Nombre india para niña: 19 nombres para niña de origen hindú: son lindos y quedan bien con apellidos en español | Estilo de Vida Madres

Nombre india para niña: 19 nombres para niña de origen hindú: son lindos y quedan bien con apellidos en español | Estilo de Vida Madres

19 nombres para niña de origen hindú: son lindos y quedan bien con apellidos en español | Estilo de Vida Madres

Los nombres que se inspiran en el idioma oficial de la India son tan bellos, que han adquirido gran popularidad.

Debido a su imponente sonido y al hermoso significado que resguardan, son una excelente opción para la bebé que viene en camino.

Si estás en busca de un nombre que sobresalga y refleje tu amor por esta exótica y enigmática cultura, tenemos un par de ideas que te encantarán.

#1 Sarayu

Su traducción es «río sagrado» o «tiempo ventoso» y hace referencia a las mujeres misteriosas, amables y que son muy amadas por las personas que las rodean.

Sarayu es una opción femenina y adorable.

#2 Alisha

Alisha quiere decir «protegida por Dios» y se relaciona con un temperamento alegre y de gran carácter.

Ideal para las personas creativas y que presentan una gran inclinación por el arte y la teología.

#3 Denali

¿Buscas un nombre fuera de lo común y muy creativo? Debes elegir esta opción. Su poderosa traducción es «aquella que es grande».

Por lo general, quienes lo portan son mujeres intuitivas y muy sensibles.

#4 Lakshmi

En la cultura hindú, Lakshmi es la Diosa de la buena fortuna, la abundancia y la fertilidad. Es una figura sumamente popular en la India.

Su nombre es equivalente a la riqueza material, y proviene del sánscrito que significa «meta».

#5 Naisha

Se trata de una opción que emana sofisticación, dulzura y feminidad. Cuenta con tres posibles significados: «misericordia», «especial» y «la que está en recuperación».

#6 Naya

Su preciosa traducción es «aquella que admira a Dios» y «capitán». Su carácter es amistoso y muy sociable.

Entre sus variaciones se encuentran: Naavarasi, Nabah, Naamagal y Naavya. Es popular en Estados Unidos y Francia.

#7 Indira

Proveniente de la India, Indira quiere decir «belleza» o «esplendor». Perfecto para quienes buscan un nombre original y muy femenino.

#8 Ananda

Ananda es una opción llamativa y muy original. Deriva del sánscrito y quiere decir «esperanza» o «felicidad suprema».

Generalmente, son personas espirituales y que luchan por sus ideales.

#9 Priyanka

Este nombre significa «bello» o «símbolo». Por lo general, refleja una personalidad valiente y con una fortaleza inquebrantable.

Ha ganado popularidad gracias a la actriz Priyanka Chopra, superestrella de Bollywood y esposa de Nick Jonas. Es uno de los nombres más poderosos y significativos de esta cultura.

#10 Shaila

Es una opción poco común que sobresale por su poderoso sonido. Quiere decir «la hija de la colina». Suele relacionarse con las mujeres relajadas y amistosas. ¡Nos encanta!

#11 Aruna

Es la versión femenina de Arun. Según las escrituras hindúes, Aruna significa «sol naciente» o «luz del alba».

Se tiene la creencia de que las personas que lo portan tienen poderes espirituales.

#12 Mayanin

Se asocia con mujeres valientes y con un gran ímpetu de superación. Su traducción es «agua pura» y es muy famoso en la India.

Podría representar a alguien que es honesta y leal incluso en los momentos más turbulentos y difíciles. Es super inspirador, ¿no lo crees?

#13 Dharani

Proviene de la raíz sánscrita dhri que significa «atrapar» o «transportar».

Este concepto forma parte de un ritual muy parecido a un mantra, que suele ser realizado para ahuyentar energía negativa y espíritus malignos.

#14 Rania

Hace referencia a Rania, una preciosa ciudad de India que se encuentra al sur de Haryana. También significa «encantadora» o «llena de felicidad».

#15 Anali

Su traducción es «fuego». Describe una personalidad aventurera y que ama pasar tiempo con la naturaleza.

Es una excelente forma de rendirle tributo a todas la bondades del planeta tierra.

#16 Shalimar

Además de ser el nombre de uno de los perfumes más populares de la casa francesa Guerlain, Shalimar significa «templo del amor».

