Nombres de origen maya para hombre: 71 nombres de origen maya para niño y su significado

Nombres de origen maya para hombre: 71 nombres de origen maya para niño y su significado

71 nombres de origen maya para niño y su significado

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Suscríbete a Bebés y más

Lola Rovati

Los nombres originados en las culturas indígenas inspiran cada vez más a los padres que buscan nombres originales y sonoros para sus bebés.

Así como os hemos traído algunos preciosos nombres de origen maya para niñas, toca el turno de los nombres para niño. Al igual que los femeninos, los nombres masculinos también están inspirados en la naturaleza, así como también en la fortaleza y la valentía.

  • Acoatl: significa “serpiente que habita el agua, purificadora”.
  • Ajaw: significa ‘rey’.
  • Ajbej: significa “guía a los hombres’.
  • Aj Koo: significa ‘valiente’.
  • Akbal: de origen maya, significa “noche azul”.
  • Akyaabil: significa “viento que pronostica la llegada de la lluvia”.
  • Alom: de origen maya, significa “señor del cielo”
  • Amaité: de origen maya, significa “rostro del cielo”.
  • Balam: de origen maya, significa “jaguar; brujo”.
  • Bej: de origen maya, significa “camino”.
  • Canek: nombre que se otorgaba a los gobernantes, significa “serpiente negra”.
  • Chaac: Dios de la lluvia.
  • Chakte: de origen maya, significa “personaje principal del lugar”.
  • Chéel: significa “arco iris”.
  • Chakpaakat: significa ‘hombre de mirada fuerte’.
  • Chéelpixan: significa “alma de arco iris”.
  • Chichan: significa ‘pequeño’.
  • Chilam: significa “boca”.
  • Chin
  • Etzeme: significa “granate”.
  • Hunahpú: héroe de la mitología maya, hermano gemelo de Ixbalanqué.
  • Iik: significa “espíritu del viento”.
  • Ikal: significa “espíritu’”.
  • Iktan: de origen maya, significa “ingenioso”.
  • Imox: de origen maya, significa “secreto”.
  • Itzae: de origen maya, significa “regalo de Dios”.
  • Itzé: de origen maya, significa “amanecer”.
  • Ixbalanqué: uno de los héroes de la mitología maya junto a su gemelo hermano gemelo Hunahpú.
  • Itzamma: nombre de origen maya que significa “el señor elegido”.
  • Junajaw: significa “único señor o rey”.
  • Kabah: el nombre proviene de unas ruinas mayas que están en Yucatán por el camino de Uxmal y Chichen Itzá, y significa “lugar de máscaras”, “camino de dioses”.
  • Kabil: significa “el que tiene buena mano para sembrar”.
  • Kaknab: de origen maya, significa “océano”.
  • Kante: de origen maya, significa “árbol”.
  • Kin: de origen maya, significa “sol”.
  • Kinich: de origen maya, significa “rostro del sol”.
  • Kukulcán: dios del agua y del viento.
  • Kuxtal: significa ‘vida’.
  • Lalail: significa ‘mayor’.
  • Litza: de origen maya, significa “lucero matutino”.
  • Luluknak: significa ‘ternura’.
  • Mayel: significa ‘perfumado’.
  • Muun: significa ‘tierno’.
  • Muuk’náal: significa ‘hombre fuerte’.
  • Náay: significa ‘sueño’.
  • Náayten: significa ‘suéñame’.
  • Nahil: de origen maya, significa “mérito”.
  • Nohek: significa “gran estrella o venus”.
  • Noíl: de origen maya, significa “grandeza”.
  • Oncan: significa “gracioso”.
  • Ookín: significa “noche”.
  • Pixan: significa ‘alma’.
  • Sáasilen: significa ‘soy la luz’.
  • Sak: significa “puro, limpio de corazón”.
  • Sáakmuyal: significa ‘nube blanca’.
  • Utsil: quiere decir ‘bondadoso’.
  • Uxmal: el vocablo ux que significa “cosechar el fruto” y mal, significa “lugar próspero, rico”.
  • Wayak: significa “el soñado”.
  • Xaman Ek: Dios de la estrella Polar.
  • Xel-há: de origen azteca, significa “donde nacen las aguas”. Es el nombre de un lugar de la Riviera maya mexicana.
  • Yaabilajen: significa ‘soy amor’.
  • Yaak: significa ‘llama de fuego’.
  • Yaakunaj: significa “amar”.
  • Yaamail: significa “ser amado”.
  • Yaax: significa “color verde”.
  • Xacin: significa “maíz entreverado”.
  • Yaluk: dios de los relámpagos y uno de los creadores de la tierra.
  • Yaxkin: de origen maya, significa “sol naciente”.
  • Yóolenja: significa ‘espíritu del agua’.
  • Yumil: significa “dueño”.
  • Yuumilawoll: significa “dueño de tu alma”.
  • Yunuen: significa “media luna; príncipe del agua”.
  • Nombres para tu bebé: más de 5.200 nombres de niño y de niña de la A a la Z
  • 101 nombres de bebé poco comunes para niños con mucha personalidad
  • 149 nombres turcos de niño para tu bebé con los más hermosos sonidos y significados
  • 101 nombres cortos y originales para niños
  • 185 nombres japoneses de niña y niño para tu bebé (y su significado)
  • 113 nombres letones de niña y niño para tu bebé
  • 101 nombres africanos de niño para tu bebé
  • 51 nombres italianos para tu bebé que te enamorarán
  • ¡Bienvenue bébé!: 173 nombres franceses para tu bebé
  • Fuertes y guerreros: 51 nombres vikingos para tu bebé que te encantarán
  • 57 nombres de flores de niña y niño para tu bebé

