Origen de rocio: Significado de Rocío – ¡¡Este nombre es INCREÍBLE!!

Origen de rocio: Significado de Rocío – ¡¡Este nombre es INCREÍBLE!!

Significado de Rocío – ¡¡Este nombre es INCREÍBLE!!

No son muchos los nombres que evocan una personalidad con tanta energía y vitalidad. Y mucho menos que tengan un significado tan alentador. Pero Rocío es uno de ellos, una mujer que avanza al ritmo del mundo, que se adapta a todo y se preocupa por los demás. No te pierdas toda la información acerca del significado de Rocío.

Tabla de contenidos

  • 1 ¿Qué significa el nombre Rocío?
    • 1.1 ¿Conoces su etimología y su origen?
    • 1.2 ¿Cuándo se celebra el santoral del nombre Rocío?
  • 2 ¿Qué mujeres famosas se llaman con este nombre?
  • 3 ¿Sabes pronunciar Rocío en otros idiomas?

¿Qué significa el nombre Rocío?

El significado de este nombre femenino es Refrescante como el rocío, aunque según algunos historiadores también quiere decir Ella es divertida.

Si nos adentramos en la personalidad de Rocío, encontramos a una mujer alegre y encantadora. También se caracteriza por su independencia, ya que se amolda a la perfección a los tiempos que corren en cada etapa de su vida. Es muy franca, por mucho que su opinión no sea la más popular de todas, aunque nunca peca de arrogancia.

Cuando se enamora, Rocío tiene un carácter cariñoso y muy familiar con su pareja. Suele prosperar con ella, puesto que es consciente de que en las relaciones no todo es un camino de rosas, que no siempre se congenia al cien por cien. Sin embargo, no soporta cuando le estresan, puesto que necesita tener tiempo para sí misma. Puede que creas que es muy poco atenta, aunque no es así: simplemente no espera a días marcados para hacer que sean especiales.

En cuanto a su profesión, Rocío siente afinidad por sectores como la abogacía o la asesoría. Esto se debe a su cualidad proteccionista con las personas que le importan y su altruismo con la gente en situación de exclusión social. Sus hobbies preferidos son escuchar música y leer libros, de hecho, gasta una buen trozo del día descubriendo nuevas obras. De esta forma consigue abrir su mente, estar al día de las necesidades de su entorno y desarrollarse espiritualmente.

En el hogar, Rocío desea formar una familia de al menos dos niños, así siempre podrán apoyarse entre ellos. Los cría sobre las bases del escepticismo con el fin de que en el futuro no caigan en la trampa de algún despiadado. También cree que el colegio debería prepararles mejor, por ello trata de potenciar sus habilidades por su cuenta.

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¿Conoces su etimología y su origen?

La etimología del nombre Rocío es cuanto menos llamativa, puesto que proviene de tierras andaluzas. Como explicaba arriba, significa Refrescante como el rocío, además de Divertida. Además, cabe destacar que este apelativo surge en una aldea con apenas 1500 habitantes que también se llama así.

¿Cuándo se celebra el santoral del nombre Rocío?

En realidad no hay una fecha numérica exacta para este santo, ya que se celebra el lunes que va después del Domingo de Pentecostés.

¿Qué mujeres famosas se llaman con este nombre?

  • Rocío Osorno es una famosa influencer que ha despuntado en los últimos años.
  • Una modelo que tan joven, tiene una gran carrera a sus espaldas, Rocío Crusset.
  • Rocío Carrasco, hija de una conocida cantante que además ha presentado varios programas televisivos como «Sálvame».

¿Sabes pronunciar Rocío en otros idiomas?

Debido a su origen tan remoto (andaluz), ha resultado imposible su transición hacia lenguas distintas al castellano. De esta forma, es idéntico en cualquier lengua en el que lo busques. Pero siempre podrás contemplar su hipocorístico, Roci.

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Espero que te haya servido conocer el significado de Rocío. En tal caso, no te olvides de pasarte por el apartado de nombres con la letra R.

