Nombre de princesas aztecas: 10 nombres de origen azteca para niñas

Nombre de princesas aztecas: 10 nombres de origen azteca para niñas

10 nombres de origen azteca para niñas

Si aún no habéis elegido el nombre para vuestra futura hija nos gustaría proponeros diez ideas originales de origen náhuatl. Es una macrolengua uto-azteca que hablan más de un millón y medio de personas. Los nombres en Nahuatl están muy relacionados con elementos naturales como el agua, el sol, el viento, la tierra y sobretodo los animales. Vuestra hija llevará el nombre de los ancestros mexicanos, muchos de los cuales se siguen empleando en la actualidad.

Aquí encontraréis todos los nombres mexicanos de origen azteca, con su significado. Nombres indígenas con un significado especial y que suenan bien.

1. Alotl
Este nombre hace referencia a una Guacamaya. Este ave para la cultura indígena mexicana simboliza la fertilidad, la fecundidad maternal, el sustento y la paz.

2. Cihuacoatl
También conocido como mujer serpiente. La serpiente implica el deseo y la seducción. En la lengua azteca la serpiente simboliza el origen de la vida, la fertilidad, el nacimiento y la salud.

3. Iztacihuatl
Significa mujer blanca. Es un volcán inactivo ubicado en el centro de México y su nombre proviene de su perfil nevado que se semeja a una mujer yaciente cubierta de un manto blanco. Cuenta la mitología mexicana que Iztaccíhuatl fue una princesa que se enamoró de Popocatépetl, uno de los guerreros de su padre. El padre de la princesa envió al guerrero a una batalla a Oaxaca, prometiéndole entregarle a su hija si regresaba victorioso y con la cabeza de su enemigo en la lanza.

Tiempo después el guerrero regresó con la cabeza de su rival sangrando en su lanza, por lo que recibió un festín por su victoria. Sin embargo, su amor se dio por acabado ya que la princesa había muerto. Con el corazón roto llevó el cuerpo de su amada a un monte y los dioses la convirtieron en volcán inactivo.

4. Metztli
Así es como se denomina en nahuatl a la Luna. En la mitología mexicana Metztli se asocia con la diosa Luna que tenía la facultad de dominar el agua sobre el planeta por medio de la serpiente, con la cual mandaba tormentas o inundaciones. La Luna representaba también el amor materno.

5. Quetzalli
Este nombre, en la lengua azteca quiere decir preciosa. Es un nombre asociado a lo más preciado, a lo que más se quiere. Hace referencia a un ave sagrada y preciosa de plumaje largo y colorido que habita en la selva de Centroamerica. Además de la belleza simboliza también la sabiduría del pueblo.

6. Teotl
Es un nombre que significa energía. ser eterno e invisible. Simboliza al creador y sustentador del universo.

7. Tonalli
Hace referencia a la deidad patrona del día, de la energía y del calor.

8. Xochiquetzal
En la mitología mexicana Xochiquetzal es la diosa de la belleza, las flores, el amor y las artes. Hace referencia a una flor preciosa y se relaciona con la fertilidad de la naturaleza. El pueblo azteca solía invocar a la diosa Xochiquetzal para sobrevivir a algún peligro para lograr fertilidad y sensualidad, y también para conseguir matrimonios estables.

9. Yoloxochitl
Literalmente significa flor de corazón. Es el nombre de un árbol grande de hasta 30m de altura. Y con él se hace referencia a sus flores que son solitarias de color blanco, muy vistosas y grandes. Los frutos también son grandes y las semillas, de color rojo brillante. Las hojas tienen un color verde claro brillante en el anverso, y el reverso es verde amarillento; semejan el cuero en su consistencia.

10. Yaocihuatl
Mujer guerrera. Es el nombre de una deidad azteca que se caracterizaba por ser protectora, serena y fuerte, que lucha por sus sueños y ambiciones.

Nombres para niñas de Colombia. Completa lista de nombres para niñas más populares en Colombia para el año 2022. Tendencias en nombres de bebés niñas en Colombia. Los mejores nombres para niñas en Colombia con su origen y significado. Encuentra en esta lista el nombre perfecto para tu hija.

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Nombres Mexicanos Femeninos de Origen Azteca- ¡El listado completo!


Latinoamérica está llena culturas repletas de importancia histórica, arquitecturas de reconocimiento mundial y tradiciones que trascienden más allá de las divisiones territoriales que puedan existir; en este caso “Los Aztecas” son los protagonistas de un sinfín de relatos interesantes y como no, podrían ser una inspiración perfecta para nombrar a tu bebé, sea cual sea su sexo.

