Nombre leandro: Particularidades del nombre Leandro •【 ¿Qué significa? 】•

Nombre leandro: Particularidades del nombre Leandro •【 ¿Qué significa? 】•

¿Cómo se les dice a los que se llamen Leandro?

Para Leandro los que más se usan son Lea o Lean.


  1. Significado del nombre Leandro
  2. ¿Cómo son los Leandro?
  3. ¿Qué significa el significado del nombre Fabián?
  4. ¿Cómo se abrevia Leandro?
  5. Significado del nombre leandro
  6. ¿Qué significa Leandros en México?
  7. ¿Cómo se les dice de cariño a los leonardo?
  8. ¿Qué significa Leandro en el amor?
  9. ¿Cuál es el significado del nombre Leandro?
  10. ¿Cómo es Leandro en el amor?
  11. ¿Cuándo se celebra el Día de San Leandro?

Significado del nombre Leandro

Leandro es un nombre de origen griego, formado por λεων («león») y ανδρος (andros, «hombre», genitivo de ἀνήρ, aner). El registro más antiguo tiene carácter mitológico griego, en un mito de nombre «Hero y Leandro» un joven amante de una sacerdotisa que murió ahogado por amor.

¿Cómo son los Leandro?

Personalidad del nombre Leandro
Leandro siempre acaba todo lo que empieza. Es generoso, pero le gusta ver donde va su generosidad. Tiene una capacidad ejecutiva, es un líder.

¿Qué significa el significado del nombre Fabián?

Vamos a explicarte el significado del nombre Fabián. Latino / romano. “El cosechador de habas”, “el granjero” o “el hombre de la granja”.

¿Cómo se abrevia Leandro?

¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre en inglés?

Spanish English Spanish
Cristina Christina Lázaro
Darío Darius Leandro
Diego James Leonardo
Dionisio Dennis Leonor

Significado del nombre leandro

¿Qué significa Leandros en México?

Leandro es un nombre para niño de origen griego que significa «el hombre agradable».

¿Cómo se les dice de cariño a los leonardo?


  • Femenino: Leonarda.
  • Diminutivo: Leo, Lio, Lenny, Leito, Lein, Leono Lliuna (quechua)

¿Qué significa Leandro en el amor?

En una traducción literal sería «el hombre león». El hombre que lleva este nombre se caracteriza por adquirir las cualidades del león; fuerza, supremacía y potencia. Leandro es, en la mitología griega, el nombre del trágico amante de Hero.

¿Cuál es el significado del nombre Leandro?

La palabra «Leandro» viene del griego Lenadros y significa «Hombre bravo y fuerte como un león, nombre propio». Sus componentes léxicos son: leon (león) y andros (hombre).

¿Cómo es Leandro en el amor?

En cuanto a su vida amorosa, son personas muy sentimentales que buscan siempre la estabilidad en una pareja para formar una familia. Tiene dos santorales, el 27 de febrero y el 13 de noviembre. Leandro es un nombre muy común en muchos países. Muchos famosos han optado por llamar a sus hijos así.

¿Cuándo se celebra el Día de San Leandro?

28 de febrero
Hoy, 28 de febrero, es el turno de honrar la vida y obra de San Leandro de Sevilla, cuya influencia fue decisiva en la iglesia hispano-visigoda. Este santo nació alrededor del año 535 en Cartagena aunque finalmente acabó haciendo vida en Sevilla junto a su familia.

Nombre Leandro

Te encuentras en esta web porque ansías conocer más con respecto al nombre Leandro. El nombre Leandro es un nombre de persona que posiblemente se te hace interesante por alguna causa. Los nombres de persona como Leandro, son aquellos que identifican a una persona de los demás, dotándolo de una personalidad. Junto con el apellido o los apellidos, el nombre Leandro hace que una persona sea reconocida y única dentro de su comunidad.

El nombre Leandro en el mundo

El nombre Leandro quizá es de tu interés porque consiste en un nombre bastante popular en tu país de orígen. O quizás sea todo lo contrario ¿Es Leandro un nombre insólito en el lugar donde vives? Seguramente te has detenido a meditar sobre el hecho de a que número de personas cuyo nombre sea Leandro conoces. Aquí puedes investigar cuáles son los lugares del mundo Leandro es el nombre de persona más popular. Y por supuesto, puedes indagar a qué país te sería recomendable trasladarte si tu nombre es Leandro y quieres que se te conozca por tener un nombre único en ese lugar.

