Nombre diosas griegas: 10 nombres de diosas griegas y romanas para niñas

Nombre diosas griegas: 10 nombres de diosas griegas y romanas para niñas

10 nombres de diosas griegas y romanas para niñas

Si buscas un nombre que empodere y haga sentir especial a la más pequeña de casa cuando crezca, los nombres de las diosas griegas y romanas son una gran fuente de inspiración. Con preciosas historias a sus espaldas, en la mitología griega y romana puedes encontrar nombres con una gran fuerza semántica y poderosos significados capaces de condensar todo lo que quieres transmitir a tu hija en una sola palabra. He aquí una selección de algunos de los nombres de diosas griegas y romanas más bonitos y originales para tu pequeña.

5 nombres griegos para empoderar a las niñas desde pequeñas

1. Atenea

En la mitología griega, Atenea era la hija de Zeus y diosa de la guerra, la justicia, la sabiduría y las ciencias. De hecho, aunque a menudo suele relacionarse con una valiente guerrera, su nombre significa “la que posee profundos conocimientos”, por lo que es perfecto para los padres que quieran que sus hijas desarrollen la inteligencia, el ingenio y el talento. Algunas de sus variantes, igual de bonitas y más originales, son: Athena, Athie y Athene.

2. Gaia

Considerada como la diosa de la Tierra, también se le conocía en la cultura griega como la Madre Tierra o Madre de los Dioses. Cuenta la leyenda que Gaia nació del caos en los propios albores de la creación y por tanto, era venerada entre los mortales por su capacidad de crear vida en todo aquello que tocase. Su nombre era sinónimo de esperanza e ilusión, a la vez que solía relacionarse con la capacidad de entendimiento y comprensión. El nombre proviene del latín “Gea” y algunas de sus variantes más populares son Gaya.

3. Hebe

Pura personificación de la belleza y la energía, Hebe era considerada en la mitología griega la diosa de la juventud. Hija de Zeus y Hera, tenía el poder de rejuvenecer a los ancianos y devolverles el ímpetu de antaño, por lo que era muy venerada entre los mortales quienes la honraban para evitar la muerte y encontrar el secreto de la eterna juventud. Cuentan que con su gracia juvenil y eterno entusiasmo cautivaba a todos a su paso, por lo que es un nombre perfecto para los padres que quieran destacar estas cualidades en sus pequeñas.

4. Iris

Diosa griega del arcoíris y mensajera de los dioses, hay descripciones suyas en varias epopeyas homéricas que la desvelan como una joven hermosa dedicada a transmitir el mensaje de los dioses a los humanos. Símbolo de la unión entre el cielo y la tierra, refleja cualidades como la capacidad de comprensión y buena comunicación que vienen como anillo al dedo para los padres que quieran resaltar estas características en sus hijas. Sin duda, se trata de un nombre precioso y con un gran significado que resulta muy popular en diferentes regiones de España.

5. Temis

El nombre proviene del griego Themis que significa “ley de la naturaleza”. De hecho, en la cultura griega era considerada la diosa de la justicia, aquella que sopesaba el bien y el mal, lo bueno y lo malo. A menudo representada con una venda en los ojos como muestra de su ecuanimidad y capacidad profética, se le consideraba madre de la verdad y la equidad. Por tanto, si buscas un nombre diferente con el cual resaltar estas cualidades en tu pequeña, Temis es una excelente alternativa.

5 nombres de diosas romanas para niñas bonitos y con un profundo significado

1. Aurora

En la mitología romana, Aurora es la diosa del amanecer y, según cuenta la leyenda surcaba cada día los cielos para anunciar la llegada del sol. Su significado es precisamente “amanecer” y a menudo se relacionaba con la belleza y la luminosidad, por lo que es ideal para los padres que quieran destacar estas cualidades en su pequeña. Algunas de sus versiones más populares son Auro y la variante en francés, Aurore. No obstante, a menudo también se utiliza su diminutivo, Aurorita.