Tener un hijo es una experiencia maravillosa, ya que tienes en tus manos la oportunidad de darle a la sociedad a la persona que te gustaría toparte en la vida, ya que con valores y enseñanza de calidad, puedes lograr que sea un ser humano correcto de manera pensante con todas las herramientas que le des, una de estas tiene que ser la seguridad y eso puedes dárselo con apelativo que le de carácter y personalidad.

Aquí te tenemos algunas opciones por las cuales podrías optar a la hora de llamar a tu pequeño bebé.

Antes de empezar con los nombres mexicanos de origen azteca, te puede interesar los nombres para niñas, nombres mayas de niñas, nombres mapuches para niñas, nombres italianos para niñas, nombres en ingles de niñas, nombres ingleses para niñas, nombres franceses de niñas, nombres rusos para niñas, nombres japoneses de niñas, nombres griegos, nombres indígenas para niñas o los nombres vascos

Bueno vamos allá, aquí tiene el:

Tabla de Contenidos

Listado de los Nombres Mexicanos de Mujer de Origen Azteca


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra C


Este era uno de las formas con las cuales era llamada la Diosa de la tierra en la cultura náhuatl (Chicomecóatl), quiere decir: “mujer preciosa como la esmeralda”.


Para los Aztecas  este apelativo hace referencia a la mujer con forma de serpiente.


Tiene algunas variantes gramáticas como escribirlo con una sola L o con Y en lugar de I, pero todas se interpretan como: “estrella”.


Esta es una variación que nace de Citlalli y en esta oportunidad quiere decir: “flechas de las estrellas”.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra D


Para los aztecas este nombre quiere decir: “Aquella con el alma grande”.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra E


Hace referencia al: “Amanecer”.


Aunque bastante particular, este apelativo tiene reconocimiento en Latinoamérica como: “princesa que sueña y ríe” “Aquella que es risueña”.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra H


“Luminosidad del día” o “luz del amanecer” es el significado que le dio el pueblo azteca a Hiuhtonal.

Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra I


Quiere decir: “flor de amor”.

Itan de hüi

El vocablo (Ita) en la cultura Azteca se entiende como: “flor del cielo”.


Parece sacado de una película de Disney, pero no es así, este también está lleno de significado y se traduce al español como: “Corazón de tierra”.


Fue el nombre de una diosa, cuenta la leyenda que era hermosa y de piel bastante oscura. La interpretación de este apelativo es “Obsidiana” una formación rocosa que se produce luego de enfriarse la lava y en la antigüedad algunas culturas como la azteca lo utilizaban para hacer figuras de arte (Estatuillas y estatuas) o artefactos como flechas.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra J

Jade Yolotzin

Para estos indígenas, se interpreta como “corazón de jade”.


Es similar a nombres con distintos significados entre sí (Jatziry o Jatziri) pero en este caso quiere decir: “flor del maíz”.


Para los aztecas esto quiere decir: “Gota de rocío”.


Se interpreta como: “flor blanca”.

Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra M


Tiene algunas variantes como: Malinche, Malintzin, Malinalli; quiere decir “hierba silvestre”.


También podría escribirse con N al final (Metzin) y ambas significan: “pequeña luna”.


Quiere decir: “luna”.


Cuentan algunas leyendas que este es el nombre de la señora que se encuentra en el lugar de los muertos (Mictlán), a donde se llevan a aquellos que fallecen por enfermedad; ésta es como una especie de cuidadora de todos ellos.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra N


Este apelativo azteca se interpreta como: “Mujer que te quiere”.


Nace del náhuatl y significa: “flor de agua”.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra Q


Este apelativo proviene de la unión de Quetzal-belleza y Tzaly-mujer. Tiene variantes como: Quetzalli, Quetzally o Quetzali; todas se interpreta como: “mujer hermosa”.


En la cultura mitológica náhuatl, ésta era la Diosa, madre y protectora de las plantas comestibles.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra S


Este apelativo está ligado a la “belleza” o “lindura”.


Su definición está unida a la luz del sol.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra T


Tiene una variante gráfica como Tonalnan y quieren decir “Flor de luz”.


En la cultura náhuatl este nombre significa: “niña de cara bonita”.


Para los náhuatl quiere decir : Flor.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra X


En otras culturas Aztecas distintas a la náhuatl, este nombre se interpreta como: “Flor”.


Se traduce como: “flor de vainilla”.


Para los aztecas, este nombre se define como: “aquella que escucha”.


Ésta es la Diosa de las flores en la mitología azteca.


Tiene variantes en su escritura como: Xochilt o Xotchil y todas significan: “ Flor”.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra Y


Este apelativo hace referencia a la piedra preciosa “esmeralda”.


Nace del náhuatl y significa: “nuestra”.


Posee algunas variantes como: Jaretzi, Yaretzy; estos se traducen como: “aquella que siempre será querida”.


