Te de fertilidad: Amazon.com: Fertilitea: té de fertilidad orgánico, 60 porciones, contiene Vitex : Salud y Hogar

Te de fertilidad: Amazon.com: Fertilitea: té de fertilidad orgánico, 60 porciones, contiene Vitex : Salud y Hogar

¿Pueden los remedios herbales ayudarme a quedar embarazada?

Algunos podrían, pero realmente no hay ningún dato que lo respalde. Los partidarios de los remedios herbales creen que algunas hierbas tienen efectos que pueden beneficiar la reproducción, como el aumento del flujo sanguíneo al útero y los ovarios, y la regulación de los niveles hormonales. Ciertas hierbas han sido utilizadas durante miles de años por sus supuestas cualidades para estimular la fertilidad, pero no existe una investigación concluyente que apoye los beneficios. Aunque no están regulados, los remedios herbales pueden afectar los procesos del cuerpo de la misma manera que los medicamentos, por lo que siempre debe hablar con su proveedor de atención médica antes de comenzar un régimen de remedios herbales.

¿Cuáles son algunos de los remedios herbales más populares para la fertilidad?

  • Chaste Berry:También conocida como Vitex Agnus-Castus, Chaste Berry ha sido utilizada medicinalmente durante más de 2. 000 años para tratar una amplia gama de enfermedades, y sus beneficios en la fertilidad son ampliamente reconocidos. Chaste Berry ayuda indirectamente a promover los niveles de progesterona, lo que puede ayudar a asegurar que usted ovula un óvulo sano y que el revestimiento de su útero está preparado para que un óvulo fertilizado se implante. Chaste Berry también puede ayudar a las mujeres que luchan con defectos de fase luteínica a regular mejor su ciclo y promover la concepción.
  • Cimicifuga negra:La cimicifuga negra tiene un maquillaje similar al estrógeno, por lo que su uso puede ayudar a estimular los ovarios para que produzcan y liberen óvulos sanos, especialmente en mujeres que tienen desequilibrios hormonales. Algunas investigaciones indican que tomar Cimicifuga Negra puede ayudar a las posibilidades de concepción, pero no hay un estudio lo suficientemente grande como para saberlo con certeza.
  • Trébol rojo:Aunque se sabe que el trébol rojo tiene muchos beneficios médicos, como ayudar a controlar el acné, los herbolarios frecuentemente citan sus cualidades para aumentar la fertilidad como las más importantes. Se cree que el trébol rojo mejora la función circulatoria, y el aumento del flujo sanguíneo a los ovarios y al útero puede ser extremadamente útil para producir mejores óvulos y preparar mejor el útero para la implantación. Los beneficios circulatorios también pueden ayudarle a producir líquido cervical de mayor calidad para facilitar el viaje de los espermatozoides al óvulo.
  • Hoja de frambuesa roja:Más comúnmente consumido como té, los beneficios de la Hoja de Frambuesa Roja para aumentar la fertilidad han sido reconocidos durante miles de años. La hoja de frambuesa roja es muy rica en nutrientes importantes para la fertilidad, como la vitamina C, la vitamina E, el potasio y muchos otros, y también se sabe que ayuda a extender la fase lútea (particularmente importante para aquellos con defectos en la fase lútea que previenen la implantación), y ayuda a tonificar el revestimiento uterino para apoyar un embarazo. La hoja de frambuesa roja puede causar contracciones uterinas, por lo que muchos herbolarios advierten contra su uso durante el embarazo.
  • Aceite de Onagra:Alto en ácidos grasos Omega-6, el Aceite de Onagra (EPO) es uno de los remedios herbales más prometedores para reducir la inflamación y ayudar a producir un líquido cervical más fértil y de mejor calidad. La EPO también puede hacer que los músculos uterinos se contraigan, por lo que es posible que las mujeres no quieran usarla después de quedar embarazadas.

¿Cuál es el veredicto sobre los remedios herbales?

Aunque los estudios son limitados, está claro que algunos remedios herbales pueden ayudar con ciertas funciones fisiológicas que estimulan la fertilidad. Dicho esto, usted siempre debe hacer su propia investigación y consultar con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier régimen herbal.

Síntomas, señales y causas de la infertilidad I Infertilidad femenina e infertilidad femenina I Planned Parenthood

En esta sección

  • Infertilidad

  • ¿Mi pareja y yo debemos hacernos pruebas de infertilidad?

  • ¿Cómo puedo manejar la infertilidad?

¿Qué es la infertilidad?

La infertilidad es la dificultad para lograr o mantener un embarazo. Los problemas de fertilidad pueden ocurrirle a las personas de todos los géneros y pueden tener muchas causas. 

