Granja escuela murcia: Las 5 mejores granjas escuela de la Región de Murcia

Granja escuela murcia: Las 5 mejores granjas escuela de la Región de Murcia

Las 5 mejores granjas escuela de la Región de Murcia

Los niños cada vez conocen menos las costumbres del campo tales como cuidar gallinas, vacas o cabras ya que esto antes era algo más común de lo que es ahora. La gente acostumbraba a vivir en zonas rurales en las que podían explorar y conocer los entresijos de la naturaleza. Es por eso que las visitas a las granjas son un plan genial para poder realizar con nuestros hijos y asombrarnos con su curiosidad y sus ganas de aprender de la naturaleza.

Uno de los mejores planes para verano es llevar a los niños a una granja escuela para que puedan estar en contacto directo con los animales además de divertirse realizando talleres de todo tipo.

En Conmishijos te presentamos las 5 mejores granjas escuela de la Región de Murcia.

1. Granja Escuela El Oasis

La empresa Granja Escuela El Oasis ofrece campamentos de verano en la provincia de Murcia. Con más de 26 años de experiencia en el sector, esta granja escuela ofrece una enorme variedad de actividades dedicadas al entretenimiento y a la diversión de los niños tales como talleres, juegos, y por supuesto, actividades en las que los más pequeños podrán aprender sobre los animales de la granja cuidándoles y dándoles de comer.

Se trata de un plan perfecto para que los niños interactúen con la naturaleza y el medio que les rodea de una forma sana y divertida al mismo tiempo que disfrutan de su tiempo libre y se relacionan con amigosde sus mismas edades.

2. Granja Escuela El Almendrico

El Almendrico es una empresa en Murcia que ofrece campamentos multiaventura para niños y jóvenes desde los 6 hasta los 11 años de edad. 

Durante sus campamentos los niños realizarán actividades en las que estarán en contacto con la naturaleza tales como divertidas excursiones y clases didácticas en las que los niños aprenderán a cuidar a los animales y a respetar el medioambiente. Además, podrán disfrutar de actividades como piragüismo, una increíble visita a un parque acuático, acampadas, senderismo, fiestas temáticas y muchos juegos. Todo ello supervisado por monitores profesionales en campamentos dirigidos a los niños.

3. Finca Caruana

La Finca Caruana en Murcia es una instalación especializada en campamentos, actividades recreativas, educativas y deporte en la naturaleza. Se encuentra a los pies de Sierra Espuña y cuenta con más de 25 años ofreciendo sus servicios a colegios, institutos y asociaciones de todo tipo.

Se trata de un maravilloso lugar en el que los niños aprenderán a disfrutar de la convivencia al mismo tiempo que se acercan a su entorno y al paisaje de montaña, a sus animales y al medioambiente. Entre sus principales instalaciones disponen de un albergue, una zona de acampada, actividades de aventura y todas ellas equipadas y dirigidas por monitores profesionales.

4. Granja Escuela Los Limoneros

La Granja Escuela Los Limoneros pertenece a una escuela de ocio que organiza campamentos multiaventura para los más pequeños. Esta se desarrolla en Torres de Cotillas durante el mes de julio y está dirigida a niños de entre 7 a 12 años de edad. 

Además de ser una maravillosa experiencia en la que los niños pueden vivir el día a día de una granja aprendiendo a cuidar de los animales y del huerto, también ofrece clases de inglés diarias con prodesores titulados para que los niños practiquen el idioma en plena naturaleza.

5. Granja Park Ocio

Situada en la localidad murciana de Cartagena, GranjaPark es mucho más allá de lo que podría ser una granja escuela convencional. 

En sus instalaciones existe todo lo necesario para que los niños se conviertan en indios, aventureros, biólogos e incluso deportistas de los Juegos Olímpicos. Además, el parque dispone de piscina, muros de escalada, cuadras e incluso, campos de fútbol y pista de patinaje para qu elos niños se lo pasen a lo grande. Una muy buena forma de adentrar a los más pequeños en el entorno natural al mismo tiempo que disfrutan del ocio y de la enorme variedad de actividades de Granja Park.



