Kefir para bebes: Kéfir y niños: ¿pueden tomarlo?

Kefir para bebes: Kéfir y niños: ¿pueden tomarlo?

Kéfir y niños: ¿pueden tomarlo?


  • Niños
  • Bebés
  • Salud
  • Alergia
  • Alimentación
  • Dietas
  • Europa
  • Fruta
  • Lactancia materna
  • Leche
  • Leche de vaca
  • Leche materna

Puede ser que hayas oído hablar de él, y es que, cada vez se está popularizando más. Nos referimos al kéfir. Un producto muy conocido sobre todo en Europa Oriental que se está extendiendo a otras partes del mundo. Veamos qué es, qué beneficios tiene y si es adecuado para el consumo infantil.

Como decimos, la bebida de kéfir es muy popular en la zona oriental de Europa, pero gracias a todos los beneficios que aporta a la salud, en otros lugares también se consume.

Se trata del producto final que se obtiene de la fermentación de una mezcla entre los nódulos de kéfir y lo que queramos mezclar, como agua o leche. Las combinaciones más conocidas son:

  • El kéfir de agua.
  • El kéfir de leche (de vaca, de cabra…). Es el más habitual y el más consumido porque es el que tiene el sabor más agradable.
  • El kéfir con kombucha, llamado kéfir de té.
  • El kéfir con otras mezclas como fruta o variantes.

Beneficios del kéfir

Consumir bebida de kéfir aporta propiedades buenas al organismo de una persona, tales como los siguientes:

  • Ayuda a fortalecer el organismo.
  • Da protección frente a varias alergias.
  • Fortalece los huesos.
  • Es un buen inhibidor para evitar el crecimiento de células cancerígenas.
  • Puede ser consumido por los intolerantes a la lactosa.

¿Cuándo pueden los niños tomarlo?

Sabemos que el mejor alimento para un bebé hasta los seis meses es la leche materna, y es a partir de esa edad el momento en el que se puede empezar a introducir poco a poco más alimentos en la dieta de un niño, es decir, comienza la alimentación complementaria.

Teniendo esto en cuenta, al igual que ocurre con la leche de vaca, la mejor edad para dar a un niño kéfir es una vez ha pasado su primer añito, es decir, una vez cumplidos los 12 meses. Esto es porque su sistema digestivo ya cuenta con la suficiente madurez como para hacer frente a los patógenos que tiene esta bebida.

Consejos para consumirlo

  • Es mejor que no le añadas azúcar porque es un producto azucarado por sí mismo y tomar azúcares en exceso sí que puede ser perjudicial para un niño pequeño porque puede producirle sobrepeso o caries, entre otros problemas.
  • Es importante tener en cuenta el tema del azúcar porque el kéfir tiene una ligera proporción de alcohol, así que para controlar esto lo mejor es no añadir azúcar y hacer fermentaciones más cortas.
  • Es un producto que puedes preparar tú mismo de manera muy fácil, por lo que puede ser la actividad perfecta para hacer los niños. Además, es una buena oportunidad para que aprendan no solo a ayudar en la cocina sin ningún peligro, sino también a conocer qué es la fermentación.
  • Si lo elaboras en casa debes tener especial cuidado con la higiene y asegurarte de no se ha produce ninguna contaminación.
  • Si vas a ofrecer esta bebida a un bebé, como en otro tipo de alimentos, introdúcela poco a poco y comprueba que no le causa ninguna intolerancia.

¿A qué edad pueden tomar los niños kéfir?


El sentido común nos dice que entre los 2 a 4 años de edad es un buen momento para introducir kéfir a los niños.

Esta edad coincide cuando un niño alcanza madurez en su microbiota intestinal. Pero para todos no es igual, cada niño tiene su propio ritmo y también depende de otros factores.

Niños que toman kéfir

¿Se le puede dar kéfir antes de que alcancen esa madurez? Si te quieres quedar con la respuesta corta: sí. Pero bajo unas circunstancias muy concretas.

Muchos padres y madres que hacen kéfir en casa o (que empiezan por primera vez) se han hecho alguna vez esta pregunta. Y como el kéfir tiene muchísimas propiedades también queremos que nuestros hijos lo tomen, porque para ellos siempre queremos lo mejor.

¿Estará bien encaminado entonces nuestro sentido común?

A ver, ha sido difícil encontrar información, apenas se habla del kéfir en los niños.

Antes de atrevernos a dar por sentado nada y precipitarnos con la respuesta corta, he tratado de documentarme bien sobre este tema tan interesante: El kéfir y los niños.

En este artículo conoceremos en profundidad la diferencia que existe entre alimentos probióticos y fermentos; hablaremos de qué manera la lactancia materna está muy conectada con la madurez del sistema digestivo de nuestros niños y vamos a llegar al final a una conclusión dando respuesta a la pregunta:

¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para dar kéfir a nuestros hijos?

¡ Empezamos !

El kéfir y los niños según la visión de los nutricionistas y pediatras

A nivel nutricional el kéfir tiene muchos beneficios, eso ya lo sabemos. Y que tenemos dos tipos de kéfir: el de agua y el de leche.

Algunos de mis nódulos de kéfir de agua

¿Qué nos dirían los nutricionistas?

Algunos nutricionistas con un estilo saludable y que, con mucha seguridad, también hacen fermentos en casa, comentan que el kéfir puede ofrecerse a los bebés a partir de los 6 meses de edad, momento en el que se introduce al bebé en la alimentación complementaria poco a poco hasta el año de edad. Desde el punto de vista nutricional, el kéfir es un alimento complementario y facilitado a los niños en pequeñas dosis, diluidas o acompañando a otros tipos de alimentos podría ser un aporte estupendo en una alimentación sana y equilibrada.

¿Y la mayoría de pediatras?

