Nombre dafne: origen y significado del nombre para niña Dafne

Nombre dafne: origen y significado del nombre para niña Dafne

Significado de Dafne

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  • ¿Qué significa el nombre Dafne?
  • Personalidad de Dafne
  • El origen del nombre Dafne
  • Famosos con el nombre de Dafne
  • Onomástica de Dafne
  • Diminutivos de Dafne
  • Numerología
  • Dafne en otros idiomas

Dafne es un nombre de origen griego que significa laurel. El significado de este nombre se debe a la historia mitológica que hay detrás y que explica como la bella ninfa Dafne se convirtió en un frondoso laurel. A nivel etimológico, el nombre de Dafne se interpreta como “mujer coronada de laureles”.

(Te interesa: Nombres mitológicos para niños y niñas)

Personalidad de Dafne

Las mujeres que se llaman Dafne son entregadas, exigentes y sinceras. Más que con los demás, Dafne es una mujer exigente consigo misma, que busca la perfección y hacer las cosas lo mejor que puede.

En el ámbito más íntimo y familiar, Dafne es muy entregada, sincera y nada superficial. Se entrega en todo lo que hace y no le importa compartir aquello que posee.

A nivel laboral, su espíritu sensible y apasionado la lleva a sentir preferencia por profesiones artísticas en todas sus manifestaciones. Ama la belleza y la creatividad.

En el amor, Dafne es una mujer coqueta y muy femenina, que le gusta que la alaben y que busca la perfección y su ideal por encima de cualquier otra cosa.

El origen del nombre Dafne

El significado del nombre de Dafne, que es laurel, esconde una bonita historia de las más conocidas de la mitología griega. Dafne era una ninfa, hija del dios Peneo y la diosa Gea. Apolo, dios de la belleza, se enamoró perdidamente de ella y no dejaba de perseguirla. Ante tal acoso, la madre de Dafne decidió convertirla en un frondoso y bonito laurel. Desde entonces que el laurel se convirtió en la planta sagrada de Apolo.

Famosos con el nombre de Dafne

Entre los personajes más famosos con el nombre de Dafne destaca la escritora Daphne du Maurier, una de las más populares del Reino Unido y muy conocida por haber escrito libros que después se adaptaron al cine como Rebeca o Los pájaros.

A nivel español, destaca la actriz y modelo Dafne Fernández, nacida en 1985, y que se hizo muy popular tras aparecer en la serie de televisión sobre el mundo de la danza Un paso adelante. Posteriormente, entre otras series y películas, también participó en Entre lobos y Pajarico.

Onomástica de Dafne

La fecha de celebración del santo de Dafne es el 1 de noviembre.

Diminutivos de Dafne

Dafne tiene varios diminutivos. Los mas usados son Dafi o Daf. 


El número de la suerte es el 7.

(Te interesa: Numerología: ¿qué número corresponde a tu personalidad?)

Dafne en otros idiomas

  • En inglés, Daphne
  • En griego, Δάφνη
  • En árabe, غار
  • En chino, 芫
  • En japonés, ダフネ

¿Quieres conocer más nombres de niña relacionados con la mitología? Te ofrecemos los nombres de niñas más populares de diosas griegas, romanas y egipcias.

【 Particularidades del nombre Dafne 】¿Qué significa?



¡Qué buena suerte tienes! Buscabas nombres en Internet y eso te ha llevado hasta nuestra página web. Puedes considerarte con suerte, ya que hemos creado un contenido completo en el que encontrarás numerosas opciones, con bonito significado. Tienes en tus manos una tarea muy importante, por lo que lo mejor es que le dediques tiempo a leer esta publicación y de este modo tener la seguridad de que es lo que estás buscando. Conoce a continuación el significado de Dafne.

Origen Griego.
Significado “Laurel”, “mujer coronada con laureles”.
Tipo Nombre propio femenino.
Fecha de santoral Es el 19 de octubre en honor a Santa Dafne


Etimología del nombre Dafne:


Los orígenes de este nombre tienen que ver con el griego Daphne, que quiere decir laurel. Esto se debe al relato que involucra a una dríade (una ninfa de los árboles), que al ser acosada por el dios Apolo fue transformada en laurel por el padre de ésta el dios río Ladón para protegerla. Debido a esto también quiere decir mujer coronada con laureles.



Dafina en albanés, Dafina en búlgaro, Daphnée en francés, Dafni en griego, Dafna en hebreo, Dafne en italiano, Dafina en macedonio, Defne en turco.