Excursiones a la Granja Escuela en Murcia

Excursiones y Estancias a la Granja Escuela

Hi School Mountain – Elche, Alicante

Excursiones y estancias a la Granja Escuela. Hi School Mountain es un complejo en la montaña a 5 km del centro de la ciudad de Elche en la provincia de Alicante en España. Disponemos de más de 40.000m2 para realizar actividades, la mayoría al aire libre. Tenemos una Granja Escuela con más de 100 animales. En nuestras instalaciones se pueden encontrar varios circuitos de multiaventura, pistas deportivas, zona de piscina, merenderos, invernaderos, albergues, aulas, talleres, salones, oficinas y mucho más…, que solo podrás ver si vienes a la montaña. Nos visitan niños y jóvenes de más de 20 nacionalidades diferentes con edades comprendidas entre los 2 y los 17 años, ahora puedes quedarte a dormir con tus amigos de clase de tu colegio.

En Hi School Mountain, formamos los grupos por edades aproximadas con una ratio de 10/12 niños por monitor. Los itinerarios son intensos y nos pasamos todo el día realizando actividades. El programa se puede realizar también en lengua inglesa (opcional). El alojamiento es en albergues en literas. Si vienes de excursión de un día puedes traer la comida de casa o del cole y si te quedas a dormir tienes incluidas cinco comidas diarias, desde la comida del día de entrada hasta la comida del día de salida. Ponte en contacto con nosotros y te enviaremos programas para todos los grupos de edad con itinerarios y sus menús. Estás a punto de tener una experiencia inolvidable en la Granja Escuela de Hi School en Elche, Alicante.

Galería de fotos

En Hi School tenemos cientos de actividades para tí

Granja Escuela

  • Cerdos
  • Burros
  • Ovejas
  • Cabras
  • Pavos reales
  • Conejos
  • Gallinas
  • Ocas
  • Pájaros

y mucho más…


  • Tirolinas
  • Puentes tibetanos
  • Rocódromo
  • Tiro con arco
  • Boulder
  • Rappel
  • Barra de equilibrio
  • Lucha de gladiadores
  • Puentes mono

y mucho más…


  • Huerto ecológico
  • Invernadero
  • Semillero
  • Sales de colores
  • Mr Potato
  • Pulseras náuticas
  • Circo
  • Hip – Hop
  • Disco

y mucho más…


  • Bicicletas
  • Circuito de Quads
  • Futbol
  • Baloncesto
  • Badminton 
  • Ping – Pong
  • Skates – Scooters
  • Camas elásticas
  • Piscina

y mucho más…

Hi School Mountain – Elche, Alicante

Granja Escuela Hi School – Elche, Alicante


  • Edad: de 2 a 17 años
  • Lugar: Elche, Alicante, España
  • Ratio: Monitor x 10/12
  • Fechas: todo el año
  • Entrada: sobre las 9:30h 
  • Salida: sobre las 16:00h
  • Hora de entrada asignada
  • Inglés: opcional
  • Excursión día, estancia o viaje escolar
  • Monitores: 24h
  • Alojamiento: Albergue
  • Dietas: en excursión, con o sin comida.
  • Seguros RC y Accidentes…

¿Cómo es un día de excursión?

  • Llegada 
  • Presentaciones en anfiteatro
  •  Almuerzo
  • Visita la Granja
  • Taller Mr. Potato
  • Comida
  • Circuito Multiaventura
  • Despedida

Nuestros programas e itinerarios son orientativos y los preparamos a medida en funciones del número de niños y sus edades o cursos.

¿Cómo es un día de estancia?

  • 8:00h Despertar/desayuno
  • 9:00h Visita la granja
  • 10:30h Almuerzo
  • 11:00h Huerto ecológico
  • 12:30h Rocódromo
  • 14:00h Comida
  • 15:00h Taller Mr. Potato
  • 16:30h Tirolinas
  • 18:00h Merienda
  • 19:30h Natural Chef
  • 20:30h Cena
  • 21:30h Fuego de campamento
  • 23:00h A dormir…

¿Qué comemos en el Campamento?

  • Pastas
  • Arroces
  • Platos de cuchara
  • Carnes
  • Pescados
  • Bocadillos variados
  • Bolleria/cereales
  • Leche
  • Agua mineral
  • Refrescos (solo en las fiestas)
  • Zumos, batidos y galletas
  • Frutas variadas
  • Yogures, gelatinas, natillas…

Precios de excursión y estancia a la Granja Escuela


Granja Escuela

1 día / sin comida


Reservar ahora


Granja Escuela

1 día / con comida

17,95€ / 18,95€

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Granja Escuela

2 días / 1 noche


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Granja Escuela

3 días / 2 noches


Reservar ahora

Tendrás una experiencia inolvidable

Encyclopedia of teams: football, hockey, bandy: 26 Oct.