Países con más personas que se llaman Leandro en el mundo

Si estás pensando en el nombre de Leandro como nombre para tu futuro bebé, pero sientes curiosidad por saber si hablamos de un nombre común en el planeta, estás en el lugar indicado. En nuestros días, gracias a la globalización y a las nuevas tecnologías, nos hallamos más conectados que en tiempos pasados. Por esa razón es tu responsabilidad analizar bien el nombre de tu futuro bebé. Debes plantearte la posibilidad de que si llamas a tu futuro bebé Leandro, más adelante, cuando crezca, se vea obligado a socializar con gente de otros lugares del planeta ¿Será Leandro un nombre habitual en esos otros países? En esta web tienes la posibilidad de averiguar en qué países es Leandro el nombre más popular.

El nombre de persona Leandro en el mapa

  1. Brasil (525188)
  2. Argentina (48160)
  3. Angola (20514)
  4. México (16798)
  5. Filipinas (16061)
  6. Mozambique (11520)
  7. Perú (9354)
  8. Venezuela (8906)
  9. España (8480)
  10. Chile (7004)
  11. Estados Unidos (6924)
  12. Italia (6812)
  13. Colombia (6595)
  14. Republica Dominicana (4917)
  15. Bolivia (4796)
  16. Portugal (4483)
  17. Cuba (3606)
  18. Uruguay (2774)
  19. Paraguay (2594)
  20. Guinea Ecuatorial (2577)
  21. Ecuador (2363)
  22. Guatemala (2199)
  23. Nicaragua (1069)
  24. Costa Rica (1029)
  25. Honduras (1001)
  26. Arabia Saudí (816)
  27. Panamá (681)
  28. Francia (538)
  29. El Salvador (530)
  30. Albania (491)
  31. Tailandia (394)
  32. Inglaterra (371)
  33. Polonia (330)
  34. Canadá (314)
  35. Suiza (279)
  36. Namibia (242)
  37. Sudáfrica (226)
  38. Países Bajos (217)
  39. Alemania (200)
  40. Surinam (181)
  41. Cabo Verde (149)
  42. Bélgica (116)
  43. Santo Tomé y Príncipe (103)
  44. Israel (87)
  45. Japón (84)
  46. Suecia (81)
  47. Australia (75)
  48. India (74)
  49. Belice (71)
  50. Haití (66)
  51. Trinidad and Tobago (39)
  52. Irlanda (29)
  53. Puerto Rico (29)
  54. Kuwait (28)
  55. Indonesia (27)
  56. Taiwan (27)
  57. Noruega (26)
  58. Qatar (26)
  59. Aruba (21)
  60. China (20)
  61. Grecia (19)
  62. Malta (17)
  63. Rusia (17)
  64. Guyana (16)
  65. Jamaica (16)
  66. Nueva Zelanda (15)
  67. Singapur (15)
  68. Malasia (14)
  69. Austria (12)
  70. Uganda (11)
  71. Guam (10)
  72. Gales (9)
  73. Marruecos (9)
  74. República Checa (8)
  75. San Marino (8)
  76. Líbano (7)
  77. Antigua y Barbuda (6)
  78. San Cristóbal y Nieves (6)
  79. Finlandia (6)
  80. Kazajstán (6)
  81. Eslovenia (6)
  82. Islandia (5)
  83. Kenia (5)
  84. Costa de Marfil (5)
  85. Guinea-Bissau (4)
  86. Hong Kong (4)
  87. Andorra (4)
  88. Emiratos Árabes Unidos (4)
  89. Timor Oriental (4)
  90. Omán (4)
  91. Escocia (4)
  92. Seychelles (4)
  93. Libia (4)
  94. Croacia (3)
  95. Turquía (3)
  96. Tanzania (3)
  97. San Vicente y las Granadinas (3)
  98. Luxemburgo (3)
  99. Bahamas (3)
  100. Dinamarca (2)
  101. Ucrania (2)
  102. Camboya (2)
  103. Barbados (2)
  104. Corea del Sur (2)
  105. Vietnam (2)
  106. Benin (2)
  107. Brunei (2)
  108. Montenegro (2)
  109. Macao (2)
  110. Malawi (1)
  111. Camerún (1)
  112. Chad (1)
  113. Afganistán (1)
  114. Túnez (1)
  115. Nigeria (1)
  116. Hungría (1)
  117. Norte de Chipre (1)
  118. Armenia (1)
  119. Nepal (1)
  120. Dominica (1)
  121. Samoa Americana (1)
  122. Argelia (1)
  123. Uzbekistán (1)
  124. Estonia (1)
  125. Azerbaiján (1)
  126. Egipto (1)
  127. Islas Vírgenes (1)
  128. Bulgaria (1)
  129. Islas Vírgenes, EE. UU. (1)
  130. Micronesia (1)
  131. Burundi (1)
  132. Islas Caimán (1)
  133. Zambia (1)
  134. Rumania (1)
  135. Zimbabue (1)
  136. Irlanda del Norte (1)
  137. Sri Lanka (1)
  138. Letonia (1)
  139. Ghana (1)
  140. Bután (1)
  141. Gibraltar (1)
  142. Bielorrusia (1)
  143. Guinea (1)
  144. Sierra Leona (1)
  145. Mónaco (1)
  146. República democrática del Congo (1)
  147. Senegal (1)
  148. Islas Mariana del Norte (1)
  149. Sírvete de nuestro mapa para obtener de manera veloz y fácil de visualizar todos los datos disponibles que precisas para saber en qué lugares Leandro es un nombre habitual, y en cuáles es un nombre inusual. Este mapa está enlazado a una base de datos que se actualiza de forma regular, con los nuevos datos en referencia a los nombres de persona alrededor de todo el mundo. Si te llamas Leandro, tienes un familiar que se llama Leandro, estás pensando en ponerle Leandro a un personaje de tu telenovela, o es el nombre elegido para tu bebé, cerciorate de cuánta gente más en el mundo puedes toparte con ese nombre de persona, y dónde se encuentran.