Este apelativo era definido por el pueblo azteca como: “espiguita de trigo”.


Cuenta con bastante fama en el territorio latino parlante y se interpreta como: “puerta del cielo”.


Es un adjetivo Azteca que quiere decir: “pequeño corazón”.

Yoali Ehecalt

Deriva del Dios del viento y se define como: “viento de la noche”.


Este apelativo significa: “Fuente de vida”.


Nace de la cultura náhuatl se interpreta como: “pequeño corazón”.


Nombres Aztecas Femeninos – Letra Z


“Mujer delicada” es la traducción del nombre Zeltzin del náhuatl al español.


Nombres Mexicanos Unisex de Origen Azteca


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la A


Para los Aztecas este nombre se representaba como: “líder”.


“Alegría” es la interpretación que nace de este vocablo.


En algunas culturas Aztecas esto hace referencia al refugio o protección.


Alt era traducido como: “agua”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la C


“Fuerte” era la interpretación que se le daba a este apelativo.


Su traducción del Azteca al español es: “Escudo”.


Esta definición de este nombre no es tradicional pero entendía como: “limpio”.


En su interpretación Citlali es: “estrella”.


Su interpretación es “aquel que es bueno”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la E


Su significado es muy interesante, por lo que puede ser de agrado para muchos padres. Se significado es: “deseo”.


Proviene de la cultura azteca y quiere decir: “Ala”.


La interpretación de este nombre es: “sangre”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la I


Su significado podría ser interpretado como: “secreto”.


Se define como: “amistad”.


En la cultura Azteca este apelativo quiere decir: “cielo”.


Por lo general los indígenas y las culturas antiguas le daban a sus apelativos significados ligados a la naturaleza y lo que les rodeaba y en este caso es: “El día”.


Puede ser utilizado en ambos sexos y quiere decir: “danza”.


Proviene del azteca y significa: “pluma”.


Este apelativo está relacionado con el rostro.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la M


Como “Persona gloriosa” era representado este apelativo.


Este nombre tenía una definición que se entendía como: “defender” o “proteger”.


Esta era una forma de decir “Linaje” en un sustantivo.


A pesar de que suene un poco femenino es para ambos sexos y quiere decir: “luna”.


Se traduce como: “altar”.


Proviene del vocablo náhuatl y se define como: “enamorado”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la N


Lo que quiere decir este nombre es: “Cuatro aguas”.


La definición de este apelativo es “verdad”.


Nace del náhuatl y es: “Fruto de la pera espinosa”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la O


Se traduce como: “Camino”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la P


De origen Nahuatl hace referencia a la: “medicina”, ideal para los hijos de padres que estén involucrados con el mundo de la medicina.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la T


Se interpreta como “divino y precioso” o “turquesa”.


La traducción de este nombre de origen náhuatl es “Fuego”.


“Esplendor, brillantez o resplandor” es la interpretación de este apelativo tan original.


Del náhuatl se simboliza como “Fuego interno”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la X.


En algunas traducciones su significado es “cometa” y en otras es “año”.


Proviene del náhuatl que quiere decir: “noble del fuego”.


Funciona para ambos sexos, se expresa como: “Arma de destrucción” o “serpiente de fuego”.


Nombres Aztecas Unisex por la Y


Se personifica como: “guerrero” o “guerra”.


Se traduce al español como: “corazón”.


Se expresa como: “Justo, considerado y de gran corazón”


De la cultura azteca proviene mucha historia y además relevancia mundial en materia de arquitectura y descubrimientos de la antigüedad; está llena de relatos y personajes interesantes; nacen muchos nombres con originalidad y significado que podrían servirte de guía o ejemplo al momento de llamar a tu bebé.

Uno de los consejos que puedes seguir es escoger con sabiduría y pensando en futuro de tu hijo, para que este se interese por esta civilización y además le des una chispa de seguridad al hablar de sí mismo y de donde proviene su apelativo tan particular.

Toma tu tiempo y has que tu elección sea la indicada para tu pequeño tesoro.


Ahora te dejo con un video de nombres mexicanos para niñas, disfrútalo.


Recuerda visitar la página de nombres de bebes y sus significados para tener mas ideas para elegir.

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Sacrifice among the Aztecs.

Huitzilihuitl (“Hummingbird Feather”), Tenochtitlan tlatoc in 1395-1417.

