Nombre bautista significado: Características del nombre Bautista ⊛ ¿Qué significado tiene?

Nombre bautista significado: Características del nombre Bautista ⊛ ¿Qué significado tiene?

Características del nombre Bautista ⊛ ¿Qué significado tiene?



¡Eureka! Tu búsqueda de nombres y de lo que estos significan te ha traído hasta esta web. Sabemos lo importante que es seleccionar un nombre agradable al oído y que además transmita valores y acepciones hermosas. Por eso nuestra colección incluye el origen de cada uno, y lo que implicaba en sus formas originales. Lee sin prisa esta publicación para asegurarte de que sea lo que necesitas. En este caso te contaremos qué quiere decir Bautista.

Origen Griego.
Significado “Sumergido”, “hundir”, “el que bautiza”.
Tipo Nombre propio masculino.
Fecha de santoral Es el 24 de junio en honor a San Juan Bautista.

Etimología del nombre Bautista:


Se origina del griego bapto cuyo significado es sumergir. Por eso San Juan Bautista sumergía a las personas en las aguas como acto de renacer, de obtener simbólicamente una nueva vida con fe y amor a Dios.



Bautista en alemán, Battista en italiano, Baptista en tardorromano, Pagëzori en albanés, Badezour en bretón, Krstitel en búlgaro, Kïtitel en checo, Krstitej en croata, Krstitel en eslovaco, Krstnik en esloveno, Baptisto en esperanto, Baptiste en Francés, Baptistes en griego y Baptist en inglés.


Personas famosas llamadas Bautista:

  • Dave Bautista

    • Ex luchador y peleador, actor estadounidense: nació el 18 de enero de 1969 en Washington DC. Su nombre completo es David Michael “Dave” Bautista. Formó parte de la World Wrestling Federation. Ganó cuatro veces el Campeonato Mundial de Peso Pesado, y dos veces el Campeonato de la WWE de artes marciales mixtas. También ha ostentado tres veces el Campeonato Mundial en parejas, una vez con John Cena y dos veces junto a Ric Flair. Ingresó en la actuación en 2006 en el filme El hombre de los puños de hierro. También actuó en James Bond Spectre en 2015 y en Blade Runner 2049 en 2017. Su personaje más popular es el de Drax en la saga de Guardianes de la Galaxia del MCU.


Características de las personas más famosas llamadas Bautista:

Los hombres con este nombre se caracterizan por poder volver a comenzar, a levantarse de las crisis como el ave fénix. No se dejan amedrentar por las circunstancias y aprenden de sus errores, lo que incrementa sus posibilidades de éxito. Tienen un poder de liderazgo nato, que les permite guiar influir de forma positiva en otras personas.

Nombre Bautista – Significado y origen del nombre Bautista








Bautista, significado de Bautista ¿Qué significa el nombre Bautista?

  1. Significado de nombres

Significado del nombre Bautista

Nombre Bautista. Significado de Bautista, origen y características. Tarjeta de Bautista en colores y en tamaño grande. El nombre Bautista para enviar o compartir por Whatsapp o Facebook.



El que bautiza. De origen griego.


Es honesto, solidario y de buen
carácter. Le gusta saber todo lo
que pasa a su alrededor y aprender
siempre cosas nuevas.


Es de relaciones estables y duraderas.


24 de Junio (San Juan Bautista).

Personas célebres:

San Juan Bautista de La Salle.
Juan Bautista Alberdi (jurista y político argentino).
Juan Bautista Maino (pintor español).

Significado de Bautista

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Origen y significado de los nombres para niños y niñas. También para todas las edades.

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Significado del nombre Bautista, origen y características.

¿Qué significa mi nombre?

Bautista – Nombre Bautista
. Nombre para bebé: Bautista –

¿Cuál es el significado de Bautista?

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  1. Significado de Bautista.
  2. Tarjetón del significado.
  3. Diseños de Bautista.
  4. Más tarjetas con Bautista.

Nombres de mujer,
nombres de varón.
Nombres para bebés,
nombres de niña,
nombres de niño.

Bautista – Tarjeta con imagen de Bautista para feliz cumpleaños

Significado y origen de los nombres para imprimir y encuadrar. ¡También lo puedes regalar o enviar por eMail!

Bautista – Nombres para bebés

Nombres para bebés o para niños. Busca el de tus hijos o sobrinos, e impríme. También envíalos por eMail.

Bautista – Carteles e iniciales

Tu nombre para agendas o para el cuarto. También tu inicial o la de tus amigos para imprimir o enviar por eMail.

Diccionario de nombres propios para descubrir el significado de los nombres, sus características y orígenes.

