegir!


Nombres cortos de niña y de niño: los mejores nombres de niño y niña cortos


Los 5 nombres unisex para bebés más populares


MiBebeyyo. © SferaMediaGroup

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Nombre Caterina

Estás en esta página web porque quieres tener más conocimiento con respecto al nombre Caterina. Caterina es un nombre de persona que posiblemente se te hace interesante por alguna causa. Los nombres de persona como lo es Caterina, son los que identifican a una persona del resto de personas, dotándolo de una personalidad. Agregado al apellido o los apellidos, el nombre Caterina ayuda a que una persona sea distinguida y única dentro de su comunidad.

El nombre Caterina en el mundo

El nombre de persona Caterina a lo mejor haya llamado tu atención porque se trata de un nombre muy popular en el país donde vives. O existe la posibilidad de que sea todo lo contrario ¿Es Caterina un nombre exótico en el país donde vives? Seguramente te has parado a pensar a que número de personas con el nombre Caterina conoces. En este sitio web te ofrecemos la posibilidad de descubrir cuáles son los países del mundo en que Caterina es el nombre de persona más abundante. Y indudablemente, puedes averiguar a qué lugar te sería recomendable viajar si te llamas Caterina y quieres que te reconozcan por tener un nombre único en ese sitio.

Países con más personas que se llaman Caterina en el mundo

Si estás barajando la posibilidad de usar el nombre de Caterina como nombre para el bebé que estás esperando, pero tienes curiosidad por saber si hablamos de un nombre popular en el planeta, estás en el lugar indicado. Hoy por hoy, por motivo de las nuevas tecnologías y la globalización, nos encontramos más conectados que nunca. Esa es la causa por la cual es tu responsabilidad rumiar bien el nombre con el que será conocido tu bebé. Existe la posibilidad de que que si llamas a tu futuro bebé Caterina, en un futuro, cuando sea adulto, deba relacionarse con personas de otros lugares del mundo ¿Será Caterina un nombre habitual en esos otros países? En este sitio web puedes saber en qué países del mundo es Caterina el nombre más usado.

El nombre de persona Caterina en el mapa

  1. Italia (294212)
  2. Estados Unidos (3950)
  3. España (2832)
  4. Suiza (1533)
  5. Alemania (1167)
  6. Inglaterra (1128)
  7. Canadá (997)
  8. Bélgica (991)
  9. Chile (780)
  10. Brasil (684)
  11. Francia (489)
  12. Venezuela (485)
  13. Australia (261)
  14. Rumania (218)
  15. Tailandia (213)
  16. Argentina (211)
  17. Republica Dominicana (185)
  18. Sudáfrica (167)
  19. Indonesia (164)
  20. Perú (148)
  21. Países Bajos (135)
  22. Portugal (111)
  23. Rusia (111)
  24. Grecia (100)
  25. Uruguay (93)
  26. San Marino (93)
  27. República democrática del Congo (89)
  28. Escocia (78)
  29. Filipinas (76)
  30. Suecia (70)
  31. Austria (69)
  32. Ecuador (60)
  33. Croacia (54)
  34. Luxemburgo (50)
  35. Panamá (43)
  36. México (43)
  37. Andorra (41)
  38. Costa Rica (37)
  39. Gales (35)
  40. Moldavia (33)
  41. Uganda (32)
  42. Papúa-Nueva Guinea (30)
  43. Noruega (28)
  44. Malasia (28)
  45. Dinamarca (27)
  46. Colombia (26)
  47. Hungría (24)
  48. Albania (24)
  49. Finlandia (21)
  50. Bielorrusia (19)
  51. China (19)
  52. Nigeria (18)
  53. Mónaco (18)
  54. India (17)
  55. Malta (17)
  56. Belice (15)
  57. Nueva Zelanda (15)
  58. República Checa (13)
  59. Paraguay (12)
  60. Estonia (11)
  61. Polonia (9)
  62. Eslovenia (9)
  63. Marruecos (9)
  64. Qatar (8)
  65. Zimbabue (7)
  66. Emiratos Árabes Unidos (7)
  67. Turquía (7)
  68. Singapur (5)
  69. Guatemala (5)
  70. Chipre (4)
  71. Sudán (4)
  72. Irlanda del Norte (4)
  73. Túnez (4)
  74. Ghana (4)
  75. Malawi (4)
  76. Hong Kong (4)
  77. Mozambique (4)
  78. Santa Lucía (3)
  79. El Salvador (3)
  80. Bulgaria (3)
  81. Taiwan (3)
  82. Tanzania (3)
  83. Israel (2)
  84. Costa de Marfil (2)
  85. Islandia (2)
  86. Japón (2)
  87. Kenia (2)
  88. Georgia (2)
  89. Namibia (2)
  90. Vietnam (1)
  91. Irlanda (1)
  92. Yemen (1)
  93. Omán (1)
  94. Polinesia Francesa (1)
  95. Jersey (1)
  96. Jamaica (1)
  97. Jordania (1)
  98. Cabo Verde (1)
  99. Puerto Rico (1)
  100. Camboya (1)
  101. Kazajstán (1)
  102. Líbano (1)
  103. Liechtenstein (1)
  104. Sri Lanka (1)
  105. Liberia (1)
  106. Letonia (1)
  107. Armenia (1)
  108. Eslovaquia (1)
  109. Angola (1)
  110. Senegal (1)
  111. Transnistria (1)
  112. Macao (1)
  113. Barbados (1)
  114. Burundi (1)
  115. Benin (1)
  116. Honduras (1)
  117. Bolivia (1)
  118. Sírvete de nuestro mapamundi interactivo para tener de manera veloz y fácil de ver los datos disponibles que requieres para saber en qué lugares el nombre Caterina es de uso común, y en qué países es un nombre poco habitual. Este mapa enlaza a una base de datos que se actualiza de forma regular, con datos actualizados acerca de los nombres de persona de todo el planeta. Si te llaman Caterina, alguien de tu familia tiene como nombre Caterina, estás rumiando ponerle Caterina a un personaje de tu novela, o es el nombre elegido para tu futuro bebé, cerciorate de cuántas más personas en el mundo es posible hallar con ese nombre de persona, y en qué país se encuentran.