Huitzilihuitl (“Hummingbird Feather”), 1395-1417. Under Huitzilihuitli Tenochtitlan
has grown. People from all over the valley came here, and powerful dynasties united with
him through marriage. Huitziliutli was married to many princesses from
several more powerful Central American ruling houses, including
including a tepanechka from Azcapotzalco. He asked the Tepanek ruler Tesosomok
to give a daughter for him, and, according to a number of scientists, it was from this union that
Chimalpopoca, the next tlatoani. Another chronicler, Chimalpain, writes that
Huitzilihuitli married Miyauashochtsin, who came from the Tilican Tlakopan.
By this wife he had two sons, Chimalpopoca and Huuehue Saca, tlacatecatl,
but she died young, and so he then approached the tlatoani of Cuaunahuac with
asking him to give him his daughter in marriage. The Cuaunahuac ruler was famous far for
outside of his domain as a great wizard, protecting with the help of magic
his daughter from the advances of men. Tlatoani refused Huitzilihuitli, saying that his
the daughter was accustomed to luxury, and in Tenochtitlan she would be deprived of it. Legend
says that the answer came to Huitzilihuitli in a dream: he sent a hollow, filled
arrow with precious stones at the Cuaunahuac palace, and it fell at the feet of the princess.
After discovering the gems, they got married. This marriage led to
the formation of the first Mexican-Aztec alliance with a state located beyond
outside the Valley of Mexico. The son born from this union, Motekusoma
Iluicamine, would later become one of the greatest rulers of Mexico. nine0020

Huitzilihuitli participated in many military campaigns, but the conquered cities
retreated to the Tepanecs in Azcapotzalco, not to the Mexica in Tenochtitlan.

Aguilar Moreno M. Aztecs. Encyclopedia / Manuel
Aguilar Moreno. – M., 2011, p. 117.


The Aztec monarchy differed from many other monarchies of the world in that
that when choosing the next ruler, public opinion was taken into account. On
meeting of the council, since each of its members gave Acamapichtli one daughter,
it was decided that the future ruler should be related by blood to one of
them. Thus, the position of the council and its significance in making decisions were confirmed.
political decisions. At 139In the 6th year of the elders, having gathered all the inhabitants of the city,
asked them to elect a new tlatoani. All four
quarters of Tenochtitlan: Moyotlán, Sochiapan (or Theopan), Azacoalco and Quepopan.
After listening to the honoring of Huitzilopochtli and the passionate speeches of the priests and elders, the people
proclaimed Prince Huitzilihuitli the new lord and ruler of the Mexica Aztecs.

Huitziliwhitley was especially successful in the political sphere.
The Mexica Aztecs were subordinate to the great ruler Azcapotzalco; them
imposed extremely high taxes, and this prevented their development and their acquisition of
economic freedom. The Council suggested that Huitziliwhitley ask for one of the
daughters of the ruler of Azcapotzalco and after the conclusion of this political union
strive for mitigation of the tax burden, autonomy for their lands and publishing
decree on political independence. Council sent to Vladyka Ascapozalco
two elders who asked one of his daughters to be his wife
ruler. Tlatoani Tesosomok granted their request and gladly gave them
lord one of his daughters, Ayahuicihuatl, who became the wife of the ruler and
queen of the Aztecs. However, this decision did not please most of the nobility at court.
Tesosomoka, for they realized that the basis of this marriage proposal is
political and economic interests, as well as the aspirations of the Aztec Mexica
get concessions. Nevertheless, the Aztec ruler Huitzilihuitli married
Princess Ayahuicihuatl. (In another source, not by Duran,
aChimalpaina, subsequent events and the family tree of the Aztec rulers
presented in a slightly different form.)

Shortly after marriage, she gave birth to a prince
Chimalpopoca, whose name means “smoking ring or shield”. In honor of
a grand celebration was arranged for the newborn prince, and there were
all noble persons from Azcapotzalco are invited. During the celebration, the ruler
taking advantage of the opportunity, she asked her father to change the laws,
abolish taxes and grant the Aztecs full autonomy. According to ancient texts,
the ruler of Tesosomok gave a positive answer to his daughter’s request, but made
concessions to them gave rise to anger and envy among other influential families from Azcapotzalco,
and they began to demand that he carry out the old policy without change.
Tesosomok preferred the world and tried to please in one way or another both at once.
parties. He abolished a number of taxes, but retained the most important, enriching nobles.
Azcapotzalco family. The ruler of Ayahuicihuatl was given huge
honors; the Aztecs loved her, and 13 years after her accession to the throne, the people
bitterly mourned her death. Tlatoani Huitzilihuitli died two years later,
barely crossed the thirty-year milestone and left behind an heir
throne of the infant prince Chimalpopoca. nine0020

Aguilar Moreno M. Aztecs. Encyclopedia / Manuel
Aguilar Moreno. – M., 2011, p. 69-70.

Read more:

Historical Persons of Mexico (biographical guide).

Tenochtitlan Eleven Tlatoke

Acamapichtli – 1375-1395

Huitzilihuitl – 1395-1417

Chimalpopoca – 1417-1426

Itzcoatl – 1427-1440

Motekusoma I Iluicamine – 1440-1469gg.

