Nombre de maria significado: Nombre María, origen y significado

Nombre de maria significado: Nombre María, origen y significado

Significado del nombre María –

El significado de María está muy relacionado con la paciencia y con la compasión. María va a ser una persona muy tranquila, que no se va a enfadar con facilidad, y que es capaz de perdonar aunque le hayan fallado o traicionado.

Hoy os hemos querido traer este nombre, uno de los nombres más populares a escala mundial. En este artículo conoceremos sus características, cualidades e historia, por lo tanto todo lo necesario para entender a la perfección que significa María, por lo que si os gusta este nombre no dudéis en seguir leyendo.

¿Qué significa el nombre de María?

El nombre de María proviene del hebreo, de la palabra Miryam. Este nombre nos va a mostrar a una persona muy tranquila y que vive en constante armonía con el mundo y con ella misma.

Es una persona a la que no le cuesta nada hacer amigos debido a su simpatía y sobre todo a que tiene un carácter muy agradable, es fácil de tratar y de conocer. Por eso aunque no destaque demasiado ni sea el centro de atención siempre tiene una sonrisa en la cara y una palabra amable para decir.

Para María lo más importante es vivir feliz, por eso siempre hace un esfuerzo por vivir sin rencor y por perdonar a todo el mundo aunque le hayan defraudado. Si ha sido una gran traición no le importa cortar la relación de raíz, pero también sabe perdonar si cree que esa persona lo merece.

A María le gusta mucho estar con la familia, siempre es la que toma la iniciativa para juntarlos a todos y para hacer alguna celebración. Cualquier excusa es buena para estar todos juntos, un cumpleaños, un aniversario, un ascenso…

También vemos en el significado del nombre María que es alguien muy paciente, es capaz de esperar todo lo que sea necesario por conseguir algo que ella considera deseable. Incluso es capaz de contagiar esa calma y esa paciencia a la gente de su alrededor.

Por eso en el ámbito laboral, a María se le dan especialmente bien los trabajos en los que hace falta la paciencia. Además prefiere todo aquello que tenga que ver con la naturaleza o los animales, que son dos de sus grandes pasiones.

En el terreno del amor, María es una persona llena de ternura. A veces es cierto que puede resultar algo pesada o agobiante pero es algo que no puede controlar, si siente el impulso de demostrar su afecto no tiene más remedio que hacerlo cueste lo que cueste.

Uno de los objetivos en la vida de María es sin duda formar una familia. Quiere ser madre cueste lo que cueste y experimentar esa clase de amor, por ello cuando lo consigue es una gran madre. Sus hijos la adoran y es capaz de enseñar valores y cualidades a sus hijos a la vez que les demuestra su amor a diario.

¿Cuál es el origen del nombre María?

Para saber que significa María es imprescindible conocer su historia y origen, ya que es un nombre muy antiguo y ligado a la religión.

El origen de este nombre está bastante debatido y hay numerosas teorías. La más extendida es que viene de la palabra hebrea Miryam y que significa “Eminente” o “Excelsa”. Sin embargo hay otros investigadores que creen que procede de la raíz mrh, y que por lo tanto su significado sería “Rebelarse, rebelde”.

La versión masculina de este nombre también es bastante popular y sería Mario. Los diminutivos más conocidos para María son Mari o Meri.

¿Cómo se escribe María en otros idiomas?

No es raro encontrar variaciones de este nombre en función del país en el que nos encontremos. Algunas de estas variantes son las siguientes.

En alemán nos podremos encontrar con Marie o Marietta, en inglés, lo más frecuente será conocer a Mary o Marie, y en francés nos presentarán a Marie o Marianne.

¿Qué gente conocida se llama María?

Como ya hemos dicho, quizá por el significado del nombre María o por sus múltiples cualidades, es uno de los nombres más populares en bastantes países. Por lo tanto es muy natural que podamos encontrar muchas mujeres conocidas con este nombre. A continuación nombraremos algunas de las más conocidas:

  • María Dolores Pradera, cantante y actriz española.
  • María Jiménez, famosa cantante de origen español.
  • María Dueñas, escritora española conocida por novelas como “El tiempo entre costuras”.
  • María León, actriz de comedia española.

Que significa el nombre María y porque tantas mujeres se llaman así

Pocos nombres tienen un significado tan especial como el de María, esa es probablemente la razón por que muchas mujeres llevan este nombre que podría parecer común, pero no lo es. 