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  • Recién nacido
  • Nombres de bebés
  • Nombres de niño

Nombres Mayas para NIÑO y NIÑA [ejemplos]

¡Bienvenido a la mejor lista de nombres mayas de Internet! Si la cultura maya te fascina, los nombres de dioses mayas te encantan y estás buscando cada vez más nombres mayas para tu futuro niño o niña, ya no tienes que buscar más. Aquí encontrarás los mejores y además podrás descubrir interesantes datos sobre esta cultura.

La civilización maya fue capaz de desarrollar por completo el lenguaje escrito ya en la América pre-colombina, además, aún en la actualidad destaca por sus complejos sistemas astronómicos y matemáticos, así como por las construcciones arquitectónicas que nos han dejado.

La influencia de esta cultura aún puede ser detectada en diversos países del centro de América así como en todos aquellos nombres que encuentran su origen en la civilización maya.

¿Quieres descubrir nombres mayas bonitos? A continuación podrás disfrutar de una amplia selección, aunque en caso de que no encuentres un determinado nombre, solo tienes que comentar y lo buscaremos para incluirlo. Queremos tener la mejor lista de la historia y con tu ayuda podremos conseguirlo.

Índice del nombre

  • 1 Nombres mayas para niña
  • 2 Nombres mayas para niño
  • 3 Vídeo de nombres mayas

Nombres mayas para niña

Los mayas son una civilización muy antigua y cuyas lenguas se hablaban en gran parte de Sudamérica (exactamente en Mesoamérica). Aunque muchas personas piensen que es una sola lengua, los mayas tenían más de 26 idiomas y, por desgracia, todos estos dialectos están en peligro de extinción.

Su difusión fue llevada a cabo por la propia civilización maya, la civilización precolombina más importante de la historia. Debido a su increíble avance científico y astronómico, los mayas siempre han sido mencionados en miles de artículos. Destaca sobre todo su predicción (fallida) del fin del mundo, la cual causó histeria en un gran número de personas que creían en dicha profecía del calendario maya.

Los nombres mayas tienen cientos de significados distintos, pero destacan porque hay una gran diferencia entre los significados de los nombres mayas para niña y los nombres mayas para niño.

Las plantas, flores, aves y la naturaleza son los protagonistas en los significados de los nombres mayas para niña, mientras que los nombres para niños suelen recurrir a significados relacionados con la guerra, valentía, fuerza y los animales salvajes.

La mitología maya también es popular en prácticamente todo el mundo. A pesar de que sus nombres quizás no sean muy conocidos, ya que es difícil que alguien sepa quién es Ah Mun (dios del maíz), Bolon Dzacab (dios del linaje del rey), Chac Bolay (dios del Inframundo) o Ix Chel (diosa luna).

Sus representaciones gráficas sí que han traspasado fronteras y son mucho más conocidas. En definitiva, todo el mundo ha visto un dios maya, pero casi nadie conoce el verdadero nombre de esas «imágenes».