Axayacatl – 1469-1481

Tisok – 1481-1486 (brother of Ashayacatl)

Ahuitsotl – 1486-1502 (brother of Ashayacatl
and Tisoka)

Motekusoma II Shokoyotsin – 1502-1520

Cuitlahuac – 1520

Cuauhtemoc – 1520-1525


CHRONOS exists since January 20, 2000,
Editor Vyacheslav
When quoting, give a link to

Pantheon of the Aztec gods — Offtopic on DTF

Or how speech therapists rejoice when they see the difficult-to-pronounce names of the gods


Outworld Emperor Kotal Kahn

In 2015, the new Outworld Emperor Kotal Kahn debuted in Mortal Kombat X, defeating Shao Kahn’s daughter Mileena in a civil war. This formidable character looked like a large warrior with green skin and was a representative of the Osh-Tekk race.

This race of tribal warriors and hunters lived in a world rich in gold and had a very strong connection with the sun. In daylight, their strength increased, and with a lack of it, the warriors were greatly weakened. At one glance at him and the Osh-Tekk race itself, it becomes clear how, when creating them, the authors were inspired by the culture and mythology of the Aztecs. nine0020

Osh-Tekk Warrior

The Aztecs were one of the largest Indian tribes in Central America, the center of culture of which was Lake Texcoco, where their capital Tenotchitlan was located. Their self-name comes from the word “Azteca” from their own Nahuatl language, and translates as “people from Aztlán”. Aztlan is the legendary ancestral home of the Aztecs, located somewhere in the north. Most researchers believe that the myth of Aztlan arose after the Aztecs had a state, as indicated by the description of Aztlan as an island in the middle of a large island. Some minds believe that Aztlan is nothing but the legendary Atlantis itself. nine0020

Chicomostok, or “seven caves” is another mythological ancestral home of the Aztecs

Legends say that the local tribes considered the Aztecs arrived “an uncivilized people.” Because of this, the Aztecs decided to learn from their neighbors, and as a result, they outdid them. Most likely, in the process of people’s migration from the north to the lake, the Aztecs conquered or interacted with other tribes, as a result of which their own ideas about this world were mixed with the myths and legends of other peoples, primarily the Toltecs. nine0020

Coat of arms of Mexico

According to the myths, the site for the construction of the city on the lake was determined thanks to an eagle that sat on a cactus and ate a snake. Seeing this scene, the Aztecs remembered the ancient prophecy, and as a result decided to take a fancy to these places. We can observe this scene on the flag and coat of arms of Mexico.

The results of such cultural “absorption” had a rather strong effect on the religion of the Aztecs. The gods of neighbors and conquered peoples were gradually “borrowed” to their “native” gods. Over time, the number of such gods increased so much that a separate temple had to be built for them. gods began to lose their original meaning and turned into incarnations of more powerful gods.0020

Model of the temple complex of the gods Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc

In general, the pantheon of gods was the broadest. Many deities of various levels and significance (from domestic to common Aztec) were divided according to the elements they controlled. The more important the god was, the more “functions” he had, the more elements he commanded. This can explain the fact that the same god could patronize the most diverse groups of people.

As for the famous human sacrifices, the main motive here was the end of the world. The Aztecs believed that over time the gods weaken, and if their strength is not maintained, then they can die, and their death could lead them to the notorious end of the world. The best food for this was considered the life energy of a person, which was in his blood and heart. That is why the Aztecs considered it incredibly honorable to give their lives for the sake of one or another god.

Sacrifice yourself to God – there is no death more honorable for the Aztec

Their religion was based on opposition of opposites: life and death, light and darkness, sun and water. The gods were the expression of the forces of nature, on which the life of man was completely dependent. Another important motive in Aztec religion was cyclicity. They believed that the whole world exists according to a certain cycle, one era replaces another. According to this, our world exists in the fifth epoch.

Gods of the elements “Earth”

One of the supreme gods not only of the Aztecs, but also of other Indians of Central America was the god Tonacatecuhtli. He and his wife Tonacacihuatl were the ones who created the world. It was he who brought order to the world, dividing the sea and the earth when they were first created. According to one of the myths, this couple is the progenitors of the four gods, personifying the cardinal points: Xipe-Toteca, Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli. nine0020


In addition, they had many different personifications: Ometekutli and Omesihuatl or Citlalatonac and Citlalicue. They were also distinguished from other gods by the fact that they did not have a clearly defined cult.