Para comenzar, basta decir que María es el nombre de la madre de Jesús, por ello, para los que están apegados a las costumbres religiosas, mayormente los católicos, este nombre sobra un sentido bastante espiritual.

María significa como tal “la elegida por Dios” y proviene del hebreo Miryam que, a su vez, significa “excelsa”.  Aunque los orígenes de este nombre son variados, el bíblico es uno de los mejor posicionados.

Que significa el nombre María y porque tantas mujeres se llaman así

Foto: Freepik

Estas son algunas de las razones, por las que muchas familias escogen este nombre para sus hijas.  

Debes saber que quienes llevan este nombre tienen una personalidad llena de paz y armonía, además suelen ser mujeres sensibles, dulces, así como muy sensibles y dispuestas.

Otra de las características positivas de este nombre es la paciencia, créeme es muy difícil que ellas pierdan la cabeza, debido a que el nombre las ha dotado de la calma como estandarte de vida.

Además, ellas saben como ser sencillas y amorosas con todos los que la rodean y tratan de estar al pendiente de todos los pequeños detalles que conforman su universo.

Las mujeres que llevan el nombre de María también suelen entregadas con su pareja, por lo que, en el amor, son la pareja perfecta. Ellas tienen claro que la fidelidad y la lealtad son claves fundamentales para que una relación prospere.

Ellas también son bastante familiares, por ello disfrutan siempre están en compañía de su familia y de la gente que aman.

Dicen que el nombre que le pones a tu bebé influye mucho en como será su vida, así que, si eliges María para tu hija, ya de entrada le estarás anticipando una vida plena de espiritualidad y virtud.

Que significa el nombre María y porque tantas mujeres se llaman así

Foto: Freepik

Si tú y tu pareja están pensando hacer crecer la familia, antes que pensar en nombres y todas esas cosas, piensa si están en el momento ideal para tener un bebé (aquí te lo decimos).

También te dejamos una lista de los nombres de niño más bonitos y su significado, que seguro te serán de mucha utulidad por si aún no tienes definido el sexo del bebé.


  • familia
  • estilo de vida
  • hijos

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación egresada de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH). Es reportera especializada en la fuente de economía desde hace 10 años para el diario El Independiente de Hidalgo, establecido en el estado de Hidalgo; además es miembro fundador de esta casa editorial. También fue parte del equipo de trabajo del diario UnomasUno Hidalgo, en donde tuvo a su cargo la cobertura de diferentes fuentes informativas y de la Revista Los Rostros de Hidalgo, en donde se desempeñó como reportera de sociales. Otra de sus áreas de especialización es el periodismo científico; habilidades adquiridas recientemente con su participación en el Diplomado de Difusión y Divulgación de la Ciencia, así como el Taller de Periodismo Científico ambos impartidos por El Consejo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Hidalgo (Citnova). Participó también en Taller de Periodismo Científico Jack F.Ealy que imparte el diario El Universal y el Seminario de Periodismo Cultural Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Hidalgo (Cecultah). Recientemente se incorporó al equipo de En Pareja, portal electrónico del diario El Debate, como reportera de temas de estilo y vida. Es animalista de corazón. Reportera de oficio, doglover, betlera,corredora y amante de la vida en rosa.

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Name Mary – Orthodox magazine “Thomas”

Approximate reading time: 9 min.



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Our names, their meanings and the saints in honor of whom we were baptized in the project “Thomas” – “Name Day”.

The meaning of the name Mary :

Mary is a name of Hebrew origin (Mariam), translated as “beloved”, “desired”. In the Christian tradition, the meaning of the name is different – “lady”. This is due to the fact that this name was borne by the mother of Jesus Christ.

Days of Memory of Monk Mary:

April 14 – Memorial Day of the Monk Maria Egyptian

April 2 – The Cross -Celebration of the Fifth Lent is 9000

Saints with the name Maria

Count Mary of Egypt (mid 5th – early 6th centuries)

The future great ascetic was born in Egypt in the middle of the 5th century. At the age of 12, she ran away from her parents’ house and settled in the “metropolis” of that time – Alexandria. Here, for 17 years, Mary led an extremely dissolute life, so that she herself later confessed to one holy ascetic: “I lost my chastity and indulged in unrestrained and insatiable fornication. For more than seventeen years, I indulged in sin without restraint and did everything free of charge. I did not take money not because I was rich. I lived in poverty and made money with yarn. I thought that the whole meaning of life is to satisfy carnal lust.