Algunos de los nombres mayas femeninos que te mostraremos a continuación toman su origen en una deidad, no obstante otros tienen que ver con elementos de la naturaleza y la traducción de otros es prácticamente poética, por lo tanto, si bien todos ellos nos pueden sonar muy exóticos, lo cierto es que tienen un profundo significado.

Para que te hagas una idea acerca del significado que pueden tener algunos nombres te mostramos varios ejemplos del significado de los nombres mayas en Yucatán:

  • Nicteel: Flores.
  • Athziri: Gran victoria.
  • Amankaya: Flor de azucena.
  • Ixchel: La blanca, diosa del amor, la gestación, la luna y la medicina.
  • Kaknab: Mar.
  • Litza: Lucero.
  • Lool Beh: Flor del camino.
  • Yatziri: Flor del rocío o doncella de la luna.
  • Zulia: Río que se derrama.
  • Zacnité: Flor blanca y bella.

Si estás buscando nombres mayas de mujer esperamos que puedas encontrar inspiración en la amplia selección que hemos preparado para ti, disfrútala a continuación:

 Alitzel  Amankaya  Anayansi
 Aquetzali  Aruma  Athziri
 Atziri  Awilix  Axochitl
 Balanca  Bamoa  Boneci
 Chaac  Chacnicte  Chacte
 Chiquinquirá  Cozumel  Dayami
 Itayetzi  Itza  Itzamara
 Itzamaray  Itzanami  Itzayana
 Itzel  Itzen  Itzia
 Ix Kaknab  Ixchel  Ixmucané
 Ixquic  Ixtab  Kabah
 Kantunil  Kay Nicté  Litza
 Lool Beh  Mactzil  Muyal
 Nicancil  Nicte  Nicteha
 Noíl  Nuscaa  Xareni
 Xaman  Yaayan  Yalit
 Yatzil  Yatziri  Yaxchee
 Yaxcol  Yexalen  Yuritzi
 Zacnité Zamná  Zazil
 Zazil Ha   Zulia

Nombres mayas para niño

Si estás buscando nombres mayas para niños debes saber que, como ya hemos mencionado anteriormente, estos nombres de forma general se asociaban a animales salvajes, a la fuerza y a la valentía, no obstante, podemos encontrar una gran variedad de significados.

Algunos de estos nombres mayas masculinos toman su origen en una divinidad de esta cultura, pero todos ellos guardan también un significado profundo que vale la pena conocer.

A continuación te mostraremos el significado de los nombres para niños de origen maya que más se están utilizando en la actualidad:

  • Itzae: Regalo de Dios.
  • Balam: Jaguar brujo.
  • Yaxkin: Sol nuevo.
  • Yumil: Dueño.
  • Acoatl: Serpiente purificadora que habita el agua.
  • Akbal: Noche azul (es uno de los 20 sellos solares del calendario maya).
  • Amaité: Rostro del cielo.
  • Ikal: Espíritu.
  • Itzel: El lucero de la tarde.
  • Yum Kax: Dios del maíz, Dios benévolo.

Si estás buscando nombres mayas para niños quizás te interese saber que en esta cultura también se celebraba el rito de paso del nacimiento, se trata del hetzmek, popularmente conocido como el bautizo maya, y a pesar de la extinción de esta civilización, sigue siendo una ceremonia muy arraigada en Centroamérica.

En el contexto de esta hermosa cultura, la celebración del bautizo o hetzmek tiene como principal objetivo preparar al recién nacido para ser una buena mujer o un buen hombre. Esta preparación tiene lugar a los 4 meses de edad cuando se trata de un niño y a los 3 meses de edad cuando se trata de una niña.

Esto es así porque el número 4 representa al hombre, a los puntos cardinales y a las estaciones del año, en cambio, el número 3 representa a la mujer, a las piedras necesarias para sostener el comal (disco de barro en el que se hacen preparaciones culinarias) y a las patas del taburete donde la mujer tradicionalmente se sienta a hacer tortillas de maíz.

La abuela materna es la que está a cargo de la ceremonia y generalmente los abuelos actúan como padrinos aunque podrían designarse a otros familiares.

El bautizo maya se realizaba en muchas ocasiones alrededor de un altar improvisado y la madre prendía una vela que duraría toda la ceremonia, entonces la madrina o padrino toma al bebé maya en la cintura abriéndole los pies, lo que le garantizará un buen caminar durante toda su vida.

