Fabulas con letra: FÁBULAS CORTAS con moraleja para niños | Saberimagenes.com

Fabulas con letra: FÁBULAS CORTAS con moraleja para niños | Saberimagenes.com

FÁBULA DE AMOR – Los Changos


Home L Los Changos Fábula de Amor

Quería recordar sólo un momento
A veces le hace bien al corazón
Sabés, entre tú y yo ya no hay misterios
El tiempo lentamente me enseñó
¡te quiero! quería recordar
Ya no te puedo olvidar

Sabés, ayer también te di mi vida
Yo te escribía fábulas de amor
Te amé por sobre el gris de los inviernos
Con el último aliento de mi voz
¡te quiero! quería recordar
Ya no te puedo olvidar

Y te amaré
Por mas que el tiempo venga a deshojar tu piel
Pareces arenita entre mis manos
Me vas dejando solo y yo me muero de amor
¡te quiero! quería recordar
Ya no te puedo olvidar

Yo inauguré el delirio de tus besos
Te amaba en un ritual claro de luz
Me fuí a buscar del sol tu pensamiento
Para ganar después tu plenitud
¡te quiero! quería recordar
Ya no te puedo olvidar

Quería recordar después morirme
No puedo amanecer tanta pasión
En el amor no hay tiempos ni rencores
Solo existen dos almas, tú y yo
¡te quiero! quería recordar
Ya no te puedo olvidar

Y te amaré
Por mas que el tiempo venga a deshojar tu piel
Pareces arenita entre mis manos
Me vas dejando solo y yo me muero de amor
¡te quiero! quería recordar
Nunca te voy a olvidar

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    1. Fábula de Amor
    2. Anaranjado
    3. Ya No Vendrás

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    Con perdón de Thurber, de Monterroso, de…


    ¿Quién le pone el cascabel al gato?

    Los ratones hicieron una asamblea popular porque estaban hartos de que el pinchi gato se los comiera. Dijeron discursos y crearon un Frente Revolucionario y gritaron “Los ratones unidos jamás serán vencidos”, etcétera. Luego, un ratón astuto propuso ponerle un cascabel al gato para saber si se acercaba. Todos lo ovacionaron. Pero otro ratón con fama de sabio dijo: “¿Y quién va a ser el guapo que le ponga el cascabel al gato?” Los ratones se deprimieron mucho al percatarse de que no existía ese guapo, así que agarraron al ratón con fama de sabio y lo lincharon y a la chingada. Moraleja: si eres ratón no seas sabio.


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    Andaba la cigarra echando desmadre cuando pasó junto a ella una hormiga cargando un elote. “Vente a echar desmadre”, le dijo la cigarra, “¿a dónde llevas ese pinchi elote?” “Es que me preparo para el invierno”, contestó la hormiga, “y tú deberías hacer lo propio”. Y la cigarra dijo: “El invierno me vale.” Cuando llegó el invierno, la cigarra invadió el hormiguero, se madreó a las hormigas, les expropió los elotes y se pasó el invierno echando desmadre. Moraleja: hay que aumentar la producción de hormigas.


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    La lechera y su cántaro

    Una señorita compró leche en el establo y llenó su cántaro y fue a venderlo al mercado. “Con lo que me den por la leche compro una gallinita que pondrá huevos; con lo que me den por los huevos compro un marranito; con la venta del marranito compro una pistola y secuestro al dueño del establo; con el rescate compro un AK-47 y asalto el banco; con lo que robe en el banco compro droga y la exporto a California, y seré muy rica y me harán un corrido y me compro un cuadro de  Siqueiros.” Y así le hizo y es feliz. Moraleja: los cuadros de Orozco tienen más plusvalía.


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    El zorro y el erizo

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    La zorra y la democracia

    Un día iba una zorra paseándose por el bosque cuando vio una democracia colgando de una rama. “¡Ah, qué rica se ve esa pinchi democracia!”, dijo la zorra, “justo lo que necesito para apagar mi sed de justicia”. Entonces brincó para alcanzar la democracia y no la alcanzó. Entonces creó el Instituto Federal Democrático (IFD) y se trepó a él, pero siguió sin alcanzarla. Y luego creó el Tribunal Federal Democrático (TFD) y lo puso arriba del IFD y no alcanzó tampoco. Entonces creó la Comisión de Procedimientos Democráticos (CPD) y la puso encima del IFD y del TFD, pero siguió sin alcanzarla y, en fin, que hasta la fecha ahí sigue la pinchi zorra brinque y brinque. Moraleja: no hay moraleja. ~

    Guillermo Sheridan

    Es un escritor, editorialista y académico, especialista en poesía mexicana moderna.

    Krylov’s fables with the letter “Ш”

    One of the most beloved Russian writers was and still is Ivan Andreevich Krylov. A child who does not yet know how to read already knows by hearsay some Krylov’s fable from his older brothers or sisters.

