Significado de nicole wikipedia: ¿Cuál es el significado de Nicole?

Significado de nicole wikipedia: ¿Cuál es el significado de Nicole?

Significado de Nicole

Nicole es un nombre de niña que se ha vuelto muy popular en México. ¿Te gustaría conocer su significado y cómo son las mujeres que se llaman así? ¡Descúbrelo a continuación!

¿Qué significa el nombre Nicole?

El nombre Nicole es la variante femenina de Nicolás, un nombre de origen griego. Su significado es “la que lleva al pueblo a la victoria”.

(Te interesa: Nombres griegos para niña: ¡100 nombres diferentes!)

Personalidad de Nicole

Nicole es una mujer sencilla y alegre. Le agrada pasar tiempo con su familia y disfrutar al máximo sus ratos libres, sobre todo viajando o aprendiendo cosas nuevas. También es muy reponsable y ordenada.

En el trabajo es muy entregada y con metas claras. Tiene grandes habilidades para ser una gran líder y puede asumir grandes desafíos.

Como amiga, Nicole puede parecer selecta, ya que sólo convive con gente que tiene sus mismos gustos y le cuesta relacionarse con otros. No obstante, pese a que pueda llegar a tener desacuerdos con su familia o la gente que es importante para ella, los ama incondicionalmente. En cuanto a la pareja, Nicole es una mujer muy enamoradiza.

El origen del nombre Nicole

Al igual que su contraparte masculina (Nicolás), Nicole proviene del griego. Los vocablos de ambos nombres son νικη (nike), que significa “victoria” y λαος (laos), que es pueblo.

Famosos con el nombre de Nicole

Una de las celebridades más destacadas es Nicole Kidman, una actriz australiana nacida en Honolulu, el 20 de junio de 1967. Si bien nació en territorio estadounidense, sus padres son australianos, por lo que cuenta con ambas nacionalidades. Su primera actuación fue a los 16 años, en la película navideña Bush Christmas (1983).

Posteriormente se dio a conocer en Europa y Estados Unidos con la película Terror abordo (1989), filmada en Australia y que protagonizó con el actor Sam Neill. Luego apareció en Días de trueno (1990) como una neurocirujana, pareja del personaje que interpretaba Tom Cruise. De hecho, ese mismo año se casó con el actor y años después adoptaron a dos hijos; no obstante, la pareja se separó en 2001. En el año 2006, Nicole se casa con el cantante Keith Urban, su pareja actual y con quien tiene dos hijas.

Nicole Kidman recibió una estrella de la fama en 2003, mismo año en que ganó el Óscar a Mejor Actriz por Las horas, película en la que encarna a la escritora Virgia Woolf.

Nicole Richie, hija adoptiva del cantante Lionel Richie, es una diseñadora de modas, autora y celebridad televisiva estadounidense. Nació en Berkeley, California, el 21 de septiembre de 1981. Richie es conocida por la serie de televisión de MTV, The Simple Life, en la que compartió créditos con Paris Hilton. En 2008 lanzó su marca de joyería, House of Harlow 1960, a la que después agregó ropa y zapatos. Ha publicado dos libros: una novela semi-autobiográfica, The Truth About Diamonds (2005) y Priceless (2012).

Onomástica de Nicole

Comparte el mismo día que san Nicolás de Bari, el 6 de diciembre.

Diminutivos de Nicole

Los más comunes son Nico o Nicky.

Numerología de Nicole

El número de la suerte es el 9.

(Te interesa: Numerología: ¿qué número corresponde a tu personalidad?)

Nicole en otros idiomas

  • En italiano, Nicola
  • En japonés, ニコール (se pronuncia Nikōru)
  • En chino, 妮可 (Nī kě)

¿Quieres conocer más nombres modernos para tu bebé? A continuación te compartimos nuestra selección de nombres modernos para niños y niñas.

Significado de Nicole – ¡UN NOMBRE MUY BONITO!