meaning, fate, character, origin, compatibility with other names

The fate of the name Ekaterina

Ekaterina is an unpredictable person and simply loves change. But she is constantly in suspense, forced to adapt to new circumstances. After 35 years, fate gives Catherine great and strong opportunities to have financial success and social realization. In this case, she will have to achieve everything herself. Thanks to diligence, diligence and incredible hard work, success will not be long in coming.

Frequent travel is favorable for Ekaterina. She loves to learn new things about other people and cultures, she is a person with a very developed imagination. Easily acquires new acquaintances, as an excellent diplomat, endowed by nature with tact and the ability to convince. She has excellent organizational skills. Ekaterina is most often a successful woman, self-sufficient, but at the same time vulnerable.

She does not get married for a long time and is looking for the perfect man, because she is very demanding of the opposite sex. He is quickly disappointed and suffers from this. But if you fall in love, then, most likely, once and for life. Her house always smells delicious of fresh food, Katya knows how to create coziness and comfort. She endures all adversity with her head held high – despondency is not characteristic of her. The family is for her the purpose and meaning of life.

The nature of the name Ekaterina

Ekaterina favorably manifests the energy of Saturn. She loves discipline and order, so that everything is on the shelves. Katya is very pedantic, she always keeps track of time. The fact is that Saturn is just responsible for its course. Since this is the slowest planet, people born under its influence are very slow.

Katya is demanding of herself and others, sometimes even arrogant. Because of his temper, he is constantly in confrontation with the opposite sex. But excessive self-criticism, delving into herself make Catherine vulnerable, which can lead to internal conflicts and negatively affect her moral and psychological state.

She is capable of decisive action, but often acts on emotions. Because of the love of freedom, it is lonely. And it’s more about the lack of like-minded people. Katya strives for harmony with herself and the world around her, she is sensitive and kind, honest, selective in everything, she does not know how to compromise.

Ekaterina tends to exaggerate her shortcomings and ignore her strengths.

Catherine II. Portrait of Levitsky. Photo: wikipedia.orgBallerina Ekaterina Maksimova. Photo: Actress Ekaterina Klimova. Photo: Actress Ekaterina Guseva. Photo:

The origin of the name Ekaterina

Ekaterina goes back to the ancient Greek “Ekaterini”, which means “eternally pure”, “immaculate”.

Synonyms: Katya, Katyukha, Katyusha, Katena, Katyunya, Katyusya, Katyulya, Ekaterinka, Katerinka, Kate, Kat, Katy, Katrina, Katerina, Katherine, Katarina, Kat, Katenka, Katechka.

One of the forms of the name Ekaterina is Catalina. It is common in Spanish-speaking countries (in addition to Spain itself, for example, in Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Equatorial Guinea), as well as in Hungary, Romania, and the USA. So the choice of the name Catalina for a girl in our country is usually inspired by love for Spanish culture or some kind of connection with this country, for example, there are roots from there.

Practicing tarologist and namologist Irena Ivanova proposes to consider this name as a compound one – it is difficult to combine the parameters of the names Katerina and Alina or Lina in it. It is difficult to say unequivocally which features of each name and to what extent will appear. It largely depends on how the parents plan to name their daughter – Katya or Lina.