Republic in Southern Europe.
There are ten levels: 1st (Series A), 2nd (Series B), 3rd (Series C1, groups A and B), 4th (Series C2; groups A, B and C), 5 -th (Series D – Dilletanti, 9 regional groups), 6th (Eccelenza Reggionale, in the provinces of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania A and B, Emilia-Romagna A and B, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio A and B, Liguria , Lombardy A-C, Marche, Molise, Piedmont A and B, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicily A and B, Tuscany A and B, Trentino Alto Adige, Umbria, Veneto A and B), 7th (Promodzione, across the provinces of Abruzzo A and B, Basilicata, Calabria A and B, Campania A-D, Emilia Romagna A-D, Friuli Venezia Giulia A and B, Lazio A-D, Liguria A and B, Lombardy A-F, Marche A and B, Molise, Piedmont A-D, Puglia A and B, Sardegna A and B, Sicily A-D, Tuscany A-C, Trentino Alto Adige A and B, Umbria A and B, Veneto A-D), 8th (Prima Category, several groups in each province), 91st (Seconda Category, several groups in each province), 10th (Terza Category, several groups in each province).
Professional levels 1 to 4, amateur levels 5 and below.
Antico Principato Polisportiva Club represents the self-proclaimed Principality of Seborga.

Avellino Unione Sportiva Avellino
Avigliano Calcio
A. Gallo Kolb.
Agropoli Agropoli
A. Genazzano SV
Azzurra Picerno
Azzurra Rossano AC
Azzurra Tricarico ASD
A. di Luco
Adrano Auto Polisportivo AB 9000 3 Adrano Polisportivo Calcio ONLUS
Adriano Flacco Pescara Mon (Pn) SSD Polisportiva
Adriano Flacco Polisportiva
AI (AI, Artigianato Industrita) Larchianese
Ai0ha3 ”
Acc. Sandonatese
Akri Calcio
Alab. Volterra
Alense Viv.
Alessandria Calcio Unione Sportiva 1912 Alessandria
A. L. Rari Nantes
Alba Adriatica
Alba Borgo Roma
Alba Durazano3 ASD
“Albalonga Polisportivo”
“Albanova” ASD
“Alba Sannio”
Albinolefs UK
Algero Polysportivo
Algund Aldine
Aldeno “9000” Alkamo “UPD
” Almas Roma Rome
Alta Vallagarese
Alta Vallagarina US
Altinese 2000 Polysportiva
Alto Adige Bressanone
Altrai0/Altrai0/Rome0 Milan
Alfonsine Alfonsine
Alzano Viresheet
Alzano Cene
Allianese Calcio 1923
AM 1998
A. Marchionni
Amator Gioco Calcio
Amatore Asd
Amatori Asd
Passo Amatori Ambrosiana Piacenza
Amiternina SPD
Amici Verbania
Amici dello Sport Milan
Ampelea di Isola
Anagni Fontana
Angri Calcio 1927″ US
“Angry Sokker” US
Angelo Baiardo Genoa
Angelo Cristofaro
Ancona 9 Ancona00 “90 “Ancona Calcio” Ancona
“Anconitana” Ancona
“Antico Principato Polisportiva” Seborga
“Anciolavinio” ASD
“Agnizia” Lucco
“Aosta Calcio” Aosta