La infertilidad es común.

A algunas personas les resulta difícil lograr un embarazo o mantenerlo. Usualmente te diagnostican con infertilidad cuando no logras quedar en embarazo después de 1 año o más de intentarlo, o si has tenido varios abortos espontáneos (pérdidas). Hay tratamientos para muchos tipos de infertilidad, por lo que muchas personas logran quedar en embarazo y tener bebés saludables.

La infertilidad no es únicamente “un problema de mujeres” o algo relacionado con la edad. Hay muchas cosas que pueden causar infertilidad y puede afectar a personas de cualquier sexo y edad. Cuando una pareja no logra quedar en embarazo, las dos personas tienen los mismos chances de ser la causa. Por eso, cuando una pareja tiene problemas para quedar en embarazo, usualmente se les hacen pruebas de infertilidad a ambxs. 

¿Cuáles son las causas de la infertilidad?

La infertilidad puede ser causada por muchas cosas. Para saber qué está causando tus problemas de fertilidad y encontrar el mejor tratamiento para ti, lo mejor es consultar con unx doctorx especializado en infertilidad. A veces no es posible saber el motivo de la infertilidad. Esto se conoce como “infertilidad inexplicada” (o “infertilidad idiopática”). La infertilidad inexplicada puede ser muy frustrante, pero, aun así, existen opciones de tratamiento que puedes probar.

Causas de la infertilidad en personas con vagina:

Algunas de las causas comunes de la infertilidad en personas con vagina (también conocida como infertilidad femenina) incluyen:

  • clamidia o gonorrea no tratadas

  • no hay ovulación (los ovarios no liberan óvulos)

  • tus trompas de Falopio están bloqueadas por lo que el esperma no puede llegar al óvulo

  • tener óvulos de mala calidad

  • la forma de tu útero hace que el óvulo fertilizado no se implante fácilmente

  • endometriosis

  • fibromas uterinos

Causas de la infertilidad en personas con pene:

Las causas más comunes de la infertilidad en personas con pene (también llamada infertilidad masculina) incluyen:

  • clamidia o gonorrea no tratadas

  • bajo conteo de espermatozoides (no tener suficientes espermatozoides en el semen).

  • baja movilidad de los espermatozoides (cuando no nadan bien y no pueden llegar al óvulo)

  • espermatozoides que no están bien formados

  • semen tan espeso que los espermatozoides no pueden moverse fácilmente en él

  • no hay espermatozoides en tu semen

Tener muchas o muy pocas de algunas de las hormonas que le ayudan a tu cuerpo a producir espermatozoides, también puede llevar a problemas relacionados con el semen que causan infertilidad.

La infertilidad también puede suceder por problemas con la eyaculación. Si los conductos dentro de tu pene o testículos están bloqueados, puede ser difícil eyacular, o puede suceder que no te salga semen al tener un orgasmo. A veces, al eyacular, el semen puede irse hacia atrás, de tu próstata a tu vejiga, en lugar de que salga por el pene.

Si eres trans y usas hormonas.

Los tratamientos con hormonas y las cirugías de afirmación de género pueden causar infertilidad, pero no siempre sucede. Si deseas quedar en embarazo, consulta con tu doctorx o enfermerx acerca de tus opciones de fertilidad. Si no deseas quedar en embarazo, usa anticonceptivos.

¿Qué cosas pueden aumentar mi riesgo de infertilidad?

Hay ciertos factores de salud y estilo de vida que pueden aumentar tus chances de tener problemas de fertilidad. Por ejemplo:

  • Ser mayor de 35 años (en el caso de las personas con vagina).

  • Tener mucho sobrepeso o muy poco peso.

  • Quimioterapia o radioterapia.

  • Mucha exposición a toxinas ambientales, como plomo o pesticidas.

  • Consumo excesivo de alcohol o drogas.

  • Fumar tabaco.

  • No hacerse los exámenes recomendados para la clamidia y la gonorrea.

  • Haber tenido enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria (EPI).

  • Lesiones en el escroto y los testículos.

  • Haber recibido mucho calor en los testículos (por usar ropa muy ajustada o por nadar o bañarse en agua caliente con frecuencia y recientemente.

  • Tener un testículo no descendido.

3+1 technologies for determining ovulation and fertile days

Can technology help you determine the days of ovulation?

Finding out when you ovulate and knowing when you are fertile can be tricky. There are tools to help you find them.

Whether you’re looking for a pregnancy or just want to get a little better idea of ​​how your menstrual cycle works, determining your ovulation days is one of the milestones in the hormonal calendar.