2. Diana

De origen latino, el nombre significa “aquella de naturaleza divina” o “aquella de naturaleza pura”. Así se llamaba la diosa romana de la caza, protectora de la naturaleza y la luna, quien solía ser alabada por su fuerza y habilidades físicas, pero también por su gracia y belleza. El nombre, popularizado en todo el mundo gracias a la princesa Diana de Gales, tiene una melodía preciosa y un significado inspirador, perfecto para la más pequeña de casa. Otras variantes mucho menos conocidas pero igual de bonitas son Dianna y Kiana.

3. Juno

¿Sabías que el nombre del mes de junio proviene de Juno? En la mitología romana, Juno era la diosa del matrimonio y la reina de todos los dioses. Su nombre simbolizaba la maternidad y era sinónimo de vida y esperanza, pero también de poder y entereza. Protectora de las mujeres, Juno se distinguía entre los mortales por su fuerza y valentía, por lo que es un nombre perfecto y poco común para los padres que quieran resaltar estas cualidades en sus hijas.

4. Victoria

Victoria tiene un origen latín y proviene del término “victorius” que significa “vencer” o “triunfar”, de ahí que simbolice a “la mujer triunfadora”. Esto explica por qué en la cultura romana Victoria era considerada la diosa del triunfo. A menudo representada por una mujer hermosa e imponente, se relacionaba con el éxito y la buenaventura, el nombre perfecto para quienes quieran destacar estas características en sus hijas desde una edad temprana. Algunas de sus variantes más conocidas son Vicky y Viktoria, aunque si prefieres un nombre más original, Toya es otra de sus variaciones.

5. Fides

Para la cultura romana, Fides era la hija de Saturno y la diosa de la fidelidad, la lealtad y la confianza entre los hombres y los dioses. El nombre, que proviene del latín, significa “buena fe” o “fe” y a menudo suele asociarse con mujeres leales y fieles, capaces de mantener su palabra por sobre todas las cosas. Sin duda, una buena elección para los padres que concedan gran importancia a estas cualidades y busquen un nombre diferente y original para sus hijas.

67 nombres de niña inspirados en diosas griegas y romanas | Big bang

67 nombres de niña inspirados en diosas griegas y romanas | Big bang | LOS40

¿Estás buscando nombre para tu bebé? Te traemos varias ideas basadas en la mitología que seguro que te encantarán

Diosa griega del amanecer.
/ jujustr – Getty Images

¿Estás buscando nombre para tu bebé? Si has llegado hasta aquí puede que la respuesta sea sí. Además, es bastante posible que seas de esos a los que les fascina la mitología griega o la romana o de los que buscan un nombre para niña original que haga que su hija llegue al mundo bien dotada de carácter. Pues bien, sea cual sea el motivo que te ha traído hasta este listado de nombres para niña inspirados en diosas griegas y romanas, desde esperamos que te sirva y que, al fin, des con lo que buscas.

Aquí te dejamos 44 nombres de diosas griegas y 23 de diosas romanas que esperamos que te inspiren:

Nombres de diosas griegas para niña

  1. Afrodita: diosa del amor y la belleza
  2. Amar: otro de los nombres de la diosa
  3. Aria: hija de Cleoco con Apolo
  4. Artemisa: diosa de la caza, de los animales salvajes, del bosque, de los nacimientos y de la virginidad.
  5. Asteria: diosa de las profecías y los oráculos
  6. Atenea: diosa de la sabiduría, de la guerra, de las ciencias y de la justicia
  7. Aura: diosa de la brisa
  8. Cárites: diosa de la belleza y la gracia
  9. Cibeles: diosa griega, originalmente frigia, de la Madre Tierra
  10. Circe: diosa de la magia y la hechicería
  11. Clorina: diosa de las flores
  12. Delia: sobrenombre de la diosa Artemisa
  13. Demetra: diosa de la tierra y las cosechas
  14. Dione: mujer de Dios y deidad de la fertilidad
  15. Elpis: diosa de la esperanza
  16. Enio: diosa destructora de ciudades
  17. Eos: diosa del alba
  18. Eris: diosa del conflicto y la disputa
  19. Febe: sobrenombre de Artemisa
  20. Feme: diosa de la fama y los rumores
  21. Gaia: diosa de la Tierra
  22. Harmonía: diosa de la armonía y la concordia
  23. Hebe: diosa de la juventud
  24. Hera: protectora de la familia
  25. Hestia: diosa de la arquitectura, el hogar y la familia
  26. Idalia: apodo de Venus
  27. Ilítia: diosa del nacimiento
  28. Iris: diosa del arcoíris
  29. Isis: nombre con el que conocían los griegos a la divinidad egipcia de la maternidad
  30. Leto: diosa de la noche
  31. Lisa: en la mitología griega, Lita, llamada Lisa, era la personificación de la ira frenética, la furia y en los animales, el mal causado por la rabia
  32. Medusa: guardiana y protectora. Medusa era una sacerdotisa de gran belleza que, después de ser violada por Poseidón, fue convertida por Atenea en un monstruo con piel de reptil y con cabello de serpiente
  33. Metis: diosa de la sabiduría
  34. Némesis: diosa de la solidaridad, la venganza y la fortuna
  35. Nice: diosa de la victoria
  36. Nix: diosa de la noche
  37. Nusa: diosa protectora de las bellas artes
  38. Peito: diosa de la seducción y la persuasión
  39. Perséfore: diosa del infierno
  40. Rea: madre de los dioses y diosa de la naturaleza
  41. Selene: diosa de la Luna
  42. Tea: la titánide de la que procedía toda la luz
  43. Temis: diosa de la ley
  44. Tique: diosa del destino

Nombres de diosas romanas para niña

  1. Abeona: protectora de los viajeros
  2. Adeona: guardiana de las vueltas a casa
  3. Aurora: diosa del amanecer
  4. Belona: diosa de la guerra
  5. Camila: doncella guerrera de Roma
  6. Ceres: diosa de los cultivos
  7. Diana: diosa de la luna y de la caza
  8. Edesia: diosa de los manjares
  9. Fauna: diosa de la buena suerte
  10. Felicitats: diosa del éxito y la prosperidad
  11. Fides: diosa de la fidelidad
  12. Flora: diosa que tenía el poder sobre las flores
  13. Fortuna: diosa del destino
  14. Fulgora: personificación del relámpago
  15. Irene: diosa de la paz y las riquezas
  16. Juno: diosa de la maternidad
  17. Lua: diosa del perdón
  18. Luna: diosa de la luna
  19. Minerva: diosa de la sabiduría
  20. Pax: representación divinizada de la paz
  21. Venus: diosa de la belleza
  22. Vesta: diosa de la arquitectura, el hogar, el estado y la familia
  23. Victoria: personificación del triunfo

Otras listas de nombres para niña que te pueden inspirar

Nombres de niño y niña que te encantarán. / Getty Images

Si después de leer los 67 nombres de dios griegas y romanas que te hemos planteado aquí no has tenido ningún flechazo con ninguno, no te desesperes. El nombre para niña perfecto que estás buscando aparecerá tarde o temprano. Solo tienes que seguir buscando inspiración.

¿Has pensado en llamarlo como alguna de tus artistas favoritas? ¿Eres de esas mamás o papás que tienen debilidad por un tipo de sonido? ¿Prefieres nombres clásicos, modernos o te decantas por los originales? ¡Aquí te dejamos varios listados enfocados a diferentes tipos de nombres en los que seguro que, ahora sí que sí, das con el que te conquista el corazón!

