El significado de esmeralda: ▷ Esmeralda piedra color verde: significado, propiedades, precio

El significado de esmeralda: ▷ Esmeralda piedra color verde: significado, propiedades, precio

▷ Esmeralda piedra color verde: significado, propiedades, precio

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La esmeralda es una de esas piedras que te quedas mirando por su belleza. Esta enigmática piedra verde siempre ha sido una de las favoritas de la realeza, de hecho, tanto es así que una de las esmeraldas más grandes del mundo perteneció a la emperatriz rusa Catalina la Grande. Un clásico atemporal, la esmeralda verde es una piedra preciosa magnífica. Exuda una sensación de misterio, intriga y realeza. El intenso tono cálido que posee es impresionante y versátil. Una verdadera joya, pues el verde esmeralda a menudo es usada por la realeza, y también ha sido usado por algunas de las figuras históricas más famosas. El rey Luis XIV y la reina María, por ejemplo, fueron fanáticos de las joyas esmeraldas.

Si a ti también te fascina esta piedra preciosa tan impresionante, aquí abajo encontrarás toda la información relacionada con sus propiedades, significado y simbolismo.


Piedra esmeralda color verde


Significado de la esmeralda

El nombre de esmeralda proviene del persa, que significa ‘piedra verde’, refiriéndose al característico color que presenta esta piedra. La esmeralda es junto al rubí, el zafiro y el diamante una de las cuatro piedras preciosas tradicionales más conocidas del mundo. Cuando compras una esmeralda, estás comprando un pedazo verde de historia. Esta piedra fue originalmente minada en Colombia, pero también se encuentra en todo el mundo, incluyendo Sudamérica y Brasil. Algunas personas creen que el valor de esta piedra está directamente vinculado a la religión de la gente de aquellas áreas donde se encuentra, pero esta es solo una pequeña parte del significado real de la piedra esmeralda. Lo que es más importante saber sobre el significado de la esmeralda es que es una de las piedras preciosas más populares del mundo, y ha existido durante miles de años.

Se puede utilizar de muchas maneras diferentes a la hora ayudarnos con nuestro crecimiento espiritual y el desarrollo personal. Otra cosa interesante sobre el significado de la esmeralda es que también se puede utilizar como talismán o un encanto de buena suerte. De hecho, algunas personas creen que si usas la piedra, puede protegerte de daños externos.

Aunque no solo hay un tipo de esmeralda, ya que podemos encontrar esmeraldas colombianas, brasileñas, chinas, africanas y afganas. Las esmeraldas pueden presentar diferentes tonalidades de verde, unas lucirán un verde más claro, otras más oscuro o incluso azuladas.

Lo más importante a la hora de adquirir una esmeralda es que acudas a un joyero especializado para tener la seguridad de que el ejemplar que compras es auténtico y no se trata de una imitación.

Propiedades de la esmeralda

La esmeralda es una piedra que fomenta la paciencia, el amor y la amistad. Por eso en muchas ocasiones se habla de esta piedra preciosa como la del éxito en el amor. La esmeralda es una de las piedras preciosas más hermosas del mundo. La piedra de color verdoso único y su capacidad para atrapar la luz y refractarla de diferentes maneras, la hace una pieza única y de las más bonitas que existen. Las propiedades de la piedra esmeralda fueron conocidas desde la antigüedad y aún son muy buscadas hoy en día. Esto se debe a que se ha encontrado que la piedra preciosa tiene propiedades de curación, tal y como explicamos en este artículo.

Como pasa en la totalidad de las gemas, minerales y piedras preciosas, tienes que estar en contacto directo con la piedra para poder beneficiarte de sus propiedades. Así que lo más recomendable es llevar joyas como pulseras, pendientes, anillos o gargantillas en las que la esmeralda toque la piel. Las esmeraldas son perfectas como anillos de boda porque tienen la propiedad especial de no cambiar de color cuando lo tocas. Esto significa que en tu dedo se mantendrá perfecta incluso después de ponértela como anillo durante varias horas. Otra propiedad valiosa de la esmeralda como piedra preciosa verde es que es resistente a rascarse. No se rasca incluso con las herramientas más afiladas, por lo que es perfecto para aquellos que están tratando de evitar rascarse sus anillos.

Precio de la esmeralda

Si quieres dar un toque de color a tu estilismo, una buena opción es llevar unos pendientes con esmeraldas. Esta piedra verde combina a la perfección con muchos colores, es perfecta para añadir un punto alegre al vestuario y además hacerlo de una manera muy elegante.

