Nombres con n de mujer: Wikiproyecto:Nombres propios/libro de los nombres/n

Nombres con n de mujer: Wikiproyecto:Nombres propios/libro de los nombres/n

100 Nombres con N para niña, origen y significado.

¿Estás buscando un nombre lindo para tu bebé? sin duda es uno de los momentos más emocionantes del embarazo. En Poder Mamá creamos esta lista de nombres con N para niña que seguro te encantarán.

Estos son 100 nombres con N para niña, te decimos el origen y significado de cada uno de ellos. Nombres cortos, largos, originales, modernos, clásicos, internacionales y una gran variedad de nombres para mujer que empiezan con la letra N. Elige el nombre perfecto para tu bebé.

Nombres con N para niña


Origen de Nabila: Árabe.

Significado de Nabila: Noble, honorable.

2. Nacira

Origen de Nacira: Árabe.

Significado de Nacira: Victoriosa.

3. Nadia

Origen de Nadia: Eslavo.

Significado de Nadia: Esperanza.

4. Nadine

Origen de Nadine: Francés.

Significado de Nadine: Esperanza.

5. Naia

Origen de Naia: Griego.

Significado de Naia: Deseada.

6. Naida

Origen de Naida: Griego.

Significado de Naida: Ninfa del agua.

7. Nailea

Origen de Nailea: Árabe.

Significado de Nailea: La de ojos grandes.

8. Naima

Origen de Naima: Árabe.

Significado de Naima: Feliz.

9. Nain

Origen de Nain: Árabe.

Significado de Nain: De gran belleza.

10. Naira

Origen de Naira: Quechua.

Significado de Naira: Maravillosa.

11. Naisha

Origen de Naisha: Hindú.

Significado de Naisha: Especial.

12. Najla

Origen de Najla: Árabe.

Significado de Najla: De ojos grandes.

13. Najwa

Origen de Najwa: Árabe.

Significado de Najwa: Susurro.

14. Naki

Origen de Naki: Africano.

Significado de Naki: Primera hija.

15. Nala

Origen de Nala: Swajili.

Significado de Nala: Regalo.

16. Namiko

Origen de Namiko: Japonés.

Significado de Namiko: La niña de la ola.

17. Nana

Origen de Nana: Hawaiano.

Significado de Nana: Mes de primavera.

18. Nancy

Origen de Nancy: Hebreo.

Significado de Nancy: Llena de gracia.

19. Nanda

Origen de Nanda: Germánico.

Significado de Nanda: Valiente.

20. Nao

Origen de Nao: Japonés.

Significado de Nao: Amorosa.

Nombres bonitos con N para niña



Origen de Naoki: Japonés.

Significado de Naoki: Árbol recto.

22. Naolí

Origen de Naolí: Náhuatl.

Significado de Naolí: Verdad.

23. Naomi

Origen de Naomi: Hebreo.

Significado de Naomi: Alegría.

24. Nara

Origen de Nara: Griego.

Significado de Nara: Felicidad.

25. Narcisa

Origen de Narcisa: Griego.

Significado de Narcisa: La embriagadora.

26. Narda

Origen de Narda: Germánico.

Significado de Narda: Valiente y audaz.

27. Narel

Origen de Narel: Aborigen Australiano.

Significado de Narel: Mujer que viene del mar.

28. Narine

Origen de Narine: Griego.

Significado de Narine: Ninfa del mar.

29. Nashia

Origen de Nashia: Árabe.

Significado de Nashia: Juventud.

30. Nashwa

Origen de Nashwa: Árabe.

Significado de Nashwa: Euforia.

31. Nasima

Origen de Nasima: Árabe.

Significado de Nasima: Suave brisa.

32. Nasira

Origen de Nasira: Árabe.

Significado de Nasira: Ayudante.

33. Nastya

Origen de Nastya: Griego.

Significado de Nastya: Resurrección.

34. Natalia

Origen de Natalia: Latino

Significado de Natalia: Nacida en Navidad.

35. Natanya

Origen de Natanya: Hebreo.

Significado de Natanya: Dios ha dado.

36. Natasha

Origen de Natasha: Latino.

Significado de Natasha: Nacida en Navidad.

37. Natsu

Origen de Natsu: Japonés.

Significado de Natsu: Verano.

38. Natsuko

Origen de Natsuko: Japonés.

Significado de Natsuko: Nacida en Verano.

39. Nayeli

Origen de Nayeli: Zapoteco.

Significado de Nayeli: Te quiero.

40. Nayla

Origen de Nayla: Árabe.

Significado de Nayla: De ojos grandes.

Nombres para niña que comienzan con N

41. Nazaret

Origen de Nazaret: Hebreo.

Significado de Nazaret: Amada por Dios.

42. Nazli

Origen de Nazli: Árabe.

Significado de Nazli: Delicada y bella.

43. Nediva

Origen de Nediva: Hebreo.

Significado de Nediva: Noble y generosa.

44. Neema

Origen de Neema: Egipcio.

Significado de Neema: Nacida en abundancia.

45. Neila

Origen de Neila: Hebreo.

Significado de Neila: Cierre.

46. Neima

Origen de Neima: Hebreo.

Significado de Neima: Fuerte.

47. Neira

Origen de Neira: Hebreo.

Significado de Neira: Iluminada.

48. Neiva

Origen de Neiva: Latino.

Significado de Neiva: Nieve.