En el caso de los pediatras, he podido encontrar una mención en la Asociación Española de Pediatría por la Dra. María Jesús Esparza en su taller que está disponible desde la web de la asociación considerando el kéfir de leche un derivado lácteo y como tal puede introducirse alrededor del año de edad del bebé. Al igual que el queso o el yogur, que también son fermentos, se considera que el kéfir entraría a formar parte de la alimentación complementaria dentro de este grupo.

El rey de los fermentos: un derivado lácteo, un fermento alcohólico

Pero claro, el kéfir, además de ser un derivado lácteo, también es un fermento alcohólico (tiene alcohol en pequeño porcentaje, como cualquier otro fermento).

Y si lo comparamos con la carga de microorganismos que tiene un yogur o un queso sabemos que el kéfir les gana por goleada, en el kéfir es más amplia. Por eso le llaman «El rey de los fermentos». Claro, esto me llevó a tirar más del hilo. Inmediatamente me hice la siguiente pregunta: ¿Hay alguna publicación que hable sobre los fermentos y los niños?

Nuestra hija Lucía de 10 años con un vaso de Kéfir que preparamos en casa.

Factores a tener en cuenta antes de introducir fermentos a los niños

Encontré una publicación de dos doctores argentinos muy interesante en la que nos cuentan muchísimas cosas (tranqui, al final te dejo toda la bibliografía para que la tengas toda a mano). La publicación se llama Alimentos fermentados y probióticos en niños. La importancia de conocer sus diferencias microbiológicas.

Ellos explican que hay una serie de factores a tener en cuenta antes de empezar a introducir alimentos fermentados en los niños, nos hablan de la lactancia materna y también de la madurez digestiva.

¡Qué interesante!

Microbiota intestinal y lactancia materna

Nos cuentan la importancia que tiene la lactancia materna en el desarrollo digestivo de los niños y los beneficios que les aporta en su salud de forma general.

El cuerpo humano nunca dejará de sorprendernos cuando vemos que con la lactancia materna los bebés reciben entre 10.000 y 1 millón de microorganismos vivos al día. Además, esos microorganismos están diseñados especialmente para cubrir las necesidades concretas, especial de cada madre para cada hijo. Esto significa que el bebé recibe al día dosis específicas de probióticos que le ayudan a desarrollar su flora intestinal pudiendo determinar el nivel de salud en la edad adulta.

Un niño con lactancia prolongada ya tiene los suficientes probióticos, microorganismos y la suficiente vida en su flora intestinal como para meterle más.

Si nuestros hijos están sanos, fuertes, felices… se les puede dar kéfir antes pero realmente no es necesario, es más interesante que se beneficie de la leche materna sin duda.

La madurez digestiva se alcanza en los 1.000 primeros días de vida

Tener en cuenta el estado de madurez del sistema digestivo de nuestros hijos y su estado de salud en general nos dará la clave para introducir kéfir (y otros fermentos) en su alimentación. Hay especialistas que cuentan desde la fecha del nacimiento, otros, desde la fecha de la concepción. Podemos calcular una fecha que comprende entre los 2, 3 o 4 años de edad. La edad concreta va a depender de cada niño. Cada niño tiene su propio ritmo.

Alimento fermentado y alimento probiótico NO son lo mismo

No. No son lo mismo.

¿Qué es un alimento probiótico?

El ISAPP (International Scientific for Probiotic and Prebiotic) define de forma muy concreta lo que es un alimento probiótico y lo que este debe cumplir para diferenciarlo de un alimento fermentado que es más bien un alimento «diseñado» y cerrado:

  1. Microorganismos identificados: se debe conocer su nombre, género, cepa y especie.
  2. Deben estar vivos en el momento de su consumo.
  3. Certificado de estudio: que exista un estudio clínico que certifique que funciona y que tiene beneficios probados en nuestro organismo.
¿Qué es un alimento fermentado?

Un alimento fermentado no tiene que cumplir los 3 requisitos anteriores. Un fermento es un alimento vivo de microorganismos que conviven en simbiosis que transforma un alimento original para darnos otros beneficios y que está en continuo cambio, nosotros en casa no podemos identificarlos. Una misma cepa de kéfir puede cambiar a lo largo del tiempo su carga de microorganismos. Las diferentes cepas que se originaron en diferentes partes del planeta también son diferentes entre sí.

Por eso me encantan los fermentos porque existe una gran variedad de beneficios, es un alimento fácil de cuidar en casa que, al igual que la vida misma, es libre y cambiante. Sin embargo, un alimento probiótico es más un producto concreto y controlado.

Bacterias Lactobacillus y sus beneficios para los bebés

Si los probióticos beneficiosos son el quid de la cuestión ¿Qué bacterias probióticas del kéfir se han estudiado con niños y bebés?

Los lactobacillus. En concreto, Lactobacillus GG y Lactobacillus Reutreri, bacterias que suelen estar presentes en el kéfir de leche, se han administrado a bebés de menos de 6 meses para mejorar problemas de salud intestinal como la diarrea crónica vírica y el estreñimiento con cólicos del lactante que nos lo muestran en el año 2001 los doctores Hania Szajewska y Jacek Z. Mrukowicz en su estudio llamado Probiotics and acute gastroenteritis in children – critical review of published evidence y en el año 2011 un grupo de doctores del Departamento de Pediatría de la Universidad Federico II de Nápoles, Italia, con su estudio In Infants with Functional Chronic Constipation.


Por un lado, vemos que incluso a bebés de menos de 6 meses se les da probióticos (del kéfir) para mejorar su salud intestinal y combatir la enfermedad de la diarrea vírica. Por otro, hay que tener muy en cuenta lo que nos dicen los dos doctores argentinos: que es importante tener en consideración el estado de madurez digestiva de cada niño y que cada uno lo desarrolla a su ritmo alrededor de los 1.000 primeros días de vida junto con la importancia que tiene para el desarrollo y crecimiento la lactancia materna.