¿Se te ha pasado por la cabeza ponerle a tu hija el nombre de Nicole? Entonces deja primero que te expliquemos cuáles son sus raíces, qué personalidad evoca y, por supuesto, el significado de Nicole. ¡Tenemos mucho que contarte!

Tabla de contenidos

  • 1 ¿Qué significa el nombre Nicole?
    • 1.1 ¿Conoces su etimología y su origen?
    • 1.2 ¿Cuándo se celebra el santoral del nombre Nicole?
  • 2 ¿Qué mujeres populares se llaman Nicole?
  • 3 ¿Qué variantes hay del nombre Nicole en otras lenguas?

¿Qué significa el nombre Nicole?

Este nombre para niña quiere decir Éxito del pueblo, por lo que representa a una persona para la cual el bien común es mucho más importante que el suyo propio.

En lo que respecta a su personalidad, Nicole es totalmente opuesta a su significado, puesto que es bastante ególatra y cree que todos los demás están a sus pies. Para mucha gente es toda una diva, de hecho muchos chicos literalmente caen rendidos a sus pies por su profunda mirada y por la gran confianza que tiene en sí misma.

Como Nicole suele estar constantemente preocupada por su físico y su apariencia, podría dedicarse a sectores como la peluquería, que abra su tienda de moda o que sea una supermodelo. Al estar muy centrada en sí misma, suele desarrollar una gran creatividad, lo que le suele llevar al éxito al menos en su ciudad. Además, su obsesión por su apariencia en realidad no es materialista; como ella dice, es una forma de expresar todo lo que llevas dentro.

> Mira también el significado de Nicolás <

En lo sentimental, el chico ideal para Nicole tiene que ser servicial y hacerle sentir toda una princesa. Le encanta que le adulen, que le hagan sorpresas constantemente y, por supuesto, que cuide su aspecto igual que ella. En el momento que se enamore, se entregará en cuerpo y alma a su alma gemela.

Cuando se compra una casa, disfruta diseñando todo su interior con muebles y complementos decorativos modernos. Con su esposo mantiene la misma ilusión que el primer día, y con sus niños también es muy atenta y no quiere perderse ni un solo segundo de su infancia. Además, cuando alguien tiene un problema, todos acuden a ella.

¿Conoces su etimología y su origen?

Históricamente, este nombre aparece en la época del Imperio Griego a partir de dos vocablos:

  • Nike, que quiere decir «éxito».
  • Laos, cuyo significado es «pueblo».

Sin embargo, para llegar hasta Nicole primero se creó el apelativo Nicolás, el cual es bastante frecuente en varios países.

¿Cuándo se celebra el santoral del nombre Nicole?

El día señalado en el calendario onomástico es el 6 de diciembre, que hace honor a San Nicolás de Bari.

¿Qué mujeres populares se llaman Nicole?

No son pocas aquellas que han llegado a la fama con este nombre:

  • Nicole Mazzocato, la modelo e influencer con más de un millón y medio de seguidores en Instagram.
  • En Estados Unidos tenemos a la periodista y política Nicole Wallace.
  • Y no podemos despedirnos sin antes mencionar a Nicole Kidman, la galardonada actriz que llegó a ganar un Óscar.

¿Qué variantes hay del nombre Nicole en otras lenguas?

Ya sabes que desde Significado de Nombres apostamos por la variedad léxica, pero Nicole es uno de esos nombres que cuenta con muy pocas formas análogas en las demás lenguas, como por ejemplo:

  • En japonés se le conoce como ニコール y se pronuncia Nikōru.
  • En italiano le suelen llamar Nicola.


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Name Name Nicole

Names for the letter

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Short form of the name Nicole. Nikki, Nikola, Niko, Lita, Colacita, Sita, Kulacha, Lacha, Nika, Nikla, Lina, Linuccia, Linetta, Nikusya, Kolya, Cola, Nina, Nichka, Sin, Sina, Sintje, Klaché, Clasin.
Synonyms for the name Nicole. Nicoletta, Colette, Nicolas, Nicoleta, Coleta, Nicolina, Nikulina, Nicolas, Nicola, Nicolaisina, Nicolasina, Klasin, Klazina, Klasine.
Origin of the name Nicole. Catholic name Nicole.