Bautista – Para cuartos infantiles

Para las puertas de cuartos infantiles, maternidades, o para cumpleaños. Puedes imprimirlos, regalarlos y enviarlos por eMail.

Bautista – Nombres en stickers

Nombres con personajes, imprímelos en cartulina o en papel autoadhesivo. También puedes enviarlos por eMail.

Origen del nombre Bautista, significado de Bautista.

El nombre Bautista para compartir, enviar e imprimir.
Imágenes del nombre Bautista para regalar, encuadrar o decorar habitaciones.
Stickers del nombre Bautista para imprimir en papel adhesivo y personalizar tus cuadernos, agendas y planners.

Descubre el significado del nombre Bautista

Aquí encontrarás más de 2600 nombres con su significado, origen, características, el día del santo y las personas célebres que llevan el mismo nombre. Si estás buscando un nombre para tu bebé, puedes consultar por orden alfabético los nombres que más te gusten. Hay listados de los nombres más populares, de nombres originales femeninos y masculinos.

¿Buscas el origen del nombre Bautista?

Este es el lugar ideal para buscar el origen de un nombre, encontrarás nombres de origen bíblico, nombres de origen griego, latino, germano y con raíces de varios países y culturas. También relacionados con la mitología, los santos, el universo, la naturaleza y valores espirituales.

¡Sorprende a alguien enviándole el origen y significado de su nombre!

Además podrás acceder a miles de imágenes de nombres en tamaño grande para enviar, compartir o imprimir a un costo muy bajo.

Cómo personalizar, enviar y compartir el nombre Bautista

. Elige el nombre para saber su significado y origen.  

. Haz clic en el botón de Compartir esa página en redes sociales, podrás agregarle un texto.

. Si tienes el plan premium podrás descargar las imágenes de los nombres en tamaño grande para enviar, compartir o imprimir.

. Una vez ingresada tu clave, elige el botón de Enviar por email, para personalizar el nombre elegido y seleccionar el día de envío.

. Escribe debajo de la tarjeta, puedes elegir la tipografía, el tamaño y el color. Luego podrás centrar el texto o probar los diferentes diseños.

Comparte el nombre Bautista en Facebook

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¡Con se puede hacer, ya que el diseño del sitio y los nombres se acomodan a tu dispositivo móvil!

Buscador de nombres por orden alfabético:


El nombre propio es la denominación verbal de una persona para distinguirla de otra. La palabra ¨nombre¨ viene del latín: nomen. La Onomástica que significa ¨el arte de nombrar¨ según la Real Academia Española, es el estudio y catalogación de los nombres propios. Estudia también el origen y la procedencia de los nombres de familia, que pueden derivar del nombre de los padres o ascendientes (patronímicos) o también provenir de lugares (topónimos).

Encuentra los nombres de todos tus conocidos por orden alfabético. A veces se llama a los hijos e hijas con el nombre de sus padres, madres, abuelos y abuelas, también puede ser que el nombre lo hayan usado durante muchas generaciones a modo de tradición, de esta manera tiene un alto valor simbólico para la familia y para la persona que lo lleva, a quien le otorga una fuerte identidad y pertenencia. Otros padres optan por llamar a sus hijos e hijas con nombres bien diferentes y originales para que puedan diferenciarse y no tener el peso de seguir ciertas tradiciones, si así lo desean.

Significado del nombre Bautista, Imágenes de Bautista, Tarjetas de Bautista

Nombres de origen bíblico

Son los nombres que provienen de la Biblia, del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento. Se trata de nombres que eligen en su mayoría familias de tradición cristiana, muchas veces se tiene en cuenta la fecha del santoral en que nace un bebé, y se lo llama con el nombre del Santo del día.

Nombres de origen griego

Muchos de los nombres que existen son de origen griego, a veces están relacionados con héroes y dioses de la mitología, que llamaron la atención por su belleza, valor o ejemplo. Grecia ha tenido una gran influencia en los nombres del mundo occidental.

Frases relacionadas con esta página:

Nombre Bautista

Significado de Bautista

Origen del nombre Bautista

significado del nombre Bautista

Nombre para bebé Bautista

Diccionario de nombres

Nombre propio Bautista

El nombre Bautista

Origen de mi nombre Bautista

Bautista significado

Qué significa el nombre Bautista

Qué significa Bautista

Significado de nombre Bautista

Bautista, significado del nombre

Día del santo de Bautista

Características del nombre Bautista

is only a noble name – Translation into English – examples Russian





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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


boast of a high


first name

Just like that poor Murray… he’ll get only the noble name and his pockets will be empty.

