Nombre raro: Los 9 nombres más raros del mundo

Nombre raro: Los 9 nombres más raros del mundo

Los 9 nombres más raros del mundo

Estas personas, igual que muchas otras con nombres raros, están marcadas desde que nacieron por el nombre que eligieron sus padres para ellas. Aunque en España y en otros países también hay casos llamativos, en Sudamérica se llevan la palma a la hora de elegir nombres raros, muchos de ellos inspirados en personajes históricos, superhéroes o incluso en bebidas alcohólicas. Como se dice coloquialmente, “hay gente pa tó”…



1. Walt Disney de Jesús

En Colombia encontramos uno de esos nombres mas raros que es para nota: Walt Disney de Jesús. Quizá sus padres debieron de pensar cuando nació que los apellidos de su hijo (Vásquez González) eran muy comunes y que debían ponerle un nombre original. Lo mismo se les fue de las manos…


2. Tommy Leejonhs

El documento de identidad de este ciudadano de Ecuador es para enmarcar. No sólo es uno de los nombres más raros si no que además su nombre Tommy Leejonhs, es el del actor de la película El fugitivo Tommy Lee Jones, pero mal escrito y sin espacio… ¡Es que encima nació en Pichincha!



3. Shakespeare Mozart Armstrong

Sí, sí, así como suena. El nombre compuesto de este chico de Chile es Shakespeare Mozart Armstrong. Y nunca mejor dicho lo de compuesto teniendo como segundo nombre Mozart.



4. Nicolás Eduardo Rey Follador

Este chico es compatriota de Shakespeare Mozart Armstrong aunque, a diferencia de éste, lo sorprendente de Nicolás Eduardo está en sus apellidos y no en el nombre, así que sus padres están libres de toda culpa. Con esos apellidos no hace falta comentar nada más.



5. Jonny Walker

Si Walker fuera el apellido de este hombre, habría que regañar a sus padres por ponerle de nombre Jonny y formar la marca de whisky. Pero el asunto es aún más grave porque su apellido es Cano y Jonny Walker es en realidad el nombre compuesto de esta persona que también nació en un lugar con nombre curioso: Presidente Franco.



6. Jack Daniels

Seguimos con las marcas de bebidas alcohólicas, las mismas que debieron de consumir los padres de este chico al decidir que su hijo se llamaría Jack Daniels. Las cogorzas se pasan, pero el nombre raro queda para siempre…



7. James Bond Cero Cero Siete

El premio al nombre más raro de esta lista se lo tiene que llevar a la fuerza este joven dominicano llamado James Bond Cero Cero Siete Carrión Vargas. Su nombre, al igual que los Martinis que toma el famoso agente secreto, está “mezclado, no agitado”.



8. Batman Bin Suparman

También en este caso debió de correr el alcohol. El diálogo para elegir el nombre raro de este chico de Singapur debió de ser algo parecido a esto:

-“Oye, ¿y si le ponemos el nombre de un superhéroe?”

-“¿Cuál? ¿Batman, Supermán…?

-“No sé, qué difícil… ¿Le ponemos el nombre de los dos?”

-“¡Genial, gran idea!”



9. Luz Cuesta Mogollón

En España también tenemos ejemplos de nombres raros, como Luz Cuesta Mogollón, que ha sido elegida por los lectores del diario ABC como la ganadora del premio al nombre más raro en 2015, por delante de Grato Amor Jurado y Antonio Arrimadas Piernas.


Foto: ABC

Productos que recomendamos para elegir nombres:

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Nombres más raros de Colombia y el mundo | 6 | Valloleidys – Gente – Cultura

La historia de 6 Martínez Medina la dio a conocer EL TIEMPO hace poco. El joven, de 19 años, nació en Santa Ana, Magdalena, y obtuvo ese nombre por ser el sexto hijo de sus padres.

‘6’ no es el único nombre particular en Colombia y el mundo. La creatividad se ha impuesto en varias familias.

(Puede leer: Así es la vida de 6, el joven con el nombre más corto de Colombia). 

Acá le contamos algunos de los nombres más insólitos.