En los casos de lactancia materna, los niños ya están protegidos por su madre con la suficiente vida en su flora intestinal, probióticos y microorganismos de la leche materna. Se les puede dar kéfir antes aunque no es necesario, lo realmente interesante aquí es la importancia que se le da a nivel de microorganismos a la lactancia materna exclusiva y a la lactancia prolongada.

Si tenemos niños sanos, felices, que juegan y arman «jaleo» podemos introducir los fermentos con más seguridad cuando el niño alcanza su madurez intestinal que puede ser a los 2, 3 o 4 años.

¿Y en otros casos? Pues dependerá de las circunstancias de nuestro hijo, de lo rica que sea su alimentación complementaria, de su estado de salud, de su propio desarrollo.

Siempre, en caso de duda o que pensemos que el kéfir podrán ayudar a nuestro hijo a mejorar algún aspecto de salud, podemos preguntar a un especialista o al pediatra por el mejor momento para introducir kéfir a nuestros hijos.

¿A qué edad empezaron a tomar kéfir tus hijos? Te leo siempre en comentarios.

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Ruza kefir 2.5% BZMZH

Incredibly simple dish, but very effective. Especially if you use black instead of the classic paste. And Ruza confectionery cream will make the dish incredibly tasty!

Spaghetti in cream sauce with smoked salmon

1 ingredients

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The most popular dessert for the sweet tooth – with Ruza cream 38% will win the heart of anyone! It’s worth trying.

Panna cotta with spiced biscuit crumble and nuts

1 ingredients

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What could be better than ice cream on a hot summer day? – And when it is also made by hand, from the best ingredients…

Vanilla ice cream

1 ingredients

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A wonderful dessert, in an unusual interpretation: it is worth spending a little effort to surprise yourself and your guests! No one will remain indifferent – we promise!

Tiramisu with strawberries and basil

1 ingredients

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Easter is just around the corner – April 24th.

Mistresses prepare for the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ: they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs. We believe that Easter is a holiday once a year, so Easter cake should be real , on wheat flour, with sugar, milk, butter, eggs and yeast (or dough).

We recommend you cook kulich with Ruza milk according to this recipe – everything will work out, checked:


For 1 Easter cake 9 cm high and 14 cm wide

  • 200 g flour
  • 10 g fresh yeast
  • 125 ml Ruza milk
  • 20 g Russian Butter
  • 1 egg
  • Cinnamon and/or cardamom (ground)
  • 40 g sugar
  • 30 g raisins
  • 50 g any candied fruit
  • Salt

For glaze:

  • 1 small squirrel
  • 230 gr powdered sugar
  • A little lemon juice

1. Prepare the dough:
Mix warm milk with yeast. Measure out half (100g) of flour.
Pour the yeast dissolved in milk into this flour. Stir, cover with a napkin, leave for 30-40 minutes.

2. Measure out the butter, leave at room temperature. Divide the egg into white and yolk.

3. Rinse and dry the raisins. Cut candied fruits, add to raisins. Add 1-2 tbsp. flour and mix.

4. Add butter, egg yolk, sugar, remaining flour, salt and spices to a bowl of dough. Knead the dough well (5-6 minutes in a stand mixer or by hand).

5. Gather the dough into a ball, place in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a napkin, leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

6. Beat egg white. Mix prepared candied fruit and whipped protein into the dough. If necessary, grease your hands (for manual kneading) or a bowl with vegetable oil, as the dough will be quite sticky.

7. Place the dough in a bowl, cover again with a napkin and leave for 1 hour.

8. Transfer to a buttered dish (or paper forms) and let rise again for about 40 minutes.

9. Put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about 40 more minutes.

10. If the cake is browning too much on top, cover with foil. The readiness of the cake can be determined with the help of a wooden stick: if it comes out of the dough dry, then the cake is ready.

11. Let the finished cake cool completely.

12. For the glaze, mix together (do not beat) the egg white and powdered sugar. Add lemon juice. Spoon onto the cake. READY!

Easter cake with raisins and candied fruits

3 ingredients

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Juicy sour cottage cheese is perfect for breakfast when you want something hearty and healthy.

Raspberry curd

4 ingredients

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A new version of the curd casserole. Add apples and the usual taste will change.

Curd casserole with apples and raisins

4 ingredients

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Charlotte with apples and sea buckthorn yogurt

5 Ingredients

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Baskets with pumpkin and grain cottage cheese

Delicious and healthy banana oatmeal fritters

Banana oatmeal fritters

5 ingredients

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Fluffy pancakes with whole grain flour will decorate your holiday table Especially if you serve it with fresh strawberries picked from your own garden and with natural and healthy Ruza Sour Cream💙

Angel Biscuit with Ruza Sour Cream

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Delicious light sauce based on sour milk. It will make the taste of potatoes and other vegetables even more interesting!
We share with you the recipe for baked potatoes with sauce on Ruza soft cottage cheese:

📝 Ingredients :
– 3-4 medium potatoes
– 1 tbsp. l. paprika
– A pinch of ground chili
– Olive oil
– Salt, pepper

🍽 For the sauce:
– 1 package of soft Ruza cottage cheese
– Lemon zest (to taste)
– A small bunch of herbs
– Salt, pepper

1️. Wash potatoes thoroughly with a brush. Cut into slices, pat dry with paper towels and place in a bowl.
2️. Sprinkle with paprika, add chili, salt, pepper and olive oil. Mix thoroughly, put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
3️. Bake at 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes. If the slices are lying – after 20 minutes after the start of cooking, turn the slices over so that the potatoes brown evenly.
4️. For the sauce, mix Ruza cottage cheese with lemon zest, finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Serve with potatoes.

