Nombre valentina para imprimir: valentina | Valentina nombre, Valentina, Nombres

Nombre valentina para imprimir: valentina | Valentina nombre, Valentina, Nombres

Valentina (Nombre) – Significado de Valentina








Valentina, significado de Valentina ¿Qué significa el nombre Valentina?

  1. Significado de nombres
  2. Valentina

Significado del nombre Valentina

Significado del nombre Valentina. Descubre el significado de Valentina, su origen y sus características. Tarjeta con imagen de Valentina en colores y en tamaño grande. El nombre Valentina para imprimir y regalar. ¡Comparte el nombre con familiares y amigos!



Fuerte y saludable.
De origen latino.


Es honesta, directa y temperamental.
Necesita sobresalir en las actividades
que realiza. Es entusiasta y tiene una
gran voluntad. Siempre está dispuesta
a ayudar a quien la necesita.


Busca a alguien que sea demostrativo
y confiable.


14 de Febrero (San Valentín).

Significado del nombre Valentina

(Imagen reducida)

Comparte el significado del nombre Valentina en tamaño 400×400 px.

¡Descarga gratis y comparte!

¡Accede con tu plan premium al diseño de Valentina en tamaño grande de 850×850 px. para imprimir en buena calidad, enviar o enmarcar!

Origen y significado de los nombres para niños y niñas. También para todas las edades.

¡Descarga la imagen en grande!

Significado del nombre Valentina, origen y características.

¿Qué significa mi nombre?

Valentina – Nombre Valentina
. Nombre para bebé: Valentina –

¿Cuál es el significado de Valentina?

Copyright y servicio exclusivo de – Saludos y Regalos S.A.


  1. Significado de Valentina.
  2. Tarjetón del significado.
  3. Diseños de Valentina.
  4. Más tarjetas con Valentina.

Nombres de mujer,
nombres de varón.
Nombres para bebés,
nombres de niña,
nombres de niño.

Valentina – Tarjeta con imagen de Valentina para feliz cumpleaños

Significado y origen de los nombres para imprimir y encuadrar. ¡También lo puedes regalar o enviar por eMail!

Valentina – Nombres para bebes

Nombres para bebés o para niños. Busca el de tus hijos o sobrinos, e impríme. También envíalos por eMail.

Valentina – Carteles e iniciales

Tu nombre para agendas o para el cuarto. También tu inicial o la de tus amigos para imprimir o enviar por eMail.

Diccionario de nombres propios para descubrir el significado de los nombres, sus características y orígenes.

Valentina – Para cuartos infantiles

Para las puertas de cuartos infantiles, maternidades, o para cumpleaños. Puedes imprimirlos, regalarlos y enviarlos por eMail.

Valentina – Nombres en stickers

Nombres con personajes, imprímelos en cartulina o en papel autoadhesivo. También puedes enviarlos por eMail.

Origen del nombre Valentina, significado de Valentina.

El nombre Valentina para compartir, enviar e imprimir.
Imágenes del nombre Valentina para regalar, encuadrar o decorar habitaciones.
Stickers del nombre Valentina para imprimir en papel adhesivo y personalizar tus cuadernos, agendas y planners.

Descubre el significado del nombre Valentina

Aquí encontrarás más de 2600 nombres con su significado, origen, características, el día del santo y las personas célebres que llevan el mismo nombre. Si estás buscando un nombre para tu bebé, puedes consultar por orden alfabético los nombres que más te gusten. Hay listados de los nombres más populares, de nombres originales femeninos y masculinos.

¿Buscas el origen del nombre Valentina?

Este es el lugar ideal para buscar el origen de un nombre, encontrarás nombres de origen bíblico, nombres de origen griego, latino, germano y con raíces de varios países y culturas. También relacionados con la mitología, los santos, el universo, la naturaleza y valores espirituales.

¡Sorprende a alguien enviándole el origen y significado de su nombre!

Además podrás acceder a miles de imágenes de nombres en tamaño grande para enviar, compartir o imprimir a un costo muy bajo.