  • 123 nombres de niña originales para tu bebé
  • 122 nombres de niña poco comunes (o incluso raros)
  • 112 nombres de niña españoles: los clásicos más usados en España hasta 2021
  • 45 nombres unisex para bebé que no son exclusivamente de niño ni de niña
  • 10 artistas que te harán decidirte por un nombre de niña que empiece por ‘A’
  • Los nombres de niña que están de moda
  • Nombres de niñas clásicos que nunca pasarán de moda
  • 116 nombres de niña con O que te encantarán para tu hija
  • 138 nombres de niña con Y
  • Los nombres de recién nacido que triunfaron en 2021

Listas de nombres para niño

  • Nombres de niño clásicos que nunca pasarán de moda
  • 50 nombres para niño de origen arameo
  • 136 nombres de niño con Y que le darán mucha personalidad a tu hijo
  • 126 nombres de niño con la letra “O” que suenan genial
  • Los nombres de niño que están de moda
  • 172 nombres de niño originales para tu bebé
  • 50 nombres de niños raros pero bonitos


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20 Most Important Greek Gods (with Pictures) / History | Thpanorama

Greek goddesses They lived in the Kingdom of Heaven, on Mount Olympus, they had special powers and could also control certain aspects of human life. These goddesses of Greek mythology were highly revered and held great symbolic significance.

You might also like this list of Roman goddesses.


Also known as the ancient Greek goddess of the home, Hestia was the greatest of the early Olympian brothers. His brothers were Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. It is believed that there were three virgin goddesses in ancient Greek mythology, and Hestia was one of them (the other two were Athena and Artemis).

Poseidon and Apollo pursued her ruthlessly because they both wanted to marry her. But she kept the vow, which made Zeus, that she would always remain pure and without blemish and therefore never marry. Hestia symbolized the warmth of the house, the burning fire in the house.

Most of the ancient Greeks believed that she was a divine representation of the tranquility of a normal domestic life. Despite this, historical and archaeological evidence shows that his pilgrimage never really took off. In fact, it is even said that he was removed from the gods of Olympus, and his place was given to Dionysus.


The youngest daughter of Zeus and Hera, Hebe, was considered a pious personification of youth and eternal beauty. She is labeled as the goddess of youth in Greek mythology.

His name means “youth” in the Greek dialect, and many believed that he could even restore youth to old people.

His role on Mount Olympus was to serve the nectar that made the gods of Olympus immortal. Although she was worshiped as a deity that she could bless from her youth, she was more involved in the daily tasks of Olympus, was Hera’s servant, and even prepared the royal carriage. He later married the very popular demigod Hercules and had two children: Alexiares and Aniseto.


Nemesis was the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance, who showed her wrath to any person who showed arrogance before the gods. She was considered a goddess who did not regret her decisions.

Nemesis was a goddess prominently featured in Greek tragedies and several other literary works, being the deity who would give what was associated with the protagonist. She was often called the “Goddess Rhamnous”, an isolated place in Attica. She was considered the daughter of the primeval god Ocean. However, according to Hesiod, she was the daughter of Erebus and Nyx.

The myth of the goddess Nemesis is the myth of Narcissus, a young man who was very arrogant and despised those who loved him. Nemesis took him to the pool, where he saw her reflection and fell in love with her.

It is impossible to refuse the reflection of his beloved, he died there. According to another myth, Nemesis created an egg from which two sets of twins were born; one group was Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra, and the other was Dioscurus Castor and Pollux.


Twin sister of Apollo and love daughter of Zeus and Leto, Artemis is widely known as the goddess of hunting, forests and hills, moon and archery. This is one of the most respected deities of ancient Greece.

Artemis was not only the goddess of the hunt, but also known as the goddess of wild animals, the desert, childbirth and virginity. In addition, she was the protector of small children and is believed to have brought relief to women’s diseases.

In literature and art, she was depicted as a hunter with a bow and arrows. Artemis was a virgin and attracted the attention and interest of many gods and people. However, only his hunting partner Orion won his heart. It is believed that Orion was accidentally killed by Artemis herself or Gaia, the original goddess of the Earth..

She was an important goddess in women’s lives, especially when it came to marriage and small children.


Athena was a very important goddess, was the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, arts, crafts and skill.

She is more specifically known for her strategic prowess in warfare and is often depicted as the companion of heroes who is also the patron goddess of heroic endeavours. Athena was born to Zeus after a headache.

She had no mother, but one of the most quoted stories is that Zeus lay with the titanic Metis, goddess of cunning thoughts and wisdom, and because he was afraid that Metis would have his son to replace him, he swallowed this and then acquired from Athena the attribute of childbirth and a pariah.