The name Nicole is a French version of a female name related to the male name Nikolai. In translation, the name Nicole means “victor of nations. ” The stress in the name Nicole can be on both the first and second syllables.

The name Nicole will sound different in different European countries. So in Germany, the girl will also be called Nicoletta, in Spain – Nicholas, in Portugal, Hungary – Nicoleta, Coleta, in Italy, Greece – Nikolina, in Romania – Nikulina, in Poland – Nicola, in the Czech Republic – Nicola, Nicol, in The Netherlands – Nicolasina, Nicolasina, Klasin, Klazina, Klasine, Klasin, Nicoletta, Nicoletta. Diminutives Nick, Lina, Nina, Niko (Nick) are also independent names.

The name Nicole is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, for this name the Catholic name days of Colette (Colet) will be indicated.

Nicole is a mysterious woman. Some people find it strange. She is very emotional. At its core, Nicole is an active and mobile person. She never sits in one place. Before doing something, he thinks about his act. The owner of this name is a smart, sociable and inquisitive nature. She easily gets along with people. The girl has many friends. At the same time, she is distrustful.

Nicole is growing up as a cute kid. From childhood, she dreams of marriage and a happy family life. The girl is very sensitive. Relationships within the family leave a big imprint on her inner world. If her parents quarrel, she is very worried about this. At such moments, Nicole tries to hide from the outside world, engaging herself in various studies.

In the team, Nicole is always polite. She tries to be helpful and create a favorable impression of herself. The girl is a devoted friend and a good adviser. The owner of such a name is always able to listen to the interlocutor. For the role of her husband, Nicole is looking for a charming prince. Which will correspond to all her ideals. In a relationship with a man, Nicole manifests such qualities as tenderness, sentimentality, tact and passion. Nicole becomes a wonderful mother to her children.

It is important for a woman named Nicole to realize herself in the professional sphere. She can achieve success in sales, tourism, marketing, advertising, as well as education.

Having taken a leading position, imperiousness and authoritarianism quickly appear in this girl. Nicole does not adapt to anyone, but begins to show her own individuality with each of her actions. Often, Nicole imposes her principles on her subordinates and demands the strict execution of her tasks. She needs people around her to admire her. She is proud and independent. Nicole strives for excellence in everything. Trying to be the first, she can show anger, envy and arrogance. Her ostentatious independence is often the result of selfishness. Despite the fact that many do not like her at work, no one denies her undeniable positive qualities. She is active, generous, straightforward and trustworthy.

Nicole is a controversial person. Egocentrism in it is combined with generosity, disinterestedness and sensitivity. Thanks to difficult character traits, she is capable of both her best and worst manifestations.

As a child, Nicole considers herself the center of the world. At school, she feels superior to her classmates. In a number of situations, he shows his acting talents. Such a girl will never go unnoticed. She can be conceited. She enjoys flattery. She doesn’t let her parents interfere in her life. She considers herself better than others.

Despite her pronounced leadership qualities, Nicole is a sensitive person. Often she hides from the outside world in her dreams. The owner of this name feels the need for fantasies. Often she is drawn to everything mystical. She is romantic. Nicole loves to travel. She is attracted to distant lands and new experiences.

Nicole’s name day

Nicole celebrates her name day on March 6th.