Cómo personalizar, enviar y compartir el nombre Valentina

. Elige el nombre para saber su significado y origen.  

. Haz clic en el botón de Compartir esa página en redes sociales, podrás agregarle un texto.

. Si tienes el plan premium podrás descargar las imágenes de los nombres en tamaño grande para enviar, compartir o imprimir.

. Una vez ingresada tu clave, elige el botón de Enviar por email, para personalizar el nombre elegido y seleccionar el día de envío.

. Escribe debajo de la tarjeta, puedes elegir la tipografía, el tamaño y el color. Luego podrás centrar el texto o probar los diferentes diseños.

Comparte el nombre Valentina en Facebook

Puedes publicar los nombres en Facebook, Twitter y redes sociales.

Puedes enviar el significado de Valentina con tu teléfono móvil

¿Quieres enviar el nombre Valentina desde cualquier lugar?

¡Con se puede hacer, ya que el diseño del sitio y los nombres se acomodan a tu dispositivo móvil!

Buscador de nombres por orden alfabético:


El nombre propio es la denominación verbal de una persona para distinguirla de otra. La palabra ¨nombre¨ viene del latín: nomen. La Onomástica que significa ¨el arte de nombrar¨ según la Real Academia Española, es el estudio y catalogación de los nombres propios. Estudia también el origen y la procedencia de los nombres de familia, que pueden derivar del nombre de los padres o ascendientes (patronímicos) o también provenir de lugares (topónimos).

Encuentra los nombres de todos tus conocidos por orden alfabético. A veces se llama a los hijos e hijas con el nombre de sus padres, madres, abuelos y abuelas, también puede ser que el nombre lo hayan usado durante muchas generaciones a modo de tradición, de esta manera tiene un alto valor simbólico para la familia y para la persona que lo lleva, a quien le otorga una fuerte identidad y pertenencia. Otros padres optan por llamar a sus hijos e hijas con nombres bien diferentes y originales para que puedan diferenciarse y no tener el peso de seguir ciertas tradiciones, si así lo desean.

Significado del nombre Valentina, Imágenes de Valentina, Tarjetas de Valentina

Nombres de origen bíblico

Son los nombres que provienen de la Biblia, del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento. Se trata de nombres que eligen en su mayoría familias de tradición cristiana, muchas veces se tiene en cuenta la fecha del santoral en que nace un bebé, y se lo llama con el nombre del Santo del día.

Nombres de origen griego

Muchos de los nombres que existen son de origen griego, a veces están relacionados con héroes y dioses de la mitología, que llamaron la atención por su belleza, valor o ejemplo. Grecia ha tenido una gran influencia en los nombres del mundo occidental.

Frases relacionadas con esta página:

Nombre Valentina

Significado de Valentina

Origen del nombre Valentina

significado del nombre Valentina

Nombre para bebé Valentina

Diccionario de nombres

Nombre propio Valentina

El nombre Valentina

Origen de mi nombre Valentina

Valentina significado

Qué significa el nombre Valentina

Qué significa Valentina

Significado de nombre Valentina

Valentina, significado del nombre

Día del santo de Valentina

Características del nombre Valentina

Decoraciones Con El Nombre Valentina

Ordenar por

  1. Colcha Concord Mod.

    Valentina King Size Con Envío Gratis



    249 pesos con 83 centavos $249.83

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  2. Cobertor Ligero Ultrasuave Matrimonial Concord Variosmodelos



    166 pesos con 33 centavos $166.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

    Disponible en 35 colores

  3. Almohada Harry Styles Golden Con Tu Nombre Texto Terciopelo

    por Deco Galeria



    99 pesos con 67 centavos $99.67

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  1. Caja Regalo Para Botella Madera Personalizada Diseño Nombre



    166 pesos con 33 centavos $166.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis


  2. Servilletero Mariposa Nombre Personalizado Mdf 3mm 12pzas



    30 pesos con 46 centavos $30. 46

    Envío gratis


  3. Cabeza Centro Mesa Barbie – Nombre Personalizado Pack 10



    73 pesos con 50 centavos $73.50

    Envío gratis


  1. Cadena Dije Nombre Valentina Dorado Collar Acero Inoxidable



    44 pesos con 70 centavos $44.70

    sin interés

  2. Cobija Colchas Concord Cobertor ultrasuave matrimonial/individual con diseño valentina de 2.2m x 1.8m



    168 pesos$168

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  3. Mapa Mural Color Planisferio Didactico Con Nombres Papel



    38 pesos con 33 centavos $38.33

    sin interés

  1. Nombre Personalizado Madera Mdf 30cm X 9cm Mdf3mm Art2216

  2. Letrero Led Neón Angela Valentina



    170 pesos con 56 centavos $170. 56

    Envío gratis

  3. Letrero De Madera Bar Barril



    179 pesos con 67 centavos $179.67

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  1. Vinil Decorativo Lindos Dinosaurios Nombre Jurasico Vc1



    30 pesos con 36 centavos $30.36

    Envío gratis


  2. Servilletero Corte Nombre Corona Personalizado Mdf3mm 15pzas



    38 pesos con 07 centavos $38.07

    Envío gratis


  3. Cuadro Decoración Niñas Inicial Nombre Personalizado Flores

    por Deco Galeria



    173 pesos$173

    sin interés

    Envío gratis


  1. Cobija Colchas Concord Cobertor ultrasuave king con diseño valentina de 2.

    5m x 2.2m



    206 pesos con 33 centavos $206.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis


    Nombres Para Arbol Mdf 10 Cm De Altura

  3. Servilleteros Bautizo Nombre Personalizado Mdf3mm 12 Pzas



    31 pesos con 68 centavos $31.68

    Envío gratis

  1. Mariposas Decorativas Pegatina Pared 3d Calcomanía 72pcs



    39 pesos con 33 centavos $39.33

    sin interés

  2. Servilletero Sombrero Vaquero Con Nombre Mdf3mm 15pzas



    38 pesos con 07 centavos $38.07

    Envío gratis

  3. Decoración Infantil Vinil Animalitos Selva Sticker Nombre

    por Vinilo 314



    199 pesos con 67 centavos $199. 67

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  1. En Nombre Del Amor



    19 pesos con 60 centavos $19.60

  2. Cortina Decorativa Valentina De Concord Envio Gratis



    233 pesos$233

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  3. Cobertor De Borrega Matrimonial Primavera



    236 pesos con 33 centavos $236.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

    Disponible en 19 colores

  1. Servilletero Caballo Con Nombre Personalizado Mdf 3mm 15pzas



    38 pesos con 07 centavos $38.07

    Envío gratis

  2. Servilleteros Bautizo Nombre Personalizado Mdf3mm 14 Pzas



    35 pesos con 53 centavos $35. 53

    Envío gratis

  3. En Nombre Del Amor Valentina Alazraki



    99 pesos con 09 centavos $99.09

    Envío gratis

  1. Cobertor Con Borrega King Size Maxi Mink Estampado Líneas



    376 pesos con 33 centavos $376.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

    Disponible en 3 colores

  2. Servilletero Mariposa Nombre Personalizado Mdf 3mm 12pzas



    30 pesos con 46 centavos $30.46

    Envío gratis

  3. Servilletero Corte Nombre Corona Personalizado Mdf3mm 15pzas



    38 pesos con 07 centavos $38.07

    Envío gratis

  1. Cadena Con Dije Nombres Varios Para Dama, Acero Inoxidable



    100 pesos$100

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

    Disponible en 8 colores

  2. En Nombre Del Amor



    27 pesos con 41 centavos $27. 41

  3. Cobertor Ligero Valentina Queen Size / King Size Concord



    206 pesos con 33 centavos $206.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  1. Cortinas Decorativas Valentina Aqua 3.00 X 2.20 Concord



    63 pesos con 86 centavos $63.86

    Envío gratis

  2. Cuadro Decoración Niñas Inicial Nombre Personalizado Flores

    por Deco Galeria



    173 pesos$173

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  3. En Nombre Del Amor Valentina Alazraki