3 Leucota

A. Passo Cordone”
“APD (APD) Futura”
“Apice” USD
“Aprilia” AC
“Argentina” AC Arezzo
“Ardens Chene”
“Ardens Chene”
“Ardencena0 Polisportivo”
Ardor Lazzate
Ariano V. Ufita
Ariano Irpino US
Arcia Syracuse
Arco US
Armando Picchi Calcio 900
Arrone GS
Arsenal Taranto
Artigianato Industria Larchianese US
Artillo Rome
ACAR Riccone
Ascoli Calcio 1898 Ascoli 900 Fonte
Asolo Asseminese
Assi Bolzano
A.Stefanizzi Sportivo
Asti Colligiana
Astimakobi FC
Astlia Rome
Astrea ASD
Atalanta Calcimasca BC )” Bergamo
“Atella Mont.”
Athletic San Angelo
Athletic Club Genoa
Atlético Vieste
Atlético AC Irno
Atlético Catania
Atlético Conversano
Atlético Corato
Atlético Leonzio
Atlético Milan30 Atlético 30 Merano 9000 ATLETICO “MOLA
” ATLETICO “Montecko
” ATLETICO “ASD Nepetszano
” Athleetic “Porchellengo
” Trivento
“Athletic” Triza “Triza
Atlético Turin
Atlético 158 ASDB
Atlético Van Gough
Atlético Calcio AC
Atlético Marconia
Atlético Nardo’
Atlético Citta VS (CVS)
Atlético Hellas
Atletico Pico
Athletic Fan Hof
A. Thomas Malle
A. Travagliato
Audax Piobbico
Audax Salerno SC
Audace Gaiazza V.
Audace Naples 9000 Audace Rome
Audace San Michele Extra
Audace Taranto
Audace Cerignola
Audace Isola d’Elba Portoferraio
Auzval Sterzing
Auzonia Auzonia
Auzonia Pro Throat
Aurelia R.
Aurora Viagrande
Aurora Gronz
Aurora Ururi
Auto Aderni
PKA0agolese 90Auer (RS)”
“Africo” US
“Azzate Mornago”
“Acerrana Polisportivo”
“Achikatena” AKRD
“Acireale Associatione Sportiva” (AS)
“Aci San Antonio”
1996″ ASDC Seveso
“Bacoli Sibilla Flegrea”
“Balvano” US
“Baldacchio Br.”
Banzi AC
Banco di Roma Rome
Bagnolese Bagnole
Bagnarese AC
F.” Lugo
“Barano Calcio” AC
“Baratta Battipaglia” AC
“Barberino Mug.
“Bareggio S.M.”
Barengo FC
Bari Associatione Sportiva Bari
Barilla Sud
Barkanova Salus
Barletta ASD
Barrese Esther Associacione
Barcelona GS Bolzano
Basiano Masate
Bassano Virtus 1955 St. Bassano
Bassano Romano ASD Rome
Basso Mol. SGM
Atlético 158
Battipalliese SS Battipaglia
Battipaglia 0 Battipaglia
Bella Calcio
Bellaria Igea Marina AK
Belluno 1905 AC
Belvedere AC
Belvedere FC
Belvedere Citta G. (CG)
Benacense 1905
Benevento Narzole “
” Bergamo Fiorent “Usd
“Biancocheleste Kalchio” Biassono “
” Bibbin “
Bibbon” Bibbon La K.
“Biella” Biella
“Biella VL Coss.”
Biellese 1902 AS Spa Biella
Bienate Magnago
Bic. Fossombrone
Bisacchese Polisportiva
Bitonto US
Bisceglie D.U.
“B. Nazzaro C.”
Boville Ernica
Boys Caivanese US
Boys Cardito US
Boiliano ASD
Boiliano US
Bocale Calcio
Boca Pellaro 1921 AC Sanzazo FC

Bolognese Grupo Sportivo Bologna
Bologna 1909 Bologna FC
Bologna Virtus Bologna
“Boldzanetese V.”
Bolzano Bolzano
Bolzano-Bozen 1996 Bolzano
Bogliasco 1976 E.
Bondenese AK
Borgaro Tor.
“Borgatese S.A.”
Borgo US Borgo a Buggiano
Borgo Trieste
Borgo Arenzano
Borgo Buggiano
Borgosesia Calcio
Borgomanero AKSD
Borgoratti MK03 Saniro 03
Borgo Flora
Bozen 1996 FC Bolzano
Botzner FC Bolzano
Botzner Boden FC Bolzano
Brancaleone AP
Breda JDS (JDS) 9003 Brembatese
Brembio VN
Brescello Unione Sportiva Brescello
Brescia Calcio Brescia
Brienza Calcio
Brixen AC
CC Brixen Brindisi 1912 FB
Brogaro Tor
Bruneck SSF Brunico
Bruneck FC Brunico
Buska 2001
Sandesa -Angele in Vade
“Vadese Calcio S. P.A.”
Vado AC
Vado FC
Valenzana Calcio
Vallagarino US
Valle Bagaladi
Valle Aurina 90 ACcione 90
Valle Gr. Sasso
Valle d’Aosta (VDA) Aosta Sarre
Valle d’Aosta (VDA) Calcio SRL Aosta
Valle del Sercchio Ciocco
Valle de Valle Lis09 Issimle de Valle Barbera
Val Bidente
Valdagno M.
Valdianese Calcio
Val di Gresta
Valdinie Calcio Courmajo
Val di Sangro Polisportivo
“Val d’Ei” Brusson
“Val Passiria”
“Valturinnic Kalchio” Breyi – Chervinia
Vanzagelleza “9000” Vaprio
Varazze D.B.
Varese Calcio 1910 AS Varese
Varna Farne
Vasto Marino
Vaticano KK
V. Grassina
Wever Inter3