“Leandro” – the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, zodiac sign, stones-talismans

“Leandro” – The meaning and origin of the name

It is very important that the meaning of the name Leandro given at birth corresponds to the energy influence of the date of birth.

If the name Leandro is given without taking into account the date of birth, then it can concentrate negative tension, leading to the development of internal imbalance. And, on the contrary: a correctly chosen name helps a person achieve success in life. That is why it is important to know what the name Leandro is, whose name, what the name Leandro means and what is his historical origin. nine0006

leandro (Male) Male name Male names beginning with L

Meaning of the name Leandro: similar to a lion

Origin of the name Leandro: Greek Italian
Greek names Italian names

destiny and character. Both the origin of the name Leandro and each individual letter, its interpretation and significance, have a strong influence.

  • L – artistry, pettiness, logic, great ingenuity. nine0025
  • E – vitality, insight, talkativeness.
  • A – strength, power, comfort.
  • N – creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind.
  • D – sociability, friendliness, capriciousness, the ability to extrasensory perception.
  • R – self-confidence, constant tension, dogmatism.
  • O – great emotionality, mysterious unrest.

Thus, the meaning of the name Leandro is such that the first letter of speaks of a task that is important for a person to solve during his life. nine0011 The last letter indicates a weak point that needs to be protected and protected.

Compatibility with the name Leandro

1. The greatest compatibility in love, work, friendship are names whose patrons are the planets: Venus, Neptune, Proserpina

2. Name compatibility can be determined not only by the patron planet. You can find out the characteristics of partners, determine the duration of the relationship and find out if you will be happy in Marriage using this form:

Numerology named after Leandro

The most important numbers for a person are those that are encrypted in his name, the so-called lucky numbers.

Numerologists say that the numerical value of the name Leandro brings good luck and happiness to the wearer, helps to improve their financial condition, reduce the number of failures and disappointments.

Lucky numbers named after Leandro: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 101, 110

Lucky days of the month: 2, 11, 20, 29

You just need to take them into account when making decisions.

Name Number: 11

You can achieve a lot: for this you have all the necessary qualities. You are strong, determined, active and very stubborn. But do not forget that the caution inherent in the deuce and some narcissism can greatly interfere with your career.

Heart number: 5

Adventurer. Often takes risks. Such a person always needs new emotions, adventures. He experiences periods of stagnation very acutely. He is constantly looking for something new. He enjoys business trips and loves traveling. nine0006 In life, such a person is talented in several areas at once. Works spontaneously, so almost never experiences burnout. Mobile and active, he will be able to “ignite” other people with his example.