Compatibility of the name Ekaterina with other names , Ignat, Aaron, Anatoly, Arthur, Christian, Nikolai, Ruslan, Semyon, Stepan.

Men with names should be avoided: Ustin, Ernest, Vitaly, Igor, Viktor, Yakov, Philip.

Expert comment

Elena Danilova, Vedic astrologer, numerologist, palmist, energy practitioner:

“The number of the name Catherine is 8. It is ruled by the planet Saturn. This is the planet of karma. Depending on how a person consciously approaches his path and actions, the vibrations of this planet will be reflected on him so favorably or not.

In general, Saturn is responsible for the subconscious, its dark side. Gives, as a rule, various delays. It can bring obstacles, humiliation, hostility from others, bad karma and various lawsuits. Thus, this planet and its energies teach a person to be more philosophical about life, the manifestations of various people and, in general, results.

In addition to the vibrations listed above, one should understand how favorable Saturn was at the time of birth. And if we say that a person understands and accepts his path and the results of his actions, then Saturn can give various privileges, elevate not only spiritually, but also up the career ladder. Bestow deep wisdom as opposed to loneliness, fearfulness, pessimism, premature aging. A person can achieve very great heights with his work.

8 is the number of confidence, certainty, the number of mystery. Ekaterina can be misunderstood not only by relatives and friends, but also by work colleagues, for example. However, due to her hard work and constant desire to take on more than is required, she finds people who are grateful to her for such dedication.

Due to her tendency to be alone and gloomy, Catherine may develop a very strong love for black or dark blue. Such a manifestation promises negative aspects – headaches, migraines, depressive states. Here it is important to understand that energy teaches you to take life easier, not to lose heart and understand that this is karma. Once a person adopts this path of selflessness, he can reach great heights.

Warnings: eights should not try to take over. It is important for them to learn to trust friends, relatives, subordinates. They should not overload themselves with work, because this can result in mental overload and, as a result, a serious psycho-emotional breakdown, burnout.

Catherine should not get involved in disputes. She must clearly learn to express her own ideas. And also learn, where necessary, to remain silent.

It is important for Ekaterina to expand her circle of acquaintances and friends, to learn to trust and build relationships, to track negative manifestations of her character, excessive demands. Because in the end, any disobedience of the partner will bring coldness in the relationship, detachment. To prevent this from happening, Catherine should cultivate tolerance, friendliness, prudence, and not get annoyed over trifles. Cultivate a healthy objectivism. You need to learn to understand that the people who surround her are like mirrors that reflect some negative aspects of their personal character.

Auspicious numbers: 8, 17, 26. And if they fall on Saturday, then happiness is guaranteed.

Fasting on Saturdays is auspicious for the 8th, feeding the birds, especially the feeding of the ravens, because the raven is considered the helper of Saturn.

name meaning, female Greek name

★ → Names → Greek names → Female names → Names starting with K → Katerina

Name meaning Katerina: Katerina nar. the form from Ekaterina is immaculate.

Origin of the name Katerina: Greek names.

Katerina: character, strengths and weaknesses

The name Katerina is associated with sensitivity, balance and harmony play the main role here. This balance is created through such individual characteristics as compassion, empathy and kindness. Often, Katerina has psychic abilities and developed intuition. Others also note a deep insight to the slightest energy nuances and emotional manifestations. Although they are highly sensitive, they lack ambition and are not prone to conflict, which can ultimately lead to a feeling that they are underestimated or not recognized. It is recommended to avoid looking for external support and be aware that Katerina already has all the necessary strength for perfect balance within herself.

Calculate the compatibility of the name Katerina with any other name

Name #1:
Name #2:

The number of the name Katerina

The number of the name two (2) is inherent in emotional and insecure personalities, they are constantly in an anxious state. It is advisable for such people with the name Katerina to avoid extremes, show calmness and accept the world as it is, with all its advantages and disadvantages. The number two (2) for the name Katerina means the priority of spiritual and emotional unity with a partner, which determines success in sexual relationships . ..

Stones named after Katerina: agate, alexandrite, amazonite, belomorite, rock crystal, jadeite, pearl, coral, cat’s eye, labradorite, moonstone (adularia), morion, opal, mother-of-pearl, sapphire, selenite, tourmaline, fluorite.

Planet (satellite): Moon.

Sign of the Zodiac: Cancer.

More details: the number of the name Katerina is 2 of the year.

The meaning of the letters in the name Katerina

K – indicates a heightened sense of justice and a desire for stability. Katerina has endurance, unsurpassed fortitude, insight.
A – personifies loneliness and closeness, but at the same time Katerina has self-sufficiency and earthiness, as well as energy to accept everything new and start new things.
T – indicates a tendency to compromise, the ability to listen to other people. Katerina is a creative person with a developed intuition, a vulnerable nature, a tireless seeker of justice and truth.

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