*For the sauce, you can also mix Ruza cottage cheese with a little pesto.

Bon appetit!

Baked potatoes with soft cottage cheese

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3 Ingredients

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Strawberry ice cream on the Ruza yogurt

2 ingredients

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The perfect recipe for a Friday !
As a cheese filling, we suggest you experiment using Ruza cheese – it will turn out more tender than usual and a little less calorie🧀

– 220 g of flour
– 3 g of dry yeast
– About 100-130 ml of water
– 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil
– salt

In addition:
– 1-2 tomatoes
– 2 garlic cloves
– A pinch of dried herbs (thyme, rosemary, basil)
– Coarse sea salt, pepper
– Opt. 20-40 g Ruza cheese

1 ️⃣Mix flour with salt and yeast. Start kneading by gradually adding oil and warm water. It should be a fairly sticky dough. If necessary, you can add a little flour, but very little and 1 tbsp each. l.
2️⃣Additionally grease the dough with a little olive oil, cover and leave to rise in a warm place (40-60 minutes).
With oiled hands, spread the dough onto the baking sheet.
3️⃣ Peel the garlic, finely chop. Cut the tomatoes.
Put garlic and tomatoes on the dough, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper. 4️⃣ Bake at 210 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
5️⃣Sprinkle the finished cake with crumbled Ruza cheese and drizzle with olive oil. Brown slightly under the grill. Bon appetit!

*The exact proportions for yeast are indicated on the packaging and depend on the manufacturer. It is better to check before adding to the flour.

The amount of water depends on the flour, humidity and kneading method. Proportions are given for a stand mixer, with manual kneading, more flour may be needed.
#ruz recipes #ruz cheese

Focaccia with tomatoes and Ruz cheese

3 ingredients

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Carrot cream soup with Adyghe cheese

4 ingredients 9Ol000

☀️Cooking pancakes with cottage cheese! Nalistniki is a national Belarusian and Ukrainian dish: thin, tender fresh pancake tubes with juicy filling. These are not the usual pancakes, pancakes are more elastic and thinner and almost tasteless. Their goal is to conveniently serve the filling, the taste of which is the main one here.

Pancakes with cottage cheese

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A special recipe for lazy people – you only need to cook one pancake! And it is called – Dutch baked pancake! In English it sounds like Dutch baby pancake – that is, Dutch crumb👼

Dutch baked pancake

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🔆Shrovetide is on the doorstep – who is ready to celebrate this coming Sunday?
In honor of the holiday, we have prepared for you, our dear customers, a simple pancake pie recipe🥞

Pancake pie

2 ingredients

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Which granola or muesli to choose for breakfast that would be tasty and healthy? – Certainly not a store. Having prepared granola at home, you will be sure that it contains only what you put yourself and no cheating! We share an excellent recipe below, this granola is very tasty to eat for breakfast with Ruza Soft cottage cheese 😋

Homemade granola – for soft cottage cheese

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Bioyoghurt Stuffed Eggplant

3 ingredients

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Mint hot chocolate preparation

3 ingredients

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Read the recipe 😋

Yuletide cake on Ruza cottage cheese

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Salad with beets and our delicious Ruza Cheese (someone compares Ruza cheese with slightly ripened ricotta)🧀🥗
Believe me, it’s very tasty and healthy!😋

Salad with beets and Ruza Cheese

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ingredient – orange or tangerine).

Layered dessert with cottage cheese cream and orange

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On New Year’s holidays, we are happy to share with you the original recipe for turkey salad on BIOOYOGURTA instead of mayonnaise – easy version 👌

Olivier with turkey on Ruzsky Bioyogurt

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We are sharing with you an unusual version of pumpkin porridge – not with millet, but with bulgur! Cook it for breakfast – and make sure that the new can please as well as the familiar from childhood!

Porridge with Ruza butter and milk with pumpkin and bulgur

4 ingredients

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In winter, you want the dish to be warm and cozy – of course, this is porridge! Delicious creamy rice porridge with orange and chocolate🍚 9Ol000 We invite you to please yourself and your loved ones with the simplest, lightest and most delicious dessert made from fresh Ruza Cream. It will turn out delicious, and at least time in the kitchen 👌🏼

Panna Cotta with Ruza cream

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Juicy cottage cheese casserole with a slight improvement – chocolate icing and an oblong shape makes it look like a delicious dessert 🍮 Enjoy your tea!

Cottage cheese casserole with chocolate glaze

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A “cozy” recipe suitable for cold and cloudy days – with Ruza Sour Cream and Ruza Butter

Mushroom quiche with Ruza butter and sour cream

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Apple pie with Ruza butter and sour cream

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one pancake in a lump 😉 We share a wonderful recipe for salty pancakes with salted salmon

Pancakes on Ruza Milk with salt (salmon)

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Chef Alexander Oleinik shared a recipe for gluten-free pancakes made with rice and buckwheat flour at his master class on February 28, held especially for Ruzsky Molok. This recipe is suitable for both people with gluten intolerance and all pancake lovers – they turn out to be very juicy and with a minimal aftertaste of buckwheat.

Gluten Free Chef’s Pancakes with Mushroom Spring

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Yeast Free Chef’s Spring Rolls

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We decided to help prepare a light snack for guests or your favorite half – and share a recipe that will come in handy for everyone☺️. Even if cooking is not your forte, today everything will work out! 🙌

Appetizers Canape with Ruza cheese

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Do you cook with Ruza cheese? to bruschettas and sandwiches, decorate a cheese plate…😋
⠀❓But did you know that Ruza cheese can be marinated or fried?
⠀And this is already a new taste!😍
⠀👉Ruza cheese does not spread and does not stick to the pan/grill.
⠀👉After roasting, serve honey or berry sauce to it.
⠀Or here’s an idea – make a salad!