ColombiaEliz Yael y Kael Asaf

620.346 niños y niñas nacieron en Colombia durante 2020, de acuerdo con datos del DANE.

Entre los nombres más utilizados aparecen Luciana, Isabella, Salomé, Emmanuel y Emiliano, según la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil.

Sin embargo, doce bebés, de los más de 620 mil, no cuentan con tocayo y hasta escribir o decir su nombre traería problemas.

Las niñas fueron registradas como:
– Eudy
– Liyi
– Daela
– Eliz Yael
– Gia Tanit
– Laia Milu

Por su parte, a los niños se les llamó como:
– Alcairo
– Braider
– Eferson
– Kael Asaf
– Leam Emir

– Max Müller (probablemente sus padres quisieron hacerle un homenaje al filósofo y lingüista alemán del siglo XIX quien se llamaba Friedrich Max Müller).

(Le recomendamos: Ciencias del Sistema Tierra, una profesión única en Colombia).

Así es la cédula de 6 Martínez Medina, con su nombre escrito como un número.


6 Martínez Medina

Darlisa e Iam Davi

Más denominaciones curiosas surgieron en 2019.

La Registraduría agrupó los siguientes registros en mujeres:

– Eglimar
– Riuna
– Noema (el diccionario de la Real Academia Española lo define así: “Pensamiento como contenido objetivo del pensar”. Un término filosófico que, al parecer, inspiró a los padres de la pequeña).
– Eymi Lee
– Oilda
– Okari
– Onely
– Darlisa.

De otro lado, en hombre se destacaron:
– Eliú
– Juny
– Ryan
– Yaro
– Iam Davi (¿Será que sus padres quisieron otorgarle un ‘toque americano’? Podría ser I am David).
– Ian Jair
– Nau Luis
– Yan Pool.

(Puede leer: El club de compadres que mantiene con vida al régimen venezolano).  

Valloleidys y Segundo Gaspar Patrocinio

Durante 2018 nacieron cerca de 650 mil colombianos, como recopila el DANE.

De nuevo, algunos de ellos tienen en su registro de nacimiento la casilla de nombre con palabras extrañas.

Para las mujeres:
– Valloleidys
– Annastacia Ammilee Lisa Kay.
– Yariangelis.
– Betsililiana.
– Bunkwaneywin.
– Johendriliannis Reinnibeth.
Circuncisión (a esta pequeña la nombraron como el procedimiento que extirpa la piel que cubre la punta del miembro sexual de los hombres, como señala el portal de ‘Mayo Clinic’. ¿Por qué la llamaron así? Difícil saberlo).
– Jairliainnys
– Javircklelly
– Rhiannis Yeilimar Dislexis (las probabilidades de tocayo son mínimas).

(Le puede interesar: La atroz historia del padre que inyectó a su hijo con VIH). 

Si usted quiere cambiarse el nombre, debe ir a la notaría donde reposa su registro civil.



Algunos hombres que nacieron en 2018 fueron denominados como:

– Masimiliano (¿Quedaría mal escrito? Podría ser Maximiliano).
– Abraham Giussepe de Jesús
– Shimunkezhu
– Segundo Gaspar Patrocinio
– Williams Sekdxij Braidson.

Más y más particulares nombres

En el país suele existir una más que curiosa ‘tradición’ de nombres únicos difíciles de leer y comprender. Para finalizar en Colombia, no sobra recordar algunos que la Registraduría ha agrupado como ‘extraños’ entre 2000 y 2014:

– Fais
– Egly
– Hohn
– Abisted
– Abeneiber
– Alfer Wali
– Ali Duvaam
– Ali Yunior

(Le contamos: ¿Cómo tu nombre puede afectar a tu personalidad?). 

¿Todos ellos podrían cambiarse el nombre?

Por supuesto que sí. Tienen dos oportunidades para hacerlo: cuando son menores de edad o cuando superan los 18 años.

Para llevarlo a cabo deben dirigirse a la notaría donde reposa su registro civil. Allí realizan una escritura pública con el cambio de nombre y, finalmente, van a alguna sede de la Registraduría para procesar la nueva cédula o tarjeta de identidad.