Esta opción resguarda la historia de amor entre Shah Jahan, gran Emperador de las Indias y una hermosa joven llamada Mumtaz Mahal. Gracias a este relato se construyó el Taj Mahal y sus jardines.

#17 Yalitza

En la India, este nombre quiere decir «luz» e «imaginación», y está relacionado con la belleza y el carisma.

Según los expertos, las mujeres llamadas Yalitza son visionarias y conquistan las metas que se proponen, ya que son exigentes consigo mismas.

#18 Sundari

Variante de Sundara, es un nombre hindú que significa «la mujer que es bella». Su temperamento es creativo y muy relajado.

#19 Kala

Su traducción es «arte», «virtud» o «gracia». Kala es una mujer alerta, jovial y que ama explorar nuevas culturas.

Usualmente, son mujeres sociales y muy extrovertidas; cuentan con una gran facilidad para hacer amigos y ganarse la confianza de las personas.

¿Cuál fue tu nombre favorito? Cuéntanos en los comentarios.

Más notas que te inspirarán:

  • 20 nombres de origen árabe para niña con un sonido hermoso y un profundo significado
  • 20 nombres para niña inspirados en flores y con un significado encantador

Nombres indios para niñas

Algunos padres se deciden por aires exóticos para elegir el nombre de su bebé. Los nombres indios para niñas son nombres bonitos, delicados y con significados que aportan personalidad, por eso cada vez más familias optan por un nombre hindú para su niña.

Si quieres poner un nombre de origen sánscrito a tu bebé, tenemos una lista de 10 nombres indios para niñas encontrados entre los textos mitológicos de la India. También nos hemos fijado en personalidades populares con nombres hindúes que te sorprenderán.

1. Uma. Es un nombre de origen sánscrito que significa ‘paz’. Es uno de los pocos nombres indios que se ha popularizado fuera de sus fronteras y nos resulta muy familiar gracias a la actriz Uma Thurman.

2. Denali. Este nombre indio significa ‘grandeza’. Nos gusta porque a pesar de no ser muy conocido no resulta excéntrico, sino que posee un toque enigmático y muy delicado.

3. Alisha. Muchos nombres poseen un origen sánscrito y su fuerza se extiende más allá de la India. Es el caso de Alisha, que significa ‘la que protegen los dioses’ y que nos resulta un nombre de lo más exótico e interesante para una niña.

4. Arundhati. Este nombre indio significa ‘estrella’. Aunque no resulta un nombre frecuente fuera de la India, sí lo conocemos gracias a la popularidad de la escritora india Arundhati Roy, autora de ‘El dios de las pequeñas cosas’.

5. Indira. Es tal vez el nombre indio que más popularidad ha alcanzado en todo el mundo. La personalidad de Indira Gandhy se traspasa a este nombre que además significa ‘belleza’.

6. Anjali. Este nombre de origen sánscrito y significado de ‘ofrenda’ es uno de los más bonitos para niñas. Suena dulce y no le falta personalidad. Además, su toque exótico le aporta un plus de misterio y originalidad.

7. Nahali. El nombre tiene un significado de ‘herencia’. Nos gusta para una niña porque resulta fresco y original y además cuenta con una musicalidad a la que es difícil resistirse.

8. Arya. Este nombre de origen sánscrito y significado ‘noble’ es también el nombre de una de las protagonistas de ‘Juego de Tronos’. Su popularidad va en aumento cada día y seguro que en poco tiempo se convierte en un nombre frecuente.

9. Meena. También se puede escribir Mina. Es uno de los nombres para niñas más frecuentes en la India. Su significado es el de ‘pez’ y en la mitología hindú corresponde a la hija de la diosa Usha.

10. Chandra. Es otro de los nombres indios más populares en todo el mundo. Su significado es ‘brillante como la luna’ y, ciertamente, el nombre está rodeado de un gran resplandor. Nos gusta porque suena a ingenio y personalidad.

Laura Vélez. Redactora de

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Nombres indios para niñas, en la categoría de Nombres para niños en

Ships of Columbus: names, description. Columbus’ ship Santa Maria. The ship of Christopher Columbus “Nina”

Ships of Columbus: names, descriptions. Columbus’ ship Santa Maria. The ship of Christopher Columbus “Nina”

”Columbus discovered America, he was a great navigator”, as the song says… However, before setting sail, the famous navigator sought funding for his enterprise for many years. And although many aristocrats of that time liked the project of Christopher Columbus, they were in no hurry to allocate money for its implementation. However, the future discoverer was an energetic person, and yet he raised the necessary funds and equipped three ships, each of which has its own extraordinary history.