49. Nekane

Origen de Nekane: Vasco.

Significado de Nekane: Dolor.

50. Nela

Origen de Nela: Latino.

Significado de Nela: Dios con nosotros.

51. Nelani

Origen de Nelani: Latino.

Significado de Nelani: Dios con nosotros.

52. Nelda

Origen de Nelda: Escocés.

Significado de Nelda: De los árboles del Aliso.

53. Nelia

Origen de Nelia: Latino.

Significado de Nelia: Cuerno pequeño.

54. Nélida

Origen de Nélida: Árabe.

Significado de Nélida: Dios es mi luz.

55. Nelly

Origen de Nelly: Hebreo.

Significado de Nelly: Dios es mi luz.

56. Nema

Origen de Nema: Tibetano.

Significado de Nema: Sol bendito.

57. Nemesia

Origen de Nemesia: Griego.

Significado de Nemesia: La que hace justicia.

58. Nerea

Origen de Nerea: Griego.

Significado de Nerea: La mujer del mar.

59. Nereida

Origen de Nereida: Griego.

Significado de Nereida: La mujer del mar.

60. Nery

Origen de Nery: Inglés.

Significado de Nery: Dios es mi luz.

Nombres femeninos con N

61. Nevada

Origen de Nevada: Latino.

Significado de Nevada: Nieve.

62. Niara

Origen de Niara: Africano.

Significado de Niara: De grandes propósitos.

63. Nicole

Origen de Nicole: Griego.

Significado de Nicole: La que lleva la victoria.

64. Nicoleta

Origen de Nicoleta: Italiano.

Significado de Nicoleta: Victoriosa.

65. Nicte

Origen de Nicte: Maya.

Significado de Nicte: Flor.

66. Nidia

Origen de Nidia: Griego.

Significado de Nidia: Nido.

67. Nieves

Origen de Nieves: Latino.

Significado de Nieves: Inmensamente blanca.

68. Nika

Origen de Nika: Ruso.

Significado de Nika: Nacida en Domingo.

69. Nikita

Origen de Nikita: Hindú.

Significado de Nikita: Templo.

70. Nilda

Origen de Nilda: Germánico.

Significado de Nilda: Mujer poderosa.

71. Nilsa

Origen de Nilsa: Escandinavo.

Significado de Nilsa: Victoriosa.

72. Nina

Origen de Nina: Hebreo.

Significado de Nina: La bondadosa.

73. Ninette

Origen de Ninette: Ruso.

Significado de Ninette: Gracia.

74. Nínive

Origen de Nínive: Asirio.

Significado de Nínive: Madre de los dioses.

75. Nirelle

Origen de Nirelle: Hebreo.

Significado de Nirelle: La luz de Dios.

76. Nirvana

Origen de Nirvana: Sánscrito.

Significado de Nirvana: Liberación.

77. Nisa

Origen de Nisa: Canario.

Significado de Nisa: La vendida.

78. Nitza

Origen de Nitza: Hebreo.

Significado de Nitza: Capullo de flor.

79. Niurka

Origen de Niurka: Ruso.

Significado de Niurka: Piel de visón.

80. Niyati

Origen de Niyati: Hindú.

Significado de Niyati: Destino.

Más nombres con N para niña

81. Noelani

Origen de Noelani: Hawaiano.

Significado de Noelani: Niña del cielo.

82. Noelia

Origen de Noelia: Francés.

Significado de Noelia: Nacida en Navidad.

83. Noelle

Origen de Noelle: Francés.

Significado de Noelle: Navidad.

84. Noemí

Origen de Noemí: Hebreo.

Significado de Noemí: Dulzura.

85. Noha

Origen de Noha: Árabe.

Significado de Noha: Sabia.

86. Nohi

Origen de Nohi: Hawaiano.

Significado de Nohi: Brillo del arcoíris.

87. Nola

Origen de Nola: Irlandés.

Significado de Nola: Noble.

88. Nona

Origen de Nona: Latino.

Significado de Nona: Novena.

89. Noor

Origen de Noor: Árabe.

Significado de Noor: Iluminada.

90. Nora

Origen de Nora: Griego.

Significado de Nora: Bella como el sol.

91. Noreen

Origen de Noreen: Irlandés.

Significado de Noreen: Luz.

92. Norma

Origen de Norma: Latino.

Significado de Norma: La que pone las reglas.

93. Nubia

Origen de Nubia: Egipcio.

Significado de Nubia: Consagrada a Anubis.

94. Numa

Origen de Numa: Árabe.

Significado de Numa: Bella y agradable.

95. Nuna

Origen de Nuna: Quechua.

Significado de Nuna: Espíritu.

96. Nura

Origen de Nura: Arameo.

Significado de Nura: La luz del señor.

97. Nuray

Origen de Nuray: Turco.

Significado de Nuray: Luna brillante.

98. Nuria

Origen de Nuria: Catalán.

Significado de Nuria: Lugar entre colinas.

99. Nuru

Origen de Nuru: Egipcio.

Significado de Nuru: Nacida durante el día.

100. Nya

Origen de Nya: Escocés.

Significado de Nya: La que brilla.

Lista completa de nombres con N para niña

Descarga aquí la lista completa de nombres con N para niña. Imprímela y llévala contigo mientras eliges el nombre perfecto para tu bebé.