En Bernat Rubí tenemos la opción perfecta tanto si los quieres lucir en una ocasión especial como si prefieres llevarlos en un evento más informal. Combinamos el oro con las esmeraldas y unos pequeños diamantes para crear unos pendientes que puedas llevar en cualquier situación. Puedes ver los precios de la esmeralda en nuestra página web.

Y si quieres redondear y perfeccionar el look, no te olvides de combinarlos con un anillo en oro con una esmeralda incrustada. ¡Nos encanta!


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¿Cuál es el significado de una esmeralda?


    Blogs en el punto de mira

      Junto con el rubí, el diamante y el zafiro, la esmeralda completa la categoría selecta de piedras preciosas valiosas. El brillo verde de la piedra tiene un aspecto distintivo y hace que cada pieza de joyería sea única. Pero, ¿cuál es el significado de la esmeralda y qué anillo de esmeralda elegirás? Los expertos de BAUNAT te cuentan un poco más al respecto.




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      ¿Qué es una esmeralda?

      La esmeralda es una de las piedras preciosas más conocidas, junto con los diamantes, los rubíes y los zafiros. La piedra preciosa (similar al aguamarina) está compuesta por el mineral berilo, y su intenso tono verde se debe a la presencia de cromo. Las esmeraldas son transparentes, pero la mayoría muestra inclusiones que le dan a la piedra un aspecto turbio. Cuanto más vívida es la piedra, mayor es el precio. Al igual que con las otras piedras preciosas, para calcular el precio de una esmeralda, deben tenerse en cuenta las 4Cs. Incluso pueden costar más que los diamantes por quilate.

      Colombia, en América del Sur, es el mayor productor mundial de esmeraldas. Esta piedra preciosa también se encuentra en el sur de África, India, Pakistán y Afganistán.

      El término esmeralda a menudo se refiere a un objeto o región con un color predominantemente verde. Tomemos, por ejemplo, uno de los nombres por los que se conoce a Irlanda (la Isla Esmeralda), o el nombre de las antiguas Indias Orientales Holandesas (el Trópico de la Esmeralda).

      ¿Qué no es una esmeralda?

      El término esmeralda puede ser engañoso. La confusión surge con el corte esmeralda: un corte de piedra preciosa. Ambos significados son diferentes.

      El término corte de esmeralda deriva de la esmeralda porque antiguamente la mayoría de las piedras cortadas de esta manera eran esmeraldas. Una gran ventaja del corte esmeralda es que la forma mejora aún más el rico color de las piedras preciosas.

      ¿Cuál es la historia detrás de la esmeralda?

      Siglos atrás, la gente usaba amuletos y joyas de esmeraldas, y fueron encontradas sepultadas en las cámaras funerarias del faraón en el antiguo Egipto. Se dice que las primeras esmeraldas documentadas se extrajeron alrededor del año 1500 a.C.

      Las minas de esmeraldas más antiguas se encuentran en Egipto, donde fueron extraídas por egipcios, griegos, romanos, árabes y turcos otomanos. Estas minas se conocen como las minas de Cleopatra, después de la reina egipcia. De hecho, le gustaban mucho las esmeraldas.

      Los Incas también apreciaron el color verde de las esmeraldas y las convirtieron en joyas. Cuando los conquistadores españoles llegaron a América del Sur en el siglo XVI, iniciaron el comercio de esmeraldas sudamericanas con Europa y Asia. Intercambiaban las piedras por metales preciosos.

      El simbolismo y el significado de la esmeralda

      La esmeralda simboliza el poder, la inmortalidad y, con su tono verde, la eterna juventud. Al igual que el rubí, también se dice que la esmeralda es una piedra curativa. En la antigüedad, a la esmeralda se le atribuían poderes curativos para problemas de la piel.

      “Las esmeraldas son alrededor de 20 veces más raras que los diamantes”

      Los antiguos griegos creían que esta piedra preciosa verde estaba vinculada a la veracidad y la elocuencia. Los Aztecas adornaban las estatuas de los dioses con esmeraldas, y en la Edad Media, se pensaba que te ayudaban a llevar una vida virtuosa. Los héroes los usaron para hacerse invisibles o ver el futuro.

      Según la medicina alternativa, la esmeralda también te protegerá contra la pérdida de memoria y agudizará tu intuición. También se dice que tiene propiedades relajantes y calma los ojos cansados. Esto no está científicamente probado.