  • 1 Christopher Columbus
  • 2 Travels of Columbus
  • 3 Three ships of Columbus (caracca and caravels)
  • 4 Caracca and caravel – what is it?
  • 5 Columbus ship Santa Maria
  • 6 The fate of Santa Maria
  • 7 “Nina”
  • 8 Fate “Nigny”
  • 9 “Pint”
  • 10 Fate “Pinta”
  • 11 other ships 11 Columba

Christopher Columbus

Before you know the ships on which Columbus made his legendary voyage, it is worth remembering the greatest navigator.

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa. Scholars especially argue about his nationality. Christopher himself is considered a Spanish navigator, as the Spaniards equipped his expedition. However, in various sources he is called an Italian, a Catalan, and even a Jew who converted to Christianity.

In any case, Columbus was an outstanding person, which gave him the opportunity to get a decent education at the University of the Italian city of Pavia. After studying, Christopher began to swim frequently. Most often he participated in sea commercial expeditions. Perhaps it was because of his passion for sea travel at the age of nineteen that Columbus married the daughter of the famous navigator Doña Felipe de Palestrello.

When the future discoverer of America was twenty-three years old, he began to actively correspond with the famous Florentine scientist Paolo Toscanelli, who suggested to him the idea of ​​traveling to India across the Atlantic Ocean.

Having made his calculations, Christopher Columbus was convinced of the correctness of his pen friend. Therefore, in the next few years, he presented a tourism project to the richest people of Genoa. But they did not appreciate this and refused to finance.

Disappointed by his compatriots, Columbus proposes to organize an expedition to the king of Portugal, and then to the nobility and clergy of Spain. However, years passed, and no one allocated funds for the Columbus project. In desperation, the navigator even turned to the British king, but in vain. And even when she was about to move to France and try her luck there, Queen Isabella of Spain promised to fund the expedition.

Voyages of Columbus

In total, the great navigator made four voyages from Europe to America. All were made between 1492 and 1504.

During the first expedition of Columbus, he was accompanied by about a hundred people on three ships. The full round trip took about seven and a half months. During this expedition, sailors discovered the islands of Cuba, Haiti and the Bahamas in the Caribbean. The lands discovered by Columbus were called Western India for many years. Interestingly, some researchers claim that the goal of the Columbus expedition was not India, but Japan.

Over time, due to various disputes, the open lands ceased to belong only to the Spanish crown and were divided among the European maritime powers.

While Christopher was on his third expedition, Vasco da Gama paved the way to India, thereby branding Columbus as a deceiver. After this, the chained navigator was sent home, and he wanted to be tried, but the rich Spaniards, who had already made good money on open lands, protected Columbus and secured his release.

Trying to prove his case, the navigator went on the fourth expedition, during which he finally reached the American continent itself.

In the last years of his life, Christopher Columbus tried to regain the title of nobility granted to him by the royal couple of the Spanish monarchs, as well as privileges in open lands. However, he never managed to do so. After his death, the remains of the discoverer were buried several times, so now there are several probable graves of Christopher Columbus.

Three ships of Columbus (caracca and caravels)

When Christopher Columbus finally received the funds for his first expedition, he began preparing the ships.

First of all, it was necessary to determine the quantity. Since his venture was quite risky, it was expensive to equip a large flotilla. At the same time, one or two ships are too few. Therefore, it was decided to equip three units. What were Columbus’ ships called? The main one is the caravel “Santa Maria” and two caravels: “Nina” and “Pinta”.

Caracca and caravel – what is it?

The ship of Christopher Columbus “Santa Maria” was of the karaka type. This was the name of 3-4-masted sailboats, common in the 15-16th centuries. It is noteworthy that in Europe they were the largest at that time. As a rule, from five hundred to one and a half thousand people were freely accommodated on such ships. Considering that the entire crew of the three ships of Columbus was one hundred people, the Santa Maria was probably a small caracca.