    66 pesos con 67 centavos $66.67

    sin interés

  1. En Nombre Del Amor Valentina Alazraki



    56 pesos con 67 centavos $56. 67

    sin interés

  2. Cobertor Ultrasuave Valentina Matrimonial Turquesa Concord

    por Satus



    53 pesos con 71 centavos $53.71

    Envío gratis

  3. Cortina Valentina Concord 3.00 M X 2.20 M Envio Gratis



    246 pesos con 33 centavos $246.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  1. Mylin Letras De Madera Abecedario Para Parar 12.5×1.8cm 1pz

    por Fantasias Miguel

  2. Dije Nombre



    15 pesos con 13 centavos $15.13

  3. En Nombre Del Amor



    27 pesos con 41 centavos $27.41

  1. Cortina Decorativa Valentina Concord



    66 pesos con 90 centavos $66. 90

    Envío gratis

  2. Despachador De Madera Para Vinos



    196 pesos con 33 centavos $196.33

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  3. Mapa Mural Color Republica Mexicana Didactico Con Nombres



    38 pesos con 33 centavos $38.33

    sin interés

  1. Caja De Madera Para Regalo Personalizada Tu Diseño Y Nombre



    133 pesos$133

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  2. Dije Nombre Valentina En Plata Ley 925 Dt110



    150 pesos$150

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  3. Dije Calado Plata Ley 925 Nombre Valentina Dt34



    150 pesos$150

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

  1. Mini Bar



    121 pesos con 83 centavos $121. 83

    Envío gratis

  2. ¡mujer!papel De Aluminio Foil Para Uñas Caja Con 10 Rollos

  3. Papel Picado Personalizado Día De Muertos Docena 6m Nombre



    60 pesos$60

    sin interés

  1. Colcha Con Fundas Matrimonial Concord Varios Modelos



    101 pesos con 42 centavos $101.42

    Envío gratis

  2. Cobertor Ligero Ultrasuave King Size Concord Varios Modelos



    229 pesos con 67 centavos $229.67

    sin interés

    Envío gratis

    Disponible en 23 colores

  3. Colcha Matrimonial C/fundas Concord Varios Modelos



    99 pesos con 49 centavos $99.49

    Envío gratis

El envío gratis está sujeto al peso, precio y la distancia del envío.

Photo caption 14 February

Rubric: Captions

Here is a collection of captions for a photo of St. Valentine’s Day. Each list item is a self-sufficient (full, complete) signature text – just select the item you like.