3 Wevergo

“Vecchia Pavullese”
Velletri VJS (VJS)
Veloche Biella
Venafro US
Venegono FC
Venegono Calcio9acionezia Venice
Venezia Mestre Mestre
Ventimiglia Calcio
Venturina AS
Verbania XM (NM)
Verona Hella FC Verr” Verr
“Versilia 1998”
“Verucchio” ASD
Viasedo Kalchio
Vybonesze Kalchio Us
Vigaranes “
” Viginolo “
” Vigantina “
” Vigor Lamecia “9000” Vigor Messina “
Vigor Pollenza
Vigor Senigallia
Vigevano Calcio
Wiesen / Pfitsch
Vico Equense Calcio
Vict. R. Bagnese
Victoria Ivest Basilica”
“Villabate Spl.”
Villa d’Adda
Villa d’Alme
Villa Literno
Villa Pesaro
Villafranca VR
Villafranca T.
“Villachedeze Kalchio” SS
“Villlenev” Sarre
“Vinchi Kalchio”
Vignioles “Virg. Maroso” Viralisita “Virgamo
” Virigami “Virigami” Virigami “Virigami Unitis Polisportivo
Viribus Cisterna
Virtus Baia
Virtus Bella
Virtus Binasco
Virtuswecomp Verona USDV Verona
Virtus Volla
Virtus Don Bosco
Virtus Ispica
Virtus Casarano
Virtus Castellese
Virtus Castelfranco Calcio Polisportivo
Virtus Catania
Virtus Corno
Virtus Cupello
Virtus Latina
Virtus La Castellana
Virtus Locorotondo
Virtus Manerbio
Virtus Mazzola Calcio
Virtus Mazzola M.
“Virtus Mondovi'”
“Virtus M. Sant.”
“Virtus Ocio Sotto”
Virtus Pavullese
Virtus Poggibonsi
Virtus Riccione
Virtus San Mauro
Virtus Fortitudo
Virtus Città di Diavolo
Virtus Città Spoleto
Virtus Entella
Virtus03 ” Vis Artena
Vis Aurelia
Vis Carassai
Vis Macerata
Vis Pesaro 1898
Vis Sezze Rome
Vis Terracina
Viterbese Viterbo AS Viterbo
Viterbese Viterbo
Vittorio Veneto
Vittorio Falmec
“Vittoria” FC
“Vicenza Kalchio” Vicenza
“Vogere” Ak Vogere “Vogere” Volleza “
Osio Soto”
Volta Calcio
Voltrese Vultur
Vietri Baia
Gabetti Val.
Gavorrano USD
Gallipoli AK
Gan Tiennes in Gandinez “

“Garchia M.Ardz.”
Gaspar Istrana
Gassino San Raffaele
Gatatico Praticello di Gatatico
Gattopardo P.
Gazzera Kirinyago
“Gidonia” ADD Monchelio
Gladiator Leach

Gragano SC
Gramsci Reggio nel Emilia
Grand Combin Gigno
Grand Paradis Arvie
Gröden FC

“Grosseto” US FC
Grottaglie Ars et Labor ADC
Grottammare 1899 JV
Marche Anconitana Group Ancona
3 Pontenuovo Group
Grucent003 Group Citta di K.
“Gualdo Kalchio” SS
“Gualdo Sportiva” Gualdo Tadino
“Guandzatez” 9000 “Guardavalle”
“Guardiagrele” AS
“AS 9000” Gulnazi “
” Guuspini ”

Wine regions of Spain: Murcia

Located in the southeast of Spain, bordering the regions of Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha and Valencia, Murcia is a small but popular tourist region. It has over 250 kilometers of Mediterranean coastline, called the Costa Calida, with beaches stretching to the horizon. In addition to beaches and tourist prospects, this region is also the largest producer of fruits, vegetables and flowers in Europe. The capital of Murcia, along with Cartagena and Caravaca, has a deep cultural and religious significance. Murcia is the land best known for the Monastrell grape variety and is home to three denominations of origin – Bullas, Jumilla and Yecla. These wines are characterized by deep rich color and high tannin content.

The lush countryside of the Murcia wine region is surrounded by low mountains and dry coastal plains. Although the wines of Murcia are not famous, they are worth discovering. Discover three DO appellations – Bullas, Jumilla and Yecla, which produce a variety of wines. The cultivation of grapes in Murcia is ancient and dates back to about the time the Phoenicians first came to the region. But wines became known all over the world in the 19th century, when immigrants from France settled here. The first grape variety planted in this region was Monastrell, a bold red variety.