Otros nombres para niña

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98 nombres de niña que empiezan por N

Si estás pensando en cómo llamar a tu bebé y quieres que la primera letra sea una N, aquí tienes una amplia variedad de opciones entre las que elegir


  • Familia
  • Bebés
  • Niñas
  • El Rey León
  • Italia
  • Japón
  • Nata
  • Nieve
  • Nombres de niña
  • País Vasco

Hay familias que tienen muy claro cómo llamar a su hija mucho antes de que esta nazca. Otras, en cambio, le dan vueltas y vueltas hasta que dan con el que termina por convencerles. Si perteneces a este segundo grupo y no sabes  aún qué nombre poner a tu bebé, sigue leyendo porque puede que este artículo te interese. 

Cualquier criterio es válido para elegir el nombre definitivo, desde buscas aquellos que sean más populares, hasta inspirarte en algún personaje de ficción que te guste, decantarte por uno sonoramente bonito, seguir la tradición familiar o, sencillamente, buscar y buscar hasta dar con uno que encaje con tus gustos. Por eso te proponemos que en este caso consultes la lista de nombres que empiezan por N que hemos elaborado para ti, porque puede que en ella des con el definitivo para tu pequeña.  

  • Nekane. Es la forma vasca de Dolores.
  • Noemí. De origen hebreo, significa “mi dulzura”, “mi delicia”.
  • Natalia. Variante de Natal, hace referencia a la fecha en la que nació Jesucristo.
  • Naira. Nombre de origen inca que significa maravillosa.
  • Naiara. Nombre cuyo origen radica en la Virgen María de Nájera (La Rioja), localidad que se documenta como Naiara.
  • Noelia. Adaptación de la forma francesa Natal. “El día vitalicio”, fecha en la que nació Jesucristo. Como Natalia.
  • Niurka. Nombre de origen ruso.
  • Nancy. Diminutivo de Nan, también se relaciona con el nombre Anne, Ana. Es muy popular en los países anglosajones.
  • Nadine. Nombre francés que es una variante de Nadia; significa “esperanza”.


  • Nala. De origen africano, es famoso por el nombre de la leona compañera de Simba en ‘El Rey León’.
  • Nagore. Nombre euskera relacionado con la localidad de Artzibar y el nombre de la Virgen María que se da en la zona.
  • Nahia. Significa “deseo”, y es muy común en el País Vasco. Sus variantes son Naia, Gure y Nahikari.
  • Nahara. Significa “Luz”.
  • Nina. Hipocorístico ruso de Anna.
  • Naroa. Nombre de origen vasco relacionado con el adjetivo homónimo, que se traduce por “tranquila”.
  • Nora. Abreviación de Eleonora, es una nombre que ha adquirido con el tiempo en toda propia.
  • Narel. De origen australiano, significa mujer que viene del mar.
  • Nazaret. Significa “Aquella que procede de Nazaret”. Su diminutivo, Naza, es otro nombre con ene.
  • Neus. Significa Nieves en catalán.
  • Nebai. Nombre de origen bíblico que significa “profetizando”.
  • Nerea. Forma femenina de Nereo, su significado no genera consenso, si bien se cree que proviene del griego ‘náo’.
  • Nya. De origen gaélico, significa “lustroso”.
  • Nuria. Significa “lugar del poblado entre los cerros”. Nombre muy popular en nuestro país aunque no sea de los que más se ponen en los últimos años.
  • Neila. De origen hebreo, significa “cerrar”.
  • Numa. Significa “bello y agradable”.
  • Nira. De origen hebreo, significa “campo arado”. Variantes: Niran, Nirela, Nirit.
  • Navit. “Bella” es él significado de este nombre de origen hebreo.
  • Nayla. Significa “La que alcanza una meta”.
  • Nadia. Diminutivo del nombre ruso Nadezhna, que significa “esperanza”.
  • Norma. Femenino de Norman, nombre inglés que significa “la mujer del norte”.
  • Nissa. De origen hebreo, significa “poner a prueba”. Variantes: Nis, Nissnana, Nissanit, Nyssa.
  • Najwa: de origen árabe, es un nombre popular por la actriz de ‘La casa de papel’ Najwa Nimri.
  • Naila. Nombre cuyo significado es “exitosa”. Variante: Nailah, Nayla, Naylah.
  • Nara. Nombre con varias referencias, es una ciudad de Japón y también se relaciona coña tradición hindú.
  • Neiva. Significa Nieve, y otras variantes son Neives, Neva y Nevya.
  • Nyx: de origen griego, significa “noche”.
  • Nahid. Sígnifica “elevada”.
  • Nut. Diosa del cielo, creadora del universo en la mitología egipcia.
  • Nori. Significa “ley”.
  • Nerissa. De origen italiano, significa “de pelo oscuro”. Se relaciona con el personaje de Nericcia, de “El Mercader de Venecia”.
  • Nakia. De origen árabe, significa “pura”.