The god Xipe-Totek was responsible for the change of seasons and agriculture itself. His golden skin symbolized patronage of jewelers and goldsmiths. The Aztecs believed that it was he who sent diseases to people, as well as blindness and deafness. Usually he was depicted with a mask of human skin on his face, and in his hands were a shield and a rattle. Sacrifices in honor of Xipe-Totek looked like this: the victim was tied to a large structure and arrows were fired at him. The blood dripped onto the ground like rain and made it fertile. At a later time, his cult merged with the cult of another god – Tezcatlipoca. nine0020


The deity Tlaltecuhtli had the appearance of a half toad, half alligator, and was the personification of the earth. According to myths, his wife was the sea monster Cipactli. Other sources say that her wife was the goddess of the earth, who was brought from the Thirteenth Heaven. This goddess was depicted as a woman giving birth.


Shilonen, whose name means “mother of young maize”, was the goddess of corn, and in general abundance and the hearth, and part-time wife of Tezcatlipoca. She was eager for human sacrifices, especially loved young girls in September. Usually depicted as a woman in a yellow and red dress. nine0020


Shilonen’s functions intersected with Senteotle, “god of young maize”. In his images, he appears as a young man, with corn cobs in his hands and a bag, and sometimes with agricultural tools. He patronized the farmers and jewelers of the city of Shomichilko. It is not at all surprising that this city was one of the largest agricultural centers of the empire.

Gods of the elements “Sky”

One of the main gods of the Aztec pantheon was the god of war and the sun, Huitzilopochtli, also known as the Hummingbird of the South. Why hummingbird? Yes, because among the Indians of Central America, the hummingbird was a symbol of the Sun. He was the national god of the Aztecs and patron of Tenotchitlan, and it is not at all surprising that Huitzilopochtli did not have such influence outside of him.


The warlike disposition of the god manifested itself from birth. Her mother, Coatlicue, goddess of the earth, was the widow of the Old Sun, and after his death she took a vow of celibacy. One day, while cleaning the church, she found a ball of feathers and hid it in the waistband of her skirt. She soon discovered that the ball was missing and she became pregnant. His sister Coyolshauki was furious when she found out about her mother’s pregnancy and persuaded her brothers to kill her. But having learned about this, Huitzilopochtli emerged from the womb in full military attire and killed his relatives. The severed head of the sister was thrown into the sky, where it became the moon, and the heads of the brothers became stars. nine0020

The role of Huitzilopochtli in the religious life of the Aztecs increased significantly when they began to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy. It was at this moment that he became not just a warrior god, but also a sun god, which allowed him to stand on a par with the most important gods.

The Aztecs believed that it was Huitzilopochtli, being the god of war and the sun, who was constantly fighting the Darkness, and his defeat would mark the end of the world. To prevent this, it was necessary to constantly feed his vitality. It was for this that human sacrifices were carried out, with the belief that the vital forces that are in the heart and in the blood will help God win in his difficult struggle. It is not at all surprising that for many, such a death was considered very honorable, and they went to it with their heads held high. nine0020

It is not surprising that it was Huitzilopochtli who became the prototype of Kotal Kahn, a warrior who with a club in his hands (yes, a club, not a sword) holds power over the Outer World.

By the way, Huitzilopochtli had a sister, Malinaloschochi, who commanded the inhabitants of the desert. During sleep, her brother decided to leave her, because of which she was very offended, and all her life she, and later her son, tried to take revenge on a negligent relative.

In 2015, a star in the constellation Giraffe 9 was named after the god Tonatiu0020

God of the Sun, sky and warriors Tonatiu is one of the rulers of the fifth world era, occupying a place at the top of the pantheon. He had other names such as Cuatemoc, Pilcintecuhtli or Totec. Usually he was depicted as a seated young man, red in color with a solar disk behind his back. We can say that he was the most bloodthirsty god, because. “blood feed” he needed every day. It was he who patronized the eagle warriors, and the eagle bird acted as his personification.


Tezcatlipoc in the mythology of the late Aztecs took the place of one of the main gods. He simultaneously appeared as a god-creator and a god-destroyer. Initially, he was the spirit of the air, and it was he who led people to their place of residence and drove away the local gods. His importance increased greatly when he became the god of fate, linking him to the fate of the people.

And this is also him

nine0093 In addition, in a number of myths, he appeared as the main enemy of Quetzalcoatl. The root cause of this confrontation is apparently the enmity of the Toltecs and the Aztecs. It was believed that Tezcatlipoca rushed along the roads and attacked everyone he met. In the event that the target of the attack managed to defeat the god, then he was obliged to fulfill any of his desires. Especially for him, benches were installed along the roads for rest. It is believed that one of his incarnations could be the god of a stone knife for sacrifices Itzli. nine0020


Rain, thunder, agriculture and the South were ruled by the god Tlaloc. According to legend, he reached his highest power in the third of five eras. His very name meant “He who makes you grow.” Unlike other gods, he was created by other gods. In his house are four jugs containing rain, drought, downpours, and plant diseases. Because of this, the usual image of the god was a jug. If a person fell ill with rheumatism, gout or dropsy, then it was believed that Tlaloc sent him. In his honor, children were usually sacrificed, after making them cry a lot. These very tears were associated with the rain that fell from the sky. nine0020