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Vilma Medina

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Significado y origen de Rocio

  • Mi bebé y yo

  • Nombres de niños

  • rocio

Origen de Rocio:




Significado de Rocio

Es un nombre inventado por el escritor Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), a partir de un anagrama de las primeras sílabas de Esther Vanhomrigh. Ésta era hija de un comerciante holandés instalado en Dublín, que fue su alumna, hasta su muerte en 1723 a los 33 años


Es bohemia y soñadora. Le gusta estar rodeada de gente, pero necesita su espacio de soledad para pensar y tomar decisiones. En el trabajo es muy inquieta y puntual.

Onomástica de Rocio:

1 Noviembre

Se llaman así

Vanessa Paradis (cantante y actriz).

Icons / SearchCreated with Sketch.Ver otros nombres de niñas


Chupetes personalizados para niñas

Porque tu hija es un bebé único, ahora con TUTETE puedes personalizar su chupete.

Icons / go-forwardCreated with Sketch.Personaliza su chupete

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The name Rocio: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Rocio mean? What does the name Rocio mean? What does the name Rocio mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Roshio, the origin, fate and nature of the carrier? What nationality is the name Rocío? What is the translation of the name Rocio? What is the correct spelling of the name Rosio? Compatibility with the name Roshio – a suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Rocío and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Rocio

The name Rocio consists of 5 letters. The five letters of the name are an indicator of humanitarian inclinations. These people love and know how to appreciate art, they are pleasant and interesting interlocutors. Such a person will never cause the interlocutor to feel that he is dealing with a “dummy”, seeking to “splurge”. Therefore, relations with representatives of the opposite sex are always based primarily on mutual respect. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Roshio, one can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • R – resist outside influences, self-confident, brave, enthusiastic individuals. Capable of taking unjustified risks, adventurous natures are prone to indisputable judgments. The ability to take risks for a goal. Desire and potential for leadership.
  • O – strive for self-knowledge, are able to experience strong feelings. They want to know their true purpose. The desire to improve and improve the world. High intuition, properly manage money. The pursuit of excellence. Change of mood from delight to despondency.
  • From – striving to achieve material stability, have common sense; irritable, power-hungry, can be capricious. Knowledge, the desire to bring any matter to the end, the ability to get to the bottom of the truth. They understand their life purpose. Ability to adapt to circumstances.
  • and are romantic, refined and sensual natures. Kind, dream of harmony with the outside world. In a difficult situation, they show practicality. Sometimes they are prone to loneliness and asceticism. The inability to obey anyone at the same time indicates indifference to authority.
  • O – strive for self-knowledge, capable of experiencing strong feelings. They want to know their true purpose. The desire to improve and improve the world. High intuition, properly manage money. The pursuit of excellence. Change of mood from delight to despondency.
  • The meaning of the name Rocio in numerology

    Numerology of the name Rocio can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Rocio in numerology is 7. The motto of the name Rocio and sevens in life is: “Unbelievable, but true!”

    • The patron planet for the name Rocío is Saturn.
    • Sign of the zodiac for the name Rocio – Pisces, Virgo.
    • Stones-mascots for the name Rocío – agate, fluorite, iolite, kunzite, labradorite, pearl, peridot, petalite, platinum, rhodolite, rose quartz, sugilite, sulfur, tin.