      Sin embargo, lo que es seguro es que un anillo de esmeraldas o una pulsera de esmeraldas es un regalo fantástico para el 55º aniversario de boda que también se conoce como el aniversario esmeralda. Un modelo con diseño Toi & Moi como este es perfecto para esa ocasión.

      Comprar este anillo Toi & Moi de esmeralda ahora

      Un anillo de esmeralda también es un regalo de cumpleaños ideal para las personas nacidas en mayo, el mes en que la esmeralda es la piedra de nacimiento.

      El valor de una esmeralda

      Al igual que con otras piedras preciosas de colores, la esmeralda se corta para mejorar en lo posible el color de la piedra. Con el zafiro azul el color es idealmente lo más oscuro posible, por el contrario, una esmeralda debe ser lo más clara y transparente como sea posible. Las inclusiones, o “jardin” (del francés jardín), no se consideran problemáticas, a no ser que afecten negativamente al color y la transparencia.

      Compra joyas de esmeraldas para su 55º aniversario de boda

      Algunas esmeraldas son aproximadamente 20 veces más raras que los diamantes. Por quilate, el valor de una esmeralda de alta calidad puede ser mayor que el de un diamante. Su tamaño, naturalmente, ayuda a determinar el precio.

      Otro criterio es el tono de la esmeralda. Esto puede variar de verde muy claro a verde oscuro. Una esmeralda más oscura tiene un precio más alto, aunque el tono no debería ser demasiado oscuro. Las esmeraldas con un tono amarillo o azul son menos valiosas.

      Diseña tu anillo a medida ahora

      Tres piezas impresionantes de joyería con esmeraldas.

      Muchas piezas de joyería han sido adornadas con una increíble esmeralda a lo largo de los años. Algunas eran propiedad de familias reales, otras han viajado por el mundo. Aquí te presentamos tres ejemplos excepcionales.

      1. Esmeralda Chalk: La Esmeralda Chalk es una esmeralda colombiana de 37. 82 quilates. Esta esmeralda era anteriormente la pieza central de un collar de diamantes propiedad de un maharajá indio. Esta esmeralda ahora se encuentra en un anillo y se exhibe en el Museo de Historia Natural de Nueva York.
      2. La diadema de Marie Thérèse de Francia: la duquesa de Angulema, Marie Thérèse, poseía una impresionante diadema de esmeraldas. No se sabe con certeza exactamente cuánto vale la gema, pero seguramente sea muy costosa. El hecho de que la diadema no se haya trabajado en los últimos años solo sirve para aumentar su valor. La diadema ahora se exhibe en el Louvre.
      3. Las joyas de Seringapatam: el museo Victoria and Albert de Londres exhibe una de las mejores colecciones de joyas de todos los tiempos, entre ellas, las joyas de Seringapatam. El conjunto consta de una pulsera con esmeraldas, collar, broche y un par de pendientes. Originalmente fueron un regalo para el general británico Lord Harris después de su victoria en el Asedio de Seringapatam en 1799.

      ¿Cómo cuidar una esmeralda?

      La limpieza ultrasónica no es recomendable para las joyas de esmeraldas debido a las inclusiones. Este tipo de  limpieza elimina el aceite que se usa para proteger la esmeralda. La mejor manera de limpiar un colgante de esmeraldas es usar un paño de microfibra suave. Esto ayudará a eliminar el polvo y la grasa de la superficie. Luego utiliza jabón y agua tibia. Deja en remojo durante aproximadamente media hora la joya y luego límpiala suavemente con un cepillo de dientes suave. Una vez lista, enjuaga con abundante agua tibia. Nunca uses productos químicos.

      Asegúrate de quitarte las joyas de esmeraldas antes de nadar. El agua salada y el cloro pueden dañar tus joyas.

      ¿Por qué comprar joyas de esmeraldas en BAUNAT?

      En BAUNAT compramos nuestras piedras preciosas directamente en origen, lo que reduce significativamente los costos generales. Esto significa que podemos ofrecer nuestra colección de joyas online entre un 30% y un 50% más barata que en otros lugares.

      Además, también ofrecemos joyas a medida. ¿Ya tienes en mente un diseño de anillo o colgante de esmeraldas? Si es así, pide una cita con nuestros expertos para conversar más a fondo. Después de una consulta inicial, diseñaremos tu anillo con nuestro software. Te mostraremos un modelo 3D del diseño para ayudarte a tener una idea más clara de cómo será el resultado final. Nuestros artesanos especialistas solo trabajan con materiales de primera calidad, tanto para las joyas a medida como para las joyas de nuestras colecciones online.