El proceso cuesta alrededor de 50 mil pesos.

(Además: Paso a paso para el registro civil para venezolanos de padres colombianos). 

Usted tiene dos oportunidades para cambiar de nombre: cuando es menor de edad o cuando superó los 18 años.



Nombres raros fuera de Colombia

No es necesario dar una vuelta por el globo terráqueo para hallar nombres particulares, solo debemos enfocarnos en Huerta de Rey, un municipio de España.

De hecho, fue reconocido en el Libro de Guiness Records por ser el pueblo con los nombres más raros del mundo.

Se contaban 333 denominaciones particulares de sus habitantes durante 2010, según la ‘BBC’. El municipio no ha crecido demasiado. Para 2020 tenía 901 pobladores.

Firmo, Burgundófora Cancionila, Restitura, Virisima, Dulcardo, Cristeta, Canuta, Baraquisio, Anisia, Filadelfo, Evilasio, Hierónides, Clodoveo, Onesíforo, Crescenciano y muchos más residen allí.

El municipio español tiene 333 personas con nombres extraños.




El señor ha tenido inconvenientes con la Policía. Un día salió sin su identificación y no le creían que se llamaba así.

“Yo firmaba ‘Firmo’ y el guardia no me creía. Me ponía otra multa. Yo le decía que era verdad, que me llamaba así. Al final, me dijo que fuera con mi DNI (cédula) y que si era verdad me perdonaba la multa. Llegué, puse ‘Firmo’. Me decían: ‘No vamos a terminar nunca’”, bromeó en entrevista con ‘El Mundo’.

Burgundófora Cancionila

La señora Burgundófora no ha encontrado tocaya.

“La primera vez todo el mundo se equivoca cuando pronuncia mi nombre. Yo les digo que me llamen Fori. Están pensando en proponerme para el Guinness como el nombre más raro” mencionó para la ‘BBC’ en su momento.

(También: Niño logra Récord Guinness por estructura con palitos de paleta).  


Tiene 74 años.

“Yo no tengo apodo, con mi nombre basta. Pero me llaman Filo. A todo el mundo le extraña mi nombre y preguntan: ¿cómo ha dicho? ¿perdón? Todo el día es así. Nunca lo escriben bien. Escriben Filogenio, Felogonio, Filogirio. Mi hermano se llama Auspici”, afirmó.

¿Por qué tienen estos nombres?

La historia de las nominaciones particulares de este municipio español se origina en el siglo XX, con el cartero del pueblo. No lograba entregar las encomiendas porque la mayoría de los pobladores tenían apellidos similares: Rica, Molinero, Gárate y Guerrero.

Fue una idea brillante. Son nombres originales


Como no podían cambiar los apellidos de las personas, Adolfo Moreno, secretario municipal de esa época, convenció a todos de poner nombres diferentes a los bebés.

Y se lo tomaron al pie de la letra.

Moreno se inspiró en el Santoral de la Iglesia Católica y del Martirologio Romano.

“Fue una idea brillante. Son nombres originales. Mi nombre me encanta. El día en que nací coincidió con ese santo”, dijo Hierónides Ranulfo, nieto del secretario municipal, a la ‘BBC’.

La curiosidad por los nombres eventuales fue mucho más allá: en Huerta del Rey se realizó el Encuentro Internacional de Nombres Raros, el 8 de agosto de 2008, y con ello lograron el puesto en el Récord Guinness.

Más noticias

– La curiosa historia de la pareja que bautizó a su sexto hijo como ‘6’.

– Siete galanes de la televisión colombiana que se han declarado gays.

– Diez muertes por un ‘me gusta’ en redes sociales que nunca debieron pasar.

Tendencias EL TIEMPO

name meaning, Japanese male name

★ → Names → Japanese names → Male names → Names starting with T → Tarot

Tarot name meaning: great son (this name is only given to the first son).

Origin of the name Taro: Japanese names.