Murcia is one of the smallest regions in Spain. However, its significance in history is great, and throughout history it has been vital as a key supplier of agricultural products. For centuries, Murcia has been one of the main producers of vegetables. Meat has also always been of great importance. As for wine, it was originally used to give volume to light wines produced in Alicante and Valencia. This role was long forgotten and today Murcia and its flagship grape Monastrell play an important role in the Spanish wine reality.

Wines from Murcia may not be well known to the general public, but they are worth discovering. There are many opportunities for wine tourism in Murcia. The wine routes between Bullas, Jumilla and Yecla are of great interest to visitors who will be surprised by the variety of wineries and places to visit. Murcia is the birthplace of the Monastrell grape variety.

Jumilla wine region

Few fans of Jumilla wines know that phylloxera has reached this region as well. It happened, but not when the beetle destroyed vineyards in Europe. In the case of Jumilla, the arrival of the beetle took place a century later, at 1988 year!

A few far-sighted people decided that a disaster could turn into an opportunity. The vines needed to be repotted and a good choice was made – quality clones of Monastrell were bred again. Jumilla, who once exported and produced wine in bulk, was about to start a revolution that continues today.

The strategy in terms of winemaking involved several changes: earlier harvest to preserve acidity, longer maceration, colder fermentation and careful aging. The results were surprising and well suited to lovers of full-bodied ripe and fruity wines. You can enjoy a wine tour of some of Jumilla’s wineries. The most beautiful wineries are located in the area known as Karche, a natural protected area. To get to El Carche, you need to have a car, as it is located 10 minutes drive from the city of Jumilla.

Jumilla has a distinct terroir. The wine region is named after the city of Jumilla. This is a small town with no particular charm, despite the fact that it offers a beautiful view of the remains of an ancient castle on top of a steep hill.

The vineyards are located at an altitude of 400 to 800 meters. The vines are planted on light sandy soils that cover the limestone rock.

Not only vineyards grow in the countryside, but also olive and almond trees. The main grape grown is Monastrell, but tempranillo (known locally as cencible), Garnacha tinta and Garnacha tintorer can also be found.

Foreign grape varieties are also planted, such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Petit Verdot. White grape varieties include Airén, Macabeo and Pedro Ximénez (this last grape is found mainly in the sherry wine region), which is used to produce sweet wines from overripe grapes.

Yecla wine region

This wine region covers only one city (the only such case in Spain) and is located a few kilometers east of Jumilla. Yekla has been producing wine for centuries and has been an important center for the wine trade. Far from tourist attractions and of little cultural interest, its wines make up for it.

The vineyards are located at an altitude of 400 to 700 meters and the soil is similar to that of Jumilla. Monastrell is also the main grape variety here. Yecla is largely indebted to one winery: Bodegas Castaño, whose efforts made Yecla famous on the map. The wines are not very different from those produced in Jumilla. Carbonic maceration is also used here, and great attention is paid to aging. The quality of wines has only grown in recent decades.

Bullas wine region

Bullas is the latest denominational region in Murcia. Unlike Yekla, Bullas covers a vast region, including 8 towns and villages, including Mula.

Bullas offers more tourist attractions than Jumilla and Yecla. It is a small market town with narrow streets, small churches and squares.

The Bullas wine region is divided into 3 regions: northeast, central and west. From west to east, altitude and wine production decrease. Vineyards are located at an altitude of 800 to 400 meters, and Monastrell accounts for up to 90 percent vineyards.

The most important sub-region of Murcia is DO Jumilla, which extends into the northern part of the region. There are more than 32,000 hectares of vineyards here, which are cultivated by about 3,000 growers. It is the main wine-producing area, supplying wines with the highest alcohol content to numerous liquor stores.

Jumiglia and Yecla wine route, land of Monastrell: Jumiglia – Yecla – Pinoso – Jumiglia (80 km).

On this route you can visit wonderful wine cellars and admire the landscape, which takes on its own personality thanks to the high concentration of vineyards. The distinctive Monastrell grape variety is grown to produce tasty and powerful wines.


Jumilla Castle, located on the top of the hill, offers a beautiful view of the city, as well as the mountain landscape, along which the borders of the vineyards run. Many of the vineyards that used to be in the city have moved to the outskirts and built beautiful chateau type buildings surrounded by vineyards, such as the Casa de la Ermita. Others have remained in the city centre, such as the Bodegas Silvano García.


Yecla has 10% of the vineyards owned by DO Jumilla, as well as its own designation of origin: D.O. Yecla, which includes Bodegas Castaño, known for its innovative wines. To visit the wineries in Yecla, you need to take the MU404 road, which passes through the vineyards. Soon you will reach Monte Arabi, where you can enjoy beautiful views and see rock paintings.