Grilled Ruza Cheese Salad

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Are you celebrating, preparing something special? Or are you just enjoying a sunny weekend?☺️
We decided to consider both options and prepared a very nutritious winter soup with Ruza potatoes, Ruza cream and butter👍

Potato soup with Ruza Cream

1 ingredients

Read the recipe and Ruzskaya Prostokvasha

1 ingredients

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Christmas time is the time for carols, nativity scenes, disguise, funny jokes 👏
⠀Carols (wickets) are called both congratulatory songs that were sung these days, and small baked goods made from rye flour with a variety of fillings that were prepared to give carolers😊 ⠀They ate them both on holidays and fasting days, depending on what they were filled with😋
⠀Dough for gates can be made only from rye flour or from a mixture of rye and wheat flour in equal proportions😉
⠀You can knead the dough, for example, with kefir. Yogurt or sour cream will also work 👍
⠀We decided to share with you a recipe for kefir gates with mixed flour and Ruza cottage cheese filling☺️

Cottage Cheese Carols (Christmas)

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We are in a hurry to share the recipe for ruddy pancakes baked on Ruza kefir and invite you to the table! 😉

Pancakes on Ruzsky Kefir with salt

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A festive recipe for a simple but very tasty pie on Ruzsky yogurt. Some spices and fragrant oranges (or tangerines😋).. the result is magical!☺️☺️

Ruza Yoghurt Citrus Pie

2 ingredients

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Let’s move on to vitamin salad recipes 🥗😋
for winter😍❄️ Salad with black and green radish👇

Salad with radish, carrots and Ruza sour cream

4 ingredients

Read the recipe the taste is even more delicate and creamy☺️😉

Cocoa with baked milk

1 ingredients

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We share a warming winter tea recipe! ❄️
It contains our favorite Ruza Milk and many fragrant spices☕️☺️
It remains only to choose your favorite movie and get under a warm blanket😋

Chai Masala with Ruza Milk

5 ingredients

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Cheese dough is another dish based on Cottage Cheese. In fact, these are the same dumplings, only larger in size, and after boiling they are still baked in the oven under a filling of sour cream, sugar and poppy seeds. Try it for sure!

Cheese Babki from Ruzsky Curd

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We are sharing with you a warming, cozy recipe for pumpkin soup with Ruzsky sour cream!

Pumpkin Soup with Ruza Sour Cream

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Elegant and delicious variation on the theme of everyone’s favorite dish) At the same time – easy to prepare, and light enough for those who watch calories)

Pasta with baked vegetables

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Our favorite, traditional vegetable appetizer, which we advise you not to forget to cook) An elegant dish that will always decorate the table


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It can become your signature dish, the recipe for which other housewives will certainly ask you for) Because it is original, non-trivial and incredibly tasty

Baked black radish

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Details are the main seasoning of any dish! Try adding unusual ingredients to a familiar recipe and the taste will immediately sparkle with new colors. As in our case with a pinch of curry 🙂

Curry Potato Salad

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Another simple yet delicious take on the potato theme. It is the Italian pesto sauce that brings an interesting note to this dish, the dressing is based on olive oil, basil and cheese.

Potato salad with pesto

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A favorite of many “mashed potatoes”, it is also called “crushed”, but in our variation – with buttermilk! Be sure to try it, it’s delicious)

Buttermilk puree with green onions

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A favorite dish that can be easily prepared at home)

French fries with mustard sauce and homemade mayonnaise

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The simplest dish you can think of) but at the same time – hearty and flavorful. It goes great both as an independent dish and as a side dish for anything.

Country-style baked potatoes with herbs

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Hearty, tasty and inexpensive dish that is prepared in “one or two” and eaten in one moment)

Garlic Mashed Potato Casserole

1 ingredients

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The famous Italian “carpaccio” means just very thin slices of something (beef, fish, chicken, vegetables) seasoned with sauce. We suggest you practice and prepare it. Moreover, it is elementary, but at the same time tasty and effective.

Carpaccio of swede

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Everything ingenious is simple! And delicious) Take note of the recipe for a healthy, vitamin salad)

Salad with radish

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Smart, original, tasty idea how to please yourself and your family, for example, on Saturday or Sunday morning)

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and carrots

1 ingredients


time of year is great for picnics. We suggest you take note of a simple but delicious recipe for cakes. They quickly baked, grabbed a basket and ran into the forest.

Cheese and kefir cakes for a picnic

2 ingredients

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Ruza cottage cheese has always been famous for making perfect cheesecakes. We offer a recipe according to which cheesecakes will turn out the first time.

Perfect Cheesecakes

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Ruza snowball is a great drink to cool off on a summer day, but it can also be used to make a cake – for example with coconut and lime.

Coconut muffin on Ruza Snowball

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Good quality milk butter is already a delicacy, but aromatic herbs will make it even more interesting.

Green oil

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Light summer salad – grilled vegetables with a light sour cream dressing.

Salad with vegetables and green dressing

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Juicy carrot cake perfectly complements delicate sour cream glaze with a slight sourness

Carrot cake with glaze

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Summer is a great time for a picnic. To make lunch in nature interesting and useful, we recommend preparing a pie from Ruza cottage cheese for it.

Cottage cheese pie with onions and bacon

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Dessert should be not only tasty, but also healthy. Try the cottage cheese dessert from Ruza products.

Healthy cottage cheese dessert

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Ruza cottage cheese is self-sufficient, but in duet with sour cream it becomes even more tender.