The rest of Columbus’ ships (their names are “Nina” and “Pinta”) were caravels. These are 2-3-masted ships, common in the same years. Unlike karak, they were less suitable for long hikes. At the same time, they were distinguished by increased maneuverability, and were also light and cheap, so they soon undeservedly replaced bulky carracks.

The ship of Columbus “Santa Maria”

With the exception of the portrait of the great navigator, the appearance of his first three ships has not been preserved. The descriptions of Columbus’ ships, as well as their drawings, are rather approximate and compiled from the words of surviving eyewitnesses many years later or according to the assumptions of scientists.

It is generally accepted that the Santa Maria was a small three-masted single-bridge frame tower. It is assumed that the length of the ship was up to 25 m, and the width – up to 8 m. The displacement was about 1200 tons. The ship’s hold had a depth of 3 meters, and on the deck there was a two-level extension, in which cabins and toilets were located. The tank had a triangular platform.

The Santa Maria (Columbus’ ship) was equipped with several cannons of various calibers designed to fire stone cannonballs. Interestingly, in his notes, the navigator periodically called his flagship a karakka or a caravel. Columbus’ flagship was owned by Juan de la Cosa, who was also its captain.

The fate of the “Santa Maria”

Unfortunately, the “Santa Maria” was not destined to return to Spain, because in December 1492, during the first voyage, the flagship of Columbus landed on the rocks near Haiti. Realizing that it was impossible to save the Santa Maria, Cristoforo ordered that everything that could be of value be taken away and handed over to the caravels. It was decided to dismantle the ship itself for building materials, from which Fort Natale (La Navidad) was later built on the same island.


According to the contemporaries of the discoverer, the Nina (Columbus’s ship) was the favorite ship of the discoverer of new lands. In all his travels, he drove on it more than forty-five thousand kilometers. After the death of the Santa Maria, it was she who became the flagship of Columbus.

The real name of the ship was “Santa Clara”, but the members of the expedition affectionately called it “baby”, which in Spanish sounds like “nina”. This ship belonged to Juan Niño. But during the first voyage of Columbus, Vicente Yanes Pinzon was the captain of La Niña.

According to scientists, the size of the “Santa Clara” was about 17 meters long and 5.5 meters wide. It is also believed that “Ninya” had three trees. Judging by the logbook, this caravel originally had slanting sails, and after a stay in the Canary Islands they were replaced with straight ones.

Initially, the ship had a little over twenty crew members, but after the sinking of the Santa Maria, there were more of them. It is noteworthy that it was on it that the sailors began to sleep in hammocks, adopting this tradition from the Indians.

The fate of the “Nina”

Safely returning to Spain after the first expedition of Columbus, “Nina” also took part in the second voyage of Christopher to the shores of America. During the infamous hurricane of 1495, the Santa Clara was the only surviving ship.

Between 1496 and 1498, the beloved ship of the discoverer of America was captured by pirates, but thanks to the courage of the captain, he was released and set off on the third voyage of Columbus.

After 1501 there is no news about him, probably during one of the campaigns the caravel sank.


Accurate data on the appearance and technical characteristics of this ship has not been preserved in history.

It is only known that the ship of Columbus “Pinta” was the largest caravel in the first expedition of the great traveler. However, for unknown reasons, after the death of the Santa Maria, the flight leader did not choose her as his flagship. Most likely, it was the owner and captain of the ship – Martina Alonso Pinsone. In fact, during the trip, he repeatedly challenged Columbus’ decisions. Probably, the great navigator was afraid of an uprising and therefore chose a ship on which the brother of Martin, the more flexible Vicente, was the captain.

it is interesting to note that it was the sailor of Pinta who first saw the land of the New World.

it is known that the ships returned home separately. Moreover, the captain of the Pinta made every effort to ensure that his ship was the first to reach Spain, hoping to bring the good news himself. But because of the storm, I was only a couple of hours late.

The fate of the Pinta

It is not known what happened to the ship Pinta after the voyage of Columbus. There is evidence that after his return, the captain of the ship was received rather coldly at home. And due to health problems received during the expedition, he died a few months later. Probably, the ship was sold and changed its name, or died on the next voyage.

Other ships of Columbus

If during the first expedition Columbus’ flotilla consisted of only three small ships, then in the second – seventeen, in the third – six, and in the fourth – only four. This was due to the loss of faith in Christopher Columbus. Ironically, in just a few decades, Columbus would become one of Spain’s greatest heroes.