      ¿Sigues buscando una joya original para ti o un ser querido? Asegúrate de tener en cuenta las joyas de esmeraldas. El tono verde es fácil de combinar y si la reina egipcia Cleopatra era una gran fanática, seguramente también lo serás.

      Descubre más sobre piedras preciosas

      Ahora sabes el significado de una esmeralda, su simbolismo y que las esmeraldas pueden ser inmensamente valiosas. Pero, ¿sabes todo lo que hay que saber sobre otras piedras preciosas, como los zafiros y rubíes de BAUNAT? ¿Conoces todas las ventajas del diamante u otras piedras preciosas? Recoge todo lo que necesitas saber en los siguientes blogs.

      • El diamante, una piedra de importancia excepcional.
      • ¿Por qué debería comprar un anillo de zafiro?
      • ¿Qué es un rubí y cuál es su significado?
      • Tipos de piedras preciosas y su significado.

      Preguntas frecuentes

      Al igual que todas las piedras preciosas, el valor de una esmeralda depende de su peso, pureza, color y calidad de talla. A diferencia del zafiro, donde la atención se centra en el color más intenso posible, la esmeralda tiene un tinte más claro y un poco más transparente. Aun así, los ejemplos más oscuros son un poco más valiosos que los verdes claro. Se pagan precios especialmente altos por ciertas esmeraldas raras: su precio por quilate incluso supera al de los diamantes.

      El color ‘esmeralda’ se refiere sin duda a la piedra preciosa verde y a la conexión con la naturaleza. Por tanto, tanto el color como la piedra preciosa son un símbolo de amor, eterna juventud y vitalidad. El 55 aniversario de una pareja casada se denomina aniversario de boda de esmeralda, en el que la pareja se regalan una joya con una esmeralda. Por cierto, el color verde de la esmeralda se debe a la presencia de cromo en el mineral berilo.

      Como todas las piedras preciosas, las esmeraldas se formaron hace millones de años cuando el magma en las profundidades de la corteza terrestre se enfrió y solidificó. Después, ciertos minerales formaron cristales. Las esmeraldas se formaron a partir del mineral berilo en presencia de cromo, que proporciona el color verde. El mayor productor es Colombia, pero también se encuentran esmeraldas en Sudáfrica, India, Pakistán y Afganistán.

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      Summary · C. Pugni Esmeralda

      Painting one
      Court of Miracles

      Sunset. With the onset of darkness, the square turns into the “Court of Miracles”: the realm of vagabonds, gypsies and beggars. Gringoire, who accidentally found himself here, falls into the hands of robbers. Not finding money from the poor poet, the vagabonds sentence him to death. However, according to their laws, the victim will be saved if any woman chooses him as her husband. nine0011

      No one agrees, and Gringoire must be hanged. At that moment the charming Esmeralda appears. Having learned what was the matter, she immediately decides to save the unfortunate man by becoming his wife. Gringoire is delighted. He, according to the custom of vagabonds, breaks a jug, and they are crowned for four years – according to the number of shards.

      The cunning archdeacon Claude Frollo, burning with passion for Esmeralda, incites Clopin and his friends to steal her and orders the hunchback Quasimodo to participate in the kidnapping. But the appeared patrol stops the criminals. Captain Phoebus orders to arrest Quasimodo and help the lovely gypsy. Enchanted by the noble handsome Phoebus and deeply grateful to him, Esmeralda receives a scarf from him as a keepsake. Phoebus, at the request of a kind-hearted girl, releases Quasimodo. He tries to flirt with Esmeralda, but she slips away. nine0011

      Scene two

      Esmeralda admires the scarf in thought. Having chosen the necessary letters from the alphabet, she makes up the name Phoebe and dances in front of the dearest name in the world. Enter Gringoire. He tries to hug her, declaring his rights as a husband. But Esmeralda announces to him that she only wanted to save him from death, but she will never be his wife. The unfortunate “husband” comes to terms with his fate and agrees to be her partner in the dances she teaches him. nine0011

      Tired of dancing, Gringoire says it’s time for bed. Esmeralda jokingly drives the poet into the room allotted to him and is left alone. Dreaming of Phoebe, she falls asleep. The door slowly opens and the gloomy figure of Claude Frollo appears in the room. Awakened by his appearance, Esmeralda orders Frollo to leave, but he throws himself on his knees before her, begging her to answer his passionate love. Esmeralda scornfully rejects his offer and, pointing to the name of Phoebus, says: “Here is the one I love!” But Frollo continues to persistently pursue the gypsy, and she draws out a dagger. Quasimodo stops Esmeralda’s hand, but, remembering the kindness shown to him, helps the girl to hide. “Woe to you and curse on him!” – with this threat, Frollo picks up the dagger dropped by Esmeralda, and a plan of revenge is born in his gloomy soul. nine0011