Athena was Ares’ partner. She came out of Zeus’ head, fully grown, dressed in armor, and was Zeus’ favorite daughter. According to the story of Homer in the Iliad, Athena was a fierce and ruthless warrior. In the Odyssey, she was a goddess full of wrath, and she was relentless.

Known for protecting civilized life, she was also the goddess of the city. According to some sources, Athena was praised for her compassion and generosity. Athena was a patron of the arts and crafts, especially when it came to spinning and weaving. Athena embodied wisdom and rational thinking.

She was the guardian of the city of Athens, and the Parthenon served as her temple. She is one of the three virgin goddesses; The other two were Hestia and Artemis. Athena invented the flute, but never touched it. Zeus trusted her to deal with the aegis and her lightning. His most important festival was the Panathenaea which was held annually in Athens.


Also known as the goddess of marriage and birth, Hera was the wife of Zeus and this connection made her the queen of all gods. As the divine representative of marriage, he has always taken a special interest in protecting married women and preserving the sacred bond that is ignited when two souls are linked in marriage.

She ruled the heavens and the mortal world long before her marriage to Zeus. Even the mighty Zeus was afraid of him. In her absolute rage and anguish at Zeus’ endless deeds, she will blindly punish others in the name of justice.

Hera was a jealous wife and often fought with Zeus for his adultery and illegitimate children. For this reason, she was also known for punishing unfaithful husbands.

She was the protector of women, she presided over marriages and childbirth. While Hera was worshiped throughout Greece, temples were erected in her honor in Argos and the Psalms. The peacock was sacred to her.


Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty and eternal youth. According to the theogony of Hesiod, he was born from foam in the waters of Paphos, on the island of Cyprus. He may have risen from the foam when the Titan Kronos killed his father Ouranos and threw his genitals into the sea.

However, according to Homer, Aphrodite may be the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Many gods believed that their beauty was such that their rivalry for it provoked wars between the gods, and because of this, Zeus married Aphrodite with Hephaestus, who was no more of a threat due to his ugliness and deformity. Despite this marriage, Aphrodite had many lovers.


She was the goddess of the second generation of the Titan gods, the daughter of Seo and Phoebe.

Asteria was the goddess of the night, revered as the dark goddess of necromancy, shooting stars, night oracles, and prophecy.

After the fall of the Titans, Zeus pursued Asteria across the sky, but she escaped him by turning into a quail and jumping into the sea to become the island of Delos. Her sister Leto later gave birth to Apollo on the island.


Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, who controls the grain and fertility of the earth. She was also the goddess of sacred law, the cycle of life and death. She was the daughter of Kronos and Rhea.

He had a daughter with God Zeus; Persephone. After Hades kidnapped Persephone, Demeter was smitten. This land became barren due to its abandonment, and the winter season and its manifestations were a reflection of the emotional state of Demeter during her absence..

She introduced man to the art of growing and using corn. Only women attended thesmophoria, a fertility festival held in honor of Demeter.


This is the spirit and personification of hope. She and the other daimons were captured by Zeus in a box and placed in the care of the first woman, Pandora.

When Epimetheus opened the box, all the spirits escaped except Elpis (hope), who stayed behind to comfort humanity. Elpis was presented as a young woman who carried flowers in her arms. His opposite was the Moor, the spirit of hopelessness and doom.


Greek goddess of the Earth. Known as the great mother of all and often referred to as “Mother Earth”. She created herself from the primordial chaos.

From her fertile womb all life was born, and for Mother Earth all living beings must return to her after her appointed period of life is over.

Nike in war as well as in peaceful competition. When Zeus was gathering allies at the start of the war against the Titans, Styx brought his four sons Nike (Victory), Jealousy (Rivalry), Kratos (Strength) and Bia (Strength).0005

Four became guardians of the throne of Zeus. At first, I was inextricably linked with Pallas Athena. Nike appears with a palm tree, branch, crown, or caduceus of Hermes in artwork.