Famous people named Nicole

  • Patti Pravo ((born 1948) real name – Nicoletta Strambelli; Italian singer)
  • Nicole Juice ((born 1980) famous Italian skier, Olympic participant, World Cup medalist. Specializes in slalom disciplines. At the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, she became 10th in slalom and 19th in giant slalom During her career, she participated in five world championships, but did not win any medals, the best result was 5th place in slalom at the 2009 championship.)
  • Nicole Mary Kidman ((b.1967) Australian and American actress. Winner of the 2002 Oscars (the first actress from Australia to receive this award in the Best Actress nomination) and the 2003 BAFTA, three-time winner of the Golden Globe Award (1996, 2002, 2003).
  • Nicole Laplace ((born 1986) Canadian actress)
  • Nicole Loro ((1943 – 2003) French historian and anthropologist. Specialist in the historical anthropology of Ancient Greece. Loro introduced elements of psychoanalysis into the analysis of language and mythology, tracing the role played by the female theme in the myths and rituals of the Greeks, in shaping their way of life, the formation of the Athenian state.)
  • Nicole Camille Richie ((born 1981) née Escovedo; American actress, singer, producer, fashion model and designer. Adopted daughter of musician Lionel Richie. She became famous for the reality show The Simple Life (in which she played with her friend Paris Hilton ) and scandalous social life.)
  • Nicole Heesters ((born 1937) German theater and film actress)
  • Nicole Prascovia Elicolani Valiente Scherzinger, also known as Nicole Kea ((born 1978) is an American pop/R&B singer, dancer, songwriter, music producer, actress and fashion model of Filipino-Hawaiian descent, best known as the vocalist of The Pussycat Dolls”)
  • Nicole Elizabeth Eggert ((born 1972) is an American actress. Known for her roles in the TV series Charles in Charge and Baywatch. She began her career as a model, was the winner of a children’s beauty contest. She played her first film role at the age of eight , starring in the movie “The Rich and Famous”.)
  • Nicole Assler ((1941 – 1996) French figure skater who performed in women’s singles, daughter of hockey player Albert Assler. Bronze medalist of the 1963 World Championship. At 19In the 60s, Nicole Assler was the leader of French women’s skating, winning the national championship six times. At the international level, she did not perform so well and never won the World and European Championships, however, she became the second at the 1963 European Championships, and in 1964, 1965 and 1966 she climbed to the third step of the podium. Assler singled out high-speed and high-quality execution of rotations, and jumps were a weak point. It was remembered (including by Soviet viewers) for a unique demonstration number for Evgeny Rodygin’s song “Uralskaya Ryabinushka”, five different rotations with a huge number of revolutions (including over 40) and the final spiral in camel across the entire rink, lasting 22 seconds. At the European Championship 1965 in Moscow, the amazed Soviet public gave an ovation and called Assler for an encore. Assler represented the country at the 1960 Winter Olympics, where she finished 11th, and 1964, where she finished fourth. After finishing her amateur sports career in 1967, she turned professional. )
  • Nicole Bradtke ((born 1969) née Provis; Australian professional tennis player and coach. Two-time Grand Slam winner in mixed doubles (with Mark Woodford), winner of 12 WTA tournaments in singles and doubles, Olympic bronze medalist 1992 years in women’s doubles.)
  • Nicole Vaidishova ((born 1989) former professional Czech tennis player. Semi-finalist of two Grand Slam tournaments in singles (“Australian Open-2007”, “Roland Garros-2006”), winner of 6 WTA tournaments in singles. Ex-3- I am a world racket in the junior combined rating, the winner of the single tournament “Orange Bowl-2003”.)
  • Nicole Bobek ((born 1977) figure skater from the USA, bronze medalist of the World Championship 1995, 1995 US Champion, 1998 Olympics)
  • Nicole Garrido (Canadian speed skater)
  • Nicole Denise Cook MBE ((born 1983) Welsh professional road cyclist. 2008 Olympic champion in the group race, as part of the Great Britain team. Her gold medal was the two hundredth for Great Britain at the Olympic Games. Member of the Order of the British Empire.)
  • Nicole Tom ((born 1978) American actress, best known for her role as Maggie Sheffield in The Nanny)
  • Nicole Chupkova ((born 1992) Slovak ice hockey player, forward of the women’s team of Slovakia and the Russian team “Agidel”)