One of the most famous Aztec gods is Quetzalcoatl, he is also a “feathered serpent”, one of the main gods not only of the Aztecs, but also of some other tribes of Central America. Legends say that he was conceived after his mother, Chimalma, swallowed a jade gem. Studies show that his cult is one of the oldest. He was personified by the snake and the bird Quetzal. The first symbolized the earth and vegetation, and the bird was a symbol of freedom, because. these birds could not live in captivity. nine0020

As it developed, the cult of this god gradually forced out others and “absorbed” others. Over time, such gods as the god of the wind Eekatl, the god of the morning star Tlahuitzcalpantecuhtli, and others became associated with Quetzalcoatl. All this established him as the main creator god. Among the neighbors from the Mayan tribe, he was known as Kukulkan or Kukumats.

One of the features was that initially they did not bring human sacrifices to him, but limited themselves to butterflies and hummingbirds. nine0020

In honor of Quetzalcoatl, one of the largest pterosaurs got its name

According to some legends, Quetzalcoatl was expelled by his main opponent Tezcatlipoc. Another version claims that the exile was voluntary, and finally, like Carlson, he promised to return. This promise played a rather important role at the moment when the Spaniards arrived, led by Cortes. A beard, fair skin, horses – all this convinced the Aztecs that they were facing a god who had once left them. nine0020


His “dark” incarnation was the god of thunder and death Xolotl. He ruled the afterlife and the evening star, could send misfortune and misfortune, and among other things, he patronized the twins and the ball game. In his images, he looks like an ordinary skeleton, or appeared as a monster with a dog’s head and crooked legs. The latter makes it similar to the ancient Egyptian Anubis.

The popular version says that the name “Mexico” comes from the name of the god Metzli

Along with Coyolshauki, another god of the moon was Metzli. According to one common myth, the moon was originally so bright that one of the gods took a rabbit from a vessel of water and threw it into the moon. This deity is the personification of this vessel.


The wind god Eekatl was associated with the West. It was Eekatl who, with his breath, made the sun move when it still hung motionless in the same place. But in general, it is customary to refer to one of the incarnations of Quetzalcoatl. An interesting fact: in some parts of Mexico, storms and strong winds are called ecacoatls. nine0020


The deity with the difficult-to-pronounce name Tlahuitzcalpantecuhtli was one of the main Aztec deities, and was the personification of the morning star and the East. A difficult relationship with Tonatiu led to the fact that he was transformed into the god of stone and cold, Itztlakoliuki, who now patronized justice.

Gods of the elements “Fire”

A deity named Xiuhtecuhtli controlled fire, day, heat and volcanoes. His cult was one of the most ancient. The face of the god was painted in red and black colors, which symbolized heavenly and underground light. nine0020


At various ceremonies, his age was rather interestingly played up: his statue was taken out last, because. because of his old age, he walks slowly.


His wife – “She who lives in the house” or the goddess Chantico, personified the hearth and the flames of volcanoes. She was also in charge of the ripening of corn cobs. Once, during a fast, she could not restrain herself and violated the ban by eating fried fish with paprika. Because of this, she was punished by the god Tonacatecuhtli and turned into a dog. nine0020

Gods of the elements “Water”

God Opochtli belonged to the group of rain gods and most likely was one of the incarnations of the god Tlaloc. He patronized such areas of activity as fishing, hunting, and poultry farming. It was he who was considered the inventor of the fishing net, spear, boat oar and snares for hunting birds. At the festival dedicated to Opochtli, maize grains were scattered, symbolizing hailstones.


It is believed that the greatest influence was in the early period of history, when the Aztecs were still very dependent on water bodies, and later its importance fell due to the development of agriculture.

Huixtocihuatl most likely of Olmec origin

According to some legends, Opochtli’s wife was Huxtocihuatl, the goddess of salt and salt water. Salt makers and salt merchants considered her their patroness. Her clothes were covered with blue wavy lines, and symbolized the water element. Her head was decorated with a crown with a feather of the sacred quetzal bird. The main part of the celebration in honor of this goddess was the dancing of women around the incarnation of the goddess, who was killed after all the ceremonies. nine0020


The deity Ayauteotl was not part of the main pantheon, and most likely was a local deity, or simply simply lost its influence. It could only be seen in the morning or evening. She ruled fog and hoarfrost, and also personified vanity and glory, indicating that the latter, like fog, is fleeting.