      ACT TWO
      Scene Three
      Fleur de Lis

      A magnificent palace brightly lit for a party. Preparations are underway for the engagement of Phoebus and Fleur de Lis. Her friends collect flowers in bouquets, embroider. Aloise de Gondelaurier enters, everyone greets her joyfully. Phoebus appears. He is distracted: the memories of the meeting with Esmeralda haunt him. Not noticing the scarf she gave her on her beloved, Fleur de Lis turns to Phoebus with reproach. But he presents the bride with a ring, and her sadness is dispelled. nine0011

      Esmeralda enters, accompanied by Gringoire and her friends. She fortune-tells Fleur de Lis and promises her happiness in love, and then dances for guests who admire her grace. In the midst of the fun, when the gypsies start dancing, Esmeralda sees Phoebus and realizes that he is the groom of Fleur de Lis. Heartbroken, she decides to leave the party and dons a scarf. Seeing her present on the gypsy, Fleur de Lis cannot hold back her tears and throws Phoebus’ ring. General confusion. Esmeralda runs away. Phoebus rushes after her – the one to whom his heart belongs. nine0011

      Fourth scene
      Love and jealousy

      Clopin introduces Claude Frollo and shows him a secret place to watch the meeting between Esmeralda and Phoebus. Unable to endure the tenderness and kisses of lovers, Frollo rushes at his opponent with Esmeralda’s dagger. Phoebus falls without breathing.

      People are gathering, and Frollo, without showing excitement, mixes with the crowd. He informs the judge that the dagger belongs to Esmeralda, and the judge accuses her of the crime. Esmeralda protests, vowing her innocence. “You will be saved if you become mine,” Claude Frollo whispers to the desperate girl. But she repulses him indignantly. The judge orders to seize Esmeralda. Frollo is jubilant. At the head of the procession, he leads the gypsy to the prison. A curious crowd follows them, all tensely awaiting the denouement. Gringoire runs in. He tries to get through to Esmeralda and save her, but in vain. The poet is inconsolable. nine0011

      Scene five
      Jester’s Day

      A crowd of beggars and vagabonds celebrating the Jester’s Day rushes into the square. Chosen for this day by their king, Quasimodo sits on a cart in royal robes. Frollo indignantly tears off Quasimodo’s blasphemous outfit.

      Esmeralda is taken out of prison and led to her execution. She says goodbye to everyone and asks Gringoire to bury her with Phoebus’ scarf. Claude Frollo again offers Esmeralda salvation in exchange for her love. “God is your judge,” Esmeralda replies. She is ready for death and prays earnestly. At this moment, Phoebus, who has recovered from his wound, appears. He reveals to the astonished people the true culprit of villainy: Claude Frollo wanted to kill him, condemned Esmeralda is innocent! She throws herself into the arms of her lover. nine0011

      The enraged archdeacon grabs his dagger, but Quasimodo snatches the blade from him and deals with the villain, throwing him into the Seine. Esmeralda gives Phoebus her hand and heart.

      You can find this page at the following address: http://www.chelopera.ru/plays/about/cpuni-esmeralda/brief/

      Puni. Ballet La Esmeralda

      Ballet to music by Caesar Pugni in three acts, five scenes. Screenwriter (according to V. Hugo) and choreographer J. Perrot, artists U. Grive, M. Koper. nine0011

      Premiered 9 March 1844 at Her Majesty’s Theatre, London.


      • Esmeralda, a young gypsy
      • Pierre Gringoire, Poor Poet
      • Claude Frollo, syndic
      • Quasimodo, ringer
      • Phoebus de Chateaupert, young officer
      • Aloise do Gondolaurier
      • Fleur de Lis, her daughter, fiancée Phoebe
      • Clopin Trulfou, leader of a gang of vagabonds
      • Judge, people, officers, soldiers, friends of Fleur de Lis, servants, vagabonds, gypsies

      The action takes place in Paris in the 15th century.