Fuente: iStock

  • Nixie. De origen germánico, significa “ninfa, hada del agua”.
  • Nika. Significa “Perteneciente a Dios o nacida en domingo”.
  • Nelly. Diminutivo de Eleanor. También se escucha en español Neli. Otra variante es Nellie.
  • Naysa. De origen hebreo, significa “milagro De Dios”.
  • Nereida. Nombre de origen griego, significa ninfa. Otra posibilidad es que derive del nombre griego Nereus, padre de las Nereidas.
  • Naoki. Nombre japonés que significa “Árbol recto”.
  • Nicoleta. Variante femenina de Nikolatos, “vencedor”.
  • Nadezhda. Nombre ruso que significa “Esperanza”.
  • Nanda. Variante del nombre germánico Fernanda.
  • Noga. De origen judío, significa “brillo”.
  • Neha. Nombre femenino de origen sánscrito. Significa amor.
  • Niobe. De origen griego, era el nombre de una hija de Tántalo y esposa de Anfión, rey de Tebas.
  • Nieves. Una de las advocaciones a la a la virgen María; Nuestra Señora de las Nieves.
  • Nabila. Significa “honor” este nombre de origen árabe.
  • Neith. “La madre divina” es su significado.
  • Navia. Nombre que se relaciona con el municipio de Asturias homónimo.
  • Nadira. De origen árabe, significa “rara, preciosa”.
  • Nolwenn. Nombre de origen bretón que significa “aquella que es pura”. Se suele utilizar, en España, su diminutivo, Noli o Noly.
  • Nelda. “De los árboles del Aliso” es su significado.
  • Natascha. Forma rusa de Natalia, nombre que hace referencia a la fecha en la que nació Jesucristo, el día de Navidad.
  • Neo. Significa regalo este nombre unisex.
  • Noya. “Bella, ornamentada” es su significado.
  • Nayra. De origen latino, significa “maravillosa”.
  • Nata. Diminutivo de “Natividad”. Variante: Nati. Significa “Esperanza”.
  • Natia: otra variante de Natividad.
  • Nemesia: “La que hace justicia distributiva”, forma femenina de Nemesio.
  • Nadda. De origen árabe, significa “generosa”.
  • Nida. De origen árabe, significa “la llamada”.
  • Nuru. Nombre unisex que significa “nacido durante el día”.
  • Neftis. Diosa egipcia esposa de Set.
  • Nazanin. Nombre de origen persa común en Irán y en otros países como Afganistán.
  • Nunila. De origen latino, significa “noveno”. Su variante es Nona.
  • Nilda. Es el diminutivo de Brunhilda: “preparada para la batalla”.
  • Niyati. De origen hindú, significa “destino”.
  • Natalina. Variante de Natalie y de Natalia.
  • Nimat. De origen árabe, “bendición”. Variante: Nima.
  • Nyura. Significa “Con gracia, llena de gracia”.
  • Nui. Nombre de origen japonés que significa “tapiz”.
  • Neit. Diosa de la guerra y de la caza en el Antiguo Egipto. Variantes: Net o Neth.
  • Nagida. De origen hebreo, significa “noble”.
  • Nyoko. Nombre japonés que significa “joya del tesoro”.
  • Narel. De origen australiano, significa “mujer del mar”. Su variante es Narelle.
  • Nova. De origen latino, significa “nueva”, pero también es un término astrológico, “estrella muy brillante”.
  • Neftalí. De origen hebreo, “que lucha”.
  • Nasrin. De origen persa, significa “Rosa silvestre”.
  • Nelia. De origen español, es el diminutivo de Cornelia.
  • Naida. Nombre griego que significa “ninfa del agua”.
  • Noa. De origen hebreo, “moción, movimiento”, aunque también se relaciona con el término hebreo de “delicia”.
  • Naeva. Nombre francés alternativo a EVa.
  • Norberta. De origen germano, femenino de Norberto, que significa “hombre famoso venido del norte”.

Fuente: iStock

  • Nicola: de origen italiano, es un nombre unisex. Una variante es Nicoletta.
  • Najam. De origen árabe, significa “estrella”.
  • Narcisa. De origen griego, es la forma femenina de Narciso, personaje mitológico que se enamoró de su propio reflejo.
  • Nikki. Variante de Nicole.
  • Ninfa. De origen griego, su significado es el personaje mitológico femenino representado por un hada de los bosques.
  • Nahir. De origen árabe, significa “como el arroyo manso”.
  • Nelle. De origen griego, significa “piedra”.
  • Natividad. Del latín, ‘nativitas’, significa “nacimiento”. En concreto, hace referencia al de Jesucristo.

Film Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Spain, 1988) – Movie Poster


Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios, Spain, 1988

Buy tickets

About the film Cast Schedule Reviews (9)Similar

Tragicomedy Pedro Almodóvar

Spanish dubbed “Johnny Guitar”: she is Joan Crawford, he is Sterling Hayden. Loved as passionately as in the movie. Or rather, she loved it. Now she has one stuffy Madrid night to find out where he is running, with whom, when, and in the right place at the right time to arrange a showdown between the traitor and rival – cleaner than in the old western.


Genry -sided

Director Director Almodovar

Date 28 minutes

Date of Output14 March

Release date in Russia November3 2022

Age restriction16+

9000 9000 , Rossi de Palma, Kitty Manver, Guillermo Montesinos, Chus Lampreave, Eduardo Calvo, Loles Leon,

Special Offers




    • Domzhur Cinema


      of 300 ₽

9000 9000

73 years, films: 23

Prior to Almodóvar, films about drug addicts, transvestites, terrorists and punks were camera-twitching, incoherent and riddled with antisocial sentiment. Almodovar filmed the lives of these people in the imperial style of old Hollywood – in the spirit of the melodramas of Douglas Sirk (“The Law of Desire”, “High Heels”) or the comedies of Billy Wilder (“Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”, “Tie Me!”), it is no coincidence that Wilder lobbied “Women” for an Oscar. Almodovar received an Oscar only in the 21st century – first for the best foreign-language film All About My Mother, then for the script for Talk to Her – when God-seeking manifested itself in his films. However, he will go down in history as a singer of sensual joy and a lawyer for the marginals: he spoke about prostitutes and pederasts in the same way as they talked about millionaires in the 50s.