Tarot: character, strengths and weaknesses

The nature of the name Tarot is associated with action and activity, incessant forward movement. The pioneering spirit, freedom and independence prevail here. Tarot gives the impression of a born leader. The disadvantages include excessive authority and boastfulness, Taro likes to hide his true feelings from others behind a mask of inflated self-esteem. Despite leadership qualities, an understanding is required that the leader is not always the first, but often alone. Without the support and recognition of those around them, relatives, relatives and friends, even the most charismatic leaders will experience serious life difficulties, first of all, in relationships with other people.

Calculate Tarot name compatibility with any other name

Name #1:
Name #2:

See also male and female compatible names with the name Tarot.

Tarot Name Number

Name number one (1) is characteristic of active, energetic, courageous people, they are confident in their success, always ready for quick decisions and spontaneous actions. There are many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs among people named Taro. At the same time, it is typical for them to act within the framework of already developed patterns and stereotypes. People with the name Tarot often rely on the advice and achievements of other people, which allows us to conclude that there is a great potential for developing their own creative inclinations …

Taro stones: aventurine, heliodor, heliolite (sun stone, andesine), hematite (bloodstone), rock crystal, garnet, demantoid, jadeite, quartz, morion, obsidian, onyx, opal, pyrite, rauchtopaz, rhodochrosite, ruby , sapphire, carnelian, hawk’s eye, spesartine, topaz, tourmaline, fluorite, zircon, spinel, amber.

Planet (star): Sun.

Signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Aries.

More: Tarot name number – 1

Good years for the Tarot name: 1900, 1909, 1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017, 2026. More details: names of the year.

The meaning of the letters in the name Tarot

T – indicates a tendency to compromise, the ability to listen to other people. Tarot is a creative person with a developed intuition, a vulnerable nature, a tireless seeker of justice and truth.
A – personifies loneliness and closeness, but at the same time, Tarot has self-sufficiency and earthiness, as well as energy for accepting everything new and starting new things. nine0016 R – indicates a developed spirituality, energy, independence and independence, the ability to discern the main thing. Tarot tends to be active, often adventurous and risky.
About – indicates a developed intuition and a broad outlook. Tarot is distinguished by emotionality, the need for self-knowledge, knows how to bring all things to the end, manages finances well.

Latin translation of the name Taro


See also: phonetic analysis and declension of the name Taro.



The secret of the Tarot name – character, meaning and fate, origin and history

The secret of the name Taro, the qualities of his personality, a complete analysis. His pronounced personality traits are conscientiousness, generosity and modesty. He also has such traits as purposefulness and disinterestedness. The number of the Tarot name is Zero, the stone is Spectrolite, the color is Gray. And among the totem animals and plants there are Dolphin, Duck, Chestnut, and also Oliva. All the details about the personality of the Tarot, character traits and strengths. nine0003

We have done extensive research on the name of Tarot, with a detailed study of the characteristics. We have collected, among other things, historical materials that answer questions about the origin of the name. Additionally, esoteric, numerological and spiritual aspects were studied. Each topic is revealed in its own paragraph for easier perception and navigation.

Forms and cases, declensions of the name Tarot

Spelling of the name is not the easiest aspect of the language, the formation of cases has many nuances. Uncommon names of foreign origin often have their own exceptions and spelling features. Below you can see a table of the correct forms and declensions of the name Tarot. nine0003

Divination by name for compatibility

To check compatibility with a specific person, you will need the Tarot Arcana values, a piece of paper and a pen.

  1. Write down your full names, patronymics and surnames on a piece of paper.
  2. Check and cross out all the letters that match for you and the hidden person.
  3. Count the number of matching letters. If it is more than 22, add the numbers together.
  4. Find the Tarot Major Arcana with the given number. nine0226

Example on names:

“Maxim” and “Alice”, 3 letters matched. In the same way, you need to check your last names and patronymics, and then count the total number of matching letters.

If the Tower, the Devil and other ambiguous cards fell out as a lasso of compatibility, try other methods to clarify the prospects for the development of your relationship. One of the options is a tarot forecast for the future for each of you.