The ovulation phase is the most fertile time of the female cycle.

Before ovulation (follicular phase), the ovary prepares to release an egg. And immediately after ovulation, the luteal phase begins, in which the uterus prepares for a possible pregnancy.

So if you are looking for ways to know when this will happen to you, in this article you will find various alternatives that, thanks to technology, will make it easier for you.

Pre-menstrual pregnancy test missed?

The Ovulation Process

Let’s first look at what ovulation is, how it happens, why it’s so important to female fertility, and how to know when it happens to you.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is the moment when an egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Approximately 15 days after the start of the last menstruation.

How do we ovulate?

At this time, right in the middle of the cycle, estrogen levels are at their highest, they peak, and this sends a signal to the brain to trigger ovulation.

This “signal” is a sudden rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) or lutropin, which causes the release of an egg.

She is now ready to travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus where she can be fertilized.

Why is ovulation so important for fertility?

easy: If you can spot that estrogen spike or LH surge, you’ll know you’re in your most fertile 48 hour cycle.

As you can imagine, this information is very helpful if you are trying to get pregnant. Intercourse during the two days that you ovulate will increase the chance that the egg will be fertilized.

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Help yourself with the technology to know exactly when you ovulate

Now that you know what it takes to know when you ovulate, you’ll want to know how to know with more confidence.

Every woman is a whole world. E menstrual cycles do not have to be the same.

To get to know them a little better, it is very useful to have a calendar in which you write down the days of your period.

There are even apps for mobile phones where, in addition to marking the day of your period, you can record other symptoms every day, such as headaches, kidney pain, energy levels for a month, etc.

In theory, your ovulation days are the days in the middle of your cycle.

But in the end, To more accurately determine which days are the most fertile, you will either have to take your temperature or help yourself with strips or patches that can measure your hormone levels.

Let’s see some options.

Precision digital thermometer

As we have already said, one of the most traditional methods of determining the days of ovulation is the basal body temperature.

Basal body temperature is the lowest body temperature at rest.

After ovulation, the body temperature rises sharply.

So you have to take your temperature every day. Always at the same time, only waking up before doing anything else. And write it down in a journal or calendar.

After 2 or 3 cycles, and if you have regular periods, you can already determine which days are the most fertile in your case: two days before your basal temperature rises by 0.3-0.5ºC.

As you can see, if you are going to follow this method, it would be great to have a digital thermometer with two decimal places. You will have much more accuracy in temperature readings and your calculations will be more accurate.

Temperature patches

If you are forgetful or your lifestyle does not allow you to stay in bed for several minutes after waking up, there is another way to determine the most fertile moment by temperature.

This is about patches that automatically read the temperature. You can see them on amazon in this LINK

They are placed on the side of the body, in the area under the forearm. They last 5 or 7 days and are resistant to showers, sports, etc. You only need one a month, mid-cycle.

Temperature data is collected by accessing a mobile phone through a special application.

After a couple of months of use, the app will even notify you when a patch needs to be applied. And it will calculate for you 2 days that are most fertile in your particular case.

Trekle: the most accurate vaginal thermometer

If you don’t like patches either, or if you want something that you can’t see even in summer, you have a very innovative alternative.

Este fertility monitor with a small probe inserted directly into the vagina to measure body temperature at night.

It is slightly larger than a tampon. And it syncs with the mobile app when you put it back in the case in the morning. with GOFERTIL coupon you will have 10% off if you buy it on the official page LINK

If you also record your cervical mucus characteristics, you will have a much more accurate fertility calendar.

You can see it on Amazon at this LINK

Tiras de LH Test hormones.

They are commonly known as an ovulation test and are very easy to use. You soak the strip in urine and get the result in a few minutes.

View the ClearBlue Ovulation Test on Amazon

You will need to use several within a month. If you are in the middle of a cycle and do not detect lutropin in your body, try again the next day and subsequent days.

The moment you have a positive moment is that you are ovulating. If you have sexual intercourse during these 48 hours, the chance of pregnancy is higher.

Keep in mind that throughout this article we have been talking about probabilities and possibilities. But from a medical point of view, success is impossible to guarantee.

Our recommendation is that if you find that your cycles are irregular or you are unable to conceive after 6 months of trying, find a specialist infertility center who can advise you in your particular case.

Try one of these products we recommend to help you determine when you’re ovulating and let us know how it went.

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  • Methods for controlling cervical mucus and determining your fertility 🌸

  • Does an orgasm help you get pregnant?

What is the difference between insemination and in vitro fertilization?

Seeking pregnancy and not getting one can be a difficult moment in a couple’s (or single’s) life.