  • Today I did not miss a single opportunity to be happy.
  • This is what a truly cordial atmosphere looks like.
  • If the feed is full of hearts, this is a sure sign that Valentine’s Day has broken into Instagram.
  • Today’s photos are made with special love.
  • Valentine cards are different… I have them today – edible!
  • It’s nice to hear honest declarations of love…
  • Hope for Cupid, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Russian folk wisdom is especially relevant today.
  • It’s nice when those who are dear are given feelings in this form.
  • Are you still not in the romantic mood? Do not believe in sincere feelings? Then we go to you!
  • Today’s holiday not only became an occasion to remind each other of love, but also provoked a bright photo session.
  • I love everyone!
  • Valentine’s Day is my day. And it contains my rules!
  • Today he hit right in the heart.
  • I listen to words of love all the days of the year… But today they are also colorfully decorated.
  • This year, Valentine’s Day has become a fateful day…
  • Let love penetrate every heart today.
  • That awkward moment when you wait with trepidation for the treasured postcard…
  • When you are waiting for your loved one for a romantic dinner, there is a risk of waiting… and becoming very happy.
  • How cleverly I caught a wave of tenderness today.
  • My love can be so different: friendly, platonic, childish, maternal… Therefore, today I give valentines to everyone who comes to hand…
  • Here it is – the basis of strong and mutual love.
  • This is how my “catch” of valentines for February 14 looks like… Because I was visited by no means the only Cupid. Perhaps there is still a queue outside the door.
  • And I know how to say “I love you” every day to everyone who has a place in my heart… and not just on Valentine’s Day!
  • There are holidays that seem to be not yours, but you still want to celebrate. Today is just like that. Love and be loved!
  • Today was held under the motto “Just you and me!”
  • Love fills my sails.
  • One of the most beautiful days of the year happened today. Flaming hearts in your feed.
  • If you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty… So I try not to lose it!
  • Today was the actual maximum of romance and solitude.
  • Cupids have run off their feet delivering valentines to the recipients today.
  • February 14 is a great opportunity to turn the evening into an unforgettable event.
  • Loving and being loved is the best thing that each of us can learn. And it’s good that there is a day in the year that reminds us of this.
  • In my opinion, Valentine’s Day should be made an official holiday with us. Maybe, against the backdrop of a massive romantic state of mind, they would have received another opportunity to raise the birth rate in the country.
  • And how pleasant men are on this day: the most tender, the most loving, the most generous, the kindest.
  • In my opinion, today I fit perfectly into the romantic “landscape”.
  • Let only the people we love surround us.
  • What’s the difference, our holiday or not ours? The main thing is that there is a reason to enjoy life, to give your loved ones amenities … And I took full advantage of this occasion!
  • Do you have someone who loves you as much as I love you?
  • Since today is supposed to be a declaration of love, then I confess: I love all of you sincerely, strongly, to the point of goosebumps. Big and bright love! And we don’t need any compatibility horoscope!
  • How did you please your soul mate today?
  • May there always be hands that will warm… Lips that will kiss. .. And a soul that loves. Happy holiday everyone!
  • We are so lucky to have each other.
  • In order to tell your soulmate about love today, you must first find it… Therefore, today’s holiday was spent in search. Is it possible to dedicate one day a year to a noble cause?
  • I love myself very much too!
  • Today I give you a piece of my love. Catch!
  • What a colorful day of big hearts, cookies, postcards and balloons.
  • This is how our joint “creativity” looks like on Valentine’s Day. It turned out very emotional, in my opinion.
  • Today I didn’t find any reason not to recognize Saint Valentine!
  • It’s never too late to share photos! Especially when it comes to love…
  • I associate Valentine’s Day with swindling… big red hearts. Here are just like these.
  • I don’t consider February 14 a holiday… but how nice it is to receive gifts!
  • I thought that today even a baked pie and a cooked salad must be in the shape of a heart. Like this magical photo – it brings love!
  • If it so happened that today you, like me, are alone, remember: loneliness is a valuable opportunity to know and love yourself.
  • I hope that today all couples in love could escape from the hustle and bustle of the big world, get distracted from their problems and spend at least a little time together.
  • May your love be mutual and strong not only today, but always.
  • Our holiday today, or not ours… And I could not miss such a great opportunity to please myself with a bright photo session.
  • Let St. Valentine’s Day develop into a week, then into a month, and then the whole year will pass under his auspices. Don’t part with your loved ones!
  • Come on Cupid, don’t let me down… Hit him in the heart!
  • I wish you to be accompanied, supported and inspired by a wonderful feeling of love all your life.
  • Have you already played valentines and had dinner at a romantic stopover?
  • And today I also “grabbed” love and care. Lucky!
  • What a difficult job it is to prove by actions to a person every day that you are the best thing that happened to him in life. I appreciate this work, I respect it and I am glad that there is a day in the year when you can express your gratitude to your loved one in such a colorful way.