Curd breakfast

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Cottage cheese with banana and nuts

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Tasty and aromatic cottage cheese mousse – It is perfect as a snack

cottage cheese with greens and garlic

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Tasty and healthy cakes from curd casserole with carrots

Curd casserole with carrots and raisins

1 ingredients

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Hearty and healthy breakfast

Cheeshiks on rice flour from Alena Klatskova

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Output for any occasion

Brusket with cheese and artichokes

4 Ingredients

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Make muesli tastier with yogurt 9000


40002 ingredients

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Shrovetide every day

Pancakes on kefir

4 ingredients

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Curdled milk dough

Bunks (scones) for breakfast

2 ingredients

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on Ruzsky milk


3 Ingredients

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90,000 iodized protein 2. 5% 500 grams of BZZH

a simple dish, but very effective. Especially if you use black instead of the classic paste. And Ruza confectionery cream will make the dish incredibly tasty!

Spaghetti in cream sauce with smoked salmon

1 ingredients

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The most popular sweet tooth dessert – with Ruza cream 38% will win the heart of anyone! It’s worth trying.

Panna cotta with spicy cookie crumble and nuts

1 ingredients

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What could be better than ice cream on a hot summer day? – And when it is also made by hand, from the best ingredients…

Vanilla ice cream

1 ingredients

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A wonderful dessert with an unusual twist: it’s worth the effort to surprise yourself and your guests! No one will remain indifferent – we promise!

Tiramisu with strawberries and basil

1 ingredients

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Easter is just around the corner – April 24th.

Mistresses prepare for the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ: they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs. We believe that Easter is a holiday once a year, so Easter cake must be real , on wheat flour, with sugar, milk, butter, eggs and yeast (or dough).

We recommend you cook Easter cake with Ruza milk according to this recipe – everything will work out, checked:


For 1 Easter cake 9 cm high and 14 cm wide

    900 g5 1

  • 10 g fresh yeast
  • 125 ml Ruza milk
  • 20 g Russian Butter
  • 1 egg
  • Cinnamon and/or cardamom (ground)
  • 40 g sugar
  • 30 g raisins
  • 50 g any candied fruit
  • Salt

For glaze:

  • 1 small egg white
  • 230 gr powdered sugar
  • A little lemon juice

1. Prepare the dough:
Mix warm milk with yeast. Measure out half (100g) of flour.
Pour the yeast dissolved in milk into this flour. Stir, cover with a napkin, leave for 30-40 minutes.

2. Measure out the butter, leave at room temperature. Divide the egg into white and yolk.

3. Rinse and dry the raisins. Cut candied fruits, add to raisins. Add 1-2 tbsp. flour and mix.

4. Add butter, yolk, sugar, remaining flour, salt and spices to a bowl with dough. Knead the dough well (5-6 minutes in a stand mixer or by hand).

5. Gather the dough into a ball, place in a bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a napkin, leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

6. Beat egg white. Mix prepared candied fruit and whipped protein into the dough. If necessary, grease your hands (for manual kneading) or a bowl with vegetable oil, as the dough will be quite sticky.

7. Place the dough in a bowl, cover again with a napkin and leave for 1 hour.

8. Transfer to a buttered dish (or paper forms) and let rise again for about 40 minutes.

9. Put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about 40 more minutes.

10. If the cake is browning too much on top, cover with foil. The readiness of the cake can be determined with the help of a wooden stick: if it comes out of the dough dry, then the cake is ready.

11. Let the finished cake cool completely.

12. For the glaze, mix together (do not beat) the egg white and powdered sugar. Add lemon juice. Spoon onto the cake. READY!

Easter cake with raisins and candied fruit

3 ingredients

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Juicy sour cottage cheese is perfect for breakfast when you want something hearty and healthy.

Raspberry Cheesecake

4 Ingredients

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A new version of the cottage cheese casserole. Add apples and the usual taste will change.

Apple and Raisin Curd Casserole

4 Ingredients

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Apple Charlotte with Sea Buckthorn Yogurt

5 Ingredients

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baskets with pumpkin and grain cottage cheese

1 ingredients

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Delicious and healthy pancakes on oatmeal with a banana

oatmeal with a banana

5 Ingredients

Air Pancakes on the whole -grain mucle table

Pancakes on kefir from whole grain flour

7 ingredients

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Just what you need on a cloudy day. Especially if you serve it with fresh strawberries picked from your garden and with natural and healthy Ruza sour cream💙

Angel Biscuit with Ruza Sour Cream

4 ingredients

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Delicious light sauce based on sour milk. It will make the taste of potatoes and other vegetables even more interesting!
We share with you the recipe for baked potatoes with sauce on Ruza soft cottage cheese:

📝 Ingredients :
– 3-4 medium potatoes
– 1 tbsp. l. paprika
– A pinch of ground chili
– Olive oil
– Salt, pepper

🍽 For the sauce:
– 1 pack of soft Ruza cottage cheese
– Lemon zest (to taste)
– A small bunch of herbs
– Salt, pepper

1️. Wash potatoes thoroughly with a brush. Cut into slices, pat dry with paper towels and place in a bowl.
2️. Sprinkle with paprika, add chili, salt, pepper and olive oil. Mix thoroughly, put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
3️. Bake at 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes. If the slices are lying – after 20 minutes after the start of cooking, turn the slices over so that the potatoes brown evenly.
4️. For the sauce, mix Ruza cottage cheese with lemon zest, finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Serve with potatoes.

*For the sauce, you can also mix Ruza cottage cheese with a little pesto.

Bon appetit!