Durante la ceremonia se oirán diversos rezos y oraciones y alrededor del altar el bebé deberá dar nueve vueltas en una dirección y nueve vueltas en la dirección contraria, finalmente se le hará probar diversos alimentos para que así se acostumbre a ingerir aquello que habitualmente está presente en la comunidad.

Se trata sin lugar a dudas de una preciosa tradición pre-hispánica que aún se mantiene, aunque obviamente, con diversas modificaciones.

Esperamos que esta bonita anécdota haya aumenta tu curiosidad por conocer nombres mayas masculinos, a continuación te mostramos una amplia selección que esperamos sea de tu agrado y pueda inspirarte en tu búsqueda:

 Acoatl  Ah Puch  Akbal
 Akyaabil  Amaité  Balam
 Bej  Canek  Chakte
 Chilam  Ek Balam  Ek Chuak
 Etzeme  Ex Chauah  Hunab Ku
 Ikal  Iktan  Imox
 Itzae  Itzamma  Ixbalanqué
 Kabil  Kinich  Kukulkan
 Nahil  Nohek  Quecholli
 Temoatzin  Uxmal  Xacin
 Xaman Ek  Yaax  Yaxkin
 Yaxnak  Yum Kax  Yumil

Vídeo de nombres mayas

A continuación y para ir finalizando, te dejamos con un vídeo de nombres mayas para niñas donde podrás ver su significado y para que pueda ayudarte a coger ideas por si necesitas usar uno en un espacio corto de tiempo:

The meaning of the name Maya promises a difficult character. This is a modest girl, quiet, not sociable and a loner by nature. She does not need a noisy company for a good mood – just spending time with her relatives. Closed and tries to hide feelings even from relatives, does not trust anyone and does not take advice. And Maya can be a very vulnerable person, offending even the smallest moments.

On the other hand, most of the girls who bear this name are benevolent and good-natured people who try not to hurt anyone, act only according to their conscience and live correctly. You won’t have to wait for a trick from such a girl, she will never deceive, she will never act ugly towards a person . ..

Advantages and positive features: is good-natured, benevolent, never feels self-interest or envy, always communicates with everyone on an equal footing. Maya will never deceive or set up a loved one. Inclined to help people. He solves all problems on his own, without the help of other people.

Maya has a bad attitude towards people who try to use her kindness for their own gain. Even the bearers of this name do not allow secretive and closed people to their social circle – they are afraid of them.

Character named Maya

The nature of the name Maya – this formulation may seem incorrect to some, but in fact, many specialists in the field of name research use it. Why? Yes, at least because it is the name that can have a key impact on the character of the person to whom it belongs. Our particular case is no exception …

There is an opinion among experts that the character of a girl named Maya must necessarily be endowed with the following features: lack of communication, silence, kindness, good nature and integrity, integrity, straightforwardness, justice, diligence and responsibility, commitment and diligence, hard work and perseverance.

Maya’s character is often the main reason why the bearer of this name has few friends. Her character does not allow her to make contact, make friends and be sociable. Maya is afraid of new contacts, she is shy, and always worries about what opinion and impression the people she meets will have about her.

However, all of the above can be classified as a theory. The fact is that it is practically unrealistic to predict with absolute accuracy what the character of this or that Maya will be, based only on the characteristics of the nominal form. Other factors must be taken into account: zodiac sign, time of year of birth, and others …

Early childhood

In early childhood, the girl, whom her parents decided to give the rare Russian name Maya, has a rather complex character. Usually such traits as curiosity, moderation, honesty, regularity, calmness, obedience, kindness and good nature, diligence and diligence, commitment, perseverance dominate in such a baby. All these traits, plus the patronage of such a factor as the meaning of the name Maya, can turn her into a child whom everyone around will set as an example.

Little Maya, who is patronized by the meaning of this name, is a kind-hearted, obedient, hardworking and assiduous baby. She gladly fulfills all the requests of her parents, loves to be praised, longs for respect for her personality. This girl has a highly developed pride, she needs to understand that her opinion is respected, and she herself is valued.

Also, the energy of the nominal form of Maya can provoke the dominance of such a quality of selfishness in it. It may seem that she loves only herself, and respects only her own opinion, although in reality this is not so. Just selfishness, this is her way of attracting the attention of the people around her, in particular, the kids. By the way, as for the kids and communication with them, everything is quite simple here – Maya is sociable and sociable, but she hardly makes contact with new people in the environment, which in fact can cause problems with communication.