      1. The Court of Miracles is the refuge of the Parisian beggars and vagabonds. Their leader, Clopin Trulfou, sits on a barrel, watching the unbridled merriment of his subjects. The poet Pierre Gringoire runs in and asks for protection from the crowd pursuing him. Since the poor fellow has nothing in his pockets except his poem, which none of the robbers needs, Clopin orders him to be hanged. The pleas of the unfortunate for mercy are in vain, everyone just laughs at him. Jokingly, the tramp king recalls that, according to local law, any woman can save him if she agrees to take him as her husband. All local “ladies” refuse such an “honor”, the poet is in despair. Under enthusiastic cries, the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda appears. Her heart is touched and she agrees to marry the loser. According to local customs, they take out an earthen pot, Gringoire breaks it on the floor – the marriage took place. The dancing resumes until the signal to put out the fires is sounded. The crowd disperses. Cathedral syndic Claude Frollo, who has long been in love with a beautiful dancer, and his bell ringer, the hunchbacked Quasimodo, decide to kidnap Esmeralda. She desperately fights back and screams. The night watch appears, led by the brilliant officer Phoebus de Chateauper. Frollo disappears, but the soldiers catch the ringer. Esmeralda thanks Phoebus for saving her. He, struck by the beauty of the young girl, gives her his scarf. Seeing that the soldiers are beating Quasimodo, the girl asks to release him. Phoebus is generous, but hints that he deserves a kiss as a reward. Esmeralda slips out of his arms and disappears. The watch continues on its way, and Quasimodo looks gratefully after the gypsy. nine0011

      2. Esmeralda’s room. She admires Phoebus’ scarf and puts together his name from the letters. Sweet dreams are interrupted by the arrival of Gringoire. He looks at the beauty with admiration and gently hugs her. The girl recoils, and when the courtship of the “husband” becomes more insistent, she draws her dagger. Esmeralda explains that she loves another, and Pierre only regretted it. However, he can stay if he agrees to dance with her in the squares. They immediately rehearse “on the stage”: the poet learns to accompany the gypsy dance on the tambourine. When the weary Pierre wants to go to bed, Esmeralda takes him to the next room. Frollo and Quasimodo appear. Claude begs her for love, but the gypsy points to the name of her true lover. In a jealous rage, Frollo again tries to take her away by force, but Quasimodo helps the girl to hide. Claude vows to take revenge on a lucky opponent. nine0011

      Garden in the castle of Aloise de Gondelaurier. Her daughter Fleur de Lis is the bride of Phoebus, and the castle is preparing for the wedding. Fleur, along with her friends, dances “pas flowers”. Phoebus appears, he gallantly kisses the bride’s hand, but she notices that the groom is not wearing the scarf she presented. Guests gather, the holiday begins. Phoebus dances pas de trois with two bridesmaids. Esmeralda is also invited to entertain the guests at the celebration. With her faithful Pierre with a guitar and a tambourine. The bride asks the gypsy to tell fortunes, she predicts her happy marriage. Phoebus, seeing the night beauty, approaches her and invites the gypsy to dance with him, Esmeralda cannot refuse him. The bride intervenes, Phoebus coldly assures her of his love. Dancing with Gringoire, the girl in love shows everyone a scarf – a gift from Phoebus. Fleur snatches the scarf from the hands of the gypsy, angrily reproaches the groom and falls unconscious. Gringoire protects Esmeralda from the fury of the guests. Phoebus follows them. nine0011

      3. Night. A room in a tavern. Clopin brings Frollo here and shows him where to hide. Esmeralda and Phoebus arrive. The girl at first reproaches the young man for being frivolous, but then her feeling takes precedence over reason. Phoebus takes the girl into the bedroom. Tormented by jealousy, Claude rushes after them. There is a blow, a groan and the sound of a falling body. Frollo climbs out the window, people come to the cries of the gypsy. Clopin announces that Esmeralda is responsible for the officer’s murder. The girl is taken away despite her pleas and tears. nine0011

      Bank of the Seine. To the right is the prison, the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral are visible in the distance. Esmeralda is taken to prison by a squad of archers led by Claude Frollo. Pierre hears a death sentence – a gypsy should be hanged for the murder. The poet calls on the crowd to intervene, but that is not up to him. The procession of the king of jesters begins. Tramps bring in Quasimodo. The crowd is cheering. Only Frollo is dissatisfied, he tears off the “royal” clothes from the bell ringer. Esmeralda is led out of the prison gates to be executed. She says goodbye to Pierre and asks that the scarf of her beloved be laid with her in the grave. Frollo offers the girl life if she gives him her heart. The gypsy curses him, Frollo in response orders to speed up the execution. Suddenly, Phoebus appears, whose wound turned out to be non-fatal. He accuses the priest of attempted murder. Seeing that Esmeralda and Phoebus are safe and happy, Claude rushes with a dagger at the gypsy in a frenzy, but Quasimodo intercepts the weapon and plunges it into his master’s chest. General rejoicing, the holiday resumes. nine0011