Personality number: 6

Sensitive and passionate nature. It is difficult for such a person to decide on a partner, and he prefers to start romances with several at once. Hard worker. Any work and business often does not bring profit. He does not know how to manage finances, which is very annoying to the partner. Burns out frequently and quickly. In a partner, he only looks for flaws. nine0006

Leandro talismans

Man has an inextricable connection with the natural world. Our ancestors believed in this connection, and it continues to invisibly persist today. So, talismans of Leandro help to save energy, protect from troubles, give strength at decisive moments.

Totem endows its owner with specific qualities, helps to reveal previously unknown talents and energy abilities.

It is no coincidence that Leandro’s totems and talismans are so in demand in the modern world: they make their owner stronger. nine0006

Lucky colour: Orange

Creative personality, noble, self-confident. These people are firm in their decisions, responsible, strong and positive. They are emotional, therefore often unrestrained in their words, for which many do not like them. It is difficult for them to find a common language with people who are immediately disliked, for them the first impression of a person is important.

In the family, scandals and quarrels always arise because of the intolerance of people with the names of the Orange color, it is they who are the initiators of divorces and termination of transactions. nine0006

Lucky Season: Autumn

Lucky Days of the Week: Tuesday

Unlucky Days of the Week: Monday and Friday

Talisman Plant: Thistle

Leandro Talisman Stones: Copper, Iron, Topaz, Rubin, Aqua, Magnet Carnelian, Hematite, Pomegranate, Sapphire

Totem animal: Snake

Wood: Reed

Leandro Astrology

There is a very close relationship between the ruler of the name form and the planet. Therefore, knowing the astrological influence is no less important than the origin of the name Leandro, totems and talismans Leandro, nationality Leandro, etc.

Element name: Water

You need to solve problems related to the element of water. It is necessary to learn the secret and intimate, develop intuition, take care of the house, family.

Astrological color of the name: Yellow-Green

Cardinal direction: West

Astrological stone: Jasper, Chrysolite, Agate

Personifying animal: Snake, Dolphin, Boar

The origin of the name Leandro is that the ruling planet is Mars and Plu. This planet gives the bearer of the name a number of advantages and disadvantages. nine0006

Advantages that Lyandro named Mars and Pluto:

Growth, Energy, Zeal, Work capacity

Disadvantages that Mars and Pluton Name Leandro are vested with:

Cruelty, Envy

Planetary number and the meaning of the name Leandro

Readers of the site aznaetelivy. ru, for sure, will be interested to know what the name Leandro is from the point of view of planetary numbers. The meaning of the name Leandro and the origin of the name Leandro points to

Planetary number: 2
Ruled by this name: Moon

Two is a dual number that always puts a person before the need to make a choice. Therefore, everything in life depends on your choice, by which you predetermine your future. The key planet of such names is the Moon, therefore, more attention should be paid to home, family, loved ones, to continue the spiritual traditions of one’s kind and people. Only in this case you will be able to work out a name protection system for yourself.

Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Leandro

Zodiac number: 8
What corresponds to the zodiac sign: Scorpio

The key sign of Scorpio creates a field of risk and attraction of extreme situations. These names, in the worst case, create a field of destruction around the person, into which the surrounding people can also fall. At best, they give life-saving protection in extreme situations, help to overcome their fears and become different, to be reborn. All names associated with the sign of Scorpio are magical. nine0006

The sacred number that determines the meaning of the name Leandro is

The sacred number: 2
Which corresponds to the zodiac sign: Aries

the owner of such a name is involved in the struggle, active actions. In the worst case, there may be a field of war around him, into which those around him will be drawn. At best, he will become a trailblazer and a fearless knight protecting others. The sign of Aries is the key for such names as Anton, Bogdan, Grigory, Tamara, etc. In the collective unconscious, images of militant and active people are associated with these names. nine0006

The editors of the site tried to collect the most complete information that describes the origin of the name Leandro, whose name, what does the name Leandro mean, the name of what nationality is Leandro, Leandro’s talismans . .. Use this information correctly and you will definitely feel everything hidden in him energy.