The advantage of today is that many assisted reproduction methods are available with a very high success rate when fertility is difficult.

The reality is that we have the feeling that this is becoming more common every day: we know about the cases around us, there are many more twins than before (the result of artificial insemination and insemination). in vitro ), and people tend to be (slightly) more open about their fertility treatments.

But… although it may seem like it, fertility treatments are nothing new. First in animals and then in humans, since ancient times, it has been tried with the difficulties of each age to help overcome the obstacles between couples when it comes to conception.

History of assisted reproduction

A well-known and documented case of artificial insemination, a prelude to civil war, already took place during the time of the Catholic Monarchs.

A Jewish doctor injected the sperm of King Henry IV of Castile, nicknamed “The Impotent”, into the body of his wife, Queen Juana of Portugal, through a golden cannula.

The queen finally had a daughter, Princess Juana, but doubts about the technique were revealed, since the monarch had no more offspring with either another wife or lovers.

Gossipers said that she was not the daughter of the king, but of one of his confidants: Beltrán de la Cueva, which earned the young woman the nickname “la Beltraneja”.

In addition, because of this, she was not recognized as her father’s heiress by half the population.

The first fertilization in vitro

The first fertilization in vitro was in 1977, but although fertilization and implantation did not occur after a few weeks.

First child born from test tube fertilization of It was a year later, in 1978, in England it was a girl named Louise Brown.

In Spain, the first case was in 1984 in private health care and in 1985 in public health.

It was only in July 1987 that the first case of birth after freezing and thawing of embryos occurred, and a year later, in 1988, the first successes of oocyte donation. In 2007, the first positive result was obtained in Spain after vitrification of oocytes.

What is assisted reproduction for?

Today, assisted reproduction techniques allow many couples around the world to overcome physical and physiological obstacles, both at the male and female levels.

Assisted reproduction for problems in men

Assisted reproduction helps men who have problems with sperm quality and quantity, retrograde ejaculation or erection problems, among others.

Assisted reproduction for problems in women

For women, various assisted reproduction methods can help with ovulation disorders, fallopian tube problems, cases of endometriosis or vaginismus.

Assisted reproduction for problems in men and women

In addition, various types of assisted reproduction can solve problems that can occur in both men and women: immunological or hereditary problems.

What are the technical differences between artificial insemination and IVF?

Both methods are used to increase the chances of pregnancy in women.

And while there are nuances and variations, these two techniques are still the two main tools in fertility or assisted reproduction programs.

But let’s look at the differences between these two methods.

fertilization site

The main difference between artificial insemination and insemination in vitro is the place where fertilization takes place, yes, that is, the place where the union of the woman’s egg and the man’s sperm takes place.

In the case of artificial insemination (IFE), this process takes place inside the woman. On the one hand, the path by which the sperm must reach the egg is artificially shortened, and on the other hand, the optimal moment for this meeting inside the woman is controlled.

In the case of fertilization in vitro (IVF), the meeting of the egg and sperm takes place outside the body of the woman, in the vitro. The process is more controlled. Once fertilization has occurred, the fertilized egg or eggs are introduced into the woman’s body for implantation.

Degree of interventionism

The process of artificial insemination is less targeted and somewhat more natural (although hormonal processes are involved) and fertilization in vial is more controlled.

Egg Donation and Sperm Donation Options

in vitro fertilization , for its part, offers more options for supporting fertility in the sense that both egg and sperm can be obtained from the donor if needed.

Only donor sperm can be used for artificial insemination. A woman should have a good basic ovarian reserve.

Stimulation of the ovaries in women

On the other hand, although in both processes hormonal stimulation is caused in women, this stimulation is very small in artificial insemination.

Today it would not make sense to encourage women too much to get pregnant naturally from multiple pregnancies, with the risks that this entails.

at fertilization in vial On the other hand, the stimulation is stronger voluntarily. The goal is for the woman to produce more eggs than usual so they can be retrieved, fertilized in the lab, and given the desired embryos to the woman. Other fertilized embryos can be frozen for future use.

There is also the possibility of a so-called mini-IVF: fertilization. in tube with less hormonal load, less stimulation and fewer final follicles available for fertilization.

Surgery required

In vitro fertilization A woman needs minor surgery to retrieve her own oocytes, while this step is not involved in artificial insemination.

Additional IVF alternatives

Finally, IVF also allows two methods that help save some specific circumstances.

Before fertilization in the same tube, the egg and sperm can be placed close to each other so that they are expected to naturally find each other. This technique has its defenders and opponents.

On the one hand, it is believed that in this way the best sperm is the one that has time to arrive. On the other hand, there is a greater risk that fertilization may not take place.

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