The names of most of these ships have not survived. It is only known that the flagship of the second expedition was the ship “Maria Galante”, and in the fourth – “La Capitan”.

After so many years, after the discovery, on which ships Columbus made his first voyage and opened a new world for all mankind, it becomes amazing how they could swim there at all. Indeed, the Spanish crown had more powerful and voluminous ships at its disposal, but their owners did not want to take risks. The good news is that the owners of “Santa Maria”, “Santa Clara” (“Nina”), as well as “Pinta” were not like that and risked participating in the Columbus expedition. It is thanks to this that they forever entered world history, as well as the islands they discovered and two new continents.


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discoveries, biography, years of traveler’s life

Christopher Columbus is a legendary man, a famous navigator, naval commander and cartographer who discovered a new continent. In search of a sea route to India, he was the first to reach the shores of America. His great tragedy is that until the end of his days he did not even know that he had made the greatest discovery.

Portrait of Christopher Columbus, artist Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, 1520.

Biography of Columbus

The exact date of birth of Christopher Columbus or, in the Spanish sound, Cristobal Colombo has not been established. It is only known that it falls on the period from August 25 to October 1451. In these autumn days, the first-born appeared in the family of Dominico Colombo and his wife Susanna. They lived at that time in Genoa. However, the birthplace of Columbus, like the date, is still a matter of controversy. As many as six Italian and Spanish cities to this day dispute the right to be called the birthplace of the great navigator.

Columbus’ parents were not very wealthy people. Father, Dominico, was a weaver, engaged in trade along the way. He did not give up trying to get rich in areas such as viticulture and pastures. Domenico’s skill and diligence made him one of the most respected citizens. The mother ran the house and raised the children. In addition to Christopher, the family had three more sons and a daughter. One of the sons, Dominic, died at a young age, and the other two brothers became companions of Christopher and accompanied him on some of his wanderings.

Education of a young navigator

According to many historians, Christopher, along with his brothers and sister, received education from visiting teachers. Without outside help, Columbus’s father could hardly afford private tuition. But, according to the researchers, the family was helped by wealthy co-religionists – Marans, or Jews who accepted the Christian faith. Among them in those days there were many financiers.

Thanks to the acquired knowledge, as well as the financial support of philanthropists, Christopher was able to enter the University of Padua. This educational institution is considered one of the oldest in Europe. The university was famous for its high level of education, and even during the years of the rampant Inquisition, Columbus knew that the Earth has the shape of a ball, not a flat pancake.

In an educational institution, Christopher became close friends with the astronomer Toscanelli, who showed Columbus another, shorter route to India. The overland way of moving to the cherished lands that existed at that time was too long and dangerous. Getting to India by sea was much easier and faster.

University of Padua, where Columbus studied

Personal life

According to researchers, the famous traveler was married twice. He was in a church marriage with a representative of the wealthy de Palestrello family, whose name was Felipa Moniz. The girl’s father was a famous navigator. So Christopher got into a family closely associated with sea voyages.

A young couple has a son named Diego. Already in adulthood, Diego will become a noble official, viceroy of New Spain and the owner of various high titles.

Another boy was born to Columbus later. Christopher was in a relationship with a woman named Beatrice, who gave him an heir. The boy was named Fernando. To Columbus’s credit, he didn’t discriminate between boys. Both sons received attention, help and support equally.

As a teenager, the second son participated in the expeditions of Columbus. Fernando received a good education and became a scientist. It was to his pen that the first biography of his father belongs. Fernando, like his brother, had titles and had a solid fortune.

Columbus and his son Diego before leaving for the first expedition

Columbus Expeditions

Like many people who grew up by the sea, Columbus from his youth dreamed of distant lands and unexplored lands. Most of all, he was attracted to India, full of untold riches. Gold, precious stones, spices – all this made it possible to get rich in a short time and climb the social ladder. After Columbus received information from his astronomer friend about another, short, route to India, he did not stop thinking about making his dream come true.

In addition to the excitement of the explorer, Columbus was driven by another powerful force – the desire to gain wealth, fame and social position. Therefore, Christopher directed all his efforts to ensure that the powers that be invested in his expeditions.

In total, four expeditions of Christopher Columbus are known.