Personas famosas llamada Dafne:

  • Dafne Schippers

    • Atleta neerlandesa: nació el 15 de junio de 1992 en Ultrecht, en los Países Bajos. Se especializa en pruebas de velocidad. Comenzó a practicar atletismo a los 9 años en el club Ultrecht Hellas. Debutó a los 17 años, edad en la que ganó el Torneo Europeo Juvenil en Novi Sad. En 2014 compitió en los 100 y 200 m lisos, convirtiéndose en la campeona europea. En Pekín en el año 2015 ganó los 200 m con un récord de casi 22 segundos. Es esa oportunidad obtuvo el récord en los 100 y 200 metros lisos.
  • Dafne Bokota

    • Cantante y presentadora griega: nació en Koukaki, Atenas en 1960. Fue portavoz de la cadena griega Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation. Su primer disco Dafni Bokota Kai Saboter y tuvo un gran éxito con las canciones Viper Nora y Diva. Es más conocida como presentadora, ya que ha conducido El Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión y Jeux Sans Frontiéres, que fue un programa europeo basado en una producción francesa. Se emitió de 1987 a 2004. Escribió un libro con sus memorias y en 2004 fue juez en el reality show Fame Story.


Características de las personas más famosas llamadas Dafne

Es el nombre de mujeres activas, sagaces y muy emprendedoras. Les gusta actuar de inmediato para resolver una situación. Son grandes madres, compañeras y amigas, y ejercen un liderazgo natural sobre otras personas.

name meaning, Hebrew female name

★ → Names → Hebrew names → Female names → Names beginning with D → Daphne

The meaning of the name Daphne: laurel.

Origin of the name Daphne: Hebrew names.

Daphne: character, strengths and weaknesses

The name Daphne symbolizes abundance, everything here points to material wealth and financial success. Thanks to natural magnetism, as well as ambition and determination, Daphne can easily take a leading position. Daphne uses thinking big to expand her abilities and capabilities, climbing to the top of any career ladder to reach heights unthinkable by others. However, with great power comes great responsibility, which, on the one hand, gives rise to workaholics, and on the other hand, is fraught with the danger of falling into excessive lust for power and mercantilism. However, these negative qualities can be negated if Daphne tries to use her success to help others, since there is nothing more valuable than a contribution to the common good.

Compatible names with the name Daphne

Avenir, Michael, Ananias, Osip, Avdies, Aviv, Immanuel, Zadok, Shimshon, Ne’eman, Oren, Arye, Gamliel, Gar’el, Goshea, Yegonatan, Yehoshaphat, Yedidya, Yeroham, Yizgar..

See also male and female compatible names with the name Daphne.

Daphne name number

Name number eight (8) contributes to success in the largest undertakings and enterprises, providing financial independence to its owner. Natural industriousness and efficiency do not give people with the name Daphne peace – having barely completed one successful project, they start another. The number eight (8) for the name Daphne is an indicator of high status and a stable financial position, which attracts fans and admirers to them, and by no means external attractiveness or sexuality …

Stones for the name Daphne: amethyst, apatite, beryl, verdelite, heliodor, hematite (bloodstone), garnet, pearl, coral, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, obsidian, onyx, rhodonite, sapphire, carnelian, tourmaline, uvarovite, chalcedony, chrysolite, zircon, spinel, jasper.

Planet: Saturn.

Signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Pisces.

More details: the number of the name Daphne is 8

Lucky years for the name Daphne: 1907, 1916, 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006, 2015, 20324 names of the year.

The meaning of the letters in the name Daphne

D – means calmness and reliability, self-confidence. Daphne strives to analyze any undertaking, gives priority to the family, enthusiastically helps those in need, loves to give gifts.
A – personifies loneliness and closeness, but at the same time Daphne has self-sufficiency and earthiness, as well as the energy to accept everything new and start new things.
F – means balance, stability, resistance to external factors. Daphne strives to be original, in the center of everyone’s attention, wants to make the people around her happy, even regardless of their desire.
H – symbolizes confidence, developed intuition, the ability to withstand pressure from outside. Daphne is the face of protest and a critical approach to reality.

Latin translation of the name Daphne


See also: phonetic analysis of the name Daphne.


The name Daphne: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Daphne mean? What does the name Daphne mean? What does the name Daphne mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Daphne, the origin, fate and nature of the carrier? What nationality is the name Daphne? How is the name Daphne translated? What is the correct spelling of the name Daphne? Compatibility with the name Daphne – suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a full description of the name Daphne and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Daphne