2016, melodrama

Uponed hugs

2009, thriller

pain and glory

2019, drama

Parallel mothers

2021, drama


2020, short -grade

I am very excited

2013, Comedy

All About My Mother

1999, Drama

The Skin I Live In

2011, Drama

Talk to Her



2006, Tragicomedy

Bad Education

2004, Thriller

Living Flesh

1997, Thriller

What did I do to deserve this?

1984, tragicomedy

The immodest charm of vice

1983, drama

Law of desire

1987, comedy

Bind me

1989, drama


1993, comedy

Flower of my secrets

19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 19000 1995, drama


1986, detective

High heels

1991, drama

Reviews “Women on the verge of nervous breakdown”

Alexey Vasiliev

908 reviews, 923 grades, rating, rating 1620


Spanish dubbed “Johnny Guitar”: she is Joan Crawford, he is Sterling Hayden. Loved as passionately as in the movie. Or rather, she loved it. Now she has one stuffy Madrid night to find out where he is running, with whom, when, and in the right place at the right time to arrange a showdown between the traitor and rival – cleaner than in the old western.

The film opens like a typical movie about cinema, with quotes, artsy 1920s-style editing, and grotesque black-and-white inserts under “8 1/2”. However, soon through the phantasmagoria of other people’s images, Almodóvar’s own directorial voice, Carabas-Barabas, begins to cut through like no one else – multi-colored caricature figures that play a comedy in the kitsch interior of fashion shows, movie premieres, daytime TV shows, evening restaurants and night taxis. The confusion takes on the features of a perfect scenario (a prize at the IFF in Venice), where a damn dozen storylines converge into a highway of one story. Stories that if a man throws – immediately into the noose, if a girlfriend puts horns – for a gun, if they don’t love in return – force them under torture, and if you need to fight, then fight. Like in the old uncompromising cinema; this is how the phantasmagoria of the prologue finds its logical place in this unsurpassed humorous film puzzle about the integrity of feelings.

May 11, 2007

Best reviews of the movie “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” At least once. Life turns into a pointlessly painful question: “did he call?”. There are disturbing dreams. And the reality is so absurd that it also seems like a dream. When you stumble over someone’s sympathetic gaze, you want to fall into an empty, echoing silence. Don’t see, don’t hear, don’t think, don’t know. Only one thing is important: “he didn’t call?”

In such a desperate state we find the main character of the film, Pepa (Carmen Maura). She is having a hard time breaking up with her impossibly beautiful man (the first role of Banderas in a movie), finds out that she is pregnant, feverishly rushes around Madrid at night to inform him about it. At this inopportune moment, a friend appears on the threshold of her apartment with a desperate story of her own: her terrorist lover has just been arrested, and the police must already be on her trail. Following her, the first wife of the unfaithful lover will appear – a crazy woman with false eyelashes and a real gun; their son and fiancee; phone repairman and, finally, police officers.
A culinary virtuoso, Almodovar prepares a painting based on a Spanish gazpacho recipe. Tomatoes (a lot of red), cucumbers (helpless men), salt (tangled intrigue), onions (male betrayal), a little water (women’s tears), vinegar (female deceit), pepper (tough humor will add sharpness) … and most importantly , mix well.
A skilled manipulator, Almodovar first forces the viewer to experience one stage after another of a neurosis. At first you choke in the rolling waves of despair. You balance on the edge. Then you indifferently watch the comedy of the absurd, which was once your life. Sometimes it’s even funny. Then you act feverishly, thoughtlessly. And finally, at the end of spiritual strength – the long-awaited denouement. Catharsis. Release.
I don’t know of a better cure for neurosis and stress than this film by Almodovar. It is also recommended as a prophylactic during the autumn-spring depression.

July 30, 2009

Xana Lee

7 reviews, 8 ratings, rating 37


“Women’s theme” is generally very strong in Almodovar. It was to her that he dedicated such amazing films as “All About My Mother”, “Kika”, “Return”. The Casanova woman in a skirt is dedicated to Almodovar’s book Pitti Difusa, which, as usual with this director, is full of comedy and naturalism.

“Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” did not become an explosion, but did not leave anyone indifferent – definitely.
This film has a lot of comedy, a lot of different alterations and incidents. Several heroes constantly intersect, get confused under each other’s feet. One heroine escapes from the police, the other is looking for a lover to tell him that she is pregnant. Together they go to a female lawyer, who, as it turns out later, is the new passion of a runaway lover.
Additional advertising is that the film was the film debut for Antonio Banderas.

June 22, 2008

Olesiya Yuryevna

36 reviews, 35 ratings, rating 35 Almodovar’s films are international, one cannot say that this is how women in Spain experience it. This is how women feel and live. In any country in the world. Showing it on the movie screen is brilliant.