  • Everyone is having a romantic dinner today, and I had a romantic breakfast. This is how a really good day starts!
  • Do we need a reason to remind us how much we love someone? We do not need this occasion, so today I will say this: “Thank you for every day of living together. I am happy next to you!”
  • Feeling in love is wonderful, delightful, it inspires! Let’s always experience this magical feeling.
  • “Happy hours are not watched” – someone famous said. And I will add on my own that they also do not observe the change of dates in the calendar. They do not need beautiful gestures of generosity and attention. They love, are loved and are happy every day of the year. I wish all of us just such a pastime.
  • And how many hearts were poured into your “piggy bank” today?
  • A man becomes happy thanks to a woman… And now, pay attention! Good. Daria. Woman. Appreciate each other.
  • Today I have a legitimate reason to wish everyone good luck in love affairs. And no one will dare to accuse me of being too preoccupied with romantic relationships.
  • Yes! We do not celebrate this holiday … But no one forbids giving gifts.
  • Let romance be in your life not only today, but always!
  • Do you know how your Valentine’s Day differs from mine? I don’t mark it. Because I’m celebrating my birthday!
  • All colors. Different, beautiful, donated and self-acquired! The main thing is to do it with love!
  • When love lives in the heart, the world around is beautiful, kind and bright. She really knows how to work miracles. Therefore, this is what I wish for all of you.
  • February 14th is not celebrated in Russia, but I am in favor of as much love as possible in the world. Therefore, accept my Valentine with the wishes of personal happiness.
  • Many people think that today’s holiday is far-fetched. What is it – the intrigues of marketers. That it was invented only in order to spend extra (and for some, not extra) money … So what? What’s wrong with spending money on pleasant surprises for your loved one? First, money is meant to be spent. And secondly: my money – what I want, I do with it!
  • On Valentine’s Day my cozy apartment turns into a romantic nest.
  • I want to confess: all of you are an object of adoration for me. Believe in sincere feelings!
  • The holiday is not Russian, but I celebrate. Since it brings with it joy, positive and reminds of eternal values, then it cannot be bad!
  • Today for some reason I remembered the wisest thought about love. Oddly enough, Winnie the Pooh said it: “If you live a hundred years, then I want to live a hundred years minus one day – I don’t want to live a single day without you!”
  • A little romance in life won’t hurt any of us. Jump into my romantic mood.
  • Happiness is where we are loved… Keep in mind, you are very loved on my page and are always welcome. Take care of this love!
  • So, I thought this holiday was stupid, and in the morning I saw a bouquet on the table from my beloved … and the day immediately became even happier.
  • It’s convenient that today you don’t need to talk about your love in colors, but you can just give a pink card and a bouquet – and everything becomes clear right away. Great day gave a great opportunity!
  • I don’t know if you celebrate Valentine’s Day and how you feel about it… But for me, this is a day that is few and far between. Therefore, I will not pass by him indifferently. And a photo with a memory of him simply must be immortalized on my page.
  • Today for some reason I remembered: “Force is measured in newtons, current strength, it seems, in amperes, and love, perhaps, in cupids … but rather, even in lucifers.”
  • If you are alone on this day, look back and look at life more broadly. There are so many things around that you can fall in love passionately and recklessly. Fall in love with a blossoming flower, morning coffee, a bird song outside the window, a stranger’s smile, a beautiful photo, a cool new song, your life – so amazing, filled with different people and events. Most importantly, live your days in love!
  • It doesn’t matter if it’s a Russian holiday or not. If my flower will give someone joy today, and a paper heart will cheer you up and strengthen faith in the kindness of this world, then I’m doing everything right!
  • Let the given hearts become a talisman, a talisman of our mutual love.
  • We were planning a romantic evening with red candles, but plans have changed. And today my friends and I are going to the bathhouse!
  • Love… I still don’t know how they live with it. But I don’t remember how I lived without it.
  • And among your friends, is it also considered that the one who received the most valentines is the most beautiful?
  • I would like to watch a horror film, eat chocolate with pepper or sea salt… In general, today I am a rebel. It’s strange, because I’m supposed to be a romantic on this day.
  • Let only mutual, bright, sincere love strike your hearts.
  • Today I’m scratching behind the ear of my adored cat, I gave him a Valentine card and a red bow, and confessed to him (incomparable) tender feelings. There was no return from him, but it does not upset me. Still, he is the best.
  • Lovers – love! Lonely – find! Lovers – save!
  • Today even a snack has a romantic look. To me it looks like this. And you?
  • Social networks exploded with declarations of love. Someone will receive a marriage proposal, someone will feel lonely, someone will say goodbye to their beloved forever to meet a new love … Well, I’m indifferent to this madness in February. Everyone gives valentines, but apparently I don’t have enough vitamins.
  • Anyone who does not notice Valentine’s Day is just a stale cracker!
  • Useful holiday. Let everyone remember that peace begins with love for one’s neighbor.