    “Trishka’s caftan”
    Trishka’s caftan was torn on his elbows.
    What’s the point of thinking here? He set to work on the needle:
    Cut off the sleeves by a quarter –
    And paid for the elbows. The caftan is ready again;
    Only a quarter of the naked hands have become.
    What’s up with this sadness?
    But everyone laughs at Trishka;
    And Trishka says: “So I’m not a fool
    And will I correct that trouble?
    Longer than before, I will set the sleeves.
    Oh, little Trishka is not simple!
    He cut the tails and the floors,
    He set up his sleeves, and my Trishka was cheerful,
    Although he wears such a caftan,
    Which is longer and camisoles.
    In the same way, I saw, sometimes
    Other gentlemen,
    Having confused matters, they correct them,
    Look: they flaunt in Trishka’s caftan.

    Krylov’s fables are learned by heart in schools. In life, in various circumstances, I recall examples from Krylov’s fables. Phrases from his fables are given as proverbs.

    “Cauldron and Pot”
    Pot and Cauldron brought together a great friendship;
    Although the Kotel is a more knowledgeable breed,
    But in friendship, what’s at the expense? Cauldron mountain for the matchmaker;
    Familiar Pot with Cauldron;
    Without each other, they can not be in any way;
    From morning to evening we are inseparable from each other;
    And by the fire they are bored separately;
    And, in a word, every step together,
    And from the hearth to the hearth.

    Here the Cauldron decided to ride around the world,
    And he calls a friend with him;
    Our pot does not lag behind the Cauldron in any way
    And together sits on the same cart with him.
    Friends set off along the shaking pavement,
    Pushing each other in a cart.
    Where are the hills, potholes, potholes –
    Cauldron trifle; Pots are weak in kind:
    From each push the Pot is a big burden;
    However, he does not think back,
    And the clay pot is only happy about it,
    That he was so friendly with the cast-iron cauldron.
    How far their travels were,
    I don’t know; but I have definitely been informed of that,
    That the cauldron returned home from the road,
    And only shards remained from the Pot.
    Reader, this fable is the simplest idea:
    That equality in love and friendship is a holy thing.

    Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born in 1768 and lived in the world for seventy-six years. He acquired the title of “grandfather” during his lifetime: everyone called him that, and mothers, showing the children to the famous old man walking down the street, said: “There is grandfather Krylov!” The name of his grandfather remained with him after his death, and on the monument in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, Krylov is depicted as a respectable old man, grandfather, as he was. The name “grandfather” somehow especially suited Ivan Andreevich Krylov; his fables show the mind of a highly experienced, wise old man who saw through a person on all paths of life.

    “The Master and the Mice”
    If they steal in the house,
    But there is no decency for a thief,
    Then beware of riveting,
    Or punishing everyone completely and indiscriminately:
    You won’t kill a thief with this
    And you won’t fix it,
    But only You will force good servants to flee from the court,
    And from a lesser misfortune you will fall into a greater one.
    Kupchina built barns
    And in them he put all edible goods;
    And so that the mouse race does not harm him,
    So he established the police from cats.
    The merchant is calm from mice;
    Watching the storerooms day and night,
    And everything would be fine, but there was a reason:
    A thief appeared in the watchmen.
    Cats, like ours (who doesn’t know this?),
    It’s not without sin in overseers.
    Here, with what to lie in wait for the thief
    And punish him, and save the right ones,
    My master ordered to cross all the cats.
    Hearing such an intricate verdict,
    And right here, and guilty
    Hurry out of the yard.
    My merchant became without cats;
    And the mice just waited and wanted:
    Only the cats out, they are in the barn,
    And, in two or three weeks,
    Ate all the goods.

    Krylov began writing fables at the thirty-eighth year of his birth. Before the fables, with which he attracted the attention of all literate Russia, Krylov composed many other things; but everything else that he composed is forgotten – some fables are remembered by everyone, they alone made him a loud glory here and abroad.

    “Wolf and Cuckoo”

    “Goodbye, neighbor!” The wolf said to Cuckoo:
    “In vain did I beckon myself with peace here!
    You still have the same people and dogs:
    One is meaner than the other; and even though you be an angel,
    So you won’t avoid a fight with them.”—
    “How far is the neighbor’s way?
    And where is such a pious people,
    With whom do you think you can live in harmony? —
    “Oh, I’m going straight
    Into the forests of happy Arcadia.
    Neighbor, that’s the side!
    They say they don’t know what the war is;
    Like lambs, meek people,
    And rivers flow there with milk;
    Well, in a word, golden times reign!
    Like brothers, everyone treats each other,
    And even, they say, dogs don’t bark there,
    Not only don’t bite.
    Tell me yourself, my dove, to me,
    Isn’t it nice, even in a dream,
    To see yourself in such a quiet land?
    Sorry! do not remember us dashingly!
    That’s where we will live:
    In harmony, in contentment, in bliss!
    Not like here, walk with an eye during the day,
    And don’t sleep peacefully at the lodging for the night. ” —
    “Good luck, my dear neighbor!”
    The cuckoo says: “What about your temper and teeth
    Will you throw it here, or will you take it with you?” –
    “Come on, what nonsense! –
    “So remember me, what would you be without a fur coat.”
    The more bad-tempered one is,
    The more he shouts and grumbles at people:
    He does not see the good, no matter where he turns,
    And the first one himself will not get along with anyone.

    ‘This Fable is Such’ 6 Letters

    The solution to this crossword puzzle is 6 letters long and starts with the letter M

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    the answer to the crossword and scanword

    Monday, March 23, 2020




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