August 4, 2011

Pavel Lyagin

101 reviews, 389 ratings, rating 278


a…..*a malicious smile on his face*… Almodovar is simply a genius! He is just the creator of the Rubik’s Cube, which only he can solve in the time that he needs … and he does it consciously, intentionally and …! the most important thing! enjoy the process!
I don’t know what thoughts overwhelmed the Spanish master in 1988… but it seems to me that this is FUCKING, A PARODY of all these sugary and vulgar soap operas, which even then greatly complicated the ordinary life of ordinary Spanish /hereinafter everywhere/ women
when I watched this film, I caught myself thinking that Almodovar presented the audience with a COCKTAIL! yaaaa!!! namely a cocktail of tomatoes, peppers, onions . .. which “the main thing is to skillfully mix” © Pepe / Carmen Maura, but this is not Maura’s words, these are the director’s words. He knows WHERE, WITH WHOM and, most importantly, HOW! he interferes … yes, it interferes so much …. on the verge of a foul, but precisely on the verge, skillfully balancing !!

watching his films, I always thought that the Spaniard, as a true connoisseur of men (after all, almost all of his films are an exception), puts the male gender at the head and starts twisting and turning, trying to find out the truth, or rather, he knows it from the very beginning, just and exclusively for the layman, for the viewer. In this film, the picture is reversed, he put 4 women, 2 men, 2 storylines and a lot of tomato cocktail in front of us ….))) This is just the most sparkling, dizzying story about what happens to women when they brought “to the point”, when all the ordinary options are at zero, when behind you there is only the edge of the cornice of your attic, when there is a lot of everything behind – and there is emptiness in front . .. and this emptiness must be overcome, no matter what … and each HOW CAN, does it… and does it great! All 2 hours the cocktail is bubbling, bubbling, and only at the end you can fall asleep, fall asleep from the sleeping pills thrown into it, but only at the end, before just the picture will not allow)))

September 30, 2010

Igor Sinelnikoff

413 reviews, 450 ratings, rating 395


Tell me who is more cult director in the eyes of the masses, and I will answer: “That’s right Pedro Almodovar”. Only now the masses watched practically nothing but The Return, where Penelope Cruz again flashed. And the outrageous Spaniard has a couple of WELL VERY worthy works included in the golden fund of cinema.

“Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” filmed in the distant 1988, and the overall picture is very different from what Almodovar is shooting now. Up until All About My Mother, oddly enough, he filmed kitsch, heartbreaking melodramas bordering on burlesque, using the most flashy tones and costumes, turning often serious plots into third-rate “soap”. But this was the charm of Almodovar, what brought him worldwide recognition.

Once Jean Cocteau wrote the heartbreaking text “The Human Voice”, a play in one act, the main and only heroine of which pours all her sorrows and sufferings into someone’s pipe for twenty-five minutes. Pedro Almodovar, having his eye on this monologue, managed in his unique manner to smear it for an hour and a half, giving them to one of his favorite actresses, Carmen Maura. It’s also a curious phenomenon, it’s honorable to be “Almodovar’s actress”, his films are a great opportunity for the realization of an actor, especially women, the characters are extremely bright, and the director’s name is worldwide … Almost nowhere else have I seen his ladies, except perhaps in third-rate Spanish dramas, the exceptions were Gael Garcia Bernal, who had already made a bit of fame for himself in Mexico, Penelope Cruz, and Antonio Banderas, probably remembering old Almodovar films with red ears.

“Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” – multi-layer tape. The first thing we see is a burlesque comedy, a few days in the life of dubbing actress Pepa. Personally, it doesn’t seem to me that a woman experiences a breakup in this way, but it’s not for nothing that Pedro Almodovar received the title of an expert on ladies’ souls? Pepa’s grief is somewhat strange, when she speaks on the phone, a strong feeling is created that she is not looking for her lover in Madrid, but she herself is trying to prevent a terrorist act. Gazpacho with a horse dose of sleeping pills and a bed set on fire further blurs the reality of what is happening. The distortion of real emotions is exacerbated by plot twists with Ivan’s crazy wife, a girlfriend hiding from terrorists, a stepson who comforts this girlfriend for no reason, while his fiancée, unceremoniously drinking gazpacho … Anyone who has seen her face cannot but agree.

Is this how the average woman really experiences a breakup? With gunfights at the airport? Well, most likely, if a little more were allowed in this society, everything would be so.

Unfortunately, after the triumphant “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”, Almodovar broke up with Carmen Maura for personal reasons. He seemed to give her a benefit, just as brightly, a little later, Cecilia Roth will play in “All About My Mother”, perhaps the pinnacle of Pedro Almodovar’s work. Today, 1988 is an important milestone for the Spanish director himself and for the art of cinema in general.

June 10, 2010

All Reviews



What have I done to deserve this?

1984, tragicomedy

On the verge of rupture

1997, melodrama


1963, tragicomedy


2006, tragicomedy

American night

1973, melodrama

Read also

January 20000 9000 9000 9000 9000. Apple to make TV series based on Pedro Almodovar’s “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”0003

What to do in St. Petersburg from November 3 to 6

Tour of the Peredelkino Art House in New Holland, Balabanov Readings at Sevkabel Porto, the start of the Golden Mask in St. Petersburg, an exhibition by Valentin Gromov, a member of the Arefyev circle, and the festival “Wonder of the World” – we tell you how to spend a long holiday weekend in the city.

Exhibition by Valentin Gromov

KGallery opened an exhibition of one of the five members of the “Arefyev circle” Valentin Gromov. It turned out to be partly memorial, since Valentin Vladimirovich died 9October of this year. The exposition includes more than 30 paintings and graphic works from the collection of the artist’s family, KGallery itself, Isaac Kushnir, Anna and Leonid Franz, as well as the Matisse Club. These are both the early works of one of the leaders of the Leningrad underground, as well as later ones – portraits, evangelical stories and landscapes with views of St. Petersburg.