About the name Leandro: Meaning, origin on

The name Leandro is not just a set of letters or a graph in a birth certificate, but, without exaggeration, an energy message to the future. Knowing what the name Leandro means, the meaning of the name Leandro, the origin of the name Leandro, what nationality the name Leandro has, one can characterize the character, predilections, tastes as accurately as possible, and even predetermine the fate of a person. In particular, it is not so much the meaning of the name Leandro or the origin of the name Leandro that has a strong impact on a person, but rather its symbolism, the patron planet, Leandro’s talismans, the planetary number, etc. In any case, the name Leandro carries a deep emotional and psychological color, which in turn defines its bearer as a separate, unique personality. nine0006

So what is the name Leandro, what is the origin of the name Leandro, what is the meaning of the name Leandro? The most complete information about him is the meaning of the name Leandro , whose name, lucky numbers, planet, astrological stone, the origin of the name Leandro, personifying the animal, the zodiac and sacred number, Leandro’s talismans, lucky days of the week and season, lucky color – is collected on website aznaetelivy. ru. We tried to characterize the meaning of the name Leandro in as much detail as possible so that after reading this description you will have no questions left. Read and find out what kind of name is hidden, it would seem, in a simple combination of letters and sounds, in fact. nine0006

It is important to know what nationality the name Leandro has (Leandro is the name of what nationality), because it is through the name that a person realizes himself, and any of his advantages and disadvantages are inevitably reflected in part of his own “I”. At the same time, each nation has a certain list of names that have become traditional. Knowing such facts as the origin of the name Leandro , whose name is Leandro, even before naming a child, helps to influence the fate of the baby, taking into account national traditions. nine0006

The meaning of the name, Popularity and information about it on

The meaning of the name Leandro for a person, the origin of the name, the fate and character of a person with the name Leandro.
Nationality, translation and correct spelling of the name Leandro. What colors, amulets, patron planets and zodiac signs fit the name Leandro?
You can read a detailed analysis and description of the name Leandro in this article absolutely free.


There are 7 letters in the name Leandro. These are people who adhere to the canons. They live with the rules inspired during their upbringing, they try never to break them, for them this is the only path that leads to happiness. Because of this, they are often stubborn and intolerant, even when it is completely inappropriate. The hidden meaning and meaning of the name Leandro can be found out after analyzing each letter. nine0006

Formula for calculating the number of the name: Leandro

  • Leandro. L + E + A + H + D + R + O
  • 4 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 7
  • Sum – 38 Next 3 + 8 = 11. Next 1 + 1 = 2.
  • L – they have a subtle perception of beauty, a gentle nature, at the right time they can pick up the key to any person. Artistic and open, endowed with a creative mindset. Willing to share knowledge and experience. All the time in search of their true purpose, do not live life meaninglessly. They can be narcissistic, dissatisfied with other people. nine0025
  • Е — like to express themselves, share experiences with other people. Often in a conflict they are mediators. Enough talkative personalities, insightful, have an understanding of the mysterious world. They love to travel and learn something new, they do not stay in one place for a long time.
  • A – this letter is the strongest and brightest letter in the Cyrillic alphabet. The carriers of this letter in their name strive to be leaders, often fight with themselves, love change. Strive to be at the top of comfort spiritually and physically. nine0025
  • Н — do not accept reality as it is, wish to come to spiritual and physical health. They show diligence in any work, but if they are not interested in the occupation, they treat it with dislike. One of the main features is the rejection of routine activities and the presence of a critical mindset. They do not know how to relax in the environment, they are tense all the time and are in constant doubt.
  • D – think over the sequence of actions, starting any work. The main focus is the family. Quite capricious, they find themselves in charity. They have hidden extrasensory abilities, do not want to develop internally, people with this letter make the main emphasis on short-term positive impressions from others or close people. nine0025
  • R – endowed with self-confidence, courage, can withstand external influences, very enthusiastic individuals. Prone to unjustified risk, these are adventurous individuals who are prone to unrefuted statements. Often take risks to achieve a goal, have the potential and desire to become leaders.
  • About — personalities associated with this letter may experience strong feelings, strive to know themselves as best as possible. Always in search of their true destiny, they improve themselves and want to improve the world around them. They have a fairly good intuition, they know how to properly manage finances. They tend to change mood from despondency to delight. nine0025

Origin of the name Leandro

What does the name Leandro mean?

The name Leandro is primarily a masculine name of Spanish origin, meaning “Lion Man”.

People who like the name Leandro also like:

Giovanni, Liam, Leo, Xavier, Ethan, Leon, Mateo, Abigail, Isabella, Gianna, Clarissa, Cesna, Anika, Evelia.

Names that sound like Leandro:

Landry, Leander, Leandra, Lander, Landry, Lejandro.