In a girl who is patronized by the meaning of the name Maya, in adolescence, her nature begins to noticeably change. Such traits as diligence, diligence, honesty and justice, generosity, eloquence and sociability, sociability and friendliness may begin to appear. But meaning can also provoke the manifestation of such a trait as straightforwardness, due to which incredible problems may begin to arise in her communication with children.

In school, the Maya can show ingenuity and planning. It is the energy of the name that will have an impact on her, giving rise to these features. It is thanks to him that Maya can become a sought-after, noticeable, bright personality in adolescence. But there is also a problem, and it also lies in the fact that Maya may begin to show such a quality as adherence to principles. Maya can become too principled, which will affect communication not only with children from the environment, but also with parents and teachers, moreover, it can affect in the most negative light. Without compromising her own principles, she can lose friends and find haters. This trait will make her steadfast, adamant, uncompromising, hungry for power and leadership, and never yielding to anyone in disputes.

But there are also positive moments. The main one is that the assertiveness and integrity that the girl Maya manifests in her teenage years will not allow her to quit halfway through things that do not work out, will not allow her to give up at a difficult moment in her life, to abandon the work that is given to her with difficulty.

Adult female

If the girl Maya in adolescence could still have problems in communicating with people, then an adult woman most likely will not have these problems. An adult woman, who is patronized by the meaning of this nominal form, is already quite a sociable, friendly, sociable and eloquent lady. Usually, in maturity, Maya’s character is dominated by the following traits: commitment and planning, diligence, diligence, assertiveness and perseverance, straightforwardness and adherence to principles, goodwill and good nature. That is, in other words, the energy of this little name can eventually, by its influence, completely change Maya in her maturity.

As for the profession, everything is simple here – Maya will most likely choose a profession related to communication, conversations, movement. Maya is a humanist by nature, she prefers to do something related to the humanitarian spectrum of activities. For sure, he will choose the profession of a psychologist, educator, teacher, consultant, or something that implies maximum communication.

However, despite her positively changing personality, she is unlikely to be able to trust people and make friends with them in the same way that she makes friends with family members. Only mother and father will she be able to entrust her experiences and tell about her own problems. Yes, the meaning of this name can make Maya sociable and friendly, but she only needs friends for one thing – to spend time together, to distract from the realities of everyday harsh life, from seriousness and problems.

The fate of the name Maya

The fate of the girl Maya in relationships with members of the opposite sex, in love and marriage, is a rather complicated topic. The fact is that it is almost impossible to accurately predict what Maya’s fate will be in relationships with men. Nevertheless, the characteristics of this name allow us to assume that Maya will still be happy in her personal life.

Her character traits, bright appearance, ability to communicate with people on an equal footing, and with all this, moderate secrecy, can make Maya truly popular in male society – such is her fate. At the same time, Maya will not be a lover of passionate and short-term relationships; on the contrary, she is usually a woman looking for seriousness, constancy, and longevity. Such people do not need passion and love, but understanding and sincerity of feelings. Although the fate of such women is usually not as rosy as we would like.

In theory, Maya can eventually turn out to be an excellent mother and an exemplary wife, faithful, kind, devoted. Although again, not necessarily, her fate will be just that. as expected in theory.

Love and marriage for the name Maya

Maya can be very amorous, or vice versa, may not perceive love as a high feeling. All bearers of this name treat love and relationships with men differently, and it is almost impossible to say exactly how the fate of this or that Maya girl will turn out in her personal life. But on the other hand, we can definitely say that such a girl, if she falls in love, will never cheat on her husband and will remain faithful to him until the very end.

How early will Maya get married? It’s actually quite difficult to say. One thing can be said – most likely her marriage will be successful and successful only if she marries in adulthood. Young and immature Maya is an eccentric, fickle, cheerful, free-spirited and unscrupulous. With this, not every man will be able to build a really strong and lasting marriage.

But if the bearer of this name gets married, then she will cherish and cherish her husband like the apple of her eye. True, she would demand the same from him. Such a woman will never allow herself to love, and at the same time not be loved. She will demand an answer in everything. If she loves, then the husband should love her too, if she cares about him. Then he should take care of her in return.