    “Seven” among the numbers of the numerological core is wisdom, refinement, a high level of education and a philosophical attitude to life.
    “Seven” in the numbers of the name Rocio – the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance – is a sign of the presence of exceptional abilities and pronounced talents. First of all, this is a remarkable intellect, the ability to think in images and categories, without exchanging for trifles. Mysterious personality. Spending a lot of time in search of themselves, many sevens are faced with a misunderstanding of others and remain alone. They seriously think about their purpose and the meaning of human life. These are gifted individuals, often possessing extrasensory sensitivity, for example, being able to predict the future.
    Seven is always looking for spiritual guidance in life. The essence of the Seven is spirituality. He is in constant search of himself. The number Seven gives an irresistible craving for travel and mystical revelations. Scientists and cultural figures are born under this number. It is difficult to live and work with a Seven named Rocío, because she does not follow her lead and does not lend itself to simple analysis. The Seven likes to step on the same rake, with difficulty learning to learn from their mistakes. The Seven can have many friends, but at the same time the feeling of isolation, loneliness never leaves her. This is a subtle soul, a pessimist and a perfectionist by nature. Indifferent to both approval and censure from the outside. To please the Seven with the name Rocio, you need to leave her alone, accept her for who she is, and not try to change her.

    • The influence of the name Rocio on the profession and career. Able to master any profession, the requirements of which do not go beyond the limits of physical capabilities. However, self-realization in the profession is practically impossible for them. And this is a very sad paradox. The number 7 in numerology means that a person will simply not be interested in doing the same thing twice. Suitable professions: yoga teachers, astrologers, philosophers, numerologists.
    • The influence of the name Rocio on personal life. Answering the question: “What does the number 7 mean in personal relationships?”, It can be called “the champion of unlucky love.” Why? But this is perhaps the only question to which the G7 cannot give an intelligible answer. Everything affects: both refined selectivity, and pedantry, and – of course – sexual emancipation that frightens many. But the most likely cause is early on. In youth, the “sevens” of both sexes have some kind of special, magnetic attraction. And the first sex often happens to them long before the first love, which they are then unable to even recognize, because the landmarks are knocked down, and the “throb of love” is already indistinguishable in the waves of more powerful sensual sensations. Sevens love loneliness, live in their own world and are suspicious of others. Such people need a partner who will become a support for them and who will completely trust them. For sevens, optimistic triples, leaders-ones and “free artists” – nines are perfect.

    The patron planet of the name Rocio

    The number 7 for the name Rocio means the planet Neptune. Neptune is interconnected with the Moon, so people of Neptune harmonize well with individuals of the second type. As a rule, the owners of the name Rocío are compliant, with a gentle character. Interested in religion and philosophy. But they are impractical, which is characteristic of individuals with a philosophical mindset. Therefore, they do not have money, and if they do, they quickly melt away. They have extraordinary mental abilities, they often have brilliant thoughts, but due to their lack of assembly, the Neptunes named Roshio do not complete any of their undertakings. They are prone to gambling. By nature, these people are very receptive and sensitive, they show compassion and mercy to their neighbors. Physically, as a rule, they are weak, with difficulty making decisions. They have a capricious nature, and it is difficult for them to deny themselves anything. They do not accept scandals and quarrels, as they have a subtle and sensitive soul.

    Signs of the zodiac named Rocío

    The following zodiac signs are suitable for the name Rocío:

  • Zodiac sign Pisces for the name Rocío. Libra with the name Rocio – those are still dreamers. In their fantasies, Fish Rocío has long conquered the world, prevented global warming and eradicated hunger on the planet, but in real life they are not interested – everything is boring, insipid and generally unworthy of their royal attention. Terrible liars Pisces named Rocio, and it is almost impossible to catch them in a lie. They have no remorse, so they are not going to repent and confess. And you believe them, looking into their big and honest eyes. It is impossible to offend the owners of the name Rocio – they will suffer for a long time, dreary and with pleasure. If everything goes well in life, a Pisces named Rocio begins to have manic thoughts about the coming nightmare, because it cannot be perfect. In everyday life, Pisces are unpretentious, balanced, able to hide feelings and often manipulate other people. Vanity and commercialism are not inherent in the water sign, they know how to work, but do not strive for fame.
  • Virgo zodiac sign for the name Rocío. The owners of the name for the name Rocio, like other Virgos, hardworking and reliable representatives of the sign, are endowed with a sober view of things, pedantry. Virgos named Rocío are prone to system analysis, constantly criticize themselves and others, and try to keep everything under control. The owners of me Rocío support order in money, affairs and the house, they are practical and homely. In relationships, people with the name Rocío are shy, very sincere and generous, they know how to sympathize and help people, they are not afraid of responsibility. Virgo women are calm and sensible keepers of the hearth. Ideal wives. But Virgo men – write wasted. The most boring and illogical creatures on the planet. Sex, food, sports – everything is on schedule, and being a minute late is punished by a long lecture on the meaning of life. They do not explain the reason for their behavior and are not going to: who are you in general to talk to you? They love it when they rush about and wipe their snot, and they just love to suffer in public to the point of insanity – “how poor and unhappy I am, have pity on me immediately.”
  • Color of the name Rocío