  • Nicole Evangeline Lilly ((born 1979) Canadian actress. Best known for her role as Kate Austen in the ABC drama series Lost.)
  • Nicole El Karoui ((born 1944) French mathematician and innovator in the development of financial mathematics. She is considered one of the most active mathematicians who began to intensively promote financial mathematics in France and taught this discipline to many engineers and scientists. In particular, courses, which she conducts are considered the most prestigious in this field.She is currently Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Pierre and Marie Curie University, previously she held this position at the Polytechnic School.Her research is devoted to the application of the probabilistic method and stochastic differential equations in financial market modeling and risk management. )
  • Nicole Gail Anderson ((born 1990) American actress, former gymnast, retired due to injury)
  • Nicole Azzopardi ((born 1996) Maltese singer. The girl’s musical career began at the age of 7, when Nicole represented Malta at an international competition. Prior to that, she had already taken part in the national selections for Eurovision four times. September 4, 2010 Nicole Azzopardi won the national selection of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2010 with the song “Knock knock, boom boom”, thanks to which she represented Malta in the final on November 20 in Minsk, where she took 13th place.After winning the national final, she got the opportunity to meet the President Malta by George Abel.)
  • Nicole Berger ((1934 – 1967) real name – Guspeyr; French theater and film actress)
  • Nicole Della Monica ((born 1989) is an Italian figure skater who competes in pair skating. With Yannick Cocoon she is a two-time Italian champion. Until the 2006-2007 season, Nicole Della Monica was engaged in singles, and in 2005 she became the bronze medalist of the national championship. )
  • Nicole Marie Cordova ((born 1988) American singer and dancer, lead singer of the musical group Girlicious)
  • Nicole Marie Dolci ((1974 – 2009) American actress)
  • Nicole Minichiello ((born 1978) nee Gauthier; British bobsledder, world champion 2009. Minichiello is the only world champion in bobsleigh among female pilots from Great Britain. She is also a silver medalist of the world and European championships. She participated twice in the winter Olympic Games – in 2002 she was accelerating with Cheryl Dawn, with whom she took 12th place, and in 2006, being a pilot, she became ninth.)0110
  • Nicole Reinhardt ((born 1986) German canoeist. Beijing Olympic champion in the K-4 500 m. Renhardt also won 8 gold medals at the world championships in rowing and canoeing (K-1 500 m: 2005, 2011 , K-2 200m: 2007, K-1 4 x 200m: 2009, 2010, 2011, K-2 500m: 2007, K-4 200m: 2005) and five silver medals (K-2 200m: 2009, K-2 500m: 2009, K-4 200m: 2006, K-4 500m: 2009, 2010. In 2008, she posed for Playboy magazine, where she posed with a gold medal.)
  • Nicole Francis Parker ((born 1978) American actress and singer. Best known for her work in the sketch comedy MADtv. Currently performing in Broadway productions.)
  • Nicole Sullivan (American actress, comedian, voice actor)
  • Nicole Fessel ((born 1983) German skier, participant in two Olympic Games, World Cup medalist. Universal, equally successful in both sprint and distance races.)
  • Nicole Hosp ((born 1983) Austrian skier, world champion in 2007 and World Cup winner in the overall standings of the 2006-2007 season. As of March 18, 2009, Nicole won 11 victories at the World Cup, and she won in all disciplines, except for speed descent: super-G – 1, giant slalom – 5, slalom – 4, super-combination – 1. In 2007, Nicole became the 7th representative of Austria, who managed to win the Crystal Globe for winning the overall World Cup standings.In the same season, she won a small “Crystal Globe” for winning the giant slalom standings. At the 2006 Olympics in Turin, Nicole took part in 3 types of programs: she took 5th place in combination, 4th in giant slalom, and won silver on the slalom track , yielding 0.29Swede Anja Person. She was forced to miss the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver due to injury. Participant of 5 world championships (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011), where she won a total of 5 awards.)
  • Nicole Bass-Fuchs, better known as Nicole Bass (American athlete (bodybuilding, wrestling) and actress)
  • Nicoletta Matei, also known as Nico (Nico) ((born 1970) Romanian singer. Her voice is considered one of the best female voices in Romania.)
  • Nicoletta Braschi ((born 1960) Italian actress and producer, also known for her acting work with her husband, actor and director Roberto Benigni)