Maya as Mother

It is almost impossible to say what Maya’s mother will become. It is difficult to even just dream up, the Vedas bearers of this name are so different that it is incomprehensible to the mind. But one thing is for sure – Maya should not turn out to be a bad mother, because maternal instinct and good nature, devotion and responsibility will not allow her to perform maternal duties poorly.

Most likely, she will decide to have children only in maturity, and then, perhaps this will happen far from her will, but only because the time will come. But this will not affect her attitude towards children in any way. She will love them the way a mother should love. True, most likely she will feel more affection for a girl than for a boy. Although again, all this is debatable …

Well, in addition to everything else, it would be worth saying that Mayi is mostly women who prefer equality in everything without exception. She will not allow her husband to sit in a chair and watch TV at a time when she herself will be busy raising a child. In everything, dad will have to share responsibility and duties with her.

Mayan compatibility with male names

Maya has perfect compatibility with such male names as Gleb, Gordey, Makar, Trofim, Robert and Egor.

In marriage, he can achieve happiness with Ruslan, Solomon, Yakov, Khariton, Ignat, Evgeny and David …

A negative impact has an alliance with Plato, Demyan, George, Maximilian, Albert.

This unsociable and withdrawn person needs a sociable, cheerful and intricate man who can brighten up her loneliness. ..

As for the relationship between a girl and an adult woman, which is patronized by the meaning of the nominal variation of Maya, with representatives of the opposite sex, everything is quite simple here …

Firstly, Maya is difficult to please, which means that not every man can become her chosen one. Only a man who is willing to change for her will be able to woo her and build a relationship with her.

Secondly, Maya is very distrustful. Only the one she truly falls in love with. Can win her trust. And then, even in this case, she is unlikely to begin to devote a man to her problems and experiences.

And thirdly, Maya is principled and cocky, she has a hidden leader, and she will never, in any case, tolerate male leadership over herself. Her man must respect her opinion, value it.

Astrological symbols of the name Maya

  • Talisman stone – Topaz.
  • The patron planet is the Moon.
  • Protective element – Air.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Maya is a bee.
  • Plant symbol – Calendula.
  • The best zodiac is Aries and Taurus.
  • Maya’s number is 5.
  • Happy day – Thursday.
  • The ideal season is Spring.

Famous people named Maya

Maya Eglite – Soviet and Latvian actress

Maya Sansa – Italian actress

Maya Bessarab – Russian writer, prose writer, translator

Maya Komorowska – Polish theater and film actress

Unfortunately, bearers of the name Maya do not celebrate the name day of their name, because it is not considered Orthodox. Usually, at baptism, bearers are given a name that meets the requirements of the church …

The name Maya

BRIED form named after Maya. T-shirt, Mayunya, Mayukha.
Synonyms of the name Maya. May.
Origin of the name Maya. The name Maya is Russian, Slavic, Greek.

The name Maya has several versions of origin. According to the Greek version, Maya is a Greek goddess, one of the Pleiades sisters, the mother of the god Hermes. Translated from Greek, the name means “nurse”, “goddess of fertility”, “mother”.

According to the Latin version of origin, the name Maya comes from the name of the month Majus and translates as “born in May.” The Romans identified Maya with the Italian goddess Maya (Maiesta), the patroness of the fertile land. The date of sacrifices to the goddess was May 1, so the name of the month of May appeared on her behalf in the Roman calendar.

The name Maya is also found in Slavic mythology. That was the name of the daughter of Svyatogor – Maya Zlatogorka, Zlata Maya. The cult of the Golden Mother, the Mother of the World began to move to the Urals, as many Slavs did not want to be baptized, which forced them to leave their inhabited places. They took their gods with them. The Golden Mother was also called the Golden Baba, and in the Vedic and Ural legends they were identified with each other. The Mother of the World has two hypostases, but for all she remains the One Mother.

There is also another version of the spelling of the name Maya – Maya. At the same time, the pronunciation is identical, only softer. In the USSR at the beginning of the twentieth century, the revolutionary name May appeared, which is related to the month of May and is associated with the holiday of workers. It is possible that it has become a lighter version of the name Maya, which turned out to be very convenient for the semi-literate population. This name did not become common, but in Dagestan the name Maya became part of two-part names (Mayaguzel, Mayagul, Gulmaya and others). For example, the name Mayakhanum means “Mistress of May” (in a figurative sense with a revolutionary interpretation – “Mistress / hostess of the May Day holiday”).