Do you want to learn the basics of Tarot and use this tool to solve problems in finance, career, relationships, family life? Watch our free Tarot webinar and get answers to the most important questions. Register on this page. nine0003

Numerology – the number of the Tarot name

Of course, for a more accurate numerological analysis, you need to know the date of birth of a person. One name is not enough to build an accurate and complete picture of personality traits. However, we have tried to conduct the most accurate analysis of the name Tarot. This made it possible to get a general idea of ​​the personality type and the main character traits.

The number “0” has a very unusual history. It extends the same unusual influence to the fate of the Tarot. Throughout his life, this person seems to be a starting point for the cycle of events taking place around him. Many people blame Tarot for a great many strange ideas and actions, but his ideas often turn out to be brilliant and effective. nine0003

What will divination by names show?

Unlike the patronymic, which is not available in all cultures, the name is of the utmost importance, largely determining the fate. This is a kind of “key” in which not only character traits are encrypted, but also the deep essence of a person.

Divination by name

was developed on a whole “platform” of esoteric sciences that study the connection of the alphabet with the energy of numbers and the symbolism of the Tarot arcana. Therefore, the results obtained are always highly accurate and help to learn a lot about the person of interest. nine0003

Divination for a man
gives answers to the most important questions:

  • What kind of person is in front of you, his character and personality traits.
  • What he hides, his inner world.
  • Your compatibility with him and perspectives.

If you need to analyze the situation in your couple more deeply and in more detail, use special layouts and perform fortune telling on relationships. This will help build a truly strong and harmonious union with a partner. nine0003

Named plants and animals of Tarot

Analysis of totem plants and animals is a key component of the Tarot personality picture. The relation to the inner “I” in the person himself is manifested in his totem symbols-plants. Totem animals, in turn, allow us to consider its interaction with the environment. Understanding the strengths of a person allows you to find a common language with him, as well as to resolve conflicts.

Leading plant – Olive

Olive symbolizes determination. Individuals who are famous for their purposefulness easily achieve their goals. Tarot overcomes any difficulties in life with its own diligence and zeal. nine0003

Totem tree – Chestnut

The chestnut tree is a symbol of calmness, ease and prudence. The steadfastness with which Tarot lives life is not typical for representatives of other “totem trees”. Under the influence of the chestnut tree symbol, people also tend to think over the decisions they make for a long time, which makes them correct and successful.

Spiritual tree – Rowan

Rowan symbolizes tenderness. Affection and tenderness are one of the innate features of the Tarot. The ability to treat people with warmth, care and understanding allows him to surround himself with sensual and kind acquaintances, friends and girlfriends. nine0003

Leading animal – Duck

The duck is a symbol of calmness. This does not mean at all that the Tarot does not have the ability to feel emotions or understand the psycho-emotional state of others. Rather, it indicates the ability not to succumb to emotional influence during difficult moments and decision-making – a very important personal skill and character trait.

Totem animal – Dolphin

Dolphin is a symbol of cheerfulness. People surrounding Taro note that his stamina is not depleted. His energy is enough to solve any problems and projects. Among other things, those around him appreciate him precisely for this. nine0003

Spiritual animal – Chicken

Chicken is a symbol of eloquence. Finding a common language, smoothing out a difficult situation and / or conflict is not a problem for Tarot! A diplomatic approach and an inner understanding of the psychology of people makes Tarot an excellent “diplomat”.

Spread: Three rows of names

Spread author Alicia Khrzanowska

(Interpretation of N. Frolov’s example)
The layout is very convenient in cases where the client does not clearly formulate a request, or does not want to voice it. Sometimes clients turn to Tarot for the first time and are interested in the capabilities of the system, in which case this layout can be offered. It is also useful to do it for yourself about once every six months, or during critical periods of life, in order to understand the “messages” of the vibrations of the name and surname at this particular moment in time. nine0003

A full Tarot deck is used. Three rows of cards are laid out: the first – according to the number of letters in the name given at birth, the second – according to the number of letters in the middle name or the number of letters in the name given at baptism, the third – according to the number of letters in the surname. If the name or surname is very short, then they should be repeated twice in one line.