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Nicole name description discussion

Nicole (guest)

Added on 10/12/2022 at 2:53 pm

Now, after 12 years, I will know. When I was 10, I asked for the first time, and they didn’t answer me. Now I’m 22 and finally I found out!

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Nicoletta’s mom (guest)

Added on 11/17/2021 01:17 AM

I’m in shock! True, I still have a child, but what is written here is true!

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Nicole (guest)

Added on 10/27/2021 at 10:39 PM

This is written exactly about me!

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Nicole (guest)

Added on 10/13/2021 04:27 PM

Very exactly about me!

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Mamuska Nikuska (guest)

Added on 03/27/2021 at 03:40

I’m not sure yet. Grow up – I’ll see. But something already matches.

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meaning, fate, character, origin, compatibility with other names

Yaroslav is one of the few ancient Slavic names that is still popular today. This name carries a powerful energy. What fate and character does it promise?

In his work, Yaroslav is a responsible, executive employee, hardworking and enthusiastic. Able to analyze the situation and has organizational skills. It is important for him not so much to take a leadership position, but to show his importance and gain recognition. Yaroslav’s interests are very wide: medicine, science, literature, music, pedagogy.

The nature of the name Yaroslav

As a child, Yaroslav is a purposeful, self-willed and very active child. Teachers often complain about him – the boy is not distinguished by obedience. Feels great both alone and in company. Rather contradictory: good-natured and touchy, not conflict, but can fight back, prone to dictatorship and responsive, ambitious and stubborn, it is difficult to convince him, but at the same time he can be influenced by his environment.

An adult Yaroslav gives the impression of a real gentleman: courteous, charming, calm, self-confident, honest, fair, principled. Behind this, there are also disadvantages: selfishness, vanity, arrogance and rancor. He loves to be the center of attention. He knows what he needs and knows how to get it. At the same time, Yaroslav is very secretive, prefers to keep all experiences in himself. Only a limited circle of people is privy to its mysteries.

Yaroslavs celebrating a birthday in winter are people with a complex character, reserved, taciturn, stubborn, meticulous. It is difficult for them to find a common language with others.

“Spring” – on the contrary, open, sociable, talented. There are always a lot of friends around them, but they are looking for their companion for a long time.

Summer-born men are quite sensitive, empathic, emotional, and at the same time stubborn.

“Autumn” Yaroslavs are vulnerable creative natures, diplomatic, reasonable, modest. Loners, but in any company they are welcome.

Origin of the name Yaroslav

The name Yaroslav is Old Slavonic. As for the meaning, there are two versions. According to the first, it is translated as “glorifying Yarila”, the Slavic god of vitality and fertility. According to the second, the meaning consists of two parts of the name: “yar” and “glory”. “Ardent” in the Old Russian language meant “bright, powerful, strong”, and the name means “bright and glorious.” It implies a strong, bright, glorious personality, bringing light and life.

Abbreviated forms of the name: Yar, Yarik, Slava, Rosya.

Church name: remains unchanged – Yaroslav.

Name according to transliteration rules: IAROSLAV.

Yaroslav name compatibility

Yaroslav has the greatest compatibility with women named: Alexandra, Alina, Anastasia, Elena, Lyudmila, Maria, Nina, Oksana, Polina, Tatyana.

But with women named Vera, Diana, Kira, Ulyana, Yulia, strong relationships are unlikely.

Name day

Yaroslav celebrates his name day on June 13 and December 8.

Expert comment

Kristina Duplinskaya, tarologist (@storyteller.tarot):

Yaroslav is a name with strong energy. Sunny, bright. It is not for nothing that 16 princes in Rus’ were called that, and it is not for nothing that the name is consonant with the name of the sun god – Yarila.

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