Also, the name Maya is an abbreviated form of some female names (Marianne, Maria). This appeal is more accepted in the northern countries of Europe (Denmark, Sweden, Norway) and Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic. Maya is a diminutive treatment for such female names as Maina, Manefia, Fomaida, they believe that Maya is also an abbreviated form of the full name Maya.

From early childhood, Maya considers herself a leader beyond competition and constantly defends her right to be the leader. With age, she often comes to the realization that she is not the best. This can lead to her isolation and fear of participating in any kind of competition and competition. If she does not recognize her obvious talents and does not accept herself for who she is, then she will make her life unbearably difficult. Maya is very sensitive, envious and touchy, which can make her withdraw into herself even more. She needs to adequately and calmly evaluate her positive aspects and not strive to prove them to someone. Her memory should be constantly loaded with new information, then she will be engaged in more useful work.

Maya has a very strong character and shows her will in everything. Such a bright and uncompromising personality makes her life difficult. School years are especially difficult for Maya, when she has to obey those who are really stronger and smarter than her. She has to restrain her grievances and wounded pride. Maya does not know how to lose, and this is the reason for her worries.

She has a very bright appearance, and people like her, but in communication, Maya is rather cold and strict towards others. This is a very principled nature, but she constantly corrects her principles, so that her friends and relatives cannot adapt to them. Her ever-increasing demands on herself and others make her even more touchy. It is very important for her to hear words of approval and admiration addressed to her. She tries to avoid disputes and conflicts, preventing their occurrence.

Maya always compares herself to others and is often envious of other people’s achievements. She needs everything at once, she does not agree to anything less. In work, Maya can achieve quite great heights. Humanitarian professions are more suitable for her, she can become an excellent translator, historian, archaeologist or specialist in ancient languages. Maya has a penchant for literature and painting, so she can prove herself as an artist, art critic, teacher, scientist or writer. She is also suitable for the position of chief, director or head of any household, she can always establish strict order in the territory entrusted to her.

In family life, Maya usually chooses a man with a gentle character, he must take care of all material and domestic concerns so that the spouse can take up the achievement of her lofty goals. The husband should be sympathetic to her principles and not demand much from her in bed. Maya pays great attention to her family and helps each member of her family in personal achievements.

In communicating with others, Maya mainly pursues her personal goals, therefore, having achieved what she wants, she loses all interest in a person. She always shows cunning, but does not commit meanness and ugly deeds. In his judgments sometimes shows excessive categorical.

Maya’s name day

Maya does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people with the name Maya