When there were deaths related to water, the Aztecs prayed to the god Atlaua, who, among other things, patronized fishermen and archers. nine0020


The name of the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, the wife of Tlaloc, meant “she is dressed in jade.” She was the patroness of fresh water, lakes, seas and rivers. In addition, she was worshiped as the goddess of fertility and childbearing. At the birth of a child, midwives washed the child and read Chalchiutlicue prayers. This ceremony is somewhat similar to Christian baptism. Usually she was depicted as a young woman in a headdress, with two strands of hair, who sat next to the water. Those who decided to travel by water made sacrifices to the goddess and prayed for her favor and a good journey. nine0020

Gods of the elements “Day”

Goddess Tlazolteotl was a symbol of purification from thoughts of a sexual nature, passion, lust, passion. Being a mother goddess, she was associated with the earth and childbearing, but gradually, she became the personification of sins. Over time, she became the patroness of sinners and prostitutes. In her power was the ability to send venereal diseases, insanity, excite and destroy passion in a person. Before death, a goddess appeared to a person and cleansed him of all life’s sins. Hence her name itself, which means “devourer of dirt.” nine0020


Her images were characterized by the presence of a crescent-shaped nose insert, a snake or a rope around her neck as a sign of lust, cotton clothes that do not cover her chest. Her symbol was a reed broom, with which she “swept away” all the sins of a person. Girls were always sacrificed to her, and only during a drought – men.

Such gods as Tonatiu, Tlaltecuhtli, Mictlantecuhtli, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl, Shitecuhtli, Tezcatlipoc, Centeol, Chalchiuhtlicue were also attributed to the elements of the day. nine0020

Gods of the elements “Night”

Tepeyollotl, a deity in Aztec mythology, ruled over mountains and caves and was responsible for earthquakes. Due to the fact that he was usually depicted as a jaguar, it is believed that his striped skin is the personification of the starry sky.

Tlasolteotl and Tepeyollotl

In various legends, he could be identified with other gods, such as Mictlantecuhtli or Tlaltecuhtli. nine0020


Another god of the elements of the night was the “alter-ego” of the sun god Tonatiu – Pilcintecuhtli. Here he was transformed into the god of visions and healing.

Gods of the elements “Death”

Mictlantecuhtli was the local analogue of Hades, and was in charge of the local underground kingdom of Mictlan. His appearance was appropriate: a man with a toothy skull instead of a head that absorbed the souls of dead people, and a necklace of human eyes acted as decoration. He was constantly accompanied by a bat, an owl and a spider. nine0020


With his wife, the goddess Mictlancihuatl, he lives in the lowest part of Mictlan, in a dwelling called Tlalxicco. The entrance to Mikltan was protected by the local Cerberus – the god Acolmistli, in the form of a huge black cougar.

According to one version, this couple was created by the creators of the world, because they needed a caretaker for the world of the dead, and no one voluntarily agreed. Among several gods of death, this one was the most revered. People fell into his kingdom, the dead did not die in war and in sacrifices. During the rituals dedicated to him, cannibalism was practiced. nine0020


One of the identifications of the god Tepeyollotl was Teoyaomkui, who was the god of fallen warriors. Later, he was also added to the number of solar gods.

patron gods

The goddess Coatlicue combined in herself the beginning and the end of life, and she also “managed” fire and earth. Some legends record Xolotl and Quetzalcoatl among her children, although she is known as the mother of Huitzilopochtli.


Her appearance combined the features of animals and people, symbolizing the power and greatness of the Earth, and a reminder that all living things are mortal. It is likely that Coatlicue is the Aztec version of Cihuacoatl, goddess of war, childbirth and fertility.


The goddess Chimalma, the wife of Mixcoatl and the “official” mother of the “feathered serpent”, had practically similar functions. Her name means “Earth Shield”. But the role of her husband, although it was not so significant, the Aztecs still revered him as the progenitor of the ancestors of the Aztecs. nine0020


“Obsidian Butterfly” Itzpapalotl was the ruler of the heavenly paradise of Tamoanchan, and was the goddess of fate and was closely associated with the cult of plants. Researchers believe that she was one of the “borrowed” gods.

Mother of the gods Tosi was the goddess of earth and healing. She was in charge of health, and she patronized doctors and midwives, and in some sources also weavers and spinners. The nickname “mother of the gods” was reflected in the fact that she was usually depicted as an elderly person. nine0020


Another deity of medicine and health was Ishtlilton. In addition, he was in charge of holidays and games. In his honor, sacrifices were made when the child spoke his first words.


God Camaxtli is one of the “borrowed” gods of the Aztecs. He was the first who, with the help of the vault of heaven, kindled a fire, and was one of those who created the world. It is assumed that he was originally the god of hunting, and only later transformed into the patron saint of warriors. nine0020


According to the legends, Mayahuel was an ordinary peasant woman and one day she noticed that the mice that bit the agave leaves behave unusually.

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