Like the unfortunate Miss Murray good family name and empty pockets will only get him so far.

Other results

Change one noble name to another.

Exchange one noble name for another.

He gave his family everything he could: both wealth and a noble name .

He considered his family to be his wealth and his biggest achievement .

“I had untold riches…” And noble generic name .

“I had riches too great to count…”could boast of a high ancestral name

He was, indeed, a noble artist, whose name was on everyone’s lips.

He was a hero , whose name was on everyone’s lips.

He was from a noble family, but the name of his parents is unknown.

He was born into a wealthy family, but his parents’ names are not known.

According to his memoirs, written during his imprisonment in the Bastille, Alexander Cagliostro was born in Malta, in noble family , name which is unknown.

According to his memoirs written by him during his confinement in the Bastille, Alessandro Cagliostro was born in Malta of a noble but unknown family.

In the last years of her life, the name of the most noble woman in the world, Duchess Caetana Alba, did not leave the pages of the media.

In the last years of her life the name of the most noble women in the world Duchess of Alba Caetani did not descend from pages of the media.

But the legend says that this is Manas’s kyumbez, erected by his wife Kanykey, who, in order not to attract the attention of enemies who want to desecrate the memory of the hero, ordered the name of a noble woman to be indicated in the inscription .

But the legend says, that it is a tomb of Manas, built by his wife Kanykei, who to not attract the attention of enemies wishing to profane the memory of hero, ordered to write in an inscription a name of the daughter of Emir.

“Musashi” here is the name of the area, “no-kami” means “noble person”, and “Fujiwara” is the name of a noble family that played an important role in the history of Japan about a thousand years ago.

“Musashi” is the name of an area southwest of Tokyo, and the appellation “No Kami” means noble person of the area, while “Fujiwara” is the name of a noble family foremost in Japan over a thousand years ago.

Only noble people can afford this.

Only those of the highest rank can afford such a thing.

Only noble and very wealthy people had the right to please themselves with such delicacies, by the way, something similar was also found in Ancient Rome.

Only noble and very wealthy people had the right to please themselves with such delicacies, by the way, something similar happened in ancient Rome.

Such decorations were worn only by nobles and rich people, including pharaohs.

The frogs had only come upon Pharaoh and his people.


However, only the nobles and the rich were engaged in it.

They only deal with the rich and wealthy.

Only noble people were allowed to walk in the manor’s garden, as its very name indicates.

He was the only person alighting the tram at the Gardens so his words were only for him.

The reading of birch-bark writings refuted the existing opinion that in Ancient Rus’ only noble people and clergy were literate.

Reading birch-bark manuscripts denied the view that in Ancient Russia were literate only nobles and clergy.

Such jewelry was worn by only noble and rich people including pharaohs.

One of the Pharaoh and other of the rich people of the community of the Pharaoh.

He will have noble name .

You wanted a noble name and he’s acquired that too .

Alexy (his the name is called only in the later versions of the life) came from a rich and noble Roman family.

Alexius (the name of the saint is, in fact, preserved only in the later versions of his Vita) came from a rich and noble Roman family.

Over time, he became known as Patrick – so the usual mockery of the noble origin of the slave was transformed into name known all over the world.

Over time, he became known as Patrick – so the usual mockery of the noble origin of a slave was transformed into a name known to the whole world.

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Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200 into English, synonyms, antonyms, examples of sentences, meaning, word combinations0011 noble name.

He appears to be educated – in fact, a gentleman – worthy of bearing the best of names, I should say.

I learned that people value above all else the noble and glorious name combined with wealth.

I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow creatures were high and unsullied descent united with riches.

It’s always good to know the name of a serial killer you may be harboring.

It’s always good to know the name of whatever serial killer you might be harboring.

He was a worker – why should I know his name?

He was a laborer why would I know his name?

2-Step Verification greatly improves security, fraudsters need know not only your password and email username, but also your phone number.

Two – step verification significantly increases the level of security, as criminals would not only have to know your login name and password, but also have access to your phone.

Make sure reset protection is off. Otherwise, you will need to know the username and password of the primary account for the device in order to use it. nine0003

Make sure reset protection is turned off, or you’ll need to know the name and password for the primary account on the device to use it.

To connect the client terminal to the server, you need to know exactly the IP address (or domain name) of the server and the connection port.

For connecting the client terminal to the server, the exact server IP address (or domain name) and port must be known. nine0003

Jenny needs to know the name to accommodate guests.

Jenny has to find out for the place cards.

I want to know the name of that man.

I want to know the name of the geezer you was with.

There was some kind of sensual pleasure in indulging in long-delayed pleasure – to say name and know that he hears it.