    Violet color of the name Rocío. People with a name, wearing purple, idealists and very amorous persons. The owners of the name Rocío have a big soul, they are ready to warm everyone with their warmth, they have many like-minded people. However, it is very difficult for them in the family, as they will always feel unhappy, therefore, having lived with their spouse for many years. In old age, the bearers of the name Rocío part and live the rest of their lives alone. But, surprisingly, this does not upset them, on the contrary, they close in their shell, where they are comfortable. Positive character traits for the name Rocío are sensual and sympathetic. The negative character traits of the name Rocío are closeness and despondency.

    How to spell the name Rocio

    In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is – Rocio. In English, the name Rosio can have the following spelling – Rosio.

    Video meaning of the name Rocio

    Do you agree with the description and meaning of the name Rocio? What fate, character and nationality do your acquaintances with the name Rocío have? What famous and successful people named Rocío do you still know? We will be happy to discuss the name Rocio in more detail with the visitors of our site in the comments below.

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    Meaning of the word “Rocio” – will you miss it?

    In Spain there are names that have great power and special meaning. One of the most important is Rocío, a name that has developed in the same way as our society, with a completely autonomous mindset. Read on to learn more about Rocío’s meaning.


    • 1 Meaning of the name Rocio
      • 1.1 What is the origin or etymology of Rocio?
    • 2 Rocío in other languages ​​
    • 3 famous people known as Rocío

    Meaning of the name Rocío

    Rocío can be translated as “Refreshing Woman”. . And as you will see below, its origin is very interesting as it comes from Andalusia.

    La Rocío’s personality he is very autonomous and at the same time young, although he may seem contradictory. She knows what the new generations need and is very sincere. You have no problem saying what you think, even if it’s the opposite of what others think. Of course, respectfully.

    In the workplace Rocío is a person who performs well in certain professions such as judge, lawyer or other legal professions. I like to protect my loved ones and the weakest sides. One of his hobbies is art. He loves to draw and read, making most of his free time in this hobby. It is they who help them to mature and understand the world in which they live. It also allows you to develop at a professional level.

    In your personal life, Rocio is a person who gives himself to a sentimental partner. . You don’t need the personality to be the same, but things can flow easily. She does not like to feel pressure, as she respects the space for her love. Some people think that you are overly neglectful of this, but no more than that. True, some dates do not excite him, but he loves to the fullest.

    At the family level, Rocio is a woman who needs to have a couple of children so they don’t feel lonely. He will teach them to think in such a way that no one deceives them. In addition, they think that the current education is not enough, so she herself will teach them to succeed in different areas of life.

    What is the origin or etymology of Rocio?

    The origin of this female name has no roots in Hebrew, Greek, Latin or Anglo-Saxon. This name is Andalusian , which means “young woman”, “refreshing woman”. We can also find another very interesting meaning “Funny Woman”. Interestingly, it will be created from the city of the same name, Pueblo, located in Huelva.

    His saint – Virgen del Rocío, 11 April.

    No male options.

    The only known diminutive is Roci.

    Rocío in other languages ​​

    Since the name comes from Andalusia, we cannot find variants in other languages, at least not at the moment. Thus, it will be written in the same way in English, German, Italian, French, as well as in other languages.

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