Baked potato with soft cottage cheese sauce

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Bircher Muesli

3 ingredients

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Strawberry ice cream with Ruza yogurt

2 ingredients

0002 Read recipe

The perfect recipe for a Friday night or weekend!
As a cheese filling, we suggest you experiment using Ruza cheese – it will turn out more tender than usual and a little less calorie 🧀

– 220 g of flour
– 3 g of dry yeast
– About 100 ml of water
– 2-3 st. l. olive oil
– salt

In addition:
– 1-2 tomatoes
– 2 garlic cloves
– A pinch of dried herbs (thyme, rosemary, basil)
– Coarse sea salt, pepper
– Opt. 20-40 g Ruza cheese

1 ️⃣Mix flour with salt and yeast. Start kneading by gradually adding oil and warm water. It should be a fairly sticky dough. If necessary, you can add a little flour, but very little and 1 tbsp each. l.
2️⃣Additionally brush the dough with a little olive oil, cover and leave to rise in a warm place (40-60 minutes).
With oiled hands, spread the dough onto the baking sheet.
3️⃣Peel the garlic, finely chop. Cut the tomatoes.
Put garlic and tomatoes on the dough, sprinkle with herbs, salt and pepper. 4️⃣ Bake at 210 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
5️⃣Sprinkle the finished cake with crumbled Ruza cheese and drizzle with olive oil. Brown slightly under the grill. Bon appetit!

* The exact proportions for yeast are indicated on the package and depend on the manufacturer. It is better to check before adding to the flour.

The amount of water depends on the flour, humidity and kneading method. Proportions are given for a stand mixer, with manual kneading, more flour may be needed.
0085 #RUZSKY #Ruzsky

Focaly with tomatoes and Ruzsky cheese

3 ingredients

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Creams with Adyghe cheese

4 Ingredients

Soup made of green pea 9000 9000 9000 9000 4 ingredients

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Yogurt smoothie

3 ingredients

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Buttermilk pancake with berries

3 ingredients

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☀️Cooking cottage cheese pancakes! Nalistniki is a national Belarusian and Ukrainian dish: thin, tender fresh pancake tubes with juicy filling. These are not the usual pancakes, pancakes are more elastic and thinner and almost tasteless. Their goal is to conveniently serve the filling, the taste of which is the main one here.

Pancakes with cottage cheese

3 ingredients

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A special recipe for lazy people – you only need to cook one pancake! And it is called – Dutch baked pancake! In English it sounds like Dutch baby pancake – that is, a Dutch baby👼

Dutch baked pancake

4 ingredients

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🔆Shrovetide is on the doorstep – who is ready to celebrate next Sunday?
In honor of the holiday, we have prepared for you, our dear customers, a simple recipe for a pancake pie🥞

Pancake pie

2 ingredients

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Which granola or muesli to choose for breakfast to be tasty and not harmful? – Certainly not a store. Having prepared granola at home, you will be sure that it contains only what you put yourself and no cheating! We share a great recipe below, this granola is very tasty to eat for breakfast with Ruza Soft cottage cheese 😋

Homemade granola – to soft cottage cheese

4 ingredients

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stuffed eggplant with bio -ogurt

3 Ingredients


Hot chocolate with mint

3 ingredients


Juquit dense, elegant – we highly recommend that you cook it and prolong your Christmas mood! 😋

Yuletide cupcake on Ruza cottage cheese

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Salad with beets and our delicious Ruza Cheese (someone compares Ruza cheese with slightly ripened ricotta)🧀🥗
Believe me, it is very tasty and healthy!😋

Salad with beets and Ruza Cheese

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Tasty and light dessert for the festive table with a winter mood (because the main ingredient is orange or tangerine).

Layered dessert with curd cream and orange

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On New Year’s holidays we are happy to share with you the original recipe of Olivier with turkey on BIOYOGURT instead of mayonnaise – easy version 👌

Olivier with turkey on Ruzsky Bioyogurt

variant of 3 ingredients

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not with millet, but with bulgur! Cook it for breakfast – and make sure that the new can please as well as the familiar from childhood!

Porridge with Ruza butter and milk with pumpkin and bulgur

4 ingredients

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In winter, you want the dish to be warm and cozy – of course it’s porridge! Delicious creamy rice porridge with orange and chocolate🍚

Rice porridge on Ruz cream with orange and chocolate

4 Ingredients

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Hydroe sugar cookies with Ruzsky oil

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cheese Maffins with seeds on Ruzsky Kefir

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We invite you to please yourself and your loved ones with the simplest, lightest and most delicious dessert made from fresh Ruza Cream. It will turn out delicious, and at least time in the kitchen 👌🏼

Panna Cotta with Ruza cream

3 ingredients

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Juicy cottage cheese casserole with a slight improvement – chocolate icing and an oblong shape makes it look like an exquisite dessert 🍮 Enjoy your tea !

Cottage cheese casserole with chocolate glaze

2 ingredients

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A “cozy” recipe suitable for cold and cloudy days – with Ruza Sour Cream and Ruza butter

Mushroom quiche with Ruza butter and sour cream

2 ingredients

apple pie recipe

With Russian butter and sour cream

3 ingredients

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Friends, Maslenitsa is in full swing 🙌
We hope you didn’t have a single lumpy pancake😉 We share a wonderful recipe for salty pancakes with salmon seasoning

Pancakes on Ruzskoe Molok with salt (salmon)

4 ingredients

Read the recipe flour. This recipe is suitable for both people with gluten intolerance and all pancake lovers – they turn out to be very juicy and with a minimal aftertaste of buckwheat.

Gluten-free Chef Pancakes with Mushroom Filling

5 Ingredients

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Chef’s Unleavened Spring Rolls

3 Ingredients

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We decided to help prepare a light appetizer for guests or your favorite half – and share a recipe that will come in handy for everyone☺️. Even if cooking is not your forte, today everything will work out!🙌

Appetizers Canape with Ruza cheese

2 ingredients

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Do you cook with Ruza cheese?☺️
⠀Of course, it’s good on its own: it goes well with bruschettas and sandwiches, decorates a cheese plate…😋
⠀❓But did you know that Ruza cheese can be marinated or fried?
⠀And this is already a new taste!😍
⠀👉Ruza cheese does not spread and does not stick to the pan/grill.
⠀👉After roasting, serve honey or berry sauce to it.
⠀Or here’s an idea – make a salad!