Until November 13, KGallery

Festival “Golden Mask in St. Petersburg”

The regional festival from the main theater award of the country “Golden Mask” is again held in St. Petersburg. This week we are watching a choreographic evening on the Alexandrinsky stage with performances by Akram Khan, Jiri Kilian and Sharon Eyal. We wrote more about them here.

Until November 27

The play “The Taming of the Shrew”, Theater. Moscow City Council


Tovstonogov on Thursday and Friday show a tour performance of the Theater. Moscow Council “The Taming of the Shrew” based on the play of the same name by Shakespeare – directed by Andrei Konchalovsky. The main roles are played by Yulia Vysotskaya, Alexei Rozin, Alexander Filippenko, Alexei Grishin, Alexander Bobrovsky and Anton Anosov. Incidentally, this is not Konchalovsky’s first reference to this text by Shakespeare. In 2014, he staged The Taming of the Shrew in Italian at the Teatro Stabile in Neapolitan.

November 3, 4, BDT im. Tovstonogov

Community Music Club


The Community space in New Holland already has its own Book Club, Cinema Club, and this week a music club will start. The theme of the next meeting is melancholic neoclassicism, that is, the works of Ludovico Einaudi, Evgeny Grinko, Arvo Pärt and many others. Read more here.

Concert of Anastasia Gordymanova and Daria Delman


In the Noise cabaret on Thursday, the star of the FULCRO theater (and our hearts) Anastasia Gordymanova, together with actress and singer Daria Delman, will perform hits from Soviet and Russian films. All soundtracks (you can already place your bets!) will be performed in a chamber format: with piano and guitar.

Nike Borzov’s concert


In summer one could listen to Nike Borzov in St. This time it’s a full-fledged tour with all the hits (“Horse”, “Riding a Star”, “One She”, “Three Words”!) And new songs. The formal occasion for a new meeting is an anniversary. This year, Nike Borzov turned 50 years old. The concert will take place in the club “Cosmonaut”.

The film “Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown” / Mujeres al borde de un ataque de (1988)

Bright and sentimental 1988 camp by the main feminist of Spanish cinema Pedro Almodovar is released in Russia. The cast includes all of his favorite women and men who have become his mascot actors for a long time: from Carmen Maura to Rossi de Palma and Antonio Banderas. This is a complicated story of how Pepa loved Ivan, and he left her, and his wife went crazy, and his son meets with a despotic bride, and Pepa’s best friend got in touch with a terrorist and is now afraid of the police. The script for “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown”, by the way, became the best at the Venice Film Festival.

From November 3, cinemas in the city

On the Line

Almost all of the main action of the thriller starring Mel Gibson takes place in the same building, according to the plot, belongs to the radio station. The eccentric presenter Elvis receives a live call from an unknown person who threatens to kill his wife and daughter if he does not reveal his secrets to the audience. It soon becomes clear that not only the showman’s family is under attack, but also all the employees of the radio station, since a bomb is hidden in the building. The film was directed and written by Romuald Boulanger, the author of the compact covid thriller In Touch for Amazon.

From November 3, cinemas of the city

The film “Lovers”

The author of “Petrushka Syndrome” Elena Khazanova made a comedy with Pavel Priluchny, Roman Kurtsyn and Alexei Zolotovitsky – a sequel to her own “Mistresses” with Yulia Alexandrova Bortich and Paulina Andreeva. Here, men who accidentally met at a psychological training decide to “take revenge on the insidious women” who cheat on their spouses. But they still do not quite understand how to help even themselves.

From November 3, cinemas of the city

The film “Peter I: The Last Tsar and the First Emperor”

Large-scale celebrations of the 350th anniversary of Peter I have reached the cinema. His biopic, filmed by the director of “Admiral”, “Viking” and “Union of Salvation” Andrei Kravchuk, is being released. The first emperor is played by several actors at once (at different ages). In his youth, this is Alexei Lukin, familiar to the audience for the numerous roles of schoolchildren (“Alice Can’t Wait”, “Late Night School”). In maturity – Ivan Kolesnikov (“Movement Up”). Konstantin Khabensky acted as the narrator.

From November 3, cinemas of the city

Film “Golden Neighbors”

The lyrical comedy was created under the Lenfilm brand and brought together Ivan Okhlobystin, Sergey Shnurov, Anastasia Melnikova, Georgy Shtilnikov Strugachev, Alexander Bashirov, Svetlana Nemolyaev, Leah Akhedzhakova and many others. It is about the neighbors of a large St. Petersburg communal apartment who dream of leaving. The director was Stanislav Mareev, who had previously directed mainly police series (Liteiny 4, SOBR).

From November 3, cinemas of the city

The film “I Will Live”

Director Eduard Bordukov (“On the Edge”) made a comedy based on the script by Anna Kozlova (“A Short Course in a Happy Life”, “Mediator”). Alla (Evgenia Dmitrieva), like King Lear, suffers from the ingratitude of her children. Also, ex-husbands. Once at a common dinner, everyone does not even notice that she choked and almost died. Then Alla invents that she has an incurable disease in order to get at least a little attention from her relatives.