  • First voyage. It lasted more than half a year, from August 1492 to the middle of March 1493.
  • The second expedition. The largest and longest It lasted almost three years with the participation of seventeen courts.
  • Third voyage. Six ships took part in it. It took place from 1498 to 1500.
  • The fourth expedition lasted more than two years, from May 1502 to November 1504.

THIS IS INTERESTING. Around 1492, after Columbus reached America, his notes began to mention tobacco – a plant with which the Indians stuffed their pipes.

Map showing the routes of the four voyages of Columbus

First voyage of Columbus

It took Columbus almost ten years to make his first expedition. First, he turned to the Genoese merchants for assistance. Unsupported, he tried his luck with the King of Portugal. However, this attempt also turned out to be a failure. A little later, in 1885, Columbus asks for an audience with the King and Queen of Spain. Columbus is trying to interest the monarchs in the countless treasures that are in India. The situation was complicated by the fact that Columbus offered a new, shortest route to India. His calculations were based on the fact that the Earth is spherical. And in those days, such statements were fraught with the court of the Inquisition.

Having enlisted the patronage of the Spanish monarchs, Columbus nevertheless seeks to equip the expedition.

In 1492, three ships set sail in search of a route to India. Two caravels took part in the campaign – “Pinta” and “Nina”, as well as a four-masted sailing ship “Santa Maria”.

Mariners crossed the Atlantic Ocean, moving to the west. As a result of the first Spanish expedition, Columbus discovered:

  1. Sargasso Sea. This is a unique sea that has no shores, limited to sea currents. The sea got its name because of the accumulation of brown algae Sargasso.
  2. Bahamas. One of the islands was named San Salvador, which means “Holy Savior” in Spanish. So Columbus christened the island, which gave him and his associates shelter after a 70-day sea voyage.
  3. Haiti is a flourishing island whose coastline is indented with coves and bays. It was called Hispaniola, or Little Spain. These were the lands where the first Spanish colony appeared.
  4. Cuba. This tropical paradise first saw the conquering Europeans in October 1492 years.

Watch the following video and learn interesting facts from the life of Christopher Columbus.

From the first expedition, Columbus brought a small amount of gold, samples of previously unknown plants, plumage of unfamiliar birds, as well as several captured natives. Columbus announced that as a result of the campaign he had discovered the Western Indies.

The second voyage of Columbus

In the second expedition, Columbus took part already in the rank of admiral. He was accompanied by 2000 people and 17 ships. The navigators followed the same route across the Atlantic. As a result, were opened:

  1. Dominica. Columbus named it after the day of the week it was discovered. Dominicus is Latin for Sunday.
  2. Guadeloupe, Santa Maria of Guadalupe, named after a monastery in Spain.
  3. Antilles.

The shores discovered during the first expedition were more thoroughly explored. As a result of the second campaign, the era of colonization was opened. Settlers and clergy moved to the found and described lands. Some remote places began to be used as exile for dangerous criminals.

IT’S INTERESTING . In Barcelona, ​​on the very spot where Columbus stepped on his return from his first trip, there is now a monument. The monument is a bronze sculpture located on a high metal column.

The third expedition of Columbus

In 1498, in just six ships, Columbus went on another exploration of the shores of India (as he believed). The result of the expedition was the discovery of such lands as:

  1. Trinidad Island. Columbus gave the island such a sonorous name because he arrived on it on July 31, the day of the Holy Trinity. In honor of this holiday, the lands were named.
  2. The peninsula of Paria and the bay of the same name. Named after a strong local tree that served as raw material for the arrows of the natives.
  3. Margarita Island is the largest island in the Caribbean. Columbus immortalized the Princess of Spain, Margaret of Austria, with its name.
  4. Mouth of the Orinoco River.

Upon returning from a voyage, in 1500, Columbus suffered a great disappointment. He was sent to the Castilian prison on a false denunciation. When he was released, he lost many of his titles and privileges, as well as part of his fortune.

Landing of Columbus in America, J. Vanderlyn, 1847.

Fourth Expedition

This venture started in 1502. The goal of Columbus was still the same – the opening of the western route to India. As a result, the following were discovered:

  1. Martinique Island. He did not interest Columbus, since no gold was found on the island.
  2. Gulf of Honduras. On the shores of the Gulf, Columbus is said to have had contact with the Maya.

During the last expedition in the area of ​​Jamaica, Columbus suffers a big setback.

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