Outside the city, we recommend you visit the Bodega Señorío de Barahonda winery, which also has a restaurant where you can enjoy both design and good food. You should not leave Yecla without stopping at Jumilla Castle.


Pinoso is part of Alicante. It is located next to the Sierra del Reclot mountains, which reach a height of 1.043 m. It is a pretty and welcoming city that boasts many natural sites such as the forests of the Sierra de Salinas and Reclot.

About 85% of the region’s land is occupied by Monastrell, Murcia’s flagship variety planted along the Mediterranean coast. Small quantities of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Tempranillo, Garnacha, Monastrell, Macabeo and Airene are also grown.

Red varieties: Monastrell, Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah.

White varieties: Macabeo, Airen, Pedro Ximenes, Malvasia, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Moscatel.

What to expect from Murcia wines?

Murcia’s vineyards are distinguished by excellent climatic conditions, fertile soils and efficient human resources for growing vines and producing full-bodied wine.

Murcia wines are the perfect combination of fruity aromas, earth and minerals. Rich in aromas, these wines are aged in casks to which coffee and oak spices are added to ensure their superior quality.

Wineries to visit

Wines in Murcia are produced in modern wine cellars equipped with innovative equipment. You can visit nearby restaurants and events where you can experience unique wine and food pairings.

Bodegas Fernandez. Bodegas Fernandez is a family owned winery located in the Jumilla region. The winery uses organic and ecological methods to preserve the natural environment. Bodegas Fernandez organizes various types of visits for tourists. Learn about the history and traditions of the winery during your visit.

Bodegas Lavia. Among the enchanting scenery in the Murcia region of Spain is the Bodega Lavia winery. The winery was founded by a group of true wine lovers who are dedicated to creating unique wines to share with the world. Bodegas Lavia is a certified organic winery produced in the Bouglia region. Bodegas Lavia is a small winery equipped with advanced grape growing technology producing world class wines from the Monastrell grape variety.

Bodegas Asensio Carcelén. Asensio Carcelén winery, located in the D.O.P Jumilla region, in the northeast of Murcia, was founded in the 19th century. Surrounded by hills and beautiful scenery, the estate has settled in the most touristy part of Jumilla.

Places not to be missed when traveling to Murcia

Visit the alluring city of Cartagena. Enjoy its tropical beaches and the mesmerizing stone walls of the old town. Witness the colorful culture of colonial civilization combined with Colombian manifestations. Get ready to enjoy the nightlife at one of the best nightclubs like La Movida, La Jugad and more.

If you’re a drinker, take a seat among the bougainvillea-lined balconies and sip a traditional coffee. Later, travel to lush tropical islands just minutes away from hectic city life and capture memories with your loved ones as you stomp your feet to the rhythms of salsa. Let yourself be enchanted by the most famous tourist spots of Cartagena – two must-see islands – Isla Baru and Islas Rosario, which offer breathtaking views of nature. Treat yourself to a unique pairing menu of wine and food at affordable prices. You can also rent a bike and enjoy a city tour discovering the city’s many hidden gems.

The historic town of Lorca is surrounded by mountains and charming valleys. Lined with ancient fortifications and leaning against the mountains of Peñarrubia and Calo de los Enamorados, this region looks out over farmland and further down to the mesmerizing blue Mediterranean.

In 1964, Lorca was declared a place of rich artistic and historical culture, thanks to its baroque buildings and the inhabitants of the Paleolithic and Roman eras. The city is also home to medieval churches and monasteries, guarded by the San Antonio Porcia Gate, an ideal tourist gem to see. The city is also famous for its markets, which appeared in the 15th century. Freely roaming the streets of Lorca, you will find that ancient traditions are still alive. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the famous pig market and two food markets – Explanada de la Estación and Plaza de las Hortalizas. In addition, the beautiful beaches, located within a short drive from each other, are great places to relax, where traditional dishes from Lorca are available at reasonable prices.

Sierra Espuña Regional Park – for the adventurous. Surrounded by the cities of Aledo, Alhama, Totana, Mula and Pliego, the Sierra Espuña is the perfect getaway for nature lovers and adventurers. The territory is covered with untouched nature, dominated by pine forests, kermes oak and mastic trees.