One day Mary decided to join a group of pilgrims who were going to Jerusalem for the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. On her way to the Holy Land, she continued to seduce the Christians traveling with her. Finally, when Mary was in the city, she decided to go with everyone to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but a miracle happened. As soon as she approached the doors of the temple, an invisible force stopped her, not allowing her to go any further. The girl was embarrassed and in bewilderment tried several more times to enter, but to no avail. She was terrified. Seeing the icon of the Mother of God at the entrance to the temple, Mary, gradually realizing the reason for what had happened, with tears began to pray to the Mother of God to intercede for her before God, vowing to completely change her life. After that, she was finally able to enter the temple, where she wept for a long time at the Holy Sepulcher, becoming more and more aware of what had happened to her over these 17 years.

She said goodbye to her former life and retired to the harsh Jordanian desert. Maria spent 47 years in complete solitude, leading a strict ascetic life. At moments when the memories of a past life began to embarrass her and pull her back from the desert with irresistible force, the reverend fell to the ground and lay like that for a whole day, until the temptation passed. So, for many years she eradicated sin in herself, gradually transforming into a great righteous one.

No one would have known about her great feat if miraculous coincidences of circumstances had not led St. Zosimus of Palestine (460-560) to Mary. From a young age, rigorously striving in the monastic life, he once asked himself the question: “Will there be a person in the desert who has surpassed me?” Then an angel appeared to Zosima and ordered him to go across the Jordan River and move to the monastery located there. According to the custom of this monastery, all the monks spent the period of Great Lent alone in the desert and gathered in the monastery only at Easter. Elder Zosima did the same. Traveling through the desert, he met the Monk Mary, who confessed her past life to him and told the saint about how many years of her loneliness had passed.

Elder Zosima was amazed by what he heard. The Monk Mary attained such inner holiness that sometimes she became visible. So, the Monk Zosima saw her as if rising from the ground during prayer, and at another time – walking across the Jordan River, as if on dry land.

Mary, saying goodbye to Zosima, asked him to return to the place of their miraculous meeting in a year, so that she could take communion before the upcoming feast of the Resurrection of Christ. And the elder fulfilled her request at the appointed time.

A year later, the monk again came to the same place, but found the saint already dead. With tears, he buried the great righteous woman and, returning back to the monastery, told the monks about her life and great feat in the wilderness.

Other famous saints with the name Mary:

Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (I century) — one of the so-called myrrh-bearing women, who was the first of Christ’s followers to be honored to see Him resurrected. Even during His ministry, the Lord healed the saint from demon possession. From that moment on, Mary relentlessly followed Christ, not leaving Him even at the Cross, when all the disciples, except for John the Theologian, left their Teacher. After the Ascension of the Savior, the saint traveled widely, spreading Christianity everywhere. Mary spent the last years of her life in Ephesus (Asia Minor), helping John the Theologian preach. Here she died. Part of the relics of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary are now kept on Mount Athos.

Mary, sister of the Apostle Philip (I century) actively helped her brother and the Apostle Bartholomew in the apostolic preaching. In the Phrygian city of Hierapolis, according to the testimony of the church historian Nicephorus Callistus, the apostles and Mary were seized and imprisoned. The Apostle Philip was executed, and Bartholomew and Saint Mary were released. After mourning her brother and burying him, the righteous woman went to preach in Lycaonia (Asia Minor). Here she peacefully ended her life.

Prophetess Mariam (sister of the prophet Moses) – little is known about her life from the book of Exodus. After the famous passage of the Israelites across the Red Sea, the prophetess sang a solemn hymn to God at the head of the choir: And Miriam sang before them: sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted, He cast his horse and rider into the sea (Ex 15 : 21). A case is known when Miriam grumbled when she learned that Moses married an Ethiopian, for which she was stricken with leprosy for seven days. However, her righteousness and faithfulness to God was rewarded with a prophetic gift. The saint died in the 40th year after the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in the place of Kadesh (western modern Syria).

Great and famous people named Mary:

Mary Stuart (1542-1587) – Queen of Scots, in 1559-1560 – Queen of France. Claimed to the English throne. Trying to remove another pretender, Elizabeth I, Mary hatched the idea of ​​a conspiracy against her, but her plan was exposed. She appeared before the court. On February 8, Mary was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle. Her tragic fate has become a very popular subject in literature and art.