      * * *

      The ballet “Esmeralda”, having seen the light of the stage in London, went around all European scenes, except French ones, found shelter in Russia, having survived here to this day. It became the aesthetic manifesto of choreographer Jules Perrot (1810-1892), one of the pillars of romantic ballet. In this ballet, the boiling of human passions against the backdrop of real life was opposed to the unearthly romance of La Sylphide and Giselle. The basis of the performance was not so much the novel “Notre Dame Cathedral” by another classic of romanticism Victor Hugo, but the script of the opera of the same name written by the writer (1835, composer Louise Berten). However, the volume and realism of the main images of the ballet is the merit of the choreographer. Excellent performers participated in the London performance: Carlotta Grisi – Esmeralda, Arthur Saint-Leon – Phoebus and Perrault himself in the role of Gringoire. The image of the poet absorbed the personality traits and fate of the choreographer, who did not differ in bodily beauty. In the scene where Esmeralda teaches dancing to a stupid loser, Perrault was ironic about his life: he once composed the role of Giselle for his beloved blonde Carlotta, and now she is a recognized star, and he, alas, is almost a retired husband. nine0011

      Already in the first scene of the “Waltz of Old Paris” it was not smart Spaniards or gypsies who danced, but a crowd of ragamuffins. Next, the image of Gringoire was exhibited, in which the nobility of an incomprehensible poetic soul appeared through the mask of a jester. Esmeralda arose against the background of cripples and vagabonds, as the ideal image of beauty and talent. In subsequent productions of Esmeralda, Perrault modified the scene at Fleur de Lis. Phoebus lost his dance number, but there was a magnificent example of meaningful “pas d’action”. Gringoire stopped Esmeralda, who was trying to run away from the wedding, with a blow of a tambourine. The subsequent dance of the gypsy brought tragic notes to her image and for many ballerinas became the emotional center of the ballet. In the final act, the crowd lived in poetic disorder in pantomime scenes and became an exemplary corps de ballet in dance episodes, retaining, however, even here deliberate rudeness. A happy ending to the fate of the heroes was at that time almost obligatory. A concession to the clerical spectators was the transformation of Claude Frollo from a priest only into a syndic, that is, the civil foreman of the cathedral community. nine0011

      The composer of the music for Esmeralda, the Italian Caesar Pugni, wrote more than 300 ballet scores in his lifetime. He collaborated with Perrault in London, followed him to Russia and stayed here until the end of his days, serving as a staff composer for the Imperial Theatres’ ballet. In his time, in ballet performances, potpourri composed by the bandmaster from individual ready-made numbers and fragments were replaced by albeit uncomplicated, but specially, according to the plan of the choreographer, written scores. The music of Puni (or, as they sometimes write, Punya) is distinguished by melody and dance, sometimes conveying the required national tone. nine0011

      Perrault himself brought Esmeralda to St. Petersburg in 1848. Participation in the performance of Fanny Elsler made the title role more dramatic. For another visiting celebrity, Virginia Zucchi, Marius Petipa’s ballet was updated in 1885, making it a four-act ballet. In the scene at the ball appears “pas de six” to the music of R. Drigo, where the dance of Esmeralda and Pierre is accompanied by four gypsies. Since 1899, at the Mariinsky Theater, the ballet has become a favorite performance by Matilda Kshesinskaya, who keeps two goats at the dacha for him (one participates with the hostess in the second picture, the second is in reserve). nine0011

      The famous St. Petersburg ballerina of the second half of the nineteenth century, Ekaterina Vazem, recalled in her declining years: “All Perrault’s ballets differed sharply from the works of other contemporary and subsequent ballet masters in the predominance of the dramatic side over the dance side. Perrot, who always composed the programs for his ballets himself, was a great master at inventing spectacular stage situations that captivated and at times even shocked the audience. There were relatively few dances in his ballets, much less than in performances of later origin. At the same time, when composing these dances, the choreographer cared not so much about giving the performers a more winning number, but about ensuring that the dance numbers complement and develop the dramatic action. nine0011

      It is no coincidence that at the beginning of the 1930s, a new stage in Russian ballet chose the work of Jules Perrot as its banner. In 1935, Agrippina Vaganova at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater, based on the choreography of Perro and Petipa, staged “a social drama about Paris of savage churchmen, hypocritical nobility and a cheerful, rebellious street crowd.” Frollo is returned the title of archdeacon of the cathedral, Phoebus becomes a deceitful and treacherous seducer, Esmeralda in the finale is taken to execution. Puni’s music even earlier, at 1926, was processed by Reinhold Gliere for the production of Esmeralda at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater (choreographer Vasily Tikhomirov).