He is also seen erecting a trophy or recording a victory over the shield. He was often seen floating, spreading his wings over the winner of the competition..

Gradually, Nike became a recognized mediator of success between gods and men, not only in war, but in all kinds of human undertakings..


Peito was the Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction and had a beautiful voice. She was a close companion of the goddess Aphrodite. Usually depicted as a woman fleeing rape.

Hesiod quotes Peyto and identifies her as one of the three thousand daughters of Oceanus and Thetis. Although this goddess did not enjoy much power outside her small sphere of influence, she is nevertheless an important figure in myths, legends and religion..


Rhea was the goddess of nature, the daughter of the Earth goddess Gaia and Uranus, the god of heaven, and was known as the “mother of the gods”. Rhea was one of the titans, was the sister and wife of Kronos, also a titan.

She was responsible for how everything flows in the kingdom of Kronos (her name means “what flows”). Rea and Kronos had six children; Hestia, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera and Zeus.

Kronos, afraid of being overthrown by his children, decided to swallow them all. However, he was tricked by Ree, who managed to save Zeus from his father. When Zeus grew up, he forced his father to bring back his brothers and finally overthrew him.

Although Rhea was considered the “mother of the gods”, she did not have a strong cult or a large following. He had a temple in Crete, the place where he hid Zeus to save him from his father.

In art, it began to appear in the fourth century BC. However, he was often depicted with characteristics similar to those of the goddess Cybele, making the two goddesses indistinguishable.


Selena was the daughter of the titans Hyperon and Theia. He had two brothers, Helios and Eos. She was the moon goddess who raced across the sky every night. It was associated with Artemis and also with Hekate; these three were considered moon goddesses.

He had an affair with a mortal named Endymion, who was given the choice by Zeus to know when he would die. Endymion decided to plunge into eternal sleep in order to remain eternal and immortal.

According to other sources, Selene was one of the mistresses of Zeus and had several children; Pandey, which is all bright; Yersa, dew; Nemea, nymph; and Dionysio, although this may be a confusion due to the similarities between Selene and Semele.


Goddess of fame, gossip and rumor. Feme is the daughter of Gaia and she brought good news and bad news, as it was said that rumors originated among the gods. He was called the messenger of Zeus.


The daughter of Zeus, the goddess Terpsichore, was one of the nine Muses. She was the goddess of music, singing and dancing. In the classical era, when certain literary and artistic spheres were played, Terpsikore was called the muse of choral song and dance and was represented by the lyre and plectrum. She was one of the goddesses of fate and therefore was associated with the three fates in ancient Greek mythology. Teak was often revered in cities as a keeper of good luck and prosperity.

If at any time his behavior was considered arrogant, he was severely reprimanded by the goddess Nemesis.


Nyx personifies night, beauty and strength. It represents beauty because she was incredibly beautiful and is depicted as one of the most beautiful goddesses on earth. And strength is one of her values, because both the gods and people were very afraid of her.


Greek goddess of wisdom. The goddess Metis was born from a pair of Titans of Oceanus and Thetis, probably in a time similar to Zeus and his brothers. This relationship would turn Metis into Oceanis, one of the 3,000 daughters of Oceanus..

The oceans were usually classified as nymphs, minor figures in Greek mythology associated with lakes, springs and wells. Metis, however, was a much more important figure and would be called the Greek goddess of wisdom. Titan goddess Metis in Greek mythology. 6-1-2017, from the Owlcation website:

  • Weebly. (2009). Nyx Goddess of the Night. 6-1-2017, from weebly Website:
  • Greek Gods and Goddesses. (2010). Greek goddesses. 6-1-2017, from Greek gods and goddesses Site:
  • Teoi Project. (2000). Elpis. 6-1-2017, from Theoi Project website:
  • This is incredible. (2016). Asteria. 6-1-2017, Roman and Greek gods website:
  • (2015). Nike. 6-1-2017, from The Role of Women in the Art of Ancient Greece Website:
  • Mithography. (2008). Peitho in Greek mythology. 6-1-2017, from Mitography Website:
  • (2016). Selenium. 6-1-2017, from Greek mythology. Website:
  • (2010). Aphrodite. 6-1-2017, from Greek gods and goddesses Site:
  • Allen P. (2014). Pheme. 6-1-2017, from the Godchecker website:
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    If you give me an apple, Elena, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours.