Each row has a specific meaning: the first is the experience of the past, the second is the present and the third is the future. In addition, within each row there is a division into positions of the layout, we describe them in detail in the example above. The number of cards per one position is chosen rather conditionally, depending on the number of letters in the name. nine0003

In each row, the so-called key card can also be viewed. The key card helps to understand the entire series, it highlights the main or recent significant event or experience in the context of the alignment. The key is the middle card in the row, if the number of cards in the row is odd, if the number of cards in the row is even, then two middle ones.


In the above example, the name is fictitious – Inna Borisovna Rachkova .

deck used

Tarot Rider – Waite .

The first row (name)

– means the past of the questioner, it can also be considered from the point of view of accumulated experience. It is conditionally divided into three groups: childhood, adolescence, youth. In this example, the layout positions can be divided as follows:

1-childhood – Ace of Wands. In childhood, Inna Borisovna received good health, activity, optimism, enthusiasm;

2. 3 – adolescence – Six of Wands, Page of Swords. During her school years, she studied well, enjoyed recognition and authority among teachers and students, and was probably the leader in the class; nine0003

4- youth – Five of Cups reversed, but in her student years, apparently, she had to endure disappointments and loss of loved ones, but since the card is reversed, then, apparently, the client recovered.

Since the number of letters in the name, and, accordingly, the number of cards is even, then the key will be two – the Six of Wands and the Page of Swords, that is, from childhood, a woman is used to being in sight, a leader, a winner in her studies among her peers, and this experience of hers is important for today’s situation. nine0003

Second row (patronymic)

– means the present and is divided into three groups: 5,6,7 – what has the greatest influence at the moment, the problem with which the person came – Three of Wands inverted, Seven of Swords, Nine of Swords. The client is currently worried about the lack of growth and movement in professional affairs, fears and assumptions about whether her colleagues are deceiving her.

8,9,10 – external situation , how a person looks from the outside, how he presents himself to others, how he influences his environment – Five of Pentacles, Eight of Wands inverted, Arcana World. Indeed, others perceive a woman as a person who has fallen into a difficult financial situation and, perhaps, is not professionally successful at the moment, at least stuck in a certain cyclically repeating model, but not developing (remember the three of wands). It is interesting to compare this with the client’s school habit of the delights of others, which we saw when analyzing name cards. nine0003

11,12,13 — internal situation , the questioner’s attitude to what is happening in his life, to the influence of the environment and external circumstances on him. – Queen of Cups, Two of Swords reversed, Arcana Hermit reversed. Inna Borisovna fully accepts everything that happens in her life, although she is a little worried, because she needs to make some decision and she has a fear of not being wise enough.

There are nine letters in the patronymic, the key of this line is the middle card, this is the card in position 9– Eight of Wands reversed. That is, the card says that others (employees) perceive a woman as not very active, not sociable, getting stuck in trouble, as a person who wastes her energy in vain.

Third row (surname)

– means the future and is divided into 6 groups:

14, 15 – goals and their implementation – Six of Swords, Ten of Pentacles. Inna Borisovna has a goal and intention to enter a new project that would bring her significant income. And here we see two family cards, that is, Inna Borisovna financially provides for the family. nine0003

16 – feelings – Arcane Chariot . Apparently the woman strives forward, to victory, to success. Again, remember that as a child, the client was accustomed to success. But now others perceive her differently.

17 – state of affairs in the material sphere – King of Cups inverted. In the material sphere, things are unimportant, perhaps the money was wasted on one of the relatives.

18 – internal development – Arcana Death. Inna Borisovna is going through a period of deep internal transformation. nine0003

19 – further future – Five of Wands. According to this map, we see that a woman is waiting for a struggle, possibly competitive, for the opportunity to participate in the project.

20 – advice – Arcana Emperor reversed. According to this advice, it is not yet the time to make important decisions and not take responsibility and obligations for men.

There are 7 letters in the surname row, therefore, the key to this row will be the middle card in position 17 (King of Cups) – the state of affairs in the material sphere – spending on one of the relatives.

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