  • Maya Plisetskaya ((born 1925) Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, choreographer, writer, actress, People’s Artist of the USSR (1959), Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, awarded the Order “For services to the Fatherland “I, II, III, IV degree; soloist of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow)
  • Maya Chiburdanidze (Soviet and Georgian chess player, 6th world champion, nine-time winner of the Chess Olympiad, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1978))
  • Maya Bulgakova ((1932 – 1994) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1976))
  • Maya Menglet ((born 1935) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress)
  • Maya Kristalinskaya ((1932 – 1985) famous Soviet pop singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Maya Kucherskaya (Russian writer, literary critic and literary critic)
  • Maya Cheremisina ((born 1924) Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the Novosibirsk syntactic school; author of works on general and Russian lexicology, theory of syntax, syntax of the Russian language and the languages ​​of the indigenous peoples of Siberia)
  • Maya Deren ((1917 – 1961) pseudonym of Eleonora Derenkovskaya, American independent film director, choreographer, ethnographer, avant-garde theorist)
  • Maya Kwiatkovskaya ((born 1931) translator of poetry from Spanish and French. Partially published the book she translated by the greatest of the “libertine poets” of France – Theophile de Vio; her transcriptions of Camões and Catalan poets are also known. Author of translations of poems by such poets as Louis Gongora, Francois Malherbe, Germain Nouveau.)
  • Maya Pedersen-Bieri (Swiss skeletonist, who has been playing for the Swiss national team since 1995. Participated in three Winter Olympics (2002, 2006, 2010). Repeatedly received the podium of the World Championships: she has two gold medals, two silver and one bronze. World Cup winner season 1997-8 and European champion in 2006.)
  • Maya Buskila (Israeli singer)
  • Maya Belenkaya ((born 1931) Soviet figure skater, who competed in singles and pair skating, and paired with Igor Moskvin – two-time USSR champion in pair skating, Master of Sports of the USSR, figure skating coach)
  • Maya Zarva ((1926 – 2003) Soviet and Russian linguist, specialist in the field of practical orthoepy of the Russian language, since 1949 – consultant to the announcer group of the Central Radio. Based on the card index of the difficulties of Russian stress, which was maintained by radio staff in consultation with leading linguists ( D.N. Ushakov, K.I. Bylinsky, S.I. Ozhegov), together with F.L. Ageenko, compiled an orthoepic manual “To Help the Speaker”, first published in 1951 and then expanded into the “Dictionary of Accents Russian language “, which had gone through ten editions by 2001 (under various names, with constant changes and additions). Author of the textbook “Modern Russian: Orthoepy” (1977).)
  • Maya Ulanovskaya ((born 1932) member of the dissident movement in the USSR, translator, writer)
  • Maya Maneza (Kazakhstan weightlifter, two-time world champion (2009, 2010) in the weight category up to 63 kg, world record holder in the clean and jerk (143 kg))
  • Maya Eglite (Soviet and Latvian actress, public figure)
  • Maya Sansa (Italian actress)
  • Maya Bessarab ((born 1925) Russian writer, prose writer, translator)
  • Maya Komorowska ((born 1937) full name – Maria Janina Maya Komorowska-Tyshkevich; actress of the Polish theater and cinema, from the family of the Counts Komorowski coat of arms Korczak)
  • Maya Turovskaya ((born 1924) Russian film critic, film historian, screenwriter, culturologist)
  • Maya Balashova (singer, performer of Russian songs and romances, Laureate of International and All-Russian competitions)
  • Maya Ganina ((1927 – 2005) Russian prose writer)
  • Maja Vilkkumaa (Finnish singer, one of the most successful singers in Finland, she writes the music and lyrics of her songs herself)
  • Maya Lin (American artist and architect, known for her work in sculpture and land art; her most famous work is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington)
  • Maya Petrova (Kaverina) (Russian handball player, lineman of the Russian national team and the Rostov-Don team, Honored Master of Sports (2009))
  • Maya Glezarova ((born 1924) Russian music teacher, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation)
  • Maya Shibutani (American figure skater who performs ice dancing with her brother Alex Shibutani, they are silver medalists of the Four Continents Championships 2011, silver medalists of the World Junior Championships 2009of the Year and US Junior Champions (2010))
  • Maya Usova (Russian figure skater who competed in sports ice dancing with her husband Alexander Zhulin, with whom they became world and European champions in 1993. In addition, they are silver medalists at the 1994 Olympic Games and bronze at the 1992 Olympic Games; Honored Master of Sports of the USSR )
  • Maya Abramova ((1931 – 2003) Russian archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Since 1951, she participated in archaeological expeditions in various regions of Russia, from Novgorod to Transbaikalia, but mainly specialized in the study of the Sarmatians: Ph.D. thesis “Culture of the Sarmatian tribes of the Volga-Dnieper steppes II century BC – I century AD” (1962), doctoral dissertation “Central Ciscaucasia in the Sarmatian period (III century BC – IV century AD)” (1990, published as a monograph in 1993). Author of seven monographs, including the fundamental work “Early Alans of the North Caucasus III-V centuries.” (1997).)
  • Maya Okamoto (Japanese voice actor)
  • M.I.A. (real name – Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam; British singer-songwriter of Tamil origin, who also produces records for other artists, directs videos and acts as an artist and designer)

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Discussion of the description of the name Maya

May (guest)

Added on 10/19/2022 at 22:32

As if written about me. Everything coincided: both envy and leadership.

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Maya (guest)

Added on 08/04/2022 at 16:37

Thank you. There is also the Indian meaning of the name – “chimera” and “that which is not.” It’s more in my nature. And envy and leadership are all nonsense.

The real Maya is always out of this world, and everything written is just a view from the outside. Fate is never easy. I always rely on myself.

It is especially funny to read about envy. If a person considers himself a leader and the best, who will he envy? That’s pride – it’s still yes …

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Maya (guest)

Added 06/30/2022 at 13:35

And so well written 🙂

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Maya (guest)

Added 06/30/2022 at 12:16

Yes, everything also coincided about me (◠‿◕)

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Mia (guest)

Added 18. 03.2022 at 15:03

Matched a lot. Very categorical, principled, independent, loves to dominate, touchy, “builds” everyone. Very intolerant.

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