    Si me das la manzana, Helen, más hermosa que todas las demás mujeres, será tuya.

    Tourism Minister Elena Udrea says the government is looking into this issue.

    La ministra de Turismo, Elena Udrea, dice que el gobierno está investigando el tema.

    Elena had an indoor climbing lesson.

    Elena estaba en una clase de escalada en roca bajo techo.

    Maria Elena Pompo, who moved from Venezuela to the United States, developed her natural coloring technique through experimentation.

    Maria Elena Pompo, quien se mudó de Venezuela a los Estados Unidos, desarrolló su técnica de teñido natural a través de la experimentación.

    Yelena Mizulina, notorious for her legislative initiatives, in an interview with the REN-TV channel suggested that the phrase “gays are people too” can be considered extremist.

    Elena Mizulina, infame por sus iniciativas legislativas, sugirió en su entrevista al canal REN – TV que la frase “los homosexuales también son personas” puede considerarse extremista.

    Who came with your sister? – Her little daughter Elena lives with my sister.

    ¿Quién vino junto con tu hermana? – Con mi hermana está su pequeña hija Helena.

    We will go by bus if Elena does not want to take a taxi.

    Iremos en autobús a menos que Elena quiera tomar un taxi.

    Is Ellen White against Helen Blavatsky as Adventists claim?

    ¿Está Ellen White en contra de Helene Blavatsky como afirma el pueblo adventista?

    I love my family, Elena, but they are an abomination.

    Amo a mi familia, Elena, pero son una abominacion.

    Elena may be hiding somewhere in the forest.

    Elena podria estar al acecho en algún lugar del bosque.

    Actually, Elena, a compliment of the highest order.

    En realidad, elena, es un cumplido del más alto nivel.

    Elena was crying in the bathroom, where dry birch logs crackled in the cauldron next to the zinc bath.

    Elena lloraba en el baño, donde junto a la bañera de zinc crepitaban leños secos de abedul en la caldera.

    Elena, if this thing explodes in front of us, just remember that only one of us recovers quickly.

    Elena, si esto nos explota en la cara recuerda que solo uno de nosotros se cura rapidamente.

    Elena could enter at any moment.

    Elena podria entrar en cualquier momento.

    You were born with great power, Elena.

    Naciste con gran poder, Zelena.

    I had so many fantasies, Elena, enough for 100 lives.

    He tenido tanta fantasia en mi vida, Elena, suficiente para 100 vidas.

    Elena Troyanskaya, Cleopatra, these were shells.

    Helena de Troya, Cleopatra, eran proyectiles.

    “Don’t you think, Elena Stanislavovna,” continued the indefatigable mechanic, “that they are now on a special assignment?”

    ¿No crees, Elena Stanislavovna, continuó el mecánico infatigable, que están en una misión especial en este momento?

    Leaning on one arm, Elena looked at him in horror.

    Apoyando la cabeza en una mano, Elena lo miro horrorizada.

    Elena momentarily forgot about Alexei’s injury and was so pleasantly surprised by Lariosik’s reasonable and timely act that a merry spark flashed in her eyes.

    Por un momento, Elena se olvidó de la herida de Alexei y quedó tan favorablemente impresionada por la acción sensata y oportuna de Lariosik que un destello de alegría asomó a sus ojos.

    A young, handsome man Elena Gilbert, kept at this moment for an indefinite period.

    La joven y hermosa humana Elena Gilbert, preservada en este momento indefinidamente.

    I looked. Elena, standing as if unconscious, uttering a strange, unnatural cry, fell to the ground with a dull thud, writhing in terrible convulsions.

    Mire. Elena, que había estado de pie como inconsciente, profiriendo un grito extraño y antinatural, cayó con un ruido sordo al suelo, retorciéndose en espantosas convulsiones.

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