Marie Taglioni (1804–1884) is one of the most important figures in ballet art in the 19th century. She was born in the family of choreographer and choreographer Philippe Taglioni, which predetermined her future destiny. In 1822, she made her debut in Vienna, after which, until 1847, Maria did not leave the stage. At the end of her life, she gave ballet lessons. On her tombstone, in the Pere Lachaise cemetery, it is written: “Earth, do not press too hard on her, because she stepped on you so easily.”

Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva (1867–1928) — enamel painter, philanthropist, teacher, collector, public figure. . The wife of a major industrialist, Prince Vyacheslav Tenishev. On the estate of her husband, she founded a school and a vocational school near the Bezhitsky factory, a unique agricultural school. The princess loved art and had an excellent artistic taste. Thanks to her work, the enamel business was revived in Russia. In St. Petersburg, she opened a studio for the preparation of those who wished to receive a higher art education, and in Smolensk, an initial drawing studio. The princess collected a collection of watercolors, which she then presented to the Russian Museum, and her collection of Russian antiquities served as the basis of the museum in Smolensk. The charitable activities of Maria Tenisheva were interrupted by the revolution. She died in exile – in the suburbs of Paris.

Maria Aleksandrovna Gartung (Pushkina) (1832–1919) — the eldest daughter of A. S. Pushkin. The poet especially loved her and repeatedly mentioned her with tenderness in his letters. She married Leonid Gartung, manager of the Imperial Stud Farms in Tula and Moscow. The couple loved the luxurious receptions at which balls were held. On one of them, Maria met Leo Tolstoy. The writer subsequently reflected her external features in the image of Anna Karenina. Later, the tragic death of her husband put the widow in a difficult financial situation. Relatives actively helped her until Maria received an invitation to become a trustee and chairman of the first Pushkin Public Library in Moscow. She died at the age of 86, in the midst of the Civil War.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie (1867–1934) is the first ever two-time Nobel Prize winner in physics and chemistry. She was born in Warsaw in the family of a teacher. Her childhood was difficult: her mother gradually faded away due to tuberculosis, and one of her sisters also died. However, Maria brilliantly graduated from school and continued her education at the Sorbonne, where she proved herself to be excellent. In 1895, Marie married the physicist Pierre Curie. Together with her husband, she was engaged in the study of radioactivity (discovered the elements “radium” and “polonium”). However, experimental activities with such dangerous substances undermined her health. She passed away on 4 July 1934 years.

Maria Bochkareva (1889–1920) is one of the first Russian female officers. She was born into a poor peasant family. When the First World War (1914–1918) began, Maria decided to enlist in the active army. To do this, she had to write a separate petition addressed to the emperor, which was approved. During the fighting, the “woman in uniform” showed unprecedented courage and heroism, for which she was awarded the St. George Cross. In 1917, she organized the famous “women’s battalion of death”, which proved to be especially effective during the collapse of the Russian army on the Western Front. After the seizure of power in Russia by the Bolsheviks, Maria did not recognize their legitimacy. She made a campaign trip to the United States and Europe, trying to find support in the fight against Soviet power. Upon returning to Russia, Maria Bochkareva was arrested and shot a few months later.

See also: First World War. Women’s Battalion

Maria Callas (1923–1977) – one of the greatest opera singers of the 20th century was born in New York to a family of Greek immigrants. Her debut took place at the Athens Conservatory at a time when Greece was already occupied by the Germans. Her career rise was facilitated by the appearance of long-playing records, on which sound recordings of many of her operas were released. Each performance, in which Maria Callas took part, became an event. At 19In 59, her career began to decline: she began to lose her voice. The singer spent the last years of her life in Paris, practically without leaving her apartment.

Maria Yermolova (1853-1928) – according to Stanislavsky, the greatest actor he has ever seen, was born into a theatrical family. Her father was a prompter. In 1871, Maria graduated from the Moscow Theater School and began working in the troupe of the Maly Theater. For many years she made her way to leading roles, until finally she was allowed to play Katerina in Ostrovsky’s famous play The Thunderstorm. At 189She plays the 0th in plays written by the Symbolists, in Gorky’s Vassa Zheleznova. Maria Yermolova was the first in Soviet Russia to receive the title of People’s Artist of the Republic in 1920. But her husband N. P. Shubinsky, a member of the State Duma of several convocations, one of the founders and ideologists of the Union of October 17th, was forced to flee abroad after the revolution and soon died in exile. Yermolova left the stage in 1923.