It had the sensuous pleasure of a surrender long delayed – to pronounce the name and to have him hear it.

Well, secondly, you should know that the name of your generous benefactor will remain in the deepest secret until he wishes to name himself.

Now you are to understand, secondly, Mr. Pip, that the name of the person who is your liberal benefactor remains a profound secret, until the person chooses to reveal it.

I need to know , have you ever called my name to anyone…, revealed… the essence of our… relationship?

I need to know if you’ve ever mentioned my name to anyone… disclosed the… the nature of our… relationship.

They will all know your name at the click of a finger.

They will know your name lickety – kite.

And so it will be as long as I am at the top, and I was going to be at the top for a long time – until the people who say my name will know exactly whose name they pronounce.

As long as you were on top. I meant to stay on top a long time. Long enough so that when people spoke my name, they knew whose name they spoke.

I want to know your name in order to file a libel charge.

I want your name, so I can charge you with slander.

Is it possible to know the name of the one who plunged you into this sweet valley of thought?

Might we be informed of the name of her who has plunged you into this sweet abandonment of meditation? – such were the phrases thrown at him. nine0003

Because you are on an adventure as dangerous as mine, and you must know what you are getting your name into.

Because you are enlisting in a venture every bit as fraught as my own now and you must know what you’re putting your name to.

Yes, young man whose name is I don’t need to know , if I’m most proud of it, it’s what I proved, once and for all, that your brains don’t need the humanities and art. nine0003

Yes, young man whose name I will never care to know, if there’s one thing I am most proud of, it’s the fact that I have proven, once and for all, young minds do not need the humanities or the arts.

Marius knew her name, in any case he knew if not her last name, then her first name – a charming name, the most suitable for a woman; he also knew where she lived; now he wished to know who she was. nine0003

He knew her first name, at least, a charming name, a genuine woman’s name; he knew where she lived; he wanted to know who she was.

If you know that my mother is dead, then you must know her middle name.

If you know that my mother is dead, then you must already know her second name.

I want to know the name of a person who could better inform me about him, and moreover, I need know who was his last mistress.

I want to know the name of the person who could best inform me about him, and what’s more I need to know who was his last lover.

If a Great White has met a Hammerhead here, someone must know his real name.

If Great White met Hammerhead here, stands to reason that somebody knows his real identity. nine0003

To give the letter to him personally, I had to know his name.

I was forced to read the address to know to whom to give it.

Before you start mocking this prisoner, perhaps you should know that his name is Diomedes.

Just before you start sneering at this prisoner perhaps you should know that his name is Diomede.

Write the name on a piece of paper so I will know that you are not lying.

Write it down on a piece of paper so I know that you’re not lying.

In an hour I want to know what she eats, how she sleeps, the name of her teacher.

In one hour… … tellmehowshe eats,shesleeps, her kindergarten teacher’s name. nine0003

This is the planet Thyrr, she said, if you would know her real name.

This is the planet Tyrr, she said, if you want to use the proper name.

You are wrong, I only know your name and I am not interested to know who you are.

You are wrong, I only know your name, and I am not interested in knowing you.

If I give my name, they’ll know that they’ve found the right place and that it’s safe to walk to the end here

If I give my name, they’ll know they’ve found the right place and that it’s safe to come through.

Maybe then you’ll stop thinking about what your old man told you and tell Joe in boots my name is or whatever else he wants to know .

That’s when maybe you stop caring about what your old man said and tell Johnny Jackboot out there my name, or just about anything else he wants.

Yes, and since you want to know his name, I’ll tell you: his name is de Villefort!

Yes; and if you wish to know his name, I will tell it, – he is named Villefort.

Chief Justice Tanya’s reputation can afford know everything he has ever done and still leaves a large fund of honor and praise to illustrate his name.

The reputation of Chief Justice Taney can afford to have anything known that he ever did and still leave a great fund of honor and praise to illustrate his name.

There was an anime that I watched whose name is I would like to know .

There was an anime i watched,whose name id like to know.

This is a theory linking the name to the Polish word mis/misko meaning bear, since no animal names were used to form honorific Polish names among the Polish nobility .

That is the theory linking the name with polish word mis/misko meaning bear as no animals names were used to form honorable polish names among polish nobility. nine0003

When she was praying for help at the temple, she heard the Buddha tell her to go home, sit down and say his name if she wanted to know where her mother was.

While she was pleading for help at the temple, she heard the Buddha telling her to go home, sit down, and recite his name if she wanted to know where her mother was.

Know a person’s name, nationality, gender, address, what he buys, where he buys, how he pays, etc.

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