      The Vaganov edition, unlike the previous ones, focused not only on the performer of the main part. Tatyana Vecheslova did not deceive the viewer’s expectations, presenting herself as a charming, freedom-loving gypsy. But Galina Ulanova and Vakhtang Chabukiani shone nearby, for whom in the ball scene the famous duet of Diana and Acteon was composed on the basis of Petipa’s choreography. The performance, changing performers, was held at the Kirov Theater until the middle of the 1950 years.

      In 1981, another Leningrad theater – the Maly Opera and Ballet Theater – offered its own version of the production of Perro-Petipa. Choreographer Nikolai Boyarchikov was consulted by Tatyana Vecheslova and Petr Gusev. Having endured more than 250 performances, this example of a romantic ballet still adorns the theater’s extensive classical repertoire.

      A. Degen, I. Stupnikov

      History of creation

      1831). The libretto was written by one of the most famous choreographers of the time, Jules Joseph Perrault (1810-1892). Perrault, who was born in France and from childhood performed in theaters on Parisian boulevards (according to other sources, in circuses) as a grotesque dancer, made his debut in classical dance in London in 1830, but was not successful because of his disadvantageous appearance. In 1843 he was appointed ballet master at the Royal Theater in London, and his first action was to invite Pugni as a composer of music. Already in 1843, he staged Pugni’s ballet Ondine, after which work began on Esmeralda. nine0011

      In the libretto of Esmeralda, Perrault retained the storyline of the original source, but the social theme, so pronounced in Hugo, was translated into a personal drama in the ballet. The most vivid opposition of the novel has faded: the ugly, but capable of strong feelings and generous deeds, the rootless foundling Quasimodo to the beautiful, empty and frivolous officer Phoebus de Chateauper. Claude Frollo, the sinister hero of the novel, who occupies one of the central places in it, has turned from a minister of the church into a syndic. The topic related to Esmeralda’s mother, who lost her child and recognized the stolen daughter in Esmeralda, whom she hated, just before the execution of the girl, also left. Moreover, the choreographer replaced the tragic ending with a happy one, and Phoebus turned into a traditional ballet hero-lover. “The tragic must—alas! — to have a successful outcome, otherwise the composer of the ballet will suffer the fate of Euripides, — said Perrault bitterly. “We are left with only fairy tales.” nine0011

      Nevertheless, it was Hugo’s romantic poetics that largely determined the principles of choreographic expressiveness. For Perrault, modern literature, theater and painting were the main sources of inspiration. “The ballet conceived by Perrault differs sharply from other works of that time,” writes Y. Slonimsky. – Active melodramatic action, picturesque portraits of the main characters, a colorful and expressive crowd of representatives of the social lower classes, sharply defined interests of the characters made Perrault’s Esmeralda unprecedented in terms of the multicolored choreographic paintings. The dance numbers of the ballet complement and develop the dramatic action. An important role is played by mass dance numbers, which become an important element of the action. In the ballet, the intensity of passions and sharp conflicts are clearly manifested. Dramatic and comedic elements are mixed, giving rise to the versatility of dramaturgy. Contemporaries recognized Perrault as the creator of a previously unseen genre: “He was the first to have the honor of inventing the so-called “Pas d’ action” and the idea to introduce into the dances themselves, which usually constitute only the frame of the ballet, the goal, content, facial expressions. Perrot was the first to comprehend all these “Pas de trios”, “Pas de quatre”, “Pas de cinque” – the most boring and at the same time almost necessary part of the ballet, ”wrote one of the Russian reviewers. nine0011

      Esmeralda premiered on 9 March 1844 at the Theater Royal, London. Four years later, the ballet was staged at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre, two more years later in Moscow, and in 1856 in Paris. Already after the composer’s death, in 1886, M. Petipa (1818-1910) staged a new, four-act production based on Perro’s choreography with the addition of Drigo’s music. In 1935, the next version of the ballet, in three acts, nine scenes, was staged on the same stage by A.

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