Interesting facts:

  • “Standing of Mary” is a special Orthodox service that takes place on Thursday of the fifth week of Great Lent. Behind him, the Penitential Canon of Andrew of Crete and the Life of St. Mary of Egypt are read in full.0126
  • In the Russian icon painting tradition in the second half of the 17th century, Mary of Egypt was often depicted together with Alexy, the man of God. This was due to the fact that the latter was considered the heavenly patron of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and the Monk Maria was considered his wife, Maria Miloslavskaya
  • Many motifs from the life of Mary of Egypt in the Middle Ages were transferred to the legends about Mary Magdalene. So, in the lower Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi, a fresco by the famous artist Giotto di Bondone “Elder Zosima gives a himation to Mary Magdalene” is depicted
  • The Mariinsky Theater – one of the most famous opera and ballet theaters in Russia and in the world, was opened on October 5, 1783 by order of Empress Catherine II. Named after the wife of Alexander II, Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

Derivatives of the name Maria

Derivatives of the name Maria – Masha, Marusya, Manya, Shura, Manyuta, Mashunya

The name Maria in different languages ​​

The name Maria is one of the most common names in the world. This is due to the fact that this was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ – the Virgin Mary. The English equivalent of this name is Mary, Armenian and Jewish – Mariam, Spanish – Marie or Mariel, Welsh – Mayr

Tags: Name days Name days infographics Infographics Mary of Egypt Mary of Egypt School of Thomas School of Thomas

Presentation “My name is Mary”

The secret of my name is Maria.

Student of the 3rd grade of Glukhiv school

Maria – translated as “lady”.

The name Maria in world history and culture.

Maria is one of the oldest and most popular names not only in Russia, but all over the world.

This name left a big mark on world history, culture, literature, art, physics, chemistry.

This is not only a very common, but also the “most Russian” name.

In Rus’, sons were often called Ivans, and daughters – Marias.

The name Maria is often found in Russian fairy tales.

It can be said that the name Masha, Maria symbolizes a Russian girl, girl, woman.

The name Mary (in Hebrew – Mariam)

was borne by our Most Holy Lady

Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary.

The name Mary was borne by many glorified holy women. The most famous saints:

Mary Magdalene, equal to the apostles, myrrh-bearer;

Maria Kleopova – myrrh-bearer;

Saint Mary of Egypt;

Mary of Vifana, sister of Lazarus the Four Days;

Mary of Radonezh, mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh, schema-nun;

Maria Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess, martyr;

Maria Diveevskaya, blessed.

Famous people named Maria:

Maria Feodorovna Romanova – Empress, mother of Emperor Nicholas II;

Maria Cherkasskaya – wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible;

Marie de Medici, Marie Antoinette, Marie of Edinburgh, Mary Stuart, Mary Tudor – princesses, queens;

Maria Montessori – teacher, scientist, philosopher;

Maria Sklodowska-Curie, physicist, chemist;

Maria Callas – opera singer;

Maria Mordasova – performer of Russian folk songs;

Maria Bashkirtseva – writer, artist;

Maria Shukshina, Maria Mironova, Maria Pakhomenko, Maria Poroshina, Maria Kozhevnikova, Maria Golubkina, Maria Yermolova – famous artists and actresses;

Maria Sharapova is a famous tennis player.

Heroines named Maria –

frequent characters in literary works. For example, A.S. Pushkin – Maria Troekurova in Dubrovsky, Masha Mironova in The Captain’s Daughter, Maria Gavrilovna in Snowstorm. Pushkin was also inspired by the image of Maria Raevskaya, who was his muse.

In Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” Maria is Andrei Bolkonsky’s sister.

The name Maria is also found in the works of other famous writers.

Many artists painted portraits of famous women named Maria.

Most likely, the frequent occurrence of this name in the works of Russian classics is due to the fact that the name Maria is perceived by both Russians and foreigners as a symbol of a Russian girl.

The meaning of the name Maria.

Maria – translated as “lady”.

A person named Maria is a wonderful housewife, best friend, caring wife.

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