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  • How to sign a Valentine’s card for your boyfriend
  • What to write in a Valentine’s card to your girlfriend
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  • Valentine’s signature in English with translation

The name valentines comes from the name of the person after whom this holiday is named. Saint Valentine patronizes lovers all over the world. The words that will be addressed in the valentine should tell about warm feelings for her or him, about tenderness and affection. In just a few phrases or a short poem, you need be able to convey your love .

How to sign a Valentine’s card for a boyfriend

Girls are much more serious about Valentine’s cards, looking for the right words, adding something of themselves to fully reveal what they feel in relation to a particular person.

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to once again tell your boyfriend about love or hint about feelings to someone you like

You can sign a Valentine card in poetic form , for example:

  1. Always charming
    And irresistible.
    My attractive,
    You are so alone!
  1. Happy Valentine’s Day,
    Feelings are overflowing.
    My only man,
    Take your Valentine!
  1. I’m sending my Valentine card,
    Happy Valentine’s Day!
    We will always be there,
    Trouble will not touch us!
  1. On Valentine’s Day
    I am writing to someone I love.
    So I hope for reciprocity!
    Write to me. I’m looking forward to it.

Signature for a Valentine’s card for a guy in verse

Valentine’s card is not just a card in the shape of a heart, it is a real declaration of love . The most important thing in it is the words that the beloved guy rereads more than once. You can tell about your feelings in prose :

  1. Love is always madness. I go crazy about you!
  2. Every new day I fall in love with you again. Every day my love for you grows more and more.
  3. I often fall in love. And every time – in you.
  4. If every time you appear in my thoughts, a rose would grow, the whole world would turn into a lush garden.
  5. You are the best on this planet, you are the most beautiful thing in my life.
  6. I give you the keys to my heart.

And, of course, don’t forget about the main gift, to which you will attach a valentine. For example, a beloved girl can be presented with a golden heart-pendant, and a girl can present her boyfriend with silver cufflinks of an original design.

Gold pendant with diamonds, SL (price on link)

Silver cufflinks, SL (price on link)

What to write on a Valentine’s card for your girlfriend

To sign a Valentine’s card for your girlfriend, you just need to look into the heart. If this is really love, then the words to express it will be found on their own

They can be written in a valentine card or sent as a message. If the words do not come up in any way, then you can use the hints:

  1. There is no better girl on the planet than you! I am happy that we are together, and I am ready to be with you all my life.
  2. I’m going crazy, but it’s a wonderful feeling, because only madness means true love.
  3. Every day I fall in love with you more and more, love for you has already filled my heart without a trace. The day will soon come when every cell in my body will scream love for you.
  4. Be my favorite! I will do everything to make you the happiest girl in the world!
  5. We met only recently, but you have already turned my whole world upside down and painted it in different colors. I love you sincerely and hopefully ask: will you be my Valentine?

Original valentine’s signature for a girl

Valentine’s Day is a holiday when you need to talk about your feelings. But if there is a fear that the girl will reject or even ridicule the declaration of love, then you can use anonymous valentine . You can tell about your feelings in Russian or in a foreign language.

How to say “I love you” in several languages:

  • in English – I love you;
  • in Italian – Ti amo;
  • in German – Ich liebe Dich;
  • in Spanish – Te quiero;
  • in French – Je t’aime.

Any girl will like it if her boyfriend makes a postcard with his own hands, and not just buys it in a store. To make it, you can download a sample of valentines from the Internet, transfer it to paper or cardboard and cut it out. It can be quite small, the size of a palm and contain one capacious phrase.

An example of short love inscriptions on valentines:

  • rose is beautiful, violet is pure, and honey is as sweet as you;
  • you are the most beautiful thing I have;
  • you are my world and my life;
  • your heart and mine are now one.