Grilled Ruza Cheese Salad

3 ingredients

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Are you celebrating, preparing something special? Or just enjoying a sunny weekend?☺️
We decided to consider both options and prepared a very nutritious winter soup with Ruza potatoes, Ruza cream and butter 👍

Potato soup with Ruza Cream

1 ingredients

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We will share their recipe with you – at Ruzskaya Prostokvasha <3

Fritters with honey and Ruzskaya Prostokvasha

1 ingredients

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Christmas time is the time for carols, nativity scenes, disguise, funny pranks👏
⠀Carols (gates) are called both congratulatory songs that were sung these days, and small baked goods made from rye flour with various fillings that were prepared to give caroling gifts😊 ⠀They were eaten both on holidays and on fasting days, depending on what they were filled with😋
⠀The dough for gates can be made only from rye flour or from a mixture of rye and wheat flour in equal proportions😉
⠀You can knead the dough, for example, on kefir. Yogurt or sour cream will also work 👍
⠀We decided to share with you a recipe for kefir gates with mixed flour and Ruza cottage cheese filling☺️

Cottage Cheese Carols (Christmas)

4 ingredients

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We are in a hurry to share the recipe for ruddy pancakes baked on Ruza kefir and invite you to the table! 😉

Pancakes on Ruzsky Kefir with spices

3 ingredients

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A festive recipe for a simple but very tasty pie with Ruza yogurt. Some spices and fragrant oranges (or tangerines😋).. the result is magical!☺️☺️

Ruza Yoghurt Citrus Pie

2 ingredients

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Let’s move on to vitamin salad recipes 🥗😋
for winter😍❄️ Salad with black and green radish👇

Salad with radish, carrots and Ruza sour cream

4 ingredients

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Cocoa is a hygge drink, a drink of friendly and family gatherings, comfort, favorite films and books🎄
We decided to make it with Ruza baked milk, so the taste is even more delicate and creamy☺️😉

Cocoa with baked milk

1 ingredients

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We share a warming winter tea recipe! ❄️
It contains our favorite Ruza Milk and a lot of fragrant spices☕️☺️
It remains only to choose your favorite movie and get under a warm blanket😋

Chai Masala with Ruza Milk

5 ingredients

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Cheese dough is another dish based on Cottage Cheese. In fact, these are the same dumplings, only larger in size, and after boiling they are still baked in the oven under a filling of sour cream, sugar and poppy seeds. Try it for sure!

Cheese Babki from Ruzsky Curd

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We are sharing with you a warming, cozy recipe for pumpkin soup with Ruzsky sour cream!

Pumpkin Soup with Ruza Sour Cream

4 ingredients

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Elegant and delicious variation on the theme of everyone’s favorite dish) At the same time – easy to prepare, and light enough for those who watch calories)

Pasta with baked vegetables

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Our favorite, traditional vegetable appetizer, which we advise you not to forget to cook) An elegant dish that will always decorate the table


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It can become your signature dish, the recipe for which other housewives will certainly ask you for) Because it is original, non-trivial and incredibly tasty

Baked black radish

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Details are the main seasoning of any dish! Try adding unusual ingredients to a familiar recipe and the taste will immediately sparkle with new colors. As in our case with a pinch of curry 🙂

Curry Potato Salad

1 ingredients

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Another simple yet delicious take on the potato theme. It is the Italian pesto sauce that brings an interesting note to this dish, the dressing is based on olive oil, basil and cheese.

Potato salad with pesto

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A favorite of many “mashed potatoes”, it is also called “crushed”, but in our variation – with buttermilk! Be sure to try it, it’s delicious)

Buttermilk puree with green onions

2 ingredients

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A favorite dish that can be easily prepared at home)

French fries with mustard sauce and homemade mayonnaise

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The simplest dish you can think of) but at the same time – hearty and flavorful. It goes great both as an independent dish and as a side dish for anything.

Country-style baked potatoes with herbs

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Hearty, tasty and inexpensive dish that is prepared in “one or two” and eaten in one moment)

Garlic Mashed Potato Casserole

1 ingredients

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The famous Italian “carpaccio” means just very thin slices of something (beef, fish, chicken, vegetables) seasoned with sauce. We suggest you practice and prepare it. Moreover, it is elementary, but at the same time tasty and effective.

Carpaccio of swede

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Everything ingenious is simple! And delicious) Take note of the recipe for a healthy, vitamin salad)

Salad with radish

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Smart, original, tasty idea how to please yourself and your family, for example, on Saturday or Sunday morning)

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and carrots

1 ingredients


time of year is great for picnics. We suggest you take note of a simple but delicious recipe for cakes. They quickly baked, grabbed a basket and ran into the forest.

Cheese and kefir cakes for a picnic

2 ingredients

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Ruza cottage cheese has always been famous for making perfect cheesecakes. We offer a recipe according to which cheesecakes will turn out the first time.

Perfect Cheesecakes

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Ruza snowball is a great drink to cool off on a summer day, but it can also be used to make a cake – for example with coconut and lime.

Coconut muffin on Ruza Snowball

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Good quality milk butter is already a delicacy, but aromatic herbs will make it even more interesting.

Green oil

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Light summer salad – grilled vegetables with a light sour cream dressing.

Salad with vegetables and green dressing

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Juicy carrot cake perfectly complements delicate sour cream glaze with a slight sourness

Carrot cake with glaze

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Summer is a great time for a picnic. To make lunch in nature interesting and useful, we recommend preparing a pie from Ruza cottage cheese for it.

Cottage cheese pie with onions and bacon

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Dessert should be not only tasty, but also healthy. Try the cottage cheese dessert from Ruza products.

Healthy cottage cheese dessert

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Ruza cottage cheese is self-sufficient, but in duet with sour cream it becomes even more tender.

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