Aries is a zodiac sign. Do you want to see a real madman? Aries has a huge reserve of energy, with a desire to go to victory, ready for exploits and impulsive decisions. In other words, a sheep. These people are the most stubborn in the world. Even if your case was proven, and Aries believed in it, the interlocutor will still be assured that he is wrong. It is simply impossible to win a dispute, better not try, save your own nerve cells, listen, nod your head and don’t get involved in such a conversation anymore. Aries do not tolerate competition, if one of those around is superior to Aries in some aspect, he will do everything to be better than his opponent. nine0006

Numerology named after Leandro will help you find out the character and distinctive qualities of a person with that name.
You can also learn about fate, success in your personal life and career, decipher the signs of fate and try to predict the future.
In numerology, the name Leandro is assigned the number – 2.
The motto of twos and this name in life is: “We are a team!”.

Influence on career and profession. The number 2 in numerology is a great chance for self-realization in various industries and professional areas. Professions that suit people with the number 2 are employees in charitable organizations, peacekeepers or team players. nine0006

The role of the name Leandro in his personal life. How does the number 2 affect personal life? This number almost always plays a positive role in choosing a life partner. But this cannot be regarded as a 100% guarantee of a happy life together. Twos need support, they often doubt, therefore they value stability, reliability and trust in relationships. Such people get along well with units, strong-willed eights and demanding sixes.

Leandro patron planet Moon. The Moon gives people increased emotionality. Such people are open and naive, easily find a common language with other people and adapt to unexpected circumstances. They have a developed intuition, which helps them reach the set heights much easier, they do not get out of themselves, but try to find an easier way. They do not have a complex character, but there is a changeable mood, which can be corrected by more emotionally strong people. Lunar people value marriage and family relationships very much, remain faithful to their soulmate, keep the family hearth. Sometimes they are modest and silent. Mood swings are often caused by the fact that they are trying to solve problems within themselves. Personalities with the number 2 are difficult to force to obey others, they are very responsible, independent and diplomatic. nine0006

In Russian, this name is correct to write like this: Leandro
If we try to translate this name into English (transliteration), we will get – leandro

You are a truly artistic person, so the style of clothing should match you. In your image, use unusual and bright accessories, jewelry and jewelry, various exquisite elements. All this will go well with your open and friendly nature. But remember to respect the measure, try not to cross the thin line between brightness and vulgarity. nine0006

You often strive for the impossible, crave everything that a person can have and in the greatest quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice is practically non-existent. You always grab any offer, this is part of your life. The wishes of relatives and others are rarely taken into account and regarding only minor issues, you think that others have nothing to complain about if you feel good. So, you will try to make them go in the same team with you along the path that you have chosen. Here it is possible to look at things from a different perspective. Assistance from the outside is extremely necessary for you, first of all, to restrain your desires and aspirations, otherwise you will drown in your own aspirations. But remember, if you use other people’s opportunities, learn to share the results. The sooner you start using such a scheme, the greater the chance to keep your conscience clear. nine0006

You will be successful in business and love if you receive an upbringing that matches your character. You will be unhappy in the absence of a loved one or alone, and a successful marriage will help you find harmony in all aspects of life. Having reached agreement with yourself, you will become a hospitable host, a sought-after professional and a good friend. To realize yourself, surround yourself with harmonious, refined people. Vulgarity and rudeness are alien to you, and domineering parents or boss will interfere with the manifestation of the best qualities. Learn to be a confident and brave person. Remember your strong character, because the desire to help others does not indicate weakness. You are able to give loved ones faith in themselves, help them find the right path. In our world, a person who can cheer up and reassure will always be valuable, so your desire to please, firm patience and goodwill are valued just like any other talent. nine0006

You are completely unable to show tenderness and love. When choosing the second half, you, first of all, look at how the person corresponds to your life priorities and interests. You value determination, ambition and character more than external attractiveness, sensuality and tenderness. In marriage, the most important thing for you is how your partner can feel your condition, evaluate your ideas and provide support.

Case Case question Name
Nominative Who? Leandro
Genitive No Who? Leandro
Dative Glad Who? Leandro
Accusative See Whom? Leandro
Creative Satisfied Whom? Leandro
Prepositional Who am I thinking about? Leandro

Share your opinion about the meaning of this name, if you have any information about the name that is not listed in the article – write about it in the comments below, and together with you we will supplement the history of this wonderful name,
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If you like the meaning and description of the name Leandro? or you have friends with that name, describe in the comments – what is their fate, nationality and character.

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