Valentine’s signature for a girl in verse

How to write a Valentine’s card for a boy friend

Valentine’s cards can be signed not only for your beloved guy, but also just for a good friend .

You can confess sincere friendship or wish to meet your only love, if this has not happened yet.
I wish such love,
To the very end!

  1. On this February day
    I want to wish you:
    Great love, as if in a fairy tale,
    And never lose heart!
  1. Congratulations on Valentine’s Day,
    I sincerely wish you love,
    Let the feelings be sincere,
    Cupid will not forget about you.

Valentine’s signature for a friend

Or a small prose message :

  1. You are my best friend. You are my soul mate. I feel very good with you, may our friendship never end!
  2. Buddy! Happy Valentine’s Day! I wish you to meet your true and mutual love!
  3. Thank you for our friendship, thank you for being in the world! Happy Valentine’s Day!
  4. You are a wonderful person, and I believe that soon you will meet a girl with whom you will have a real and bright feeling.

You can also use short phrases in which a sincere wish of love will fit:

  1. Open your heart, your happiness will soon knock on it!
  2. I love you like a friend! I wish you happiness!
  3. My dear friend! You are a bright soul! I’m glad that I have you.
  4. May our friendship last forever!

How to write a Valentine card to a girlfriend

Happy is the person who has a real girlfriend. Even if the girl and the guy are not connected by romantic feelings, you can also send her a valentine letter with congratulations. Also, girlfriends often congratulate each other on Valentine’s Day.

In a postcard to your best friend, write about how dear she is, with a declaration of friendly love for her

If friends have their own affectionate nicknames , then you can write a congratulation, starting with these words. You need to try to put all your warm feelings into a short text and express your attitude towards her.

Approximate content of valentines for a friend:

  1. My best friend,
    I want to congratulate you.
    With all my heart I wish a friend,
    So that he also loves you.
  1. On the holiday of lovers of the whole earth
    I want to wish you love.
    But only not unrequited,
    But mutual, big and bright!

Valentine’s signature for a friend

You can also congratulate your best friend in a joking way , because long friendships build trusting and warm relationships:

  1. My dear friend, today Cupid knocked on my window and said that he starts hunt you. I asked him to shoot his arrows only at the most beautiful, tall, intelligent, well-mannered and kind oligarchs! So wait, your prince will come to you soon! He may already be at your door!
  2. Dear friend! Today is a wonderful holiday – Valentine’s Day. I wish you to finally meet your Valentine, or maybe Valery, or Alexander, Kirill. It doesn’t matter what name he will have, the main thing is that he loves you with all his heart and carries you in his arms, often kisses and gives you many gifts.

Valentine’s signature in English with translation

Don’t be shy on Valentine’s Day. When, if not on this day, you can safely confess your feelings and let the person know how expensive he is? You can act in an original way and write a confession in verse or prose in English. How would a valentine in English – Valentine’s Day Card or Valentine Card, or just Valentine.

Valentine card in English

Examples of how to write Valentine cards in English. Under each confession there is a translation into Russian:

  1. My Dear, I wrote your name into the sky,
    But the wind blew it away.
    I wrote your name into the sand,
    But the waves washed it away.
    I wrote your name into my heart,
    And forever it will stay.

In Russian it means:

My dear, I wrote your name in the sky,
But the wind blew it away.
Then I drew your name in the sand,
But the waves washed it away. Then I wrote your name on my heart,
There it will remain forever.

  1. If apples were pears,
    And peaches were plums,
    And the rose had a
    Different name,
    If tigers were bears,
    And fingers were thumbs,
    I’d love you just the same.

In Russian:

Even if apples turn into pears,
And peaches turn into plums,
Rose will change her name,
And tigers will become bears,
And all the fingers of the hand will turn into thumbs,
My love to you will remain the same.

Valentine card in different languages ​​with translation

You can also use short phrases for valentines in English:

  1. Be my loved one, be my Valentine?! Will you be my Valentine?
  2. Be my Valentine for the rest of my life. Be my Valentine for life!
  3. You are my true love, and you will always be my Valentine.

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