From November 3, cinemas in the city

The film Nostalgia

Mario Martone’s drama entered the main competition at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. This is the story of Felice returning to Naples, the city of his childhood and youth. His memory has blocked memories of what happened to him here 40 years ago and why he once left. The main role was played by the star of European cinema, Pierfrancesco Favino (“Traitor”, “Our Father”).

From November 3, cinemas in the city

Rien à foutre

The star of Life of Adele, actress Adele Exarchopoulos, plays low-cost flight attendant Cassandra in this drama by Julie Lecustre and Emmanuel Marre. Her everyday life is far from romantic ideas about the work of flight attendants. It’s a routine of exhausting flights, clubs, booze, and one-night stands. Once in the life of Cassandra, an event occurs that makes her begin to reflect on the traumas of the past and the world order.

From November 3, cinemas of the city

The film “F20”

Arseniy Gerasimov’s directorial debut (who studied at the St. But to the diagnosis of “schizophrenia” encrypted in its name – yes. Oleg lives on Kanonersky Island. Here he works in a car repair shop and is engaged in boxing. One day one of his workouts ends in tragedy. In addition to Gerasimov himself, Yuri Klavdiev (School) and Pavel Selukov (Dorm) are also responsible for the script.

since November 3, cinemas of the city

Polina Mayer Exhibition “Appeal to House”

Concert for the National Unity Day


In the Mariinsky Theater, a special concert will be held on Friday, dedicated to the People’s Day. unity. The program includes scenes from the opera A Life for the Tsar by Mikhail Glinka and Sergei Prokofiev’s cantata Alexander Nevsky. Vocal parts will be performed by Aigul Khismatullina, Svetlana Karpova, Ekaterina Sergeeva, Dmitry Grigoriev and Denis Zakirov. Valery Gergiev will conduct.

Festival “Wonder of the World”

On the long weekend in the Peter and Paul Fortress there will be a show “Wonder of the World” with VR, video mapping and poems invented by a neural network. All of its space will be involved. Events start on each day of the festival from 19:00 and last until 22:00. The entrance will be organized from the side of the Ioannovsky bridge, and the exit – from the Kronverksky.

From 4 to 6 November

Tour of the Arkhangelsk Youth Theater

The Arkhangelsk Youth Theater will bring to St. Petersburg Ilsur Kazakbaev’s play “Uncle Vanya” based on Chekhov’s play of the same name, Yulia Kalandarishvili’s production of “Irukandji’s Kiss” for teenagers and children, and the fairy tale “Miracle Yudo” directed by Philip Shkaev, which is suitable for the youngest viewers. All works will be shown on the stage of the Tsekh Theater.

From November 4 to 6, Tsekh

Polina Mayer’s exhibition “Returning to Yourself”

An exhibition of the artist Polina Mayer starts in the Chamber Gallery on Voskova Street on Friday. In her paintings – that is, “addresses to herself” – she tried to fix all the subtle changes that happened to her daily. Free admission. Read more here.

From November 4 to 20, 3120 Gallery

Balabanov Readings

As part of the Balabanov: Before and After festival, the third Balabanov Reading dedicated to Alexei Balabanov will be held at Sevcable Porto over the weekend and his legacy. The program includes lectures by Viktor Mazin, Vasily Stepanov, Yoel Regev, Nikita Smirnov, Alena Solntseva, Lyubov Arkus, Yuri Saprykin, Olga Davydova, Yegor Sennikov and Larisa Malyukova. Registration and details here.

From November 5 to 6

Peredelkino Creativity House visiting New Holland

This weekend the Peredelkino Creativity House will come on tour (or rather visit) in the Community space in New Holland. So, Lev Rubinstein, Oksana Vasyakina, Dmitry Danilov, Yegor Zaitsev, Valery Shubinsky, Ekaterina Bronnikova and Alexandra Brui will read their text. The program also includes a lecture by Lev Lurie, a discussion by Olga Nabokova and Boris Kupriyanov, and a concert by Contemporary Music Company. Details and program here.

“Pilot” concert


Ilya Chert’s band promises to play a program “with an overwhelming number of hits and imperishables”. So, “Brother”, “Lace” and “BW” at a concert in the club “Cosmonaut” will definitely sound this Saturday.

Exhibition “Filonovtsy. Masters of Analytical Art

Elka Concert


Singer Elka came to great success and nationwide popularity after hits like Provence and Around You. But her discography includes a few songs with Oleg Nesterov’s “Megapolis”, and experiments with R’n’B and recitative, and the project-alterego YAVЬ. On Sunday she will perform at A2.

Exhibition “Filonovtsy. Masters of Analytical Art”

Antiquarian gallery “Petersburg” displays works by students of the avant-garde artist Pavel Filonov: hundreds of paintings by his supporters and followers from Tatiana Glebova, Sophia Zaklikovskaya, Boris Gurvich and Alice Poret to Ksenia Livchak, Vsevolod Sulimo-Samuillo, Rebekah Leviton and Vladimir Luppian. All of them were created in the 1920-1970s. Also on display are four sculptures by Innokenty Suvorov. This is a real rarity, since almost all of his works were destroyed. Read more here.

Until February 28

Exhibition “Spectrum”, “Zifergauz”

Digital art gallery “Zifergauz” in New Holland hosts the exhibition “Spectrum” – the first personal project of the Radugadesign studio, dedicated to its 15th anniversary. These are audiovisual and immersive installations, some of which were created specifically for this exposition (works “White Pixel”, “Black Box” and “Spectrum”).

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