The name Daphne consists of 6 letters. Names of six letters usually belong to persons whose character is dominated by such qualities as enthusiasm, bordering on exaltation, and a tendency to outrageous. They devote a lot of time to creating their own image, using all available means to emphasize their originality. By analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Daphne, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • D – when starting work, think carefully about the sequence. The main focus is the family. They do charity work. Capricious. They have hidden psychic abilities. “Working for the public”, the unwillingness of internal development, the main emphasis of people with such a letter in their name is made on a short-term positive impression from the public.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • P – have their own opinion in all matters. Strive to grasp reality. Concerned about their appearance. Ability to summarize details and see the big picture. Constant search for your place in life, mission, new goals.
  • H – achievement of the goal through their own efforts, authoritative, independent, susceptible to third-party criticism. Dependence on human opinion. Highly moral.
  • N – a sign of rejection of reality as it is; desire to achieve spiritual and physical health. The work shows diligence. Dislike for work, not causing interest. The presence of a critical mind and a categorical rejection of routine work. Inability to relax in society, constant tension and doubts.
  • E – self-expression, desire for the exchange of experience. They act as a mediator in conflicts. Perceptive, understand the world of secrets. Chatty. A strong love of travel, in life such people can often change their place of residence, restless.
  • Numerology of the name Daphne

    Numerology of the name Daphne can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Daphne in numerology is 3. The motto of the name Daphne and triples in life is: “I will do everything so that you pay attention to me!”

    • The patron planet for the name Daphne is Jupiter.
    • Zodiac sign for the name Daphne is Sagittarius.
    • Stones-mascots for the name Daphne – amber, amethyst, aventurine, chrysopaz, dolomite, Herckmeier diamond, lapis lausra, morganite, pyrite, ruby, pink sapphire, sardonyx, sugilite, blue topaz, black tourmaline, tsavorite.

    The presence of the “three” among the numbers of the numerological core indicates a special vision that allows you to determine what exactly the world lacks for perfection. And an urgent need to make up for this lack, a need that becomes the basis of motivation and the main driving force for every step in life.
    The “Three” in the numbers of the name Daphne – the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of Appearance – determines the presence of creative abilities, that is, the innate ability to create new things and a predisposition to activities of this kind. The number 3 in numerology means the presence of obvious or hidden talents and extraordinary abilities. Triplets named Daphne are lucky like no other. By nature, they are usually optimistic people who do not give up even when faced with the most difficult life trials. Often they are talented, easily learn any craft, sociable and like people, have many friends. The three seem to be protected by higher powers. This is the number of luck and luck. Another side of the character of the Troika is the desire for spirituality. The trinity named Daphne is most often rich in intelligence, but very cunning. The three are kind, optimistic, love to travel and philosophize. It is difficult for the three to concentrate on any one lesson, her absent-mindedness brings difficulties. He likes to enjoy life, all the time trying to try his luck. Troika named Daphne’s biggest fear is not being able to be everywhere, missing out on a good opportunity. The Troika loves and knows how to learn, because it is inquisitive, has an inquisitive mind. The Daphne trio is a real fighter for justice, an advocate for all signs of the zodiac and a good friend. You can please the Troika if you give it complete freedom of action.

    • The influence of the name Daphne on the profession and career. What does the number 3 mean in the choice of occupation? The ways of professional self-realization for people who have a “three” in the numerological core are countless, and the possibilities in this regard are practically unlimited. Suitable professions: all creative professions, especially writers, artists.
    • The influence of the name Daphne on personal life. The personal life of a “troika” with the name Daphne is never simple, and very rarely becomes a “standard” of harmony and happiness. Threes are optimists who become the soul of the company, it is important for them to be in the spotlight. Therefore, they are ideally suited for a partner who will look at the world the same way as they do. The number 3 is compatible with ones, threes, nines and sixes.

    The patron planet of the name Daphne

    The number 3 for the name Daphne means the planet Jupiter. The planet Jupiter gives people with the name Daphne optimism. They treat others with respect and expect the same attitude towards themselves. People with the name Daphne, like a magnet, attract happiness and harmony to themselves. They are not assertive, but they know how to get what they want. Owners of the name Daphne are prone to introspection, and this leads to good results. They understand themselves quite well and can correctly assess the personality literally from the first moment of the meeting. Realizing that a person is not perfect, they strive for self-improvement, but do not demand the same from others. They stand up for those and help those who need help or support, they are disinterested, prone to travel. Carriers of the name Daphne harmonize well with people of their own, sixth or ninth types.

    Zodiac signs of the name Daphne

    The following signs of the zodiac are suitable for the name Daphne:

  • Zodiac sign Sagittarius for the name Daphne. Representatives of the name Daphne and this sign have well-developed willpower, they are decisive and slightly belligerent, they love to teach everyone. At the same time, Sagittarians with the name Daphne always show friendliness, they are born optimists. Only outright lies, hypocrisy and attempts to subjugate their will can enrage them. The holders of the name Daphne express their authoritative opinion with or without reason (and it does not matter that they did not ask for it). The owners of the name Daphne Sagittarius cut the truth-womb with such amazing cruelty that those around them immediately want to teach Sagittarius mind-reason with their fists, and he sincerely does not understand why they are offended by him and are no longer invited to friendly gatherings.
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