Tourists can visit Ricardo Codorniu, where you can learn all about the rich flora and fauna. In the northwest of the territory, you can see ice houses beautifully built in a natural park. In addition, visit the small but charming villages of El Berro and Guebas with a guided tour, where you can get to know the perfect combination of rural life, traditional dishes and beautiful nature. Recreational areas such as Fuente del Hilo and La Perdice are designed for tourists to go hiking or camping.

Cuatro Calas – beaches of mesmerizing beauty. Surrounded by beaches, charming towns and various tourist destinations, Cuatro Calas is a place of mesmerizing beauty – the place to spend the perfect vacation. Four Bays have 250 km of coastline and are considered the warmest Mediterranean coast of Murcia. The region receives very little rainfall, making it an ideal place to plan your trip.

Aguilas, protected marine park “Four Bays” on the Mediterranean coast of Murcia. The site was included in Natura 2000 by the European Commission because Canada Brusca marsh salt is found here, making it a small botanical reserve. The name Cuatro Cala “Four bays” comes from the charming beaches of Calarreona, La Carolina, Cala Serreda and La Higerica.

During a tour of Cuatro Calas, discover the various natural sculptures created from the amazing combination of different geological forms. Let yourself be lost in the chaotic landscapes, which are the nesting grounds for several bird species such as the Alpine Swift, Peregrine Falcon and others. In addition, discover the historical dunes inhabited by numerous species of flora.

Cabo Cope – virgin beaches and unexplored coves. The Regional Park of Punta de Calnegre and Cabo Cope is located on the south side of Murcia, spread over an area of ​​about 1,000 hectares. It has a long coastline of about 17 kilometers, located between Punta de Calnegre and Calabardina. Discover the Special Bird Protection Area of ​​Cabo Cope Regional Park and witness a diverse ecosystem that features a wide variety of fauna and vegetation.

Due to its location on the Gulf of Mazarron, it enjoys a pleasant climate all year round. Although this area is separate from the regional park, there are many coves and beaches that you can visit, such as Parazuelos beach, Lorca beaches and others. Calnegre Bay, the Bay of the Women’s Baths and the Siskal Stream are not only mesmerizing places, but also the heart and soul of the region.

Barrancos de Gebas – lunar landscape full of valleys. The lunar landscape is spread over an area of ​​about 2000 hectares, where tourists can observe several types of grasses, gypsum vegetation and aggregations of robrachypodia.

Barrancos de Guebas, located in the middle of picturesque deserts, hills and ravines, is located in the eastern part of the Sierra Espuña park, between the cities of Alhama de Murcia and Librilla. In 1995, this region was declared a protected landscape. Despite the harsh and poor living conditions of animals, moths, butterflies, herons and gulls can be found here. Hiking in the Barrancos de Guébas is the perfect activity with a photo session surrounded by a lush green forest. This picturesque landscape also offers breathtaking views of the turquoise Algeciras reservoir.

Murcia is famous for its cuisine, tapas, beers and wines with character. It serves typical Spanish cuisine with a Mediterranean touch, complemented by local products such as olive oil, delicious sausages and delicious seafood. The region is famous for its variety of rice dishes served with vegetables and meat stews. Visit some of the local restaurants and test your taste with a standard Murcian meal that includes bread, water or wine as an accompaniment at the end.

Alcachofas de la Abuela – Grandma’s artichokes. The most famous dish, Alcachofas de la Abuela, also known as granny’s artichokes, is one of the tastiest dishes in Murcia’s cuisine, prepared using traditional techniques. Also found in southern Alicante, this typically Murcian dish consists of freshly picked artichokes cooked in a mixture of olive oil, red and white wine. It is served with toasted pine nuts. The aroma of the dish becomes irresistible when it is cooked in beef broth. The recipe doesn’t look promising, but don’t be fooled by the looks, it’s the perfect blend of flavors and traditions.

Arroz al Caldero – rice in a cauldron with aioli sauce. Another traditional Murcia dish served at almost every event or occasion is Arroz al Caldero. This recipe is also known as “pot rice” and has a history dating back to the 1800s. Its name comes from the container in which it is prepared. It is prepared with various types of fish and seafood such as mullet and shrimp from the Mar Menor. The dish uses rice of local varieties Bomba and Calasparra, which give the dish a great taste and absorb the sauce well. The taste becomes exquisite when served with Mediterranean mayonnaise seasoned with garlic and olive oil.

Bacalao Fresco con Tomate – Fresh cod with tomato. Bacalao Fresco con Tomate is a versatile and traditional Murcia recipe that comes in a variety of styles and sauces. To add more flavor to the dish, cod is served with a spicy tomato sauce cooked over low heat with constant stirring and with good bread.

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